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Zusammenfassung Gegeben ist ein festes, elastisches Medium, das aus homogenen, isotropen, planparallelen Schichten aufgebaut ist. Im Innern einer Schicht wird ein punktförmiger Störungsherd von Multipolcharakter angenommen. Die Störung setzt zur Zeitt=0 ein. Unter Anwendung der Laplace-Transformation werden nach dem Verfahren vonCagniard «Exponentialkoeffizienten» und «Übertragungsfaktoren» berechnet, die gestatten, die elastischen Verschiebungen der an den verschiedenen Unstetigkeitsflächen reflektierten und gebrochenen Wellen zu bestimmen.
Summary (Elastic waves of multiplet type in a solid consisting of homogeneous isotropic layers with plane parallel boundaries) — An unlimited elastic solid consists of homogeneous isotropic layers, separated by plane parallel boundaries. A point in the interior of one layer is a multiple source of elastic waves. The disturbance begins att=0. By aid of Laplace-transforms, «exponential coefficients» and «transmission factors» have been calculated according to the method shown byCagniard. By aid of the «transmission factors» we can determine the elastic displacements of the waves reflected and refracted at the boundaries.

Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von der bekannten Potentialverteilung um eine punktförmige Stromquelle in einem homogenen, anisotropen Halbleiter wird gezeigt, dass die Verteilung wie im isotropen Falle sich nich ändert, wenn dieser Halbleiter durch eine beliebig zu den Hauptrichtungen orientierte (Ebene begrenzt ist. Die Formeln für den scheinbaren spezifischen Widerstand bei Orientierung der Basislinie einer Vier-Punkt-Anordnung jeweils parallel zu einer der Hauptachsen des Leitlähigkeitstensors werden abgeleitet. In ihnen kommt des «Anisotropie-Paradoyon» in allgemeinster Form zum Ausdruck. Die Bedeutung das Paradoxons für Widerstandsmessungen am homogenen anisotropen Medium wird an einem praktischen Beispiel gezeigt.
Riassunto Partendo dalla nota distribuzione del potenziale nell'intorno di una sorgente puntiforme di corrente in un semiconduttore omogeneo ed anisotropo si dimostra che, al pari del caso isotropo, la distribuzione non cambia allorquando il semiconduttore è limitato da un piano comunque orientato rispetto alle direzioni principali. Si deducono quindi le formole per la resistenza specifica apparente nei singoli casi di parallelismo della linea di base nella disposizione del quadripolo con gli assi principali del tensore di conducibilità. Risulta cosi messo integralmente in evidenza il «paradosso dell'anisotropia», il cui significato per le misure di resistività in un mezzo omogeneo ed anisotropo viene illustrato con un esempio pratico.

Резюме Рассматривается теория распространения плоских электромагнитнЫх волн в однородной анизотропной среде, где одна ось совпадает с направлением распространения электроманитной волны. БЫли вЫведенЫ вЫражения для главнЫх значений тензора проводимости и азимута одной главной составляющей тензора проводимости. Приводится также описание метода посредстввом которого приведеннЫе вЫше параметрЫ можно определить.

Anschrift: Boční II, Praha 4-Spořilov.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Für winderzeugte interne Wellen wird gezeigt, daß bei der Trägheitsperiode in erster Näherung Resonanz eintritt, die in zweiter Näherung in zwei symmetrisch zur Trägheitsperiode liegende Resonanzen zerfällt. Der Effekt wächst mit zunehmender Schichtung und ist außerdem abhängig vom virtuellen Austauschkoeffizienten und der WellenlängeL der internen Wellen. Die Näherung erfolgt in Termen des Verhältnissesd 2 H 2 (d=Dicke der winderzeugten Grenzschicht,H=Wassertiefe).
On internal waves near the inertia period
Summary Wind-generated internal waves are shown to have a resonance at the inertia period to first order of an analytical approximation which, to second order, splits into two resonances lying symmetrically to the inertia period. The effect is large for strong stratification and depends also on the Austausch coefficient and the wave lengthL of the internal waves. The approximation is done in terms ofd 2 H 2 whered=thickness of the wind-generated boundary layer andH=water depth.

Sur les ondes internes près de la période d'inertie
Résumé On montre que pour les ondes internes dues au vent, il se produit en première approximation, à la période d'inertie, une résonance qui, en deuxième approximation, se décompose en deux résonances symétriques par rapport à la période d'inertie. L'effet augmente avec une stratification croissante et dépend en outre du coefficient de turbulence virtuel et de la longueur d'ondeL des ondes internes. L'approximation s'obtient en termes du rapportd 2 H 2 (d=épaisseur de la couche-limite due au vent,H=profondeur de l'eau).

Zusammenfassung Die Vollmond-Methode hat gegenüber der Neumond-Methode voraus, dass sie jederzeit anwendbar ist und zweckmässig gewählte Beobachtungsorte zur Verfügung stehen. Die Neumond-Methode dagegen liefert nur verhältnismässig selten eine Gelegenheit und ist an vorgeschriebene Orte gebunden. Ueber den schliesslichen Erfolg kann beidemal nur die praktische Ausführung Aufschluss geben. Diese Erkenntnisse werden einmal die Grundlage für ein «Weltkoordinatensystem» bilden und Wissenschaft und Praxis (z. B. in Luft- und Seeverkehr) gleichermassen befruchten.
Summary To fix points in the continents relatively and absolutely with high accuracy on the globe there exist two methods: a direct and an indirect one. This article treats of the latter, concerning a full-moon method, nearly forgot just now. Several improvements possibles today of theoretical and practical kind may give a new aspect to realize—in addition to the wellknown new-moon method—the important task of fixation the continents on the globe.

Résumé Deux méthodes expérimentelles de fixation des continents sur le globe sont connues, directe et indirecte. L'article s'occupe de la dernière par rapport à la méthode de la lune pleine, prèsque oubliée à présent. Quelques améliorations théoriques et pratiques possibles donnent un aspect nouveau — en addition à la méthode bien connue de la lune nouvelle — pour la réalisation du problème important: la fixation des continents sur le globe.

Cadmium,zinc, copper,and barium in foraminifera tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of cadmium, zinc, copper and barium have been determined on 2-mg samples of single-species foraminifera populations. Cleaning techniques were tested using North Atlantic core tops, and followed by a detailed downcore study for the last 30,000 years in South Atlantic core V22-174. Raw foram tests cleaned by crushing followed by ultrasonic removal of fine-grained material, and dissolved in a pH 5.5 acetate buffer, contain appreciable amounts of trace elements associated with ferromanganese and alumino-silicate contaminants. A reductive/complexing cleaning treatment reduces ferromanganese contamination by 1–2 orders of magnitude. Acetate buffers at pH 5.5 complex iron and raise the solubility of ferromanganese oxides; these buffers are unsuitable for separating carbonate lattice-bound trace elements from the fraction associated with ferromanganese phases. Improved mechanical and ultrasonic reductive cleaning combined with a mild dissolution in distilled water under 1 atm.PCO2 reduces contaminant levels another order of magnitude. The Cd and Zn concentrations (order 10?8 mole Cd/mole Ca and 10?5 mole Zn/mole Ca) of species with low surface area show an increase with decreasing isotopic temperatures. This increase is consistent with the increasing concentrations of these metals from low values in surface waters to higher values at depth. The variance of Cd and Zn over the last 30,000 years in the central South Atlantic is consistent with the probable variability of the dissolved trace elements at the calcification levels of the species analyzed. Cu and Ba are irreproducible and probably sensitive to residual contaminant phases. The trace element content of the tests differs from levels observed in a recent coprecipitation study. Foraminifera may be a significant vector in zinc cycling in the ocean.  相似文献   

Evidence for a signal near 19 years is found in 51 out of 65 rain gauge records in the tri-state region of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, While another term with period 10 to 11 years is found in 39 instances. These are identified as the 18.6-year luni-solarM n and solar cycleS c signals in climate variability. In terms of both amplitude and phase the luni-solar wave trains are highly nonstationary; in particular, the waves commonly change phase by 180°. Examples of theM n andS c terms in corn yield for Arkansas and Missouri are presented, and the implications for economic science briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Kutch (northwest India) experienced lithospheric thinning due to rifting and tholeiitic and alkalic volcanism related to the Deccan Traps K/T boundary event. Alkalic lavas, containing mantle xenoliths, form plug-like bodies that are aligned along broadly east–west rift faults. The mantle xenoliths are dominantly spinel wehrlite with fewer spinel lherzolite. Wehrlites are inferred to have formed by reaction between transient carbonatite melts and lherzolite forming the lithosphere. The alkalic lavas are primitive (Mg# = 64–72) relative to the tholeiites (Mg# = 38–54), and are enriched in incompatible trace elements. Isotope and trace element compositions of the tholeiites are similar to what are believed to be the crustally contaminated Deccan tholeiites from elsewhere in India. In terms of Hf, Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios, all except two alkalic basalts plot in a tight cluster that largely overlap the Indian Ridge basalts and only slightly overlap the field of Reunion lavas. This suggests that the alkalic magmas came largely from the asthenosphere mixed with Reunion-like source that welled up beneath the rifted lithosphere. The two alkalic outliers have an affinity toward Group I kimberlites and may have come from an old enriched (metasomatized) asthenosphere. We present a new model for the metasomatism and rifting of the Kutch lithosphere, and magma generation from a CO2-rich lherzolite mantle. In this model the earliest melts are carbonatite, which locally metasomatized the lithosphere. Further partial melting of CO2-rich lherzolite at about 2–2.5 GPa from a mixed source of asthenosphere and Reunion-like plume material produced the alkalic melts. Such melts ascended along deep lithospheric rift faults, while devolatilizing and exploding their way up through the lithosphere. Tholeiites may have been generated from the main plume head further south of Kutch.  相似文献   

通过对福建华安县汰内井2005年以来的水氡测值进行分析,提取了中期及短期异常,认为这些异常与2006年12月26日台湾屏东海外7.2级地震有关。  相似文献   

Streamflow generation was investigated using isotopic and geochemical tracers in semiarid, glacier-covered, montane catchments in the upper Shule River, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Samples from stream water, precipitation, glacier meltwater, and groundwater were collected at the Suli and Gahe catchments along the Shule River, with an area of 1908 and 4210 km2, respectively. The samples were analysed for stable isotopes of water and major ions. Results of diagnostic tools of mixing models showed that Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl, along with δ18O and δ2H, behaved conservatively as a result of mixing of three endmembers. The three endmembers identified by the mixing analysis were surface runoff directly from precipitation, groundwater, and glacier meltwater. Streamflow was dominated by groundwater, accounting for 59% and 60% of streamflow on average in the Suli and Gahe catchments, respectively, with minimum groundwater contribution in July (47% and 50%) and maximum contribution in October (69% and 70%). The contributions of surface runoff were slightly higher in the Suli catchment (25%) than in the Gahe catchment (19%). However, the contributions of glacier meltwater were higher in the Gahe catchment (21%) compared to the Suli catchment (17%), as a result of a higher percentage of glacier covered area in the Gahe catchment. This difference followed well the non-linear power–law trend of many glacier-covered catchments around the world. As glacier retreat continues in the future, the reduction of streamflow in glacier-covered upper Shule catchment likely will be accelerated and possibly elsewhere in the Tibetan Plateau. This study suggests that it is critical to define the turning point of an accelerated reduction in glacier meltwater for glacier-covered catchments around the world in order to better assess and manage water resources.  相似文献   

We examined nutrient flux, uptake, and transformation along a spring-fed stream in the Ozark region of Missouri, USA, over the year 2006. Water in Mill Creek originates from several springs, with a single spring contributing over 90% of the stream discharge during much of the year of study. Soluble reactive phosphate concentrations were usually low (<10 μg L−1) along Mill Creek, but peaked during high discharge. Concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) were relatively high in the spring water, mainly as nitrate, but usually declined across a small pond and the 10-km length of Mill Creek. During low flows in summer and early autumn, the stream removed over 300 μg L−1 of DIN over its 10-km length, or about 80% of the initial amount. DIN retention along the stream, as a percentage of the DIN upstream, was related mainly to discharge, with higher flows having much higher DIN concentrations. The net uptake rate of DIN uptake was 0.91 μg m−2 s−1 in the stream during summer baseflow. The uptake rate declined downstream for different reaches and was closely related to DIN concentration. In experimental channels, uptake by epilithic algae was one significant sink for nitrate-N in Mill Creek. In 2006, inorganic nutrient export during a single day after a spring storm was similar to export during 40–100 days of low flow conditions in summer and early autumn. Our results suggest that significant nutrient retention can occur during baseflow periods via biological uptake, whereas substantial export occurs during high flow conditions.  相似文献   

Seventeen samples of canned sardines, originating from six countries and sold in eastern Kentucky, USA, were analyzed in composites of 3-4 fish each for total arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) and for mercury (Hg) by thermal decomposition amalgamation and AAS. Results in μg/g wet: As 0.49-1.87 (mean: 1.06), Cd < 0.01-0.07 (0.03), Pb < 0.06-0.27 (0.11), Hg ND < 0.09. Values fall generally within readings reported by others, but no internationally agreed upon guidelines have yet been set for As or Cd in canned or fresh fish. The incidence of cancers and cardiovascular diseases associated with As ingestion is extraordinarily high here. With the role of food-borne As in human illness presently under scrutiny and its maximum allowable limits in fish being reviewed, more studies of this nature are recommended, especially considering the potential importance of small pelagic fishes as future seafood of choice.  相似文献   

Two research methods, geomicrobiology and carbonate sedimentology, were adopted to study the microbial carbonates in the beachrocks, Shuiweiling, Luhuitou, Sanya City, Hainan Island. The results indicate that microbial carbonates occur in Shuiweiling beachrocks and cements related to microbial activitives are common. Microbial carbonates were mainly developed on the surfaces of coral skeletons and within the coral (fragments and shivers) skeletal cavities,and rarely grew in interspaces formed by coral and other biological detritus. The growth morphologies of microbial carbonates are various, including stromatolitic lamination, thin crusts, dome-like, and microbialites. Microbial carbonates commonly trap fine-sized bioclasts, contain tubular filaments, and show laminated growth striation. Microbial carbonates within the coral skeletal cavities are generally stromatolitic cone-shaped, with a random growth direction along the bearing of trend of cavities, showing distinct growth laminae and recognizable growth phases. It is a special growth pattern of crypt microbial carbonates. Microbial cements occur mainly in shape of needle cement, calcified filaments, microborings, and calcified framboidal spheres. The needle cement is the most common type. These microbial cements indicate that microbial activities and microbial carbonates played an important role in beachrock formation in which carbonates were dominant components and the climate of tropical ocean monsoon was influential. Such microbial carbonates and microbial cementation have not been reported here from beachrocks along the northern shorelines of the South China Sea. The results support a clear microbial origin for certain carbonate cements in beachrocks, confirm that microbial carbonates are a significant contributor to carbonate sedimentation, and widen the knowledge of beachrocks from a new field.  相似文献   

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