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Observations using the Bent Crystal Spectrometer instrument on the Solar Maximum Mission show that turbulence and blue-shifted motions are characteristic of the soft X-ray plasma during the impulsive phase of flares, and are coincident with the hard X-ray bursts observed by the Hard X-ray Burst Spectrometer. A method for analysing the Ca xix and Fe xxv spectra characteristic of the impulsive phase is presented. Non-thermal widths and blue-shifted components in the spectral lines of Ca xix and Fe xxv indicate the presence of turbulent velocities exceeding 100 km s-1 and upward motions of 300–400 km s-1.The April 10, May 9, and June 29, 1980 flares are studied. Detailed study of the geometry of the region, inferred from the Flat Crystal Spectrometer measurements and the image of the flare detected by the Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer, shows that the April 10 flare has two separated footpoints bright in hard X-rays. Plasma heated to temperatures greater than 107 K rises from the footpoints. During the three minutes in which the evaporation process occurs an energy of 3.7 × 1030 ergs is deposited in the loop. At the end of the evaporation process, the total energy observed in the loop reaches its maximum value of 3 × 1030 ergs. This is consistent with the above figures, allowing for loss by radiation and conduction. Thus the energy input due to the blue-shifted plasma flowing into the flaring loop through the footpoints can account for the thermal and turbulent energy accumulated in this region during the impulsive phase.On leave from Torino University, Italy.  相似文献   

Continuous wavelet transform and cross‐wavelet transform have been used to investigate the phase periodicity and synchrony of the monthly mean Wolf (Rz) and group (Rg) sunspot numbers during the period of June 1795 to December 1995. The Schwabe cycle is the only one common period in Rg and Rz, but it is not well‐defined in case of cycles 5–7 of Rg and in case of cycles 5 and 6 of Rz. In fact, the Schwabe period is slightly different in Rg and Rz before cycle 12, but from cycle 12 onwards it is almost the same for the two time series. Asynchrony of the two time series is more obviously seen in cycles 5 and 6 than in the following cycles, and usually more obviously seen around the maximum time of a cycle than during the rest of the cycle. Rg is found to fit Rz better in both amplitudes and peak epoch during the minimum time time of a solar cycle than during the maximum time of the cycle, which should be caused by their different definition, and around the maximum time of a cycle, Rg is usually less than Rz. Asynchrony of Rg and Rz should somewhat agree with different sunspot cycle characteristics exhibited by themselves (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Soft X-ray flare data in the wavelength range 2.6–10 Å are used to examine the time variation of emission measure and electron temperature. The thermal plasma parameters were derived according to a two-temperature model proposed by Herring and Craig (1973). Estimates of electron density and source volume are made by assuming conductive and radiative cooling mechanisms. It is suggested that the present observations imply a multi-thermal interpretation of the soft X-ray flare.  相似文献   

Observational evidence suggests that both the hard X-ray and ultraviolet emission from the impulsive phase of flares result from an electron beam. We present the results of model calculations that are consistent with this theory. The impulsive phase is envisioned as occurring in many small magnetically confined loops, each of which maintains an electron beam for only a few seconds. This model successfully matches several observed aspects of the impulsive phase. The corona is heated to less than 2 × 106 K, maximum enhanced emission occurs in lines formed near 105 K, and there is only slight enhancement between 105 and 2 × 106 K. The slope of the observed relationship between hard X-ray and Ov 1371 Å emission is also matched, but the relative emission is not. The calculations indicate that UV emission lines formed below a temperature of about 105 K will arise predominantly from the chromospheric region heated by the electron beam to transition region temperatures. Emission lines formed at higher temperatures will be produced in the transition region. This should be detectable in density-sensitive line ratios. To account successfully for the impulsive UV emission, the peak temperature in the impulsively heated loops must remain below about 2 × 106 K. Thus our model implies that the impulsive heating takes place in different loops from the hotter gradual phase emission.  相似文献   

A correlation analysis shows that the sunspot numbers at the peaks of the last eight solar cycles are well-correlated with the sunspot numbers in heliolatitudes 20°–40° (specially in the southern hemisphere) occurring in the solar minimum years immediately preceding the solar maximum years.On leave from Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India.  相似文献   

The magnetic polarity distributions in sunspot groups which produced solar proton flares have been analyzed. It is shown that the fluid motion in sunspot groups and below may be responsible for the origin of inverted or unusual polarity distributions, since rotating motion in these spot groups is often observed. Since such motion seems to produce twisting of magnetic field lines above sunspot groups, the origin of solar flares seems to be closely dependent on instability associated with this twisting of sunspot field lines in the chromosphere and the lower corona.  相似文献   

The degree of association between geoeffective (SID producing) flares (hereafter called SID flares) and sunspot morphology is examined. It is found that: (1) the frequency of SID flares associated with sunspot groups is linear function of sunspot area and rate of change in area; (2) the SID flare intensity is dependent on the sunspot area and on the magnetic morphology (field geometry); (3) the probability of a sunspot group being magnetically complex (henceforth called complex ratio) is a linear function of spot area, the larger this area the more likely a group is in the βγ or δ magnetic class; (4) the complex ratio exhibits the greatest degree of association to SID flare frequency. We conclude from these results that a higher frequency of D-region ionizing flares (emitting a soft X-ray flux >2 × 10?3 erg cm?2 s?1) is likely to accompany the disk transit of large area, complex spot groups. This combination of morphological factors reflects a shearing of the associated force-free magnetic field, with accumulation of free magnetic energy to power SID flares. Mutual polarity intrusion would be one observational signature of the pre-flare energy storing process.  相似文献   

Data obtained from a proportional counter on OSO-5 are examined to study variations in emission from individual solar active regions within the waveband 0.3–0.9 nm. Flux levels are highly variable, even from the areas having a low mean emission, because increases characteristic of X-ray flares occur most of the time. It is usual to assume that the coronal levels above a plage region are heated by a fairly continuous incident energy flux (perhaps waves), while impulsive effects associated with flares add to this over localised areas. The data given here indicate that the impulsive mechanism is probably the more important in producing the total soft X-ray flux from an active region. There is also reason to believe that many of the small flares observed are not restricted to particularly localised areas. They are of the gradual rise and fall variety which probably have an extended spatial structure. It seems possible that flare heating might account for almost the entire X-ray emission throughout the active region.  相似文献   

Sudden phase anomalies (SPA's) observed in the phase of GBR 16 kHz VLF signals during the years 1977 to 1983 have been analysed in the light of their associated solar X-ray fluxes in the 0.5–4 Å and 1–8 Å bands. An attempt has been made to investigate the solar zenith angle () dependence of the integrated solar X-ray flux for producing SPA's. It is deduced from the observations for < 81° that the phase deviation increases linearly as a whole with increasing solar X-ray fluxes in these two bands. The threshold X-ray flux needed to produce a detectable SPA effect has been estimated to be 1.6 × 10–4 ergcm–2 s–1 and 1.8 × 10–3 ergcm–2 s–1 in the 0.5–4 Å and 1–8 Å bands, respectively. For both bands the average cross section for all atmospheric constituents at a height of 70 km is almost equal to the absorption cross section for the 3 Å X-ray emission.  相似文献   

The structure and evolution of 26 limb flares have been observed with a soft X-ray telescope flown on Skylab. The results are:
  1. One or more well defined loops were the only structures of flare intensity observed during the rise phase and near flare maximum, except for knots which were close to the resolution of the telescope in size (≈2 arc seconds) and whose structure can therefore not be determined.
  2. The flare core features were always sharply defined during the rise phase.
  3. For the twenty events which contain loops, the geometry of the structure near maximum was that of a loop in ten cases, a loop with a spike at the top in four cases, a cusp or triangle in four cases, and a cusp combined with a spike in another two cases.
  4. Of the fifteen cases in which sufficient data were available to allow us to follow a flare's evolution, five showed no significant geometrical deviation from a loop structure, one displayed little change except for a small scale short-lived perturbation on one side of the loop 10 seconds before a type III radio burst was observed, eight underwent a large scale deformation of the loop or loops on a time scale comparable to that of the flare itself and one double loop event changed in a complex and undetermined manner, with reconnection being one possibility.
Based on observation of the original film, it is suggested that the eight flares which underwent large scale deformations had become unstable to MHD kinks. This implies that these flares occurred in magnetic flux tubes through which significant currents were flowing. It is suggested that the high energy electrons responsible for type III bursts accompanying these flares could have been accelerated by the V x B electric field induced by a small scale short-lived perturbation of parts of a flaring flux tube, similar to the one perturbation which was observed having these characteristics.  相似文献   

The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) 6 cm radio observations of the active region HL 16864 large spot (Strong, Alissandrakis, and Kundu, 1984) are compared with X-ray data obtained from the Flat Crystal Spectrometer (FCS) onboard the Solar Maximum Mission satellite on May 25, 1980. The X-ray data confirm the presence of a temperature depression above the spot umbra in agreement with suggestions obtained from radio data analysis. Significant differences in the spatial distribution of both kinds of emission observed in the corona above this spot are attributed mainly to the strong resonant character of the cyclotron radio radiation. Some differences are also caused by both the relatively low efficiency and the low spatial resolution of the FCS. Deconvolution of X-ray images allows to see the new structures and enhances the mutual correlation between X-ray and radio pictures.  相似文献   

The impulsive phases of three flares that occurred on April 10, May 21, and November 5, 1980 are discussed. Observations were obtained with the Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) and other instruments aboard SMM, and have been supplemented with Hα data and magnetograms. The flares show hard X-ray brightenings (16–30 keV) at widely separated locations that spatially coincide with bright Hα patches. The bulk of the soft X-ray emission (3.5–5.5 keV) originates from in between the hard X-ray brightenings. The latter are located at different sides of the neutral line and start to brighten simultaneously to within the time resolution of HXIS. Concluded is that:
  1. The bright hard X-ray patches coincide with the footpoints of loops.
  2. The hard X-ray emission from the footpoints is most likely thick target emission from fast electrons moving downward into the dense chromosphere.
  3. The density of the loops along which the beam electrons propagate to the footpoints is restricted to a narrow range (109 < n < 2 × 1010 cm-3), determined by the instability threshold of the return current and the condition that the mean free path of the fast electrons should be larger than the length of the loop.
  4. For the November 5 flare it seems likely that the acceleration source is located at the merging point of two loops near one of the footpoints.
It is found that the total flare energy is always larger than the total energy residing in the beam electrons. However, it is also estimated that at the time of the peak of the impulsive hard X-ray emission a large fraction (at least 20%) of the dissipated flare power has to go into electron acceleration. The explanation of such a high acceleration efficiency remains a major theoretical problem.  相似文献   

A detailed correlative analysis between sunspot numbers (SSN) and tilt angle (TA) with cosmic ray intensity (CRI) in the neutron monitor energy range has been performed for the solar cycles 21, 22 and 23. It is found that solar activity parameters (SSN and TA) are highly (positive) correlated with each other and have inverse correlation with cosmic ray intensity (CRI). The ‘running cross correlation coefficient’ between cosmic ray intensity and tilt angle has also been calculated and it is found that the correlation is positive during the maxima of odd cycles 21 and 23. Moreover, the time lag analysis between CRI and SSN, and between CRI and TA has also been performed and is supported by hysteresis curves, which are wide for odd cycles and narrow for even cycles.  相似文献   

We present study of relationship of GSXR flares with Hα flares, hard X-ray (HXR) bursts, microwave (MW) bursts at 15.4 GHz, type II/IV radio bursts, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), protons flares (>10 MeV) and ground level enhancement (GLE) events we find that about 85.7%, 93%, 97%, 69%, 60%, 11.1%, 79%, 46%, and 23%% GSXR flares are related/associated with observed Hα flares, HXR bursts, MW bursts at 15.4 GHz, type II radio bursts, type IV radio bursts, GLE events, CMEs, halo CMEs, and proton flares (>10 MeV), respectively. In the paper we have studied the onset time delay of GSXR flares with Hα flares, HXR, and MW bursts which shows the during majority GSXR flares SXR emissions start before the Hα, HXR and MW emissions, respectively while during 15–20% of GSXR flares the SXR emissions start after the onset of Hα, HXT and MW emissions, respectively indicating two types of solar flares. The, onset time interval between SXR emissions and type II radio bursts, type IV radio bursts, GLE events CMEs, halo CMEs, and protons flares are 1–15 min, 1–20 min, 21–30 min, 21–40 min, 21–40 min, and 1–4 hrs, respectively. Following the majority results we are of the view that the present investigations support solar flares models which suggest flare triggering first in the corona and then move to chromospheres/ photosphere to starts emissions in other wavelengths. The result of the present work is largely consistent with “big flare syndrome” proposed by Kahler (1982).  相似文献   

We compared the microwave bursts with short timescale fine structure observed at 2.84 GHZ at Beijing Astronomical Observatory with the hard X-ry bursts (HXB) observed by the YOHKOH satellite during the period 1991 Oct–1992 Dec, and found that of the 20 microwave events, 12 had HXB counterparts. For the typical event of 1992-06-07, we analyzed the common quasi-period oscillations on the order of 102 s and calculated the parameters of the source region, together with a brief discussion.  相似文献   

P. L. Bornmann 《Solar physics》1985,102(1-2):111-130
The light curves of soft X-ray lines, observed by the Flat Crystal Spectrometer on Solar Maximum Mission during eight solar flares are modeled to determine the plasma temperature and emission measure as functions of time using the method first presented by Bornmann (1985, Paper I), but modified to include a 2 search routine. With this modification the technique becomes more general, more accurate, and applicable throughout the gradual phase of the flare. The model reproduces the light curves of the soft X-ray lines throughout these flares. Model fits were repeated for each flare using five different sets of published line emissivity calculations. The emissivities of Mewe and Gronenschild (1981) consistenly gave the best fits to the observed light curves for each flare.  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejection (CME) velocities have been studied over recent decades. We present a statistical analysis of the relationship between CME velocities and X-ray fluxes of the associated flares. We study two types of CMEs. One is the FL type associ- ated only with flares, while the other is the intermediate type associated with both filament eruptions and flares. It is found that the velocities of the FL type CMEs are strongly cor- related with both the peak and the time-integrated X-ray fluxes of the associated flares. However, the correlations between the intermediate type CME velocities and the corre- sponding two parameters are poor. It is also found that the correlation between the CME velocities and the peak X-ray fluxes is stronger than that between the CME velocities and the time-integrated X-ray fluxes of the associated flares.  相似文献   

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