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In this paper, different methods for generating synthetic earthquakes are compared in terms of related non-linear seismic response of ductile structures. The objective of the investigation is to formulate recommendations for the use of synthetic earthquakes for reliable seismic analysis. The comparison is focused on the accuracy of the reproduction of the characteristics of the structural non-linear response due to recorded earthquakes. First the investigations are carried out for non-linear single-degree-of-freedom systems. Later, the results are validated for a set of realistic buildings modelled as multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Various options of the classical stationary simulation procedure of SIMQKE and a non-stationary simulation procedure proposed by Sabetta and Pugliese are examined and compared. The adopted methodology uses a set of recorded earthquakes as a reference. Hundred synthetic accelerograms are generated for each examined simulation option with the condition that the related elastic responses are similar to those of the reference set. The non-linear single-degree-of-freedom systems are defined using six recognized hysteretic models and four levels of increasing non-linearity. The non-linear responses computed for the reference set and the studied simulation options are then statistically compared in terms of displacement ductility and energy. The results show that the implementation of the classical stationary procedure always leads to a significant underestimation of the ductility demand and a significant overestimation of the energy demand. By contrast, non-stationary time histories produce much better results. The results with the multi-degree-of-freedom systems are shown to confirm these conclusions.  相似文献   

剪切型结构的抗震强度折减系数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究剪切型结构抗震强度需求的变化规律,本文基于单自由度体系的非线性时程分析,研究了不同场地条件下延性折减系数与位移延性系数和结构自振周期的关系;采用修正等效单自由度体系位移延性折减系数的方法,研究了剪切型多自由度体系的延性折减系数;以基于中国建筑抗震规范设计的代表不同抗震能力要求的RC框架结构为分析对象,通过静力弹塑性分析,研究了RC框架结构的体系超强能力。分析结果表明场地类别、位移延性水准和结构振动周期对单自由度体系的延性折减系数有显著的影响;多自由度体系的抗震延性折减系数明显比其相应的等效单自由度体系的抗震延性折减系数小;RC框架结构的超强系数一般随结构楼层数的增加而减小,随抗震设防烈度的增大而减小,内框架的超强系数比边框架的超强系数大。  相似文献   

耗能减震技术研究及应用的新进展   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
本文总结了耗能减震技术近年来的研究与应用情况,主要包括各种新型耗能减震装置的原理、性能及应用。文中介绍了有关国家耗能减振技术标准发展的情况,提出了该项技术今后应加强研究的若干问题,并预测了其发展前景。  相似文献   

在现有抗震设计方法研究的基础上,提出了直接基于损伤性能的设计方法。首先,建立等效位移延性系数与结构损伤指标的关系,得到了反映不同设防水准损伤目标的结构等效位移延性系数;其次,运用R-μ关系模型,根据等效位移延性系数确定地震折减系数,从而计算出结构弹塑性地震作用;然后,建立结构的需求曲线与推覆曲线,对结构在强震作用下的性能进行评价;最后,通过算例说明了该方法的设计步骤及其可行性。  相似文献   

A displacement-based design procedure is proposed for proportioning hysteretic damped braces (HYDBs) in order to attain, for a specific level of seismic intensity, a designated performance level of a reinforced concrete (r.c.) in-elevation irregular framed building which has to be retrofitted. To check the effectiveness and reliability of the design procedure, a numerical investigation is carried out with reference to a six-storey r.c. framed building, which, originally designed according to an old Italian seismic code (1996) for a medium-risk zone, has to be retrofitted by inserting of HYDBs to attain performance levels imposed by the current Italian code (NTC08) in a high-risk zone. To simulate a vertical irregularity, a change of use of the first two floors, from residential to office, is also supposed; moreover, masonry infill walls, regularly distributed along the perimeter, are substituted with glass windows on these floors. Nonlinear dynamic analyses of unbraced (UF), infilled (IF) and damped braced infilled (DBIF) frames are carried out considering sets of artificially generated and real ground motions, whose response spectra match those adopted by NTC08 for different performance levels. To this end, r.c. frame members are idealized by a two-component model, assuming a bilinear moment–curvature law whose ultimate bending moment depends on the axial load, while the response of an HYDB is idealized by a bilinear law, to prevent buckling. Finally, masonry infills are represented as equivalent diagonal struts, reacting only in compression, with an elastic–brittle linear law.  相似文献   

In this paper, an effective active predictive control algorithm is developed for the vibration control of non-linear hysteretic structural systems subjected to earthquake excitation. The non-linear characteristics of the structural behaviour and the effects of time delay in both the measurements and control action are included throughout the entire analysis (design and validation). This is very important since, in current design practice, structures are assumed to behave non-linearly, and time delays induced by sensors and actuator devices are not avoidable. The proposed algorithm focuses on the instantaneous optimal control approach for the development of a control methodology where the non-linearities are brought into the analysis through a non-linear state vector and a non-linear open-loop term. An autoregressive (AR) model is used to predict the earthquake excitation to be considered in the prediction of the structural response. A performance index that is quadratic in the control force and in the predicted non-linear states, with two additional energy related terms, and that is subjected to a non-linear constraint equation, is minimized at every time step. The effectiveness of the proposed closed-open loop non-linear instantaneous optimal prediction control (CONIOPC) strategy is presented by the results of numerical simulations. Since non-linearity and time-delay effects are incorporated in the mathematical model throughout the derivation of the control methodology, good performance and stability of the controlled structural system are guaranteed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A displacement-based design procedure is proposed for proportioning hysteretic damped braces in order to attain, for the in-plan least seismic capacity direction and a specific level of seismic intensity, a designated performance level of a reinforced concrete (r.c.) irregular framed building to be retrofitted. To this end, a computer code for the nonlinear static analysis of spatial frames is developed to obtain the pushover curve for an assigned in-plan direction of the seismic loads. The town hall of Spilinga (Italy), a two-storey r.c. framed structure with an L-shaped plan built at the beginning of the 1960s, has been considered as case study. Four alternative structural solutions are examined, derived from the first one by the insertion of hysteretic damped braces, considering: the extended N2 and the extended pushover methods combined with a proportional and an inversely proportional in-plan stiffness distributions of hysteretic damped braces. To check the effectiveness and reliability of the design procedure, the nonlinear static response of the unbraced and damped braced frames is compared for different in-plan directions of the seismic loads. Frame members are simulated with a lumped plasticity model, including a flat surface modeling of the axial load-biaxial bending moment elastic domain, while the behavior of a hysteretic damped brace is idealized through the use of a bilinear law. Vulnerability index domains are adopted to estimate the directions of least seismic capacity at the ultimate (i.e. life-safety and collapse prevention) limit states prescribed by Italian and European seismic codes.  相似文献   

一般采用梁柱焊接节点钢框架结构在遭遇强烈地震地震作用下,结构倒塌破坏可能由于是耗能能力不足所导致。以某钢框架结构为算例,选取20条实际地震动记录,对结构进行易损性分析,对比不同损伤指标和不同梁端构造形式的钢框架结构抗震性能差异。研究显示:对梁柱焊接的普通钢框架结构,其倒塌破坏是由于结构耗能能力不足所导致的,评价结构抗震性能不仅需考虑结构变形能力,尚需同时考虑结构耗能能力;对于改进形式的钢框架结构,结构耗能能力得到显著提高,使得位移首超破坏先于累积损伤破坏,此时基于变形的评价结果更加可靠。  相似文献   

本文提出了低周往复水平荷载试验仿真分析方法,该法既不同于弹塑性地震反应时程分析,又不同于常见的弹塑性静力分析。它能模拟低周往复水荷载试验的过程,既避免了地震波频谱的影响又体现了水平荷载的往复作用,可用于计算结构和构件的滞回曲线、截面的屈服顺序及相应的荷载和位移,尤其适用于分析消能支撑框架结构等耗能减震结构。本文用此方法分析了在框架柱轴压比超过限值要求时消能支撑的作用。  相似文献   

框架结构基于能量地震反应分析及设计方法的理论研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对多自由度体系结构在地震作用下的能量分析,考虑地震动因素和结构自身特性,提出基于能量概念的二阶段设计方法,取得了较有意义的研究成果,对于基于能量的抗震设计方法走向实用化,提供一条思路。  相似文献   

为了从能量角度研究重力坝地震响应的时频特征,在重力坝非线性动力分析基础上,探讨了重力坝地震过程中振动能量的时域耗散机制;采用小波频域多层次分解技术研究了其动响应的分频段能量特征,得到了坝体典型位置动响应分频段振动能量随高程的变化规律.通过分析发现:结构地震能量耗散为时域上不可逆的增加,坝体损伤集中出现在地震过程的某个时间段,地震动峰值后坝体损伤状态基本稳定;小波分解可以较全面地描述结构动响应能量的分频段特征.对于本文算例,在坝踵和上游折坡附近,重力坝地震响应的振动能量以4~8 Hz频段为主,这与输入的地震信号分频段特征一致;而坝顶附近则以1 ~4 Hz的振动能量为主,高频能量分量的比重随高程增大而逐渐减小.  相似文献   

Energy serves as an alternative index to response quantities like force or displacement to include the duration‐related seismic damage effect. A procedure to evaluate the absorbed energy in a multistorey frame from energy spectra was developed. For low‐ to medium‐rise frames, it required a static pushover analysis of the structure to determine the modal yield force and ductility factor of an equivalent single‐degree‐of‐freedom system for the first two modes. The energy spectra were then used to determine the energy contribution of each mode. A procedure was also developed to distribute the energy along the frame height based on energy shapes. This study showed that the second‐mode response in some cases needs to be considered to reflect the energy (or damage) concentration in the upper floors. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

连梁作为剪力墙结构中的抗震第一道防线,其承载力和耗能能力对整体结构的抗震性能有重要影响。本文提出在连梁中附设粘滞阻尼器,利用阻尼器发生竖向剪切变形而耗能。结合实际工程研究粘滞阻尼耗能连梁的性能,采用ETABS和PERFORM-3D软件对粘滞阻尼耗能连梁结构与传统连梁结构进行有限元模拟对比分析,并对粘滞阻尼耗能连梁的各项最优参数进行研究。结果表明:粘滞阻尼耗能连梁充分发挥耗能作用,整体结构具有良好的抗震性能,与传统连梁结构相比,主体结构的弹性耗能得到明显降低。平面布置方式、竖向布置方式、阻尼器参数的选取对附设粘滞阻尼耗能连梁的框架-核心筒结构减震效果影响较大,合理选择这些参数可以使耗能结构减震效果最优。  相似文献   

A new computational framework is developed for the design and retrofit of building structures by considering aseismic design as a complex adaptive process. For the initial phase of the development within this framework, genetic algorithms are employed for the discrete optimization of passively damped structural systems. The passive elements may include metallic plate dampers, viscous fluid dampers and viscoelastic solid dampers. The primary objective is to determine robust designs, including both the non‐linearity of the structural system and the uncertainty of the seismic environment. Within the present paper, this computational design approach is applied to a series of model problems, involving sizing and placement of passive dampers for energy dissipation. In order to facilitate our investigations and provide a baseline for further study, we introduce several simplifications for these initial examples. In particular, we employ deterministic lumped parameter structural models, memoryless fitness function definitions and hypothetical seismic environments. Despite these restrictions, some interesting results are obtained from the simulations and we are able to gain an understanding of the potential for the proposed evolutionary aseismic design methodology. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new seismic protection system for timber platform frame buildings, either for new construction or retrofit. The system consists in connecting the timber frame to a steel structure that includes hysteretic energy dissipators designed to absorb most of the seismic input energy thus protecting the timber frame and the other steel members; alternatively, the system might use other types of dissipative devices. The steel structure consists of four steel stacks (located at each of the four façades) and steel collectors embracing each slab; the stacks and the collectors are connected, at each floor level, through the energy dissipators. The steel structure is self‐supporting, that is, the timber frame is not affected by horizontal actions and can be designed without accounting for any seismic provision; in turn, the steel members do not participate in the main load‐carrying system. The timber‐steel interface is designed to avoid any stress concentration in the transfer of horizontal forces and to guarantee that the yielding of the dissipators occurs prior to any timber failure. The energy dissipation capacity of the suggested system is discussed, and an application example on a six‐story timber building is presented; this case corresponds to highly demanding conditions because of the relatively large building height and weight, the high local seismicity, and the soft soil condition. This research belongs to a wider project aiming to promote the structural use of timber by improving the seismic capacity of wooden buildings; this research includes experiments and advanced numerical simulation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

非线性粘滞阻尼器消能结构减振效果分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
应用并完善了非线性粘滞阻尼器消能结构地震反应预测的反应谱方法,通过与时程分析计算结果对比证明了方法的可行性。利用本方法研究了支撑刚度及阻尼器参数对非线性粘滞阻尼器减振效果的影响。通过数值分析,给出了位移降低率达到最佳时支撑刚度取值的建议式。提出了为保证剪力降低率不大于1时非线性粘滞阻尼器参数的控制方法。  相似文献   

摩擦消能支撑钢框架结构的弹塑性地震反应时程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了摩擦消能支撑及框架主体结构弹塑性本构关系,并给出了动力时程分析的计算方法。同时,对六层钢框架模型做了各种工况下的地震反应时程分析。结果表明,摩擦消能支撑钢框架(FEDBF)比抗弯钢框架(MRF)的地震作用明显降低,尤其在强震作用下效果更加明显。  相似文献   

Building structures are typically designed using the assumption that the floor systems serve as a rigid diaphragm between the vertical elements of the lateral load‐resisting system. However, long‐floor span structures with perimeter lateral load‐resisting systems possess diaphragms which behave quite flexibly. The dynamic behaviour of such structures is dissimilar to the behavior expected of typical structures. This difference can lead to unexpected force and drift patterns. If force levels are sufficiently under‐estimated, inelastic diaphragm behaviour can occur, exacerbating the effects of diaphragm flexibility. Such response may lead to a non‐ductile diaphragm failure or structural instability due to high drift demands in the gravity system. Analytical models were developed which capture the diaphragm flexibility of structures with long‐floor spans and perimeter lateral‐systems. Modal examination and time‐history analyses were performed to determine the effect of diaphragm flexibility and diaphragm inelastic behaviour on the dynamic behaviour of these structures. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SPO2IDA is introduced, a software tool that is capable of recreating the seismic behaviour of oscillators with complex quadrilinear backbones. It provides a direct connection between the static pushover (SPO) curve and the results of incremental dynamic analysis (IDA), a computer‐intensive procedure that offers thorough demand and capacity prediction capability by using a series of nonlinear dynamic analyses under a suitably scaled suite of ground motion records. To achieve this, the seismic behaviour of numerous single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) systems is investigated through IDA. The oscillators have a wide range of periods and feature pinching hysteresis with backbones ranging from simple bilinear to complex quadrilinear with an elastic, a hardening and a negative‐stiffness segment plus a final residual plateau that terminates with a drop to zero strength. An efficient method is introduced to treat the backbone shape by summarizing the analysis results into the 16, 50 and 84% fractile IDA curves, reducing them to a few shape parameters and finding simpler backbones that reproduce the IDA curves of complex ones. Thus, vast economies are realized while important intuition is gained on the role of the backbone shape to the seismic performance. The final product is SPO2IDA, an accurate, spreadsheet‐level tool for performance‐based earthquake engineering that can rapidly estimate demands and limit‐state capacities, strength reduction R‐factors and inelastic displacement ratios for any SDOF system with such a quadrilinear SPO curve. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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