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The notion of consumer and user experience has become dominant in our society in recent years, especially in relation to leisure activities. In this study we used the experience sampling method (ESM) data collection technique in Aalborg Zoo, Denmark, to understand the distribution of subjective experiences within this site. Visitors to the zoo were asked to send phone messages (SMS) about their subjective feelings in real time and to carry with them Global Positioning System (GPS) devices that recorded their movement. This method allowed us to geotag experiences of visitors throughout the zoo compound. The results indicate that the quality of experience of visitors varies both in time and in space. We conclude that there is a need to further explore the effect of place on experiences using repeat, high-resolution measurements. In this regard we believe that geographers, who have a long tradition of studying human–environment relations, have the tools to lead this type of exploration.  相似文献   

ThechangeofgeographicaldistributionoftwoAsianspeciesofrhinocerosinHoloceneLiuHongjieDepartmentofGeography,SouthChinaNormalUn...  相似文献   

This paper compares two land change models in terms of appropriateness for various applications and predictive power. Cellular Automata Markov (CA_Markov) and Geomod are the two models, which have similar options to allow for specification of the predicted quantity and location of land categories. The most important structural difference is that CA_Markov has the ability to predict any transition among any number of categories, while Geomod predicts only a one‐way transition from one category to one alternative category.

To assess the predictive power, each model is run several times to predict land change in central Massachusetts, USA. The models are calibrated with information from 1971 to 1985, and then the models predict the change from 1985 to 1999. The method to measure the predictive power: 1) separates the calibration process from the validation process, 2) assesses the accuracy at multiple resolutions, and 3) compares the predictive model vis‐à‐vis a null model that predicts pure persistence. Among 24 model runs, the predictive models are more accurate than the null model at resolutions coarser than two kilometres, but not at resolutions finer than one kilometre. The choice of the options account for more variation in accuracy of runs than the choice of the model per se. The most accurate model runs are those that did not use spatial contiguity explicitly. For this particular study area, the added complexity of CA_Markov is of no benefit.  相似文献   

Mapping of lateritic bauxites over the West African rifted margin and analysis of the geomorphic properties of these bauxites, combined with available geological data lead to a discussion of the presence of either two Meso-Cenozoic planation surfaces or a single Eocene surface to account for the morphotectonic and paleoclimatic evolution of the Guinean landforms. At large scale, two stepped bauxitic levels are documented. Ongoing or episodic uplift following Gondwana breakup and Meso-Cenozoic climate change are proposed to have allowed the formation and abandonment of an Early mid-Cretaceous surface today preserved as the higher bauxitic level, and the setting of an Eocene planation surface bearing a second generation of bauxites, making the lower bauxitic level. The single Eocene surface hypothesis requires that Paleogene bauxitization preserved large pre-existing relief to explain two stepped bauxitic levels of the same age. The two-surface hypothesis is favored because it would explain rebauxitization of alluvial pebbles of bauxites under the lower lateritic level.  相似文献   

The radiative transfer theory (RTT) describes the energy transport through a random heterogeneous medium, neglecting phase information. It provides an adequate framework for modelling high-frequency seismogram envelopes. For isotropic scattering and sources, the radiative transfer equation (RTE) has been formulated analytically and numerically simulated using Monte Carlo methods for acoustic and elastic media. Here, we derive an exact analytical solution of the RTE in 2-D space for the acoustic case, including anisotropic scattering for a anisotropic point-like impulsive source. For this purpose, we generalize the path integral method, which has been used before in the isotropic case, to take into account the anisotropy of both the source radiation pattern and scattering processes, simultaneously. Then we obtain a general solution, which is written in a closed form in the Fourier space. To illustrate the theoretical results, we compute the full space and time evolution of the specific intensity for an arbitrary case. We also compare the time traces computed from our general solution with cases in which the source and/or the scattering process are isotropic. The importance of taking into account both anisotropies simultaneously becomes obvious in our examples. We also show that at long lapse time, our example approaches the solution of the diffusion equation.  相似文献   

福建漳江口湿地人类活动状况调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区湿地是周边居民进行生产活动的重要场所,为当地居民提供了丰富的海产品资源。同时,当地居民在湿地上从事的各种生产活动对湿地的理化性质及生物多样性产生了重要的影响。为了了解保护区湿地上人类活动规律,运用走访调查和定时、定点调查的方法,对湿地上人类活动规律进行了调查。结果显示:保护区内湿地上的人类活动可以划分为红树林下捡拾海产品活动类型、夫妻船讨小海活动类型、公有河道捡拾海产品活动类型和滩涂养殖活动类型4种。其中第4种类型在1 a周期中又可以划分为除草、整地、施药消毒、再整地和养殖收获5个阶段。夫妻船讨小海人类活动的人数最多时为80人/d,最少时为16人/d,平均为50.4人/d;密度最大为7.5人/km2,最小为1.5人/km2,平均为4.8人/km2。公有河道捡拾海产品活动的人数最多时为62人/d,一般情况下较少,从几人到几十人不等,2005年12月中旬至2006年的4月初,该类活动基本停止,之后呈逐渐增加趋势。滩涂养殖的再整地阶段,人类活动的人数约为70人/d,密度为10人/km2;2005年10月下旬以后的蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)苗养殖阶段,人类活动的人数约为60人/d,平均密度约为10人/km2;整个11月份期间,与养殖有关的人类活动基本停止,养殖户在自家承包的滩涂上进行一些捡拾海产品的活动,但人数较少,最多时为55人/d,一般为10多人/d,密度为10~20人/km2;进入12月份后的收获季节,人类在滩涂上活动的人数及其密度急剧增加,为100多人/d到500多人/d不等,平均密度为44人/km2。在收获季节,人类活动的人数及其密度与有无商人收购蛏产品以及蛏的生长情况有关。总的来看,保护区湿地上人类活动可划分为3个阶段:第1阶段从2005年10月中旬至11月底;第2阶段始于12月初,止于2006年1月底;第3阶段为2006年2月初至4月底。第1阶段人类活动的人数平均为128人/d,平均密度为7.4人/km2;第2阶段分别为208人/d和12.0人/km2;第3阶段分别为358人/d和20.7人/km2。依据本次调查结果,建议采取如下对策:第一,适当限制夫妻船讨小海及公有河道捡拾海产品的船只数量,使其尽量保持在现有水平;第二,研究和探讨滩涂养殖过程中农药消毒的替代方法,尽量不用或少用农药;第三,保护区应特别加强滩涂养殖及收获阶段人类活动的管理,建议保护区尽可能地引导养殖户采取分片收获的方式来减少同一时段内滩涂上人类活动的人数及其密度。  相似文献   

This study elaborates on Indonesian fertility differentials based on the average number of children ever born or late births per woman. Other studies have shown that the relationship between fertility and economic class does not show a consistent pattern, being sometimes negative and sometimes positive. In the areas of Mojolama and Kedung Miri, characteristics such as occupation and economic status differ, but the relationship between age and economic status of the family was positive in both. In general, socioeconomic conditions in Majolama were better than in Kedung Miri but fertility levels were about the same at 3.6 children ever born/ever married woman in Mojolama and 3.5 in Kejung Miri, while the average of completed family size was the same, 4.8. There was a finding that women in higher economic classes tend to have a higher average number of children compared to those in lower economic classes.  相似文献   

Saline lakes in the lower Grand Coulee,Washington, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in the limnology of two saline lakes, Lake Lenore and Soap Lake, in the lower Grand Coulee, Washington, between 1949 and the present are described. This paper is an abbreviated version of Chapter 11 in: W.T. Edmondson,The Uses of Ecology: Lake Washington and Beyond, pp. 209–226. University of Washington Press, Seattle. The book is based upon lectures given by the author inthe Jessie and John Danz Lectures. The considerable interest of studies on Lake Lenore and Soap Lake in the lower Grand Coulee, the authoritative account of these studies in the book, and the possibility that this account would not easily attract the attention of limnologists who study salt lakes were behind the decision to reproduce the chapter. Its reproduction has been graciously permitted by the author and the University of Washington Press. This permission is gratefully acknowledged. Whilst only Chapters 11 and 5 (Mono Lake) directly concern salt lakes, the book as a whole is an outstanding account of how limnological studies (with focus on those of Lake Washington) can serve humanity Ed.  相似文献   

The morphology and processes of formation and maintenance of waterfalls are more varied and complex than is suggested by the simple caprock‐undercutting model that is closely identified with Niagara Falls. The dominant process of retreat of two buttressed waterfalls near Cowra, NSW, seems to be failure along joint planes at the lips of the waterfalls. In the case of the larger of the two waterfalls, this process is significantly enhanced by the formation and subsequent destruction of potholes at the waterfall lip.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that work by geographers on the relationships between housing, homelessness, and mental health should take into account recent literature concerning the nature of home in contemporary society. Towards this end, we distinguish between literal, incipient, and metaphorical homelessness. We argue that this distinction raises new research questions concerning the experience of households “on the edge of homelessness” and others who are well-housed but, for various reasons, are not “at home” in their present circumstances.  相似文献   

This next paper in Polar Research's series of not-formally-reviewed biographical/historical articles comes to us from anthropologist Pete Capelotti, who specializes in the history of exploration. In 1993, he conducted archaeological research on the base camps of the Andrée and Wellman polar balloon expeditions at Virgohamna, Danskøya, Svalbard. In this account of Walter Wellman's attempt to reach the North Pole from Franz Josef Land in 1898-99, he examines the lone success in that effort, when one American and four Norwegians discovered and explored the last large island in the archipelago.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of two salt ponds at Aveiro was studied to evaluate its density and diversity. Samples were collected biweekly from the salt ponds Esmolas and Tanoeiras. Samples were first separated into Holoplankton (Copepoda, nauplii,Acartia, Ostracoda and Anostraca) and Meroplankton (Mollusca, Insecta, annelidan larvae and Ichthyoplankton). The Holoplankton was mainly composed of:Acartia tonsa, Acartia sp.,Eurytemora velox, Artemia sp., and harpacticoids and calanoids. In both salt ponds, species diversity was identical, but total zooplankton density was higher in the Tanoeiras salt pond, probably because its physical and chemical characteristics allowed the development of stable communities.  相似文献   

Summary. Two record sections have been prepared for a series of explosions near Lake Biwa, south-western Honshu, Japan. The record sections cover both the array stations and the network of microearthquake stations that are distributed throughout the area. This enabled us to detect for the first time in the Japanese islands the phase reflected at the Mohorovicić discontinuity. Until now the weakness and obscurity of the phase has made it difficult to detect. We were able to overcome this problem by processing the seismograms to enhance the phase. Our work leads us to propose that the surface of the Mohorović discontinuity may be divided into pieces by a number of deep faults, while a thin layer of ultrabasic rock in the lower crust may account for the weakness of the signal.  相似文献   

Based on transaction data at the parcel level in Beijing, this paper itemizes the costs incurred in the process of transferring rural land to urban development, quantifies the exact magnitude of land appreciation generated in this process and examines how the land wealth is distributed among involved parties. The main findings include the following: first, the land appreciation and the costs incurred in the process of land expropriation and primary development both differ from case to case; second, conventional comparison of the compensation for expropriated land with land granting price substantially overestimates the magnitude of land appreciation; the average and the median land appreciations account for 44.8% and 44.0% of the mean and median prices of granted serviced land, respectively; last, the compensation paid to affected farmers has improved in absolute terms during our study period from 2003 to 2014; however, because the land granting price has been escalating at a faster pace, the land wealth received by local governments has trended up.  相似文献   

Extensive magmatic activity took place in the Vøring Basin, offshore Norway, related to the Early Cenozoic rifting. The break‐up of the North‐Atlantic at the Palaeocene–Eocene transition induced strong volcanism. There are numerous magmatic sills below 3 km depth in the area. They are predominantly layer parallel and thin compared with their lateral extent. Igneous intrusions, sills and dykes affected the temperature history, and thus need to be taken into account in petroleum prospect analysis. We have calculated the temperature and maturity effects in the sedimentary layers in the Gjallar area associated with the emplacement of single sill and sill complexes. A 120‐m‐thick sill produces a theoretical vitrinite reflectance (%R0) 0.8% higher than normal at a distance of 100 m from the sill. Vitrinite reflectance changes caused by a swarm of seven sills varying from 8 to 80 m in thickness were calculated. It is shown that the calculated thermal profile can account for the observed shift in vitrinite reflectance in the well. A two‐dimensional section crossing the Gjallar Ridge, consisting of numerous magmatic intrusions, is also modelled. The modelled geological development and temperature history over the profile show that there are significant maturation effects in the interval under investigation. Based on this work, the sill swarm observed in the area could more than double the fraction of the kerogen that has been transformed to petroleum at the (present) depth of 4 km.  相似文献   

We present an evaluation of observations from the Lidar Ozone and Aerosol for NDACC in Antarctica (LOANA) at the Dumont d’Urville station, Antarctica. This instrument is part of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), and ensures continuity with lidar measurements made since 1989 with the previous instrument at this site. This study is based on the dataset from 2008 to 2009, and comparisons are made with observations from balloon soundings, and from three satellite experiments: Aura/MLS, TIMED/SABER, and CALIOP/CALIPSO. The lidar ozone data are in very good agreement with the balloon sounding data (ECC sensor), revealing a bias of less than 3% between 17 and 34 km. For temperature, the lidar shows a low bias of ?3 K at 20 km when compared with Aura/MLS. Between 30 and 50 km, the bias is less than 2 K. We also present our initial results showing diurnal variations in temperature. The amplitude of these diurnal cycles is on the order of 1 K and is unlikely to account for the temperature biases between LOANA and the reference instruments. Comparisons of total attenuated backscatter reveal good qualitative agreement between LOANA and CALIOP, with differences of less than 30% in the derived optical depth.  相似文献   

An analysis of migration in developing countries is presented. The analysis concentrates on change at the individual level and the extent to which factors such as age, education, and length of residence can account for changes experienced by migrants in various migrant streams. The data concern Colombia and Thailand. The differences among migration streams between similar urban places, to large towns, and away from larger towns are considered.  相似文献   

Removed overburden, burial, maturation, and petroleum generation analysis indicates that maturity in the Arkoma Basin and the Ouachita Foldbelt is explained effectively using simple burial models that account for the significant surface erosion that has occurred and assuming geothermal gradients similar to present-day gradients have been approximately constant through geologic time. Regional models, based on analysis at 115 well locations, indicate that from 5,000 to 15,000 ft (1.5–4.5 km) of section, differing with location from north to south and west to east, has been removed from the Arkoma Basin region, and as much as 25,000–40,000 ft (7.5–12 km) have been removed from areas of the Ouachita Foldbelt. Based on burial and thermal history reconstruction, increasing maturation from west to east across the basin is primarily the result of increasing overburden and subsequent surface erosion from west to east. The models predict most publicly available vitrinite reflectance data within a factor of 1.5 at two standard deviations. Comparison of model and measured reflectance-depth trends in six wells indicates that hydrothermal fluid movement should not have modified reflectance by more than approximately 20% in the center of the basin. Analysis indicates that most of the basin is overmature for oil production from intervals below the Spiro Sandstone, except to the north and northwest. Although thermal maturities are high, methane is stable throughout the basin. Except for the basal Arbuckle Group, all formations were thermally immature for oil generation prior to burial by the Mississippian and Morrowan in the Ouachita Foldbelt of Oklahoma and by the Atokan and Desmoinesian over most of the basin and study area. In the deeper part of the present basin, all strata entered and passed through the oil window during or within 10 My after Atokan time. Because no additional major quantities of hydrocarbons were generated after Atokan time, the hydrocarbons must have been emplaced and trapped during this brief time interval.  相似文献   

The Nepean River terraces are a sequence of Tertiary and Quaternary alluvial deposits to the west of Sydney, NSW. In the last 85 years over 20 soil and geological maps covering the area have been produced. Errors and interpretations introduced in early regional scale maps were perpetuated for over 40 years despite numerous new editions. Regional scale geological maps in the 1950s and 1960s failed to take account of good detailed work by geographers, soil surveyors and geology students. Detailed geological and soil stratigraphic mapping in the past 10 years drew attention to these problems and has highlighted the important contributions made by the earlier detailed studies. New interpretations can now be tested against a substantial body of data. Contemporary regional soil and geological maps have taken account of these detailed studies and so present a more consistent approach than in the past.  相似文献   

Multiple deprivation in cities: the case of Ilorin,Nigeria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies on level-of-living conditions have generally been executed at three basic levels (i.e. the interregional, the intra-regional and the intra-urban scales) and have usually been analysed using either the single variable or the multi-variable approach. The present study examines spatial variations in Ilorin, Nigeria at the relatively neglected intra-urban scale. The multi-variable approach has been preferred to the single variable method in order to account for the obvious intercorrelation of different social problems in space. Results reveal very marked spatial disparities in social conditions in the city, the more indigenous areas being the most deprived. Policy implications in favour of the more disadvanged areas include stronger community involvement by the local residents as well as more positive discrimination in subsequent allocation of funds and resources in favour of these places by policy makers.  相似文献   

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