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Summary We document a rare case of micron-sized gold inclusions in Ir–Os alloy and overgrowth rims on Pt–Fe alloy from an alluvial Au-PGE placer derived from an Uralian/Alaskan type intrusion in Primorye, Russia. The gold inclusions occasionally form complex aggregates with cooperite [PtS] or tolovkite [IrSbS], and replace magmatic inclusions of Ir-rich Pt–Fe alloy which exsolved from the Ir–Os–Pt matrix. Gold has a relatively constant composition (>90 wt.% Au, a few wt.% Ag, and up to 8 wt.% Pt). The gold rims form superfine (3–5 μm) discontinuous films on the Pt–Fe alloy crystals often followed by cooperite overgrowth. Both gold textures suggest an electrochemical control of gold precipitation via selective Pt–Fe leaching during low-temperature overprint and/or weathering of PGE alloy.  相似文献   

Specific features of the fluid regime in ore-magmatic systems located in the southwestern part of the Kavalerovo ore district (Primorye) are considered. One system is accompanied by mineralization of the porphyry copper type (Lazurnoe deposit); the other system, by tin (copper-tin) mineralization of the hydrothermal type (Iskra deposit). It is shown that the magmatic stages of these systems are distinguished mainly by the chlorophile nature of the copper-gold system and the fluorophile nature of the copper-tin system. The well-known distinction of these systems in terms of the redox parameter is confirmed, and its different evolution scenarios in the systems are shown. The results of the study of fluid inclusions in quartz of postmagmatic associations show that the processes of ore formation at the Lazurnoe deposit were characterized by a wide temperature range and the heterogeneity of the mineral-forming environment. The early period was marked by the coexistence of aqueous-saline brines (mainly of Na-Ca-Mg-chloride composition) and low-density fluid inclusions. The late period was dominated by ordinary hydrothermal solutions. The Iskra deposit formed in a relatively narrow temperature range from homogeneous fluids of essentially Na-chloride composition characterized by moderate and low salinity.  相似文献   

This paper is dedicated to the isotope-geochronological study of the rocks that compose two large intrusions and a separate group of minor intrusions in the western part of the Kavalerovo ore district. In most publications, these rocks are considered as monzonitic or trachyandesite-monzonitic association. On the basis of the amphibole and biotite K-Ar ages and the Rb-Sr whole-rock and mineral datings, the studied association was formed within the interval of 113–98 Ma. A wider interval of 115–95 Ma was obtained with allowance for other isotope data, including those on the rocks of the volcanic facies. This is consistent with the concepts that the studied association belongs to a single magmatic complex. No significant and systematic age differences have been established between the compositionally similar rocks from the different massifs. In compliance with the scheme of the geodynamic evolution of the region, the chambers of latitic melts of the volcanic and most intrusive rocks of the complex were formed prior to the initiation of the Sikhote-Alin subduction volcanic belt. The initial stage of the formation of the latter is presumably constrained by the data on the biotite from the quartz diorites from the Uglovaya VTS (90 Ma), which is located in the central part of the region, and on the late amphibole from the monzonitoids of its western part (91–92 Ma). The geochemical differences between rocks from the different intrusive bodies could be caused by the specifics of the melt evolution in the intermediate or crystallization chambers.  相似文献   

西藏尼玛砂金矿中金和银的提纯与精炼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提纯与精炼西藏尼玛砂金矿中的金和银,在王水介质中制作供还原的Au液,选择草酸作为还原剂很容易将Au还原,而且不与其他金属离子反应。砂金的提纯与精炼要经还原Au液、排除HNO3和砂金的2次溶解及Au的还原。尾渣以NaCO3、硼砂、KNO3为配料在焦炭炉中进行熔炼和泼珠,进而分离出金、银。在提取银的操作中,采用饱和NaCl水溶液。制定的金、银王水法提纯与精炼流程所产出金锭的成色大于等于99.99%,银锭成色大于等于99.90%。  相似文献   

Zaykov  V. V.  Kotliarov  V. A.  Zaykova  E. V.  Blinov  I. A. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2017,476(2):1212-1216

Microinclusions of ore minerals were found and studied in grains of native gold for characterization of the mineralogy of placer gold of the South Urals. One hundred ten unrounded and poorly rounded grains with a size of 1–2 mm from eight placer zones were studied. Microinclusions of ore minerals were detected in six placers of the Miass zone. The list of minerals includes sulfides, arsenides, Cu-bearing Au, and PGEs. All microinclusions show links to certain deposits of ore gold and chromite occurrences. It is suggested that the northern flanges of the Talovsky and Nurali massifs containing gold placers with PGEs require a search for PGE mineralization.


秦岭板块内已发现五十多个金矿床(点),它们基本上赋存于志留、泥盆纪等沉积盆地中的容矿地层,受制于主造山期形成的成矿构造模型,可划分出细碎屑岩改造型、细碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩改造型、热水沉积改造型、火山-沉积改造型4种类型.矿床具层控特征,呈带状分布,形成于印支-燕山期.通过对区内典型金矿床金成色的对比研究,在空间上自北向南,除北部地区为中等金成色外,其余大部分地区为高成色;自东向西则呈波浪式变化.在时间上表现为随地层(层位)由老到新,总体呈逐步降低的趋势.在成矿深度及物质来源方面,则提供了该区中深度成矿、中深部物质来源的佐证.  相似文献   

藏北地区砂金矿矿质来源于中酸性岩浆岩接触带,沉积地层不整合接触带及硅化岩带,具物源近,成矿时代新的特点。班公湖-怒江地缝合线及其两侧的羌塘隆起带和冈底期-念青唐古拉陆块,是区内最有利的砂金成矿区。  相似文献   

青海果洛龙洼金矿床位于东昆仑造山带东段沟里地区,具有多元素共生特征,这些共生元素不仅具有综合利用价值,也是重要的找矿指示元素。文章依据工作中系统采集的81件样品的11种元素(Au、Hg、V、Mo、Ni、Cu、As、Co、Ag、W、Pb)测试数据,进行了元素的相关分析、聚类分析和因子分析,并分块段将各因子得分与矿体Au品位进行了对比研究,结合矿区地质情况进行了解译。结果表明,主成矿元素Au与Ag、Pb、Cu、Mo显著正相关,与Hg、W、As弱正相关。伴生元素中As与Hg、Pb与Ag为强正相关,Pb与Cu、Cu与Ag、W与Mo为正相关,Ni、Co与V元素呈弱正相关。因子分析结果显示,11种元素可分为四个因子组Au-Cu-Ag-Pb(F1)、W-Mo(F2)、Hg-As(F3)和Ni-Co-V(F4)。F1因子为中温多金属硫化物元素组合,在矿床主成矿阶段形成,该因子得分情况在矿区西部区域与矿体Au品位变化规律完全一致,因此,Au-Cu-Ag-Pb组合异常对矿区西部区域找矿具有指示意义。F2因子属高温岩浆热液元素组合,该因子上Au有一定载荷,推测矿区华力西-印支期花岗闪长岩对Au成矿具有重要意义。F3为低温热液元素组合,矿区自西往东分段统计结果显示,该因子得分变化情况与矿体Au品位变化规律具一致性,可运用As-Hg组合异常进行成矿预测。F4因子与地层中的基性火山组分有关,与其它元素具有不同的地球化学演化过程。因子得分统计结果显示,矿区中部是与Au相关多元素富集中心,该区段为多种成矿因素复合叠加的中心,应加强该处的勘查工作。  相似文献   

藏北羌塘小盆湖-拉雄错砂金矿带地质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以小盆湖砂金矿床为典型的一系列砂金矿床、矿点在藏北羌塘中部构成一个呈东西向的砂金矿带,笔者1999年首次将其命名为"藏北羌塘小盆湖-拉雄错砂金矿带"。通过对小盆湖砂金矿床基岩地质、地貌、第四纪地质、矿床类型、成因类型、矿体特征、砂金特征的全面介绍及与该带其它砂金矿床、矿点的对比,结合区域地质背景,认为前泥盆系阿木岗群和石炭系中的火山岩层位是主要矿源层。此后若干不同时期的沉积不整合界面,都表征着其下古风化壳、其上底部碎屑岩的含金物聚源区可以直接或经改造就近形成金矿矿床。羌塘中央隆起带及其两侧和东西方向石炭系分布区具有广阔的金矿找矿前景。  相似文献   

西藏崩纳藏布砂金矿地质特征及找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对区域地质背景、第四纪典型地貌及矿床地质特征等的研究,发现崩纳藏布砂金矿具有成矿时代新、成矿期短、物质来源多样性等特点。成矿过程明显具有2个阶段:早期可能与斑岩型铜-金-多金属矿床有关,含Au配合物近距离活化、迁移,在适宜的地方堆积成矿;晚期在原地吸收侧向补给的第四系含Au沉积物,次生富集成为富矿。  相似文献   

It is proposed that the Adola placer gold was derived, ultimately, from the ultrabasic rocks which are now represented by serpentinites and talc-schists. During the process of serpentinisation the ultrabasic rocks expelled abundant silica and available gold, which were deposited as gold-quartz veins in the overlying brittle basalts. Erosion of these basalts, now amphibolites has resulted in concentration of the gold as placers in the overlying conglomerates and soils.  相似文献   

1999年在雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段马攸木地区首先探查到砂金异常,进而通过预查、普查和详查,发现了砂金储量居目前西藏之首的马攸木砂金矿床。该矿床Ⅰ号矿体长为14196.3m,平均宽度为126.61m,平均厚度为11.25m,加权平均品位为0.5116g/m3,砂金资源总量属大型。介绍了Ⅰ号矿体砂金的形态与粒度、成分和成色。马攸木砂金矿床的发现,对西藏地区及古地中海—喜马拉雅成矿域的找矿与成矿理论研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

西藏普兰县马攸木砂金矿床的发现及其意义   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
1999年在雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段马攸木地区首先探查到砂金异常,进而通过预查、普查和详查,发现了砂金储量居目前西藏之首的马攸木砂金矿床。该矿床Ⅰ号矿体长为14196.3m,平均宽度为126.61m,平均厚度为11.25m.加权平均品位为0.5116g/m,砂金资源总量属大型。介绍了Ⅰ号矿体砂金的形态与粒度、成分和成色。马攸木砂金矿床的发现,对西藏地区及古地中海—喜马拉雅成矿域的找矿与成矿理论研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Summary The Tuvatu gold–telluride prospect is one of several epithermal gold systems along the >250 km northeast trending Viti Levu lineament, Fiji, which are genetically associated with alkalic magmatism. Vein structures contain a variety of sulfides, native elements, sulfosalts, and tellurides. Calaverite is intimately associated with various vanadium-bearing minerals: roscoelite, karelianite, vanadian muscovite, Ti-free nolanite, vanadian rutile, schreyerite, and an unnamed vanadium silicate. Thermodynamic calculations for the systems V–Al–K–Si–O–H (Cameron, 1998) and Au–Te–Cl–S–O–H at estimated conditions of formation of the telluride-native gold stage at Tuvatu (∼250 °C, ΣAu = 1 ppb, ΣTe = 1 ppb, ΣS = 0.001 m, ΣV = 0.0001 m, and aK = 0.01), show that the stability fields of calaverite, roscoelite, and karelianite converge in pH-fO2 space near the hematite–magnetite buffer and at neutral to slightly acid conditions. Thermodynamic and textural data suggest that these minerals were deposited together at Tuvatu and likely explain the common coexistence of roscoelite and calaverite in epithermal gold systems elsewhere. The presence of magnetite with up to 0.7 wt.% V2O3 in the Navilawa Monzonite is consistent with the derivation of V from the alkalic intrusive rocks, which are also considered to be the source of Au and Te in the Tuvatu deposit.  相似文献   

The understanding of the solid-phase speciation of arsenic in soils and sediments is important in the evaluations of its potential mobility and availability in the environment. The spoil heaps of abandoned mercury mines contain waste materials with high arsenic and heavy metals concentrations. The weathering of these tailings can cause their mobilization to the surroundings. In this work, the mobility and availability of arsenic and some heavy metals were evaluated in sediments from two heavily polluted mercury mining districts in Asturias (NW Spain). For this purpose, a slightly modified version of the Bureau Community of Reference sequential extraction scheme was applied to sediments. The total contents in the operationally defined fractions were analysed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. Extremely high total arsenic concentrations were found in all sediments ranging from 4,000 to 24,800 mg kg?1. High easily mobilizable arsenic contents were found in the first mining area, related to the solubilization of Ca-bearing phases, supported by extracts analyses, X-ray diffraction results and the positive correlation found among the As and Ca fractionations. Ni and Zn were the most mobile among heavy metals, being Cr the least mobile, suggesting an anthropogenic origin due to the metallurgical processes, transport or dispersion generated from neighbour spoil heaps. In the second mining area, the bulk of As was concentrated in the residual phase, as well as Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ti, indicating a mineralogical origin and the low availability of these elements. The strong correlations established between As and Fe and Ti distributions support the hypothesis that As is mainly associated to structural mineral phases in these sediments.  相似文献   

In this study,an electron microprobe analyzer(EMPA) was used to map the spatial distribution and the occurrence of invisible gold in pyrite from the Liulincha gold ore belt.EPMA data show that gold mainly occurs as submicroscopic-microscopic inclusions.From the contrast of the major guide elements of pyrite from the Liulincha gold ore belt and those from four hydrothermal-type gold deposits in the Jiaodong region,we can see the pyrites were formed in two stages:the pyrite from wall rock is mainly sedimentogenic,with simple structure;and the pyrite from ore body experienced early sedimentary process to late hydrothermal activity,the pyrite is regular in crystal form and exhibits fractured structure.  相似文献   

莫桑比克楠普拉省喀祖祖地区多条河流均有人工砂金开采活动.砂金分布在海拔300~450 m之间的石英砾石层,底部岩石主要为中元古代片麻状杂岩体.研究区为准平原-丘陵地貌,水动力条件受季节影响较大.砂金分布与河流不存在明显的耦合性,暗示了原生金矿化可能较分散.同时,研究区露头受第四纪覆盖严重,物化探效果不显著,砂金与重砂矿...  相似文献   

The Shizishan ore field is the largest gold–copper ore field in the Tongling ore district of Anhui Province, China. Copper and gold deposits in the district are present as one-commodity deposits or as deposits with both commodities. Copper and gold mineralization are either cogenetic or are temporally and spatially distinct. We present the results of systematic geochemical analysis of fluid inclusions from typical Au–Cu deposits in the Shizishan ore field; these data are used to determine the solubility of Cu and Au in the ore-forming fluids and to ascertain the mechanisms and factors that controlled variations in the association and separation of copper and gold mineralization. Our results indicate that copper in the ore-forming fluids was transported as CuCl2 and CuCl0 complexes and that the solubility of copper was controlled by variations in Cl concentration. In addition, the precipitation of copper was controlled by changes in temperature, pH, fO2, and fO2. In comparison, gold in the ore-forming fluids was transported as Au(HS)2 and Au2S(HS)22− complexes, and the solubility of gold was controlled by variations in total sulfur concentration; the precipitation of gold was controlled by temperature, pH, fO2, and fO2. These differences between the two elements meant that copper and gold in the ore-forming fluids responded in different ways to changes in physicochemical conditions. Copper precipitated under relatively acidic conditions at high temperatures, while gold precipitated under weakly alkaline conditions at relatively low temperatures; this dissociation resulted in the temporal and spatial separation and zonation of copper and gold mineralization in the Shizishan ore field.  相似文献   

广西龙头山金矿床是热液型金矿床,运用扫描电子显微镜对其矿石的微裂隙特征、结构构造及成分进行分析。其结果表明,矿石的微裂隙是相通的;矿液在运移过程中,在相对封闭、酸碱度较适宜的条件下沉淀,形成了较自形的电气石、黄铁矿和金矿物;矿液经过了多期上升过程,对早期形成的矿物不断地进行叠加和改造,使不同期次形成的金矿物成分略有不同;金矿物有次生加大现象。进而认为,该金矿床应有三期以上的成矿期。  相似文献   

桦甸市夹皮沟金矿区八家子金矿,产于太古界夹皮沟群下部四道砬河组的变质岩系与岩体的接触部位,岩体为一套基性-中性-酸性火山岩。矿体受构造控制,具有一定的成矿规律。夹皮沟群的下部岩组,由斜长角闪岩、变质安山岩、混合片麻岩夹绢云石英片岩、磁铁石英岩组成。该组是我省最大的金矿产出层位,控制着夹皮沟—板庙子等一系列大中型变质热液型金矿床的分布。  相似文献   

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