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Ecological base line states for fish communities are necessary for the evaluation of ecological integrity. In Austria the fish communities of all the larger lakes are strongly influenced by human activities, like commercial fisheries, fish stocking, eutrophication or shore line degradation, and therefore these baseline states can not be developed by comparison with a natural, undisturbed lake. We developed ecological baseline states for the fish communities of the lakes Hallstättersee, Traunsee, Mondsee, Irrsee and Wallersee by reconstructing the native fish communities of these lakes from historical documents (from between 1500 to 1940). Then we classified the potential fish species of these lakes according to their ecological requirements. Finally we developed the base line states with 16 different ecological factors similar to the factors used for the ecological integrity assessment procedure for streams.

The process of reconstructing the fish communities and some advantages and disadvantages of the base line states for fish communities are discussed.  相似文献   

大型通江湖泊洞庭湖的鱼类物种多样性及其时空变化   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
为了解通江湖泊鱼类物种多样性现状,于2004年3月-2004年12月和2005年5月对洞庭湖城陵矶、岳阳和沅江三个区域的鱼类进行逐月调查.共鉴定鱼类69种,隶属6目14科44属,其中59.4%为鲤科鱼类.以种类数和多样性指数分析了群落多样性特征,结果表明洞庭湖鱼类种类多样性较高,且时空变化较大.一般地,湖区与长江干流的距离越近,种类数达到峰值的时间就越早;鱼类多样性在春夏季高于秋冬季,在南洞庭湖高于其它两个区域.以优势度>5000为标准,全湖有17种优势种,其中80.0%为湖泊定居性鱼类.在生态类群方面,湖泊定居性鱼类种类最多,占总种类数的74.0%;江湖洄游性鱼类最少,占13.0%.对比分析显示,由于生境丧失、天然苗种资源衰退和过度捕捞等原因,洞庭湖鱼类多样性较20世纪70年代明显下降,洄游鱼类种类数减少;通江湖泊鱼类多样性明显高于阻隔湖泊,表明江湖阻隔造成鱼类多样性下降,因此,加强江湖连通是保护鱼类多样性的有效手段.  相似文献   

Animal body size is a driving force behind trophic interactions within biological communities, yet few studies have explored relationships between body size and trophic position (based on δ15N) at a broad-scale in freshwater lakes. Therefore, our goals were to (1) determine whether body size is a good predictor of trophic position for multiple pelagic zooplankton taxa and fish communities, and (2) examine how body size-trophic position relationships at the community level compare to species level for fish. Zooplankton and fish were collected from 12 and 7 lakes, respectively, located in the Kawarthas, southern Ontario, Canada. The results indicated that for zooplankton, significant positive but different relationships were found between body size and trophic position for cladocerans, in general, and Daphnia, but not Holopedium. For fish, at the lake community level six out of seven relationships were positive and significant, but again, different among lakes. In contrast, at the species level only three of eight species-specific relationships were significant. Furthermore, for two widespread species, Perca flavescens and Micropterus dolomieu, significant differences were found between community- and lake-specific species relationships. Our community-level models and most species-level models provide evidence that trophic interactions in freshwater lakes are size-based. These results demonstrate that general species models should be applied with caution when using body size to predict trophic position. Additionally, the predictive power of some relationships found here is questionable since, albeit significant, their strengths are generally low. Together, our results suggest that body size may have limited use in predicting trophic position of some biota in temperate freshwater lakes.  相似文献   

滇池生态系统退化成因、格局特征与分区分步恢复策略   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
选取生态系统中重要的组成成份:浮游植物、底栖动物、水生植物的历史演变和现在分布状况数据,结合水质变化情况,揭示了滇池生态系统退化原因:在外因上,污染物持续输入以及围湖造田、直立堤岸和水量交换缓慢等外力干扰加剧系统组分失衡是直接原因;在内因上,由于滇池所处的地理位置、气候等原因,蓝藻生物量对营养盐增加的响应远高于其他湖泊(太湖、巢湖),草型向藻型湖泊的转换进程更快;与太湖和东湖的生态系统比较,高原湖泊滇池生态系统相对脆弱,如物种的同域分化、窄生态位,导致系统的稳定性差、自我修复能力弱.通过对滇池生态格局特征、湖岸带结构的分析,将滇池划分为5个生态区:草海重污染区、藻类聚集区、沉水植被残存区、近岸带受损区和水生植被受损区,并提出"五区三步,南北并进,重点突破,治理与修复相结合"的滇池生态系统分区分步治理的新策略和"南部优先恢复;北部控藻治污;西部自然保护;东部外围突破"的总体方案.  相似文献   

Andean Patagonian lakes are ultraoligotrophic and deep, have simple food webs and low fish diversity and abundance. In this work the distributional abundance data of fish was studied in two interconnected Andean Patagonian lakes with varying proportions of contrasting habitat types. Hydroacoustic data (120 kHz) were used to analyze fish abundance and habitat use during the mixis and stratification periods. Three types of habitat (near shore, surface pelagic and deep pelagic) and two groups of fish, based on size (Big Fish >12 cm total length and Fish Larvae and Small Fish <12 cm total length) were defined. The distribution of both fish groups in these lakes revealed differences in habitat use for each lake and period. Fish group abundance was related to the availability of habitat types, according to the morphology of each lake. The Big Fish group showed preference for the near shore habitat during lake stratification and always appeared as individual targets. The Fish Larvae and Small Fish group used mainly the pelagic habitat during mixis, where they formed dense sound scattering layers. However, during lake stratification many individual targets from this group were found both in pelagic and near shore habitats, which would seem to indicate a change in distributional behavior. This is possibly associated with niche changes in the Galaxiids (Galaxias spp), a key component of Northern Patagonian lake food webs. Lakes like Moreno Oeste, which are morphologically and structurally more complex, could have more diverse fish ensembles with higher abundances. In contrast, lakes of simple morphology with low development of near shore habitats and ample deep zones, like Lake Moreno Este, could present lower Big Fish abundance. The contrasting habitat availability between lakes accounts for the abundances and distribution patterns of each fish group. While in these lakes fish assemblage species composition could depends on the environmental filter, the particular structure of a fish assemblage in terms of the proportional abundances of species depends on proportional habitat type availability. We can speculate that in Andean Patagonian lakes Galaxiids mediate a habitat coupling process critical for the transfer of energy and matter in oligotrophic lakes. We may also consider that the Small Puyen in this type of lake is a keystone prey species that relieves predation pressure on other potential prey. The existence of deep pelagic habitats in numerous deep lakes in the Northern Patagonian Andean region provides not only daytime refuge for Galaxiids, which allows them to maintain their high numbers in the lakes, but could also, in the long term, act as a Galaxiid source for other water bodies.  相似文献   

2019年春、秋两季,对江西省76个湖泊的底栖动物进行了调查,在分析其群落结构和多样性的基础上,探讨了多样性与环境因子间的关系,旨在确定影响大型底栖无脊椎动物多样性的重要环境因子,以期为江西省湖泊的精准化管理提供科学依据和技术支持。两次调查共检出140个分类单元,以水生昆虫和软体动物为主,摇蚊类物种数占水生昆虫物种数的53.62%。富营养指示种(长足摇蚊属一种和摇蚊属一种)为春、秋两季的优势分类单元,湖沼典型种(长足摇蚊属一种、摇蚊属一种、石田螺属一种、苏氏尾鳃蚓和霍甫水丝蚓)的丰度变化导致了群落结构的季节变化。大型底栖无脊椎动物α多样性水平较低,基于PLSR和PLS-SEM的分析结果表明,影响大型底栖无脊椎动物多样性指标的环境因子既与藻类种群动态密切相关,也与水质状态有关。大型底栖无脊椎动物多样性与藻类种群状态存在稳定的联系,不受季节因素的影响,过高的藻类丰度不利于大型底栖无脊椎动物多样性的提高,而较好的水质状况有利于大型底栖无脊椎动物多样性的提高。为保护江西省湖泊大型底栖无脊椎动物资源,应在具有渔业养殖功能的湖泊和城镇湖泊中进行水生植物的修复工作,使藻型湖泊向草型湖泊方向演化;对一...  相似文献   

近年来云南高原湖泊面临富营养化、渔业活动增强等多重环境压力的叠加影响,对湖泊的有效治理与生态修复急需对多重压力下生态系统的响应模式进行系统了解.现有研究表明在系统生产力和捕食压力的不同配置下,湖泊系统主要组成(如浮游动物)的响应特征可能出现差异且捕食压力可能随营养水平的变化而改变,目前对云南湖泊生态系统的研究主要集中于单一环境压力下的生态响应.本研究以目前分别处于重富营养和中-贫营养水平的滇池和抚仙湖为研究对象,应用湖泊沉积物记录进行多指标分析,探讨受外来鱼类影响下两个大型湖泊浮游动物长期响应模式的异同.通过象鼻溞生物量与个体大小等指标,重建了近百年来滇池与抚仙湖典型浮游动物的变化历史,结果表明随着湖泊生产力水平(如沉积物色素生产量)的增加,2个湖泊中象鼻溞生物量显著增加,同时物种相对组成出现明显变化(如Bosmina longispina被B.longirostris取代),指示湖泊上行效应对浮游动物的控制作用.同时象鼻溞的生物量、壳长与触角长度的变化在1960s与1980s有明显降低的趋势,与同期外来鱼类(如银鱼)引入与渔业产量增加的时间一致.进一步应用多变量回归分析与方差分解方法来定量评价上行与下行效应对象鼻溞生物量变化的驱动强度,结果表明富营养化(沉积物色素)和捕食作用(象鼻溞壳长)对浮游动物长期变化的驱动强度比较相似(分别解释了生物量变化的77.25%和83.59%),然而在滇池下行效应对象鼻溞生物量的独立影响比在贫营养的抚仙湖中更强(分别为15.46%和10.39%),上行效应对象鼻溞生物量的影响在抚仙湖要明显强于滇池(分别为69.74%和19.67%),而在滇池上行与下行效应的相互作用强度明显强于抚仙湖(分别为42.12%和3.46%).结果表明随着湖泊营养水平的升高,浮游动物的生物量在2个湖泊中均显著增加,而外来鱼类(如太湖新银鱼)的引入和经济鱼类数量的增加加剧了对浮游动物的捕食压力,造成了浮游动物的生物量降低和个体减小.但在快速富营养化的滇池,对浮游动物的捕食压力随营养水平的变化出现较强的依赖性,而在总体处于中-贫营养水平的抚仙湖中此相互作用较弱.结果表明在不同营养水平的大型湖泊中,营养水平的变化幅度可以导致鱼类捕食压力的差异性变化,指示了对鱼类捕食压力的评价和浮游动物长期变化的特征分析需要考虑湖泊的营养水平与富营养化过程的差异.总之,富营养化和外来鱼类的引入导致了高原湖泊生态系统的快速响应与结构变化,因此对高原湖泊的生态修复需要考虑湖泊营养水平对生态系统结构与食物链作用的影响.  相似文献   

Methylmercury (MeHg) and inorganic mercury (Hginorg) were evaluated in the water of a Brazilian estuary, with two size classes of plankton and seven fish species of different feeding habits. Water partition coefficients (PCs) in microplankton were fourfold higher for MeHg than for Hginorg; and water PCs in mesoplankton were 26 times higher for MeHg than Hginorg. Difference between microplankton and mesoplankton MeHg bioaccumulation factor (BAF) was higher (0.60 log units) than Hginorg BAF (0.24 log units), indicating that trophic transfer of MeHg between planktonic organisms is more efficient than Hginorg transference. MeHg concentrations, proportion of mercury as MeHg and its biotransference factors (BTFs) in the microplankton, mesoplankton and fish increased with increasing trophic level while biotic concentrations of Hginorg and proportion of mercury as Hginorg decreased thus indicating that MeHg was indeed the biomagnified species of mercury. MeHg reflected the vertical trophic guilds distribution, due to the fact that the top predator fish presented the highest concentration (0.77 μg g−1 d.w.), followed by the less voracious species (0.43 μg g−1 d.w.); while planktivorous fish presented the lowest concentrations (0.044 μg g−1 d.w.). Hginorg did not present the same behavior. Results suggest that feeding habits and trophic guild are important parameters, influencing biotransference and biomagnification processes.  相似文献   

郑鹏  蒋小明  曹亮  王俊  姜卓群 《湖泊科学》2022,34(1):151-161
东部平原湖泊区是我国淡水湖泊最集中的地区,分布着我国的五大淡水湖等诸多湖泊.然而,江湖阻隔对该区域湖泊的生物多样性造成严重威胁.本文选取东部平原的9个湖泊,对江湖阻隔前后鱼类功能性状(3组分类性状和6个连续性状)和功能多样性指数的变化规律开展了研究.结果表明,9个湖泊的鱼类总物种数由江湖阻隔前的140种减少为江湖阻隔后的100种,平均物种数由79.6种减少到52.1种(减少34.4%).江湖阻隔后鱼类群落的功能性状和功能多样性指数发生了显著变化,洄游性鱼类(包括河海洄游和江湖洄游)物种占比(由39.7%降至32.6%)和鱼食性物种占比(由31.1%降至25.2%)显著下降,而非洄游性物种占比(由60.3%升至67.5%)和浮游生物食性物种占比(由13.5%升至15.5%)显著上升.连续型性状中,平均营养级(由3.14降至3.10)显著下降、平均生长速率(由0.57 a-1升至0.65 a-1)显著上升.阻隔后的物种数(SR)、功能丰富度指数、功能离散度指数和功能分散指数显著低于阻隔前.本研究表明江湖阻隔后鱼类群落不仅物种丰富度下降,且功能性状趋向同质化(或单一化)发展,致使功能多样性下降.研究结果可为东部平原湖泊的渔业资源管理及湖区生态修复和保护提供重要的理论依据.  相似文献   

Diel vertical distribution of strictly pelagic juvenile (23–47 mm total length) maraena whitefish Coregonus maraena (Bloch, 1779) was repeatedly investigated in spring primarily using hydroacoustics in the artificial post-mining Most Lake in the Czech Republic. At the same time, an ichthyoplankton trawl was used to identify acoustical targets. During the day, fish performed extensive shoaling behaviour in depths between 2 and approximately 40 m and were not accessible for trawling. By evening, with decreasing light intensity, shoals started to disintegrate and at night fish were relatively homogeneously distributed in the water column from the surface down to a depth of 40 m. Juvenile maraena whitefish could be caught by trawl as the only fish species at night. Shoaling behaviour started again approximately 1.5 h before sunrise. The data showed steep decreases in fish density between the two surveys in spring which indicates significant mortality of early juvenile coregonids as a result of poor availability of zooplankton in a highly oligotrophic post-mining lake.  相似文献   

Temperate and tropical shallow lakes differ in several fundamental aspects with respect to management of eutrophication. High altitude tropical shallow lakes are a special case, showing similarities with temperate and tropical lakes. We studied the ecology of the eutrophic high-altitude tropical lake Yahuarcocha in the Ecuadorian Andes and evaluated the potential of biomanipulation to control eutrophication. With a toxin-producing Cylindrospermopsis bloom, low Secchi depth and low submerged macrophyte cover, Yahuarcocha is clearly in a turbid ecosystem state. Relatively low nutrient concentrations should theoretically allow for a shift to a clear water state through biomanipulation. Top-down control of phytoplankton by zooplankton, however, is complicated by the (1) absence of predatory fish, (2) fish community dominated by small poecelid species, (3) lack of a refuge for zooplankton from fish predation within the macrophytes, and (4) persistent, grazing resistant bloom of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis. In these aspects, lake Yahuarcocha is more similar to tropical shallow lakes, probably because water temperature is high relative to the mean air temperature and because of the absence of a cold season. The fish and macrophyte communities consisted almost entirely of exotic species. The exotic fish species probably stabilized the turbid state in the lake.  相似文献   

In this study, headspace single drop microextraction (HS‐SDME) method in combination with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) method was developed and validated for the speciation and determination of inorganic mercury (iHg) and methylmercury (MeHg). MeHg and iHg species were reduced to volatile methylmercury hydride (CH3HgH) and elemental mercury, respectively, in the presence of NaBH4 and trapped onto a drop of acceptor phase in the tip of a microsyringe. Thiourea and ammonium pyrrolydinedithiocarbamate (APDC) were tested as the acceptor phase. The experimental parameters of the method such as microextraction time, temperature, NaBH4 concentration, acceptor phase concentration, and pH of the medium were investigated to obtain distinctive conditions for mercury species. Possible interference effects have also been investigated. In order to validation of the method, analytical figures of merits such as accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantitation (LOQ), and linear working range have been evaluated. Accuracy of the method has been verified by analyzing certified reference materials (BCR 453 Tuna fish) and spiked samples. The proposed method was applied for the speciation and determination of mercury species in water and fish samples. Mercury species (MeHg and iHg) have been determined in the real samples with a relative error less than 10%.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition and variation in density of zooplankton were studied since 1989 to investigate possible long-term effects of anthropogenic acidification and liming in Sweden (the Integrated Studies of the Effects of Liming in Acidified Water (ISELAW) programme). In the programme, 15 long-term (18-31 years) limed lakes were studied in parallel with 8 untreated circumneutral lakes (representing target conditions) and 7 acid lakes. Five-year means from these lakes were used to evaluate differences between the three lake groups. Water chemistry (including trace metals), phytoplankton, invertebrate predators and fish were also monitored. Older records from 8 of the limed lakes obtained during the acid period preceding the initial liming were compared with records from the limed period. The number of taxa more than doubled in 6 lakes after liming. Total present-day zooplankton biovolume showed insignificant differences between the neutral and limed groups, i.e., conformed with the target conditions. Trace metals, including inorganic aluminium, appeared in low concentrations in limed and neutral lakes whereas zooplankton in one acid lake was Al-intoxicated. Daphnid populations in 4 other lakes may suffer from effects of high Cd or Cu concentrations. “Bottom-up” regulation of the zooplankton biovolumes was indicated by positive regressions between total phosphorus-phytoplankton and phytoplankton-zooplankton. Corresponding tests showed no “top-down” regulation of zooplankton by fish and of phytoplankton by zooplankton. Biomasses of planktivorous fish were higher in the neutral reference lakes than in both the acid and the limed lake groups, but neither zooplankton density and biovolume nor mean body size were lower in the neutral references. A higher production and turnover of zooplankton in neutral reference lakes may explain similar densities and structure of zooplankton in spite of a heavier predation pressure.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the relative importance of climatic (temperature and precipitation), geographic (altitude) and morphometric (lake area) factors in predicting fish species richness and assemblages in Chinese lakes at a large spatial scale. Two recursive partitioning tree-based approaches: Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs) and Multivariate Regression Trees (MRTs) were employed to generate predictive models respectively. Six fish assemblages were thus defined from the MRT model. The results indicated that lake altitude was the main determinant for predicting fish assemblages in Chinese lakes (30.43%), followed by precipitation of the driest month (10.47%), temperature annual range (3.62%) and annual mean temperature (3.15%). Validated CART model implied that precipitation of driest month, maximum temperature of warmest month and lake area were the main predictors in determining fish species richness patterns. Overall, our results indicated that the altitudinal extent and range of climatic variation was sufficient to overshadow the area effect in predicting fish species richness and assemblages in Chinese lakes. At the macroecological scale, the effect of temperature and precipitation on fish richness and assemblages also suggests future changes in fish diversity as a consequence of climate change.  相似文献   

环太湖河流进出湖水量及污染负荷(2000-2002年)   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:22  
翟淑华  张红举 《湖泊科学》2006,18(3):225-230
天然水域,尤其是富营养的浅水湖泊,沉积物中磷的释放是蓝藻水华发生、形成和持续生长的重要因素.分析沉积物中磷的赋存形态转化及其潜在生态效应,有助于理解沉积物中磷的迁移转化过程及其与湖泊富营养化之间的关系.本文综述国内湖泊水域中磷的主要形态、来源和转化过程以及其生物有效性的研究进展.重点讨论了近5年来中国东部浅水湖泊沉积物磷的形态分析、转化和生物有效性评估的现状,以及沉积物中磷形态与浅水湖泊富营养化之间的潜在联系.  相似文献   

Susanne Schneider   《Limnologica》2007,37(4):281-289
Ecological optima and ranges of submerged macrophytes are, amongst other factors, assumed to be influenced by ecoregion and flow velocity. In order to test the influence of ecoregion within Europe, species indicator values of three European macrophyte river trophic indices were compared to each other. Species indicator values of the United Kingdom (UK), French and German bioindication methods are significantly correlated with each other. The most obvious difference between the three indicator systems is the number of included indicator taxa. Two species exhibit major differences in indicator values: Callitriche hamulata has a broader ecological amplitude in Germany and France than in the UK, where it is restricted to oligotrophic rivers, while Ranunculus fluitans has a broad ecological amplitude in the UK, whereas the species is restricted to eutrophic rivers in Germany and France.

In order to test if current velocity has an influence on macrophyte trophic indicator qualities, species indicator values of a river (Trophic Index of Macrophytes, TIM) and a lake macrophyte trophic index (Macrophyte Index, MI), both of them applicable in Bavaria, Germany, were compared to each other. Species indicator values are significantly correlated. The most important difference is that different species are included in lake and river indicator lists. Only approximately 60% of the total species are used in both TIM and MI. Three species exhibit a major difference in ecological optima between rivers and lakes: Ranunculus circinatus has a broader ecological amplitude in rivers whereas the species is restricted to eutrophic lakes, Myriophyllum spicatum and Nuphar lutea show the opposite reaction.  相似文献   

索旗  陈光杰  孔令阳  徐会明  李静  张涛  王露  周起  郑昕 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1735-1750
从1950s开始,云南地区部分湖泊受到了水文调控(如筑坝)和鱼类引入等流域开发活动的直接影响,湖泊水环境与生态系统结构已出现明显改变.开展浮游动物群落的长期生态响应评价有助于认识气候波动和人为胁迫的影响模式.本文选取云龙天池进行了沉积物记录分析,在重建过去100年环境变化历史的基础上开展了枝角类群落的多指标分析(物种组成、个体大小、生物量等),进一步结合多变量分析识别了枝角类群落构建的关键驱动因子.结果显示,云龙天池在过去100年间经历了明显的水位波动,约1962年以前水位较低,1950s起的水文调控(筑坝)导致湖泊水位波动上升,2006年以来略有下降.枝角类群落随水位波动呈现由底栖种向浮游种占优转变的模式,并在2006年以来底栖种略有增加.总体上,低水位时期底栖枝角类占优,高水位时期浮游枝角类占优.水体营养水平也对枝角类群落产生了较为显著的影响.在沉积物总氮和有机质通量上升时,长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)相对丰度和枝角类浓度都明显上升.枝角类象鼻溞个体大小表明,1969年鱼类引入后象鼻溞的壳长、壳刺长度、触角长度显著减小,反映了鱼类捕食压力上升的影响.本研究...  相似文献   

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