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美国国立光学天文台的IRAF软件系统,已成为国内光谱处理的主要计算机软件之一。由射电天文需要发展起来的FITS格式,已作为国际上交换磁带数据资料的通用格式。本文简单地介绍了FITS格式,讨论了如何将厚片CCD光谱观测资料转换为IRAF图像,继而转换为标准FITS格式。这对于使用IRAF系统进行光谱处理,以及国内国际间的资料交换是有用的。  相似文献   

The problems associated with the photometry of fast-moving asteroids are discussed. The effect of noise in CCD observations on the photometric accuracy is analyzed. A photometric accuracy limitation is shown to exist for observations of asteroids, which is determined by the angular rate of the object and the ratio of the flux from the object and noise due to sky background and dark current. The effective exposure for observing a moving object is determined. The method of overlapping areas is analyzed, which is used for obtaining the lightcurves of fast-moving asteroids. This method includes the determination of the mutual magnitude differences for the entire ensemble of comparison stars, the reduction of the magnitudes of all these stars to the magnitude of one of them adopted as the primary comparison star, the determination of the magnitude of the average star on each frame of the entire series of CCD observations, and the computation of the lightcurve as the difference between the magnitude of the asteroid and that of the average star.  相似文献   

We are developing a long term programme to determine abundances of peculiar stars, as a function of age, in open clusters with ages ≤ 5 × 107 yr. A fundamental part will be to deduce the ages and physical properties of these clusters with higher accuracy than in previous studies. As part of this effort we present here CCD uvbyβ photometry of two open clusters, NGC 884 and NGC 869. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The scientific performance evaluation of a photon countingimaging system is presented. The detector is constituted by an ICCD camera with RbTe photocathode(optimized for UV radiation), and dedicated electronics for the acquisition and analysis ofthe events. For each photon event on the CCD, a real-time centroid calculation is performed, inorder to reach spatial resolution down to 25 m FWHM. The system has been tested usingthe 182 cm telescope of the Asiago Observatory.A standard stars field through U Johnson filter,and the Crab pulsar (PSR 0531+21) were observed. From the photometric data, relative magnitudes of the standard stars have been derived, showing a goodlinearity of the detector in the range of flux under consideration, as expected fromprevious laboratory measurements.The pulsar's data have been processed by FFT and epoch foldingtechniques to testthe detector's timing performances in the highest resolutionmode (4.512 ms).These observations show that a space resolved time analysis ofperiodic sources can be performed with 10-7 s accuracy.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionInourspectroscopicobservationoftheopticalidentificationofROSATX raysourcesinthehighgalacticlatitude ,8newcataclysmicvariableswerediscoveredbasedontheirspectralnature.PreliminarydiscusshadbeenreportedbyHuetal ( 1 998) .WehavemadeCCDtime resolvedp…  相似文献   

We measured the light-curve of the asteroid (147) Protogeneia in November 2004, with a CCD detector attached to the 1-meter telescope at the Yunnan Observatory, China. The synodic period and maximum amplitude of (147) at this apparition are 7.852 hours and 0.25 mag, respectively. The value of a/b for (147), from a preliminary estimation, is not less than 1.26:1.  相似文献   

对兴隆60cm望远镜主焦CCD系统的测光性能进行了测试和研究.测定了CCD快门时间函数,讨论了快门延迟效应对短时间曝光观测的可能影响.通过观测大批Landolt标准星,较准确地定出了BVRI宽带测光的星等系统转换关系,结果表明本系统与标准BVRI系统很接近.对CCD系统的天文测光精度作了仔细的检验和分析,并对PSF拟合测光和孔径测光两种方法进行了比较  相似文献   

We present new B- and V-band photometry of the W UMa-type binary system QX And, which is a member of the open cluster NGC 752. Revised orbital period and new ephemerides were given for the binary system based on the data of times of light minima. The result of a period analysis reveals that the system is undergoing a continuous orbital period increase during the past decades. The rate of period increasing turns out to be about 2.7 × 10?7 d yr?1. With the Wilson–Devinney code, a photometric solution is computed. It yields a contact configuration for the system with a filling factor of 0.361. Combining the results from the photometric solution along with that from the radial-velocity observations, we have determined the absolute parameters for the two components of the system. The masses, radii and luminosity of the primary and secondary stars are calculated as 1.43 ± 0.04 M, 1.45 ± 0.09 R, 2.87 ± 0.40 L and 0.44 ± 0.02 M, 0.87 ± 0.05 R, 0.99 ± 0.13 L, respectively. The evolutionary status and physical nature of the contact binary system were discussed compared with the theoretical models.  相似文献   

Well sampled light curves of BL Lac objects are very useful to understand the physical processes responsible for the highly variable emission from this class of AGN. The best way to perform the necessary high number of observations is the use of automatic small aperture telescopes. We present some results of the Perugia-Roma monitoring program concerning the recent active phase of BL Lac and the Intra-Day Variability of S5 0716+714. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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