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The paper presents recent achievements in evaluations of site-dependent seismic hazard in Romania and the capital city of Bucharest caused by the Vrancea focal zone (SE-Carpathians). The zone is characterized by a high rate of occurrence of large earthquakes in a narrow focal volume at depths 60–170 km. The database that was used for the hazard evaluation includes parameters of seismicity, ground-motion source scaling and attenuation models (Fourier amplitude spectra), and site-dependent spectral amplification functions. Ground-motion characteristics were evaluated on the basis of several hundred records from more than 120 small magnitude (M 3.5–5) earthquakes occurred in 1996–2001 and a few tens of acceleration records obtained during four large (M 7.4, 7.2, 6.9 and 6.3) earthquakes. The data provide a basis for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in terms of peak ground acceleration, peak spectral acceleration and MSK intensity using Fourier amplitude spectra for various exceedance probabilities or average return periods. It has been shown that the influence of geological factors plays very important role in distribution of earthquake ground-motion parameters along the territory of Romania.  相似文献   

An integrated probabilistic seismic hazard analysis procedure that incorporates nonlinear site effects, PSHA-NL, is developed and used to characterize the influence of thick deposits of the upper Mississippi Embayment (ME) on seismic site coefficients. PSHA-NL follows the methodology of the 2002 USGS hazard maps and generates a compatible set of ground motion records. The motions are propagated using nonlinear and equivalent linear site response analyses and ME properties developed in a companion paper and used to derive surface uniform hazard response spectra. A set of generic site coefficients are derived and summarized in a format similar to NEHRP site coefficients, with an added dimension of ME deposits thickness to the Paleozoic rock, a physically meaningful impedance boundary. These coefficients compare well with NEHRP site coefficients for 30 m profiles. For thicker soil profiles, developed site coefficients are lower at short periods and higher at long periods than NEHRP site coefficients.  相似文献   

On 31 October and 1 November 2002, the Basso Molise area (Southern Italy) was struck by two earthquakes of moderate magnitude (M L = 5.4 and 5.3). The epicentral area showed a high level of damage, attributable both to the high vulnerability of existing buildings and to site effects caused by the geological and geomorphological settings. Specifically, the intensity inside the town of San Giuliano di Puglia was two degrees higher than in neighbouring towns. Also, within San Giuliano di Puglia, the damage varied notably. The site response in the city was initially evaluated from horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) from a limited number of strong motion recordings of the most severe aftershocks. Several microtremor measurements were also available. Both data sets indicated the simultaneous presence of two amplification peaks: one around 6 Hz, attributed in previous studies to the strong, shallow impedance contrast among landfill/clay and calcarenites, and one at 2 Hz related to the first S-wave arrivals and predominantly seen only on one receiver component. Further studies performed on weak-motion recordings also showed strong amplification on the vertical receiver component, thus indicating an underestimation of the amplification by the HVSR technique. Additionally, a 2D-model of the geology of the sub-surface was developed, reproducing the flower-shaped structure generated during the late orogenic transpressive regime. The numerical (finite-difference hybrid) simulation reproduced the two peaks of the observed data at slightly higher frequencies. The model also confirmed that the borders of the flower structure define a boundary between amplification levels, with higher amplification inside.  相似文献   

The authors examine the reliability of site response estimations obtained by the horizontal to vertical (H/V) spectral ratios of microtremors by means of cross‐validation with the ratio of the horizontal spectra of earthquake motion with respect to reference sites. The data comprise microtremor and ground motion records recorded at 150 sites of Yokohama strong motion array. The use of non‐supervised pattern recognition techniques aims to group the sites with more objectivity. Attributes defining the overall shape of the amplification spectra serve as input in the computation of Euclidean distance similarity coefficients amongst sites. The implementation of the Ward clustering scheme leads to the attainment of a meaningful tree diagram. Its analysis shows the possibility of summarizing the results into six general patterns. A good coincidence of site effects estimates at 80 per cent of the sites becomes apparent. However, this coincidence appears poor for sites characterized by H/V amplification ratios around 2 or smaller and predominant periods longer than 0.5 s. In such cases, the presence of stiff, sandy sediments in the soil profile proves common. To proscribe H/V estimations, relying solely on the small spectral ratios criterion seems inadequate. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study the influence of different source characteristics (depth, distance, type and azimuth) on the site effect in Acapulco and the Valley of Mexico. Site amplification was estimated by means of spectral ratios (both horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and standard spectral ratio techniques were applied) from earthquake recordings at soft and hard sites. In Acapulco, 125 Mexican earthquakes covering a hypocentral range of 7–290 km and a depth range (H) of 3–61 km were analyzed in three different groups of hypocentral distances. In the Valley of Mexico, we estimate site effect at five locations using recordings from shallow-coastal interplate (200?Δ?570 km; H?35 km) and normal-faulting, intermediate-depth inslab (132?Δ?738 km; 32?H?178 km) earthquakes, as well as from teleseismic events. Our results seem to point to negligible dependence of site effects on the source location and type.  相似文献   

The seismic performance of underground reservoir structures depends on the properties of the structure, soil, and ground motion as well as the kinematic constraints imposed on the structure. A series of four centrifuge experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of site response, structural stiffness, base fixity, and excitation frequency on the performance of relatively stiff reservoir structures buried in dry, medium-dense sand. The magnitude of seismic thrust increased and the distribution of seismic earth pressures changed from approximately triangular to parabolic with increasing structural stiffness. Heavier and stiffer structures also experienced increased rocking and reduced flexural deflection. Fixing the base of the structure amplified the magnitude of acceleration, seismic earth pressure, and bending strain compared to tests where the structure was free to translate laterally, settle, or rotate atop a soil layer. The frequency content of transient tilt, acceleration, dynamic thrust, and bending strain measured on the structure was strongly influenced by that of the base motion and site response, but was unaffected by the fundamental frequency of the buried structure (fstructure). None of the available simplified procedures could capture the distribution and magnitude of seismic earth pressures experienced by this class of underground structures. The insight from this experimental study is aimed to help validate analytical and numerical methods used in the seismic design of reservoir structures.  相似文献   


珠江三角洲位于华夏板块南部, 虽然已发现多个水热型地热田, 但地热研究仍然较为薄弱.岩石热物性研究是地热研究中最为基础和重要的工作之一.本研究采集并测量了珠江三角洲与周边典型地区100块地表岩石的密度、热导率、热扩散率, 以及50块岩浆岩的U、Th、K2O含量, 并分别计算了体积热容和放射性生热率.实测结果表明, 碎屑岩中细砂岩的热导率最高(3.94±0.92 W·(m·K)-1), 页岩的热导率最低(2.68±0.55 W·(m·K)-1).岩石热导率和热扩散率具有明显的正相关性.结合地层厚度建立了地层热物性柱, 其中古近系的热导率最低, 地层热物性与沉积环境有关.岩浆岩中玄武岩的热导率最低(2.17±0.13 W·(m·K)-1), 花岗岩平均热导率为3.87±0.59 W·(m·K)-1.花岗岩放射性生热率在0.36~14.23 μW·m-3之间, 平均值为5.23±3.03 μW·m-3, 属于高产热花岗岩.结合前人对研究区岩石放射性元素含量的测试结果, 我们发现, 相对于K2O, U、Th与生热率具有更强的相关性, 并对产热的贡献更高.相对于花岗岩, 玄武岩的生热率较低, K2O对产热的贡献较高.新的资料为区域热流的确定和地热资源评价提供了新的视角.模拟和计算结果表明, 三水盆地沉积层能对深部热量起到聚集和保存的作用, 并在基底附近形成高温区(>150 ℃); 上地壳中花岗岩体产生的热流超过45 mW·m-2, 占地表热流的一半以上.盆地和花岗岩体均具有形成高温地热资源的地质条件.此外, 酸性岩浆岩放射性生热率随时间逐渐降低的特征与幔源基性岩浆的混合作用有关.


2014年9月晋冀蒙临时地震台网正式运行,为晋冀蒙交界地区的地震研究提供了丰富的资料。结合临时台与固定台记录的P波走时资料,采用双差层析成像方法对该区进行地震重定位和三维P波速度结构联合反演,分析该区3个典型盆地的速度扰动结果,结果表明,地震重定位残差显著降低,震源深度分布更加合理;P波速度浅层基本符合平原地区低速、山区高速的特点,深层则有相反表现,典型盆地P波速度在浅层较为复杂,高低速相间,深层表现为低速;研究时段内忻定盆地和延怀盆地地震活动密集,大同盆地地震活动较弱,低速体及边缘地震活动强度高于高速体及边缘。  相似文献   

基于重磁震资料的南海新生代盆地分布综合研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为西太平洋最大的边缘海,南海分布有30多个新生代沉积盆地,其蕴含着丰富的油气资源.但由于资料的限制,南海存在不同区域盆地研究程度不同,不同区域盆地面积差别较大,部分盆地只是坳陷而没有达到盆地的级别以及盆地外围可能存在凹陷等问题.南海新生代盆地分布问题制约了其油气分布规律、储量等基础地质问题的研究.本文以地震剖面数据为约束,以重力资料为主、辅以磁力资料,研究了南海新生代盆地分布及构造区划.通过提取新生代盆地及其构造单元引起的重力异常,结合地震剖面等资料反演了新生界底界面深度及新生界厚度.在充分调研已有盆地和构造单元划分方案的基础上,根据南海的地质及地球物理特征,确定了盆地及构造单元划分标准.以新生界厚度为基础并结合重、磁、震、地质等资料,进行地质-重磁震联合解释,将南海原有的36个盆地重新划分为24个盆地,盆地总面积扩大了约15万km2.研究表明,南海新生代盆地沉积层厚度在1.5~16 km之间,有6个北东东/北东向沉积坳陷带、2个近南北向沉积坳陷带以及1个三角沉积坳陷区;盆地展布方向主要为北东和北东东向,其次为北西和近南北向,呈现"南三北三"的分布特征.  相似文献   

三湖地区北斜坡褶皱发育,相变快,生储盖组合优越,具备形成岩性地层气藏的构造背景和地质务件.由于本区储层厚度薄(1~3m),缺乏三维地震资料,砂体分布难以准确追踪,导致岩性地层气藏勘探难以取得突破.已知气藏解剖和理论研究表明地层含气后会产生特殊的地震响应,通过地震异常信息研究,结合构造、沉积和成藏条件分析,发现驼西地区是岩性圈闭发育带,Tzh2井获得工业气流证明该区带具备形成岩性气区的潜力.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2008 the Prut river recorded a historical flow of 7140 m3/s at its entrance into Romania. This flow was the highest ever recorded of any Romanian river. The high value was generated by high amounts of rainfall recorded first on the territory of Ukraine and then in Romania. Unfortunately, there were some discrepancies between the data transmitted and intercepted from the Meteorology National Agency and Hydrology and Water Management National Agency. This is why the amount of precipitation which fell over the territory of Ukraine could not be monitored in time and punctually. Nor could the high flood wave moving rapidly from the upper basin to the lower basin. The high flow of the upper Prut caused the accumulation of an immense quantity of water in the Stanca–Costesti reservoir. Under the conditions of precipitation occurring in the lower river basin as well, the levels reached the flood quota and the reservoir reached the maximum accepted capacity, with 0·1% insurance. The release of supplementary water quantities from the reservoir would have produced catastrophic floods downstream. Keeping the water in the reservoir could have broken it and the flooding, through backwater eddies, or the riverbank settlements. In such a case, it would have produced the greatest tragedy in the hydrological history of Europe. The most significant damage was produced upstream of the barrage, next to the localities of Radauti Prut and Baranca–Hudesti, as well as in the area of the reservoir, as a result of the phenomenon known as ‘remuu’, or backwater eddies. The floods of the Prut river occurred between the end of July and the end of August. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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