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Profiles of tidal current and suspended sediment concentration(SSC) were measured in the North Branch of the Changjiang Estuary from neap tide to spring tide in April 2010. The measurement data were analyzed to determine the characteristics of intratidal and neap-spring variations of SSC and suspended sediment transport. Modulated by tidal range and current speed, the tidal mean SSC increased from 0.5 kg/m3 in neap tide to 3.5 kg/m3 in spring tide. The intratidal variation of the depth-mean SSC can be summarized into three types: V-shape variation in neap tide, M-shape and mixed M-V shape variation in medium and spring tides. The occurrence of these variation types is controlled by the relative intensity and interaction of resuspension, settling and impact of water exchange from the rise and fall of tide. In neap tide the V-shape variation is mainly due to the dominant effect of the water exchange from the rise and fall of tide. During medium and spring tides, resuspension and settling processes become dominant. The interactions of these processes, together with the sustained high ebb current and shorter duration of low-tide slack, are responsible for the M-shape and M-V shape SSC variation. Weakly consolidated mud and high current speed cause significant resuspension and remarkable flood and ebb SSC peaks. Settling occurs at the slack water periods to cause SSC troughs and formation of a thin fluff layer on the bed. Fluxes of water and suspended sediment averaged over the neap-spring cycle are all seawards, but the magnitude and direction of tidal net sediment flux is highly variable.  相似文献   

波、流联合作用下海洋平台张力腿的涡激非线性振动   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
董艳秋 《海洋学报》1994,16(3):121-129
本文研究深水张力腿平台(以下简称TLP)的张力腿在波、流联合作用下涡街激起的振动.在所建立的数学模型中既考虑平方流体阻尼项,同时又计及中心激振影响,文中假定微幅波和线性分布的不均匀流是沿同一方向的.事实上,此方法可扩展到波、流呈任意角度的情况下,沿流向或垂直流向动力响应的研究.采用了多项伽僚金法和综合数值解法,以Conoco's Hutton张力腿平台为例,计算了当涡激频率与张力某固有频率相近发生谐振时,张力腿涡激非线性动力响应,给出一些重要结果.  相似文献   

Tidal energy budget in the Zhujiang(Pearl River) Estuary(ZE) is evaluated by employing high-resolution baroclinic regional ocean modeling system(ROMS). The results obtained via applying the least square method on the model elevations are compared against the tidal harmonic constants at 18 tide stations along the ZE and its adjacent coast. The mean absolute errors between the simulation and the observation of M_2, S_2, K_1 and O_1 are 4.6, 2.8, 3.2 and 2.8 cm in amplitudes and 9.8°, 15.0°, 4.6° and 4.6° in phase-lags, respectively. The comparisons between the simulated and observed sea level heights at 11 tide gauge stations also suggest good model performance. The total tidal energy flux incoming the ZE is estimated to be 343.49 MW in the dry season and larger than 336.18 MW in the wet season, which should due to higher mean sea level height and heavier density in the dry season. M_2, K_1, S_2, O_1 and N_2, the top five barotropic tidal energy flux contributors for the ZE,import 242.23(236.79), 52.97(52.08), 24.49(23.96), 16.22(15.91) and 7.10(6.97) MW energy flux into the ZE in dry(wet) season, successively and respectively. The enhanced turbulent mixing induced by eddies around isolated islands and sharp headlands dominated by bottom friction, interaction between tidal currents and sill topography or constricted narrow waterways together account for the five energy dissipation hotspots, which add up to about 38% of the total energy dissipation inside the ZE.  相似文献   

根据珠江口2015年7月6日至17日航次的CTD(conductivity, temperature, and depth)观测结果,分析得到:珠江口附近海域存在海水的垂向逆温现象,逆温差平均值为0.42 oC,上界深度在1 m-6 m间,下界深度在3 m-10 m间,逆温层平均厚度约为4 m。根据时空分布差异的不同,逆温现象可区分为以下三种情况:(1)在狮子洋、太平水道和蕉门水道的出口汇集处,存在温、盐差异的不同水体的交互过程中,由于潮汐和径流的作用所形成的水平流场差异导致了垂向温度的逆转现象。(2)在珠江口西侧的盐度锋面区域附近,第一航段观测期间锋面内侧低盐水团的温度低于锋面外侧高盐水团约2 oC,此时可观测到逆温现象;但在同一区域的第二航段观测期间由于河口内表层水温的上升,导致了逆温现象消失。该区域盐度锋面附近的两个水团在锋面位置附近发生叠置,冲淡水覆盖于海水之上,两个水团的温、盐差异是温度逆转现象的主因。(3)香港西南侧的上升流区域与盐度锋面的相互作用导致了该区域逆温现象的产生。  相似文献   

Habitat use of the tapertail anchovy(Coilia mystus Linnaeus, 1758) from the Oujiang River Estuary and the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary was studied by examining the environmental signatures of Sr and Ca in otoliths using electron probe microanalysis. Individuals from the Oujiang River had higher and varied Sr:Ca ratios(expressed as(Sr:Ca)×1 000, 3.83–13.0 average) in the otolith core regions, suggesting that they were born in brackish or sea waters, and that a freshwater habitat might not be necessary for egg hatching and larval growth.While, individuals from the Zhujiang River had lower Sr:Ca ratios(0.39–2.51 average) in the core regions,suggesting a freshwater origin. After hatching, anchovies from the Zhujiang River migrate downstream to the river estuary close to brackish water. Our results demonstrated varied habitat use for spawning during stages of early life history between the two populations, and suggested that such variations are promoting diversity of life history strategies of this species.  相似文献   

珠江河口的能量传播和能量耗散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了包括河网区、河口湾区和近海水域的ECOMSED-3D数学模型,计算了珠江河口的能量传播和能量耗散特征。研究表明:1)珠江河口能量来源受潮汐和径流共同作用,季节性变化明显;2)珠江河口存在若干高能耗区,其单位面积能耗率比上下游河段平均能耗率高1—2个量级,它们和一定的动力结构与地貌单元相联系。根据地貌特征和消能特点,可以划分为以下3种类型:门的高能耗区、曲折河段高能耗区和分汊汇流高能耗区。  相似文献   

珠江口悬浮泥沙迁移数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
建立了珠江口海域三维悬浮泥沙的非饱和输沙数学模型,并与珠江口三维水动力斜压模型耦合,对悬沙迁移分布进行了模拟。模型由4个点的逐时实测含沙量过程进行了验证。各点模拟含沙量与实测含沙量吻合较好,表层分布与同期珠江口悬沙分布遥感图像基本一致.模拟结果表明,珠江口海域悬沙分布分层明显,河口附近水域大多为底层含沙量大于表层,但在盐淡水交汇处出现中层含沙量最小的情况总体上,自各个口门输出的泥沙受沿岸流作用向西南万向输送明显。大多数河口落潮时相对涨潮时含沙量等值线外移,反映珠江口水域悬浮泥沙主要来自河流。  相似文献   

A structure function approach is applied to estimate the turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) dissipation rate in the bottom boundary layer of the Pearl River Estuary(PRE).Simultaneous measurements with an acoustic Doppler velocimeter(ADV) supplied independent data for the verification of the structure function method.The results show that,1) the structure function approach is reliable and successfully applied method to estimate the TKE dissipation rate.The observed dissipation rates range between 8.3×10 4 W/kg and 4.9×10 6 W/kg in YM01 and between 3.4×10 4 W/kg and 4.8×10 7 W/kg in YM03,respectively,while exhibiting a strong quarter-diurnal variation.2) The balance between the shear production and viscous dissipation is better achieved in the straight river.This first-order balance is significantly broken in the estuary by non-shear production/dissipation due to wave-induced fluctuations.  相似文献   

珠江口最大浑浊带的形成与季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用Delft3D研究了珠江口最大浑浊带的分布以及影响因素。盐度和悬沙浓度的垂向分布揭示出最大浑浊带范围的变化。最大浑浊带在干季的悬沙浓度比湿季更大,而其中心位置与湿季相比向上游移动10 km。最大浑浊带的形成受到潮汐、径流和地形的综合影响,而沉积物的再悬浮和垂向环流为影响最大浑浊带的主要因素。  相似文献   

河口有色溶解有机物(colored dissolved organic matter,CDOM)的分布是各种物理-生物地球化学过程共同作用的结果。为实现河口高动态变化CDOM的监测,遥感是一种重要的手段。由珠江口四个不同季节的航次获得的实测数据,本文构建了一个遥感算法以反演CDOM在400 nm的吸收系数(aCDOM (400))。该算法使用以波段反射率比值Rrs (667)/Rrs (443)和Rrs (748)/Rrs (412)为自变量。将构建的算法应用于2002-2014年的MODIS/Aqua数据,本文计算了珠江口不同季节的aCDOM (400)气候态分布。CDOM的分布主要受珠江径流量和区域水下地形特征的影响。沿着垂直于水深梯度的断面,气候态aCDOM (400)呈指数减少(y=aebx,b<0),但不同季节差异很大。珠江口CDOM主要是河流淡水输运而来。其中,富里酸比例随盐度的增加而降低。基于构建的算法、CDOM保守混合方程和径流量,本文由MODIS/Aqua数据进一步估算了2002-2014年夏季和冬季珠江DOC的有效入海浓度和有效入海通量。珠江的有效入海浓度和有效入海通量都与流量存在正相关关系,且在夏季的相关性更明显,R2分别为0.698和0.9657。  相似文献   

A bottom-mounted instrumental tripod was deployed in the tidally energetic Zhujiang (Pearl River) Estuary to examine the contrasting properties of the bottom boundary layer (BBL) flows between estuarine and tide-affected river systems. Three aspects of the BBL flows were investigated to understand the mechanism of the turbulence responses to the large-scale ambient forcing: the flow structures (profile, anisotropy, and spectra), shearing strains and stresses, and the balance of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Single log-law profiles and turbulence anisotropy predominated in the two systems, but the non-log regime and stronger anisotropy occurred more frequently at the slack tide in the estuary. The ADV-based turbulence intensities and shearing strains both exceeded their low-frequency counterparts (frictional velocities and mean shears) derived from the logarithmic law. On the contrary, the ADV-based Reynolds stresses were smaller than the log profile-derived bottom stresses, so the hypothesis of a constant stress layer cannot be well satisfied, especially in the river. The bandwidth of the inertial subrange in the river was of one decade larger than in the estuary. The balance between shear production and viscous dissipation was better achieved in the straight river. This first-order balance was significantly broken in the estuary and in the meandering river, by non-shear production/dissipation due to wave-induced fluctuations or salinity/sediment stratification. All these disparities between two systems in turbulence properties are essentially controlled by the anisotropy induced by the large-scale processes such as secondary currents, density stratification. In conclusion, the acceleration of unsteady flows determines the profile structure of the BBL flow, and turbulence anisotropy results in the invalidation of the phenomenological relations such as the constant stress hypothesis and the first-order TKE balance.  相似文献   

任杰  张颖 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):105-113
本文利用2010年枯季在珠江口进行的大、中、小潮LISST剖面及底边界层观测资料,分析了磨刀门河口枯季稳定存在的絮团三峰结构,即构建絮团的基本粒子的平均粒径约为8.3~9.0 μm,小絮团为36~100 μm,大絮团大于180 μm。小潮期,盐跃层捕集的悬浮泥沙以强絮凝过程为主,大絮团含量占优;中、大潮期,平均粒径普遍增大,絮凝占优。潮内的动力变化对絮团多峰结构及形态参数的影响不明显,絮凝与解凝处于动态平衡。结合坐底三角架的湍流资料和简化的群体平衡模型(Population Balance Equation,PBE),进一步揭示了絮团变化的湍流动力机制。高流速下的强紊动剪切力,直接导致大絮团被破坏形成小絮凝体,絮凝体平均粒径减小,反之絮凝强于解凝作用。同时,基于高斯矩积分方法求解PBE,得到的粒径分布基本与观测值吻合,说明在有较好的现场湍流与粒径观测资料的条件下,PBE包含的湍流动力机制可以用来研究黏性泥沙的絮凝过程。  相似文献   

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