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The rotary formation mechanism of various central-type geological structures functioning in the strike-slip fault systems of the West Pacific continent-ocean transition zone is considered. This mechanism explains many tectonomagmatic processes and is confirmed by geological, geophysical, and geomorphological studies. At the same time, it is not the only possible mechanism. Examples of magmatogenic central-type ring and vortical structures in the Japan Sea segment of the West Pacific continent-ocean transition zone are given. In our opinion, the proposed geodynamic model is inscribed into the paradigm of tectonic delamination of the lithosphere developed by Yu.M. Pushcharovsky.  相似文献   

At least six glaciations are purported to have affected North Africa and the Middle East region over the last one billion years, including two in the Cryogenian (Neoproterozoic), Hirnantian (Late Ordovician), Silurian, Carboniferous and Early Permian events. The sedimentary record associated with these glaciations, together with the intensity to which each has been investigated, is highly variable. As hydrocarbon exploration proceeds aggressively across the North Africa and Middle East regions, we review the relationship between glaciation and hydrocarbon accumulations.With the exception of Oman, and locally Egypt, which were tectonically active both during the Neoproterozoic and Early Palaeozoic all glaciations took place along an essentially stable passive continental margin. During the Neoproterozoic, two glaciations are recognised, referred to as older and younger Cryogenian glaciations respectively. Both of these Cryogenian events are preserved in Oman; only the younger Cryogenian has been reported in North Africa in Mauritania and Mali at the flanks of the Taoudenni Basin. The process of initial deglaciation in younger Cryogenian glaciations resulted in incision, at least locally producing large-bedrock palaeovalleys in Oman, and the deposition of glacial diamictites, gravels, sandstones and mudstones. As deglaciation progressed “cap carbonates” were deposited, passing vertically into shale with evidence for deposition in an anoxic environment. Hence, younger Cryogenian deglaciation may be associated with hydrocarbon source rock deposits.Hirnantian (Late Ordovician) glaciation was short lived (< 0.5 Myr) and affected intracratonic basins of Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The organisation of the glacial sedimentary record is considered to be controlled at the basin-scale by the location of fast-flowing ice streams active during glacial maxima, and by the processes of meltwater release during glacial recession. In these latter phases, subglacial tunnel valley networks were cut at or near the ice margin. These tunnel valleys were filled in two main phases. The initial phase was characterised by debris flow release, whereas during later phases of ice retreat a range of glaciofluvial, shallow glaciomarine to shelf deposits were laid down, depending on the water depth at the ice front. Production of linear accumulations of sediment, parallel to the ice front, also occurred between tunnel valleys at the grounding line. In Arabia, the geometry of these features may have been influenced by local tectonic uplift. As glaciogenic reservoirs, Hirnantian deposits are already of great economic significance across central North Africa. Therefore, an appreciation of the processes of ice sheet growth and decay provides significant insights into the controls on large-scale heterogeneities within these sediments, and in analogue deposits produced by glaciations of different ages.Deglacial, Early Silurian black shale represents the most important Palaeozoic source rock across the region. Existing models do not adequately explain the temporal and spatial development of anoxia, and hence of black shale/deglacial source rocks. The origins of a palaeotopography previously invoked as the primary driver for this anoxia is allied to a complex configuration of palaeo-ice stream pathways, “underfilled” tunnel valley incisions, glaciotectonic deformation structures and re-activation of older crustal structures during rebound. A putative link with the development of Silurian glaciation in northern Chad is suggested. Silurian glaciation appears to have been restricted to the southern Al Kufrah Basin in the eastern part of North Africa, and was associated with the deposition of boulder beds. Equivalent deposits are lacking in shallow marine deposits in neighbouring outcrop belts.Evidence for Carboniferous–Permian glaciation is tentative in the eastern Sahara (SW Egypt) but well established on the Arabian Peninsula in Oman and more recently in Saudi Arabia. Pennsylvanian–Sakmarian times saw repeated glaciation–deglaciation cycles affecting the region, over a timeframe of about 20 Myr. Repeated phases of deglaciation produced a complex stratigraphy consisting, in part, of structureless sandstone intervals up to 50 m thick. Some of these sandstone intervals are major hydrocarbon intervals in the Omani salt basins. Whilst studies of the Hirnantian glaciation can provide lessons on the causes of large-scale variability within Carboniferous–Permian glaciogenic reservoirs, additional factors also influenced their geometry. These include the effects of topography produced during Hercynian orogenesis and the mobilisation and dissolution of the Precambrian Ara Salt. Deglacial or interglacial lacustrine shale, with abundant palynomorphs, is also important. Whilst both Cryogenian intervals and the Hirnantian–Rhuddanian deglaciation resulted in the deposition of glaciomarine deposits, Carboniferous–Permian deglaciation likely occurred within a lacustrine setting. Hence, compared to shales of other glacial epochs, the source rock potential of Carboniferous–Permian deglacial deposits is minimal.  相似文献   

The region under study is located in the active “transition zone” from the Eurasian continent to the Pacific Ocean. The zone occupies not only the continent-ocean border area (continental coastline, marginal seas, island arcs, and deep-sea trenches) but also the margins of intracontinental regions of the Eurasian continent with different structures and regimes of development. The transition zone is a natural buffering and damping regulator of the interaction between the Eurasian and Pacific plates and is characterized by intense orogenesis, contemporary volcanism, active seismicity, diverse geothermal regime, and highly nonuniform measured heat-flow values. Available geothermal data for the region are not sufficiently generalized. After the latest maps compiled in the 1990s, new data have been obtained and new geoinformation technologies have been developed. In the study presented in this paper, available geothermal information has been generalized and a detailed heat flow distribution map has been compiled and used to calculate Moho temperatures, to determine the thickness of the “geothermal” lithosphere, and to construct distribution maps of these parameters.  相似文献   

Conclusions Geological and geochemical data indicate that the Dauletabad area and the Chemenibid anticline fold are promising. The Morgunov uplift has better tectonic characteristics, but a lack of hydrocarbon gas anomalies is less encouraging. This forecast has been supported by data obtained during deep drilling, and by geochemical anomalies found on the surface that are associated with the Dauletabad-Donmez gas field. In the Chemenibid fold, the forecast was substantiated by discovery of commercial quantities of gas from Lower Jurassic deposits in exploratory well N1.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地构造不整合成因及对油气成藏的影响   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
本文利用钻井及区域地震资料,对塔里木盆地6个关键构造不整合的结构特征、分布范围开展了详细的研究,确定了不整合面与下伏地层的夹角、遭受剥蚀的方向、剥蚀程度及不整合面的分布,对不整合的成因及其油气成藏作用进行了探讨。加里东中期形成的志留系与上奥陶统构造不整合(T07)主要为由南向北剥 蚀,向北剥蚀范围可达阿-满坳陷南部;在盆地南部西昆仑、阿尔金早古生代中期造山构造作用下,形成和田古隆起和卡塔克古隆起,塔北隆起仅在西部有活动。加里东晚期形成的上泥盆统-石炭系与中下泥盆统不整合(T06)主要表现为双向角度不整合特征,盆地受来自南缘和北缘造山带的挤压作用,形成了北、东、南三面连接的周缘环形隆起,塔北隆起构造活动强度及范围大于卡塔克隆起、和田-巴楚隆起。海西期形成的三叠系与二叠系不整合(T05)主要为由北东向南西的剥蚀,存在两个剥蚀阶地现象,盆地主要遭受来自北东和北部的挤压,在塔北隆起西部形成了高角度不整合。印支运动形成的侏罗系与前侏罗系不整合(T64)主要存在于盆地的东北部及西南部,塔北和孔雀河地区形成了中等角度单斜型角度不整合,塔东隆起形成了褶皱角度不整合,巴楚隆起成为塔西南坳陷的前缘隆起。燕山期形成的白垩系与前白垩系不整合(T04)表现为北北东-南南西、北北西-南南东两组方向的抬升剥蚀,盆地西南、东南断隆剥蚀强度大。喜马拉雅早期主要受南北向挤压,形成古近系与前古近系双向的角度不整合(T13),后期巴楚隆起持续抬升剥蚀,大部分缺失白垩系-古近系,盆地受挤压、走滑构造作用明显增强。构 造不整合的形成与区域构造运动及不同时期盆地周缘的造山带形成响应,不同时期构造运动的主要作用范围、强度,不仅控制了构造不整合的结构特征和分布,而且控制着古隆起的发育演化,构造不整合对不整合圈闭油气成藏有控制作用。  相似文献   

周文  金文辉  谢润成  陈文玲  丘东洲 《地质通报》2012,31(11):1838-1851
对雪峰山西侧盆山过渡带油气成藏的基本特征进行了总结,划分出该区在燕山—喜马拉雅期强烈构造改造作用下可能残存的5套含油气组合。总结了区内典型的成藏特征,提出该区下古生界地层中油气具有多源供烃、多期成藏特征,并经历了“古油藏”阶段,构造隆升剥蚀作用是造成油气保存条件不好的重要因素。提出在晚期构造强烈改造区中也存在油气保存条件相对较好的地区,这类地区主要位于“隔槽式”褶皱主背斜的断层下盘、两翼潜伏构造及复向斜等下寒武统、下志留统区域性泥岩盖层分布地区。研究区地层中存在原生、次生、再生型油气藏,无论哪类油气藏,“构造型油气藏”在构造强烈改造后保存下来的几率变小,“非构造型油气藏”(主要是岩性油气藏)保存下来的几率较高。通过分析研究区古油气藏的破坏条件,提出了五大类10亚类油气藏破坏类型划分方案,指出研究区存在多种破坏类型的古油藏。  相似文献   

The phase state of hydrocarbon accumulations was predicted using recent drilling data for three oil and gas complexes of the northern regions of the West Siberian petroliferous basin: Lower and Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic, and Berriasian-lower Valanginian (Achimov member); these results were compiled in simplified maps presented in the paper. In order to develop a plausible model and distinguish the zones of hydrocarbon accumulation of various phase states, we analyzed and systematized the existing concepts on the distribution of oil, oil-gas condensate, and gas condensate pools in the Mesozoic sequences of this region, types of organic matter in rocks, and stages of catagenetic alterations. Based on the data of the Tyumen SG-6 superdeep well, the oil-generating capacity of source deposits was assessed. Three zones differing in the phase state of hydrocarbons, oil, gas condensate-oil (transitional), and gas condensate, were distinguished in the map of the distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations in the Early-Middle Jurassic petroliferous complex of northwestern Siberia. Only two zones of hydrocarbon accumulations, oil and transitional, were detected in the Late Jurassic complex of the Nadym-Taz and Ust’-Yenisei regions. The same zones but within different boundaries were distinguished in the Achimov sequence. In contrast to the Jurassic beds, the zone of occurrence of oil accumulations in the Achimov member occupies a larger area and extends further north. In terms of density, the oils of the Achimov deposits were subdivided into three types: ultralight, light, and medium. The zones of their occurrence are shown in the map. Original Russian Text ? S.A. Punanova, T.L. Vinogradova, 2006, published in Geokhimiya, 2006, No. 9, pp. 983–995.  相似文献   

任加国  武倩倩 《中国地质》2010,37(2):530-535
以大沽河下游海水入侵砂质含水层为研究对象,采集地下淡水、海水和含水介质样品,并测定其组成和性质。通过渗流装置模拟咸淡水驱替过程,测定驱替过程中含水介质的渗透性参数和主要离子的变化规律,并尝试用数值模拟方法定量研究水敏感性影响下的多组分离子交换过程。研究结果表明,海水驱替淡水情况下,Na+能将砂土吸附的Ca2+、Mg2+、K+交换出来,Na+-Ca2+、Na+-K+交换速度很快,而Na+-Mg2+交换反应持续时间较长;在淡水驱替海水的过程中,溶液中的Ca2+、Mg2+将介质吸附的Na+、K+交换出来,但Ca2+-Na+交换起主导作用。含水介质的动力学参数和突破曲线的拐点变化均进一步验证了咸淡过渡带的水敏感性现象,多组分离子的交换行为导致了水敏感现象的发生。  相似文献   

包气带对三氯乙烯的吸附行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机污染物在包气带的吸附行为,直接影响有机污染物在环境中的迁移、转化等过程。采用浅层和深层包气带样品,利用批实验的方法研究不同有机碳含量的样品对三氯乙烯(TCE)的吸附行为。研究表明,包气带表层土壤比深层土壤的有机碳含量高,可能存在竞争吸附的问题,说明该土壤的吸附行为是以矿物吸附为主、有机质吸附为辅的类型;表层土壤的吸附具有较好的线性行为,不存在饱和吸附量;深层土壤有机碳含量低,其吸附为非线性的。  相似文献   

从成盆、成源、成烃和成藏4个方面对海拉尔盆地乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷各构造演化阶段的石油地质意义进行了分析。海拉尔盆地成盆的动力机制是中蒙边界区中生代推覆构造形成后的晚造山期伸展垮塌作用,为典型的被动裂陷盆地。乌尔逊-贝尔凹陷形成演化经历了5个时期:山间残留阶段、被动裂陷阶段、主动裂陷阶段、断坳转化阶段和坳陷阶段。被动裂陷阶段沉积物震荡式沉积形成南一段中部砂泥互层的优质烃源岩,主动裂陷阶段盆地强烈裂陷,窄而深的断陷结构控制盆地南一段上部有效源岩分布,断坳转化阶段盆地快速沉降促进烃源岩熟化,伊敏组沉积晚期烃源岩大量排烃控制形成早期原生油藏,伊敏组末期盆地反转,部分油藏受活动断裂破坏调整到大磨拐河组形成次生油藏。不同演化阶段形成多种类型的隆起带,构成有利的油气聚集区带,控制了不同含油气系统油气聚集。  相似文献   

This study provided an overview of the geological setting and geochemical characteristics of the Pleistocene shallow gas accumulations in the eastern Qaidam Basin, NW China. The five largest gas accumulations discovered in this region have a combined enclosure area of about 87 km2 and 7.9 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of proven gas reserves. The dominance of methane (mostly more than 99.9%) and the δ13C and δD values of methane (−68.51 to −65.00‰ and −227.55 to −221.94‰, respectively) suggest that these gases are biogenic, derived from the degradation of sedimentary organic matter by methanogens under relatively low temperatures (<75 °C). A sufficient supply and adequate preservation of organic matter in the Pleistocene sediments was made possible by the lake basin’s high altitude (2600–3000 m), high water salinity (>15% TDS) and strong stratification. The deposition and extensive lateral occurrence of lacustrine – shoreline sands/silts in beach sand sheets and sand bars provided excellent reservoirs for the biogenic gas generated from adjacent rocks. Effective but dynamic gas seals are provided by a combination of factors, such as the intermittent vertical variation in the sediment lithologies, hydraulic trapping due to the mudstone water saturation, the hydrocarbon gradient created as the result of gas generation from potential caprocks, and the presence of a regional caprock consisting of 400–800 m of muds and evaporites. It appears that the most favorable traps for large gas accumulations occur on structural slopes near the major gas kitchen, and the prolific gas pools are often those large gentle anticlines with little faulting complication.  相似文献   

Ordos Basin, the second largest sedimentary basin in China, contains enormous natural gas resources. Each of the four giant gas fields discovered so far in this basin (i.e., Sulige, Yulin, Wushenqi and Jingbian) has over 100 billion cubic meters (bcm) or 3.53 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of proven gas reserves. This study examines the stable carbon isotope data of 125 gas samples collected from the four giant gas fields in the Ordos Basin. Source rocks in the Upper Paleozoic coal measures are suggested by the generally high δ13C values of C1–C4 gaseous hydrocarbons in the gases from the Sulige, Yulin and Wushenqi gas fields. While the δ13CiC4 value is higher than that of the δ13CnC4, the dominant ranges for the δ13C1, δ13C2, and δ13C3 values in these Upper Paleozoic reservoired gases are −34 to −32‰, −27 to −23‰, and −25 to −24‰, respectively. The δ13C values of methane, benzene and toluene in gases from the Lower Paleozoic reservoirs of the Jingbian field indicate a significant contribution from humic source rocks, as they are similar to those in the Upper Paleozoic reservoirs of the Sulige, Yulin and Wushenqi gas fields. However, the wide variation and reversal in the δ13C1, δ13C2 and δ13C3 values in the Jinbian gases cannot be explained using a single source scenario, thus the gases were likely derived dominantly from the Carboniferous-Permian coal measures with some contribution from the carbonates in the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation. The gas isotope data and extremely low total organic carbon contents (<0.2% TOC) suggest that the Ordovician Majiagou Formation carbonates are unlikely to be a significant gas source rock, thus almost all of the economic gas accumulations in the Ordos Basin were derived from Upper Paleozoic source rocks.  相似文献   

车排子凸起与沙湾凹陷过渡带的构造模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
车排子凸起位于准噶尔盆地扎伊尔山前,是夹持在南部四棵树凹陷和东部沙湾凹陷之间的三角构造带。然而对这个三角构造带是原地掩伏构造,山前推覆构造,还是走滑构造控制形成的认识存在争议。目前对于车排子凸起与沙湾凹陷过渡带的构造变形特征以及变形机制的认识尚不清楚。而过渡带是研究该区构造变形与演化的良好区域,精细研究该区域构造几何学与运动学对于揭示其构造变形机制以及认识盆山之间的关系具有积极作用,并对于该区油气勘探具有重要意义。本文以研究区的连片三维地震资料为基础,运用不整合面识别、轴面分析及平衡剖面等方法,对车排子凸起与沙湾凹陷过渡带进行精细的构造解析、建模与构造复原。研究表明,过渡带发育下二叠统(P1j-P1f),中二叠统(P2x-P2w),上二叠统(P3w),三叠系(T),侏罗系(J),白垩系(K)与古近系-第四系(E-Q)7个构造变形层序。发育佳木河组底部及石炭系内部滑脱层。深部(前二叠系)构造楔发育于整个过渡带,其个数和几何学形态的变化直接影响了上覆背斜形态。构造楔在早二叠世开始楔入,挤压作用持续至三叠纪末期。晚三叠世发育生长地层,显示了P-T构造层褶皱变形的时间,随后三叠纪末期,过渡带受到来自西北缘造山带方向的逆冲推覆构造的叠加作用,表现在后缘发育一系列叠瓦构造,推覆距离约为8 km,南部逆冲断层上盘二叠系-三叠系被剥蚀完全,北部残余少量下二叠统佳木河组。  相似文献   

The distribution of hydrocarbon accumulations in a basin is modeled as a nonstationary Poisson field of points with the average density of accumulations as a function of distance from the basin margin. The model, in which this distance is a unique parameter to define the intensity function, is suitable, in a first approximation, for Monte-Carlo simulation of the real pattern of accumulations. The Poisson random field of points is described with a power function, where the power is a fractal dimension used as an integral numerical parameter of the distribution.  相似文献   

东北亚中生代洋陆过渡带的研究及启示   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
邵济安  唐克东 《岩石学报》2015,31(10):3147-3154
从中生代起,亚洲大陆作为一个统一的大陆岩石圈板块,开始了大陆边缘的组建和改造。本文采用构造地层-地体观点,依据生物地层学和碰撞造山带的不同特征,将东北亚洋陆过渡带从西到东分成了7个带:(1)受郯庐断裂系改造的华北克拉通东缘带;(2)以近陆缘物质为主的增生带I;(3)以异源混杂堆积为主的增生带II;(4)新西伯利亚-楚科奇-阿拉斯加陆缘增生带III;(5)陆缘火山-深成岩带;(6)科里亚克增生带IV;(7)堪察加-萨哈林-东北日本增生带V。其中自早白垩世末至古新世初形成的楚科奇海-东锡霍特阿林的火山-深成岩带作为太平洋板块开始正向俯冲并导致弧岩浆活动的重要标志。此前晚三叠世至早白垩世末,在转换大陆边缘活动背景下,大量低纬度的外来地体以左旋平移断裂作用向北迁移并斜拼贴在陆缘。时空格局的分带性和阶段性清晰地展示了东北亚大陆边缘洋陆演化的关系。作者基于上述研究,并结合其他学科近期研究成果,对中国东部中生代岩浆作用与太平洋板块俯冲作用的关系进行了讨论,认为中国东部晚侏罗世-早白垩世大规模岩浆活动的高峰期正值东北亚洋陆过渡带转换大陆边缘活动和地体拼贴增生的阶段。然而太平洋板块正向俯冲主要发生在早白垩世末-晚白垩世,此时我国东部的大规模岩浆活动业已结束。因此难以将中国东部的岩浆活动与太平洋板块的正向俯冲作用相联系。以年轻陆壳组成的大兴安岭为例,作者提出晚侏罗世-早白垩世不同深度的两种地质作用同时控制着中国东部岩浆活动的源区特征和侵位的空间:即深部软流圈底辟上涌与中-上部地壳受到的洋陆之间的剪切走滑作用形成的变形。  相似文献   

滨海岩溶区过渡带碳酸盐岩溶浊作用的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滨海岩溶具有内陆一般岩溶区不同的发育机理,其过渡带混合溶蚀作用是控制滨海岩溶发育的最主要因素之一。通过七组不同淡水与海水配比的混合溶蚀实验(封闭CO2-H2O系统),初步得出了过渡带混合溶蚀作用的基本结论:(1)滨海岩溶区过渡带岩溶发育的基本规律与内陆一般岩溶区岩溶发育规律的基本一致,即岩性,结构是控制滨海岩溶发育的最主要因素;(2)滨海岩溶区混合过渡带内碳酸盐岩的混合溶蚀速率大于纯淡水或纯海水中同种岩石的溶蚀速率;(3)在不同的CO2分压条件下,滨海岩溶区混合过渡带内碳酸盐岩的混合溶蚀机理不同。  相似文献   

南海南部陆缘蕴藏着非常丰富的油气资源。为了解南海南部陆缘流体活动系统以及与油气藏之间的关系,以高精度2D地震资料为基础,对南海南部陆缘流体活动系统的类型、地震反射特征、以及对油气成藏的意义开展了研究。在南海南部陆缘发现了多种流体活动系统,包括:泥底辟/泥火山、气烟囱、管状通道、与构造断层相关的流体活动系统。这些流体活动系统具有不同的地震反射特征,常常出现含气强振幅异常带、弱振幅杂乱反射带以及"下拉"或者"上拱"地震反射形态等流体活动系统的标志特征。流体活动系统受到构造运动和沉积因素的影响,并且与深部高温高压塑性流体密切相关,流体活动系统优先发育在地层薄弱部位。流体活动系统及所伴生的断裂和裂隙常常作为油气富集区的运输通道;并且流体活动系统所运移的强溶蚀性流体和深部热液流体有利于油气储层的形成,特别是对于碳酸盐岩储层的改造尤为明显。因此,流体活动系统不仅能作为油气运移通道,也可以改善储层,对油气成藏具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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