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西北太平洋热带气旋强度与环境气流切变关系的气候分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和JTwC(美国关岛联合台风警报中心)资料,对1974~2004年5~10月西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)强度和环境风垂直切变进行了趋势特征、振荡周期和空间结构分析.结果表明:西北太平洋热带风暴强度以上TC的最大风速和环境风垂直切变在时间上有相反的变化趋势,弱的环境风垂直切变有利于TC强度的增大;前12 h的环境风垂直切变对TC强度的发展影响最大.环境风垂直切变在两北太平洋TC最强的年份表现为环境风切变值小,TC发生密集;最弱的年份表现为环境风切变值大,TC发生稀疏.  相似文献   

环境风速垂直切变对西北太平洋热带气旋强度变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2000—2006年中国气象局《热带气旋年鉴》和NCEP再分析日资料,对环境风垂直切变对西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)强度变化的影响进行统计分析。首先比较了不同高度层之间、不同水平区域平均的全风速垂直切变和纬向风速垂直切变对TC强度变化的影响,结果表明,全风速切变对TC强度变化的抑制作用显著大于纬向风速垂直切变;以200~800 km的圆环区域平均计算的风速垂直切变与TC强度变化的负相关最显著;中高层的风速垂直切变与TC强度变化的相关优于中低层。其次,全风速切变大于8 m/s后抑制TC增强,且这种抑制作用存在6~60 h的滞后。全风速垂直切变大时,滞后时间较短:当全风速切变为8~9 m/s(9~10 m/s)时,TC强度在未来60(48) h开始减弱;当全风速切变大于10 m/s时,TC在6 h内开始减弱。最后,利用偏最小二乘回归建立TC强度变化的预报模型PLS-STIPSV。结果表明,加入风速垂直切变因子后对TC强度预报有所改进,并通过分析标准化回归系数进一步证实了上述的统计结果。   相似文献   

环境风垂直切变与登陆台风强度变化关系的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解环境风垂直切变在登陆台风强度突变下所起的作用,利用1990-2004年登陆中国的111个台风的强度、登陆位置以及NCEP/NCAR每日4次等压面风场等资料,分析了风速垂直切变对台风登陆过程中强度变化的影响.结果表明,与海盆中相比,环境风垂直切变与登陆台风强度的线性相关性减小,滞后的时间长度减短;环境风垂直切变与滞后6~18 h的台风强度有不可忽视的相关性,与滞后6 h的台风强度相关最佳,相关系数为0.215;对于显著增强的登陆台风,其所处的环境风垂直切变不太大,平均在9 m·s-1以下,反之当环境风垂直切变在9 m·s-1以上时,登陆台风的强度也有可能显著减弱;与在华南登陆的台风相比,在华东登陆的台风其减弱型样本相对更多,其强度受风速垂直切变影响衰减得更快.  相似文献   

环境风垂直切变小大对台风强度变化有显著影响。通过查阅文献和会议交流发现,由于算法上的细微区别,导致同一个台风在计算环境风垂直切变时结果有所不同,有时差异较大。本研究针对这一问题,以南海快速增强台风为例,利用中国气象局整编的热带气旋年鉴、NCEP FNL、个例数值模拟资料等,计算并对比分析了南海台风在快速增强阶段不同环境风垂直切变计算方案和数据对计算结果的影响,并对业务应用时应该注意的问题展开讨论。  相似文献   

沈阳  张大林  沈新勇 《气象学报》2012,70(5):949-960
利用大西洋飓风波尼(1998)的MM5模拟资料(格点距4 km),对在风的垂直切变影响下,波尼的结构和强度变化进行了分析.在风的垂直切变影响下,波尼的垂直速度和降水场表现出了明显的1波非对称结构,这种结构与风的垂直切变的强度呈正比;逆切变一侧9-12 km高度上通风作用强烈,在破坏波尼暖心的同时,也导致了边界层中低相当位温对波尼核心的入侵,与低层通风路径相比,中层通风对波尼的破坏作用更甚,鉴于在分析时间段内,波尼所经海域平均海温变化不大,可以认为风的垂直切变主导了波尼强度变化;对波尼强度突变现象的分析发现,强度突变源于通风破坏作用的积累,当边界层中低相当位温侵入热带气旋中心的程度超过某一阈值时,气旋强度会突然减弱;其结果显示风的垂直切变造成的动力和热力效应对热带气旋强度的影响都十分重要,而后者更为直接.  相似文献   

热带气旋(TC)预报特别是强度预报是当今大气科学研究和业务预报的重点、难点问题,TC环流内部的对流系统对气旋的结构和强度变化有着十分重要的影响。利用FY-2C/2E黑体亮温(TBB)资料和NCEP分析资料,研究了2005-2012年西北太平洋热带气旋外雨带区的对流非对称分布特征,及其与环境风垂直切变和TC移动的关系。分析发现,整层风垂直切变的方向与TBB一波非对称大值区关于方位角的分布有很好的对应关系。在弱整层风垂直切变条件下(<5 m/s),TC移动引起的非对称摩擦效应会使对流易出现在移动方向的右前象限。在中强整层风垂直切变条件下(>5 m/s),风切变成为影响对流非对称分布的主要因子,TC外螺旋雨带区的对流集中于顺风切方向及其左侧,对流偏离顺切变左侧的程度一方面受到TC内逆时针环流的影响,另一方面与风垂直切变的强度有关:对于发展阶段的TC,当风垂直切变增强时,一波非对称分布更加显著,切变越强,TC强度越大,外雨带区的对流越偏离顺风切左侧;对于消亡阶段的TC,风垂直切变的影响作用并不明显。  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋强度变化的若干特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用NOAA海表温度资料、ECMWF再分析资料和JTWC台风最佳路径数据,对1984—2013年30年西北太平洋热带区域(100 °E~180 °,0~60 °N)内热带气旋(TC)的强度变化特征及其与环境风垂直切变(VWS)、海表温度(SST)、最大风速半径(RMW)的关系作了统计分析,尤其关注TC强度突变。结果表明:(1)在研究区域内,TC样本中35.2%强度稳定,52.8%强度变化缓慢,仅12.0%强度突变,约92.7%的迅速加强TC样本发生在其台风及以上强度等级;(2)2000年以来,TC强度稳定样本减少,强度迅速变化样本增多。5月和9—10月是TC强度突变的高频期;(3)超过12 m/s的环境VWS下TC迅速加强较少,且只有台风及以上强度TC才能在大于12 m/s的VWS下迅速加强;(4)TC加强和迅速加强主要在28.5~30.0 ℃的SST洋面上发生,在较低SST下仍迅速加强的TC强度等级较高;(5)TC样本的RMW多小于100 km,其中强度突变TC RMW峰值区在20~40 km;(6)加强TC的RMW的24 h变化一般减小,减弱TC的RMW则增大;其中强度突变TC尤其明显,超强台风发生迅速加强时,RMW减小的比率达84.6%,但仍有15.4%比率的RMW增大。   相似文献   

环境风垂直切变对热带气旋“碧利斯”的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
毛丽娜  潘益农 《气象科学》2009,29(4):507-512
用WRF中尺度数值模式,对0604号强热带风暴"碧利斯"进行了数值模拟.通过对模拟结果与实况的对比分析,表明WRF模式对强热带风暴"碧利斯"有较好的模拟能力.在整个模拟过程中可以分为两个阶段:第一为发展阶段,其强度不断增强,从热带风暴发展成强热带风暴,环境垂直切变方向从北北东风(NNE)转变为北北西风(NNW),对应涡旋内区的上升运动和降水有一个气旋性旋转,上升运动和降水较分散地分布在切变矢量的两侧;第二为维持阶段,该阶段的强度变化不大,上升运动和降水趋于集中并逐渐向切变矢量左侧偏移,这与早期的一些研究结果相一致,原因是当切变方向变化时,低层的相对流入发生了变化,低层相对流入流出的分布决定了700 hPa上热带气旋内区的上升运动和降水的分布.  相似文献   

赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与ENSO变率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR 40a再分析资料研究了赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变与ENSO变率间的关系。结果得出,赤道低平流层纬向风的垂直切变呈现明显的准两年振荡,SOI和Nino3区SSTA的准两年周期成分与赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变分别呈现反位相和同位相关系。赤道低平流层西(东)风切变位相时,OLR、1000hPa高度,2000hPa高度和温度、850hPa温度等要素的距平分布与其在El Nino(La Nina)时段的分布相似。  相似文献   

在以赤道低平流层纬向风垂直切变为依据划分平流层QBO位相的基础上,讨论了赤道低平流层纬向风QBO与对流层环流及东亚季风的关系。结果表明:强冬季风和弱夏季风对应着赤道低平流层纬向风的东风切变位相,强夏季风和弱冬季风对应着赤道低平流层西风切变位相,赤道低平流层纬向风QBO对对流层环流有一定影响,冬春季节平流层与对流层的相互作用比夏秋季节明显。  相似文献   

垂直风切变对热带气旋强度及结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用一个非静力、原始方程热带气旋模式(TCM4),通过对f平面不同强度的垂直风切变下理想热带气旋的模拟后发现:29.15°C的海温下理想热带气旋最大可能强度(MPI)接近910hPa,近中心最大风力可达到76 m·s-1左右。在理想条件下,能抑制热带气旋强度甚至减弱的垂直风切变临界值在8~10m·s-1。由于切变造成涡度平流随高度变化,使得在顺切变前部以及左侧边界层附近产生辐合,伴随着空气的气旋式螺旋上升,外流层对应区域产生辐散,从而使得强对流和强降水发生在顺切变左侧。  相似文献   

Using tropical cyclone (TC) best track and intensity of the western North Pacific data from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) of the United States and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period of 1992-2002, the effects of vertical wind shear on TC intensity are examined. The samples were limited to the westward or northwestward moving TCs between 5°N and 20°N in order to minimize thermodynamic effects. It is found that the effect of vertical wind shear between 200 and 500 hPa on TC intensity change is larger than that of the shear between 500 and 850 hPa, while similar to that of the shear between 200 and 850 hPa. Vertical wind shear may have a threshold value, which tends to decrease as TC intensifies. As the intensifying rate of TC weakens, the average shear increases. The large shear has the obvious trend of inhibiting TC development. The average shear of TC which can develop into typhoon (tropical depression or tropical storm) is below 7 m s-1 (above 8 m s-1).  相似文献   

This work studies the impact of the vertical shear of gradient wind (VSGW) in the free atmosphere on the tropical cyclone boundary layer (TCBL). A new TCBL model is established, which relies on five- force balance including the pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, centrifugal force, turbulent friction, and inertial deviation force. This model is then employed to idealize tropical cyclones (TCs) produced by DeMaria's model, under different VSGW conditions (non-VSGW, positive VSGW, negative VSGW, and VSGW increase/decrease along the radial direction). The results show that the free-atmosphere VSGW is particularly important to the intensity of TC. For negative VSGW, the total horizontal velocity in the TCBL is somewhat suppressed. However, with the maximum radial inflow displaced upward and outward, the radial velocity notably intensifies. Consequently, the convergence is enhanced throughout the TCBL, giving rise to a stronger vertical pumping at the TCBL top. In contrast, for positive VSGW, the radial inflow is significantly suppressed, even with divergent outflow in the middle-upper TCBL. For varying VSGW along the radial direction, the results indicate that the sign and value of VSGW is more important than its radial distribution, and the negative VSGW induces stronger convergence and Ekman pumping in the TCBL. which favors the formation and intensification of TC.  相似文献   

Using tropical cyclone (TC) best track and intensity of the western North Pacific data from the Joint TyphoonWarning Center (JTWC) of the United States and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period of 1992-2002, the effects of vertical wind shear on TC intensity are examined. The samples were limited to the westward or northwestward moving TCs between 5°N and 20°N in order to minimize thermodynamic effects. It is found that the effect of vertical wind shear between 200 and 500 hPa on TC intensity change is larger than that of the shear between 500 and 850 hPa, while similar to that of the shear between 200 and 850 hPa. Vertical wind shear may have a threshold value, which tends to decrease as TC intensifies. As the intensifying rate of TC weakens, the average shear increases. The large shear has the obvious trend of inhibiting TC development. The average shear of TC which can develop into typhoon (tropical depression or tropical storm) is below 7 m s-1 (above 8 m s-1).  相似文献   

影响广西的热带气旋与热带季风的某些关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
吴恒强 《气象》2002,28(9):27-32
利用常规的热带气旋气候资料和最近(1998)实施的南海季风试验研究成果资料,统计分析影响广西的热带气旋活动与热带季风爆发迟早,强弱等变异的关系,揭示了一些统计特征,并探讨其中的某些规律,初步分析了热带季风对热带气旋的作用,指出热带季风气流进入热带气旋环流对热带气旋的发展有正贡献。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of tropical cyclone (TC) intensification to the ambient rotation effect under vertical shear is investigated. The results show that the vortices develop more rapidly with intermediate planetary vorticity, which suggests an optimal latitude for the TC development in the presence of vertical shear. This is different from the previous studies in which no mean flow is considered. It is found that the ambient rotation has two main effects. On the one hand, the boundary layer imbalance is largely controlled by the Coriolis parameter. For TCs at lower latitudes, due to the weaker inertial instability, the boundary inflow is promptly established, which results in a stronger moisture convergence and thus greater diabatic heating in the inner core region. On the other hand, the Coriolis parameter modulates the vertical realignment of the vortex with a higher Coriolis parameter, favoring a quicker vertical realignment and thus a greater potential for TC development. The combination of these two effects results in an optimal latitude for TC intensification in the presence of a vertical shear investigated.  相似文献   

Vertical wind shear fundamentally influences changes in tropical cyclone (TC) intensity. The effects of vertical wind shear on tropical cyclogenesis and evolution in the western North Pacific basin are not well understood. We present a new statistical study of all named TCs in this region during the period 2000-2006 using a second-generation partial least squares (PLS) regression technique. The results show that the lower-layer (between 850 hPa and 10 m above the sea surface) wind shear is more important than the commonly analyzed deep-layer shear (between 200 and 850 hPa) for changes in TC intensity during the TC intensification period. This relationship is particularly strong for westerly low-level shear. Downdrafts induced by the lower-layer shear bring low θ e air into the boundary layer from above, significantly reducing values of θ e in the TC inflow layer and weakening the TC. Large values of deep-layer shear over the ocean to the east of the Philippine Islands inhibit TC formation, while large values of lower-layer shear over the central and western North Pacific inhibit TC intensification. The critical value of deep-layer shear for TC formation is approximately 10 ms-1 , and the critical value of lower-layer shear for TC intensification is approximately ±1.5 ms-1 .  相似文献   

该文给出了热带气旋暖心垂直倾斜度参数FTC-VGP(TC vertical gradient parameter) 的定义。使用卫星微波遥感的温度垂直分布以及热带气旋最佳路径数据等资料,对2009—2011年典型热带气旋的暖心垂直倾斜度进行计算,并研究其与气旋强度变化的关系。结果表明:暖心垂直倾斜度参数FTC-VGP变化与气旋自身强度变化有较好的对应性,该参数的变化能够明显地指示气旋强度增强、减弱以及强度突变, 能够指示环境场变化 (冷空气侵入) 等;其与气旋强度变化的周期不同,在强度增强或减弱阶段,倾斜度参数是经过快速适应性调整才完成了对热带气旋变化过程的贡献。因此,FTC-VGP参数的计算和研究结果实现了对于热带气旋内部三维结构特征的定量描述,可以准确把握热带气旋强度和变化趋势,并对热带气旋的监测、预报具有一定业务参考价值。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR逐日风场及英国气象局逐月海表温度资料,研究了对流层高低层风场季内振荡强度季节变化特征,探讨了其年际及年代际异常特征与海表温度异常的关系。热带印度洋、热带西太平洋是高低层风场季内振荡终年均活跃的区域。对流层高低层风场季内振荡强度异常与海表温度异常均不存在确定的局地关系。风场季内振荡能量异常与海表温度异常在年代际尺度上具有良好对应关系,20世纪70年代中后期以来,赤道东太平洋海温异常升高,Walker环流减弱,导致亚洲区域季风季内振荡强度减弱,赤道太平洋区域200hPa(850hPa)风场季内振荡在赤道东太平洋增强(减弱),在印度洋东南部—印尼—中西太平洋的暖池区域减弱(增强),促进了ElNino事件的增强。对流层高低层风场季内振荡强度年际异常与ElNino事件关系密切,这一特征在低层(850hPa)风场表现更显著。在事件发展初期,热带中西太平洋区域850hPa风场季内振荡异常增强并东移,事件发生之后这些区域能量减弱。大气季内振荡可能是ElNino事件的激发因素。  相似文献   

Convectively coupled equatorial Rossby waves(ERW)modulate tropical cyclone activities over tropical oceans.This study presents a survey of the statistical relationship between intraseasonal ERWs and tropical cyclone genesis(TCG)over major global TC basins using four-decade-long outgoing longwave radiation(OLR)and TC best-track datasets.Intraseasonal ERWs are identified from the OLR anomalies using an empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis method without imposing equatorial symmetry.We find that westward-propagating ERWs are most significant in four tropical ocean basins over the summer hemisphere and that ERWs exhibit similar northeast-southwest(southeast-northwest)tilted phase lines in the northern(southern)hemisphere,with an appreciable poleward advance of wave energy in most TC basins.The EOF-based ERW indices quantitatively show that ERWs significantly modulate TC genesis.The convectively active(suppressed)phases of ERWs coincide with increased(reduced)TCG occurrences.The TCG modulation by ERWs achieves the maximum where the ERWs propagate through the climatological TCG hotspots.As a result,the total number of TCG occurrences in the TC basins varies significantly according to the ERW phase.The ERW-TCG relationship is significant over the northwestern Pacific Ocean,northeastern Pacific Ocean,and the northern Indian Ocean during the northern summer seasons.In the southern summer season,the ERW-TCG relationship is significant over the southern Indian Ocean,Indonesian-Australia basin,and the southwestern Pacific Ocean.However,ERW activities are weak in the main TC development region of the Atlantic Ocean;and the impact on Atlantic TCG appears to be insignificant.  相似文献   

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