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In the meizoseismal areas hit by the China Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, the disasterprone environment has changed dramatically, making the susceptibility assessment of debris flow more complex and uncertain. After the earthquake, debris flow hazards occurred frequently and effective susceptibility assessment of debris flow has become extremely important. Shenxi gully in Du Jiangyan city, located in the meizoseismal areas, was selected as the study area. Based on the research of disaster-prone environment and the main factors controlling debris flow, the susceptibility zonations of debris flow were mapped using factor weight method(FW), certainty coefficient method(CF) and geomorphic information entropy method(GI). Through comparative analysis, the study showed that these three methods underestimated susceptible degree of debris flow when used in the meizoseismal areas of Wenchuan earthquake. In order to solve this problem, this paper developed a modified certainty coefficient method(M-CF) to reflect the impact of rich loose materials on the susceptible degree of debris flow. In the modified method, the distribution and area of loose materials were obtained by field investigations and postearthquake remote sensing image, and four data sets, namely, lithology, elevation, slop and aspect, wereused to calculate the CF values. The result of M-CF method is in agreement with field investigations and the accuracy of the method is satisfied. The method has a wide application to the susceptibility assessment of debris flow in the earthquake stricken areas.  相似文献   

Earthquake-triggered landslides are a major geological hazard in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, and have prolonged impact on earth surface processes and fluvial system. To determine how long co-seismic landslides affect basins, a massive number of landslides existing in Qionghai Lake Basin were investigated for landslide distribution characteristics and geomorphological evidences, with further comparison and analysis using historic seismic analog method. The landslides found in Qionghai Lake Basin showed clear features of seismic triggering with strongly controlled by Zemuhe fault. These landslides are still active at present. Some new slides generally occur in ancient slope failure zones causing serious secondary hazards in recent years. In this study we strengthen the idea that the landslides triggered by the 185o Xichang earthquake (Ms7.5) have long term activity and prolonged impact on the mountain disasters with a period of more than 16o years. Our results support growing evidence that coseismic landslides have a prolonged effect on secondary disasters in a basin, and invite more careful consideration of the relationship between current basin condition and landslide history for a longer period.  相似文献   

Assessment of debris flow hazards is important for developing measures to mitigate the loss of life and property and to minimize environmental damage. Two modified uncertainty models, Set Pair Analysis (SPA) and modified Set Pair Analysis (mSPA), were suggested to assess the regional debris flow hazard. A ease study was conducted in seven towns of the Beichuan county, Sichuan Province, China, to test and compare the application of these two models in debris flow hazard assessment. The results showed that mSPA only can fit for value-variables, but not for non value-variable assessment indexes, Furthermore, as for a given assessment index xi, mSPA only considers two cases, namely, when grade value increases with xi and when grade value decreases with xi. Thus, mSPA can not be used for debris flow hazard assessment but SPA is credible for the assessment because there are no limitations when using SPA model to assess the debris flow hazard. Therefore, in this study SPA is proposed for assessing debris flow hazard.  相似文献   

Fine root is critical to restrain soil erosion and its distribution pattern is of great influence on the restraining effects. This study studied the fine root biomass(Br) distribution of different aged Leucaena leucocephala(5, 10, 15 years) in debris flow source area in Jiangjia Gully by digging downward to the bottom at different distances to stem in three directions on slope. The results showed the Br increased dramatically by 143% from 5 years to 10 years and then rose slowly by 38% from 10 years to 15 years. The Br of 5 years was significantly asymmetric between uphill and alonghill directions, but there was little difference among directions for other ages, and a concentration trend appeared to exist in downhill and alonghill directions. Moreover, fine root(D≤1 mm) was significantly heavier than that of fine root(1mmD≤2 mm), playing a leading role in the vertical distribution of the whole fine root, with a logarithmic or an exponential function. The results presented may shed light on fine root distribution pattern and evaluation of its effect on slope stability in debris flow source area.  相似文献   

Debris flows in Jiangjia Ravine in Yunnan province,China are not only triggered by intense storms but also by short-duration and low-intensity rainfalls.This reflects the significance of antecedent rainfall.This paper tries to find the debris flowtriggering threshold by considering antecedent rainfall through a case study in Jiangjia Ravine.From 23 debris flow events,the I-D(Intensity-Duration) threshold was found,which is very close to the line of 95th percentile regression line of rainfall events,representing that 95% of rainfalls can potentially induce debris flows and reflects the limitation of I-D threshold application in this area.Taking into account the effect of antecedent rainfall,the debris flowtriggering threshold for rainfall quantity and intensity is statistically and empirically derived.The relationships can be used in debris flow warning system as key thresholds.Coupling with the rainfall characteristics in this area,new thresholds are proposed as triggering and warning thresholds.  相似文献   

The quality of debris flow susceptibility mapping varies with sampling strategies. This paper aims at comparing three sampling strategies and determining the optimal one to sample the debris flow watersheds. The three sampling strategies studied were the centroid of the scarp area(COSA), the centroid of the flowing area(COFA), and the centroid of the accumulation area(COAA) of debris flow watersheds. An inventory consisting of 150 debris flow watersheds and 12 conditioning factors were prepared for research. Firstly, the information gain ratio(IGR) method was used to analyze the predictive ability of the conditioning factors. Subsequently, 12 conditioning factors were involved in the modeling of artificial neural network(ANN), random forest(RF) and support vector machine(SVM). Then, the receiver operating characteristic curves(ROC) and the area under curves(AUC) were used to evaluate the model performance. Finally, a scoring system was used to score the quality of the debris flow susceptibility maps. Samples obtained from the accumulation area have the strongest predictive ability and can make the models achieve the best performance. The AUC values corresponding to the best model performance on the validation dataset were 0.861, 0.804 and 0.856 for SVM, ANN and RF respectively. The sampling strategy of the centroid of the scarp area is optimal with the highest quality of debris flow susceptibility maps having scores of 373470, 393241 and 362485 for SVM, ANN and RF respectively.  相似文献   

andslide risk analysis is one of the primary studies providing essential instructions to the subsequent risk management process. The quantification of tangible and intangible potential losses is a critical step because it provides essential data upon which judgments can be made and policy can be formulated. This study aims at quantifying direct economic losses from debris flows at a medium scale in the study area in Italian Central Alps. Available hazard maps were the main inputs of this study. These maps were overlaid with information concerning elements at risk and their economic value. Then, a combination of both market and construction values was used to obtain estimates of future economic losses. As a result, two direct economic risk maps were prepared together with risk curves, useful to summarize expected monetary damage against the respective hazard probability. Afterwards, a qualitative risk map derived using a risk matrix officially provided by the set of laws issued by the regional government, was prepared. The results delimit areas of high economic as well as strategic importance which might be affected by debris flows in the future. Aside from limitations and inaccuracies inherently included in risk analysis process, identification of high risk areas allows local authorities to focus their attention on the “hot-spots”, where important consequences may arise and local (large) scale analysis needs to be performed with more precise cost-effectiveness ratio. The risk maps can be also used by the local authorities to increase population’s adaptive capacity in the disaster prevention process.  相似文献   

Catchments health assessment is fundamental to effective catchments management. Generally, an as-sessment method should be selected to reflect both the purpose of assessment and local characteristics. A trial in Shanghai was conducted to test the method for catchments health assessment in urbanized river network area. Seven indicators that described four dimensions of river, river network, land use and function, and local feature were used to assess catchments values; while possible change rate of urbanization and industrialization in the next 3 years were chosen for catchments pressure assessment in the value-pressure model. Factors related to catchments classi-fication, indicators measurement and protection priority have been considered in the development strategies for catchments health management. The results showed that value-pressure assessment was applicable in urbanized catchments health management, particularly when both human and catchments had multiple demands. As a result of over 30-year rapid urbanization, more than 70% of Shanghai river network area was still in a healthy condition with high catchments values, among them, 39.3% was under high pressure. Poor water quality, simplified river system and weakened local feature of river pattern had largely affected catchments health in Shanghai. Lack of long-term monitoring data would seriously restrict the development and validity of catchments health assessment.  相似文献   

This study presents a statistical landslide susceptibility assessment (LSA) in a dynamic environment. The study area is located in the eastern part of Lanzhou, NW China. The Lanzhou area has exhibited rapid urbanization rates over the past decade associated with greening, continuous land use change, and geomorphic reshaping activities. To consider the dynamics of the environment in the LSA, multitemporal data for landslide inventories and the corresponding causal factors were collected. The weights of evidence (WofE) method was used to perform the LSA. Three time stamps, i.e., 2000, 2012, and 2016, were selected to assess the state of landslide susceptibility over time. The results show a clear evolution of the landslide susceptibility patterns that was mainly governed by anthropogenic activities directed toward generating safer building grounds for civil infrastructure. The low and very low susceptibility areas increased by approximately 10% between 2000 and 2016. At the same time, areas of medium, high and very high susceptibility zones decreased proportionally. Based on the results, an approach to design the statistical LSA under dynamic conditions is proposed, the issues and limitations of this approach are also discussed. The study shows that under dynamic conditions, the requirements for data quantity and quality increase significantly. A dynamic environment requires greater effort to estimate the causal relations between the landslides and controlling factors as well as for model validation.  相似文献   

The upper Yangtze River region is one of the most frequent debris flow areas in China. The study area contains a cascade of six large hydropower stations located along the river with total capacity of more than 70 million kilowatts. The purpose of the study was to determine potential and dynamic differences in debris flow susceptibility and intensity with regard to seasonal monsoon events. We analyzed this region’s debris flow history by examining the effective peak acceleration of antecedent earthquakes, the impacts of antecedent droughts, the combined effects of earthquakes and droughts, with regard to topography, precipitation, and loose solid material conditions. Based on these factors, we developed a debris flow susceptibility map. Results indicate that the entire debris flow susceptibility area is 167,500 km2, of which 26,800 km2 falls within the high susceptibility area, with 60,900 km2 in medium and 79,800 km2 are in low susceptibility areas. Three of the six large hydropower stations are located within the areas with high risk of debris flows. The synthetic zonation map of debris flow susceptibility for the study area corresponds with both the investigation data and actual distribution of debris flows. The results of debris flow susceptibility provide base-line data for mitigating, assessing, controlling and monitoring of debris flows hazards.  相似文献   

Bivariate statistical analysis of data-driven approaches is widely used for landslide susceptibility assessment, and the frequency ratio(FR) method is one of the most popular. However, the results of such assessments are dominated by the number of classes and bounds of landslide-related causative factors, and the optimal assessment is unknown. This paper optimizes the frequency ratio method as an example of bivariate statistical analysis for landslide susceptibility mapping based on a case study of the Caiyuan Basin, a region with frequent landslides, which is located in the southeast coastal mountainous area of China. A landslide inventory map containing a total of 1425 landslides(polygons) was produced, in which 70% of the landslides were selected for training purposes, and the remaining were used for validationpurposes. All datasets were resampled to the same 5 m × 5 m/pixel resolution. The receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves of the susceptibility maps were obtained based on different combinations of dominating parameters, and the maximum value of the areas under the ROC curves(AUCs) as well as the corresponding optimal parameter was identified with an automatic searching algorithm. The results showed that the landslide susceptibility maps obtained using optimal parameters displayed a significant increase in the prediction AUC compared with those values obtained using stochastic parameters. The results also showed that one parameter named bin width has a dominant influence on the optimum. In practice, this paper is expected to benefit the assessment of landslide susceptibility by providing an easy-to-use tool. The proposed automatic approach provides a way to optimize the frequency ratio method or other bivariate statistical methods, which can furtherfacilitate comparisons and choices between different methods for landslide susceptibility assessment.  相似文献   

In August 2009,Typhoon Morakot brought a large amount of rainfall with both high intensity and long duration to a vast area of Taiwan.Unfortunately,this resulted in a catastrophic landslide in Hsiaolin Village,Taiwan.Meanwhile,large amounts of landslides were formed in the Jiaopu Stream watershed near the southeast part of the Hsiaolin Village.The Hsiaolin Village access road(Provincial Highway No.21 and Bridge No.8) was completely destroyed by the landslide and consequent debris flow.The major scope of this study is to apply a debris flow model to simulate the disaster caused by the debris flow that occurred in the Jiaopu Stream during Typhoon Morakot.According to the interviews with local residents,this study applied the destruction time of Bridge No.8 and Chen's house to verify the numerical debris flow model.By the spatial rainfall distributions information,the numerical simulations of the debris flow are conducted in two stages.In the first stage(before the landslide-dam failure),the elevation of the debris flow and the corresponding potential damages toward residential properties were investigated.In the second stage(after the landslidedam failure),comparisons of simulation results between the longitudinal and cross profiles of the Jiaopu Stream were performed using topographic maps and satellite imagery.In summary,applications of the adopted numerical debris flow model have shown positive impact on supporting better understanding of the occurrence and movement of debris flow processes.  相似文献   

Reservoir-landslide is mainly caused by changes in hydrodynamic conditions of slope interior at the time of water storage or discharge. The current study mainly focuses on the typical reservoir landslide, but the sudden occurrence of some unknown landslides brought a lot of difficulties for hazards prevention. Therefore, we proposed a method to evaluate the regional scale reservoir-landslide hazard. We took Wanzhou section of Three Gorges Reservoir (China) as the study area and systemically and synthetically carried out the reservoir-landslide hazard evaluation under the condition of water level regulation. Firstly, we made reservoir-landslide susceptibility assessment by using the methods of spatial analysis and statistics based on geological and geomorphological materials and field survey data, and then, analyzed the regional-scale slope stability based on the infinite slope model used to analyze the bank slope stability change under the condition of water fluctuation, finally, developed a reservoir-landslide hazard evaluation model based on the results of susceptibility and stability. The hazard evaluation model was used to predict and evaluate the hazard change under the role of water level regulation. The results showed that the landslide hazard of the whole region decreased during water storage, landslide hazards increased during water discharge. The faster the regulation speed, the greater the slope hazard. The results can provide the basis for hazard management and regional land-use planning.  相似文献   

Probabilistic analysis in the field of seismic landslide hazard assessment is often based on an estimate of uncertainties of geological, geotechnical,geomorphological and seismological parameters.However, real situations are very complex and thus uncertainties of some parameters such as water content conditions and critical displacement are difficult to describe with accurate mathematical models. In this study, we present a probabilistic methodology based on the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis method and the Newmark's displacement model. The Tianshui seismic zone(105°00′-106°00′ E, 34°20′-34°40′ N) in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were used as an example. Arias intensity with three standard probabilities of exceedance(63%, 10%, and 2% in 50 years) in accordance with building design provisions were used to compute Newmark displacements by incorporating the effects of topographic amplification.Probable scenarios of water content condition were considered and three water content conditions(dry,wet and saturated) were adopted to simulate the effect of pore-water on slope. The influence of 5 cm and 10 cm critical displacements were investigated in order to analyze the sensitivity of critical displacement to the probabilities of earthquake-induced landslide occurrence. The results show that water content in particular, have a great influence on the distribution of high seismic landslide hazard areas. Generally, the dry coverage analysis represents a lower bound for susceptibility and hazard assessment, and the saturated coverage analysis represents an upper bound to some extent. Moreover, high seismic landslide hazard areas are also influenced by the critical displacements. The slope failure probabilities during future earthquakes with critical displacements of 5 cm can increase by a factor of 1.2 to 2.3 as compared to that of 10 cm. It suggests that more efforts are required in order to obtain reasonable threshold values for slope failure. Considering the probable scenarios of water content condition which is varied with seasons, seismic landslide hazard assessments are carried out for frequent, occasional and rare earthquake occurrences in the Tianshui region, which can provide a valuable reference for landslide hazard management and infrastructure design in mountainous seismic zones.  相似文献   

The Cheng-Lan railway links Chengdu, a central city in Southwestern China, and Lanzhou, a central city in Northwestern China. The railway passes through the Longmenshan fault zone (Wenchuan earthquake happened there on May 12, 2008), Minjiang fault zone, and Dongkunlun fault zone, which are all active. It runs over the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and crosses high mountains and deep valleys. There exists, along the railway’s alignment, different kinds of strata of hard granite and soft, weak metamorphic rocks such as carbonaceous slate, schist, and phyllite. It is, therefore, a key issue for such an infrastructure construction to assess the engineering geological conditions and risks, so as to mitigate or avoid possible georisks and to offer optional designs. Geological survey and georisk assessment along the railway corridor are carried out. Special attention is given to active faults, earthquakes and seismic zones. Based on these, discussions about geological aspects for route selection of the railway are conducted and countermeasures for georisk control are proposed accordingly. Main conclusions are achieved as follows: (1) Geohazards such as landslides, rockfalls and debries flows dominate both the route selection of the railway and the engineering structures (e.g., tunnels or bridges) adopted; (2) Tunnel has been proved to be an excellent structure for linear engineering in geologically active area; and (3) In the case where avoiding is impractical, necessary protection measures should be taken to engineering slopes in high earthquake intensity areas, especially the area with earthquake of Ms. 8 or greater.  相似文献   

不同的易发性评价模型可以得到有差异的滑坡空间预测结果,选取最优模型甚至综合各模型的优势是提高易发性评价精度的有效方法。为检验模型融合思路的有效性,以鄂西地区五峰县渔洋关镇为研究区,提取坡度、地层、断层、河流、公路等7个滑坡成因条件,分别采用信息量模型、证据权模型和频率比模型进行滑坡易发性评价;并将3种模型分别进行归一化、主成分分析(PCA,Principal component analysis)和优势融合,得到了6幅易发性分区图。结果表明:优势耦合模型精度最高(90.3%),频率比模型次之(89.7%),归一化融合模型和PCA融合模型分别为89.3%和89.1%,以上4种结果的精度均高于证据权模型(87.7%)和信息量模型(87.6%);6幅预测图对应的评价结论与历史滑坡空间分布的实际情况相符。空间一致性对比结论表明,主成分融合模型与优势耦合模型的同格率高达68%,其预测结果避免了单个模型预测结论带来的偶然性和片面性,说明多模型融合方法与优势耦合模型在提高滑坡易发性预测精度上是可行性的,该思路对其他地区滑坡灾害易发性评价具有借鉴意义。   相似文献   

Nowadays, tourism has become an increasingly significant driving force of modern urbanization in China. However, it has caused varieties of problems, such as resource unreasonable utilization, society unfair play, and environment pollution, etc. Thus, the establishment of an efficient and sustainable space partition model for tourism urbanization, from the geographical perspective, is highly necessary and urgent. Herein, a new evaluation model of tourist town space, referred to as Tourism Sectorization Opportunity Spectrum (TSOS), is established on the relationships between production-living-ecology spaces. TSOS is a kind of quantitative evaluation model involving such factors as urban living area, ecological conservation area and the tourism industry. Furthermore, the analysis of quantitative production-living-ecology spatial overlap has been utilized for space division in a tourism urbanization area. This paper, using both the TSOS model and GIS technology, analyzes the spatial restructure of the Mayangxi ecotourism area. The result demonstrates that tourism industrial space takes the Shanchong Village as a core which shows a pattern of local regional agglomeration and a fuzzy edge extending along the entire Mayangxi River. The urban living area should be consolidated in the Shili village with the supporting facilities and living space for tourism. In addition, Tianzhu Mountain forest park should be the key environmental protection area. The case study on the Mayangxi ecotourism area verifies that the TSOS model has strong operability. Therefore, TSOS model provides a scientific foundation for the space reconstruction of new urbanization area, and an effective tool for optimizing the space partition of a tourism urbanization area.  相似文献   

Ancient town Dali is located in northwest Yunnan Province. With its ancient history and natural scenery, it is preserved as one of the first 24 historical and cultural towns in China. Dali has become one of the most popular attractions for foreign tourists since it had its first foreign visitors in 1983. As a result, English came into the life of the local people. This paper presents and explains the results of questionnaires and interviews about Dali people’s attitude toward learning English. Three types of questionnaires were designed to local businessmen, local residents and foreign tourists. Interviews were also given whenever possible. In this study, businessmen in Dali were divided into two distinct groups. One group had their business in “Foreigners’ Street”, which was in front of Hongshancha Hotel where many foreign tourists stayed. Another group had business in Fuxin Street, which was vertically across “Foreigners’ Street”. The 41 shops and restaurants in “Foreigners’ Street” served mainly foreign visitors, and most of them had English names and advertisements. The 353 shops and restaurants in Fuxin Street mainly catered for domestic visitors but also served more and more overseas ones. Subjects from local residents were mostly young people because aging ones were apparently not much affected by English. The results of the study showed that the oral English levels became lower from “Foreigners’ Street” to Fuxin Street to local residents, due to declining frequency of contact with foreign people. There were also distinct differences in general English level, the understanding of the importance of English, the purposes of communicating with foreign tourists, the willingness and purposes of going on learning English between businessmen in “Foreigners’ Street” and Fuxin Street: people in “Foreigners’ Street” had more positive feedback than those in Fuxin Street because their constant contact with foreigners required them to speak better English which enabled them to exchange with foreigners in many aspects, which in turn help them to know more about other cultures. On the other hand, Fuxin Street businessmen would catch up with more and more prospective contact with overseas people. Though local residents had nothing to do with foreign tourists, they met them in the street every day and might have to talk with them in unexpected ways. They lived in a place where they saw English advertisement every day. Accordingly, study results showed that they were very much motivated to learn English. They showed even stronger desire to learn more English than businessmen in “Foreigners’ Street”, though many of them were too young to tell why English was so important for them. This is an indication that English has become part of the necessary education for young people in Dali. With the development of tourism, Dali is gradually becoming a place where Chinese culture and western culture meet and coexist. This project was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

An integrated methodology for eutrophication assessment,which integrates both water quality indicators(causative factors) and ecological response indicators(effect factors),is described.It is then applied to rank the eutrophication status of the years 2007 and 2008 in the southwest Bohai Sea.The assessment model identified that north Bohai Bay and west Laizhou Bay were the two areas with the most serious eutrophication problems in the southwest Bohai Sea.In addition,compared to that in the west Laizhou Bay,the eutrophication conditions in the north Bohai Bay was more serious in both years.Eutrophication problems such as harmful algal blooms(HABs) and low dissolved oxygen(DO) events in north Bohai Bay were frequent.The integrated method outmatched the currently used Chinese nutrient index method by definitely identifying areas with the most serious eutrophication problems,while the nutrient index method gave ambiguous results between the two years.Inclusion of both causative factors and effect factors,combining concentration,spatial coverage and frequency of indicators,as well as use of multi-season monitoring datasets in the methodology result in a more accurate,representative and useful assessment.  相似文献   

2011年以来,中国地质调查局在沂蒙山区组织实施了1∶5万标准图幅水文地质调查4万余km2,并在严重缺水村镇开展了大量的找水打井示范工作,获得了较为丰富的地质数据,对断陷盆地地下水流系统取得了新认识。受中新生代构造影响,沂蒙山区发生断裂褶皱、伸展滑脱及岩浆侵入活动,形成一系列“南超覆北断陷”的地堑—半地堑盆地,并最终形成现今典型的“盆—山”岩溶水文地质结构,及以盆地为单元的相对独立的岩溶地下水流系统。为研究沂蒙山区地下水流系统发育特征,选择莱芜盆地为典型研究区,基于野外地质调查,通过综合分析盆地南北两侧地貌单元、含水岩组立体空间分布及地下水水位、水化学及同位素结果等,探讨了沂蒙山区典型“盆—山”结构塑造的多级岩溶地下水流系统特征。结果表明,莱芜盆地岩溶地下水由盆地外围向盆地中心呈“向心式”径流;受人类活动影响、地质构造控制和含水层分布制约,盆地南北两侧地下水流系统特征存在差异:盆地南部发育中间和局部两级地下水流系统;盆地北部则仅发育单一的局部地下水流系统,但占有已勘查论证的近1/2的地下水水源地。此外,研究发现在大汶河最低侵蚀基准面,区域滑脱构造及热液混合作用拆离...  相似文献   

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