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http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114001121   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Chinese Tianshan belt of the southern Altaids has undergone a complicated geological evolution.Different theories have been proposed to explain its evolution and these are still hotly debated.The major subduction polarity and the way of accretion are the main problems.Southward,northward subduction and multiple subduction models have been proposed.This study focuses on the structural geology of two of the main faults in the region,the South Tianshan Fault and the Nikolaev Line.The dip direction in the Muzhaerte valley is southward and lineations all point towards the NW.Two shear sense motions have been observed within both of these fault zones,a sinistral one,and a dextral one,the latter with an age of 236-251 Ma.Structural analyses on the fault zones show that subduction has been northward rather than southward.The two shear sense directions indicate that the Yili block was first dragged along towards the east due to the clockwise rotation of the Tarim block.After the Tarim block stopped rotating,the Yili block still kept going eastward,inducing the dextral shear senses within the fault zones.  相似文献   

The eastern Pontides orogenic belt provides a window into continental arc magmatism in the Alpine-Himalayan belt.The late Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of this belt remains controversial.Here we focus on the nature of the transition from the adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism in the Kale area of Gumushane region in NE Turkey where this transition is best preserved.The adakitic lithologies comprise porphyries and hyaloclastites.The porphyries are represented by biotite-rich andesites,hornblende-rich andesite and dacite.The hayaloclastites represent the final stage of adakitic activity and they were generated by eruption/intrusion of adakitic andesitic magma into soft carbonate mud.The non-adakitic lithologies include basaltic-andesitic volcanic and associated pyroclastic rocks. Both rock groups are cutting by basaltic dikes representing the final stage of the Cenozoic magmatism in the study area.We report zircon U-Pb ages of 48.71±0.74 Ma for the adakitic rocks,and 44.68±0.84 Ma for the non-adakitic type,suggesting that there is no significant time gap during the transition from adakitic to non-adakitic magmatism.We evaluate the origin,magma processes and tectonic setting of the magmatism in the southern part of the eastern Pontides orogenic belt.Our results have important bearing on the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000843   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report equilibrium sapphirine t quartz assemblage in biotiteeorthopyroxeneegarnet granulites from a new locality in Panasapattu of Paderu region in the Eastern Ghats granulite belt, which provide new evidence for ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism at 1030e1050 C and 10 kbar in this region. The development of migmatitic texture, stabilization of the garneteorthopyroxenee plagioclaseeK-feldspar association, prograde biotite inclusions within garnet and sapphirine as well as sapphirine and cordierite inclusions within garnet in these granulites indicate that the observed peak assemblages probably formed during prograde dehydration melting of a BteSilleQtz assemblage, and constrain the prograde stage of the PeT path. The core domains of orthopyroxene porphyroblasts have up to wt(Al2O3) 9.6%, which suggest that the temperatures reached up to 1150 C suggesting extreme crustal metamorphism. These conditions were also confirmed by the garneteorthopyroxene thermobarometery, which yields a PeT range of 1012e960 C and 9.4 kbar. The PeT phase topologies computed using isochemical sections calculated in the model system Na2OeCaOeK2OeFeOeMgOeAl2O3eSiO2 eH2O (NCKFMASH) for metapelites, garnet-free sapphirine granulites and garnet-bearing sapphirine granulites match the melt-bearing assemblages observed in these rocks. Isochemical sections constructed in the NCKFMASH system for an average sub-aluminous metapelite bulk composition, and contoured for modal proportions of melt and garnet, as well as for the compositional isopleths of garnet, predict phase and reaction relations that are consistent with those observed in the rocks. Garnet and orthopyroxene contain Ti-rich phlogopite inclusions, suggesting formation by prograde melting reactions at the expense of phlogopite during ultrahigh-temperature conditions. These PeT results underestimate ‘peak’ conditions, in part as a result of the modification of garnet compositions in the domains where some melt was retained. The post-peak evolution is constrained by a succession of melt-present reactions that occur at P < 10 kbar, inferred from micro-structural relations among various minerals. After high-temperature decompression from the metamorphic peak, the PeT path followed a near isobaric cooling stage to T < 900 C. The UHT rocks investigated in this study occur within a continental collision suture which witnessed prolonged subductioneaccretion history prior to the final collision. We correlate the extreme metamorphism and the stabilization of UHT mineral assemblages to heat and volatile input from an upwelled asthenosphere during subductionecollision tectonics in a Proterozoic convergent plate margin.  相似文献   

We present three 3D numerical models of deep subduction where buoyant material from an oceanic plateau and a plume interact with the overriding plate to assess the influence on subduction dynamics,trench geometry,and mechanisms for plateau accretion and continental growth.Transient instabilities of the convergent margin are produced,resulting in:contorted trench geometry;trench migration parallel with the plate margin;folding of the subducting slab and orocline development at the convergent margin;and transfer of the plateau to the overriding plate.The presence of plume material beneath the oceanic plateau causes flat subduction above the plume,resulting in a "bowed" shaped subducting slab.In plateau-only models,plateau accretion at the edge of the overriding plate results in trench migration around the edge of the plateau before subduction is re-established directly behind the trailing edge of the plateau.The plateau shortens and some plateau material subducts.The presence of buoyant plume material beneath the oceanic plateau has a profound influence on the behaviour of the convergent margin.In the plateau + plume model,plateau accretion causes rapid trench advance.Plate convergence is accommodated by shearing at the base of the plateau and shortening in the overriding plate.The trench migrates around the edge of the plateau and subduction is re-established well behind the trailing edge of the plateau,effectively embedding the plateau into the overriding plate.A slab window forms beneath the accreted plateau and plume material is transferred from the subducting plate to the overriding plate through the window.In all of the models,the subduction zone maintains a relatively stable configuration away from the buoyancy anomalies within the downgoing plate.The models provide a dynamic context for plateau and plume accretion in Phanerozoic accretionary orogenic systems such as the East China Orogen and the Central Asian Orogen(Altiads),which are characterised by accreted ophiolite complexes with diverse geochemical affinities,and a protracted evolution of accretion of exotic terranes including oceanic plateau and terranes with plume origins.  相似文献   

Several orogenic cycles of mountain building and subsequent collapse associated with periods of shallowing and steepening of subduction zones have been recognized in recent years in the Andes.Most of them are characterized by widespread crustal delamination expressed by large calderas and rhyolitic flare-up produced by the injection of hot asthenosphere in the subduction wedge.These processes are related to the increase of the subduction angle during trench roll-back.The Payenia paleoflat-slab,in the southern Central Andes of Argentina and Chile(34°—37°S) recorded a complete cycle from crustal thickening and mountain uplift to extensional collapse and normal faulting,which are related to changes in the subduction geometry.The early stages are associated with magmatic expansion and migration,subsequent deformation and broken foreland.New ages and geochemical data show the middle to late Miocene expansion and migration of arc volcanism towards the foreland region was associated with important deformation in the Andean foothills.However,the main difference of this orogenic cycle with the previously described cycles is that the steepening of the oceanic subducted slab is linked to basaltic flooding of large areas in the retroarc under an extensional setting.Crustal delamination is concentrated only in a narrow central belt along the cordilleran axis.The striking differences between the two types of cycles are interpreted to be related to the crustal thickness when steepening the subducting slab.The crustal thickness of the Altiplano is over 60-80 km,whereas Payenia is less than 42 km in the axial part,and near 30 km in the retroarc foothills.The final extensional regime associated with the slab steepening favors the basaltic flooding of more than 8400 km~3 in an area larger than 40,000 km2,through 800 central vents and large fissures.These characteristics are unique in the entire present-day Andes.  相似文献   

The Central India Tectonic Zone(CITZ) marks the trace of a major suture zone along which the south Indian and the north Indian continental blocks were assembled through subduction-accretioncollision tectonics in the Mesoproterozoic.The CITZ also witnessed the major,plume-related,late Cretaceous Deccan volcanic activity,covering substantial parts of the region with continental flood basalts and associated magmatic provinces.A number of major fault zones dissect the region,some of which are seismically active.Here we present results from gravity modeling along five regional profiles in the CITZ, and combine these results with magnetotelluric(MT) modeling results to explain the crustal architecture. The models show a resistive(more than 2000Ω·m) and a normal density(2.70 g/cm~3) upper crust suggesting\ dominant tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) composition.There is a marked correlation between both high-density(2.95 g/cm~3) and low-density(2.65 g/cm~3) regions with high conductive zones (<80Ω·m) in the deep crust.We infer the presence of an interconnected grain boundary network of fluids or fluid-hosted structures,where the conductors are associated with gravity lows.Based on the conductive nature,we propose that the lower crustal rocks are fluid reservoirs,where the fluids occur as trapped phase within minerals,fluid-filled porosity,or as fluid-rich structural conduits.We envisage that substantial volume of fluids were transferred from mantle into the lower crust through the younger plume-related Deccan volcanism,as well as the reactivation,fracturing and expulsion of fluids transported to depth during the Mesoproterozoic subduction tectonics.Migration of the fluids into brittle fault zones such as the Narmada North Fault and the Narmada South Fault resulted in generating high pore pressures and weakening of the faults,as reflected in the seismicity.This inference is also supported by the presence of broad gravity lows near these faults,as well as the low velocity in the lower crust beneath regions of recent major earthquakes within the CITZ.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114001352   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
Ultrahigh temperature(UHT) metamorphism is the most thermally extreme form of regional crustal metamorphism,with temperatures exceeding 900℃.UHT crustal metamorphism is recognised in more than 50 localities globally in the metaniorphic rock record and is accepted as 'normal' in the spectrum of regional crustal processes.UHT metamorphism is typically identified on the basis of diagnostic mineral assemblages such as sapphirine+ quartz,orthopyroxene + sillimanite ± quartz and osumilite in Mg-AIrich rock compositions,now usually coupled with pseudosection-based thermobarometry using internally-consistent thermodynamic data sets and/or Al-in-Orthopyroxene and ternary feldspar thermobarometry.Significant progress in the understanding of regional UHT metamorphism in recent years includes:(1) development of a ferric iron activity-composition thermodynamic model for sapphirine,allowing phase diagram calculations for oxidised rock compositions:(2) quantification of UHT conditions via trace element thermometry,with Zr-in-rutile more commonly recording higher temperatures than Ti-in-zircon.Rutile is likely to be stable at peak UHT conditions whereas zircon may only grow as UHT rocks are cooling.In addition,the extent to which Zr diffuses out of rutile is controlled by chemical communication with zircon;(3) more fully recognising and utilising temperature-dependent thermal properties of the crust,and the possible range of heat sources causing metamorphism in geodynamic modelling studies:(4) recognising that crust partially melted either in a previous event or earlier in a long-duration event has greater capacity than fertile,unmelted crust to achieve UHT conditions due to the heat energy consumed by partial melting reactions:(5) more strongly linking U-Pb geochronological data from zircon and monazite to P-T points or path segments through using Y + REE partitioning between accessory and major phases,as well as phase diagrams incorporating Zr and REE;and(6)improved insight into the settings and factors responsible for UHT metamorphism via geodynamic forward models.These models suggest that regional UHT metamorphism is,principally,geodynamically related to subduction,coupled with elevated crustal radiogenic heat generation rates.  相似文献   

Mineral chemistry,whole-rock major oxide,and trace element compositions have been determined for the Tuerkubantao mafic-ultramafic intrusion,in order to understand the early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the West Junggar orogenic belt at the southern margin of the Central Asian orogenic belt.The Tuerkubantao mafic-ultramafic intrusion is a well-differentiated complex comprising peridotite,olivine pyroxenite,gabbro,and diorite.The ultramafic rocks are mostly seen in the central part of the intrusion and surrounded by mafic rocks.The Tuerkubantao intrusive rocks are characterized by enrichment of large ion lithophile elements and depleted high field strength elements relative to N-MORB.In addition,the Tuerkubantao intrusion displays relatively low Th/U and Nb/U(1.13—2.98 and 2.53—7.02,respectively) and high La/Nb and Ba/Nb(1.15—4.19 and 37.7—79.82,respectively).These features indicate that the primary magma of the intrusion was derived from partial melting of a previously metasomatized mantle source in a subduction setting.The trace element patterns of peridotites,gabbros,and diorite in the Tuerkubantao intrusion have sub-parallel trends,suggesting that the different rock types are related to each other by differentiation of the same primary magma.The intrusive contact between peridotite and gabbro clearly suggest that the Tuerkubantao is not a fragment of an ophiolite.However,the Tuerkubantao intrusion displays many similarities with Alaskan-type mafic-ultramafic intrusions along major sutures of Phanerozoic orogenic belts.Common features include their geodynamic setting,internal lithological zoning,and geochemistry.The striking similarities indicate that the middle Devonian Tuerkubantao intrusion likely formed in a subduction-related setting similar to that of the Alaskan-type intrusions.In combination with the Devonian magmatism and porphyry mineralization,we propose that subduction of the oceanic slab has widely existed in the expansive oceans during the Devonian around the Junggar block.  相似文献   

In the eastern part of the Indian shield,late PaleozoiceMesozoic sedimentary rocks of the Talchir Basin lie precisely along a contact of Neoproterozoic age between granulites of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt(EGMB)and amphibolite facies rocks of the Rengali Province.At present,the northern part of the basin experiences periodic seismicity by reactivation of faults located both within the basin,and in the Rengali Province to the north.Detailed gravity data collected across the basin show that Bouguer anomalies decrease from the EGMB(wt15 mGal),through the basin(w 10 mGal),into the Rengali Province(w 15 mGal).The data are consistent with the reportedly uncompensated nature of the EGMB,and indicate that the crust below the Rengali Province has a cratonic gravity signature.The contact between the two domains with distinct sub-surface structure,inferred from gravity data,coincides with the North Orissa Boundary Fault(NOBF)that defnes the northern boundary of the Talchir Basin.Post-Gondwana faults are also localized along the northern margin of the basin,and present-day seismic tremors also have epicenters close to the NOBF.This indicates that the NOBF was formed by reactivation of a Neoproterozoic terrane boundary,and continues to be susceptible to seismic activity even at the present-day.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000352   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Yidun Group extends from the Shangri-La region to the south and the Changtai region to the north,and is an important component of the Triassic Yidun arc in the eastern Tibetan plateau.It is composed of the Lieyi,Qugasi,Tumugou and Lanashan Formations from the base upward.Both the Lieyi and Lanashan Formations consist dominantly of black or gray slate and sandstone,whereas the Qugasi and Tumugou Formations have variable amounts of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks and turfs accompanied with gray slate and sandstone.Sandstone from the Yidun Group has variable CIA values from 55 to 76,indicative of mild to moderate weathering condition for the source rocks.All the sandstones define a general weathering trend nearly parallel to the A-CN boundary in the A-CN-K triangular diagram,implying limited effect of diagenetic and post-depositional K-metasomatism.Dominant detrital quartz and feldspar grains of the sandstones suggest predominantly felsic sources.Relatively high Y/Ni and low Cr/V ratios of sandstones from the Yidun Group indicate more contribution from felsic than mafic sources.Similarly,the Yidun sandstones have Co/Th and La/Sc ratios generally similar to upper continental crust (UCC) and cluster between UCC and felsic sources,indicating felsic rocks as primary sources.Granodiorite represents the average chemical composition of sources as evaluated by extending the predicted weathering trend back to the feldspar join in A-CN-K diagram.Prominently high Zr/Sc ratio or Hf concentration and Paleoproterozoic Nd modal ages (1.94-2.21 Ga)point to input of recycling components derived from old sedimentary source in a relatively stable tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Four different varieties of charnockitic rocks,with different modes of formation,from the Mesoproterozoic Natal belt are described and new C isotope data presented.Excellent coastal exposures in a number of quarries and river sections make this part of the Natal belt a good location for observing charnockitic field relationships.Whereas there has been much debate on genesis of charnockites and the use of the term charnockite.it is generally recognized that the stabilization of orthopyroxene relative to biotite in granitoid rocks is a function of low aH2O(±high CO2),high temperature,and composition (especially Fe/(Fe +Mg)).From the Natal belt exposures,it is evident that syn-emplacement.magmatic crystallization of chamockite can arise from mantle-derived differentiated melts that are inherently hot and dry(as in the Oribi Gorge granites and Munster enderbite),as well as from wet granitic melts that have been affected through interaction with dry country rock to produce localized charnockitic marginal facies in plutons(as in the Portobello Granite).Two varieties of post-emplacement sub-solidus chamockites are also evident.These include charnockitic aureoles developed in leucocratic,biotite.garnet granite adjacent to cross-cutting enderbitic veins that are attributed to metamorphic-metasomatic processes(as in the Nicholson’s Point granite,a part of the Margate Granite Suite),as well as nebulous,patchy charnockitic veins in the Margate Granite that are attributed to anatectic metamorphic processes under low-aHO fluid conditions during a metamorphic event.These varieties of chamockite show that the required physical conditions of their genesis can be achieved through a number of geological processes,providing some important implications for the classification of charnockites,and for the interpretation of charnockite genesis in areas where poor exposure obscures field relationships.  相似文献   

The Abor volcanics outcroping in the core of the Siang window in the Eastern Himalaya comprise voluminous mafic volcanics (47%-56% w(SiO2)),with subordinate felsic volcanics (67%-75% w(SiO2)).The felsi...  相似文献   

New methods are presented for processing and interpretation of shallow marine differential magnetic data,including constructing maps of offshore total magnetic anomalies with an extremely high resolution of up to 1-2 nT,mapping weak anomalies of 5-10 nT caused by mineralization effects at the contacts of hydrocarbons with host rocks,estimating depths to upper and lower boundaries of anomalous magnetic sources,and estimating thickness of magnetic layers and boundaries of tectonic blocks. Horizontal dimensions of tectonic blocks in the so-called "seismic gap" region in the central Kuril Arc vary from 10 to 100 km,with typical dimensions of 25-30 km.The area of the "seismic gap" is a zone of intense tectonic activity and recent volcanism.Deep sources causing magnetic anomalies in the area are similar to the "magnetic belt" near Hokkaido. In the southern and central parts of Barents Sea,tectonic blocks with widths of 30-100 km,and upper and lower boundaries of magnetic layers ranging from depths of 10 to 5 km and 18 to 30 km are calculated.Models of the magnetic layer underlying the Mezen Basin in an inland part of the White Sea-Barents Sea paleorift indicate depths to the lower boundary of the layer of 12-30 km.Weak local magnetic anomalies of 2-5 nT in the northern and central Caspian Sea were identified using the new methods,and drilling confirms that the anomalies are related to concentrations of hydrocarbon.Two layers causing magnetic anomalies are identified in the northern Caspian Sea from magnetic anomaly spectra.The upper layer lies immediately beneath the sea bottom and the lower layer occurs at depths between 30-40 m and 150-200 m.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000588   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Large charnockite massifs occur in the high-grade Southern Granulite Terrain(SGT) and Eastern Ghats Belt(EGB) crustal provinces of Peninsular India.Available geochronological data indicate that the magmatism is episodic,associated with distinct orogenic cycles in the different crustal domains. The geochemical data also indicate a change in composition from trondhjemitic at~3.0—2.9 Ga to dominantly tonalitic at~2.6—2.5 Ga to tonalitic-granodiorite-granitic at—2.0—1.9 Ga to dominantly tonalitic at 1.7—1.6 Ga to quartz monzonitic or tonalitic at~1.0—0.9 Ga to granodiorite-granitic at~0.8—0.7 Ga. The trondhjemitic and tonalitic end members are metaluminous.magnesian and calcic to calc-alkalic, characteristic of magnesian group charnockites.The granodioritic to granitic end members are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous.ferroan and calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic,characteristic of ferroan group charnockites.The quartz monzonitic end members are metaluminous to peraluminous,magnesian to ferroan and calcic to calc-alkalic.neither characteristic of the magnesian group nor of the ferroan group of charnockites. Based on the occurrence and difference in composition of the charnockite massifs,it is suggested that the charnockite magmatism registers the crustal growth of the Indian plate on its southern(SGT) and eastern(EGB) sides,along active continental margins by accretion of arcs.  相似文献   

<正>Greenstone belts of the eastern Dharwar Craton,India are reinterpreted as composite tectonostratigraphic terranes of accreted plume-derived and convergent margin-derived magmatic sequences based on new high-precision elemental data.The former are dominated by a komatiile plus Mg-tholeiitic basalt volcanic association,with deep water siliciclastic and banded iron formation(BIF) sedimentary rocks.Plumes melted at90 km under thin rifted continental lithosphere to preserve inlraoceanic and continental margin aspects.Associated alkaline basalts record subduction-recycling of Mesoarchean oceanic crust,incubated in the asthenosphere.and erupted coevally with Mg basalts from a heterogeneous mantle plume.Together.komaliites-Mg basalts-alkaline basalts plot along the Phanerozoic mantle array in Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb coordinate space,representing zoned plumes,establishing that these reservoirs were present in the Neoarchean mantle. Convergent margin magmatic associations are dominated by tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalts eompositionally similar to recent intraoceanic arcs.As well,boninitic flows sourced in extremely depleted mantle are present,and the association of arc basalts with Mg-andesites-Nb enriched basalts-adakites documented from Cenozoic arcs characterized by subduction of young(20 Ma),hot,oceanic lithosphere. Consequently.Cenozoic style "hot" subduction was operating in the Neoarchean.These diverse volcanic associations were assembled to give composite terranes in a subduction-accretion orogen at~2.1 Ga,coevally with a global accretionary orogen at ~2.7 Ga,and associated orogenic gold mineralization. Archean lithospheric mantle,distinctive in being thick,refractory,and buoyant,formed complementary to the accreted plume and convergent margin terranes.as migrating arcs captured thick plumeplateaus. and the refractory,low density.residue of plume melting coupled with accreted imbricated plume-arc crust.  相似文献   

A huge triangle-shaped tectonic region in eastern Asia plays host to numerous major earthquakes. The three boundaries of this region, which contains plateaus, mountains, and intermountain basins, are roughly the Himalayan arc, the Tianshan-Baikal, and longitude line 105°E. Within this triangular region, tectonism is intense and major deformation occurs both between crustal blocks and within most of them. Outside of this region, rigid blocks move as a whole with relatively few major earthquakes and relatively weak Cenozoic deformation. On a large tectonic scale, the presence of this broad region of intraplate deformation results from dynamic interactions between the Indian, Philippine Sea-West Pacific, and Eurasian plates, as well as the influence of deep-level mantle flow. The Indian subcontinent, which continues to move northwards at 40 mm/a since its collision with Eurasia, has plunged beneath Tibet, resulting in various movements and deformations along the Himalayan arc that diffuse over a long distance into the hinterland of Asia. The northward crustal escape of Asia from the Himalayan collisional zone turns eastwards and southeastwards along 95°–100°E longitude and defines the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. At the western Himalayan syntaxis, the Pamirs continue to move into central Asia, leading to crustal deformation and earthquakes that are largely accommodated by old EW or NW trending faults in the bordering areas between China, Mongolia, and Russia, and are restricted by the stable landmass northwest of the Tianshan-Altai-Baikal region. The subduction of the Philippine and Pacific plates under the Eurasian continent has generated a very long and narrow seismic zone along trenches and island arcs in the marginal seas while imposing only slight horizontal compression on the Asian continent that does not impede the eastward motion of eastern Asia. In the third dimension, there may be southeastward deep mantle flow beneath most of Eurasia that reaches the marginal seas and may contribute to extension along the eastern margin of Eurasia.  相似文献   

A large-scale pop-up structure occurs at the front of the northern Dabashan thrust belt (NDTB),bound by the NNE-dipping Chengkou fault to the south,and the SSW-dipping Gaoqiao fault to the north.The pop-up structure shows different features along its strike as a direct reflection of the intensity of tectonic activity.To the northwest,the structure is characterized by a two-directional thrust system forming a positive flower-like structure.In contrast,the southeastern part is composed of the vertical Chengkou fault and a series of N-directed backthrusts.showing a semi-flower-like structure. We present results from Ar-Ar dating of syntectonic microthermal nietamorphic sericite which show that the Chengkou fault experienced intense deformation during the mid-Mesozoic Yanshanian epoch(about 143.3 Ma),causing rapid uplift and thrusting of the northern Dabashan thrust belt.During the propagation of this thrust,a series of backthrusts formed because of the obstruction from the frontier of Dabashan thrust belt,leading to the development of the pop-up structure.  相似文献   

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