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The aim of site planning based on multiple viewshed analysis is to select the minimum number of viewpoints that maximize visual coverage over a given terrain. However, increasingly high-resolution terrain data means that the number of terrain points will increase rapidly, which will lead to rapid increases in computational requirements for multiple viewshed site planning. In this article, we propose a fast Candidate Viewpoints Filtering (CVF) algorithm for multiple viewshed site planning to lay a foundation for viewpoint optimization selection. Firstly, terrain feature points are selected as candidate viewpoints. Then, these candidate viewpoints are clustered and those belonging to each cluster are sorted according to the index of viewshed contribution (IVC). Finally, the candidate viewpoints with relatively low viewshed contribution rate are removed gradually using the CVF algorithm, through which, the viewpoints with high viewshed contribution are preserved and the number of viewpoints to be preserved can be controlled by the number of clusters. To evaluate the effectiveness of our CVF algorithm, we compare it with the Region Partitioning for Filtering (RPF) and Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithms. Experimental results show that our CVF algorithm is a substantial improvement in both computational efficiency and total viewshed coverage rate.  相似文献   

A rapid and flexible parallel approach for viewshed computation on large digital elevation models is presented. Our work is focused on the implementation of a derivate of the R2 viewshed algorithm. Emphasis has been placed on input/output (IO) efficiency that can be achieved by memory segmentation and coalesced memory access. An implementation of the parallel viewshed algorithm on the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), which exploits the high parallelism of the graphics processing unit, is presented. This version is referred to as r.cuda.visibility. The accuracy of our algorithm is compared to the r.los R3 algorithm (integrated into the open-source Geographic Resources Analysis Support System geographic information system environment) and other IO-efficient algorithms. Our results demonstrate that the proposed implementation of the R2 algorithm is faster and more IO efficient than previously presented IO-efficient algorithms, and that it achieves moderate calculation precision compared to the R3 algorithm. Thus, to the best of our knowledge, the algorithm presented here is the most efficient viewshed approach, in terms of computational speed, for large data sets.  相似文献   

基于多元成土因素的土壤有机质空间分布分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以陕西省蓝田县2013年667份土壤有机质样本为对象,运用GIS空间分析及遥感数字图像处理收集整理土壤类型、地形、植被等成土因子,利用多元线性回归分析集成所有成土因子对土壤养分进行空间分布预测。结果表明:通过分级统计均值定权法和像元线性拉伸法将所有成土因子统一为相对度量值,并根据成土因子与有机质含量的相关性显著程度进行因子取舍,有利于集成各类成土因子构建多元线性回归模型。预测结果定性分析表明:多元线性回归预测结果与kriging法预测结果在宏观上具有一致的空间分布趋势;但多元线性回归预测结果土壤有机质空间分布特征带有各种成土因子的变化特征,从视觉效果上,克服了传统插值法中存在的斑块状分布现象,更精细的描述了本区域内有机质空间分布趋势; MPE和RMS定量精度分析显示,在集成多元成土因素对有机质进行空间分布分析时,本文方法优于常用kriging插值法,该法可作为集成多元成土因子对土壤养分空间分布预测的有效方法。本区域内土壤有机质高值区域主要集中在地势低平、坡度缓和、湿度适中的农耕区,地势较高、坡度陡的山区有机质含量低。  相似文献   

张家口市地处生态脆弱的农牧交错地带,地表水资源匮乏,地下水超采严重,可利用的地表水资源有限。同时,张家口市又处于京津冀协同发展中的水源涵养区,其水资源安全对于整个京津冀至关重要。根据水资源安全风险大小进行水资源分区管理和决策工作意义重大。本文在遵循科学性、可比性、可操作性和数据可获取性原则指导下,构建水资源安全风险评价指标体系,利用层次分析法求取指标权重,采用数理统计和3S技术空间分析获取张家口市基于水资源分区的以县域为单位的多源数据,进行数据归一化处理和加权水资源安全风险评价,结果表明:张家口市水资源安全风险在地貌单元与县域行政尺度上和在流域尺度上分异明显。坝上高风险区面积较大,但高风险极端值在坝下市辖区;流域尺度上水资源安全高风险区分布在内陆河流域和永定河流域,所辖的滦河流域、潮白河流域、大青河流域水资源安全风险值呈现由北向南降低的趋势。坝上偏西偏北区域,"孕灾环境脆弱性"对水资源安全风险的贡献率最大,坝下农区农业用水虽然会挤占其它产业发展和生态用水空间,在水资源禀赋不足的条件下,市辖区城市人口的集聚和工业经济的发展造成的水资源数量短缺和水环境污染所引发的水资源安全风险更大。张家口市水资源安全风险的空间分异研究,可为农牧交错带水资源安全风险分区管理和决策工作提供重要科学参考。  相似文献   

以兰州-西宁城市区域交通路网为例,基于空间句法模型、日常可达性模型和等时圈通过特征点算法,试图运用GIS技术将节点、轴线和域面结合起来对通达性进行全面阐述,多视角综合测度区域路网通达性的空间格局。研究结果表明:1.区域路网体系较为完善,路网线段集聚相对明显;线段式空间伸展格局呈"点-轴"状,轴线式空间伸展格局呈"干-枝"状,初步形成核心、过渡、外围三大等级圈层以及"X"字型路网骨架,区域交通运输与城镇发展水平表现出较强的共轭协同发展关系。2.等时圈沿国道、省道、县道扩散表现连续,沿封闭铁路、高速公路扩散出现跳跃,其等时圈空间特征多呈现"枝-叶"状。城镇日常可达性在较大程度上取决于区域中心性、周边路网发达程度和城镇密集程度,区域路网单中心极化现象比较明显,兰州市对整个区域路网的控制作用较为突出。3.区域通达度空间分布各异,核心板块破碎而外围板块连片。区域通达性差异极其显著,出现极高值区和极低值区;兰州与西宁通达度中高值区出现断裂,区域南部通达度极低值区连片成带。因此,应当构建兰州地区绕城高速和环状路网,实现路网交通的适度分流;加快兰州-西宁高等级快速交通建设,推进兰州-西宁区域一体化进程;建设兰成铁路和兰州至云南磨憨口岸高速通道,培育临夏为南部区域性中心城市。  相似文献   

卓莉  郑璟  王芳  黎夏  艾彬  钱峻屏 《地理研究》2008,27(3):493-501
封装型的特征选择算法相对于过滤算法而言更有助于提高分类精度,因此在当前计算技术及效率快速发展的背景下必将成为未来之趋势。本文以支持向量机(SVM)为分类器,遗传算法(GA)为特征子集的搜索算法,构建了封装型的特征选择算法GA-SVM,并用ENVI/IDL语言编程实现,最后以HYPERION高光谱数据为例对算法予以应用。结果表明,GA-SVM算法可从196个波段中选择出13个波段,同时分类精度较不做特征选择时提高了约4%。由此可见,GA-SVM封装型特征选择算法具有较好的同时优化特征子集和SVM核函数的性能,可为当前高光谱数据的特征选择提供一个较好的算法。  相似文献   

Dai  Erfu  Wang  Yahui 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(6):1005-1020
Ecosystem services, which include water yield services, have been incorporated into decision processes of regional land use planning and sustainable development. Spatial pattern characteristics and identification of factors that influence water yield are the basis for decision making. However, there are limited studies on the driving mechanisms that affect the spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem services. In this study, we used the Hengduan Mountain region in southwest China, with obvious spatial heterogeneity, as the research site. The water yield module in the In VEST software was used to simulate the spatial distribution of water yield. Also, quantitative attribution analysis was conducted for various geomorphological and climatic zones in the Hengduan Mountain region by using the geographical detector method. Influencing factors, such as climate, topography, soil, vegetation type, and land use type and pattern, were taken into consideration for this analysis. Four key findings were obtained. First, water yield spatial heterogeneity is influenced most by climate-related factors, where precipitation and evapotranspiration are the dominant factors. Second, the relative importance of each impact factor to the water yield heterogeneity differs significantly by geomorphological and climatic zones. In flat areas, the influence of evapotranspiration is higher than that of precipitation. As relief increases, the importance of precipitation increases and eventually, it becomes the most influential factor. Evapotranspiration is the most influential factor in a plateau climate zone, while in the mid-subtropical zone, precipitation is the main controlling factor. Third, land use type is also an important driving force in flat areas. Thus, more attention should be paid to urbanization and land use planning, which involves land use changes, to mitigate the impact on water yield spatial pattern. The fourth finding was that a risk detector showed that Primarosol and Anthropogenic soil areas, shrub areas, and areas with slope 5° and 25°–35° should be recognized as water yield important zones, while the corresponding elevation values are different among different geomorphological and climatic zones. Therefore, the spatial heterogeneity and influencing factors in different zones should be fully con-sidered while planning the maintenance and protection of water yield services in the Hengduan Mountain region.  相似文献   

Limited development ecological zones (LDEZs) are often located in poverty-stricken, ecologically vulnerable areas where ethnic minorities reside. Studies on optimal spatial land-use allocation in LDEZs can promote economic and intensive land use, improve soil quality, facilitate local socioeconomic development, and maintain environmental stability. In this study, we optimized spatial land-use allocations in an LDEZ using the geographic information system (GIS) and a genetic ant colony algorithm (GACA). The multi-objective function considers economic benefits and ecological green equivalents, and improves soil erosion. We developed the GACA by integrating a genetic algorithm (GA) with an ant colony algorithm (ACA). This avoids a large number of redundant iterations and the low efficiency of the GA, and the slow convergence speed of the ACA. The study area is located in Pengyang County, Ningxia, China, which is a typical LDEZ. The land-use data were interpreted from remote sensing (RS) images and GIS. We determined the optimal spatial land-use allocations in the LDEZ using the GACA in the GIS environment. We compared the original and optimal spatial schemes in terms of economic benefits, ecological green equivalents, and soil erosion. The results of the GACA were superior to the original allocation, the ACA, and the multi-objective genetic algorithm, in terms of the optimum, time, and robust performance indexes. We also present some suggestions for the reasonable development and protection of LDEZs.  相似文献   

针对现阶段各规划边界交叉、空间重叠的问题,本文从提高空间价值、减少空间破碎度和协调各类空间的角度出发,在梳理现有空间优化模型及智能算法的基础上,改进多目标规划模型并适应性改造遗传算法,以此二者构建市级国土空间优化模型。以烟台市为例,设置3种情景为决策者提供方案集进行3类规划主导下的2020年国土空间优化研究,结果显示:①优化后烟台市农业、城镇和生态空间价值分别增加了23.24%、29.27%、6.30%;②不同情景下空间分布合理且较为集中,生态保护情景有利于国土空间集合连片,经济发展情景更适合于多空间协调发展。研究表明:该模型能有效地解决国土空间内容重叠问题,明显提高了国土空间价值,同时优化模型适应性强,为“多规合一”背景下市级国土空间优化提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于区域制定土地可持续利用指标体系的分区方案   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
制定土地资源可持续性指标体系是“21世纪议程”中对各国提出的科学技术优先研究领域,为此国土资源都启动了中国土地资源可持续利用指标体系和评价方法研究。本文主要探讨制定区域性土地可持续利用指标体系的土地利用分区问题,服务于建立区域性指标体系,反映出不同区域土地可持续利用程度的不同评价标准和指标体系中指标类别的差异。根据分区基本依据,包括以自然特征和利用状况的相对一致性。注重使所划分的区域之间在重要指标或相同指标的阈值方面具有显著差异性,并行政区域的完整性,在全面分析不同区域的土地利用特征、生态环境条件、经济社会状况以及利用管理措施等基础上,进行全国土地利用分区。最终全国共划分出10个土地利用区域,作为制定区域性土地可持续利用指标体系的分区范围。  相似文献   

为了定量划分分散式乡村聚落的形状类型并探究其形成原因,以陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区米脂县龙镇为例,尝试使用Alpha Shape算法对聚落形状进行提取,通过Boyce-Clark指数计算并划分聚落形状类型,最后结合多元线性回归和回归树的方法探究影响聚落形状的因素。结果表明:100 m滚动半径下,Alpha Shape算法能够提取76.1%聚落的精确轮廓;研究区乡村聚落形状类型可以分为块状矩形及其变种、延伸形、哑铃形和串珠形、带状矩形及其组合、线形5种,Boyce-Clark指数依次增加;高程和Boyce-Clark指数呈显著正相关,水资源可获取性与Boyce-Clark指数在高海拔地区呈负相关,聚落面积与Boyce-Clark指数先呈负相关后呈正相关。研究结果可为分散式聚落生活空间边界的划定提供参考,增进对黄土丘陵沟壑区分散式聚落形态的认识。  相似文献   

以云南省泸西县小江典型岩溶农业流域为研究单元,分析了流域1982~2003年土地利用的变化及定点对比分析不同土地利用变化下土壤性质的变化,结果表明:小江流域1982~2003年610.12 km2的土地利用发生了变化,变化类型主要是由未利用地向耕地、林地以及林地向耕地的转变,人口的增加、社会、经济的发展和理智的生态决策是流域土地利用变化的主要原因;林地、未利用地转变为耕地后,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量大幅度降低,土壤pH明显升高,全钾、速效钾含量增加;短时间的退耕还林,土壤性质变化不明显;耕地转变为园地后,土壤性质得到明显的改善;而耕地转变为石漠化土地后,土壤性质发生显著变化,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、速效磷含量大幅度降低,土壤pH明显升高;同时,研究表明土地利用变化对碳酸盐岩地层中发育的土壤性质的影响强度明显大于砂页岩地层中发育的土壤,表明碳酸盐岩地层中发育的土壤十分脆弱。  相似文献   

Although water has the central function of the bloodstream in the biosphere espe-cially in arid or semi-arid regions such as Yan’an region in northwestern China, yet the very limited attention is paid to the role of the water-related processes in ecosystem. In this re-search, based on continuous nearly 50-year data including runoff volume, sediment discharge as well as sediment accretion from hydrographic stations, and 10-year information of water quality from pollution monitoring stations, the method for measuring in-stream flow require-ment has been put forward supported by experiential models and GIS spatial analysis. Addi-tionally, the changes of in-stream flow requirement for environment and economic develop-ment have been addressed from spatial-temporal dimensions. The results show that: (1) According to the central streams in Yan’an region, mean annual in-stream flow requirement reaches 1.0619 billion m3, and the surface water for economic exploitation is 0.2445 billion m3. (2) Mean annual in-stream flow requirement for sediment transfers in flood period occupies over 80% of the integrated volume in a year. (3) From the 1950s to 1970s, in-stream flow requirement for sediment transfers is comparatively higher, while from the 1980s to 1990s, this requirement presents a decreasing tendency.  相似文献   

李瑶  潘竟虎 《干旱区地理》2015,38(1):111-119
在ENVI和GIS支持下,提出了基于Landsat 8遥感影像的地温反演劈窗算法,提取兰州市中心城区地表温度。利用FNEA和混合光谱分解法确定了兰州市中心城区的城市热岛中心、不透水面和植被盖度,分析了城市热岛空间分布格局以及地表温度与下垫面之间的关系。结果显示:基于Landsat 8数据地温反演的劈窗算法是可行的。兰州中心城区的高温区分布较集中,地表温度与植被呈较强的负相关,与不透水面呈不显著的正相关,与其他非光合物质呈正相关。  相似文献   

山地休闲度假旅游在我国旅游业发展过程中具有重要地位,山地不仅适宜观光、休闲、度假和疗养,还便于开展丰富的休闲类运动和娱乐项目。通过采用特尔菲法和层次分析法,从气候舒适度、度假旅游资源、度假环境条件和区域发展条件4个方面构建山地休闲度假旅游适宜性评价体系,并以伊犁地区为案例进行实证研究,结论如下:(1)准则层的4项指标按照权重从大到小排序为气候适宜度、度假环境条件、度假资源条件和区域发展条件。(2)伊犁地区休闲度假旅游适宜度得分为4.016 6,属于"非常适宜"级别。研究揭示了影响山地休闲度假旅游适宜性的因素及相应的权重,研究结论不仅为山地休闲度假旅游适宜性评价提供新的方法与思路,也为山地休闲度假旅游开发提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

To simplify the stability analysis of frozen soil slope, a pseudo-coupled numerical approach is developed. In this approach, the coupled heat transfer and water flow in frozen soils are simulated first, and based on the computed thermal-hydro field, the stability of frozen soil slope is evaluated. Although the shear strength for frozen soil is very complicated and is usually represented by a nonlinear MC failure criterion, a simple linear MC yield criterion is utilized. In this method, the internal friction angle is expressed as a function of volumetric ice content and the cohesion is fitted as a simple bilinear expression of T and volumetric water content. To assess slope stability, the limit analysis is employed in conjunction with the recently developed α-section search algorithm. A frozen soil slope example is used to examine the proposed pseudo-coupled numerical approach, and numerical studies validate its effectiveness. Based on numerical results, it is seen that slope stability may be remarkably influenced by warming air (or ground surface) temperature. With increasing ground surface temperature, slope stability indicated by FOS may reduce to 1.0, implying that warming air temperature could be a trigger of frozen soil slope failure.  相似文献   

张延伟  裴颖  葛全胜 《地理研究》2016,35(12):2227-2237
以土地利用、社会经济、高程数据为基础,应用BDI决策多智能体模型研究大连市沙河口区居住空间宜居性。结果表明:① 大连市沙河口区星海湾街道居住空间适宜性评价数值为32.186,居住空间以星海湾街道适宜性为最佳,其次是南沙街道25.288,黑石礁街道22.098。② 绿地影响着居住空间的适宜性,居民的生活离不开优美的生态环境。③ 适宜居住空间有绿化较好,公共设施完善,居住空间所在区地面平缓,交通发达且及居民点聚集不十分密集的特点。总体而言,沙河口区居住空间宜居性差异性大,东南方向居住空间适宜性较强,全区整体呈现?型分布。  相似文献   

杜悦悦  彭建  高阳  赵会娟 《地理科学进展》2016,35(10):1186-1196
生态足迹是区域可持续评估的重要方法,三维生态足迹模型能区分并追踪自然资本存量的消耗与流量的占用。目前三维足迹与自然资本利用研究主要集中在全球和国家尺度。本文以京津冀城市群为例开展区域尺度研究,核算并分析了2010年研究区13个城市的人均区域足迹深度、足迹广度及其组成差异与影响因素,揭示了京津冀城市群自然资本利用格局及生态可持续现状。结果表明:13个城市普遍生态赤字,足迹深度差异受能源消费数量和结构的突出影响,与城市经济发展水平呈“倒N型”库兹涅茨曲线关系。京津冀城市群内4种自然资本利用类型分别为存量资本消耗水平相对于流量资本占用水平严重超前(北京、天津、唐山)、显著超前(石家庄、邯郸)、一般超前(沧州、廊坊、衡水、邢台、保定)及基本一致(秦皇岛、张家口、承德)。上述4种类型地域的区域生态持续性依次从最弱转向较弱、较强、最强。本文在城市群自然资本持续利用的刻画和表达方面取得了较优于传统二维足迹模型的评价结果。  相似文献   

Cellular automata (CA) have emerged as a primary tool for urban growth modeling due to its simplicity, transparency, and ease of implementation. Sensitivity analysis is an important component in CA modeling for a better understanding of errors or uncertainties and their propagation. Most studies on sensitivity analyses in urban CA modeling focus on specific component such as neighborhood configuration or stochastic perturbation. However, sensitivity analysis of transition rules, which is one of the core components in CA models, has not been systematically done. This article proposes a systematic sensitivity analysis of major operational components in urban CA modeling using a stepwise comparison approach. After obtaining transition rules, three stages (i.e. static calibration of transition rules, dynamic evolution with varied time steps, and incorporation with stochastic perturbation) are designed to facilitate a comprehensive analysis. This scheme implemented with a case study in Guangzhou City (China) reveals that gaps in performance from static calibration with different transition rules can be reduced when dynamic evolution is considered. Moreover, the degree of stochastic perturbation is closely related to obtain urban morphology. However, a more realistic (i.e. fragmented) urban landscape is achieved at the cost of decreasing pixel-based accuracy in this study. Thus, a trade-off between pixel-based and pattern-based comparisons should be balanced in practical urban modeling. Finally, experimental results illustrate that models for transition rules extraction with good quality can do an assistance for urban modeling through reducing errors and uncertainty range. Additionally, ensemble methods can feasibly improve the performance of CA models when coupled with nonparametric models (i.e. classification and regression tree).  相似文献   

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