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N.M.S. Rock 《Lithos》1976,9(4):263-279
Intrusion of foyaite magmas into Carboniferous pelites at Monchique has produced localised fenites of highly variable texture and composition. The principal element introduced was sodium, together with minor iron and chlorine; potassic, oversaturated and strongly peraluminous sediment compositions were thus transformed into nepheline-bearing sodic rocks of foyaitic aspect. A comparison with other fenite sequences in the literature shows that: (a) Alkaline magmas produce much narrower fenite zones in pelitic country rocks than in crystalline basement; (b) Regardless of the type of country rock, the most undersaturated fenites around carbonatite complexes are pulaskitic (<10% normative nepheline) and normally peralkaline (normative acmite) in character, while those around non-carbonatite complexes are more undersaturated (10–20% nepheline) and normally peraluminous.  相似文献   

Monchique is a sizeable subvolcanic ?laccolith, unusual amongalkaline complexes in invading sediments and lacking apparentconnection with either rifting or orogeny; it may however relateto the opening of the North Atlantic(age = 76 m.y.). The intrusionis predominantly miaskitic syenite, varying irregularly fromfoyaite to pulaskite with fine-grained nepheline-poor marginsbut showing no rhythmic or cryptic layering. Minor rock-typesinclude early masses of olivine-free kaersutite—theralites(berondrites) and essexites, bodies of igneous breccias, maligniteand agpaite, veins of foyaite—pegmatite and shonkinite,and dykes of lamprophyres and peralkaline tinguaite. Coevaldykes outside the main intrusion include quartz—trachytes,normal (olivine-bearing) basanites and amphibole—picrites. The whole suite may have derived from a basanitic parent undermoderately oxidizing conditions. Geochemistry is apparentlycontinuous along the trend Berondrite—Essexite—Foyaite(Malignite)—Pulaskite—Quartz trachyte. As far asFoyaite this parallels the normal oceanic basanite—phonolitetrend with major and trace elements and minerals (except olivine)behaving as in normal fractionation; the absence of nepheline—monzonites,creating a Daly Gap, may merely reflect high fractionation efficiency.The apparent evolution across the thermal barrier in Ne—Ks—Qtz,with a reversal in some major element trends, however, can beexplained neither by fractionation nor country-rock assimilation.The enigmatic pulaskites cannot be related directly to the foyaitesbut might have formed from the same parent under lower pressureconditions; they themselves fractionated to the peralkalinetinguaites. The quartz—trachytes probably originated wherefoyaite magmas lost alkalis to the siliceous country-rocks,became oversaturated, and then fractionated feldspars. Liquidimmiscibility might explain some anomalous monzonitic rocksbut otherwise contributed little to the evolution of the complex.  相似文献   

The Sarfartôq carbonatite complex was emplaced in lower Palaeozoic time in a weakness zone within the Precambrian shield. Dolomitic magma intruded in two major stages of activity. In the first stage a steeply dipping conical body of concentric sheets of rauhaugite was formed, while in the second stage several batches of magma were emplaced into the surrounding marginal shock-zone as concentric and radial beforsite dykes and agglomerates. Hydrothermal activity gave rise to several phases of mineralisation in veins and shear zones. The accompanying fenitisation was of the Na-type. The whole complex covers about 90 km2. The main rock-forming minerals are dolomite-ankerite, apatite, orange reversely pleochroic phlogopite, richterite-arfvedsonite and magnetite. Important accessories are pyrochlore, zircon and niobian rutile. A complete mineral list is given, together with microprobe data on mineral chemistry. The dolomitic magmas were poor in SiO2, Al2O3 and K2O in relation to other carbonatites. Nb, U and LREEs are strongly enriched in pyrochloremineralised zones where the Nb content may be up to 40%. Some shear zones are strongly enriched in Th and HREEs (specifically Eu) and lesser Pb and Zn. Niobium, uranium, rare earth elements and phosphorus occur in economically interesting concentrations.  相似文献   

Carbonatites that are hosted in metamorphosed ultramafic massifs in the roof of miaskite intrusions of the Il’mensky-Vishnevogorsky alkaline complex are considered. Carbonatites have been revealed in the Buldym, Khaldikha, Spirikha, and Kagan massifs. The geological setting, structure of carbonatite bodies, distribution of accessory rare-metal mineralization, typomorphism of rock-forming minerals, geochemistry, and Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are discussed. Dolomite-calcite carbonatites hosted in ultramafic rocks contain tetraferriphlogopite, richterite, accessory zircon, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, and pyrochlore. According to geothermometric data and the composition of rock-forming minerals, the dolomite-calcite carbonatites were formed under K-feldspar-calcite, albite-calcite, and amphibole-dolomite-calcite facies conditions at 575–300°C. The Buldym pyrochlore deposit is related to carbonatites of these facies. In addition, dolomite carbonatites with accessory Nb and REE mineralization (monazite, aeschynite, allanite, REE-pyrochlore, and columbite) are hosted in ultramafic massifs. The dolomite carbonatites were formed under chlorite-sericite-ankerite facies conditions at 300–200°C. The Spirikha REE deposit is related to dolomite carbonatite and alkaline metasomatic rocks. It has been established that carbonatites hosted in ultramafic rocks are characterized by high Sr, Ba, and LREE contents and variable Nb, Zr, Ti, V, and Th contents similar to the geochemical attributes of calcio-and magnesiocarbonatites. The low initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7044?0.7045 and εNd ranging from 0.65 to ?3.3 testify to their derivation from a deep mantle source of EM1 type.  相似文献   

辽宁赛马碱性岩体早年因产铀矿而闻名,该岩体主要由响岩、霞石正长岩和异霞正长岩组成,其中铀、锆和稀土等元素矿化主要集中于异霞正长岩岩浆阶段。异性石是异霞正长岩中特征的锆-稀土矿物,主要分为两期,晚期异性石表现出更加富集Nb、REE等高场强元素的特点。早期异性石经历了一系列的热液蚀变,根据蚀变强弱程度,蚀变矿物组合可分为:(1)异性石+钠锆石+霓石±钠沸石;(2)异性石+钠锆石+锆石+钠沸石±霓石;(3)异性石假晶,假晶主要由残余异性石+钠锆石+锆石+钠沸石+霓石+钾长石+铈硅磷灰石组成。相比于岩浆锆石,蚀变组合中次生锆石具有富Ca、Al、Fe的特点,与异性石本身化学成分和流体性质密切相关。通过对异性石及其蚀变组合的精细矿物学研究,我们得知假晶的形成可能是异性石"溶解-再沉淀"的结果,致使假晶形成的流体至少包括:(1)占主导的富Na(±K)、Al、F的自交代流体;(2)少量晚期富Ca流体。假晶中次生锆石和铈硅磷灰石的结晶说明了Zr和REE等高场强元素的热液活动性,自交代碱性流体和富Ca流体在此过程中起到"搬运"和"提纯"的作用,这对认识碱性岩稀有、稀土成矿机制具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

Melilitites were found for the first time in the alkaline volcanics of the Gorringe bank. With allowance for previous studies, this indicates the existence of a common melilitite-nephelinite-phonolite alkaline series, which is widely spread as lava fields, dikes, and diatremes in the continental magmatic provinces of Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, often accompanying the formation of carbonatite complexes. This is considered as one of the evidence in support of the continental nature of the alkaline volcanism of the bank. The fact that the volcanics contain fragments of plutonic rocks, which are usually observed in the carbonatitebearing alkaline complexes (melteigites, ijolites, nepheline syenites), makes it possible to suggest the presence of alkaline intrusions of such type at a shallow depth.  相似文献   

The Sivamalai alkaline complex lies at the southern margin of the Cauvery Shear System that separates the Archaean and Proterozoic domains of the Southern Granulite Terrain in India. U–Pb TIMS dating of zircon from a pegmatitic syenite sample in the complex yields a concordant age of 590.2 ± 1.3 (2σ) Ma which is interpreted to date the intrusion of the alkaline rocks. A lower concordia intercept at 168 ± 210 Ma defined by two grains with high common lead may indicate post-magmatic disturbances due to recrystallisation which is also evident in the CL images of the zircons. EPMA dating of monazite from a post-kinematic pegmatite which intrudes the crystalline basement hosting the alkaline rocks yields an age of 478 ± 29 (2σ) Ma and provides a lower bracket for the main phase of tectonism in this part of the Southern Granulite Terrain. The Pan-African high-grade metamorphism and ductile deformation has thus most likely affected the alkaline rocks. This is supported by the presence of a metamorphic foliation and extensive recrystallisation textures seen in the rocks. The major and trace element concentrations measured on selected samples reveals the presence of both enriched and depleted rock types. The enriched group includes ferrosyenite and nepheline syenite while the depleted group has only nepheline syenites. The trace element depletion of some nepheline syenites is interpreted to be a result of fractional crystallization involving the removal of accessory phases like zircon, titanite, apatite and allanite.  相似文献   

Two sections of the anorthosite ‘complex’ were examined at Messina, South Africa and at Pikwe, Botswana. Thirty XRF whole-rock analyses of samples in stratigraphic order show that alkalies at Messina increase upwards from leuco-gabbros to anorthosites, but no such correlation was found at Pikwe. Electron probe analyses of plagioclases in 33 samples indicate extensive normal zoning and variation (An31-An80) especially at Pikwe. The highest An-contents tend to vary monotonically with stratigraphic position, whereas the lowest values are erratic. Twenty-two amphibole analyses indicate that SiO2, TiO2 and MgO/FeO increase, decrease and increase, respectively, with height at Messina, but 22 analyses from Pikwe show no such trends. Their compositions are similar to those from the Fiskenaesset complex. Aluminous chromites are Fe-rich, also like the Fiskenaesset ones.

The Limpopo anorthositic rocks belong to a layered igneous body that was recrystallized by regional metamorphism and subjected to erratic metasomatism. The original Limpopo and Fiskenaesset bodies strongly resemble gabbroic and peridotitic relics in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith in S. California.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of mineral components of the Omolon pallasite was determined by neutron-activation. Six types of olivines were distinguished. Four types differ in the abundance of Co relative to Ni of CI chondrites. The fifth and sixth types were distinguished on the basis of REE distribution in them. Both last types are variably enriched in LREE relative to CI chondrites. In terms of Ca content relative to CI chondrite, these six types are subdivided into two groups: low-calcium and high-calcium. The difference in Ca contents can be caused by different cooling rate of the precursor of these olivines. The distribution pattern of siderophile elements in the pallasite metal indicates that a metallic phase experienced chemical transformations since the time of its formation. The analysis of chemical composition of accessory minerals showed that: (1) HREE are accumulated in tridymite; (2) troilite and daubreelite were formed under different temperature conditions; (3) magnetite is the mineral of the outer zone of melting crust. Four fragments with anomalous contents of lithophile elements were found in the pallasites and studied. The unusual chemical composition of phases and high degree of HREE fractionation in the fragments suggest their formation at high temperatures at the early stage of the Solar system evolution. It is assumed that the Omolon pallasite was formed as impact-brecciated mixture of the asteroid core (with composition close to IIIAB group of iron meteorites) and mantle olivine from incompletely differentiated parent body of chondrite composition.  相似文献   

Meta-graywacke and meta-argillite of Archean age near Yellowknife contain biotite, cordierite, gedrite and sillimanite isograds towards the Sparrow Lake granite pluton. The chemistry of biotite, cordierite, gedrite and garnet in rocks that up-grade from the cordierite isograd indicate a small range of chemical composition, particularly with reference to Mg, Fe and Mn. The analyses show further that among the coexisting ferromagnesian minerals Fe/Fe+ Mg ratio decreases in the sequence: garnet, gedrite, biotite, cordierite while Mn/Fe+Mg+Mn ratio decreases in the sequence garnet, gedrite, cordierite, biotite. The same order is also observed in the distribution diagrams. The regular distribution of Mg, Fe and Mn among the coexisting phases demonstrate that chemical equilibrium was attained and preserved in these Archean rocks. Mg-Fe distribution between cordierite and biotite appears to be dependent on the temperature of crystallization or metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

The alkaline ultrabasic rooks (damkjernite) of the Fen alkaline complex contain abundant rounded inclusions of spinel lherzolite, closely similar in composition and mineralogy to the nodules found in many undersaturated basaltic rocks. Clinopyroxene compositions indicate crystallization at P=10–13 KB, T=1200–1250° C. A model involving partial melting in a rising diapir of mantle peridotite allows interpretation of the nodules either as mantle fragments or as cognate cumulates, and suggests that crustal thinning in the Oslo area possibly began as early as 500–600 m.y. ago. The presence of the nodules indicates that the damkjernite did not pause for intracrustal differentiation during its rapid ascent to the surface. The crustal contamination suggested by recent Sr-isotope studies may have occurred during differentiation at the base of the continental crust.Contribution No. 62 in The Norwegian Geotraverse Project.  相似文献   

Summary ?The Ditrau complex in eastern Transsylvania, Romania is a large (ca. 18 km diameter) Mesozoic alkaline igneous complex generated in an extensional environment associated with a rifted continental margin. It comprises an eccentric arcuate suite of intrusions in which there was a generalised migration of focus from west to east. Whereas most of the complex consists of salic rocks (syenites, nepheline syenites and alkali granites) a spectrum of intermediate rock types (monzonites, monzodiorites and alkali diorites) grades to alkali gabbros. Isolated masses of ultramafic rocks may represent autoliths derived from early cumulates. The earliest components appear to be the ultramafic, gabbroic and dioritic rocks of the north-west whereas the large area of nepheline syenites in the east of the complex represents the youngest large-scale intrusive event. An interval of dyke intrusion and widespread hydrothermal alteration marked the end of activity. Rocks of contrasted composition commonly show intricate and complex geometric relationships. Those between mafic (especially alkali gabbroic and dioritic) facies and salic (syenite and quartz syenite) facies display pillowy forms suggesting synchronous emplacement of mafic and salic magmas with the former intruded into, and chilled against, the latter. Mixing, mingling and hybridisation in these pillowed associations has been widespread. Olivine is confined to some of the ultramafic rocks. The basic rocks contain diopsidic pyroxene and amphibole ranging from kaersutite through ferroan pargasite to hastingsite although edenitic and actinolitic varieties occur. Titanite is ubiquitous and is a major component in some facies of the basic rocks. The syenites consist of sodic plagioclase, alkali feldspar and hastingsite whereas the nepheline syenites comprise alkali feldspar, nepheline and aegirine-augite with accessory cancrinite, scapolite and sodalite. The complex is deduced to have been generated from primitive basanitic magmas, formed as small-fraction asthenospheric melts, with progressive evolution through to phonolitic residues. Fractional crystallisation is inferred to have involved olivine and spinel in the early stages, followed by the incoming of clinopyroxene and amphibole (with loss of olivine in increasingly hydrous residual melts). A generalised increase in Nb/Ta from basic to nepheline syenite compositions is ascribed to titanite fractionation. The divergence towards silica oversaturated products is attributed to crustal assimilation and concomitant fractional crystallisation of the basic magmas at a relatively early stage in the development of the complex. An overall rise in δ18O with increasing SiO2 supports this conclusion. Evidence from the broad metamorphic aureole around the complex, the importance of amphiboles and extensive late-stage alteration of many of the rocks (with formation of e.g. scapolite, sodalite and cancrinite), suggests that the Ditrau magmas were notably volatile-rich. Factors responsible for the upwardly concave (chondrite-normalised) REE patterns exhibited by the salic rocks may include fractionation of minerals (kaersuite, titanite, apatite) preferentially removing MREE, accumulation of HREE-rich phases (zircon) and interaction with late-stage fluids enriched in HREE. The intrusive sequence and the inter-relationships of the basic and salic rocks suggest that stratified magma bodies may have been generated, with salic melts overlying denser basaltic melts. Mixing is inferred to have taken place during subsequent emplacement.
Zusammenfassung ?Petrologie des Alkali-Komplexes von Ditrau in den Ost-Karpaten Der Ditrau-Komplex im ?stlichen Transsylvanien, Rum?nien, ist ein gro?er (ca. 18 km Durchmesser) mesozoischer Alkali-Komplex, der in einem extensionalen Umfeld im Zusammenhang mit dem Aufbrechen eines Kontinentalrandes entstanden ist. Es liegt eine bogenf?rmige, exzentrische Gruppe von Intrusionen vor, innerhalb derer der Fokus von West nach Ost gewandert ist. W?hrend der Gro?teil des Komplexes aus salischen Gesteinen (Syeniten, Nephelin-Syeniten und Alkali Graniten) besteht, liegen auch intermedi?re Gesteine (Monzonite, Monzodiorite und Alkali Diorite) vor, die in Alkaligabbros übergehen. Isolierte Massen von ultramafischen Gesteinen k?nnten Autolithe, die aus frühen Kumulaten abstammen, darstellen. Die ?ltesten Komponenten scheinen die ultramafischen, gabbroischen und dioritischen Gesteine des Nordwestens zu sein, w?hrend das gro?e Gebiet von Nephelin-Syeniten im Osten des Komplexes das jüngste Intrusionsstadium darstellt. Ein Intervall mit Gang-Intrusion und verbreiteter hydrothermaler Umwandlung markiert das Ende dieser Aktivit?t. Gesteine von gegens?tzlicher Zusammensetzung zeigen h?ufig komplizierte geometrische Beziehungen. Diejenigen zwischen mafischen (besondern alkaligabbroischen und dioritischen) Typen und salischen (Syeniten und Quarz-Syeniten) zeigen polsterartige Formen, die auf m?glicherweise gleichzeitige Platznahme von mafischen und salischen Magmen hinweisen; dabei dürften die ersteren die letzteren intrudiert haben. Mischung, Mingling und Hybridisation ist in diesen polsterf?rmigen Assoziationen weit verbreitet. Olivin ist auf einige der ultramafischen Gesteine beschr?nkt. Die basischen Gesteine enthalten diopsidischen Pyroxen und Amphibole, die von Kaersutit über “ferroan” Pargasit zu Hastingsit übergehen, obwohl auch edenitische und aktinolitische Variet?ten vorkommen. Titanit ist weit verbreitet und eine Hauptkomponente in einigen Typen der basischen Gesteine. Die Syenite bestehen aus sodischem Plagioklas, Alkali-Feldspat und Hastingsit, w?hrend Nephelin-Syenite, Alkali-Feldspat, Nephelin und Aeginin-Augit mit akzessorischem Cancrinit, Skapolith und Sodalit umfassen. Der Ditrau-Komplex dürfte aus primitiven basanitischen Magmen entstanden sein, die sich als “small-fraction” asthenosph?rischer Schmelzen bildeten, mit progressiver Evolution bis hin zu phonolitischen Residuen. Fraktionierte Kristallisation dürfte Olivin und Spinell in den Frühstadien betroffen haben, gefolgt vom Auftreten des Klinopyroxen und Amphibol (wobei Olivin in den zunehmend wasserreichen Restschmelzen verlorengeht). Eine allgemeine Zunahme in Nb/Ta von basischen zu nephelinsyenitischen Zusammensetzungen wird auf Titanit-Fraktionierung zurückgeführt. Die Entwicklung in Richtung Silika-übers?ttigter Produkte geht auf krustale Assimilation und fraktionelle Kristallisation des basischen Magmas in einem relativ frühen Stadium der Entwicklung des Komplexes zurück. Ein allgemeiner Anstieg in δ18O mit zunehmendem SiO2 unterstützt diese Schlu?folgerung. Daten aus der breiten metamorphen Aureole des Komplexes, die Bedeutung der Amphibole und extensive Alteration im Sp?tstadium der Entwicklung vieler Gesteine (mit Bildung von Skapolith, Soldalit und Cancrinit) weist darauf hin, dass die Ditrau-Magmen sehr reich an volatilen Phasen waren. Die nach oben zu konkaven (Chondrit-normalisierten) SEE-Verteilungsmuster in den salischen Gesteinen dürften auf Mineralfraktionierung (Kaersuit, Titanit, Apatit) die vorzugsweise MSEE entfernt hat, Ansammlung von HSEE-reichen Phasen (Zirkon) und Wechselwirkungen mit sp?ten Fluiden, die an HSEE angereichert waren, zurückgehen. Die intrusive Abfolge und die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den basischen und salischen Gesteinen legt nahe, dass geschichtete Magmenk?rper entstanden sind, wobei salische Schmelzen die dichteren basaltischen Schmelzen überlagert haben. W?hrend der darauf folgenden Platznahme dürfte Magmamixing stattgefunden haben.

Received October 20, 1998;/revised version accepted July 16, 1999  相似文献   

The Sivamalai alkaline complex comprises ferro-, pyroxene-hornblende- and nepheline-syenites. Field relations show that the nepheline syenites followed the emplacement of non-feldspathoidal syenites. Mineralogical data on the syenite suite have been reviewed. The Sivamalai alkaline rocks are not strongly enriched in rare-earth elements like most miaskites. Rb-Sr isotopic analyses of a suite of six samples from the various members of the complex define an isochron corresponding to an age of 623 ±21 Ma () and initial Sr ratio of 0.70376 ±14 (2σ). This is consistent with a model of fractional crystallization of a parent magma derived from an upper mantle source with apparently no isotopic evidence for more than one magma source for the complex. The Sivamalai alkaline complex represents a Pan-African alkaline magmatic event in the southern granulite terrane of Peninsular India.  相似文献   

Re-mapping of the Alnö complex has radically reduced the area identified as fenite, in comparison with the classic work of Eckermann (1948). A marginal fenite zone, generally 500–600 m wide, is present around the complex, and the petrography and mineralogy of six selected key areas have been investigated in detail. Fenitization of the country rock migmatitic gneiss led to replacement of quartz, feldspars, biotite and chlorite by alkali pyroxene and amphibole, new generations of feldspars, calcite, titanite, fluorite and apatite. In some areas, however, a distinctive narrow band of fenitization, referred to as contact fenite, adjacent to large sövite dykes, contains mineral assemblages that include phlogopite, nepheline, melanite and wollastonite. Amphiboles in the fenites are richterite, katophorite, arfvedsonite and eckermannite. There is a very wide variation in the composition of pyroxenes which vary between diopside, aergirine-augite and aergirine. Although trends from aergirine to aegirine-augite and aegirine-augite to diopside have been defined, which are similar to those of other fenite localities, distinctive trends for the eastern part of the aureole have been identified that converge on aegirine, and approximate trends in some series of alkaline igneous rocks. Analyses of mica, garnet, wollastonite and feldspar are also presented and discussed. The mineralogical data are used to estimate the conditions of temperature, oxidation state, and activity of CO2, H2O and silica pertaining during the fenitization process. The fluids with which the fenites equilibrated were apparently different in composition in different parts of the aureole, and varied with time, implying more than one magmatic source. The various evolutionary trends identified in the pyroxenes and amphiboles, in particular, are explained in terms of two main fluid types, which emanated from ijolitic and carbonatitic magma sources.  相似文献   

Clay mineralogy of Triassic sediments in southern Israel and Sinai   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clay mineral composition of Triassic sediments in the Negev and Sinai depends upon the environment of deposition. Kaolinite predominates in continental and epicontinental sediments. The mineralogical composition of the marine clays resembles that of corresponding samples from North Africa and Europe, which comprise various mixtures and interstratifications of illite, montmorillonite, vermiculite and chlorite. Evaporitic sediments are poor in clay minerals and those present are largely detrital. The results presented suggest that chlorite was formed diagenetically by prolonged percolation of seawater through pervious layers overlying impervious ones (hard beds).  相似文献   

The Mesozoic Poços de Caldas alkaline complex, the largest known in South America, is circular-shaped with a mean diameter of about 33 km, and developed during continental break-up and drift. It comprises a suite of alkaline volcanic and plutonic rocks (mainly phonolites and nepheline syenites) with average amounts of U, Th and rare-earth elements (REEs). The evolutionary history began with major early volcanism involving ankaratrites, phonolite lavas and volcanoclastics, followed by caldera subsidence and nepheline syenite intrusions forming minor ring dykes, various intrusive bodies and circular structures. Finally, the addition or concentration of strongly incompatible elements led to the formation of eudialyte nepheline syenites and phonolites.Magmatic evolution included deuteric processes indicating a volatile-rich parent magma of upper mantle origin, without appreciable crustal contamination. These processes extended over a large temperature range and resulted in the formation of pegmatitic veins and comprised mineral assemblages including rare metal silicates such as giannettite, incipient alkali exchange reactions of feldspars, various zeolites, fluorite and hematite. Geochemically, the resulting rocks are enriched in potassium when compared to global nepheline syenites and phonolites. Mobilization and concentration of U, Th and REEs did not apparently occur at this stage.At one place (Morro do Ferro) the intermediate nephelinic suite was affected by a possible carbonatite intrusion and the formation of a stockwork of magnetite veins.Very intensive hydrothermal K- and S-rich alteration, associated with contemporaneous volcanic breccias, occurred locally. These processes led to the formation of several important radioactive and REE-rich anomalies. Two of these, the Th-REE occurrence of Morro do Ferro and the U-Zr-REE-Th occurrence of the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine, comprise the study sites of the Poços de Caldas Analogue Project.Later major stages in the evolution of the Poços de Caldas complex involved the emplacement of mafic-ultramafic dyke rocks and the onset of lateritic and allitic weathering, resulting (at the uranium mine) in supergene geochemical redistribution and the formation of redox fronts sometimes related to uranium enrichments. The end of the magmatic and hydrothermal-mineralizing events is likely fixed by the Ar-Ar dating of a lamprophyre dyke at the uranium mine (76 Ma).This study was focused towards the major rock types of the regional nephelinic suite relative to those experiencing more local hydrothermal and final weathering-related alteration. In the studied intrusive, subvolcanic and volcanic nepheline syenites and phonolites, very little variation was observed. This lack of differentiation may be seen as an argument for a short emplacement history of these rock bodies. Present radiometric age measurements suggest a time span of about 10 Ma for igneous activity at the caldera.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this study are the textural, chemical and mineralogical characterization of the urban soils of Lisbon and the identification of probable relations between the several soil properties. The results are used to infer which soil properties control the superficial dispersion of potential harmful elements to human health. Soil sampling was carried out in 51 selected sites all through the city, under the criterion that such sites should be spaces usually frequented by children. The concentrations of 42 elements in the >2 mm soil size fraction were determined at a commercial laboratory in Canada (ActLabs, LTD), by ICP-MS/ICP-OES after an acid digestion with aqua regia. The soil mineralogy was determined by X-ray diffraction in the <2 and <62 μm size fractions. The results indicate that the urban soils have mainly a sandy texture and a main mineralogical assemblage of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase and calcite. In terms of clay minerals, smectite, illite and kaolinite are the main clays in the soil. Smectite and illite show a dichotomy in their distribution, with the smectites prevailing in the soils of the volcanic complex of Lisbon, which are classified as being residual, and illite prevailing in the remaining soils, which are considered mainly as man-made soils. Smectite seems to exert an important role in the fixation of Ni and Cr. The results of the geochemical study show that Ni and Cr have concentrations above the soil guideline value established to the UK and pose a probable risk to human health.  相似文献   

More than 100 volcanic necks in central Scania (southern Sweden) are the product of Jurassic continental rift-related mafic alkaline magmatism at the southwest margin of the Baltic Shield. They are mainly basanites, with rarer melanephelinites. Both rock groups display overlapping primitive Mg-numbers, Cr and Ni contents, steep chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns (LaN /YbN = 17–27) and an overall enrichment in incompatible elements. However, the melanephelinites are more alkaline and have stronger high field strength element enrichment than the basanites. The existence of distinct primary magmas is also indicated by heterogeneity in highly incompatible element ratios (e.g. Zr/Nb, La/Nb). Trace element modelling indicates that the magmas were generated by comparably low degrees of melting of a heterogeneous mantle source. Such a source can best be explained by a metasomatic overprint of the mantle lithosphere by percolating evolved melts. The former existence of such alkaline trace element-enriched melts can be demonstrated by inversion of the trace element content of green-core clinopyroxenes and anorthoclase which occur as xenocrysts in the melanephelinites and are interpreted as being derived from crystallization of evolved mantle melts. Jurassic magmatic activity in Scania was coeval with the generation of nephelinites in the nearby Egersund Basin (Norwegian North Sea). Both Scanian and North Sea alkaline magmas share similar trace element characteristics. Mantle enrichment processes at the southwest margin of the Baltic Shield and the North Sea Basin generated trace element signatures similar to those of ocean island basalts (e.g. low Zr/Nb and La/Nb) but there are no indications of plume activity during the Mesozoic in this area. On the contrary, the short duration of rifting, absence of extensive lithospheric thinning, and low magma volumes argue against a Mesozoic mantle plume. It seems likely that the metasomatic imprint resulted from the earlier Permo-Carboniferous rifting episode which affected the entire study area and clearly was accompanied by plume activity (Ernst and Buchan in American Geophysical Union, pp 297–337, 1997). Renewed rifting in Jurassic times triggered decompression melting in the volatile-enriched lithospheric mantle and the alkaline melts generated inherited the earlier stored plume signature.This revised version was published online September 2004 with a correction to the footnote of the sample list.  相似文献   

The Early Paleoproterozoic Burakovsky complex contains Europe’s largest layered mafic-ultramafic pluton and giant Avdeevo gabbronorite dike. The pluton consists of two independent bodies of different age (the Aganozero and Shalozero-Burakovsky bodies), each having its own internal structure and contacting each other in their apical parts. Both bodies have a similar rock sequence including five differentiated zones (from bottom upward, based on the predominant cumulus assemblages): ultrabasic, pyroxenite, gabbronorite, pigeonite gabbronorite, and magnetite gabbronorite-diorite. Being generally similar to each other owing to a common differentiation trend of similar melts, these bodies differ notably in the character of their cumulus stratigraphy and, to a lesser extent, in mineral and geochemical composition. The pluton is distinguished by the presence of marker horizons—singular interlayers of high-temperature mafic cumulates emplaced in the sequence of lower-temperature gabbroid. Their origin is believed to have been associated with the influxes of fresh magma portions into the crystallizing magma chambers. Based on petrological, geochemical, and mineralogical data, the Aganozero and Shalozero-Burakovsky bodies, as well as additional intrusive phases, were derived from the compositionally similar but not identical melts of siliceous high-Mg (boninite like) series. The Avdeevo dike (2436 ± 46 Ma at ?Nd(T) = ?1.5) extends along the southeastern contact of the Shalozero-Burakovsky body and was formed almost simultaneously with it. The dike is made up of pigeonite gabbronorites, which are almost identical to the rocks of the Pigeonite gabbronorite zone of the Burakovsky pluton in geochemistry and mineral composition. It was concluded that the Burakovsky Complex was a long-lived igneous center, whose origin was related to the activity of an Early Paleoproterozoic mantle superplume.  相似文献   

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