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In the world, many existing buildings with RC framed structure were designed according to old seismic standards and present structural deficiencies. Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs) can be effective for seismic upgrading of these structures, as pointed out by many studies. Nevertheless, Eurocode 8 (EC8) does not provide any rules for design of BRBs. This lack represents a big obstacle for application of this seismic upgrading technique in Europe. For this reason, a method for the design of seismic upgrading interventions by BRBs is proposed in this paper. The method is obtained as the best between two variants developed, investigated and compared in this paper. Based on a numerical investigation, the parameters that control the design method are calibrated to ensure the fulfillment of the Near Collapse performance objective stipulated in EC8. Finally, the capability of the proposed design method in fulfilling also performance objectives not explicitly considered in design is investigated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hybrid numerical and experimental simulation to collapse was conducted on a one‐half scale moment‐resisting frame building with two experimental substructures at different locations. An extensible hybrid test framework was used that adopts a generalized interface to encapsulate each numerical or tested substructure, through which only boundary displacements and forces are exchanged. Equilibrium and compatibility between substructures are enforced by an iterative quasi‐Newton procedure, while adopting a predictor‐and‐corrector method to avoid loading reversals on physically tested substructures. To overcome difficulties in controlling stiff axial and rotational deformations at the boundaries, the flexible test scheme employs either open‐loop or closed‐loop control at the boundaries: enforcing either compatibility or equilibrium, or both requirements at critical boundaries. The effectiveness of the extensible framework and its capability to simulate structural behavior through collapse is demonstrated by a geographically distributed test that reproduced the collapse behavior of a four‐story, two‐bay, steel moment frame previously tested on an earthquake simulator. A comparison of both experiments highlights the viability of the hybrid test as an effective tool for the performance evaluation of structural systems from the onset of damage through collapse. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two‐story, three‐bay reinforced concrete (RC) frames with and without internal steel frame (ISF) retrofits were tested using continuous pseudo dynamic test method. The ISFs were installed to the middle bay of the RC frame. Test results indicated that ISF retrofit was beneficial in resisting deformation demands without significant damage under simulated ground motions. The ISF shifted the failure mode of the system from a brittle to a ductile mode. The test results were compared with the results of the nonlinear time history analysis. The analysis results were capable of tracing the overall behavior of global response parameters; however, estimations of local demand parameters were less accurate. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced building collapse and progressive collapse due to accidental local failure of vertical components are the two most common failure modes of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures. Conventional design methods usually focus on the design requirements of a specific hazard but neglect the interactions between different designs. For example, the progressive collapse design of an RC frame often yields increased reinforcement and flexural strength of the beams. As a result, the seismic design principle of “strong-column-weak-beam” may be violated, which may lead to unfavorable failure modes and weaken the seismic performance. To avoid these adverse effects of the progressive collapse design on the seismic resistance of RC frames, a novel structural detailing is proposed in this study. The proposed detailing technique intends to concurrently improve the seismic and progressive collapse performances of an RC frame by changing the layout of the newly added longitudinal reinforcement against progressive collapse without introducing any additional reinforcement. A six-story RC frame is used as the prototype building for this investigation. Both cyclic and progressive collapse tests are conducted to validate the performance of the proposed structural detailing. Based on the experimental results, detailed finite element (FE) models of the RC frame with different reinforcement layouts are established. The seismic and progressive collapse resistances of different models are compared based on the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and nonlinear dynamic alternate path (AP) methods, respectively. The results indicate that the proposed structural detailing can effectively resolve the conflict between the seismic and progressive collapse designs.  相似文献   

纤维增强混凝土异形柱框架抗震性能的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过薄弱部位应用纤维增强的混凝土异形柱框架和同条件下无纤维异形柱框架的拟静力试验研究,对比了两榀框架的破坏特征、出铰顺序、承载能力和延性、滞回特性、耗能能力及刚度退化等抗震性能指标。研究表明:应用纤维增强的异形柱框架承载能力和整体刚度显著提高,薄弱部位破坏程度减轻,耗能能力有所增强,纤维可以改善异形柱框架薄弱部位的抗震性能,提高异形柱框架结构的整体抗震能力。  相似文献   

为研究施工缝对框架结构抗震性能的影响,利用提出的施工缝模型,基于OPENSEES平台建模进行静力非线性分析和非线性动力时程分析。通过对比整浇框架与带缝框架的顶点最大位移、层间位移角、塑性铰出现和分布规律等明确施工缝对框架结构的抗震性能的影响程度。结果表明,施工缝使框架结构的变形和层间位移角显著增大,并且使8、9度区框架结构的层间位移角分布发生改变;施工缝使柱端更易出现塑性铰,更易发生"强梁弱柱"的破坏模式;在高烈度区,施工缝的影响比较显著,如果忽略其影响,将会高估框架结构的抗震性能。  相似文献   

根据结构试验理论和实验设备的特征,阐述了结构抗震试验的特点及发展,重点分析了子结构拟动力试验方法的原理、数值积分算法、加载方式和误差控制;振动台子结构试验的原理、研究成果;实时子结构的原理和时滞等混合试验方法的基本理论,以及大型通用有限元软件及远程协同试验方法在混合试验中的应用。基于各种试验方法的优势与发展,总结出混合试验技术未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

双塔连体高层混合结构抗震性能研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
外钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构体系被认为是适合我国国情的高层建筑结构体系之一,我国已有多个采用这种结构体系的单塔楼工程实例,但对双塔连体高层混合结构的研究较少。本文针对上海国际设计中心不等高双塔连体混合结构,进行了7度多遇地震、基本烈度、罕遇地震和8度罕遇地震阶段的模拟地震振动台试验研究,得到了结构的破坏模式,并对模型结构和原型结构的动力反应进行了详细的分析,最后提出了此类结构设计的一些建议。研究表明,高位连体的竖向地震反应比较明显,设计中应适当考虑动力放大效应;在各水准地震作用下结构整体变形均呈现弯曲型;主塔楼核心筒在中震下可以保证"不坏",但结构小震下的层间位移略超过规范限值。  相似文献   

本文讨论了利用黏性阻尼和复阻尼模型求解结构动力响应的方法;按相同的阻尼比,分别采用复阻尼模型和黏性阻尼模型计算了两个框架结构在不同地震波作用下的响应,并将结果进行对比,分析了两种不同的阻尼模型对结构动力响应的影响。结果表明,采用不同类型的阻尼对结构响应影响很大。  相似文献   

弹塑性时程分析一般用来评估和验算结构抗震性能,如何选取合适的输入地震动是其中关键工作之一。为给结构弹塑性时程分析选取地震动提供合理的参考参数,本文讨论了地震动反应谱参数与结构地震响应之间的相关性。首先建立了6层和7层两个钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构数值模型,分别对两个结构进行了大量地震动作用下的时程反应分析,并考察了地震反应特点;然后将结构地震响应与地震动反应谱参数建立关系并进行了相关性分析。结果表明:对RC框架而言,结构地震响应与弹性谱参数相关性较小,与等强度反应谱相关性随标准屈服强度降低而增大,与等延性反应谱相关性随延性增大而增大,而与地震动输入能量谱在标准屈服强度较小时相关性最大。建议RC框架结构在进行地震反应时程分析时,可以参考地震动的弹塑性输入能量谱、等强度速度谱和等延性加速度或位移谱,以选取引起结构不同地震反应水平的输入地震动。本文结果和结论可供结构弹塑性时程分析选取合适的输入地震动参考。  相似文献   

混合结构振动台模型试验研究与计算分析   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
为研究混合结构的整体抗震性能,本研究以一个Ⅷ度区的LG大厦为原型,制作了1/20的整体模型,在同济大学土木工程国家重点实验室进行振动台试验,以考察地震动频谱及地震强度对混合结构地震反应的影响,了解混合结构体系的抗震性能、地震反应和破坏特征.本文还利用纤维模型建模对混合结构整体抗震性进行了非线性分析计算,并将计算结果与振动台试验数据进行对比分析,试验和计算结果表明:外钢骨框架-内混凝土核心筒混合结构具有较好的抗震性能.  相似文献   

21世纪我国经济急速发展,人口也急剧增长,这也使得地震对人类生命和财产安全造成的威胁更大,结构抗震研究需求日益增加。地震易损性分析技术对于结构破坏和损失预测都有着非同一般的应用价值,因此受到了国内外土木工程抗震界的广泛关注和研究。首先介绍了地震易损性分析的基本概念,具体地论述了用于地震易损性分析的三种方法,同时总结出此三种方法各自的优缺点;其次以RC框架结构为例论述了国内外地震易损性分析领域的研究发展,从上个世纪90年代开始进行了系统的梳理和分析。说明了地震易损性分析在研究过程中由于不确定性的存在而导致对分析结果准确度的影响;最后指出要想得到更接近于真实的易损性分析结果,还需考量易损性分析中的不确定参数,揭示了地震易损性分析研究领域所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

一栋相似比为1/4的8层双跨混凝土框架经初次振动台试验,发生初次震损后,采用环氧树脂注胶修复技术对框架损伤区域的裂缝进行修复,然后再次进行振动台试验.针对两次振动台的试验结果,本文着重从模型破坏情况、结构最大反应、楼层剪力、楼层抗侧刚度及滞回耗能等方面综合比较混凝土框架模型在初次振动台试验、再次振动台试验中抗震性能,以此评价高强胶黏剂修复技术修复混凝土框架结构的有效性.结果表明:经过修复,框架模型的顶层最大相对位移和层间位移角减小;修复模型的抗侧刚度要大于初始模型;修复后,框架模型由节点区破坏(梁柱交界面)转移到梁端塑性铰破坏,破坏模式的改变使得滞回耗能总量增大.可以认为,本文采用的方法对框架结构的地震损伤修复具有较好的效果.  相似文献   

一种新型混合控制技术的振动台模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文提出了基底隔震和上部结构变刚度/阻尼半主动控制结合的一种新型混合控制型式,并且通过小型电磁振动台模型试验来研究其控制效能,为其今后更进一步理论和实验研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

混凝土框架节点碳纤维布抗震加固的试验与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了用碳纤维布加固平面框架中间节点和空间框架中间节点的抗震加固新方法,通过5个框架中间节点(其中2个为拟三维节点)的足尺拟静力试验,以及用有限元软件ANSYS进行分析,验证了本文加固方法的有效性。试验与分析结果表明,对平面框架梁柱节点,本文的2种加固方法均能显著改善构件的延性,承载力也有一定的提高;对空间框架梁柱节点,采用碳纤维布与三角钢腋联合加固不但能够大大提高构件延性,而且能够提高节点的屈服强度、极限强度和屈服后刚度,加固效果十分明显。  相似文献   

Usually, buildings with seismic isolation are designed to comply with an operational building performance level after strong earthquakes. This approach, however, may limit the use of seismic isolation for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings with low lateral strength or substandard details, because it often requires invasive strengthening measures in the superstructure or the use of expensive custom‐made devices. In this paper, an alternative approach for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings with seismic isolation, based on the acceptance of limited plastic deformations in the superstructure under strong earthquakes, is proposed and then applied to a real case study, represented by a four‐storey RC frame building. Nonlinear response‐time histories analyses of an accurate model of the case‐study building are carried out to evaluate the seismic performances of the structure, comparing different rehabilitation strategies with and without seismic isolation. Initial costs of the intervention and possible (future) repair costs are then estimated. Based on the results of this study, values of the behavior factor (i.e. response modification factor) higher than those adopted in the current codes for base‐isolated buildings are tentatively proposed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘宗成    韩建平   《世界地震工程》2022,38(2):141-150
消能减震结构中主体结构和附加消能减震装置通常是单独设计的,由于主体结构和附加消能减震装置之间的耦合特性,为实现期望的性能目标需要进行迭代计算。本文提出一种基于位移的主体结构与附加消能减震装置一体化设计方法,首先,基于所选地震动记录和预期性能目标,得出结构阻尼比需求曲面;其次,推导了阻尼器-支撑部件参数计算公式,在已知主体结构基本信息及预期性能目标时,根据阻尼比需求曲面及所提出公式即可获得所需附加消能减震装置的支撑刚度及粘滞系数;再次,引入无量纲成本指数,以成本指数最小为目标函数,在可实现目标性能的附加消能减震装置参数中识别最优设计参数;最后,基于所提出的设计方法,分别以等效SDOF体系、MDOF体系及SAP2000设计的6层RC框架结构为例,对所提出的设计方法的有效性进行了验证,结果表明:经一体化设计的结构体系均可实现性能目标。  相似文献   

在小比例尺钢筋混凝土结构模型地震模拟实验中,模型与原型间材料力学性能完全相似很难满足,致使难以正确模拟原型结构的非线性性态。依据普通混凝土和微粒混凝土力学性能实验,从动态相似的观点出发,建立原型与模型的等效动态相似关系,据此可在地震模拟模型实验中对原型结构的非线性性态进行动态模拟。通过地震模拟实验的数值模拟及反应偏差分析,验证此动态模拟实验方法的有效性。此外,小比例尺钢筋混凝土结构模型设计中通过调整配筋率、配箍率或者截面有效高度、箍筋间距等,对微粒混凝土和配筋的相似性协调进行考虑。通过简单的构件试验验证这种模型设计方法的有效性。这样,小比例尺钢筋混凝土模型将能很好地模拟原型结构的非线性性态。  相似文献   

The corner gusset plates in a steel braced frame can be subjected to forces not only from the brace but also from the effects of the frame actions. In this study, several finite element models are constructed to analyze the gusset‐to‐beam and gusset‐to‐column interface forces. It is found that the frame actions affect the gusset interface force distributions significantly. A simplified strut model to represent the gusset plate is adopted to evaluate the frame action forces. In addition, the generalized uniform force method is adopted as it provides more freedom for designers to configure the gusset plate shapes than using the uniform force method. In this paper, a performance‐based design method is proposed. The gusset interface force demands take into account the combined effect of the brace maximum axial force capacity and the peak beam shear possibly developed in the frame. The specimen design and key results of a series of full‐scale three‐story buckling‐restrained braced frame (BRBF) hybrid tests are discussed. The gusset interface cracks observed at inter‐story drift greater than 0.03 radians can be well predicted by using the proposed design method. The BRBF tests and analyses confirm that the proposed design method is reasonable. The effectiveness of varying the width of gusset edge stiffeners in reducing the gusset tip stress concentrations is also investigated. This paper concludes with recommendations for the seismic design of BRBF corner gusset plates. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

郭玉荣    叶哲谦 《世界地震工程》2022,38(3):070-77
离线模型更新混合试验对构件拟静力数据进行恢复力模型参数识别,并更新数值子结构中相应构件的模型参数来提高混合试验精度,但该方法尚缺少真实试验的验证。本文基于课题组开展的足尺RC柱拟静力试验,取恢复力模型为集中塑性铰Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler(IMK)模型,进行框架结构离线模型更新混合试验研究。结果表明,当物理子结构取为RC足尺柱时,离线模型更新混合试验能获得接近于真实试验情况下结构的地震响应,从而对该方法的有效性进行了试验验证。利用IMK经验公式,将真实试验模型参数识别值按轴压比进行对照修正,应用于不同层数的框架结构地震响应模拟,实现了试验数据的重复利用。  相似文献   

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