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Fronts and transport of suspended matter in the Hangzhou Bay   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A persistent, year-round NE-SW front is found to exist inside the Hangzhou Bay. This front is actually the merging of the secondary Changjiang plume front from the bay mouth and the Qiantang plume front from the upstream side of the bay. During neap tides low runoff periods these two plumes can readily be identified. Our findings suggest that suspended matter is transported into the bay through the north end by the secondary Changjiang plume. The front inside the bay acts the part of concentrating suspended matter, and also plays an important role in both the fine-grained sediment and heavy metal distributions in this sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

根据2012年9月在杭州湾口门中部外侧海域岱衢洋主槽内获得的包括大、中、小潮的垂向流速和悬浮泥沙观测资料,利用机制分解方法计算了岱衢洋的水沙输移通量等特征,分析并讨论了各个输沙项对总输沙量的贡献,解释了杭州湾水沙进出外海的输运机制。研究结果表明:研究区域单宽涨潮量大潮为小潮的2.3倍,单宽落潮量大潮为小潮的1.6倍。从小潮到大潮的余流和单宽净输水量由向海变为向陆;单宽涨潮输沙量大潮为小潮的4.5倍,单宽落潮输沙量大潮为小潮的2.7倍。单宽输沙量表现为小潮和中潮向海,大潮向陆的特点,大潮单宽净输沙量约为小潮和中潮的2倍;在各输沙项中,平流输沙主要来自水体净输移(拉格朗日余流决定)对悬沙输移的贡献,平流输沙方向小潮向海,中潮和大潮向陆,其中大潮和小潮时平流输沙在各项中贡献率最大;潮泵输沙小潮和中潮向海,大潮输沙向陆,中潮时潮泵输沙贡献率在各项中贡献率最大;垂向净环流输沙方向均向陆,大中小潮悬沙含量的垂向的差异是导致小潮垂向净环流输沙量大,大潮输沙量小的主要原因;杭州湾中部通过岱衢洋通道与外海泥沙交换的主要形式是大进大出、反复搬运,而在一个完整的半月周期内外海泥沙净进杭州湾的量相对较小。  相似文献   

首先分析了杭州湾、长江口冬季余流和物质输运作用的观测特征,提出了几个值得继续研究的问题。然后,利用杭州湾、长江口三维联合模型,综合考虑径流、风应力、密度流、中国东部海域背景环流和M2,S2,K1,O1四个分潮的综合作用,模拟出了冬季的余流结构及其对物质的输运作用。在此基础上,针对所总结的几个问题,进一步作数值模拟,讨论余流和特技输运作用形成的机制。  相似文献   

根据杭州湾、长江口流场和物质输运的特点,引进正交曲线网格版本ECOM模型,并对斜压梯度力和物质对流扩散的计算作了改进,建立了一个以杭州湾和长江口为整体的三维联合模型,用于潮流、余流和物质输运的计算和研究.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONResidualcurrentanditsimpactonmasstransportareimportanttothestudyofcoastalen vironment.Althoughlotsofresearcheshavebeendoneontheresidualcurrentandmasstrans portintheHangzhouBayandtheChangjiangEstuary (Cao ,1 989;CaoandFang ,1 986 ;Chenetal.,1 992 ;HuandH…  相似文献   

Based on the historical evolution of the Hangzhou Bay, by making use of the conclusions made by the previous research workers and the integration of concrete data, five distinct impact indicators of the sediment from the Changjiang Estuary and the East China Sea to the Hangzhou Bay are summarized. Numerical calculation and analysis indicate that the scouring and deposition of seabed in the Hangzhou Bay are subject to the direct impact of the evolution of the Changjiang Estuary, and the growth and decline and the direction of the sandy bar at Nanhuizui give traces to the sediment transport between the Changjiang Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay. The transport of sediment from the Changjiang Estuary to the Hangzhou Bay occurs mainly in winter and spring seasons and the increase of the Changjiang River runoff and the decrease of sediment charge have caused scouring in the northern coast of the Hangzhou Bay and the seabed erosion along the frontal margin of the Changjiang River Delta.  相似文献   

根据伶仃洋表层沉积物的粒度分析资料,探讨表层沉积物的特征,并在此基础上应用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析方法(GSTA模型)分析了伶仃洋表层沉积物的泥沙净输运趋势。结果表明,伶仃洋表层沉积物共有6种类型,其中以黏土质粉砂分布最广泛。受径流、潮流、波浪和陆架水入侵等多种动力作用,伶仃洋表层沉积物颗粒在北面最粗,南面次之,中间最细,东面略粗,西面略细;分选由中部向东、西两岸逐渐变好,但总体分选差;不同级配的泥沙分布和沉积特征存在差异。伶仃洋泥沙运移规律较复杂,泥沙呈现出向西南输运的总趋势;内伶仃洋四周泥沙受各种力作用,呈现出顺时针方向的环流运移,中心区域为最大浑浊带,泥沙以垂直落淤为主。淇澳岛以南至澳门半岛以东海域受粉砂和黏土向西扩散影响,泥沙向西运移。大屿海峡及外伶仃岛附近海域为高盐水入侵通道,泥沙向西北运移。  相似文献   

Coastal salt marshes represent an important coastal wetland system.In order to understand the differences between boundary layer parameters of vegetated and unvegetated areas,as well as the mechanisms of sediment transport,several electromagnetic current meters (AEM HR,products of Alec Electronics Co.Ltd.) were deployed in coastal wetlands in Quanzhou Bay,China,to measure current velocity.During the low tide phase,the surficial sediment was collected at 10 m intervals.In situ measurements show that the current velocities on the bare flat were much higher than those in the Spartina alterniflora marsh.Current velocity also varied with distance from marsh edge and plant canopy height and diameter.Around 63% of the velocity profiles in the tidal creek can be described by a logarithmic equation.Over the bare flat and Spartina alterniflora marsh,a logarithmic profile almost occurs during the flood tide phase.Sediment analysis shows that mean grain size was 6.7 Φ along the marsh edge,and surface sediments were transported from bare flat to marsh;the tidal creeks may change this sediment transport pattern.The hydrodynamics at early flood tide and late ebb tide phases determined the net transport direction within the study area.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2010,34(3-4):299-313
A variety of algorithms are available for parameterizing the hydrodynamic bottom roughness associated with grain size, saltation, bedforms, and wave–current interaction in coastal ocean models. These parameterizations give rise to spatially and temporally variable bottom-drag coefficients that ostensibly provide better representations of physical processes than uniform and constant coefficients. However, few studies have been performed to determine whether improved representation of these variable bottom roughness components translates into measurable improvements in model skill. We test the hypothesis that improved representation of variable bottom roughness improves performance with respect to near-bed circulation, bottom stresses, or turbulence dissipation. The inner shelf south of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, is the site of sorted grain-size features which exhibit sharp alongshore variations in grain size and ripple geometry over gentle bathymetric relief; this area provides a suitable testing ground for roughness parameterizations. We first establish the skill of a nested regional model for currents, waves, stresses, and turbulent quantities using a uniform and constant roughness; we then gauge model skill with various parameterization of roughness, which account for the influence of the wave-boundary layer, grain size, saltation, and rippled bedforms. We find that commonly used representations of ripple-induced roughness, when combined with a wave–current interaction routine, do not significantly improve skill for circulation, and significantly decrease skill with respect to stresses and turbulence dissipation. Ripple orientation with respect to dominant currents and ripple shape may be responsible for complicating a straightforward estimate of the roughness contribution from ripples. In addition, sediment-induced stratification may be responsible for lower stresses than predicted by the wave–current interaction model.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of suspended particles in Osaka Bay were measured by using anin situ beam attenuation meter. The concentration of suspended particles near the bottom increases rapidly toward the bottom where size of sediment is in a range of silt. The settling velocity of suspended particles near the bottom was measured with the use of a settling tower in the laboratory. The settling velocity of the suspended particles with diameter from 10 to 100m is 2×10–3cm s–1 to 5×10–2cm s–1. The density of the particles ranges from 2.0 to 1.1 and decreases with increasing particle diameter.  相似文献   

杭州湾的三维水流数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
建立了一个基于σ变换和内外模式分裂技术三维水流数学模型,采用有限节点法(平面)和变步长差分法(σ向)对方程进行了离散;通过风生流和环岛水流两个理论模式对所建模型进行了校验,并将该模型应用到杭州湾的三维水流数值模拟中,效果良好,所建模型垂向分辨率高,简单实用,可应用于河口,海岸,湖泊等大范围水域的水流数值计算。  相似文献   

东碇倾倒区疏浚泥悬沙输移和海床冲淤数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用区域海洋模型ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)在东碇倾倒区建立三维水动力与泥沙输移数值模型,在水动力验证的基础上模拟预测了在冬、夏季节不同背景潮流和风场作用下的疏浚泥悬沙输移规律及海床沖淤变化。结果表明:在纯潮流作用下,悬沙扩散以抛泥点为中心,呈圆对称分布,且冬季泥沙输移扩散范围比夏季大;加入风场驱动后,悬沙扩散呈下风面拖拽的椭圆形,同时水体混合加强更有利于高浓度悬沙的扩散,但对悬沙输移的作用不明显;抛泥点位置从倾倒区中心变为西北角后,其作用主要体现在冬季较高浓度区面积的减小和由于局地水槽引导而形成的向北延伸的浓度舌;在海床冲淤方面,潮流和风场的作用主要是改变地形增量较大的面积,而更改抛泥点位置则会导致地形增量最大值出现较大的差异。  相似文献   

河口建闸使河口区沉积动力条件发生剧烈改变,常产生航道淤浅、泄洪不畅的危害。以新洋港河口为例,于2012 年8 月18-24 日在对新洋港闸下河口进行全潮锚系观测,分析水位、流速及悬沙浓度时空变化和悬沙输运特征。结果表明, 建闸河口区为不规则半日潮,大潮期间涨潮历时短、潮流强,落潮历时长、流速相对较小;潮周期内沉积物发生强烈的再悬 浮和沉降作用,再悬浮通量数量级可达到10-3 kg m-2s-1;小潮期间流速、悬沙浓度和再悬浮通量均小于大潮期间的数值。大 潮期间的强涨潮流导致水体不但能够产生强烈再悬浮,同时还将高浓度悬沙水体向上游输送、抵达闸下区域,这是造成建闸 河口水道淤积的主要原因。在上游开闸初期和后期,存在较强的盐度垂向梯度,水体层化特征显著;但当上游淡水量较大 时,流速迅速增强、再悬浮较为显著,水流可将高悬沙水体向外海输送,对河口水深的维持有利。  相似文献   

杭州湾海水中的硼和锶的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用作者研究的OP- 乳化剂增敏姜黄素分光光度法测定海水中的溶解硼,用ICP- AES法测定海水中的溶解锶。发现在杭州湾海水盐度5 .563 ~26 .397 ,氯度3.022 ~14 .582 范围内,硼浓度为0 .68 ~3.24mg/kg,锶浓度为1 .29~5 .88mg/kg,B(mg/kg)/Cl 比值为0 .219~0 .245,平均值为0.232±0 .007 ,Sr(mg/kg)/Cl 比值范围为0.398 ~0.440 ,平均值为0.417 ±0.011 。结果表明,湾内海水中的硼和锶浓度与海水盐度或氯度均有很好的线性正相关关系,丰水期与枯水期水样数据关系相同,不因采水时间不同而变化。实验数据统计回归线与理论稀释线比较后表明,湾内海水中锶与硼均具有良好保守性质;湾内海水中的硼和锶主要来自湾外潮汐输入。湾东北沿岸海水高的B/Cl比值,暗示着此处有含硼工业废水排入湾内,认为B/Cl 比可作为近岸河口海水硼污染的一种指标。杭州湾海水中未检测到硼有机络合物。  相似文献   

This study briefly investigated sediment transport by tidal currents in Gomso Bay, on the mid-west coast of Korea during the summer season. Hydrodynamic measurements with benthic tripods (TISDOSs) show that near-bed suspended sediments are transported toward the bay mouth along the low-water line of tidal flats in the southern part of the bay, while they are directed offshore in front of the major tidal channel at the bay mouth according to tidal asymmetry. However, suspended sediments in the main body of sea water, observed from transect and anchor-site measurements, indicate a consistent incoming toward the uppermost tidal flats. A brief episode of relatively strong winds from the west and southeast displays that wind waves can yield the near-bed suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) overwhelming the SSC by tidal currents alone in the remaining duration.  相似文献   

The source and distribution of the organic pollutants such as the oil , n-alkanes籥romatic,and the pesticide in the water column, suspended particulates and surface sediments in the Hangzhou Bay (HB) during winter 1987 and summer 1988 are studied with analytical method of fluorometry, GC, LC, GC-MS, etc.The influence of the tide and salinity on the distribution of dissolved and paniculate organic matter is investigated in this paper. The data show that the highest content of suspending silt, organic matter > and chemical oxygen demand (COD) occurs at salinity 15. This results from the fact that the water front limits the transfer and dispersion of the matter in different water mass, and enriches the suspending silt and organic matter in water column.The running direction of the oil-content equivalue lines is similar to that of the water front, and interrelated closely with the terrestrial materials from the Changjiang River.  相似文献   

为论证疏港公路对台州湾水域的影响,收集并分析了台州湾及附近海域水文、水下地形等资料,针对台州湾潮流运动特性,建立了大范围平面二维潮流数学模型。利用实测资料从潮位过程、流速流向等方面对数学模型进行了验证计算,模拟台州湾的潮流运动特征。若采用全实堤结构形式,疏港公路建成后,沿公路两侧局部范围的潮动力主要表现为减小,其中南侧减小显著。头门岛南侧原规划港区范围的潮动力减幅均超过5%,其中规划内港池处在潮动力减小20%以上的区域内,潮动力减小10%的等值线在南山岛附近水域。白沙东南侧水域的潮动力仍有微幅增加。位于疏港公路北侧的北洋涂以东附近水域,潮动力明显减小,减幅为5%的等值线在北洋涂围堤4 km以东。头门岛与东矶岛、田岙岛、石坦岛之间的潮汐通道内潮动力有不同程度的增强,增强幅度在2%以上;大竹山北侧水域潮动力增强幅度大于5%的水域面积近22 km2。采用疏港公路开口方案,疏港公路建成后,沿疏港公路的潮动力变化稍大,其它海域潮动力变化强度小。北洋涂东侧海域的潮动力明显减弱,减弱幅度大于5%的区域限于离围垦堤东2 km范围内;以大竹山东北角点为中心,方位角约350°方向,有一带状潮动力减小区,其中减小2%的带宽约1.5 km,减小5%的带状位置离大竹山最远约2.2 km,该流速减小区位于开口区涨潮流的东侧,有淤积趋势;从大竹山到头门岛段疏港公路的北侧,潮动力减小区总体呈半哑铃状,其中减小5%的等值线离公路或岛岸窄处仅300 m、宽处也只有700 m左右,该潮动力减小区均为浅水区;头门岛东侧水域和东北侧潮汐通道内的潮动力微幅增加;小竹山附近的潮动力也稍有增加。总体而言,方案没有引起头门岛北侧水域不利于开发建港的潮动力变化。通过对不同疏港公路方案和规划港区方案实施引起的工程海域流场变化和潮动力的分析论证得出,疏港公路全实堤形式会引起规划港区水域的潮流速较大幅度地减弱,在此基础上港区按规划方案建成后,港池和航道均有较严重淤积。疏港公路麂晴山至大竹山段开口2 km、大竹山至头门岛实堤方案有利于保护性开发头门岛港口资源。研究表明,从潮流泥沙角度而言,头门岛北侧水域也具备建港条件。  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a robust, accurate and computationally efficient hydrodynamic and sediment transport model for dam break flows. The two dimensional shallow water equations are resolved based on the finite volume method with an unstructured quadtree mesh. The sediment transport and bed evolution modules are coupled with hydrodynamic module to predict simultaneously the hydrodynamics, sediment concentrations and morphological changes. The interface flux is computed by the HLL approximate Riemann solver with second order accuracy. The effects of pressure and gravity are included in source term in this model, which can simplify the computation and eliminate numerical imbalance between source and flux terms. For dam break flows occurring in complicated geometries, the quadtree rectangular mesh is used to refine the interesting area and important part. The model is first verified against results from laboratory experiments, existing numerical models and real life case. It is then used to simulate dam break flows over a mobile bed to investigate the bed evolution. The results are compared with experimental data and field data with good agreement. The method is simple, efficient, and conservative. It shows promise for handling hydrodynamic simulation and sediment transport for a wide range of dam break flows.  相似文献   

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