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Surface waters of Alsea Bay, an unpolluted estuary on the Oregon coast, were analysed for nitrous oxide, nitrate and nitrite on a weekly or biweekly basis during the summer of 1979. The estuary was found to be a variable source of N2O to the atmosphere. Large and rapid increases in the concentrations of N2O, NO3?, and NO2? occurred at the beginning of the sampling period and are attributed to the influx of nutrient-rich upwelling water into the estuary with the tide. The subsequent decline in concentrations of nitrate, nitrite and nitrous oxide over the remainder of the summer is attributed to a decrease in upwelling intensity, a decline in nitrification rates and to assimilatory nitrate reduction. Measurements of nitrous oxide at six stations along the Alsea River were also made in September and October before and after the onset of the rainy season. Samples taken after flood conditions were established were systematically 50% higher than pre-flood samples. The data suggest that soil runoff results in elevated concentrations of N2O in rivers.  相似文献   

Nutrient flux and budget in the Ebro estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Ebro river flows to the Mediterranean coast of Spain. During its final stretch, the Ebro behaves in a similar way to a highly stratified estuary. This paper describes the transport of nutrients to the Ebro estuary, evaluates the general movement of nutrients in the estuarine region, using a mass balance approach, and estimates the amounts of nutrients discharged to the coastal environment. Given the strong saline stratification, this study only includes the surface layer that contains the continental freshwater. The annual nutrient budget for the Ebro estuary shows a net excess for nitrogen and phosphorus, while silicate almost attains equilibrium between addition and removal. There are several reasons for gains in nitrogen and phosphorous: a contribution of dissolved and particulate compounds in the freshwater (some of which are mineralized); a lower uptake of phytoplankton indicated by chlorophyll reduction in the estuary; an entrainment of the nutrient-rich upper part of the salt wedge; and, to a lesser extent, the impact of wastewater and agricultural water use. The biggest load discharged into the Mediterranean Sea by the Ebro is nitrogen, followed by silicate with over 10 000 tons of each deposited annually. Phosphorus is discharged at relatively low concentrations and with an annual load of about 200 t yr−1.  相似文献   

The diurnal variation of nitric oxide (NO) emission fluxes from a Kandelia obovata and Avicennia marina mangrove wetland were studied in the Zhangjiang River Estuary Mangrove National Nature Reserve using a dynamic chamber-based technique and a chemiluminescent analyzer. Results from field experiments show that NO emission from K. obovata and A. marina sampling sites reached maximal values of 1.07 ng N m−2 s−1 and 1.23 ng N m−2 s−1, respectively after the night tide. Meanwhile NO emission maintained at a steady lower level in daytime for both wetland sites. In laboratory experiments, NO emission from the mangrove wetland soil samples treated with simulated tides in the darkness exhibited higher values than those in the light, therefore it seems that tides and darkness could increase NO emission from mangrove wetlands, while intensive light, high temperature, and dryness in the daytime decreased NO emission. Compared with K. obovata soil samples, the diurnal average NO emission rate of the A. marina site was significantly higher, which was closely related to relatively higher diurnal average CO2 emission rate, soil available nitrogen content and soil net nitrification rate of the A. marina site. Moreover, soil samples of the A. marina site were more responsive to simulated tides and the addition of nitrogen than those of the K. obovata site.  相似文献   

Tidal exchanges of nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon by a high and a low elevation marsh in the Rhode River estuary were measured throughout the year. Both marshes tended to import particulate matter and export dissolved matter, although they differed in the fluxes of certain nutrients. Compared with tidal exchanges, bulk precipitation was a major source of ammonia and nitrate and a minor source of other nutrients. There was a net retention of nutrients by the portion of the Rhode River that included both marshes and a mudflat. However, the marshes accounted for only 10% of the phosphorus retention and 1% of the nitrogen retention while they released organic carbon amounting to 20% of the retention. This suggests that the mudflat acted as a sink for nutrients. The primary role of the marshes seems to be transformation of particulate to dissolved nutrients rather than nutrient retention or release.  相似文献   

ChemicalcharacteristicsandestimationontheverticalfluxofN,P,SiinupwellingareaofTaiwanStrait¥ChenShuituandRuanWuqi(FujianInstit...  相似文献   

台湾以东副热带环流区大中型浮游桡足类的生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林景宏 《海洋学报》2007,29(1):92-97
根据1995~1997年期间在台湾岛以东副热带环流区进行4个季度月的综合调查资料,分析了该海域浮游桡足类的数量分布及其群落的生态特征,探讨其与环境因素的相关性.结果表明,本区大中型浮游桡足类呈低丰度(4个季度平均为6.75个/m3)、低优势度(Y<0.131)以及季节变化幅度小等特点.所记录的206种浮游桡足类中,5种生态类群共存.不同性质水系在测区间的动态制约着不同生态类群的配比,但丝毫左右不了热带大洋广布类群的主导地位.  相似文献   

wrmcrloxHuman activities related to the population growth and developrnent of industry and rnwhci-pality have led to the incrouing hadings of various POllutants into estudries during the past fewdecades. These increasing edlutant lOadings have caused declined estuallne hedth which can bemereured by a vdriety of indices. In order to obtain solutions to environrnent problerns, re-sources manageTnnt apencies are supporting a holistic approach to envirorirnental management.An effcient strategy t…  相似文献   

长江河口淡水端溶解态无机氮磷的通量   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
1998年2和9月在长江河口淡水端连续观测了DIN(NO3-,NO2-,NH4+),PO43-,流速和流向.结果表明,溶解态无机氮、磷浓度的时空变化较复杂;1998年2月NO3-,NO2-,NH4+和PO43-的月通量分别为168241,974.4,19335和2648t,9月的月通量分别为905678,8317,5797和6281t;1998年NO3-,NO2-,NH4+和PO43-年通量分别为497.1×104,3.911×104,10.22×104和4.155×104t.  相似文献   

长江口营养盐结构特征及其对浮游植物的限制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据2013年5月、11月两个航次的调查资料,分析了长江口营养盐浓度及其结构的分布变化,并探讨了营养盐对浮游植物的限制情况。长江口营养盐分布存在季节差异:口门外NO3-N、NO2-N浓度均为春季高秋季低,PO34-P、3SiO2-Si、NH4-N浓度则秋季高春季低,口门内除NO2-N外,NO3-N、PO34-P、SiO23-Si、NH4-N浓度均为秋季高于春季。NO3-N、PO34-P、SiO23-Si浓度从近岸向外海逐渐降低,NO2-N、NH4-N浓度分布规律不明显。NO3-N是DIN的主要存在形态,其占DIN的比例为春季95%、秋季83%。春季、秋季DIN/P均高于16,表现出长江口过量的DIN输入,春季Si/DIN基本小于1,秋季Si/DIN大于1。春季由于硅藻的局部生长使DIN/P异常升高、Si/DIN异常降低,秋季西北部海区受苏北沿岸流影响,呈低DIN/P值和高Si/DIN值分布。受含过量DIN、SiO23-Si的长江冲淡水的影响,春、秋季均表现为PO34-P潜在相对限制。春季由于浮游植物的大量吸收,局部出现PO34-P、SiO23-Si的绝对限制。当同时考虑绝对限制和潜在相对限制时,春季15.38%的站位受PO34-P限制,限制情况较上世纪90年代更为突出。  相似文献   

珠江口海域无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量的时空变化特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
黄小平  黄良民 《台湾海峡》2002,21(4):416-421
主要利用1998年在珠江口海域连续同步观测资料,研究该海域无机氮、活性磷酸盐含量和富营养化状况。结果表明,无机氮主要来自四个口门的径流,但深圳湾附近的陆源亦有一定贡献;无机氮的形态主要以硝酸氮为主,而在深圳湾附近海域则以氨氮为主;无机氮含量普遍超过0.30mg/dm^3的我国海水水质标准二类标准值,大部分海域已超过0.50mg/dm^3的四类水质标准值,径流对活性磷酸盐含量的贡献不显著,而深圳湾附近的陆源则有明显的贡献,从珠江口附近由沿岸流和涨潮流带来的活性磷酸盐亦有明显的影响;除深圳湾附近海域活性磷酸盐含量超过0.030mg/dm^3的二类海水水质标准值外,其他海域基本符合0.015mg/dm^3的一类海水水质标准值要求。该海域的N/P值普遍较高,而且北部海域的高于南部海域;最高值超过300,最小值也大小30;该水域的营养盐主要为磷限制。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the phosphorus distribution in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river, intensively affected by municipal effluent and agricultural activity for about 50 years. Surface sediment samples were taken at 35 sites in the estuarine area and phosphorus species and contents of total P, Al, Fe, and Ca in the sediments were measured. Results showed that the content of total P in the sediments ranged from 230 to 841 mg kg−1, with an average of 549 mg kg−1. Ca–bound P, residual P, Al–bound P, reductant–soluble P, Fe–bound P, and soluble and loosely bound P were averagely 44.5, 21.6, 13.6, 11.7, 8.9 and 0.2% of total P, respectively. With the gradual increase of total P content, Al–bound P, reductant–soluble P, and Fe–bound P generally increased, while the rest species of P did not. This might indicate that anthropogenic P is bound to Al and Fe oxides. Regression analysis showed that Al–bound P and sum of Fe–bound P and reductant–soluble P were correlated to the contents of total Al and Fe, respectively. On the other hand, Ca–bound P was not correlated to the content of total Ca in the sediment, probably suggesting that Ca–P was mainly from authigenic marine origin. Whereas the content of total P in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river was within the range of total P content for Chinese and worldwide river estuaries as well as coastal sediments, non-calcium apatite phosphorus content in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river was relatively higher, indicating higher release risk and bioavailability of P in the sediment. On the other hand, the molar ratio of total Fe to total P was 16–34 in the estuarine sediments of the Daliao river, suggesting that iron oxides/hydroxides in the sediments might be able to sequester more phosphorus. Therefore, the accumulation or release of P in/from the estuarine sediments might be dependent on the external loading of P and the estuarine eutrophication may be sustained by the internal bioavailable P pools following the decrease of the external P loading.  相似文献   

为了研究珠江河口营养物质循环和溶解氧,建立了一个生态型水质模式.在该水质模式中营养物质以溶解无机态、碎屑有机物质、底栖物质、浮游植物和浮游动物等5种形态出现,而每种形态均分氮和磷两种形式.水质模式采用三维形式,并与斜压水动力和泥沙模式联立运行.  相似文献   

文章根据2011—2020年九龙江河口入海监测断面表层水连续10年的水质监测数据得出:(1)2011—2020年九龙江河口入海监测断面表层水水质年际变化特征为近10年来九龙江入海河口水质得到了明显改善,尤其是2016—2020年高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总磷、石油类浓度呈现持续下降的趋势,下降幅度较大,表明“十三五”期间九龙江流域水质得到了明显改善,但是总氮仍然超标严重。(2)2020年九龙江河口入海监测断面水质的季节变化特征为:高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总氮、无机氮、总磷夏季含量相对较低,冬季含量相对较高。化学需氧量的季节变化特征为冬季含量相对较低,秋季含量相对较高。而石油类的季节变化特征为秋季含量相对较低,春季和冬季含量相对较高。(3)2011—2020年九龙江与闽江、晋江、龙江、木兰溪等福建省内其他主要入海河流河口入海监测断面水质对比分析得出,闽江、晋江河口入海监测断面水质较好,龙江、木兰溪河口入海监测断面水质较差,九龙江河口入海监测断面水质一般。研究结果以期为九龙江水环境规划与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Time-series measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and nutrient concentrations were conducted in the northwestern North Pacific from October 2002 to August 2004. Assuming that data obtained in different years represented time-series seasonal data for a single year, vertical distributions of DIC and nutrients showed large seasonal variabilities in the surface layer (∼100 m). Seasonal variabilities in normalized DIC (nDIC) and nitrate concentrations at the sea surface were estimated to be 81–113 μmol kg−1 and 12.7–15.7 μmol kg−1, respectively, in the Western Subarctic Gyre. The variability in nutrients between May and July was generally at least double that in other seasons. In the Western Subarctic Gyre, estimations based on statistical analyses revealed that seasonal new production was 39–61 gC m−2 and tended to be higher in the southwestern regions or coastal regions. The seasonal new productions in the northwestern North Pacific were two or more times higher than in the North Pacific subtropical gyre and the northeastern North Pacific. It is likely that this difference is due to spatial variations in the concentrations of trace metals and the species of phytoplankton present. In addition, from estimations of surface pCO2 it was verified that the Western Subarctic Gyre is a source of atmospheric CO2 between February and May and a sink for CO2 between July and October.  相似文献   

The behaviour of dissolved silica was studied in Tokyo Bay during six surveys in 1979 and 1980. The data from late spring and mid-summer samples showed concave mixing curves of silica versus salinity, whereas for the winter samples a simple conservative dillution curve was obtained. Plots of particulate silicon to particulate aluminium showed that even for winter samples as well as summer ones there were some processes removing silica from solution. The processes could not be adequately explained by adsorption onto suspended solids. The data are indicative of uptake by diatoms as the principal removal mechanism. Most of the diatom skeletons settled to the bottom where dissolution was rapid. The silica-salinity curves in this study thus demonstrate an apparent removal process for dissolved silica. This is because during summer the displacement rate of biogenic silica from a unit water column to the bottom as fecal pellets or by sinking is greater than the supply rate of dissolved silica by the action of diffusion and mixing of bottom water enriched with dissolved silica whereas in winter these rates are reasonably balanced.  相似文献   

Rates of net nitrification were calculated for four large (13 m3) estuarine-based microcosms that had been subjected to inorganic nutrient enrichment. Calculated rates were based on two years of weekly nitrate and nitrite measurements and ranged from a maximum of 0·55 μmol NO2+3 produced l−1 day−1 in the control tank (no enrichment) to over 13 μmol NO2+3 produced l−1 day−1 in the most enriched tank (receiving 18·6 μmol NH4 l−1 day−1). Almost all NO2+3 production was pelagic, little was benthic. Net NO3 production or net NO2 production dominated the net nitrification rates during different seasons. Good correlations were found between various oxidation rates and substrate concentrations. The calculated net nitrite production rates were 10 to 1000 times higher than previously reported rates for open ocean systems, demonstrating the potential importance of nitrification to estuarine systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the cycling of dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients using moored instrumented buoys (SmartBuoys) during the spring bloom in the North Sea. The instrumentation on the buoys enabled high frequency measurements of water-column integrated irradiance and in situ chlorophyll to be made, and also preserved water sample collection which were used for dissolved inorganic and organic nutrient analyses. The SmartBuoys were located in the year-round well-mixed plume zone associated with the River Thames and in the summer stratified central North Sea. These site locations allowed comparison of nutrient concentrations and cycling, and spring bloom development at two contrasting sites. The spring bloom was expected to be initiated at both stations due to increasing insolation and decreasing suspended load leading to higher water-column integrated irradiance. Due to differences in suspended load between the sites, the spring bloom started ∼2 months earlier in the central North Sea. The spring bloom in the Thames plume also resulted in higher maximum phytoplankton biomass due to the higher pre-bloom nutrient concentrations associated with riverine input. The use of SmartBuoys is also shown to allow the cycling of dissolved organic nutrients to be examined over the critical, and often undersampled, spring bloom period. Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) clearly increased during the spring bloom in the central North Sea compared to winter concentrations. DON also increased in the Thames plume although showing greater winter variability related to higher riverine and sedimentary dissolved organic matter input at this shallow (∼18 m) coastal site. DON increase during the spring bloom was therefore related to primary production at both sites probably due to active release by phytoplankton. At both stations DON decreased to pre-bloom concentrations as the bloom declined suggesting the released DON was bioavailable and removed due to heterotrophic uptake and production. The preserved nutrient samples from the central North Sea site were also suitable for Dissolved Organic Phosphorus (DOP) analysis due to their low suspended load with similar trends and cycling to DON, albeit at lower concentrations. This suggested similar processes controlling both DON and DOP. The variable timing of short term events such as the spring bloom makes sampling away from coastal regions difficult without the use of autonomous technology. This study demonstrates for the first time the applicability of using preserved samples from automated buoys for the measurement of dissolved organic nutrients.  相似文献   

桑沟湾养殖海域营养盐和沉积物-水界面扩散通量研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用2006年4,7,11月和2007年1月4个航次对桑沟湾养殖海域的观测资料,分析了该海域营养盐分布、结构特征、主要控制过程以及沉积物-水界面扩散通量,结果表明,该海域的营养盐分布具有明显的季节变化,海水中NO3-,NO2-,PO43-,DOP,TDP和SiO32-浓度皆是秋季最高,而NH4+,DON,TDN浓度则为夏季最高;各种营养盐的最低值除DON外都出现在春季。春季湾内外海水交换不畅,再加上大型藻类海带等生长旺盛期的消耗,使营养盐浓度处于较低水平,在夏秋两季丰水期沿岸河流注入对该海域营养盐的影响较大,冬季无机营养盐浓度分布主要受沿岸流的影响。磷的结构变化较大,其中DOP百分含量在夏季最高,达到81%。从春季到秋季海水中TDN的结构变化从以DON为主转变成以DIN为主。硅和氮的原子比值全年变化不大,硅和氮和氮和磷原子比值春夏两季的高于秋冬季的。分析营养盐化学计量限制标准和浮游植物生长的最低阈值结果表明,磷是春夏两季桑沟湾浮游植物生长的限制性因素;春季硅浓度低于浮游植物生长的最低阀值,也是一个潜在的限制因素。计算结果显示桑沟湾沉积物释放的NH4+,SiO32-和PO43-对初级生产力的贡献较小,与其他浅海环境相比,桑沟湾沉积物-水界面的营养盐通量处于较低或中等水平。  相似文献   

莱州湾营养盐空间分布特征及年际变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2004-2014年期间,在莱州湾5月及8月开展的22个航次调查结果,研究了莱州湾营养盐的时空分布特征及年际变化趋势。研究发现:莱州湾溶解态无机氮(DIN)、可溶性磷酸盐(PO_4-P)、可溶性硅酸盐(SiO_3-Si)高值区主要出现在莱州湾西南近岸尤其是小清河口海域,小清河及邻近区域陆源输入是影响莱州湾营养盐空间分布的主要因素。2004-2014年莱州湾DIN中位值变化范围8.14~53.98μmol/L,尽管2004年以来莱州湾DIN浓度呈现降低的年际变化趋势,但仍然高于历史数据。硝酸盐是DIN的主要形态,贡献了DIN组成的83%,亚硝酸盐和铵盐的含量占比分别为7%和10%。莱州湾PO_4-P年际变化呈下降趋势,中位值变化范围为0.03~0.49μmol/L。SiO_3-Si中位值变化范围8.5~52.9μmol/L,8月份年际变化呈下降趋势。小清河营养盐入海通量与莱州湾营养盐含量年际波动具有较好的吻合性,是影响莱州湾营养盐年际波动的重要因素。莱州湾DIN/PO_4、SiO_3/DIN、SiO_3/PO_4中位值变化范围分别为:78.9~1112.4、0.2~2.2、40.2~442.5,其中DIN/PO_4、SiO_3/PO_4年际变化呈升高趋势,SiO_3/DIN年际变化趋势不明显。2004-2014年调查期间,莱州湾存在严重的磷限制及季节性的硅限制,营养类型由20世纪80、90年代的贫营养转变为磷限制潜在性富营养,且磷限制的程度呈加剧趋势。  相似文献   

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