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地理信息科学学科领域界定再思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
地理信息科学形成与发展已十多年,该文介绍、分析、论证了Goodchild关于地理信息科学是“信息科学有关地理信息的一个分支学科”定义的准确性;通过对地理信息科学的发展,信息科学的学科界定、认知问题、研究主题等国内外的一些研究工作与成果的重新思考、分析与研究,较为详细地讨论了地理信息科学的重要研究主题,界定了地理信息科学的学科领域,旨在为推动地理信息学科的发展做贡献。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):128-137

Geographic information systems (GIS) technology and methods have transformed decision-making in society by bringing geographic analysis to the desktop computer. Although some educators consider GIS to be a promising means for implementing reform, it has been adopted by less than 2 percent of American high schools. The reasons behind the interest in GIS, its slow implementation, and its effectiveness in teaching and learning are unclear. To address these concerns, this research describes the extent to which GIS is being implemented in American secondary education and assesses the effectiveness of lessons that use GIS. A survey of 1,520 high schools that own GIS software, along with experiments and case studies in three high schools, provided primary data for assessing the implementation and effectiveness of GIS.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issues of positional accuracy and measurement error in the context of a large empirical study of landscape change in England and Wales. The epsilon band model of digitizing accuracy is used to make estimates of the levels of positional uncertainty and measurement error that is due to digitizing polygon outlines. The degree of error expected had the same polygons been captured in raster format is then determined. These results prompt a general discussion of the nature of error in spatial databases.  相似文献   

绿洲生态预警信息系统初步设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿洲生态预警信息系统是实现绿洲区域生态环境评价、预警及动态监测的先进手段.将为绿洲区域可持续发展提供辅助决策信息。论文对系统的网络拓扑结构、系统总体逻辑结构、系统功能、分级权限等进行了初步设计,以期为绿洲生态保护与社会可持续发展提供一个可行的辅助决策系统实现方案。  相似文献   

Banking is going through a revolution that is radically altering the way banks work and the way customers use them. It is a revolution driven by global competition and enabled by technology. Unlike the back-room developments of previous decades, contemporary restructuring is directly affecting the network of bank branches and opportunities customers have to interact with them. Today virtually all retailing banks are seeking ways of reducing their extensive and costly network of branches and experimenting with alternative means of interacting with customers. Many of the difficulties of deciding what branches to close relate to predicting the impact of such closures on remaining parts of the bank’s network. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the application of a GIS-based spatial interaction model designed to help banks make that decision. Applied in the New Zealand context, it draws attention to some of the opportunities, as well as difficulties, a spatial interaction model creates in assessing the consequences of closing branches, both for the bank itself and for the wider community.  相似文献   

Harris  J. R.  Wilkinson  L.  Heather  K.  Fumerton  S.  Bernier  M. A.  Ayer  J.  Dahn  R. 《Natural Resources Research》2001,10(2):91-124
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to prepare and process digital geoscience data in a variety of ways for producing gold prospectivity maps of the Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. Data used to produce these maps include geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and remotely sensed (Landsat). A number of modeling methods are used and are grouped into data-driven (weights of evidence, logistic regression) and knowledge-driven (index and Boolean overlay) methods. The weights of evidence (WofE) technique compares the spatial association of known gold prospects with various indicators (evidence maps) of gold mineralization, to derive a set of weights used to produce the final gold prospectivity map. Logistic regression derives statistical information from evidence maps over each known gold prospect and the coefficients derived from regression analysis are used to weight each evidence map. The gold prospectivity map produced from the index overlay process uses a weighting scheme that is derived from input by the geologist, whereas the Boolean method uses equally weighted binary evidence maps.The resultant gold prospectivity maps are somewhat different in this study as the data comprising the evidence maps were processed purposely differently for each modeling method. Several areas of high gold potential, some of which are coincident with known gold prospects, are evident on the gold prospectivity maps produced using all modeling methods. The majority of these occur in mafic rocks within high strain zones, which is typical of many Archean greenstone belts.  相似文献   

Land use conflict within the Lal Lal Water Catchment is between landowners, the Shire, the Water Board and those directing regional pressures for development. It is exacerbated by inconsistency in building permit appraisal outcomes. The deliberations involved would clearly have benefited from access to spatial data sets through use of a Geographical Information System (GIS) during applications appraisal, in that inconsistencies are most obvious when mapped in relation to the criteria applied. GIS methodologies would ensure that information of a high standard was produced. Three strategic points are identified for the implementation of GIS: at the planning scheme formulation stage; the permit application stage; and the formal conflict resolution stage. Reference to GIS at the first two stages presupposes the existence of a local government area (LGA) spatial data base and a GIS/LIS that can output overlay maps. Application of GIS at the third stage is somewhat ‘after the event’. This study suggests that without such a regional review of the spatial patterns of permit appraisal criteria (including overland flow modelling) each appeal or negotiation is likely to yield an outcome that is inconsistent in relation to other cases. An LGA planning office maintaining a GIS with all layers relating to these criteria will have assembled its spatial data according to the requirements of its planning scheme and will make most use of it in a GIS at the permit appraisal stage.  相似文献   

High performance computing has undergone a radical transformation during the past decade. Though monolithic supercomputers continue to be built with significantly increased computing power, geographically distributed computing resources are now routinely linked using high‐speed networks to address a broad range of computationally complex problems. These confederated resources are referred to collectively as a computational Grid. Many geographical problems exhibit characteristics that make them candidates for this new model of computing. As an illustration, we describe a spatial statistics problem and demonstrate how it can be addressed using Grid computing strategies. A key element of this application is the development of middleware that handles domain decomposition and coordinates computational functions. We also discuss the development of Grid portals that are designed to help researchers and decision makers access and use geographic information analysis tools.  相似文献   

Subjective geomorphic mapping is a method commonly used for landslide hazard zonation. This method relies heavily on the skills and experience of the mapper, and therefore, its major drawbacks are the high costs and lack of consistency between products generated by different terrain mappers. In this study a method for cost-effective and consistent replication of subjective geomorphic mappings is demonstrated, by using a type of Artificial Neural Network named Learning Vector Quantization. This paper presents a study conducted in the Canadian province of British Columbia employing a high-quality data set. By utilizing Learning Vector Quantization, stable and unstable terrains were delineated with a similarity of approximately 91%, compared to the mapping produced by terrain specialists. Also, in this process, slope, elevation, aspect, and existing geomorphic processes were identified as the terrain attributes that contributed most to the quality of the mapping.  相似文献   

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