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The orbital evolution of asteroidal fragments with diameters ranging from 10 cm to 20 km, injected into the 3:1 Kirkwood gap at 2.50 A.U., has been investigated using Monte Carlo techniques. It is assumed that this material can become Earth-crossing on a time scale of 106 years, as a result of a chaotic zone discovered by Wisdom, associated with the 3:1 resonance. This phenomenon, as well as close encounter planetary perturbations, the v6 secular resonance, and the ablative effects of the Earth's atmosphere are included in the determination of the orbital characteristics of meteorites impacting the Earth derived by fragmentation of this asteroidal material. It is found that the predicted meteorite orbits closely match those found for observed ordinary chondrites, and the total flux is in approximate agreement with the observed fall rate of ordinary chondrites. About 10% of the predicted impacting bodies are meteorite-size bodies originating directly from the asteroid belt. The remainder are obtained by subsequent fragmentation of larger (~1 m to 20 km diameter) Earth-crossing asteroidal fragments. The largest of these fragments are observable as Apollo-Amor objects. Thus the apparent paradox between the orbital characteristics of observed ordinary chondrites and those predicted from Apollo object sources is reconciled. Both appear to be complementary aspects of the same phenomena. No other asteroidal resonance is found to be satisfactory as a source of ordinary chondrites. These meteorites are therefore most likely to be derived from S asteroids in this limited region of the asteroidal belt, the largest of which are 11 Parthenope, 17 Thetis, and 29 Amphitrite.  相似文献   


The paper is focused on studying the motion of asteroid 3200 Phaethon which approached the Earth in December 2017. We consider the dynamics of asteroid 3200 Phaethon, reveal its encounters with planets, mean motion and secular resonances, and estimate the predictability time and the causes of chaoticity. A peculiar feature in the dynamics of the object is that it passes through the unstable orbital resonance 3/7 with Venus and exhibits a gamut of apsidal-nodal resonances with Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter, as well as a large number of close encounters with terrestrial planets. These properties result in a chaotic character of the motion beyond a time interval between the years 1780 and 2350.


In Wisdom (2017), I presented new simulations of meteorite transport from the chaotic zones associated with major resonances in the asteroid belt: the ν6 secular resonance, the 3:1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter, and the 5:2 mean motion resonance with Jupiter. I found that the observed afternoon excess (the fact that approximately twice as many meteorites fall in the afternoon as in the morning) of the ordinary chondrites is consistent with chaotic transport from the 3:1 resonance, contradicting prior reports. Here I report an additional study of the transport of meteorites from ν6 secular resonance and the 3:1 mean motion resonance. I use an improved integration algorithm, and study the evolution of more particles. I confirm that the afternoon excess of the ordinary chondrites is consistent with transport from the 3:1 resonance.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large body of evidence, including the presence of a dynamical family associated with 4 Vesta, suggests that this asteroid might be the ultimate source of both the V-type near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorites. Dynamical routes from Vesta to the inner regions of the solar system are provided by both the 3:1 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter and the V6, secular resonance. For this reason, numerical integrations of the orbits of fictitious Vesta fragments injected in both of these resonances have been performed. At the same time, the orbital evolution of the known V-type NEAs has been investigated. The results indicate that the dynamical half lifetimes of Vesta fragments injected in both the 3:1 and the V6, resonances are rather short ('2 Ma). The present location of the seven known V-type NEAs is better explained by orbital evolutions starting from the v6 secular resonance. The most important result of the present investigation, however, is that we now face what we call the “Vesta paradox.” Roughly speaking, the paradox consists of the fact that the present V-type NEAs appear to be too dynamically young to have originated in the event that produced the family, but they are too big to be plausible second-generation fragments from the family members. The cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) age distribution of HED meteorites also raises a puzzle, since we would expect an overabundance of meteorites with short CRE ages. We propose different scenarios to explain these paradoxes.  相似文献   

We review theoretical and numerical results obtained for secular resonant motion in the asteroidal belt. William's theory (1969) yields the locations of the principal secular resonances 5, 6, and 16 in the asteroidal belt. Theories by Nakai and Kinoshita (1985) and by Yoshikawa (1987) allow us to model the basic features of orbital evolution at the secular resonances 16 and 6, respectively. No theory is available for the secular resonance v5. Numerical experiments by Froeschlé and Scholl yield quantitative and new qualitative results for orbital evolutions at the three principal secular resonances 5, 6, and 16. These experiments indicate possible chaotic motion due to overlapping resonances. A secular resonance may overlap with another secular resonance or with a mean motion resonance. The role of the secular resonances as possible sources of meteorites is discussed.  相似文献   

Our understanding of planet formation depends in fundamental ways on what we learn by analyzing the composition, mineralogy, and petrology of meteorites. Yet, it is difficult to deduce the compositional and thermal gradients that existed in the solar nebula from the meteoritic record because, in most cases, we do not know where meteorites with different chemical and isotopic signatures originated. Here we developed a model that tracks the orbits of meteoroid-sized objects as they evolve from the ν6 secular resonance to Earth-crossing orbits. We apply this model to determining the number of meteorites accreted on the Earth immediately after a collisional disruption of a D∼200-km-diameter inner-main-belt asteroid in the Flora family region. We show that this event could produce fossil chondrite meteorites found in an ≈470 Myr old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, the L-chondrite meteorites with shock ages ≈470 Myr falling on the Earth today, as well as asteroid-sized fragments in the Flora family. To explain the measured short cosmic-ray exposure ages of fossil meteorites our model requires that the meteoroid-sized fragments were launched at speeds >500 m s−1 and/or the collisional lifetimes of these objects were much shorter immediately after the breakup event than they are today.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory of secular resonances is developed. Both terms corresponding to secular resonances 5 and 6 are taken into account in the Hamiltonian. The simple overlap criterion is applied and the condition for the overlap of these resonances is found. It is shown that in given approximation the value p = (1 - e2)1/2(1 - cosI) is an integral of motion, where the mean eccentricity e and mean inclination I are obtained by eliminating short-period perturbations as well as the nonresonant terms from the planets. The overlap criterion yields a critical value of parameter p depending on the semi-major axis a of the asteroid. For p greater than the critical value, resonance overlap occurs and chaotic motion has to be expected. A mapping is presented for fast calculation of the trajectories. The results are illustrated by level curves in surfaces of section method.  相似文献   

We integrated numerically, in the frame of the four body problem Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-asteroid the orbit of the asteroid 1974 MA, an Earth-crosser, which is located in a region where three resonances overlap: the two secular resonances 5 and 16 and the mean motion resonance 5/1. The numerical integration yields a qualitative orbital evolution of this particular region.  相似文献   

Meteorites are delivered from the asteroid belt by way of chaotic zones (Wisdom 1985a). The dominant sources are believed to be the chaotic zones associated with the ν6 secular resonance, the 3:1 mean motion resonance, and the 5:2 mean motion resonance. Though the meteorite transport process has been previously studied, those studies have limitations. Here I reassess the meteorite transport process with fewer limitations. Prior studies have not been able to reproduce the afternoon excess (the fact that approximately twice as many meteorites fall in the afternoon as in the morning) and suggested that the afternoon excess is an observational artifact; here it is shown that the afternoon excess is in fact consistent with the transport of meteorites by way of chaotic zones in the asteroid belt. By studying models with and without the inner planets it is found that the inner planets significantly speed up the transport of meteorites.  相似文献   

The chaotic behaviour of the motion of the planets in our Solar System is well established. In this work to model a hypothetical extrasolar planetary system our Solar System was modified in such a way that we replaced the Earth by a more massive planet and let the other planets and all the orbital elements unchanged. The major result of former numerical experiments with a modified Solar System was the appearance of a chaotic window at κ E ∈ (4, 6), where the dynamical state of the system was highly chaotic and even the body with the smallest mass escaped in some cases. On the contrary for very large values of the mass of the Earth, even greater than that of Jupiter regular dynamical behaviour was observed. In this paper the investigations are extended to the complete Solar System and showed, that this chaotic window does still exist. Tests in different ‘Solar Systems’ clarified that including only Jupiter and Saturn with their actual masses together with a more ‘massive’ Earth (4 < κ E < 6) perturbs the orbit of Mars so that it can even be ejected from the system. Using the results of the Laplace‐Lagrange secular theory we found secular resonances acting between the motions of the nodes of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These secular resonances give rise to strong chaos, which is the cause of the appearance of the instability window. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Establishing connections between meteorites and their parent asteroids is an important goal of planetary science. Several links have been proposed in the past, including a spectroscopic match between basaltic meteorites and (4) Vesta, that are helping scientists understand the formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies. Here we show that the shocked L chondrite meteorites, which represent about two thirds of all L chondrite falls, may be fragments of a disrupted asteroid with orbital semimajor axis a=2.8 AU. This breakup left behind thousands of identified 1–15 km asteroid fragments known as the Gefion family. Fossil L chondrite meteorites and iridium enrichment found in an ≈467 Ma old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, and perhaps also ∼5 large terrestrial craters with corresponding radiometric ages, may be tracing the immediate aftermath of the family-forming collision when numerous Gefion fragments evolved into the Earth-crossing orbits by the 5:2 resonance with Jupiter. This work has major implications for our understanding of the source regions of ordinary chondrite meteorites because it implies that they can sample more distant asteroid material than was previously thought possible.  相似文献   

The search for asteroids that maintain stable motion in the zone between the Earth and Mars has been performed. The near-Earth object 2013 RB6, which has avoided close encounters with the planets for a long period of time, has been found. Integration of the equations of motion of the object shows that its dynamical lifetime in the zone between the Earth and Mars significantly exceeds 100 Myr. 2013 RB6 moves away from orbital resonances with the planets, but is in the secular resonance ν5. Solving the question of its origin requires further observations.  相似文献   

When the precessional rate of the orbital plane of an asteroid is nearly equal to that of Jupiter, the orbital inclination of the asteroid changes quite largely due to this near equality of their precessional rates, which is called a secular resonance. In the vicinity of the exact resonance the difference of their longitudes of nodes librates with quite a long period of order of 1×106 yr. In this paper we treat this secular resonance by a method of semianalytical secular perturbations with use of numerical averaging for both non-resonant and resonant asteroids and show that the results by the semi-analytical treatment agrees qualitatively with those obtained by direct numerical integrations of asteroid's orbits.  相似文献   

The Sun's gradual brightening will seriously compromise the Earth'sbiosphere within 109 years. If Earth's orbit migrates outward,however, the biosphere could remain intact over the entiremain-sequence lifetime of the Sun. In this paper, we explore thefeasibility of engineering such a migration over a long timeperiod. The basic mechanism uses gravitational assists to (in effect)transfer orbital energy from Jupiter to the Earth, and therebyenlarges the orbital radius of Earth. This transfer is accomplishedby a suitable intermediate body, either a Kuiper Belt object or a mainbelt asteroid. The object first encounters Earth during an inward passon its initial highly elliptical orbit of large ( 300 AU)semimajor axis. The encounter transfers energy from the object to theEarth in standard gravity-assist fashion by passing close to theleading limb of the planet. The resulting outbound trajectory of theobject must cross the orbit of Jupiter; with proper timing, theoutbound object encounters Jupiter and picks up the energy it lost toEarth. With small corrections to the trajectory, or additionalplanetary encounters (e.g., with Saturn), the object can repeat thisprocess over many encounters. To maintain its present flux of solarenergy, the Earth must experience roughly one encounter every 6000years (for an object mass of 1022 g). We develop the details ofthis scheme and discuss its ramifications.  相似文献   

A mapping model is constructed to describe asteroid motion near the 3 : 1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter, in the plane. The topology of the phase space of this mapping coincides with that of the real system, which is considered to be the elliptic restricted three body problem with the Sun and Jupiter as primaries. This model is valid for all values of the eccentricity. This is achieved by the introduction of a correcting term to the averaged Hamiltonian which is valid for small values of the ecentricity.We start with a two dimensional mapping which represents the circular restricted three body problem. This provides the basic framework for the complete model, but cannot explain the generation of a gap in the distribution of the asteroids at this resonance. The next approximation is a four dimensional mapping, corresponding to the elliptic restricted problem. It is found that chaotic regions exist near the 3 : 1 resonance, due to the interaction between the two degrees of freedom, for initial conditions close to a critical curve of the circular model. As a consequence of the chaotic motion, the eccentricity of the asteroid jumps to high values and close encounters with Mars and even Earth may occur, thus generating a gap. It is found that the generation of chaos depends also on the phase (i.e. the angles andv) and as a consequence, there exist islands of ordered motion inside the sea of chaotic motion near the 3 : 1 resonance. Thus, the model of the elliptic restricted three body problem cannot explain completely the generation of a gap, although the density in the distribution of the asteroids will be much less than far from the resonance. Finally, we take into account the effect of the gravitational attraction of Saturn on Jupiter's orbit, and in particular the variation of the eccentricity and the argument of perihelion. This generates a mixing of the phases and as a consequence the whole phase space near the 3 : 1 resonance becomes chaotic. This chaotic zone is in good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments of fictitious small bodies with initial eccentricities e=0.1 have been performed in the overlapping region of the 3/1 mean motion resonance and of thev 6 secular resonance 2.48a2.52AU for different values of the initial inclination 16°i20°. An analysis for thev 6 secular resonance shows that the topology is different from the one found outside the overlapping region: the critical argument for thev 6 resonance in the overlapping region rotates in opposite direction as compared to the purev 6 region. In the 3/1 resonance region the secular resonancev 5 is dominant, and some secondary secular resonances asv 6v 16 andv 5 +v 6 are present.  相似文献   

We discuss the main mechanisms affecting the dynamical evolution of Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) by analyzing the results of three numerical integrations over 1 Myr of the NEA (4179) Toutatis. In the first integration the only perturbing planet is the Earth. So the evolution is dominated by close encounters and looks like a random walk in semimajor axis and a correlated random walk in eccentricity, keeping almost constant the perihelion distance and the Tisserand invariant. In the second integration Jupiter and Saturn are present instead of the Earth, and the 3/1 (mean motion) and v 6 (secular) resonances substantially change the eccentricity but not the semimajor axis. The third, most realistic, integration including all the three planets together shows a complex interplay of effects, with close encounters switching the orbit between different resonant states and no approximate conservation of the Tisserand invariant. This shows that simplified 3-body or 4-body models cannot be used to predict the typical evolution patterns and time scales of NEAs, and in particular that resonances provide some fast-track dynamical routes from low-eccentricity to very eccentric, planet-crossing orbits.On leave from the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy, thanks to the G. Colombo fellowships of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

We introduce new techniques for the computation of the collision probability for Earth-crossing asteroids in the case of short observational arcs and/or small numbers of observations. The techniques rely on the orbital element probability density computed using statistical orbital ranging. We apply the techniques to the Earth-crossing asteroid 1998 OX4with non-vanishing collision probability in numerous close approaches after the year 2012 (inclusive). We study the invariance of the collision probability in transformations between different orbital element sets, and develop a Spearman rank correlation measure for the validity of the linear approximation. We introduce an optimized, fast version of the statistical ranging method.  相似文献   

Abstract— The newly discovered asteroid 2002 AA29 moves in a very Earth‐like orbit that relative to Earth has a unique horseshoe shape and allows transitions to a quasi‐satellite state. This is the first body known to be in a simple heliocentric horseshoe orbit, moving along its parent planet's orbit. It is similarly also the first true co‐orbital object of Earth, since other asteroids in 1:1 resonance with Earth have orbits very dissimilar from that of our planet. When a quasi‐satellite, it remains within 0.2 AU of the Earth for several decades. 2002 AA29 is the first asteroid known to exhibit this behavior. 2002 AA29 introduces an important new class of objects offering potential targets for space missions and clues to asteroid orbit transfer evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract— The S(IV)-type asteroid 6 Hebe is identified as the probable parent body of the H-type ordinary chondrites and of the IIE iron meteorites. The ordinary chondrites are the most common type of meteorites falling to Earth; but prior to the present study, no large mainbelt source bodies have been confirmed. Hebe is located adjacent to both the v6 and 3:1 resonances and has been previously suggested as a major potential source of the terrestrial meteorite flux. Hebe exhibits subtle rotational spectral variations, indicating the presence of some compositional variations across its surface. The silicate portion of the surface assemblage of Hebe is consistent (both in overall average and in its range of variation) with the silicate components in the suite of H-type chondrites. The high albedo of Hebe rules out a lunar-style space weathering process to produce the weakened absorption features and reddish spectral slope in the S-type spectrum of Hebe. Linear unmixing models show that a typical Ni-Fe metal spectrum is consistent with the component that modifies an H-chondrite spectrum to produce the S-type spectrum of Hebe. On the basis of the association between the H chondrites and the HE iron meteorites, our model suggests that large impacts onto the relatively metal-rich H-chondrite target produced melt bodies (sheets or pods) that differentiated to form thin, laterally extensive near-surface layers of Ni-Fe metal. Fragments of the upper silicate portions of these melt bodies are apparently represented by some of the igneous inclusions in H-chondrite breccias. Alternately, masses of metal could have been deposited on the surface of Hebe by the impact of a core or core fragment from a differentiated parent body of H-chondrite composition. Subsequent impacts preferentially eroded and depleted the overlying silicate and regolith components, exposing and maintaining large masses of metal at the optical surface of Hebe. In this interpretation, the nonmagmatic IIE iron meteorites are samples of the Ni-Fe metal masses on the surface of Hebe, whereas the H chondrites are samples from between and/or beneath the metal masses.  相似文献   

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