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社会文化地理学在中国近10年的进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
白凯  周尚意  吕洋洋 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1190-1206
21世纪以来,伴随中国社会的不断“分化”与“变迁”,典型社会文化现象不断涌现,社会文化地理学研究已成为学界所持续关注的研究领域。在初步总结国外社会文化地理学的理论演进脉络的基础上,本研究分析了过去10年以来中国社会文化地理学研究的热点与关注,结合中国发展现状提出,本土社会文化特质的地理学研究、权利与资本对社会文化空间形态与地方建构的影响、城乡与区域人口迁移所形成的流动现象与规模效应等,是未来社会文化地理学应重点关注的研究领域。同时强调了,社会文化地理学在中国的发展,需要注重知识贡献的普适性与中国自身社会文化特质的辩证统一。  相似文献   

Lewis Holloway 《Area》2000,32(3):307-315
Summary This paper begins to develop an analysis of the geography of smallholding, as a contribution to developing interest in cultural geographies of farming and the nature of the 'post-productivist' countryside. The paper uses evidence from a survey of UK smallholders to suggest that they are in a paradoxical position in relation to ideas about 'real' farming, production and consumption, leisure and work. Smallholder identity is revealed as constituted through ideas about 'nature', food, family, community, work and rural space. The paper concludes by suggesting a framework of ideas for future intensive research into smallholding and its links with farming cultures and rural social and cultural change.  相似文献   

陶伟  蔡浩辉 《热带地理》2022,42(1):16-28
“遗产时代”已经开启,经过数十年的实践探索,学界积累了丰富的非物质文化遗产保护经验。然而,富有综合性和批判性的地理学对该话题的关注和贡献仍有待提高,文章希望从实践回顾、话题梳理、国家战略推进等3个方面促进地理学者为建构非遗跨学科研究体系贡献力量。首先,从“非遗”概念的诞生以及民间文化的复苏入手,回顾了中国历年有关非遗的保护实践,总结出非遗研究的“特性与意义的构建”“传承与制度的反思”和“开发与社区能动性”3个重点议题,论述了中国学者在积极借鉴西方批判性遗产研究学术成果上所着力构建的具有中国本土特色的非遗研究体系。其后,将非遗放置在乡村振兴、城市发展和文化强国3个国家战略中给予考量,指出非遗作为独特的文化资源,已被纳入到国家政治和社会体系之中,成为助推国家重大战略实施的重要抓手。最后,在总结归纳非遗研究话题与进展的基础上,对地理学在非遗领域可以开展的工作进行讨论,以期启发和深化相关研究。  相似文献   

Considerable research has examined the social, cultural, economic, and community benefits of urban gardening. Few studies, however, have empirically assessed factors that influence urban community garden agrodiversity or its relationship to these dimensions of gardening. We conducted an interdisciplinary study of agrodiversity and cultural identity, based certain markers of identity, including how people see themselves with respect to race, ethnicity, or place of origin, in community gardens in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We conducted fifty‐six semistructured interviews with gardeners with different cultural identities in eight community gardens on their motivations for urban community gardening during 2014. We conducted plant inventories of the corresponding garden plots and found 104 cultivated edible and ornamental species and 28 varieties representing 34 families. We find that although gardens with culturally diverse gardeners did not have higher species richness, the cultural identity of the gardeners influenced species selection and reason for gardening. Further, the structure, design and species composition of garden plots reflected the identities of garden members. These finding have implications for the recent institutionalization of urban agriculture into city land policies in Philadelphia and other cities in North America.  相似文献   

在旅游开发背景下,目的地社区文化记忆的代际延续与传承对居民的地方认同具有重要意义.本文借助文化记忆媒介的理论框架,依托23位本地居民的深度访谈,探究旅游影响下代际间记忆传承的时空媒介信息与延续性要素.研究发现:①在旅游开发影响下,虽然新一代与老一代居民在文化记忆空间的认知与表述上存在差异性,但记忆媒介在旅游发展中的保留...  相似文献   

Culture plays an important role in communities’ abilities to adapt to environmental change and crises. The emerging field of resilience thinking has made several efforts to better integrate social and cultural factors into the systems-level approach to understanding social–ecological resilience. However, attempts to integrate culture into structural models often fail to account for the agentic processes that influence recovery at the individual and community levels, overshadowing the potential for agency and variation in community response. Using empirical data on the 2010 BP oil spill’s impact on a small, natural-resource-dependent community, we propose an alternative approach emphasizing culture’s ability to operate as a resource that contributes to social, or community, resilience. We refer to this more explicit articulation of culture’s role in resilience as cultural resilience. Our findings reveal that not all cultural resources that define resilience in reference to certain disasters provided successful mitigation, adaptation, or recovery from the BP spill.  相似文献   

随着北京市“国际一流的和谐宜居之都”建设步伐的加快,城市低收入社区居民的社会公平满意度越来越受到重视,居民的居住环境空间公平将受到更多的关注。本研究结合地理学和社会学对居住环境空间公平相关理论,基于2017年北京典型低收入社区的调研数据,实证分析了居住环境主客观条件对低收入社区居民社会公平感知的影响。结果发现:不同类型社区的居民社会公平感知水平差异明显;服务设施、就业可达性和建成环境对个体社会公平满意度也均有不同程度的影响,居住环境满意度对低收入社区社会公平感知的影响中存在调节效应,同时居民社会公平满意度因居民社会经济属性而异。  相似文献   

以湖南省龙山县惹巴拉村寨为例,采用文本分析法与深度访谈法,基于社区增权视角,优化文化遗产地治理路径。结果发现:1)文化遗产地社区失权体现在经济失权、心理失权、社会失权及政治失权4个方面。2)文化遗产地通过权力合作、权力共有及权力激励等社区赋权方式再分配资源、权益及资本。3)权力共有路径下,强化政策透明度和社区话语权,有助于社区主体参与治理;权力合作路径下,扩充资源分配渠道、强化主体合作关系,有助于社区治理渠道扩展;权力激励路径下,规范治理主体、治理对象及监管方式,有助于社区治理政策细化。文章借助“社区增权”理论,将旅游引发的“社区失权”改进为“社区增权”,补充完善文化遗产地治理研究,可为其他少数民族文化遗产地的治理提供参考。  相似文献   

中国农民工聚居区研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为快速城市化、工业化、相关制度和文化背景等多种因素影响下形成的一种聚落形态,中国农民工聚居区诞生于20世纪80年代。本文在梳理相关研究的基础上,将农民工聚居区研究划分为起步阶段、扩展阶段、社会空间转向和社区治理3个阶段。总体上看,对农民工聚居区的研究,在空间形态方面从静态走向动态,社会网络方面从群体走向空间,形成机制方面从传统的社会学、城市地理学视角转向制度经济学、文化地理学和空间生产视角,聚居区从改造管理走向合作治理,研究方法日益多元化。论文从研究思潮、研究视角、研究重点等方面比较了中国农民工聚居区与西方移民聚居区的差别,并对未来研究作了展望。  相似文献   

李春江  张艳  刘志林  柴彦威 《地理科学》2021,41(9):1606-1614
城市扩张和郊区化显著增加居民的通勤时间,减少居民在社区内及周边开展的日常活动,进而可能对居民的社区社会资本产生消极影响。基于2017年北京市26个社区居民的社区融合与活动日志问卷调查数据,通过构建结构方程模型,探讨通勤时间、社区活动对社区社会资本的影响机制。结果发现,控制居民社会经济属性和社区区位后,长时间通勤会减少居民在社区及周边1 000 m范围内开展的活动,并进一步对社区社交网络结构、社会信任和共同价值等社区社会资本的不同维度产生负面影响。此外,社区活动中社交娱乐活动的中介效应显著,而个人和家庭事务活动中介效应不显著。最后,证实了促进职住平衡、减少职住分离的规划政策对于增加居民社区活动及培育社区社会资本的重要意义。  相似文献   

深圳不同类型农民工聚居区的社会融合及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨高  周春山 《地理研究》2019,38(2):297-312
选取深圳罗芳村、共乐村、清湖村分别作为无依托缘聚型农民工聚居区(增长型)、半依托混居型(稳定型)、完全依托混居型(减少型)代表,对其社会融合的现状及影响因素进行了探讨,得出以下研究发现:① 整体而言,社会融合度由高至低分别为无依托缘聚型、半依托混居型、完全依托混居型聚居区。② 不同维度社会融合方面,无依托缘聚型在社区融合、社交融合及心理融合维度上最高;半依托混居型在社区融合、文化融合及经济融合维度上较高;完全依托混居型在社区融合和经济融合维度上最低。③ 社会融合的影响因素主要有社区支持度、职业技能、在深家庭规模、在深居住时间和年龄。就不同维度而言,社区融合、经济融合、社交融合、文化融合和心理融合最重要的影响因素分别是社区支持度、职业技能、职业技能、性别、社区支持度。④ 从不同类型聚居区的影响因素来看,无依托缘聚型主要受到婚姻、社区支持度、社区功能和年龄(负)的影响;半依托混居型主要受到职业技能、社区支持度和性别的影响;完全依托混居型则主要受到社区支持度和在深居住时间的影响。  相似文献   

杨高  周春山 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1570-1580
基于社会空间辩证法视角,运用质性研究和定量研究相结合的综合分析方法,以深圳“四川村”为例,对中国“同乡村” 的空间生产和社会融合进行研究。研究表明:政府、当地村民、社区组织(流动党支部)和外来农民工共同作用于“四川村”的空间生产,政府和本地村民利用手中的行政权力和资本权力成为“四川村”物质空间生产的主体,追求聚居区的经济效益和和谐优美的社区环境;社区组织依靠跨地域投资、就业机会的供给及纽带作用,成为聚居区和谐环境建设和乡土社会重构的重要辅助力量;外来农民工展现出“扩散-竞争模式”为主的空间聚集,是物质空间实践的驱动力,寻求着自身文化符号的乡土社区,以实现文化认同和传统社会网络的异地构建。“四川村”为农民工提供了就业机会、职业培训和向上社会流动的路径,“四川村”农民工社会融合度相对较高,尤其体现在社区融合、社交融合和心理融合。  相似文献   

国内外民族社区研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李亚娟  陈田  王开泳  王婧 《地理科学进展》2013,32(10):1520-1534
以少数民族为居民主体的社区是一种特殊的社区类型。作为民族社会的重要构成单元,社区内独特的民族性、文化性和地域性日益成为国内外学者关注的重点。文章首先回顾了国外民族社区研究的历史起源,总结了城市民族社区的研究重点,并对乡村民族社区的影响、类型、变迁、旅游和感知研究进行详细的归纳总结;国内民族社区研究则从内涵、演变、发展以及旅游影响研究4 个重点领域进行进展分析。在以上研究的基础上,从研究领域、研究方法、研究对象、研究理论基础和研究内容5 个方面将国内外民族社区研究进行对比,并提出,国内民族社区研究亟需加强民族社区演化的影响因素、动态演化机制、居民生计方式、文化遗产保护与利用、经济结构协调、村落空间形态演变和整合开发以及可持续发展政策等7个方面的研究。  相似文献   

陶伟  徐辰 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1143-1154
社会资本具有识别社会结构的功能,这种识别既有助于解释微观现象的差别,又有助于实现微观到宏观的过渡。转型期中国社会资本的研究主要关注经济快速发展中,传统社会资本的冲击解体和现代社会资本的建构过程,研究视点很少放在以旅游为导向的社区空间,对其旅游从业者的群体研究也缺乏关注。本文对平遥单位制解体后下岗职工进入旅游业及塑造相关社会资本网络的过程中,社会资本所发生的变化进行实证研究。重点分析了每个阶段社会资本的状况、运作策略及作用。研究发现社会资本对旅游从业者的形成与发展具有重要作用,社会资本的差异会导致社会差距的进一步拉大。世界文化遗产地平遥古城作为一个典型的案例,为了解社会资本在旅游目的地下岗职工再就业中的作用提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Research on domestic water use has conventionally been confined to understanding the role of physical variables such as rainfall and temperature in influencing patterns of consumption. In limiting research to this narrow focus, the significance of socio‐cultural variables has been largely ignored. This paper seeks to develop socio‐cultural understandings of domestic water use by examining water consumption as part of a broader set of consumption practices associated with suburban space. In particular, the socio‐cultural dimensions are explored on a local scale through an exploration of water‐use patterns associated with the new suburban garden: an important site of home‐making processes, and one associated with a substantial proportion of domestic water consumption. The notion of cultural capital is adopted as a framework for examining these consumption patterns. Water consumption is analysed as a practice through which cultural capital can be accumulated. It is argued that the contrasting notions of social distinction and social conformity in the suburban garden shape the accumulation of cultural capital and influence patterns of water consumption. Understanding these socio‐cultural dimensions of water consumption is important in shaping water‐use management, an issue discussed throughout the paper.  相似文献   

杨刚斌  柳林  何深静  徐冲 《热带地理》2016,36(4):610-618
基于环境设计预防犯罪理论(CPTED)和社会失序理论,利用2012年10―12月在广州门禁小区进行的大规模入户调查数据,采用多层次回归模型从社区内部环境角度对广州门禁小区家庭的入室盗窃受害情况及其发生的环境机理进行研究。通过5个多层次回归模型的对比分析发现:家庭被盗情况主要受到家庭的住房特征和人口特征的影响,小区变量对家庭变量有非常重要的调节作用。住房特征、公共空间使用率、家庭人口特征和小区的正式控制机构失效度对家庭是否被盗有着非常显著的影响;环境形象和人口流动性、小区开放度和功能混合度通过对家庭特征的间接影响而影响家庭的被盗情况。  相似文献   

With the emergence of the concept of cultural routes, researchers have increasingly turned their attention to the sustainable development of tourism along cultural routes. The needs for community participation and the ongoing provision of benefits of stakeholders are characteristics of cultural routes. Therefore, the importance of cooperative relations and systematic development among stakeholders in tourism activities along cultural routes has become a subject of interest. This paper selects local government, tourism enterprises and local community residents, all of which play a key role in the Ancient Tea Horse Road cultural route in the south of Yunnan, as the main stakeholders. We use game theory to construct a model to trace interactions between local government and tourism enterprises, between tourism enterprises and community residents, and between local government and community residents. The paper then analyzes the different interests of the three parties and key factors that influence them in the game process. This provided a certain scientific basis for the win-win decisions regarding tourism development made by the three parties. Our results show that the final decision choices of the three parties depend on the initial payoff matrix of the game, and the influence of key parameters. When making decisions about tourism, the government should respect the wishes of local residents, strengthen protections of local traditions, manage the unreasonable behavior of tourism enterprises as they develop tourism, and develop appropriate penalties for violations of regulations. When tourism enterprises carry out tourism development, they should let community residents take the initiative and fully participate in tourism activities, and be sure that income from tourism is fed back to local residents, to ensure that tourism is mutually beneficial. The study shows that conflicts among the three parties originated mainly from differences in interests, but that the three parties also shared common interests. With a goal of coordinating interests, we can establish relevant mechanisms, follow the principle of interest realization, attach importance to supervision and management, strengthen community participation and decision-making, and realize win-win results for the three parties.  相似文献   

林琳  袁广盛  王敏 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1192-1203
经过艺术加工的影视作品反映现实的同时也高于现实,不断重构、书写现实空间。本研究援引邂逅地理及地方感等理论,以5部华裔社区空间题材的电影作品为主要分析对象,以文本分析法为主要研究方法,探讨五部影片中关于华裔社区的选择再现及其背后蕴涵的社会文化意义。研究发现:①影视文本首先从民俗仪式与风水文化两个空间文化符号出发,构建地方性;在此基础上,电影文本以景观符号为切入口再现华裔社区的物质空间,实现新的地方营造。②文化多元的背景下,华裔社区成为“我者”文化与“他者”文化邂逅的重要场所。③非表征理论通过强调人的“身体”与族裔社区的相互关系从而在地方协商和情感融入框架下探索新的邂逅。研究还进一步探讨了电影文本中族裔社区的文化多元性与地方治理的关系,为族裔社区在未来实现更好的地方治理提供参考与建议。  相似文献   

China's overseas industrial parks contribute to political and economic cooperation,cultural exchange between home and host countries.Current studies mainly discuss the ef-fect of overseas industrial parks from the perspective of institutional and cultural difference,multi-scale coupling,as well as key partnerships,while little attention has been paid to the comprehensive analysis of overseas industrial parks.Based on a theoretical framework,this paper explores the overall effect of China's overseas industrial parks from the geo-effects perspective by using field interviews and a case study approach.The research shows that:(1)the geo-effects reveal the over effect of overseas industrial parks from the multiple and com-plementary dimensions of geopolitics,geo-economics,geo-society and geo-culture;(2)the Cambodia Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone,as a flagship BRI project,has produced the prominent and positive geo-effects;(3)the institutional-economic-cultural-environmental adaptability of overseas industrial parks is becoming important.Overseas industrial parks must be rooted in the politics,economy,society,and culture of host country;embedded in local social networks;balance the rights and interests of all stakeholders;and form the community of interests,community of destiny,and community of responsibility with political mutual trust,economic integration,cultural inclusiveness,and social harmony.The paper not only deepens the understanding about the overall effect of overseas industrial parks,but also provides decision support and theoretical reference for government policy makers and the overseas investment of enterprises.  相似文献   

China's overseas industrial parks contribute to political and economic cooperation, cultural exchange between home and host countries. Current studies mainly discuss the effect of overseas industrial parks from the perspective of institutional and cultural difference, multi-scale coupling, as well as key partnerships, while little attention has been paid to the comprehensive analysis of overseas industrial parks. Based on a theoretical framework, this paper explores the overall effect of China's overseas industrial parks from the geo-effects perspective by using field interviews and a case study approach. The research shows that:(1) the geo-effects reveal the over effect of overseas industrial parks from the multiple and complementary dimensions of geopolitics, geo-economics, geo-society and geo-culture;(2) the Cambodia Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone, as a flagship BRI project, has produced the prominent and positive geo-effects;(3) the institutional-economic-cultural-environmental adaptability of overseas industrial parks is becoming important. Overseas industrial parks must be rooted in the politics, economy, society, and culture of host country; embedded in local social networks; balance the rights and interests of all stakeholders; and form the community of interests, community of destiny, and community of responsibility with political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural inclusiveness, and social harmony. The paper not only deepens the understanding about the overall effect of overseas industrial parks, but also provides decision support and theoretical reference for government policy makers and the overseas investment of enterprises.  相似文献   

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