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We use the 6C** sample to investigate the comoving space density of powerful, steep-spectrum radio sources. This sample, consisting of 68 objects, has virtually complete K -band photometry and spectroscopic redshifts for 32 per cent of the sources. In order to find its complete redshift distribution, we develop a method of redshift estimation based on the K – z diagram of the 3CRR, 6CE, 6C* and 7CRS radio galaxies. Based on this method, we derive redshift probability density functions for all the optically identified sources in the 6C** sample. Using a combination of spectroscopic and estimated redshifts, we select the most radio luminous sources in the sample. Their redshift distribution is then compared with the predictions of the radio luminosity function of Jarvis et al. We find that, within the uncertainties associated with the estimation method, the data are consistent with a constant comoving space density of steep-spectrum radio sources beyond z ≳ 2.5, and rule out a steep decline.  相似文献   

We present the results of K -band imaging polarimetry of seven 3CR radio galaxies with 0.7 <  z  < 1.2. We find strong evidence for polarization in three sources: 3C 22, 3C 41 and 3C 114. Of these, 3C 41 shows strong evidence of having a quasar core the infrared light of which is scattered by dust. We also find some evidence for polarization in 3C 54 and in 3C 356. The two point-like sources (3C 22 and 3C 41) and the barely-elongated 3C 54 appear to have of order 10 per cent of their K -band flux contributed by scattered light from the active nucleus. We conclude that scattered nuclear light can form a significant component of the near-infrared light emitted by high-redshift radio galaxies, and discuss models in which the scattering particles are electrons and dust grains.  相似文献   

From a combination of high-quality X-ray observations from the NASA Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ) and IR observations from the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) we show that the medium-energy X-ray (3–20 keV) and near-IR fluxes in the quasar 3C 273 are highly correlated. It is widely believed that the X-ray emission in quasars like 3C 273 arises from Compton scattering of low-energy seed photons, and our observations provide the first reliable detection of correlated variations in 3C 273 between the X-ray band and any lower energy band. For a realistic electron distribution we demonstrate that it is probable that each decade of the seed-photon distribution from the mm to IR wavebands contributes roughly equally to the medium-energy X-ray flux. However, the expected mm variations are too small to be detected above the noise, probably explaining the lack of success of previous searches for a correlation between X-ray and mm variations. In addition, we show that the IR leads the X-rays by  0.75±0.25 d  . These observations rule out the 'External Compton' emission process for the production of the X-rays.  相似文献   

We present the results of fitting deep off-nuclear optical spectra of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies at z ≃0.2 with evolutionary synthesis models of galaxy evolution. Our aim was to determine the age of the dynamically dominant stellar populations in the host galaxies of these three classes of powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN). Some of our spectra display residual nuclear contamination at the shortest wavelengths, but the detailed quality of the fits longward of the 4000-Å break provides unequivocal proof, if further proof were needed, that quasars lie in massive galaxies with (at least at z ≃0.2) evolved stellar populations. By fitting a two-component model we have separated the very blue (starburst and/or AGN contamination) from the redder underlying spectral energy distribution, and find that the hosts of all three classes of AGN are dominated by old stars of age 8–14 Gyr. If the blue component is attributed to young stars, we find that, at most, 1 per cent of the visible baryonic mass of these galaxies is involved in star formation activity at the epoch of observation, at least over the region sampled by our spectroscopic observations. These results strongly support the conclusion reached by McLure et al. that the host galaxies of luminous quasars are massive ellipticals which have formed by the epoch of peak quasar activity at z ≃2.5.  相似文献   

We present the results of a three-week daily monitoring campaign of the quasar 3C 279 by the X-ray satellites RXTE ROSAT . A cross-correlation provides no evidence for any time lag between the very similar soft and hard X-ray light curves, and the source shows no significant spectral variability over the observing period. There is no evidence to support the presence of a soft excess, with a 99 per cent upper limit on any such component of 25 per cent of the total observed luminosity in the 0.1–2 keV band (<3 × 1038 W). This fraction (but not the luminosity) is significantly lower than that of the soft excess observed in 3C 273.  相似文献   

We present optical (∼3200 to ∼9000 Å) off-nuclear spectra of 26 powerful active galaxies in the redshift range 0.1≤ z ≤0.3, obtained with the Mayall and William Herschel 4-m class telescopes. The sample consists of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars (all with −23≥ M V ≥−26) and radio galaxies of Fanaroff–Riley Type II (with extended radio luminosities and spectral indices comparable to those of the radio-loud quasars). The spectra were all taken approximately 5 arcsec off-nucleus, with offsets carefully selected so as to maximize the amount of galaxy light falling into the slit, whilst simultaneously minimizing the amount of scattered nuclear light. The majority of the resulting spectra appear to be dominated by the integrated stellar continuum of the underlying galaxies rather than by light from the non-stellar processes occurring in the active nuclei, and in many cases a 4000-Å break feature can be identified. The individual spectra are described in detail, and the importance of the various spectral components is discussed. Stellar population synthesis modelling of the spectra will follow in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

We present the results of K -band imaging polarimetry of three radio galaxies, including the very red and apparently old z =1.55 galaxy 53W091. We find weak evidence for polarization in components of 3C 441 and in the south-eastern companion of 53W091, but no evidence of significant polarization in 53W091 itself. We also find strong evidence that MRC 0156−252 is unpolarized. We present upper limits for the K -band polarization of all three sources. For 53W091, the lack of significant K -band polarization provides further confidence that its red R − K colour can be attributed to a mature stellar population, consistent with the detailed analyses of its ultraviolet spectral-energy distribution which indicate a minimum age of 2–3.5 Gyr.  相似文献   

We present Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 I -band imaging for a sample of nine hyperluminous infrared galaxies (HLIRGs) spanning a redshift range     . Three of the sample have morphologies showing evidence for interactions and six are quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). Host galaxies in the QSOs are detected reliably out to     . The detected QSO host galaxies have an elliptical morphology with scalelengths spanning     and absolute k -corrected magnitudes spanning     There is no clear correlation between the infrared (IR) power source and the optical morphology. None of the sources in the sample, including F15307+3252, shows any evidence for gravitational lensing. We infer that the IR luminosities are thus real. Based on these results, and previous studies of HLIRGs, we conclude that this class of object is broadly consistent with being a simple extrapolation of the ULIRG population to higher luminosities; ULIRGs being mainly violently interacting systems powered by starbursts and/or active galactic nuclei. Only a small number of sources, the infrared luminosities of which exceed 1013 L, are intrinsically less luminous objects that have been boosted by gravitational lensing.  相似文献   

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