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A diverse suite of Archaean gneisses at Huangbaiyu village in the North China Craton, includes rare fuchsite-bearing (Cr-muscovite) siliceous rocks - known as the Caozhuang quartzite. The Caozhuang quartzite is strongly deformed and locally mylonitic, with silica penetration and pegmatite veining common. It contains abundant 3880-3600 Ma and some Palaeoarchaean zircons. Because of its siliceous nature, the presence of fuchsite and its complex zircon age distribution, it has until now been accepted as a (mature) quartzite. However, the Caozhuang quartzite sample studied here is feldspathic. The shape and cathodoluminescence petrography of the Caozhuang quartzite zircons show they resemble those found in immature detrital sedimentary rocks of local provenance or in Eoarchaean polyphase orthog- neisses, and not those in mature quartzites. The Caozhuang quartzite intra-zircon mineral inclusions are dominated by quartz,  相似文献   

The dilemma of the Jiaodong gold deposits: Are they unique?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ca. 126e120 Ma Au deposits of the Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China, define the country's largest gold province with an overall endowment estimated as>3000 t Au. The vein and disseminated ores are hosted by NE-to NNE-trending brittle normal faults that parallel the margins of ca. 165e150 Ma, deeply emplaced, lower crustal melt granites. The deposits are sited along the faults for many tens of kilometers and the larger orebodies are associated with dilatational jogs. Country rocks to the granites are Pre-cambrian high-grade metamorphic rocks located on both sides of a Triassic suture between the North and South China blocks. During early Mesozoic convergent deformation, the ore-hosting structures developed as ductile thrust faults that were subsequently reactivated during Early Cretaceous "Yan-shanian"intracontinental extensional deformation and associated gold formation. 〈br〉 Classification of the gold deposits remains problematic. Many features resemble those typical of orogenic Au including the linear structural distribution of the deposits, mineralization style, ore and alteration assemblages, and ore fluid chemistry. However, Phanerozoic orogenic Au deposits are formed by prograde metamorphism of accreted oceanic rocks in Cordilleran-style orogens. The Jiaodong de-posits, in contrast, formed within two Precambrian blocks approximately 2 billion years after devolati-lization of the country rocks, and thus require a model that involves alternative fluid and metal sources for the ores. A widespread suite of ca. 130e123 Ma granodiorites overlaps temporally with the ores, but shows a poor spatial association with the deposits. Furthermore, the deposit distribution and mineral-ization style is atypical of ores formed from nearby magmas. The ore concentration requires fluid focusing during some type of sub-crustal thermal event, which could be broadly related to a combination of coeval lithospheric thinning, asthenospheric upwelling, paleo-Pacific plate subduction, and seismicity along the continental-scale Tan-Lu fault. Possible ore genesis scenarios include those where ore fluids were produced directly by the metamorphism of oceanic lithosphere and overlying sediment on the subducting paleo-Pacific slab, or by devolatilization of an enriched mantle wedge above the slab. Both the sulfur and gold could be sourced from either the oceanic sediments or the serpentinized mantle. A better understanding of the architecture of the paleo-Pacific slab during Early Cretaceous below the eastern margin of China is essential to determination of the validity of possible models.  相似文献   

Several stratigraphic breaks and unconformities exist in the Mesoproterozoic successions in the northern margin of the North China Block.Geologic characters and spatial distributions of fve of these unconformities,which have resulted from different geological processes,have been studied.The unconformity beneath the Dahongyu Formation is interpreted as a breakup unconformity,representing the time of transition from continental rift to passive continental margin.The unconformities beneath the Gaoyuzhuang and the Yangzhuang formations are considered to be the consequence of regional eustatic fuctuations,leading to the exposure of highlands in passive margins during low sea-level stands and transgressive deposition on coastal regions during high sea-level stands.The unconformity atop the Tieling Formation might be caused by uplift due to contractional deformation in a back-arc setting,whereas the uplift after the deposition of the Xiamaling Formation might be attributed to a continental collision event.It is assumed that the occurrences of these unconformities in the Mesoproterozoic successions in the northern margin of the North China Block had a close bearing on the assemblage and breakup of the Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents.  相似文献   

The well SK-I in the Songliao Basin is the first scientific borehole targeting the continental Cretaceous strata in China.Oval concretions,thin laminae and beds of dolostone are found intercalated within mudstone and organic-rich black shale in the Nenjiang Formation of Campanian age.Low ordered ferruginous dolomite is composed of euhedral-subhedral rhombs with cloudy nucleus and light rims formed during the diagenesis.which are typical features of replacement.The heavy carbon isotopes (δ13CPDB-1.16-16.0) are results of both the fermentation of organic matter by microbes and degassing of carbon dioxide during the period of diagenesis,and the presence of light oxygen isotopes(δ18OPdb- 18.53~-5.1) is a characteristic feature of fresh water influence which means the carbonate may have been altered by ground water or rainwater in the late diagenesis.Marine water incursions into the normally lacustrine basin have been proved by both the salinity of Z value and the occurrence of foraminifera in the same strata where dolomite occurs.Pyrite framboids observed by SEM are usually enclosed in the dolomite crystals or in the mudstones,supporting the sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB).The formation of both dolomite and pyrite are associated with marine water incursions,which not only supply magnesium ion for dolomite,but also result in limited carbonate precipitation in the basin.The presence of pyrite tramboids indicates the development of an anoxic environment associated with salinity stratification in the lake.The dolomite in the Nenjiang Formation is the results of marine water incursions,diagenetic replacement of calcareous carbonate and sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB).  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114000292   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aeromagnetic anomaly zonation of the Ordos Basin and adjacent areas was obtained by processing highprecision and large-scale aeromagnetic anomalies with an approach of reduction to the pole upward continuation.Comparative study on aeromagnetic and seismic tomography suggests that aeromagnetic anomalies in this area are influenced by both the magnetic property of the rock and the burial depth of the Precambrian crystalline basement.Basement depth might be the fundamental control factor for aeromagnetic anomalies because the positive and negative anomalies on the reduction to the poleupward-continuation anomaly maps roughly coincide with the uplifts and depressions of the crystalline basement in the basin.The results,together with the latest understanding of basement faults,SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of metamorphic rock and granite,drilling data,detrital zircon ages,and gravity data interpretation,suggest that the Ordos block is not an entirety of Archean.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000060   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Khondalite Belt within the Inner Mongolia Suture Zone(IMSZ) in the North China Craton is a classic example for Paleoproterozoic ultrahigh-temperature(UHT) metamorphism.Here we report new spinel-bearing metapelitic granulites from a new locality at Xumayao within the southern domain of the IMSZ.Petrological studies and thermodynamic modeling of the spinel+quartz-bearing assemblage shows that these rocks experienced extreme metamorphism at UHT conditions.Spinel occurs in two textural settings:(1) high XZn(Zn/(Mg+Fe+Zn)=0.071-0.232) spinel with perthitic K-feld-spar. sillimanite and quartz in the rock matrix;and(2) low XZn(0.045—0.070) spinel as inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts in association with quartz and sillimanite. Our phase equilibria modeling indicates two main stages during the metamorphic evolution of these rocks:(1) near-isobaric cooling from 975℃to 875℃around 8 kbar.represented by the formation of garnet porphyroblasts from spinel and quartz;and(2)cooling and decompression from 850℃.8 kbar to below 750℃.6.5 kbar,represented by the break-down of garnet.The spinel+quartz assemblage is considered to have been stable at peak metamorphisni.formed through the break-down of cordierite.indicating a near isothermal compression process.Our study confirms the regional extent of UHT metamorphisni within the IMSZ associated with the Paleoproterozoic subduction-collision process.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000429   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The three most crucial factors for the formation of large and super-large magmatic sulfide deposits are: (1) a large volume of mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic magmas that participated in the formation of the deposits; (2) fractional crystallization and crustal contamination, particularly the input of sulfur from crustal rocks, resulting in sulfide immiscibility and segregation; and (3) the timing of sulfide concentration in the intrusion. The super-large magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits around the world have been found in small mafic-ultramafic intrusions, except for the Sudbury deposit. Studies in the past decade indicated that the intrusions hosting large and super-large magmatic sulfide deposits occur in magma conduits, such as those in China, including Jinchuan (Gansu), Yangliuping (Sichuan), Kalatongke (Xinjiang), and Hongqiling (Jilin). Magma conduits as open magma systems provide a perfect environment for extensive concentration of immiscible sulfide melts, which have been found to occur along deep regional faults. The origin of many mantle-derived magmas is closely associated with mantle plumes, intracontinental rifts, or post-collisional extension. Although it has been confirmed that sulfide immiscibility results from crustal contamination, grades of sulfide ores are also related to the nature of the parental magmas, the ratio between silicate magma and immiscible sulfide melt, the reaction between the sulfide melts and newly injected silicate magmas, and fractionation of the sulfide melt. The field relationships of the ore-bearing intrusion and the sulfide ore body are controlled by the geological features of the wall rocks. In this paper, we attempt to demonstrate the general characteristics, formation mechanism,tectonic settings, and indicators of magmatic sulfide deposits occurring in magmatic conduits which would provide guidelines for further exploration.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112001314   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As one of the areas where typical late Archean crust is exposed in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton, the northern Laioning Complex consists principally of tonalitic-trondhjemitic-granodioritic (TTG) gneisses, massive granitoids and supracrustal rocks. The supracrustal rocks, named the Qingyuan Group, consist of interbedded amphibolite, hornblende granulite, biotite granulite and BIF. Petrological evidence indicates that the amphibolites experienced the early prograde (M1), peak (M2) and post-peak (M3) metamorphism. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved as mineral inclusions, represented by actinotite + hornblende + plagioclase + epidote + quartz + sphene, within garnet porphyroblasts. The peak assemblage (M2) is indicated by garnet + clinopyroxene + hornblende + plagioclase + quartz + ilmenite, which occur as major mineral phases in the rock. The post-peak assemblage (M3) is characterized by the garnet + quartz symplectite. The P–T pseudosections in the NCFMASHTO system constructed by using THERMOCALC define the P–T conditions of M1, M2 and M3 at 490–550 °C/<4.5 kbar, 780–810 °C/7.65–8.40 kbar and 630–670 °C/8.15–9.40 kbar, respectively. As a result, an anticlockwise P–T path involving isobaric cooling is inferred for the metamorphic evolution of the amphibolites. Such a P–T path suggests that the late Archean metamorphism of the northern Liaoning Complex was related to the intrusion and underplating of mantle-derived magmas. The underplating of voluminous mantle-derived magmas leading to metamorphism with an anticlockwise P–T path involving isobaric cooling may have occurred in continental magmatic arc regions, above hot spots driven by mantle plumes, or in continental rift environments. A mantle plume model is favored because this model can reasonably interpret many other geological features of late Archean basement rocks from the northern Liaoning Complex in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton as well as their anticlockwise P–T paths involving isobaric cooling.  相似文献   

By applying the ’theory of synchronization’ from the science of complexity to studying the regional regularity of ore formation within the Nanling region of southern China,a characteristic target-pattern regional ore zonality has been discovered.During the early and late Yanshanian epoch(corresponding respectively to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods),two centers of ore formation emerged successively in the Nanling region;the former is mainly for rare metals(W,Sn,Mo,Bi,Nb) and one rare-earth element (La) and was generated in the Jurassic period;whereas the latter is mainly for base metals(Cu,Pb,Zn,Sb, Hg),noble metals(Au,Ag),and one radioactive element(U) and was generated in the Cretaceous period. Centers of ore formation were brought about by interface dynamics respectively at the Qitianling and Jiuyishan districts in southern Hunan Province.The characteristic giant nonlinear target-pattern regional ore zonality was generated by spatio-temporal synchronization process of the Nanling complex metallo-genic system.It induced the collective dynamics and cooperative behavior of the system and displayed the configuration of the regional ore zonality.Then dynamical clustering transformed the configuration into rudimentary ordered coherent structures.Phase dynamics eventually defined the spatio-temporal structures of the target-pattern regional ore zonality and determined their localization and distribution.A new methodology for revealing regional ore zonality is developed,which will encourage further investigation of the formation of deep-seated ore resources and the onset of large-scale mineralization.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000752   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of environmentalegeological problems have been caused by over-exploitation of deep groundwater (i.e., confined aquifer water) in the North China Plain. In order to better understand the status of deep groundwater over-exploitation and the resultant environmentalegeological problems on a regional scale, the over-exploitation of groundwater has been assessed by way of the groundwater exploitation potential coefficient (i.e., the ratio of exploitable amount of deep groundwater to current exploitation), cumulative land subsidence, and long-term average lowering rate of the groundwater table. There is a good correlation among the results calculated by the different methods. On a regional scale, deep groundwater has been over-exploited and there is no further exploitation potential under the current conditions. The groundwater exploitation degree index takes the exploitation in 2003 as the reference for the calculations, so the results mainly reflect the degree of current groundwater exploitation. The results of over-exploitation of deep groundwater obtained by land subsidence data and long-term average rate of depression of the water table mainly reflect environmentalegeological problems caused by exploitation of deep groundwater.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987112000564   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
High-pressure(HP) granulites widely occur as enclaves within tonalite-trondhjemitegranodiorite (TTG) gneisses of the Early Precambrian metamorphic basement in the Shandong Peninsula, southeast part of the North China Craton(NCC).Based on cathodoluminescence(CL),laser Raman spectroscopy and in-situ U-Pb dating,we characterize the zircons from the HP granulites and group them into three main types:inherited(magmatic) zircon,HP metamorphic zircon and retrograde zircon.The inherited zircons with clear or weakly defined magmatic zoning contain inclusions of apatites,and 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2915—2890 Ma and 2763—2510 Ma,correlating with two magmatic events in the Archaean basement. The homogeneous HP metamorphic zircons contain index minerals of high-pressure metamorphism including garnet,clinopyroxene.plagioclase,quartz,rutile and apatite,and yield 207Pb/206Pb ages between 1900 and 1850 Ma,marking the timing of peak HP granulite fades metamorphism.The retrograde zircons contain inclusions of orthopyroxene.plagioclase.quartz,apatite and amphibole.and yield the youngest 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1840—1820 Ma among the three groups,which we correlate to the medium to low-pressure granulite fades retrograde metamorphism.The data presented in this study suggest subduction of Meso- and Neoarchean magmatic protoliths to lower crust depths where they were subjected to HP granulite facies metamorphism during Palaeoproterozoic(1900—1850 Ma).Subsequently, the HP granulites were exhumated to upper crust levels,and were overprinted by medium to low-pressure granulite and amphibolite facies retrograde event at ca.1840—820 Ma.  相似文献   

Seismic tomography can provide both fine P-wave and S-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle.In addition,with proper computation,Poisson’s ratio images from the seismic velocities can be determined.However,it is unknown whether Poisson’s ratio images have any advantages when compared with the P-wave and S-wave velocity images.For the purposes of this study,high-resolution seismic tomography under the eastern part of North China region was used to determine detailed 3-D crustal P- and S-wave seismic velocities structure,as well as Poisson’s ratio images.Results of Poisson’s ratio imaging show high Poisson’s ratio(high-PR) anomalies located in the Hengshan-North Taihang-Zhangjiakou(H-NT-Z) region,demonstrating that Poisson’s ratio imaging can provide new geophysical constraints for regional tectonic evolution.The H-NT-Z region shows a prominent and continuous high-PR anomaly in the upper crust.Based on Poisson’s ratio images at different depths, we find that this high-PR anomaly is extending down to the middle crust with thickness up to about 26 km.According to rock physical property measurements and other geological data,this crustal Poisson’s ratio anomaly can be explained by Mesozoic partial melting of the upper mantle and basaltic magma underplating related to the lithospheric thinning of the North China craton.  相似文献   

The Erlangmiao granite intrusion is located in the eastern part of the East Qinling Orogen.The granite contains almost 99 vol.% felsic minerals with accessory garnet,muscovite,biotite,zircon,and Fe-Ti ...  相似文献   

Many gastropod taxa went extinct during the Late Cretaceous.The stratigraphic ranges of 268 genera permit to establish the longevity of extinction victims for each stage of this epoch."Young" taxa (originated within 3 epochs before the extinction) prevailed among victims of the extinctions in all stages.The proportion of "old" taxa(originated before the Cretaceous) that went extinct was the highest in the Cenomanian,and it was the lowest in the Coniacian and the Maastrichtian.It appears that the end-Cretaceous mass extinction affected chiefly "young" taxa.However,the comparison with the earlier time intervals suggests that this pattern of selectivity by generic longevity was not specific for the noted catastrophe,but,in contrast,it was typical for the entire Late Cretaceous.The latest Cenomanian environmental perturbation(OAE2) caused a stronger extinction of "old" taxa,and thus,this biotic crisis was less selective by generic longevity.This hypothesis,however,is not proven by the statistical test.  相似文献   

Global sea-level has changed in a cyclic manner through geologic history, but the regularities of these changes are yet to be fully understood. Despite certain (and sometimes significant) differences, ...  相似文献   

By applying the ‘theory of synchronization’ from the science of complexity to studying the regional regularity of ore formation within the Nanling region of South China, a characteristic target-pattern regional ore zonality has been discovered. During the early and late Yanshanian epoch (corresponding respectively to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods), two centers of ore formation emerged successively in the Nanling region; the former is mainly for rare metals (W, Sn, Mo, Bi, Nb) and one rareearth element (La) and was generated in the Jurassic period; whereas the latter is mainly for base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Sb, Hg), noble metals (Au, Ag), and one radioactive element (U) and was generated in the Cretaceous period. Centers of ore formation were brought about by interface dynamics respectively at the Qitianling and Jiuyishan districts in southern Hunan Province. The characteristic giant nonlinear targetpattern regional ore zonality was generated respectively from the two centers of ore formation by the spatio-temporal synchronization process of the Nanling complex metallogenic system. It induced the collective dynamics and cooperative behavior of the system and displayed the configuration of the regional ore zonality. Then dynamical clustering transformed the configuration into rudimentary ordered coherent structures. Phase dynamics eventually defined the spatio-temporal structures of the target-pattern regional ore zonality and determined their localization and distribution. The integral successive processes of synchronization-dynamical clustering-phase dynamics accomplished the regional ore zonality by way of “multiple field dynamics” of spatio-temporal superposition of multiple coupled pulsatory solitary wave trains of the zonal sequences of different ores. A new methodology for revealing regional ore zonality is developed, which will encourage further investigation of the formation of deep-seated ore resources and the onset of large-scale mineralization.  相似文献   

Mid-Cretaceous strata within the Tintina Trench.3 km west of the community of Ross River, contain evidence of deposition in two distinct,alternating,fluvial settings.Coal-bearing,mud-dominated strata are commonly associated with high-constructive sandy channel systems,with extensive overbank. levee and splay deposits.Channels are between 3 and 30 m wide and 0.4-7 m thick.They show repetitive development of side and in-channel bar-forms,as well as up-channel widening of the rivers by selective erosion of associated overbank and levee deposits.Levees extended for several hundred metres away from the channels.In this setting low-angle inclined stratification and epsilon cross stratification may reflect lateral migration of crevasse channels or small streams.The paucity of exposure prevents recognition of the channels as products of multiple channel anastomosed systems or single channel high-constructive systems. Gravel-dominated strata,inter-bedded with,and overlying coal-bearing units,are interpreted as deposits of wandering gravel-bed rivers,with sinuosity approaching 1.4.In most exposures they appear to be dominated by massive and thin planar-bedded granule to small pebble conglomerates,which would traditionally be interpreted as sheet-flood or longitudinal bar deposits of a high-gradient braided stream or alluvial fan.Architectural analysis of exposures in an open-pit shows that the predominance of flat bedding is an artefact of the geometry of the roadside exposures.In the pit the conglomerates are dominated by large scale cross stratification on a scale of 1-5.5 m.These appear to have developed as downstream and lateral accretion elements on side-bars and on in-channel bars in water depths of 2-12 m.Stacking of strata on domed 3rd order surfaces suggests development of longitudinal in-channel bar complexes similar to those observed in parts of the modern Rhone River system.Mudstone preserved in some of the channels reflects intervals of channel abandonment or avulsion.Minimum channel width is from 70 to 450 m.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111001113   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Rheic Ocean was one of the most important oceans of the Paleozoic Era.It lay between Laurentia and Gondwana from the Early Ordovician and closed to produce the vast Ouachita-Alleghanian -Variscan orogen during the assembly of Pangea.Rifting began in the Cambrian as a continuation of Neoproterozoic orogenic activity and the ocean opened in the Early Ordovician with the separation of several Neoproterozoic arc terranes from the continental margin of northern Gondwana along the line of a former suture.The rapid rate of ocean opening suggests it was driven by slab pull in the outboard lapetus Ocean.The ocean reached its greatest width with the closure of lapetus and the accretion of the periGondwanan arc terranes to Laurentia in the Silurian.Ocean closure began in the Devonian and continued through the Mississippian as Gondwana sutured to Laurussia to form Pangea.The ocean consequently plays a dominant role in the Appalachian-Ouachita orogeny of North America,in the basement geology of southern Europe,and in the Paleozoic sedimentary,structural and tectonothermal record from Middle America to the Middle East.Its closure brought the Paleozoic Era to an end.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000029   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Preandean geological configuration of the eastern North Patagonian Massif is established through the use of geological and geophysical analysis.The positive gravity anomalies located near the Atlantic coast are due to 535 and 540 Ma old rocks belonging to the Pampean Orogeny (Precambrian-middle Cambrian),which are widely recognized in central and northern Argentina.The Famatinian Cycle (Ordovician-Devonian) is represented by a Silurian-Devonian marine basin equivalent to those of eastern-central Argentina and South Africa,and which was deformed at the end of the Devonian byan~E-W to WNW-ESE compressional event,part of the Famatinian Orogeny.Containing strong gravity gradients,the NW-SE belt is coincident with fault zones which were originated during the Gondwanide Orogeny.This event also produced NW-SE overthrusting of the Silurian-Devonian sequences and strike-slip faults that displaced blocks in the same direction.This deformation event belongs to the Gondwanide Orogeny that includes movements related to a counterclockwise rotation of blocks in northern Patagonia.The strong negative anomalies located in the western part of the area stem from the presence of rocks of the Jurassic Ca(n)adón Asfalto basin interbedded in the Marifil Complex.These volcaniclastic sequences show mild deformation of accommodation zones in a pre-Jurassic paleorelief.  相似文献   

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