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We analyzed aerosol optical and chemical properties over Northeast Asia for two pollution episodes caused by contrasting weather conditions, stagnant anticyclone (November, 2011) and fastmoving continental outflow associated with migratory cyclone/anticyclone (February, 2003). Pollution levels were significantly high and even comparable with heavily polluted urban cities in China and Korea even though these levels were from the episodic measurements since Gosan is an internationally well-known remote background site. Space-borne MODIS measurements clearly show that the pollution plume with high aerosol optical depth (AOD) overlaid and very slowly moved over Northeast Asia during the stagnation episode. On the other hand, a strong synoptic wind transported the plume from eastern China to its downwind regions during the continental outflow episode. The two pollution episodes showed discriminative aerosol chemical compositions associated with different source characteristics. Concentrations of nss (non-sea-salt)-sulfates and ammonium in the continental outflow episode were almost two times higher than those in the stagnation episode due to the influence of anthropogenic emissions from China. A higher fraction of nitrate, accompanied with an increase of carbonaceous species in the stagnation episode, was attributable to vehicular emissions originated from Korea.  相似文献   

A meteorological analysis is presented for environmental data set obtained from the Canadian Arctic haze study, which is part of AGASP-II. Results of the study indicated that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), sulphate (SO4 =), ozone (O3) and other air pollutants observed at Alert, N.W.T. underwent periodical fluctuations. It was found that high concentrations of these atmospheric constituents were associated with a deep (1430–2074 m) inversion and with a major anticyclone. In contrast, relatively low values of these constituents were associated with a cyclonic disturbance near Alert. High concentrations of these constituents occurred with air trajectories coming from the N-W direction, while low values occurred with S trajectories. In addition, examinations of satellite imagery with other meteorological data suggested that volcanic inputs of ash and gases from Augustine Island, Alaska were negligible for the observed high values of these constituents at the ground level at Alert.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料与气象站网雨量资料,分析2011 年浙江梅汛期暴雨特征,并对其影响天气系统进行诊断。结果表明: 2011 年浙江梅汛期由4 次强降水过程组成,雨带较稳定,强降水落区中心基本在钱塘江中上游地区重叠,累计雨量超常,造成钱塘江干流及其各支流流域洪涝频发;南亚高压、副热带高压和中高纬地区“两槽一脊”长时间稳定维持,是浙江梅汛期暴雨产生的大尺度环流背景;与以往梅雨季节来临前副高逐渐西伸北抬到典型梅雨形势的位置后稳定少动不同的是,2011年梅汛期强降水副高最初较偏西,第1次过程后其先东退再西伸北抬后稳定下来,后3次过程梅雨形势非常典型,第1次过程副高位置虽较典型梅雨形势下的偏西,但也产生了非常强的降水;来自北方的干冷空气南侵到锋区时,降水最明显(第3次过程);梅汛期强降水期间,共有三个高空急流核东传,4次过程的强降水先后出现在这三个高空急流入口区的右侧;西南季风北推到30°N 附近并稳定维持,决定了2011 年浙江梅汛期强降水分布特征。  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive discussion on what cause high ozone episodes at a suburban photochemical observation site of the Seoul Metropolitan Area (population ~23 million). The observational site, Taehwa Research Forest (TRF), is situated ~30 km from the center of Seoul. In June 2011, we observed two very distinctive ozone periods-high ozone (peak up to 120 ppbv) and low ozone (peak up to 60 ppbv) in the mid and early month, respectively. The trace gas measurement dataset, especially CO and NO X clearly indicate that less anthropogenic influences during the high ozone period. Volatile organic compound (VOC) measurement results show that at the observational site, biogenic VOCs (mostly isoprene) contribute most of chemical reactivity towards OH, although toluene from anthropogenic activities was observed in higher concentrations. Back-trajectory analysis indicates that air-masses from the forest part of Korea Peninsula were dominant influences during the high ozone episode event. On the other hand, Aged air masses from China were the dominant influence during the low ozone episode event. Model calculations conducted using the University of Washington Chemical Mechanism (UWCM) box model, also consistently show that BVOC, especially isoprene photochemistry, can be the significantly contribution to local ozone formation in the given photochemical environments of TRF. These research results strongly suggest that ozone control strategy in the Eastern Asian megacities, mostly situated in surrounding forest areas should be based on the comprehensive scientific understanding in BVOC photochemistry and interplays between anthropogenic and biogenic interactions.  相似文献   

利用2015年黄石市5个监测站点可吸入颗粒物(PM10)和细颗粒物(PM2.5)的在线监测数据和风向、风速、气温、气压等常规地面气象要素观测资料,分析了黄石市大气PM10和PM2.5的质量浓度水平分布特征及其与气象参数的关系。结果表明:2015年黄石市5个监测站点大气PM10和PM2.5年均浓度范围分别为95.8—108.6μg·m^-3和64.3—68.9μg·m^-3,均超过国家二级标准;季均质量浓度呈现显著的冬季高夏季低的变化规律,冬季PM10和PM2.5的质量浓度分别为(143.9±62.2)μg·m^-3和(95.5±44.5)μg·m^-3,夏季PM10和PM2.5的质量浓度分别为(75.2±24.0)μg·m^-3和(50.7±17.3)μg·m^-3。5个监测站中,下陆区、西塞山区和铁山区的PM10和PM2.5颗粒物污染较为严重;各站点大气PM10和PM2.5质量浓度显著相关。大气颗粒物浓度与气象因素的分析显示,黄石市大气颗粒物浓度与气温呈显著的负相关关系,与气压呈正相关关系,与风速和相对湿度的相关性不显著,受风向影响变化较大。  相似文献   

The rainy season from June to July in the East Asia is called the Changma in Korea, the Meiyu in China, or the Baiu in Japan. The mesoscale convective systems which occur near a front frequently lead to severe weather phenomenon such as localized gust and heavy rainfall. An intensive field experiment was conducted at Chujado (33.95°N, 126.28°E) to find out the characteristics of the precipitating system using information such as the raindrop size distribution, kinematic features during a Changma period between June 21 2007 and July 11 2007. Different characteristics of three identified rainfall cases in a Changma frontal precipitation system occurred from 5 to 6 July in 2007 at Chujado area have been identified. Based on the radar reflectivity and raingage at Chujado, each rainfall system maintained for 7 hours, 4 hours, and 9 hours, respectively. According to the analysis of a total vertical wind shear (TVWS) and a directional vertical wind shear (DVWS), the temperature gradient was the strongest near the surface and both warm and cold advections were occurred in all cases but at different levels. The deep warm advection was related to the longer rainfall lifetime and stronger rainrate, but smaller raindrop size. The unstable atmospheric condition, which has cold advection at the surface and warm advection in higher level, caused the larger size diameter of raindrop. The echo top height of 30 dBZ was around 6 km in the two rainfall systems and around 4 km in the other one. The number concentrations of raindrop has turning point at the drop size of 2 mm in diameter. The stronger (weaker) updraft and downdraft were also related to the decreased number concentration of smaller (larger) size drops and increased that of the larger (smaller) drops.  相似文献   

The effect of sunlight on air containing hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides leads to a very complex series of reactions which form, among other secondary pollutants, peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN). This compound is believed to be the most useful indicator of photochemical pollution, and has been monitored for several months at the University of Creteil (Paris, France). Although it is commonly accepted that high PAN levels occur more frequently in summer, our results show elevated PAN concentrations during nonsummer periods, precisely during two episodes in October 1985 and February 1986. A close examination of these episodes indicates that, in addition to local photochemical production, long-range transport of polluted air masses can occur in winter, revealing the influence of emissions from central Europe.  相似文献   

利用NCEP 1°×1°、2.5°×2.5°再分析格点资料以及2000 —2009 年贵州省冻雨个例资料,对该省12 次阻塞环流背景下强冻雨过程的天气学特征进行分析,归纳强冻雨的预报着眼点及概念模型。结果表明: 1) 强冻雨天气与亚洲中高纬度阻塞环流和中低纬度南支锋区密切联系,位势高度场在20 —30 N 之间存在4~5 条等值线,564~568 dagpm 线向南伸展到30 N 以南;2) 700 hPa 上西南急流显著,最大风速达到20 ~24 m·s-1,其作用在于提供暖湿水汽和逆温顶部的增温效应;3) 低空和地面是显著的冷垫,冻雨天气在准静止锋存在的背景下产生,准静止锋又与相对湿度大于70 % 以上的高湿区相联系,而影响贵州的准静止锋云系,处在锋上的具有暖湿云的特点,锋下的具有冷湿云的特点;4) 强冻雨期间,对流层中低空逆温梯度加大,最大可达8~10 ℃以上。  相似文献   

1961-2005年鲁南地区汛期降水时空演变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用鲁南地区14个气象站1961-2005年汛期(6-9月)降水资料,应用主成分分析和旋转主成分分析方法、M-K检验、滑动t检验和小波分析了汛期降水的时空演变特征,结果显示:鲁南汛期降水可分为6种雨型和3个分区:东部区、南部区和西北部区.雨型分布具有明显的年代际变化特征,各分区汛期降水极端最少年相同,极端最多年并不完全相同.汛期降水连续偏多(少)年多为2~3年,连续偏多(少)年最长为5年.汛期降水量第一主成分具有显著下降趋势,其变化具有明显的阶段性,1976年发生由多雨期到少雨期的突变.1976年之前存在9 a左右的周期,1976-1989年有6 a左右的周期,1990年代以后为12 a左右的周期.  相似文献   

Results are presented of measurements of total concentration and size spectrum of aerosol particles, of ice nuclei, and cloud condensation nuclei concentrations, as obtained during an anomalously arid period in September and October 2005 in the town of Dolgoprudny, Moscow oblast. It is shown that a two-month period of anticyclonic weather, associated with peat fires, caused a 1.5-time increase in the mean number concentration of aerosol at the site. Effects of accumulation of the industrial aerosol from Moscow and of peat bog burning products are different on fractions of particles of different sizes and on cloud-active nuclei. The smoke particles increased concentrations of almost all sizes from 0.042 to 10 μm; urban aerosol makes the greater part of concentration of particles in the middle subm-icron range and causes a significant increase in the concentration of cloud condensation nuclei.  相似文献   

利用常规、红外云图、雷达资料对2005年8月21日发生在桂西的大暴雨天气过程进行诊断分析,发现造成强降雨主要直接影响系统来自低层切变线、高空低槽和地面静止锋。低层切变线是引发强降水的主要系统。低层低涡是在桂西强降水发生后才逐渐发展起来的。采用非静力中尺度数值模式(MM5)对大暴雨过程进行初步模拟试验,结果表明模式能较好的模拟出引发强降水的对流层低层的中尺度系统;对雨带的分布、暴雨中心及其位置的模拟也与实况较为接近。  相似文献   

利用观测资料和区域气候模式RegCM4.6,研究了高纬和低纬天气尺度扰动对2020年梅雨期降水的可能影响.观测分析表明:2020年6月、7月长江中下游降水在周期上表现为10 d以下的天气尺度扰动,在降水过程中存在多次中高纬度天气尺度扰动的南传与低纬扰动的北传.在此基础上,设计改变不同纬度天气尺度扰动(<10 d)输入的...  相似文献   

2005年,陕西省第二批37个自动站进行第二阶段平行观测(即以自动站观测为主,人工观测为辅),为评估自动站和人工站仪器间的差异,有利于换型后资料的连续使用,按照中国气象局规定的评估方法,对陕西省2005年37个自动站资料评估分析。1评估依据和方法参加评估的数据文件为自动站观测  相似文献   

近31年登陆北上台风特征及其成因分析   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
金荣花  高拴柱  顾华  刘震坤 《气象》2006,32(7):33-39
为探讨对我国产生严重影响的登陆北上台风的成因,利用1975—2005年台风资料及NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析等资料,分析了登陆北上台风的气候特征及其大尺度环流和物理量分布特征。结果发现,不仅西北太平洋副热带高压位置和强度变化对台风登陆北上起决定性作用,而且西风带系统和南亚高压活动有利于台风登陆后北折和持续北上也有不可忽视的影响。总结归纳台风登陆北上的预报着眼点,希望有助于提高此类台风的预报预警能力。  相似文献   

This study examines the general characteristics of reactive nitrogen oxides (NOy) at urban and rural sites in terms of measurement- and modeling-based analyses. In this field study, NOx at urban and rural sites were 92 and 89% of NOy on average, respectively. HONO levels (e.g., 1.8 ppbv) at the urban site were significantly higher than those at the rural site by a factor of 4.5. HONO concentrations at the urban site during the night were clearly higher than those during the day, which were likely to result from heterogeneous reactions on the surfaces of airborne aerosols and/or grounds. In contrast, there were no significant differences of PAN concentrations in either the temporal or spatial distributions. The significantly low ratios of NOz/NOy at both sampling sites indicated a more limited chemical aging process in air mass. O3 levels were weakly related to NOx oxidation at both sites, especially at the rural site.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to investigate the chemical characteristics of biomass burning aerosol and its impact on regional air quality during an agricultural waste burning period in early summer in the rural areas of Korea. A 12-h integrated intensive sampling of biomass burning aerosol in the fine and coarse modes was conducted on 2–20 June 2003 in Gwangju, Korea. The collected samples were analyzed for concentrations of mass, ionic, elemental, and carbonaceous species. Average concentrations of fine and coarse mass were measured to be 67.9 and 18.7 μg m− 3 during the biomass burning period, 41.9 and 18.8 μg m− 3 during the haze period, and 35.6 and 13.3 μg m− 3 during the normal period, respectively. An exceptionally high PM2.5 concentration of 110.3 μg m− 3 with a PM2.5/PM10 ratio of 0.79 was observed on 6 June 2003 during the biomass burning period. The potassium ratio method was used to identify biomass burning samples. The average ratio of potassium in the fine mode to the coarse mode (FK/CK) was 23.8 during the biomass burning period, 6.0 during the haze period, and 4.7 during the normal period, respectively. A FK/CK ratio above 9.2 was considered a criterion for biomass burning event in this study. Particulate matter from the open field burning of agricultural waste has an adverse impact on visibility, human health, and regional air quality.  相似文献   

PM2.5 is a big issue as it is considerably more harmful than other sizes of particulate matter. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 25 μg m?3 as the daily average concentration, and 10 μg m?3 per day as an annual average. To keep up with global trends, it is first necessary to understand the current status and characteristics of PM2.5 concentrations in Korea. Using the PM2.5 data measured by Seoul Metropolitan City from November 2005 to March 2012, the author analyzed its statistical characteristics and correlations with other air pollutants. For the time period from 2005 to 2012, the annual average concentration of PM2.5 was 27 μg m?3, three times the WHO standard. Also, the daily average PM2.5 concentration of 215 days per year also exceeded the WHO standard. However, the number days exceeding the Korean daily average standard of 50 μg m?3 to be enacted in 2014 was only three. PM2.5 concentration had a high correlation (r = 0.84) with PM10, and also showed high correlations with gaseous pollutants, such as SO2, NO2, and CO, but not O3. This study suggests that the Korean government should strengthen their standard to match the criteria used by WHO.  相似文献   

利用2017年福建漳州和南部海岛气象观测资料,通过统计分析和人工订正判识海陆风日,再结合天气形势和污染物浓度资料分析海陆风日的天气特征及其与污染物浓度的关系。结果表明:漳州海陆风日是海岛站的2.2倍,春夏季是海陆风的高发季节,秋冬季相对较少。冬季海陆风日主导天气形势为变性冷高压、高压后部、锋前暖区等,气象要素场配置为气压梯度小、气温高、风速小、日照时间长、湿度低、云量少,气象条件不利于污染物的稀释、扩散;海陆风影响下除了O3,其他5种污染物浓度均高于系统风日2—3倍,其中颗粒物浓度明显偏高。与冬季不同,春季海陆风不仅对颗粒物浓度升高有利,对O3浓度升高贡献更加明显,主导天气形势、气象要素场配置与冬季类似;海陆风影响下所有污染浓度均高于系统风日1—2倍,且易出现O3超标现象。研究显示,漳州的海陆风全年发生频率虽然不到30%,但其特有的日变化规律和局地环流结构对污染物累积、输送具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

利用新疆51个观测站1961~2005年低云云量资料,采用趋势分析、小波分析等方法分析了新疆夏季低云量的长期变化特征,并对500hPa环流指数与新疆夏季低云量做奇异值分解,重点讨论了极涡对新疆夏季低云量的影响。结果表明:近45年新疆夏季低云量增加趋势显著,并在1987年发生突变;新疆夏季低云量存在2~3年、准6年和准11年的显著周期;环流分析表明新疆夏季低云量与副热带高压、极涡及青藏高原高度场指数关系密切,当极涡面积减小、强度减弱时,西亚高空急流偏弱,新疆上空高空急流偏强,而低层大气主要表现为南风增强,水汽输送辐合加强,因此新疆夏季低云量偏多,反之,低云量偏少。  相似文献   

2000年汛期河南持续暴雨的天气形势和水汽分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2000年6月23日-7月15日河南省出现的3次连续3天以上的暴雨,大暴雨过程的降水特征-背景形势,影响系统和水汽条件等方面的分析,揭示了有利于连续性暴雨产生的水汽条件和两种环流背景场。  相似文献   

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