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Regional exploration for pegmatite hosted Sn-mineralization in Sweden by LKAB Prospektering has, since the early 1980s, generally been based on the use of heavy-mineral concentrates from till collected by roadside sampling. The average sampling density has been 0.5–1.0 sample/km2, but with an uneven distribution of sample points within areas investigated.Planning of the regional sampling grid in this study has been based on a statistical analysis to answer the following question: What sample density and grid-spacing should be used to hit an anomalous target with the highest possible probability.The statistical analysis indicates that using a rectangular grid, 750 × 1,500 m (0.88 sample/km2), the probability of intersecting an anomalous target is 100%. Heavy-mineral till concentrate sampling using this grid design in northern central Sweden in 1981 revealed one single, extremely high sample with 4,622 ppm Sn indicating mineralization in the area north of the village of Järkvissle.In 1982–1983, while boulder tracing up-ice from the anomalous regional sample point, cassiterite and spodumene-bearing boulders and outcrops were found. Two parallel mineralized pegmatites within an area of approximately 5,000 m2 with grades of 0.04–0.07% Sn and 0.40–0.92% Li2O have recently been located NW of Järkvissle.Semi-regional (250 × 500 m) and local (20 × 20–160 m) sampling of till gave some anomalous values of Sn and Li in concentrates, which to some extent could be correlated with mineralized boulders and outcrops, and also indicated new targets for drilling.The results from a simplified sample preparation technique for heavy-mineratl till concentrates show that a new device, named the Goldhound, can be used in future geochemical prospecting for Sn and Li in Sweden.  相似文献   

New K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar data of tholeiitic and alkaline dike swarms from the onshore basement of the Santos Basin (SE Brazil) reveal Mesozoic and Tertiary magmatic pulses. The tholeiitic rocks (basalt, dolerite, and microgabbro) display high TiO2 contents (average 3.65 wt%) and comprise two magmatic groups. The NW-oriented samples of Group A have (La/Yb)N ratios between 15 and 32.3 and range in age from 192.9±2.2 to 160.9±1.9 Ma. The NNW-NNE Group B samples, with (La/Yb)N ratios between 7 and 16, range from 148.3±3 to 133.9±0.5 Ma. The alkaline rocks (syenite, trachyte, phonolite, alkaline basalts, and lamprophyre) display intermediate–K contents and comprise dikes, plugs, and stocks. Ages of approximately 82 Ma were obtained for the lamprophyre dikes, 70 Ma for the syenite plutons, and 64–59 Ma for felsic dikes. Because Jurassic–Early Cretaceous basic dikes have not been reported in SE Brazil, we might speculate that, during the emplacement of Group A dikes, extensional stresses were active in the region before the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean and coeval with the Karoo magmatism described in South Africa. Group B dikes yield ages compatible with those obtained for Serra Geral and Ponta Grossa magmatism in the Paraná Basin and are directly related to the breakup of western Gondwana. Alkaline magmatism is associated with several tectonic episodes that postdate the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and related to the upwelling of the Trindade plume and the generation of Tertiary basins southeast of Brazil. In the studied region, alkaline magmatism can be subdivided in two episodes: the first one represented by lamprophyre dykes of approximately 82 Ma and the second comprised of felsic alkaline stocks of approximately 70 Ma and associated dikes ranging from 64 to 59 Ma.


Novos dados K–Ar e 40Ar/39Ar de enxames de diques toleíticos e alcalinos localizados no embasamento onshore da Bacia de Santos (SE Brasil) apontam para diferentes pulsos magmáticos ocorridos entre o Jurássico e o Terciário. Os diques de rochas toleíticas (basalto, diabásio e microgabro), são mais velhos, exibem altos teores de TiO2 (3,65% peso na média) e podem ser subdivididos em dois grupos magmáticos. O Grupo A aflora a norte da Bacia de Resende, compreende diques orientados na direção NW, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 15 e 32,3, e idades entre 192.9±2.2 e 160.9±1.9 Ma. O Grupo B aflora a sul e a leste da Bacia de Resende, engloba diques orientados na direção NNW e NNE, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 7 e 16, e idades obtidas entre 148.3±3 e 133.9±0.5 Ma. As rochas alcalinas (sienito, traquito, fonolito, basalto alcalino e lamprófiro) possuem teores médios de K, e afloram como diques, plugs e stocks.. As idades obtidas são de ca. 82 Ma para os diques lamprofíricos, de ca. 70 Ma para os plugs sieníticos, e entre 64 e 59 Ma para os diques félsicos. Como estas idades Jurássicas para diques toleíticos ainda não foram descritas para a região sudeste do Brasil, pode-se especular que durante o emplacement dos diques do GrupoA o cenário tectônico indicaria esforços extensionais anteriores à abertura do Oceano atlântico Sul, e contemporânea ao derrame basáltico do Karoo na África do Sul. Já os diques do Grupo B são contemporâneos ao magmatismo Serra Geral e ao enxame de diques de Ponta Grossa, e portanto este episódio está diretamente relacionado à separação entre o Brasil e África no Cretáceo. O magmatismo alcalino está associado a diversos episódios tectônicos que sucedem à abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul e que resultaram no desenvolvimento das Bacias terciárias do sudeste brasileiro. Está provavelmente relacionado à chegada da Pluma de Trindade e as idades obtidas para a região em estudo indicam que o magmatismo lamprofírico é mais antigo (ca. 82 Ma), seguido pelos plútons sieníticos (ca. 70 Ma) e diques associados (64 a 59 Ma.)  相似文献   

The possible contamination of a groundwater system with industrial wastewater originating from a paper mill factory has been investigated in Piteå, N. Sweden. Six samples were collected from the wastewater in the waste dump and twelve samples from the adjacent groundwater were analyzed for chemistry and sulfur isotopes. The industrial wastewater is a saline water consisting mainly of Na–HCO3–SO4, having a high pH and showing δ34S values between 7‰ and 9‰ affected by bacterial sulfate reduction. The groundwaters are relatively dilute, dominated by Na+, Ca2+ and HCO3, but with varying concentrations as exemplified by sulfate with concentrations varying between 3 and 69 mg L− 1 while the δ34S values range from − 0.5‰ to 14.3‰. The data suggest that the main S sources in the waters are the bedrock sulfides and/or atmospheric deposition, which, sometimes, are overlapped by bacterial sulfate reduction. Contamination from the waste dump does not occur.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of ice-striated surfaces associated with the late Paleozoic Aquidauana Formation suggests that glaciers coming from southwest Africa reached westernmost parts of the Paraná Basin in central Brazil. Abrasion features were developed by glaciers moving from SSE towards NNW, mainly on an unconsolidated bed. These records expand to about 1,050,000 km2, the coverage of the late Paleozoic glaciation in the region of the Paraná Basin in Western Gondwana.


A recente descoberta de superfícies estriadas associadas à Formação Aquidauana, de idade permocarbonífera, sugere que as geleiras provenientes do sudoeste da África alcançaram as porções ocidentais da Bacia do Paraná, na região central do Brasil. As feições de abrasão foram geradas pelo deslocamento de geleiras de SSE para NNW, principalmente sobre substrato inconsolidado. Estes novos registros evidenciam que a glaciação neopaleozóica cobriu uma área de pelo menos de 1.050.000 km2 na região ocupada pela Bacia do Paraná no Gondwana Ocidental.  相似文献   

Phosphate deposits have been outlined in Falcón State (Northern Venezuela) and Táchira State (Southwestern Venezuela) using geochemical soil methods.The phosphate deposits located in Falcón State constitute lenses and masses interbedded with Tertiary limestone and shales. The area is covered by a thick soil with few outerops and the region is characterized by typical tropical rain forest. Soil samples taken every 1000 m across complete stratigraphic sequences were analyzed for P2O5 content. An anomalous area with a P2O5 content ranging from 3.19% to 9.04% was outlined accompanied by areas with less than 0.83% of P2O5. More than 11 million metric tons of commercial phosphatic rock were associated with this anomaly.In Táchira State several stratigraphic sequences of potentially phosphatic rocks with a thick cover of black soil were geochemically investigated. Soil samples taken each 10 m were analyzed for P2O5. A sequence of phosphatic rock was outlined showing a P2O5 content varying between 7.3% and 9.2%. Apparently the sequence is interbedded with phosphate-poor siliceous rocks showing a P2O5 content below 2%.As result of this preliminary investigation, expensive trenching, pitting and drilling works can be carefully planned.  相似文献   

The Hamadan area is characterised by various metamorphic rocks where the slates yielded Jurassic fossils. The entire column, representing the Mesozoic from at least the Jurassic to the Mid-Cretaceous, has been affected by tectono-metamorphic events and the emplacement of Late Cretaceous granitic rocks. A timing of these events is based on the 40K–40Ar ages carried mainly on separated amphiboles, biotites and muscovites, and interpreted as the ages of their isotopic closure. Results are ranging between 91 and 70 Ma. To cite this article: A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La région de Hamadan expose des roches métamorphiques dont les termes les moins transformés contiennent des fossiles jurassiques. Au cours du Crétacé supérieur, elle a été affectée par un événement tectono-métamorphique régional et elle a été le siège d'une activité plutonique. Les résultats des datations 40K–40Ar des amphiboles et des micas séparés des roches métamorphiques et plutoniques qui s'étagent entre 91 et 70 Ma montrent l'importance de ces événements et leur étalement au cours du Crétacé supérieur. Pour citer cet article : A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Using hydrogeological data, historical chemical data and the results of studies in adjacent aquifers, an interpretation of the water chemistry from a sparse network of boreholes is presented for the Liverpool area. The chemistry of the fresh groundwater samples is influenced by geology, pollution and pumping history. The oldest waters, present where the sandstone is covered by Quaternary deposits, are calcite-saturated, contain little NO3 and have low SO2−4 and Cl concentrations. However, water from the Collyhurst Sandstone are depleted in HCO3 whatever the concentrations of the other anions. Samples from boreholes in areas where the sandstones are not covered by Quaternary deposits are characterized by very low alkalinity and pH, and by high NO3, SO2−4, and Cl. In the regions of the aquifer close to sandstone outcrop, or where the Quaternary deposits are thin, the water samples have higher alkalinity and pH, and lower anion concentrations. Scattered throughout the region are boreholes yielding waters with very high SO2−4 concentrations: where associated with industrial sites, these waters also have high NO3 concentrations and industrial pollution is suspected. In rural areas the high SO2−4 concentrations are derived from leakage through the sulphur-bearing tills in response to pumping-induced lowering of the piezometric surface. The distribution of borehole water types can be described with the help of a set of rules relating water type to hydrogeological features; these rules allow a map of hydrochemical distributions to be constructed. Saline groundwaters occur in the aquifer adjacent to the Mersey Estuary and have chemistry compositions equivalent to slightly modified, diluted Estuary water. With the exception of a single deep borehole sample, there is no indication of the widespread presence of ancient saline groundwaters in the base of the sandstone sequences as is found in the sandstones to the east of the study area. However, slightly saline, reduced waters occur below the Mercia Mudstone Group in the north of the area. Historical records give some indication of the changes in water chemistry distributions through time.  相似文献   

We present the results of a U–Pb perovskite age study of kamafugites from Mata da Corda (MC) and Santo Antônio da Barra (SAB), Minas-Goiás alkaline province, Brazil. Perovskite crystals were separated from MC mafurites, ugandites, and cognate pyroxenites, as well as from SAB melilite mafurite. The range of ages of Brazilian kamafugitic samples is 15 Ma. The 206Pb/238U perovskite ages generally cluster into three age groupings: 88–90, 80–81, and 75–76 Ma. The two younger periods of kamafugitic magmatism occur in the MC area, whereas the older samples are from the SAB area. These new age results provide the first robust evidence of a progressive eastward younging of mafic alkaline magmatism, most likely related to a mantle plume hotspot track.  相似文献   

Regional, national and global scale geochemical mapping projects have been carried out in China since the late 1970s, due to the development of cost‐effective, low detection limit analytical methods. These projects have provided a huge mass of high‐quality, informative and comparable data for mineral resource exploration and are now making contributions to environmental assessment. In this paper, four national‐scale geochemical mapping projects are described. (1) The Regional Geochemistry‐National Reconnaissance Project (RGNR project), which is China's largest national geochemical mapping project, has covered 6 million km2 of upland regions since 1978. Generally, stream sediment samples were collected at a density of 1/km2 and four samples were composited into one sample and analysed for thirty‐nine elements. (2) The deep‐penetrating geochemical mapping project (DEEPMAP Project) has been conducted since 1994 in covered terrains, including sedimentary basins, at a density of 1 sample per 100 km2 with thirty to seventy elements determined per sample. In the past 10 years, an area of approximately 800 000 km2 has been covered and this project has played an important role in finding sandstone‐type uranium deposits in basins. (3) The seventy‐six geochemical element mapping project (76 GEM project) has been carried out since 1999 and involved the collection of stream sediment samples from the RGNR project targets which were analysed for seventy‐six elements. Samples from each 1:50 000 map sheet were composited into one analytical sample (approximately one composite sample per 400 km2). Approximately 1 million km2 have been surveyed to date. (4) The multi‐purpose eco‐geochemical mapping project has been conducted since 1999 in Quaternary plain areas for environmental and agricultural applications. Surface soils (depths from 0–20 cm) were collected at a density of one sample per km2, and four samples were composited into one for analysis. Deep soils (from a depth of 150 to 200 cm) were collected at a density of one sample per 4 km2 and four samples were composited into one analytical sample. All the composite samples were analysed for fifty‐four elements.  相似文献   

Hazaribagh is a densely populated area of Dhaka city where about 185 leather processing industries have been operating and discharging solid and liquid wastes directly to the low-lying areas, river and natural canals without proper treatment. The area is covered by alluvial deposits of Holocene age and is underlain by Pleistocene Madhupur clay. The Dupi Tila Formation of Mio-Pliocene age underlain by this yellowish gray to brick red clay bed serves as the main water-bearing aquifer of Dhaka city. To assess the environmental degradation as well as the groundwater environment, major anions, cations and heavy metals of water samples, heavy metals and organic carbon content of sediment samples were analyzed in this study. Analyses of tannery effluent detect high concentration of Na+, Mg2+, Cl and SO 4 2− followed by Ca2+, NH 4 + and K+ with remarkable contents of some trace elements, mainly Cr, Fe, Mn, S, Ni and Pb. Higher accumulations of Cr, Al and Fe are observed in topsoil samples with significant amounts of Mn, Zn, Ni and Cu. Concentrations of ions and all the investigated trace elements of sampled groundwater were within the maximum allowable limit for drinking water of the Department of Environment, Bangladesh (DoE), and World Health Organization (WHO). However, excessive concentrations of Cr, Pb, etc., have already been reported in the shallow groundwater (10–20 m) of the area. Due to excessive withdrawal the vulnerability of groundwater contamination in deeper parts cannot be avoided for the future.  相似文献   

Stable isotope compositions (18O and 2H), determined for underground and surface waters from the watershed of a hill reservoir and downstream from the reservoir, suggest that (i) the reservoir water, which is more or less evaporated, represents a mixture between surface waters (rainfall, runoff) and the upstream alluvial groundwater meteoric in origin; (ii) the downstream alluvial groundwater have a stable isotope composition of a previously infiltrated reservoir water. The 18O isotope enrichment modelling of the mixed reservoir water shows that an input flux of 50 m3 day−1 is balanced by an output flux of 300 m3 day−1 when the reservoir water level is above 4.5 m, and by an output flux of 170 m3 day−1 when water levels are lower. The contribution of hill reservoirs to local groundwater movements must be considered in any regional scale hydrological investigations of areas that contain hill reservoirs. To cite this article: O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La composition isotopique (18O et 2H) d'eaux souterraines et superficielles, déterminée pour le bassin versant d'une retenue collinaire et sa partie aval, suggère (i) que l'eau de la retenue, qui est plus ou moins évaporée, représente un mélange entre les eaux de surface (pluie, ruissellement) et la nappe alluviale amont d'origine météorique et (ii) que la nappe alluviale aval a la composition isotopique d'une eau de la retenue anciennement infiltrée. La modélisation de l'enrichissement en isotope 18O pour l'eau mélangée de la retenue montre qu'un flux entrant de 50 m3 j−1 est compensé par un flux sortant de 300 m3 j−1, lorsque le niveau d'eau de la retenue est supérieur à 4,5 m, et par un flux sortant de 170 m3 j−1 en dessous. La contribution des lacs collinaires aux écoulements souterrains doit être prise en compte pour de futures études hydrologiques à l'échelle régionale. Pour citer cet article : O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

This paper reviews the geochemical, isotopic (2H, 18O, 13C, 3H and 14C) and numerical modelling approaches to evaluate possible geological sources of the high pH (11.5)/Na–Cl/Ca–OH mineral waters from the Cabeço de Vide region (Central-Portugal). Water–rock interaction studies have greatly contributed to a conceptual hydrogeological circulation model of the Cabeço de Vide mineral waters, which was corroborated by numerical modelling approaches. The local shallow groundwaters belong to the Mg–HCO3 type, and are derived by interaction with the local serpentinized rocks. At depth, these type waters evolve into the high pH/Na–Cl/Ca–OH mineral waters of Cabeço de Vide spas, issuing from the intrusive contact between mafic/ultramafic rocks and an older carbonate sequence. The Cabeço de Vide mineral waters are supersaturated with respect to serpentine indicating that they may cause serpentinization. Magnesium silicate phases (brucite and serpentine) seem to control Mg concentrations in Cabeço de Vide mineral waters. Similar δ2H and δ18O suggest a common meteoric origin and that the Mg–HCO3 type waters have evolved towards Cabeço de Vide mineral waters. The reaction path simulations show that the progressive evolution of the Ca–HCO3 to Mg–HCO3 waters can be attributed to the interaction of meteoric waters with serpentinites. The sequential dissolution at CO2 (g) closed system conditions leads to the precipitation of calcite, magnesite, amorphous silica, chrysotile and brucite, indicating that the waters would be responsible for the serpentinization of fresh ultramafic rocks (dunites) present at depth. The apparent age of Cabeço de Vide mineral waters was determined as 2790 ± 40 a BP, on the basis of 14C and 13C values, which is in agreement with the 3H concentrations being below the detection limit.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the hydrogeochemical composition of the dumps in the active Lusatian lignite mining region is necessary to forecast the acid mine drainage into the residual lakes and the natural groundwater systems. Therefore, a three-dimensional geochemical model of the Jänschwalde dump was developed. By analysing the geological situation and the mining technology, it is possible to calculate the pyrite oxidation in different parts of the mine (groundwater lowering in front of the mine, natural and dump slopes, marginal pits and the dump surface).Only 4% of the total pyrite content is oxidised during the mining process within its time of operation (43 years). The major fraction (about 60%) is oxidised on the surface of the dumps, whereas the other zones contribute less to the production of acidity (groundwater lowering 5.4%, short term exposed slopes (1.2% natural slopes; 7.4% dump slopes) and 22.4% inclusion of O2 during the tipping). It may be concluded that the technology of conveyor belt bridges, combined with the selective tipping of loamy sediments on the surface is very favourable to minimise the oxidation of pyrite. It is also shown that in the open cast mine of Jänschwalde the buffer capacity of the carbonate dominates over the produced acid.  相似文献   

Structural studies in the Schistes lustrés nappe west of Bastia, Corsica, demonstrate the existence of a tectonic mélange in which km-scale blocks and smaller lozenges of basement granite gneiss, thick-layered marble and dismembered Mesozoic ophiolite are enveloped in a matrix of calc-schist and blueschist. The main (S1) foliation is developed in both block and matrix and is concordant with lithologie contacts. Blueschist facies metamorphism was syn-kinematic with the main foliation.The S1 in the Schistes lustrés was refolded about ENE-WSW trending, tight similar and monoclinal fold axes (F2). These second folds verge to the southeast and show km-scale axial culminations and depressions that are reflected by topography and residual Bouguer gravity anomalies.Parautochthonous Hercynian basement (Tenda-Corte complex) beneath the western edge of the Schistes lustrés nappe contains a mylonitic foliation which is concordant with the main foliation in the Schistes lustrés. The intensity of deformation in the basement decreases away from this contact and undeformed granites are found 3 km to the west.Whole rock samples of the deformed basement immediately beneath the Schistes lustrés yield an Rb-Sr isochron diagram (n = 4) which has an age of 105 ± 8 Ma (1σ) and initial ratio of 0.7228 ± 0.0005 (1σ). This result is more precise than our preliminary age and initial ratio estimate of 98 ± 14 and 0.7296 ± 0.0068, respectively (Cohen et al., 1979). It is similar to a recently published mid-Cretaceous (90 Ma) 40Ar-39Ar age from glaucophane mineral separates. We interpret this date as the age of a metamorphic overprint related to the emplacement of the Schistes lustrés nappe and associated ophiolites, the formation of the main foliation and blueschist facies metamorphism.These results indicate that the mid-Cretaceous blueschist facies metamorphism documented in the Western Alps formerly extended farther south of its present terminus. The data are consistent with mid-Cretaceous obduction of Tethyan oceanic crust onto the present-day eastern continental margin of Corsica. We postulate that during Eocene—early Oligocene time a polarity flip occurred outboard of the obducted crust and a new, southfacing subduction zone developed. This change in polarity was responsible for the development of southeast-vergent second folds and for the resetting of 40Ar−39Ar and K-Ar geochronologic clocks described in the literature.  相似文献   

Proterozoic metamorphosed sequences are identified in the Transversal Zone (TZ) domain of the Borborema geological province, Northeast Brazil. This TZ domain is located between the well-known E–W Patos and Pernambuco continental shear zones. In its eastern part, in the Taquaritinga region, a large mass of augen gneisses with a conspicuous horizontal to subhorizontal tectonic foliation forms one of the most important rock types in the region that displays U–Pb zircon ages ca. 1.52 Ga. Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses dated by U–Pb on zircon at ca. 1.97 Ga and older paragneisses and banded gneisses represent basement rocks, which were cross-cut by these Mesoproterozoic augen gneisses, and have been in turn intruded by plutonic rocks in upper Neoproterozoic (U–Pb and Rb–Sr, ca. 0.6 Ga) times.Chemical analyses of major, minor, and trace elements (including REE) for the basement orthogneisses indicate calcalkaline affinities and a signature very similar to volcanic arc granites, representing crustal accretion during the Paleoproterozoic Transamazonian/Eburnean orogenesis in the region. In turn, the chemical data for augen gneisses indicate that they are relatively homogeneous and evolved metaluminous metaplutonic rocks with characteristics very similar to A-type granites generated and emplaced in an extensional anorogenic setting. Relatively high 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio and negative Nd(t) are signatures of crustal components in these rocks.Based on geochemical, geochronological, and structural data, the Taquaritinga region is composed of Paleoproterozoic (>1.97 Ga) rocks intruded by Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.5 Ga) anorogenic granites and Neoproterozoic granites (ca. 0.6 Ga). These data also suggest that the tectonometamorphic structures displayed by Meso and Neoproterozoic suites were developed by the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny and that the record of Transamazonian/Eburnean orogeny is restricted to basement rocks. This means that there is no evidence for a compressional event in Mesoproterozoic times (Cariris Velhos=Grenville) as suggested for the central and western part of the TZ. It is important to remark that the Taquaritinga augen gneisses are, up to now, the only unit that represents magmatic pulses associated with extensional episodes with this age (ca. 1.5 Ga) in the TZ and in the whole Borborema Province.


A zona Transversal da Província Borborema está geologicamente situada entre os lineamentos Pernambuco e Patos. Na sua parte oriental, na região de Taquaritinga (PE), dominam augen gnaisses com uma penetrativa e proeminente foliação tectônica subhorizontal, com idade de cristalização de 1.52 Ga obtida em zircão. Estas rochas são intrusivas em ortognaisses e paragnaisses do embasamento com idade mínima em torno de 1.97 Ga, e são intrudidas por rochas plutônicas associadas ao Ciclo Brasiliano (ca. 0.6 Ga).Análises de elementos maiores, menores e traços (incluindo terras raras) nos augen gnaisses mostram caráter metaluminoso para esta suíte ígnea e fortes semelhanças com os granitos tipo-A gerados em ambiente anorogênico. Razões iniciais 87Sr/86Sr relativamente altas e Nd(t) negativos são assinaturas indicadoras de forte contribuição crustal nestes augen gnaisses.A conjunção dos dados geoquímicos, geocronológicos e de campo indicam que na região de Taquaritinga onde são identificadas rochas de idades paleo (>1.95 Ga), meso (ca. 1.5 Ga) e neoproterozóicas (ca. 0.6 Ga), o ciclo orogênico Transamazônico é restrito às rochas do embasamento, e que todas as estruturas dúcteis identificadas nas rochas meso e neoproterozóicas foram desenvolvidas durante o Ciclo orogênico Brasiliano. Não foram encontradas evidências que atestem a existência do Ciclo Cariris Velhos nesta parte da Província Borborema. Contudo, está bem marcado que nesta Zona Transversal e na Província Borborema, os augen gnaisses de Taquaritinga são, até o momento, os únicos marcadores de pulsos magmáticos associados com eventos extensionais crustais datados do Mesoproterozóico inferior.  相似文献   

Using orbital imaging radar, we have detected a large number of circular structures in the southwestern Egyptian desert, covering more than 4500 km2 close to the Gilf Kebir plateau in sandstones of Upper Cretaceous. Fieldwork confirmed that it is a new impact crater field: 13 craters from 20 m to 1 km in diameter were studied. The impact origin is confirmed by the observation of shock-related structures, such as shatter cones and planar fractures in quartz grains of breccia. Considering the extension of the crater field, it was possibly created by several meteorites that broke up when entering the atmosphere. To cite this article: P. Paillou et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


À partir d'images satellites issues de systèmes radar, nous avons détecté un grand nombre de structures circulaires dans le Sud-Ouest du désert égyptien, s'étendant sur plus de 4500 km2 à l'est du plateau du Gilf Kebir, dans des grès du Crétacé supérieur. Une étude sur le terrain a permis de vérifier qu'il s'agit d'un champ d'impacts météoritiques jusque là inconnu : 13 structures, d'un diamètre compris entre 20 m et 1 km, ont été reconnues comme cratères d'impact. La présence d'un grand nombre de cônes de percussion et de brèches dans lesquelles des quartz choqués à structures planaires ont été observés confirment l'hypothèse de l'impact. Considérant l'extension du champ d'impact, il a probablement été créé par plusieurs météorites qui se sont fragmentées dans l'atmosphère terrestre. Pour citer cet article : P. Paillou et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

In the complex structural framework of the Western Mediterranean. Hercynian areas are expected to be thermally preserved from the recent tectonic evolution. The thermal regime of these areas is studied using heat flow, heat production and fission track data. The surface heat flow is significantly higher in Corsica (76 ± 10 mW m−2) than in the Maures and Estérel (58 ± 2 mW m−2). Neither heat production nor erosion subsequent to the Alpine orogeny in Corsica can explain such a difference. It is suggested that a deep thermal source related to the asymmetric evolution of the Provençal basin could explain the higher heat flow in Corsica. A model of thermal structure based on the present day thermal regime of the Maures and Estérei is proposed for the stable Hercynian crust in this area. The mantle heat flow is 20–25 mW m−2 and the temperature at Moho level is 375–500°C, depending on the thermal parameter distribution with depth.  相似文献   

After the discovery of a Zn-Ag massive sulphide deposit at Perkoa in 1982, following regional geochemical exploration in the Birimian belts of Boromo and Hounde, a joint project was carried out by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and BUMIGEB (Bureau des Mines et de la Géologie du Burkina) in Central and Northwest Burkina Faso. The same exploration approach was applied which has been successful in previous surveys: it is based on soil sampling at about 30 cm depth at a density ranging from 3.3 to 8 samples per km2. The results obtained and the various problems encountered during exploration are presented in this paper. These problems are typical of the morphoclimatic conditions prevailing in semi-arid savanna regions of western Africa. Where the deep weathering profile, probably formed during former climatic episodes, is well preserved, residual laterites may alter the geochemical signature of mineralizations. North of the 14th parallel, windblown sand may cover large areas where geochemical sampling needs to be adapted: samples have to be collected at depth, in the saprolite, beneath the sand.Storage, processing and display of the numerous analytical data gathered for the last ten years, fully justified the development of a computer assisted processing unit which is now operational.


Suite à la découverte en 1982 de l'amas sulfuré Zn-Ag de Perkoa par prospection géochimique régionale dans les sillons birrimiens de Boromo et de Houndé, un nouveau projet associant le PNUD (Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement) et le BUMIGEB (Bureau des Mines et de la Géologie du Burkina) a été lancé dans le centre et le nord-ouest du pays en appliquant une démarche qui avait déjà fait ses preuves. Celle-ci s'appuie sur l'échantillonnage de sols, prélevés à environ 30 cm de profondeur, à une densité variant de 3,3 à 8 prélèvements au km2.Sont présentés les résultats de cette campagne ainsi que les divers problèmes rencontrés. Ceuxci sont communs à toute prospection dans la zone tropicale sèche d'Afrique occidentale et résultent des situations pédologiques propres à cette zone climatique caractérisée localement soit par des cuirasses latéritiques, dont le caractère autochtone prédominant autorise les prélèvements géochimiques de surface, soit par des recouvrements éoliens. Ceux-ci sont principalement développés au nord du 14ème parallèle; ils nécessitent en général l'adaptation de l'échantillonnage, qui doit être réalisé, à une profondeur parfois importante, dans la saprolite.Le stockage des nombreuses données analytiques collectées depuis dix ans, leur traitement et leur visualisation ont justifié la mise en place d'une unité de traitement informatique maintenant opérationnelle.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope studies were carried out across units of a Neoproterozoic nappe system, south of São Francisco Craton. A temperature decrease toward the base of the system is found, consistent with a previously recognized inverted metamorphic pattern. The tectonic contact of the basal unit and the reworked southern São Francisco craton show a steep temperature gradient, suggesting that low temperature thrusting acted as the dominant tectonic process. The contrasts between the δ18O values of the Três Pontas-Varginha and Carmo da Cachoeira nappes and the differences among the samples and minerals are consistent with the preservation of sedimentary isotopic composition during metamorphism. The small differences in the δ18O values between the undeformed and the deformed calc-silicate samples (1.6‰) suggest that the δ18O value of mylonitization fluids was close to that which equilibrated with the metamorphic assemblage. The distinct δ18O values of metapelitic and calc-silicate samples and the great temperature difference from one type to the other indicate that no large-scale fluid interaction processes occurred during metamorphism. Oxygen isotopic estimations of both Três Pontas-Varginha undeformed rocks and Carmo da Cachoeira unaltered equivalents indicate δ18O values of up to 18‰. Comparison between these values and those from the ‘basement’ orthogneisses (8.3–8.5‰) indicates the latter are not sources for the metapelites.  相似文献   

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