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本文阐述了超新星SN1987A爆发六年多来的研究进展情况,分三个方面介绍,首先介绍关于热光变曲线演化的研究情况,其次,介绍超新星 SN1987A的光谱形成及其演化(重点介绍星云相期间)。最后,讨论X射线和γ射线的辐射,并展望以后的研究方向。  相似文献   

在中央中子星吸积模型较好地解释了超新星SN1987A晚期光度演化的基础上,本文提出了SN1987A晚期X射线辐射的一种新的解释.利用模型计算出的吸积光度以及SN1987A膨胀气体包层的化学组分及分布,计算了出射的软X射线(0.52keV)光度的演化,并与观测作了比较.我们认为SN1987A晚期由中央中子星吸积产生的软X射线光度经过一段时间的增长后,将在4100天左右开始下降.  相似文献   

在中央中子星吸积模型较好的解释了超新星SN1987A晚期光度演化的基础上,本提出了SN1987A晚期X射线辐射的一种新的解释。利用模型计算邮的吸积光度以及SN1987A膨胀气体包层的化学组分及分布,计算了出射的软X射线(0.5-2keV)光度的演化,并与观测作了比较,我们认为SN1987A晚期由中央中子星吸积产生的软X射线光度经过一段时间的增长后,将在4100天左右开始下降。  相似文献   

超新生SN1987A中央可能存在的致密天体(如中子星),通过吸积那些超新星爆发时抛射速度小于逃逸速度的物质而产生的吸积光度,对SN1987A晚期的热光度演化吸重要的贡献。本改进了以前的理论模型,给出更为合理的定理计算,对所提出的特殊的呼积机制作了仔细分析,特别强调,这种吸积是膨胀包层中的物质由于引力作用引起的长时期内的连续回落,它有别于其它的吸积模型,并给出直接的观测证据,假设致密天体是1.4M  相似文献   

超新星SN1987A中央可能存在的致密天体(如中子星),通过吸积那些超新星爆发时抛射速度小于逃逸速度的物质而产生的吸积光度,对SN1987A晚期的热光度演化有重要的贡献.本文改进了以前的理论模型,给出了更为合理的定量计算,对所提出的特殊的吸积机制作出了仔细分析,特别强调,这种吸积是膨胀包层中的物质由于引力作用引起的长时期内的连续回落,它有别于其它的吸积模型,并给出直接的观测证据.假设致密天体是14M⊙,半径为106cm的中子星,我们的计算表明,它的吸积能提供足够的能量来形成SN1987A热光度曲线在1050天左右时的鼓包,并且使热光度曲线从800天以后下降变缓  相似文献   

超新星SN 1987A的热光度演化──内部中子星的贡献   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了超新星SN1987A爆发六年多来其热光度演化的研究情况.爆发后的前800天,观测的热光度曲线与由超新星爆发时合成的放射性元素的放射衰变加热模型符合得很好.但900天以后,观测的热光度曲线比考虑了所有放射性元素贡献后的理论曲线下降得还要缓慢.这可能表明有新的能源在起作用.我们认为这个新的能源可能是超新星爆发时产生的中子星的吸积.通过吸积超新星爆发时抛射气壳中小于逃逸速度的部分物质而增大SN1987A的热光度.这一模型能很好地解释900天以后的光度曲线的下降变级以及900至1200天之间光度曲线的凸起,这也为内部中子星的存在提供了间接的证据.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of optical spectroscopy of SN1987a carried out at Mt John University Observatory on a regular basis since 1987 February 25. Typical spectra are presented in an evolutionary sequence, and velocities of Balmer and selected metallic lines are measured in either emission or absorption. The velocities are interpreted together with the results of photoelectric photometry. The Barnes-Evans relationship has been applied to the photometry to give an angular diameter of the photosphere. The expansion velocity of the photosphere is initially about 3700 km s-1 which is similar to the asymptotic value from weaker absorption lines such as the MgIb line. After 40 days the photosphere appears to expand more slowly and it reaches a maximum size of about 145 A.U. after about 100 days before receding inwards. The photometry and spectroscopy together result in a distance modulus of 18.3 ± 0.2.  相似文献   

The evolution of the spectrum of SN1987a is traced from 1987 February 26 to March 31. Based on the low-resolution spectroscopic data we identify the lines of H, He I, Na I, Fe II, Sc II, Ca II which are known to be present in Type II Supernovae, and also present evidence for the existence of lines of Mg I, CaI, O I, and N I. We discuss the evolution of the Hα profile, and draw attention to its complex structure around March 30. Close to the rest wavelength of Ha a double-peaked structure appeared in the profile with a peak-to-peak separation of ∼ 1400 km s−1, suggestive of an expanding shell or disc of gas. Using the available broadband photometric information, we also trace the evolution of the photosphere of SN1987a assuming that it radiates like a supergiant.  相似文献   

In this paper the contributions of various radioactive substances (56Co, 57Co, 44Ti and 22Na) in the envelope of the supernova SN 1987A to the evolution of the bolometric luminosity are calculated and the several types of radiation, which may probably exist in the interior neutron star, as well as their contributions to the bolometric luminosity are investigated. After comparison of the results of calculation with the observation of CTIO and ESO, it is believed that after about 900 days the nuclear decay energy is no longer the unique energy source which determines the bolometric luminosity evolution of SN 1987A, that the radiation coming from the interior neutron star begins to play a dominating role in the bolometric luminosity evolution and that the most important mechanism of radiation of the neutron star is accretion.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical derivation of the Hα line luminosity of the expanding envelope of SN 1987A from the theory of hydrogen recombination lines. A remarkable deviation of our calculated Hα light curve from the observed light curve was found when a constant temperature was assumed. From the deviation we easily derive the temperature evolution. The temperature actually rises after day 500 and this may be explained as follows: as the shell expands, the electron and ion densities rapidly fall, greatly reducing the recombination cooling rate, while heating continues.  相似文献   

We present near-infrared spectroscopic observations of SN 1987A covering the period 1358 to 3158 d post explosion. This is the first time that IR spectra of a supernova have been obtained to such late epochs. The spectra comprise emission from both the ejecta and the bright, ring-shaped circumstellar medium (CSM). The most prominent CSM emission lines are recombination lines of H  i and He  i , and forbidden lines of [S  iii ] and [Fe  ii ]. The ejecta spectra include allowed lines of H  i , He  i and Na  i and forbidden lines of [Si  i ], [Fe  i ], [Fe  ii ] and possibly [S  i ]. The intensity ratios and widths of the H  i ejecta lines are consistent with a low-temperature Case B recombination spectrum arising from non-thermal ionization/excitation in an extended, adiabatically-cooled H envelope, as predicted by several authors. The slow decline of the ejecta forbidden lines, especially those of [Si  i ], indicates that pure non-thermal excitation was taking place, driven increasingly by the decay of 44Ti. The ejecta iron exhibits particularly high velocities  (4000–4500 km s-1)  , supporting scenarios where fast radioactive nickel is created and ejected just after the core bounce. In addition, the ejecta lines continue to exhibit blueshifts with values ∼−200 to −800 km s−1 to at least day 2000. These blueshifts, which first appeared around day 600, probably indicate that very dense concentrations of dust persist in the ejecta, although an alternative explanation of asymmetry in the excitation conditions is not ruled out.  相似文献   

After recent results from solar neutrino experiments and KamLAND we can definitely say that neutrinos from SN1987A underwent flavor conversion, and the conversion effects must be taken into account in the analysis of the data. Assuming the normal mass hierarchy of neutrinos we calculate the permutation factors p for the Kamiokande-2, IMB and Baksan detectors. The conversion inside the star leads to p=0.28–0.32; the oscillations in the matter of the Earth give partial (and different for different detectors) regeneration of the original signal, reducing this factor down to 0.15–0.20 (at E=40 MeV). We study in details the influence of conversion on the observed signal depending on the parameters of the original neutrino spectra. For a given set of these parameters, the conversion could lead to an increase of the average energy of the observed events up to 50% and of the number of events by a factor of 2 at Kamiokande-2 and by a factor of 3–5 at IMB. Inversely, we find that neglecting the conversion effects can lead up to 50% error in the determination of the average energy of the original spectrum and about 50% error in the original luminosity. Comparing our calculations with experimental data we conclude that the Kamiokande-2 data alone do not favor strong conversion effect, which testifies for small difference of the original and spectra. In contrast, the combined analysis of the Kamiokande and IMB results slightly favors strong conversion effects (that is, large difference of the original spectra). In comparison with the no-oscillation case, the latter requires lower average energy and higher luminosity of the original flux.  相似文献   

We study the nonstationary recombination of hydrogen in the atmosphere of SN 1987A by taking into account ion-molecular processes. The hydrogen excitation due to nonstationary recombination is shown to be enough to explain the observed hydrogen lines in a time interval until day 30 in the absence of additional excitation mechanisms. Thus, the problem of a deficit in the hydrogen excitation that has recently been found in modeling the hydrogen spectrum of SN 1987A at an early photospheric stage by assuming statistical ionization equilibrium is resolved. The mass of the radioactive 56Ni with a spherically symmetric distribution in the outer layers is shown to be close to 10?6 M . Our model predicts the appearance of a blue peak in the Hα profile between days 20 and 30. This peak bears a close similarity to the observed peak known as the Bochum event. The presence of this peak in the model is attributable to nonstationary recombination and to a substantial contribution of hydrogen neutralization involving H? and H2.  相似文献   

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