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坦桑尼亚塔拉尼(Tarani)金矿床位于穆索马-马拉绿岩带内,矿体受近EW和NW向韧性剪切带控制。围岩为尼安萨超群绿泥千枚岩。矿石类型主要为石英脉型,矿石构造以细脉状、块状和蜂窝状为主,有用矿石矿物为自然金。矿化蚀变的主要类型有:硅化、硫化、绢云母化等。成矿阶段分为早期(S1)、中期(S2)和晚期(S3)3个阶段。矿床类型为剪切带石英脉型金矿床。金矿严格受地层和构造控制,尼安萨超群铁镁质火山-沉积建造是含矿地层,近EW和NW向韧性剪切构造带为赋矿构造。矿区内近EW和NW向韧性剪切带中变形强烈地段为矿区找矿有利地段。激电中梯和测深资料显示,在M1金矿脉两侧延伸方向和深部具有巨大的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

司建涛 《地质与勘探》2023,59(3):678-690
恩泽加绿岩带是坦桑尼亚重要的成矿带之一,产出了高登普莱德(Golden Pride)等多个大型金矿。通过对坦桑尼亚恩泽加绿岩带已发现的隐伏金矿床进行分析研究,结果显示恩泽加绿岩带隐伏金矿床构造控矿作用明显;高精度磁法和激电中梯测量结果显示含矿构造蚀变带具有高磁、低阻、相对高极化的特征;土壤地球化学测量结果显示成矿元素Au异常在空间分布上大于相应的含矿构造蚀变带的分布范围,其浓集方向与含矿构造蚀变带展布一致,并与指示元素As、Sb的套合性较好。根据该区域隐伏金矿床的地质、地球物理及地球化学特征,对该区隐伏金矿床的找矿标志进行了总结,明确了各找矿标志与隐伏金矿床之间的关系,并在此基础上构建了恩泽加绿岩带隐伏金矿床的综合找矿模型,该模型的应用显示了多种技术手段联合实施在寻找绿岩带型隐伏金矿床的有效性。  相似文献   

为了更系统地了解坦桑尼亚克拉通太古代绿岩带内金矿成矿地质背景、矿床类型、成矿规律及矿床成因.笔者通过对绿岩带内典型金矿床的系统总结,认为金矿床可以赋存于绿岩带各种类型的岩石中,绿岩岩石及其周围花岗岩接触带附近是重点找矿方向;金矿床主要受构造剪切带控制,构造强烈变形的部位往往是最有利的成矿部位,北西-南东向和北东-南西向...  相似文献   

中国绿岩带金矿床的时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿岩带金矿床是在绿岩带形成和演化过程中形成的,在我国岩金矿产储量中占有很重要的地位。该类金矿床主要分布在华北地台的北缘和西南缘。金矿床的分布具有趋群性,成带性、受绿带层序、构造,岩浆作用,退变质带等多因素的控制。  相似文献   

太古宙绿岩带金矿床研究的若干进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

盖塔(Geita)金矿是坦桑尼亚重要的绿岩带型金矿之一。文章阐述了矿床地质背景、矿床地质特征,以及矿床同位素年代特征,并对矿床成矿模式进行了对比。在此基础上认为盖塔金矿以块状黄铁矿和浸染状黄铁矿的矿化为主,成矿时代约为2644~2680Ma,属于太古宙热液型金矿床,具有明显的"层控"特征,后生成矿模式可能是盖特金矿的矿床成因。  相似文献   

崔小军 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):789-794
坦桑尼亚维多利亚湖绿岩带是世界上非常有名的金成矿区,目前已发现数个世界级的金矿床。本文分析了该地区典型金矿床成矿地质特征,认为维多利亚湖东部绿岩带金矿床类型为构造蚀变岩型,矿体赋存在受EW向、NW向和NE向三组剪切破碎带控制的构造蚀变岩中,矿石类型主要为黄铁绢英蚀变岩和含金石英脉,与成矿有关的蚀变主要为硅化、绢云母化和黄铁矿化。同时,将这些矿床与中国胶东绿岩带的“焦家式”金矿床进行了对比,探讨了成矿模型研究所面临的问题。  相似文献   

The Golden Pride gold deposit (∼3 Moz) is located in the central part of the Nzega Greenstone Belt at the southern margin of the Lake Victoria Goldfields in Tanzania. It represents an inferred Late Archaean, orogenic gold deposit and is hosted in intensely deformed meta-sedimentary rocks in the hanging wall of the approximately E–W striking Golden Pride Shear Zone. The hanging-wall sequence also includes felsic (quartz porphyritic) to mafic (lamprophyric) intrusions, as well as banded iron formations. Hydrothermal alteration phases associated with mineralisation are dominated by sericite and chlorite. Two main ore types can be distinguished, chlorite and silica ore, both occupying dilational sites and structural intersections in the hanging wall of the main shear zone. Sulphide minerals in both ore types include pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, pyrite and accessory sphalerite, galena, sulphosalts and Ni–Co–Bi sulphides. Gold and tellurides are late in the paragenetic sequence and associated with a secondary phase of pyrrhotite deposition. Sulphur isotope compositions range from −6 to 7 per mil and are interpreted to reflect contributions from two distinct sources to the mineralising fluids in the Golden Pride gold deposit. A redox change, potentially induced by the intrusion of mafic melts, together with structural elements in the hanging wall of the Golden Pride Shear Zone, are interpreted to be the main controls on gold mineralisation in this deposit.  相似文献   

绿岩带型金矿研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了近年来国外绿岩型带金矿在成矿模式,构造控制,成矿物化条件研究方向的某些进展,我国绿岩带与国外经典绿岩带有一定的差异,因而表现在成矿作用上也独树一帜,初步提出我国绿岩带型金矿研究中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

青海格尔木市沙松乌拉山地区元古代万宝沟群与印支-燕山期中酸性侵入岩接触蚀变、基性岩断裂破碎带中发现有金矿体、铜矿体各一条,金矿化线索一处,显示出与造山型-绿岩带型金矿高度相似的成矿地质背景特征。该区金成矿作用受制于东昆仑造山带阶段性、长期性及继承性的复杂构造运动,而印支-燕山期中酸性岩浆侵入活动则提供了主要的矿质来源及成矿热动力条件。据此,可将沙松乌拉山金矿归属为绿岩带构造期后再生型金矿床,具有较大的成矿潜力及广阔的找矿前景。  相似文献   

内蒙古中部大青山、色尔腾山地区发现的绿岩型金矿,经数年的勘查评价、研究,近两年被逐步认识和肯定.其成矿地质条件独特,矿化体赋存于新太古界色尔腾山群柳树沟组的特定层位.矿化与变质变形作用有关,变形强(包括糜棱岩化),矿化好.地表品位一般较低,多在1g/t左右,向深部增高.矿体规模大,适于大规模堆浸.化探异常主要集中在绿岩分布区,激电异常与矿化层吻合较好,矿(化)点多,找矿标志较为明显,资源潜力巨大,运用综合方法找矿效果较好.  相似文献   

内蒙古中部地区绿岩及绿岩型金矿成矿地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古中部大青山、色尔腾山地区发现的绿岩型金矿,经数年的勘查评价、研究,近两年被逐步认识和肯定.其成矿地质条件独特,矿化体赋存于新太古界色尔腾山群柳树沟组的特定层位.矿化与变质变形作用有关,变形强(包括糜棱岩化),矿化好.地表品位一般较低,多在1g/t左右,向深部增高.矿体规模大,适于大规模堆浸.化探异常主要集中在绿岩分布区,激电异常与矿化层吻合较好,矿(化)点多,找矿标志较为明显,资源潜力巨大,运用综合方法找矿效果较好.  相似文献   

Nyankanga is the largest gold deposit in the Geita Greenstone Belt of the northern Tanzania Craton. The deposit is hosted within an Archean volcano-sedimentary package dominated by ironstones and intruded by a large diorite complex, the Nyankanga Intrusive Complex. The supracrustal package is now included within the intrusive complex as roof pendants. The ironstone fragments contain evidence of multiple folding events that occurred prior to intrusion. The supracrustal package and Nyankanga Intrusive Complex are cut by a series of NE–SW trending, moderately NW dipping fault zones with a dominant reverse component of movement but showing multiple reactivation events with both oblique and normal movement components. The deposit is cut by a series of NW trending strike slip faults and ~ E–W trending late normal faults. The Nyankanga Fault Zone is a major NW dipping deformation zone developed mainly along the ironstone–diorite contacts that is mineralised over its entire length. The gold mineralization is hosted within the damage zone associated with Nyankanga Fault Zone by both diorite and ironstone with higher grades typically occurring in ironstone. Ore shoots dip more steeply than the Nyankanga Fault Zone. The mineralization is associated with sulfidation fronts and replacement textures in ironstones and is mostly contained as disseminated sulphides in diorite. The close spatial relationship between gold mineralization and the ironstone/diorite contact suggests that the reaction between the mineralising fluid and iron rich lithotypes played an important role in precipitating gold. Intense brecciation and veining, mainly in the footwall of Nyankanga Fault Zone, indicates that the fault zone increased permeability and allowed the access of mineralising fluids. The steeper dip of the ore shoots is consistent with mineralization during normal reactivation of the Nyankanga Fault Zone.  相似文献   

鲁西泰山岩群是我国典型的新太古代绿岩带,发育并保存了良好的科马提岩,对其地质认识已基本趋于一致,但对鲁西地区绿岩带型金矿的认识还不够深入和全面.以往仅对韧性剪切带型金矿有所了解,对绿岩带层控型金矿很少重视,对矿源层的理解也较为模糊,笼统地将泰山岩群作为后期各种金矿成矿的矿源层.本文对鲁西绿岩带韧性剪切带型和层控型金矿做了系统介绍,认为绿岩带层控型金矿具有原生层状特征和矿源层意义,受绿岩带某特定层位控制十分明显,是超基性岩—基性火山岩—碎屑沉积岩建造旋回过程中发展到一定阶段的产物.对鲁西地区金矿源层成生发育机制进行了探讨,认为绿岩带中金初始沉积矿化层位十分狭窄,厚度一般仅1至十几米,但横向分布较广泛,一般长达5~10 km以上,初始沉积金品位一般在10×10-9~0.5×10-6,其金质来源于海底火山喷流(热液和喷气)作用.阐述了金矿源层与条带状硅铁建造(BIF)往往密切伴生的成因联系,并与硅铁矿层一样,也具有多旋回性沉积特点.韧性剪切带型金矿受矿源层内在控制,产于矿源层内或附近.  相似文献   

内蒙古中部大青山、色尔腾山地区发现的绿岩型金矿 ,经数年的勘查评价、研究 ,近两年被逐步认识和肯定。其成矿地质条件独特 ,矿化体赋存于新太古界色尔腾山群柳树沟组的特定层位。矿化与变质变形作用有关 ,变形强 (包括糜棱岩化 ) ,矿化好。地表品位一般较低 ,多在 1g/t左右 ,向深部增高。矿体规模大 ,适于大规模堆浸。化探异常主要集中在绿岩分布区 ,激电异常与矿化层吻合较好 ,矿 (化 )点多 ,找矿标志较为明显 ,资源潜力巨大 ,运用综合方法找矿效果较好。  相似文献   

The late Archaean volcanic rocks of the Rwamagaza area in the Sukumaland Greenstone Belt consists of basalts and basaltic andesites associated with volumetrically minor rhyodacites and rhyolites. Most basalts and basaltic andesites yield nearly flat patterns (La/SmCN = 0.89–1.34) indicating derivation by partial melting of the mantle at relatively low pressure outside the garnet stability field. On primitive mantle normalized trace element diagrams, the basalts and basaltic andesites can be subdivided into two groups. The first group is characterised by moderately negative Nb anomalies (Nb/Lapm = 0.51–0.73, mean = 0.61 ± 0.08) with slight enrichment of LREE relative to both Th and HREE. The second group is characterised by nearly flat patterns with no Nb anomalies (Nb/Lapm = 0.77 ± 0.39). The observed Nb and Th anomalies in the Rwamagaza basalts and basaltic andesites, cannot be explained by alteration, crustal contamination or melt–solid equilibria. Rather, the anomalies are interpreted, on the basis of Nb–Th–La–Ce systematics, as having formed by partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle consisting of variable mixtures of components derived from two distinct sources. These sources are depleted mantle similar to that generating modern MORB and an LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted source similar to that feeding volcanism along modern convergent margins.The rhyolites are characterised by high Na2O/K2O ratios (>1) and Al2O3 (>15 wt.%), low HREE contents (Yb = 0.24–0.68 ppm) leading to highly fractionated REE patterns (La/YbCN = 18.4–54.7) and large negative Nb anomalies (Nb/Lapm = 0.11–0.20), characteristics that are typical of Cenozoic adakites and Archaean TTG which form by partial melting of the hydrated basaltic crust at pressures high enough to stabilize garnet ± amphibole. The Rwamagaza basalts and basaltic andesites are geochemically analogous to the Phanerozoic Mariana Trough Back Arc Basin Basalts and the overall geochemical diversity of Rwamagaza volcanic rocks is interpreted in terms of a geodynamic model involving the interaction of a depleted mantle, a melting subducting oceanic slab in a back arc setting.  相似文献   

内蒙古中部地区太古宙绿岩带金矿找矿标志   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内蒙中部地区金矿集中分布在太古界花岗岩──—绿岩带中,并受区域深大断裂带及韧性剪切变质带的控制,构成内蒙中部金的矿化集中区。尽管人们对金矿化的成因有不同认识,但找矿标志是有规律可寻的,因而,总结内蒙中部地区金矿化的找矿标志是有重要意义的。本文着重通过内蒙古中部区的含金建造、容矿构造、岩浆活动、载金矿物、围岩蚀变及地球物理、地球化学、遥感影象和重砂等方面,总结本区的金矿找矿标志。  相似文献   

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