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北极拥有其独特的地理位置和战略价值,同时也是全球变暖最关键的敏感区,世界各国针对北极地区制定了一系列政策计划,并开展了多年的北极海洋科学研究。基于Web of Science数据库收录的1998~2017年SCIE文章,采用文献计量与引文分析的方法与工具,分析了13784篇北极海洋科学研究的整体态势与热点前沿,结果表明:①全球北极海洋科学研究呈现出加快增长趋势,近5年的发文已经翻了一番,年均发文在689篇以上; ②环北极八国是该领域研究的主要力量,美国遥遥领先其他国家,挪威、丹麦研究基底深厚但近年发展稍缓,英国、德国是主要的非北极研究国,瑞典、法国的论文质量均衡,中国、波兰、格陵兰和荷兰则是该领域的后起之秀; ③俄罗斯科学院在本领域发文最多但文章质量良莠不齐,德国极地与海洋研究所、丹麦&格陵兰地质调查机构与挪威海洋研究所的第一作者与通讯作者研究占比高,哥本哈根大学、德国极地与海洋研究所、华盛顿大学在该领域科研影响力较大; ④全球海洋科学研究主要涉及地质学、海洋学、环境生态学、自然地理学、地球化学与地球物理学以及气象学与大气科学等领域,研究热点包括北极气候变化与极端天气、冰川消融与海平面上升、北极生态系统特征结构、北极海洋酸化与污染防治等方面。随着“一带一路”、“冰上丝绸之路”和《中国的北极政策》白皮书的发布,建议我国针对本国情况制定综合性北极科研计划,并注重科研机构间跨部门、跨领域的研究合作,加强与环北极国家和“一带一路”国家的合作,加大科研投入并开展国际规模的科学考察活动。  相似文献   

Canada's Arctic environment is rich in hydrocarbon resources. As international attention turns to the Arctic to meet global energy demands there is increased recognition of the need to advance upstream impact assessment and decision-making to plan for energy development. There have been several applications of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) over the past decade in the international offshore energy sector; however, SEA remains underdeveloped offshore in comparison to project-based environmental impact assessment and unchartered territory in Canada's Arctic. This paper examines stakeholder perceptions of the opportunities and risks of advancing SEA for offshore energy planning and development in Canada's Beaufort Sea. Results indicate a number of perceived opportunities for SEA, including improved regulatory efficiency, better regional baselines and planning practices, an opportunity to assess cumulative effects, more meaningful project-based assessment, and greater certainty for industry stakeholders. At the same time there are a number of perceived risks, including foregoing anticipated development opportunities, the loss of flexibility in decision making, adding another layer of bureaucracy, and the added uncertainties of a novel approach. The implications of these findings for advancing SEA in the offshore energy sector are discussed.  相似文献   

中国海岸带及近海科学数据平台研究与开发   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
基于海洋数据的多样性和时空复杂性的特点,采用目前先进的大型空间数据库管理软件——Oracle9i的ArcSDE,ArcGIS桌面系统,完成了海岸带及近海科学数据平台实体的装载和组织工作,并在ArcObject组件的基础上开发了基于C/S的数据平台的前端管理系统,当前该系统可以实现面向海洋用户的遥感数据无缝拼接、多源数据多种快速查询、提取、影像数据的装载以及影像元数据的管理和修改等多种功能.该系统主要服务对象是涉及国家主管海岸带和近海专业的科研调查部门或个人,自其建立以来已经陆续开展一些应用服务,达到了理想的效果,满足了用户的需求.  相似文献   

A set of digital maps including geology, Quaternary sediments, landscapes, engineering-geological, vegetation, geocryological and the series of regional sources have been selected to characterize the Russian Arctic coast. Based on this data, new maps of engineering geocryological zoning and zoning of the coast with respect to the intensity of exogenous geological processes and risk of technogenic impacts have been generated at the scales of 1:4,000,000–1:8,000,000. These maps are a tool to assess the impact of industry on the Arctic coast of the country.  相似文献   

G. I. Voinov 《Oceanology》2007,47(5):626-635
Characteristic features of the spatial distribution of monthly and fortnightly tides in the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi seas are considered on the basis of a harmonic analysis of multiannual observations of the sea level at 57 stations. The amplitude and phase responses are close to the static values only for the monthly tide in the Barents Sea. In the Kara Sea, the dynamic component of the tide becomes traceable. The tide demonstrates a dynamical behavior throughout the remaining area. The fortnightly tide demonstrates a clearly expressed dynamical behavior with an increasing progressive type of the wave from the west to the east.  相似文献   

Surprisingly few natural hydrocarbon seeps have been identified in Australia's offshore basins despite studies spanning thirty years. Early studies of natural hydrocarbon seepage around the Australian margin were generally based on the geochemical analysis of stranded bitumens, water column geochemical ‘sniffer’ sampling, synthetic aperture radar or airborne laser fluorosensor. Later studies involved the integration of these remote sensing and geochemical techniques with multi-channel and shallow seismic. A review of these earlier studies indicates that many seepage interpretations need to be re-evaluated and that previous data sets, when placed in a global context, often represent normal background hydrocarbon levels. Low Recent burial and subsidence rates are not favourable for high rates of seepage. There are also difficulties in proving seepage on high energy, shallow carbonate shelves, where seabed features may be rapidly re-worked and modern marine signatures are overprinted on authigenic seep carbonates. Thus, the relatively few sites of proven natural hydrocarbon seepage in Australia's offshore sedimentary basins can be reconciled relative to their geological occurrences and the dominantly passive margin setting. Active thermogenic methane seepage on the Yampi Shelf, the only proven documented occurrence in Australia, is driven by deposition of a thick Late Tertiary carbonate succession and Late Miocene tectonic reactivation. Therefore, to increase the success of detecting and correctly interpreting natural hydrocarbon seepage, data need to be analysed and integrated within the context of the local geological setting, and with an understanding of what is observed globally.  相似文献   

据1995—2003年SIRRO计划的研究成果,喀拉海是研究河流—海洋体系相互作用过程独一无二的地区。巨大的西伯利亚叶尼塞河和鄂毕河注入这个浅海。1995—2003年科学研究船“鲍利斯.彼得罗夫”号对喀拉海进行了国际性考察。提供的工作成果总结了俄罗斯科学院地球化学与分析化学研究所完成的研究成果。对整个海区200多个测站研究了沉积物的水化学参数,有机碳和碳酸盐碳的含量及同位素成分,水中浮游生物和悬浮物质以及烃类和溶解CO2。在大西洋水进入喀拉海区δ13C有机的变化范围为-22‰~-24‰,而在东北海区叶尼塞和鄂毕河口区则为-27‰~-30‰…  相似文献   

Gordeeva  N. V.  Drits  A. V.  Flint  M. V. 《Oceanology》2019,59(6):903-911
Oceanology - The diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and demographic history of glacial relict copepod Limnocalanus macrurus from estuaries of large Siberian Arctic rivers (the Ob, Khatanga,...  相似文献   

A retrospective chemical and biological study was carried out in Camden Bay, Alaskan Beaufort Sea, where single exploratory oil wells were drilled at two sites more than two decades ago. Barium from discharged drilling mud was present in sediments at concentrations as high as 14%, ∼200 times above background, with significantly higher concentrations of Ba, but not other metals, within 250 m of the drilling site versus reference stations. Elevated concentrations of Cr, Cu, Hg and Pb were found only at two stations within 25 m of one drilling site. Concentrations of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (TPAH) were not significantly different at reference versus drilling-site stations; however, TPAH were elevated in Ba-rich layers from naturally occurring perylene in ancient formation cuttings. Infaunal biomass and species abundance were not significantly different at reference versus drilling-site stations; infauna were less diverse at drilling-site stations. Our assessment showed that discharges from single wells within large areas caused minimal long-term, adverse impacts to the benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Morphodynamic modeling is employed in the present work to predict the long-term evolution (over the next 100 years) of typical sedimentary coasts in the western Russian Arctic. The studied objects are the coasts of Varandey (the Barents Sea), Baydaratskaya Bay and Harasavey (the Kara Sea). The model developed takes into account both the short-term processes (storm events) and long-term factors (for example, changes in sea level, inter-annual variations in gross sediment flux, lack or excess of sediment supply). Predicted and observed morphological changes in coastal profiles are shown to agree well for time scales ranging from weeks to decades. It is revealed that under given environmental conditions, the morphological evolution is strongly influenced by storm surges and associated wind-driven circulation. The water level gradient created by a surge generates a seaward flow at the bed. This outflow is shown to be an important destructive mechanism contributing to the erosion and recession of Arctic coasts. The rate of change is found to depend on both the exposure of the coast (relative to the direction of dominant winds) and its height above the sea. The open coast of Varandey is expected to retreat as much as 300–500 m over 100 years, while recession of the less exposed coasts of Baydaratskaya Bay would not exceed about 100 m/century. If long-term sediment losses are insignificant, the rate of erosion decays with time and the morphodynamic system may tend toward equilibrium. It is concluded that the expected relative sea-level rise (up to 1 m over the nearest 100 years) is non-crucial to the future coastal evolution if an erosion activity is already high enough.  相似文献   

海洋平台结构的最新研究进展 第9届ISOPE大会报告综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分9个专题对第9届ISOPE大会报告有关海洋平台结构的最新研究动态进行了评述和总结,并结合我国海洋石油工业的发展现状提出了一些建议,供我国产业部门和有关高校与研究机构参考。  相似文献   

Medvedev  I. P. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):769-785
Oceanology - Based on the analysis of long series of monthly mean sea level values from the database of the PSMSL and ESIMO portals, we obtained estimates of the mean and extreme amplitudes of...  相似文献   

Meeting the United States׳ offshore renewable-energy goals for 2030 necessitates deploying approximately 9000 wind turbines along U.S. coastlines. Because siting bottom-mounted turbines in most nearshore coastal zones is either impractical or politically difficult, turbine developers are testing floating-platform turbine technologies for deeper waters. Deepwater, floating-platform turbines have the advantages of being sited in the highest quality winds farther offshore, movable if desired, and located beyond the horizon, out of sight from shore. This paper reports on conversations with 103 coastal stakeholders at community meetings regarding development and testing of floating turbines off the coast of Maine, U.S.A. Using naturalistic field methods, this essay reports common questions and concerns of commercial lobstermen, fishermen, and coastal civic leaders. Early-stage conversations suggest that once coastal community members understand the benefits and impacts of wind farm development on their quality of life, many share specific preferences for where offshore developments could be located. Citizens׳ remarks are sophisticated, nuanced, and innovative and include robust ideas for pairing turbine siting with fishery conservation. Findings imply that when looking to site offshore turbines in public, multiple-use ocean spaces, developers, planners, and coastal communities should engage early and often in two-way conversation rather than one-way outreach.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Data from synthetic aperture radars (SAR) provide new opportunities for observing and studying local katabatic winds (bora and foehn) over the seas in...  相似文献   

在资源危机愈演愈烈的时代背景下,积极开发利用可再生能源将会对缓解能源危机、环境危机做出有益贡献,同时也必将成为“21世纪海上丝绸之路”建设的新亮点。利用来自欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的ERA-Interim风场资料,本文制作了全球海域风能资源的年等级区划、季节等级区划。结果表明:从多年平均状态来看,全球海上风能资源的潜力巨大,南北半球西风带海域的风能等级为7级(最优等级);中低纬大部分海域也比较乐观,多在4级以上;北冰洋的风能资源为4级,比传统估值乐观。北半球西风带7级风能资源的范围具有较大的季节性差异:1月最广,4月和10月次之,7月最小;南半球西风带的季节性差异则相对较小:7月相对最大,其余月份略小于7月。7月,阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾的风能资源都属于7级,明显比其余代表月丰富。4月和10月,北印度洋的风能资源整体贫乏,大部分区域为1级(最贫乏)。  相似文献   

Sorokhtin  N. O.  Kozlov  N. E. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):1040-1054
Oceanology - The study of the geodynamic evolution of the Baltic Shield showed that the melts of diamondiferous kimberlites and related rocks were formed due to the pulling of “heavy”...  相似文献   

The growing attention to the development of coastal zone resources is notable not only for moderate and southern latitudes but also in the Arctic regions. In Russia this process has a history related to exploration of non-renewable resources and the long-term policy of moving labour forces to the Far North and East. The role of the Russian Arctic coastal zone in the national economy had been stimulated by active usage of the Northern Sea Route for 60 years as a mainstream Arctic transport line. Diversified human usage of all kinds of natural resources is getting more controversial. A deep revaluation of existing methods and management approaches is needed in accordance with the complexities of Russian social/economic and ecological factors in the Arctic. The modern challenge of transition towards sustainable development also needs to be reevaluated. The last decade has shown a real effort of all Arctic countries to expand cooperation in joint scientific multidisciplinary studies. The studies are aimed at elaboration of common views on Arctic development and protection of environment. Moreover, the Arctic shelf and coastal zone are getting a new arena of international investments for industrial projects and implementation due to recovery of huge deposits of oil and gas resources of sophisticated technologies. All this makes international scientific cooperation more of a reality.  相似文献   

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