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A chemical evolution of W3 IRS5 have been studied during J-type shock. We modified our code of for one-dimensional J-type shock to satisfy the physical conditions of W3 IRS5. The chemical rate equations and the hydrodynamics of shocks are integrated simultaneously. We find that, a shock of speed V s = 10 km s-1 and magnetic induction B=4.1×10-6 Gauss, propagate into molecular gas density of n=104cm-3, and with initial temperature of 30 K (pre shock) satisfy the physical conditions of W3 IRS5. The results using the extensive chemical network with the most updating reaction rates show that the calculated fractional abundances are in agreement with observation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have studied the chemical evolution in the central core of a contracting cloud representing W3 IRS4. We modified the equation of temperature to satisfy the physical conditions of W3 IRS4. The chemical rate equations and the hydrodynamics are integrated simultaneously. The contraction is followed from a very low density of n = 10 cm−3 to high core density of n = 106 cm−3. The chemical evolution is studied for various chemical conditions, including both the effects of varying cosmic ray ionization rate and the effect of ion–dipole molecule collisions.

The main results by using the more extensive chemical network with the most updating reaction rates show that the calculated fractional abundances are in agreement with observation at intermediate and enhanced cosmic ray ionization rate at high depletion of elemental atoms.  相似文献   

We present far-infrared observations of the surroundings of the Herbig Be star LkHα234 in NGC7129, obtained with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer on board of the Infrared Space Observatory. [CII]158μm, [OI]63μm and [OI]146μm lines are detected everywhere in the mapped region and their intensity ratios are consistent with the model predictions of a photodissociation region. The spatial distribution of the emission features indicates the presence of a peak which does not coincide with the position of LkHα234, but is more likely associated with another nearby Herbig star, namely BD+65°1637; the far-ultraviolet field intensity and the density derived from our observations are fully consistent with this hypothesis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We carried out near-infrared imaging observations of the Ori A-W region using the Italian 1.5m TIRGO infrared telescope at Gornergrat. A group of infrared objects is visible on the K band image, including an IRAS source (IRS 1). From its IRAS flux density the IRAS luminosity is derived to be 45L⊙, which shows that IRS 1 is a low-mass protostar. By superimposing the position of the VLA H2O maser on the K image, we can identify the less evolved object IRS 1 as the excitation source of the H2O maser, within a projected distance of 470AU. This would be evidence that the maser effect is associated with the youngest phase of stellar evolution. The first probable HH object candidate in the Ori A-W region is discovered from the H2 S(1) 1-0 observation. Comparing the position of the H2O maser with the direction of the molecular hydrogen emission in the region, we suggest that the observed H2O maser could be tracing the circumstellar disk of IRS 1.  相似文献   

房敏  姚永强 《天文学报》2004,45(1):1-15
给出恒星形成区GGD12-15的宽波段JHK和窄波段H2v=1-0S(1)近红外成像观测.观测图像揭示了致密的年轻红外星团和与红外源成协的红外星云,并发现了以H2发射结表征的星团外流活动.大多数红外点源在光学波段不可见;对76颗红外点源的JHK′测光结果显示,有32颗具有红外超,其中5颗表现原恒星特征,表明分子云中的恒星形成活动很活跃.以B8光谱型作为大质量星分界,由色星等图估计出大质量星所占星团比例为-10%~26%.GGD12—15星团的K′星等分布的峰值位于15.0mag,并在13.0mag-16.0mag平坦分布;[H—K′]色分布的峰值出现在-0.7mag,在此以上更红的星团成分占70%.在GGD12-15区新发现的氢分子发射结集中在星团中心领域,其空间分布明显与剧烈的恒星形成活动相关;有5个发射结位于分子外流的中心区域,暗示其激发可能与分子外流同源.  相似文献   

报告在NGC7538中利用H2(2.12μm)发射线测新发现的两个喷流和18个近红外HH天体,在IRS1-3星云中观测到了强H2发射壳层结构环绕在星云的北边。星云中红外源的UV辐射场的外流活动都可能导致这一H2发射。在HRS1-3星云的南边和东边探测到了5个H2knots.在IRS1南边发现的H2喷流暗示该区域有一个南北向的外流,在IRS11星团的周围发现了9个H2hnots.在西北-东南方向和东  相似文献   

Near-infrared images and K-band spectroscopy of the massive star-forming region IRAS 23151+5912 are presented. The JHK' images reveal an embed-ded infrared cluster associated with infrared nebula, and the H_2 (2.12μm) narrow-band image provides for the first time evidence of outflow activity associated withthe cluster. That the cluster is young can be shown by the high percentage ofinfrared excess sources and the outflow activity. We suggest an age of the clus-ter of ~ 10~6yr. Eight young stars are found in the bright nebular core aroundIRAS 23151+5912. By the color-magnitude diagrams of the cluster, we found fivehigh--mass YSOs and four intermediate-mass YSOs in the cluster. Eight H_2 emissionfeatures are discovered in the region with a scattered and non-axisymmetric distri-bution, indicating the existence of multiple outflows driven by the cluster. DiffuseH_2 emission detected to the north and to the west of the cluster may result fromUV leakage of the cluster. Brγ, H_2, and CIV emission lines are  相似文献   

By the mapping observations simultaneously at the 12CO (J=1-0), 13CO (J=1-0), and C18O (J=1-0) lines on the area of 24’×24’ (12 pc×12 pc) of the star forming region AFGL 5157, we have obtained the distribution and averaged physical parameters for the respective 13CO and C18O cores of this molecu- lar cloud. At the edge of the molecular cloud, the isotopic abundance ratio is X [(13CO)/(C18O)] 10, close to the ratio of a giant molecular cloud. The viral masses of the 13CO and C18O cores are less than the masses of the molecu-lar cloud cores, so the molecular cloud cores are gravitationally unstable, and the C18O molecular cloud core is more easy to collapse. The column density distributions of the C18O molecular cloud core in the northeast and southwest directions are, respectively, 1.1 × 1023× z−0.43 and 4.6 × 1025× z−0.58, where z is the distance from the center of the molecular cloud core. The high velocity molecular out?ow has been con?rmed from our 12CO spectra, the mass loss rate of the out?ow has been estimated, and the mass-velocity relation of the out?ow is ?tted by a power-law function of mv−1.8. The star formation rate of the 13CO molecular cloud core is as high as 23%, probably, under the in?uence of  相似文献   

The massive star forming region S 233 IR is observed in the molecular lines CO J = 2-1, 3-2, NH3 (1,1), (2,2) and the 870#m dust continuum. Four submillimeter continuum sources, labelled SMM 1-4, are revealed in the 870μm dust emission. The main core, SMM1, is found to be associated with a deeply embedded near infrared cluster in the northeast; while the weaker source SMM2 coincides with a more evolved cluster in the southwest. The best fit spectral energy distribution of SMM1 gives an emissivity of β = 1.6, and temperatures of 32 K and 92 K for the cold- and hot-dust components. An SMM1 core mass of 246 M⊙ and a total mass of 445 M⊙ are estimated from the 870μm dust continuum emission.SMM1 is found to have a temperature gradient decreasing from inside out, indicative of the presence of interior heating sources. The total outflow gas mass as traced by the CO J = 3-2 emission is estimated to be 35 M⊙. Low velocity outflows are also found in the NH3 (1,1) emission. The non-thermal dominant NH3 line width as well as the substantial core mass suggest that the SMM1 core is a “turbulent,massive dense core”, in the process of forming a group or a cluster of stars. The much higher star formation efficiency found in the southwest cluster supports the suggestion that this cluster is more evolved than the northeast one. Large near infrared photometric variations found in the source PCS-IR93, a previously found highly polarized nebulosity, indicate an underlying star showing the FU Orionis type of behavior.  相似文献   

We present high angular resolution images of both NH3(1,1)and (2,2) lines toward NGC 7538 IRS 1.The density and velocity-position plots have been used to study the interaction among the outflows,winds and their environment.For the first time we have found an expanding half-shell of molecular gas around the HⅡ region associated with IRS 1,which may be produced by the interaction of the bipolar outflows and the winds originating in IRS 1-3,and optical HⅡ region NGC 7538 with ambient molecular gas.  相似文献   

By using the 13.7 m millimeter wave telescope of the Qinghai Station of Purple Mountain Observatory at Delingha, we have performed the mapping observations simultaneously at the (J = 1-0) lines of 12CO, 13CO and C18O towards respectively the 17 star forming regions associated with clusters. All of them show rather strong C18O emission, except IRAS 04547+4753. Because of the different sizes of molecular clouds, there are 13 regions being observed to the half maximum of 13CO integrated intensity, and the large-area mapping observation has not been made for the other 4 regions with rather large extents. Based on the observed data, the physical properties of molecular cores are calculated, such as the line width, brightness temperature, size, density and mass. The averaged ratios of the virial mass Mvir and local thermodynamic equilibrium mass MLTE of the 13CO and C18O cores are 0.66 and 0.74, respectively, suggesting that these cores are nearly at the virial equilibrium state. In order to compare the cores and clusters in morphologies, the contour maps of the integrated intensities of 13CO and C18O are overlaid on the K-band images of 2MASS. At the same time, the sizes and masses of the clusters associated with cores are calculated by adopting the photometric results of the near-infrared point sources in 2MASS database. Based on the derived masses of the molecular cores and clusters, the star formation efficiency (SFE) is calculated for the molecular clouds, and we find that it varies in the range from 10% to 30%.  相似文献   

利用青海站13.7 m毫米波望远镜对17个与星团成协的恒星形成区进行了~(12)CO(J=1-0)、~(13)CO(J=1-0)和C~(18)O(J=1-0)的同时成图观测.除了IRAS04547+4753,这些源均探测到较强的C~(18)O(J=1-0)的谱线发射.由于分子云的大小不同,有13个源观测到~(13)CO(J=1-0)谱线积分强度极大值的一半处,其他源因分子云延展范围较大,没有进行大面积的成图观测.基于观测数据,计算了各云核的谱线线宽、亮温度、尺度、密度和质量等,~(13)CO和C~(13)O云核的维里质量与局部热动平衡(LTE)质量之比分别为0.66和0.74,它们接近于维里平衡状态.为了从形态方面比较云核与星团,将谱线的积分强度图与2MASS的K波段图像叠加.同时,计算了与云核成协的星团的大小和质量,数据采用了2MASS的近红外点源测光结果.基于云核与星团的质量结果,计算了分子云的恒星形成效率,大致在10%~30%的范围.  相似文献   

The excitation of H2O masers usually needs very high density gas, hence it can serve as a marker of dense gas in HII region. We selected a sample of H2O maser sources from Plume et al. (four with, and four without detected CS(J = 7-6) emission), and observed them in 13CO(J=1-0) and C18O (J=1-0). C18O (J=1-0) emission was detected only in three of the sources with detected CS(J=7-6) emission. An analysis combined with some data in the literature suggests that these dense cores may be located at different evolutionary stages. Multi-line observation study may provide us clues on the evolution of massive star forming regions and the massive stars themselves.  相似文献   

We present a spectroscopic and photometric follow-up of binary stars, discovered in a sample of X-ray sources, aimed at a deep characterization of the stellar X-ray population in the solar neighborhood and in Star Forming Regions (SFRs). The sources have been selected from the RasTyc sample, obtained by the cross-correlation between the ROSAT all-sky survey and Tycho catalogues (Guillout et al., 1999). Thanks to the high resolution spectroscopy, we have obtained good radial velocity curves, whose solutions provided us with the mass ratios and minimum masses of the components. We have also obtained an accurate spectral classification with codes specifically developed by us. In addition, we could obtain information on the age of the sources through the Lii-6708 line and on the chromospheric activity level through the Hα line.We show also some results on very young pre-main sequence (PMS) binaries discovered as optical counterparts of X-ray sources in SFRs. The spectroscopic and photometric monitoring has allowed us to determine the orbital and physical parameters and the rotation periods, that are of great importance for testing the models of PMS evolution.  相似文献   

介绍了AGB(Asymptotic Giant Brahch)星s-过程核合成区域中子辐照量分布的最新研究结果.然后将不同AGB星s-过程核合成模型给出的太阳系中子辐照量分布与由观测约束得出的结果进行对比,分析论证了最新研究结果的可靠性.  相似文献   

We have independently investigated water masers associated with the star-forming region W3 IRS5 with the VLBA. Imai et al., found that the maser 3-D motions exhibit outflows, which likely originate from two of the hyper-compact HII regions in this source. Sarma et al., have detected the Zeeman effect in water masers toward W3 IRS5 and measured line-of-sight magnetic field strengths of between 14 and 42 mG. The directions of maser linear polarization are well aligned in the whole maser region and perpendicular to the estimated magnetic field. These polarimetric results are consistent with an hourglass model of the magnetic field in W3 IRS5. Imai et al., also have analyzed the microstructures found in the individual maser features (1AU), which exhibit the fractal fashion and express turbulence on very small scales. Together, we have demonstrated that observations of water masers enable us to comprehensively enhance our understanding of the early stages of the formation of massive stars in clusters.  相似文献   

Stellar systems composed of single, double, triple or higher-order systems are rightfully regarded as the fundamental building blocks of the Milky Way. Binary stars play an important role in formation and evolution of the Galaxy. Through comparing the radial velocity variations from multiepoch observations, we analyze the binary fraction of dwarf stars observed with LAMOST. Effects of different model assumptions, such as orbital period distributions on the estimate of binary fractions,are investigated. The results based on log-normal distribution of orbital periods reproduce the previous complete analyses better than the power-law distribution. We find that the binary fraction increases with Teff and decreases with [Fe/H]. We first investigate the relation between α-elements and binary fraction in such a large sample as provided by LAMOST. The old stars with high [α/Fe] dominate with a higher binary fraction than young stars with low [α/Fe]. At the same mass, earlier forming stars possess a higher binary fraction than newly forming ones, which may be related with evolution of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

本文以W3(OH)为实例,建立了与OH脉泽成协的HII区气体-尘埃壳层的磁场模型,由此可见,致密HII区所在分子云核心中的磁场强度,与分子云核心的分子数密度之间存在指数α=1/2的幂律关系;而在HII区气体-尘埃壳层中,磁场强度与分子数密度之间存在α=1的正比关系,根据讨论可知,与OH脉泽成协的HII区,其气体-尘埃壳层的分子数密度为10~6cm~(-3)量级,磁场强度为几个mG;一旦分子数密度达10~7cm~(-3)量级,OH脉泽便将熄灭。  相似文献   

Further investigations of the Ap star γ Equ (SCHOLZ , 1975) showed that a very slow variation of the longitudinal magnetic field exists, with a change of sign in the years 1970/1971. In three spectrograms obtained near of the crossover points of the longitudinal magnetic field hints are given at the presence of a transversal magnetic field of about 3500 Gauß. The radial velocity measurements show no definitive variations.  相似文献   

G302=L3107是球状星团M4中的一颗红星,目前还没有自行或视线速度的测定,Greenstein和Lee分别给出此星的星等和色指数为:  相似文献   

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