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朝鲜族的跨国迁移,一直是研究朝鲜族人口流动的重要部分。选择延吉市烟集街内的餐饮商户为研究对象,以问卷调查和深入访谈的方法,针对该区域内跨国迁移的朝鲜族商户进行研究,通过实际案例解析,得到以下结论:朝鲜族的跨国迁移以经济需求为主导因素,归国创业则是亲情、乡愁、婚姻等社会网络的综合作用,并由此提高移民迁出地的社会空间的消费需求和经济增长,丰富了移民迁出地的餐饮方式和消费文化,为打造多元化社会景观和社会空间提供了基础。  相似文献   

苗长虹 《地理学报》2006,61(4):425-434
以产业区理论、管制理论和全球生产网络理论为基础,以学习创新为核心,构建了一个融生产体系与社会生产体制、制度与协调机制、地方生产网络、全球生产网络“四位一体”的学习型产业区分析框架;运用该框架,以河南许昌发制品产业集群为案例,研究了全球-地方网络联结的方式、动态及其对技术学习的影响。研究发现,通过全球与地方生产网络的建构和有机联结,传统产业集群的技术学习是可以从“低端道路”迈向“高端道路”的,发展学习型产业区应作为我国经济发展与技术创新的一项重大战略和政策。  相似文献   

吕可文  苗长虹  王静  丁欢 《地理研究》2018,37(7):1320-1333
集群演化是经济地理研究的一个前沿方向,演化经济地理学和新生命周期理论可用于解释集群从形成、成长、成熟到衰退或再生的过程。与已有文献强调企业—产业—网络的协同演化不同,本文构建了以企业为核心的技术—制度—政府—市场协同演化的分析框架,通过对禹州钧瓷产业集群的案例分析,结果发现:① 集群的浮现与成长是一个多因素、多机制协同演化的过程,技术—制度—政府—市场的相互作用以及内在的路径依赖与路径创造、知识外溢与企业衍生、规模报酬与循环累积等机制,在集群发展的不同阶段发挥着各自不同但彼此协同的作用。② 以本地资源禀赋和历史文化传统为基础的制度—技术的协同,具有路径依赖机制,塑造了钧瓷产业发展的初始优势,是集群浮现和生命力维持的基础。③ 由政府主导的市场经济转型与国企改革等制度转型,通过企业衍生机制促成了民营钧瓷企业的兴起;而钧瓷消费市场扩大与新市场空间拓展所形成的市场规模效应,则为企业衍生和规模扩张提供了有效的需求;政府—市场的协同在循环累积机制作用下,形成了钧瓷生产规模与市场规模相互强化机制,促进了钧瓷产业集群的快速成长。④ 集群演化是路径依赖与路径创造相互制约又相互促进的复杂自适应过程,钧瓷烧制技术、工艺、釉料、产品和造型及功能创新成为企业生存和竞争力的根本来源,地方独特的产业氛围使知识外溢和路径创造成为钧瓷产业集群持续壮大的核心动力。  相似文献   

安宁  张博 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1119-1129
在全球-地方频繁互动的今天,跨国/跨地方逐渐成为超高速流动的社会现实,移民与流入流出地的多元互动模糊了国与国、地方与地方之间的边界,在目的地不断重塑社会结构和空间,在物质和符号维度赋予了地方不同的意义。族裔社区不仅仅反映了不同的移民群体复杂的日常生活实践及其在空间上的互动,也将对多元化族裔空间的关注转移到社区、空间、领土政治甚至流动地缘想象,同时也将族裔社区空间纳入一个关系性的视角下。而传统上地缘政治视角对移民和族裔空间的关注相对有限。因此,本专栏主要讨论地缘政治视角下的跨境移民和族裔社区。具体而言,专栏首先回顾了地缘政治研究及其对流动性的关注和移民研究中的地缘政治面向,其次通过8篇文章讨论了不同尺度下多元的跨境移民及族裔社区营造与建构的相关研究,希冀从理论、方法以及实证研究方面对现有知识进行补充,也尝试通过探索国内外相关研究的进展,为社会和国家治理的需求服务。  相似文献   

三亚作为国际旅游目的地,国际流动人口塑造了俄语语言景观,吸引了俄语区国家移民流动至三亚。论文通过定性研究方法,在流动性框架下分析三亚俄语区移民与城市空间的联结。在新型流动性范式下,借助流动/停泊辩证观分析移民空间实践与身份建构,以理解俄语区移民的流动性特征,从日常流动实践中揭示移民空间集聚形成的停泊点结构与意义。研究发现,群体身份可通过社会网络和组织来营造与认同。俄语区移民居所与社会身份具有流动性及不稳定特征,但空间性建构的基础设施作为其日常流动的停泊点赋予特殊地方性意义。停泊点以空间地方性建构引导群体的日常生活流动,开启社会网络的重建。在此过程中,群体对地方性的塑造与体验,通过语言文化产生了群体身份的营造与认同,以及他者对群体的社会建构,形成俄语国家的社交网络。移民在停泊空间的日常流动空间实践与社会交往相互影响、相互依赖,移民的空间实践与身份认同构成人地互动下新的社会网络的重要因素。研究结论丰富了移民流动性的研究案例,拓展了在华跨国移民群体研究对象与其在旅游城市日常生活的探讨,具有重要的政策参考意义。  相似文献   

产业集群对技术创新的影响——以电子信息产业为例   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
王琛  林初昇  戴世续 《地理研究》2012,31(8):1375-1386
国内外理论界对产业集群和技术创新的关系存在重要争议。以电子信息产业为例,采用统计年鉴、企业调查问卷和深度访谈的数据,运用定量和定性相结合的方法,探索电子信息产业集群对技术创新的推动作用。研究表明,在中国目前的社会经济背景下,单纯的产业集聚对技术创新的推动作用尚不明显。案例研究显示,地理邻近性和企业之间频繁的联系并没有促进相互信任和技术创新。由于知识盗取的现象严重,很多企业并不愿意与本地其他企业建立基于知识和技术方面的联系。大多数被调查的企业都只涉及并不需要复杂知识的"边缘"创新,缺乏寻求外部合作的动力。因此,需要超越目前的集群理论,把更多的研究重点放在特定区域和制度环境下的"企业"个体上,而非企业之间的联系。  相似文献   

我国电影以"产业"形态发展的时间较短,学者们对电影产业的研究较为匮乏。国外经济地理学者关于电影产业的研究主要基于以产业集群为核心的地方网络和价值链、全球生产网络为核心的全球网络视角。理论层面,从网络视角对电影产业的研究与制造业、高技术产业等一致,核心关注点是生产这一单一环节的网络构建、发展、空间演化特征等,对发行、放映等其他价值链环节的系统性研究不足。案例层面,主要集中在欧美发达国家的电影产业。由于社会、文化和制度因素对网络发展影响较大,因此我国这样的发展中国家的电影产业网络的研究必须在借鉴西方研究的同时,加大对我国自身电影产业网络特色的分析。  相似文献   

在县域城镇化背景下,基于教育绅士化研究的理论视角,运用质性分析方法,探讨农村家庭教育进城的不同模式与影响机制。研究发现:1)县域层面产生的教育进城现象是农村进城群体主动或被动地加入到优质教育资源竞争的过程。在此过程中,由于家庭资本积累和家庭策略选择的差异,产生不同的教育进城模式,包括流动型教育进城、定居型教育进城和隔离型教育进城。2)教育进城由政府、资本、学校、个体等多方主体共同推动形成,其中政府主导的教育资源供给是教育进城的核心动力,市场参与的教育资本流动是农村家庭进城的重要驱动,家庭本位的教育再生产是教育进城产生的根本逻辑,共同促成教育进城的时空演进。3)县域层面产生以优质教育资源推进城镇化的社会空间效应,但其不完整性同时导致农村进城群体的返乡和外流。  相似文献   

中国城市“新移民”社会网络与空间分异   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
李志刚  刘晔 《地理学报》2011,66(6):785-795
伴随日益加速推进的中国城市化进程,新生代农民工问题备受关注。通过对广州8个城中村的问卷调查与实证研究,本文对中国城市新移民的社会网络进行研究,分析移民聚居区与其社会网络的关系。研究表明,新移民的社会网络表现为成分多样化、关系现代化和空间分散化等3大特征;新移民积极利用聚居区外的社会关系寻求发展机会;移民聚居区的分异度正逐步降低,中国城市内部二元分异的空间格局正逐渐被打破。但是,移民与城市居民的社会隔阂并未完全扭转,新移民并没有融入到本地社区,基于地缘、血缘的"差序格局"仍是他们界定网络成员身份的重要准则。此外,迁移历史和社会经济地位是影响移民社会空间重构的主导因素。未来中国城市新移民的社会空间融合将表现为一个渐进而持续的历史过程。  相似文献   

采用社会调查法,借助社会网络分析软件,运用演化经济地理学核心概念,对中国潮汕地区的纺织服装生产网络进行了案例研究。结果表明:①改革开放后,潮汕地方生产网络内部空间结构不断演变,从多点集聚向多个孤立集群网络演进,再向跨集群地方网络发展;②网络演化本质上是企业关系的变化,企业间关系是在外部环境作用下企业根据自身能力做出的战略选择,地理临近与路径依赖使潮汕集群网络结构得以保持(即"遗传"),企业创新需求作用下的路径创新推动了集群间联系的发展(即"变异");③生产网络演化机理的研究还应加强对路径创新与地方产业升级的研究。  相似文献   

Conceptual advances for understanding the organization of family farms have not yet initiated parallel debates about how they might be aligned with the methods used to understand them. Customization of a novel research approach—farm life history—for an investigation of the socioeconomic organization of forty Australian farms responds to this literature gap. Individual farm life histories were initiated using farm tours (truck journeys) in which changes to the composition of land parcels prompted research conversations. The researcher and participants benefited from using motorized transport and traveling while talking, but the benefits were experienced unevenly across research encounters.  相似文献   

Abstract: The focus of this article is on examining how resource management plans prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991 can be used to control the effects of activities for the purpose of preserving the integrity of an organic farm. The article examines effects that can potentially threaten an organic farm and identifies methods that could be employed in a District or Regional Plan to avoid or mitigate those effects. It concludes that the use of resource management plans represents a substantial opportunity to secure the position of the organic farm in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The dominant livelihood types of farm households have become increasingly differentiated in recent years, which has attracted the attention of researchers. Identifying the characteristics and driving factors of household livelihood differentiation is of great significance for revealing man-land relationship and policy making. Based on the interview data of farm households in typical villages in key ecological function areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, we analyzed the pattern of the dominant diversified livelihood types and the livelihood characteristics among different farm households. Then we assessed the driving forces of livelihood diversification by optimal scaling regression. The results indicated that: (1) In the study area, the dominant livelihood types show two trends of agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 53.07%) and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 46.93%). Moreover, farm households in the agro-pastoral areas are mainly agriculturally dominated (accounting for 75.68%), while farm households in the mountainous areas are mainly non-agriculturally dominated (accounting for 66.93%). (2) The labor allocation and income source of different types of farm households are consistent with their dominant livelihood types. The farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods have more natural resources than those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. In terms of housing conditions, farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods are inferior to those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. (3) The farm labor, dependency ratio, agricultural income, supplemental income and locational conditions have negative impacts on the non-agricultural trend of farm household livelihood decisions, while off-farm labor, non-farm income, education level and the per capita amount of compensation have significant positive impacts on it.  相似文献   

The article examines an alternative food network evolution in the post-communist context in Czechia in general and farm shop developments in particular. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with farm shopkeepers operating in Czechia. The results revealed that the development of the farm shop network was significantly shaped by the communist past of the country. While consumers’ demand for quality food contributed to the initiation of developments in local food movements such as farm shops in Czechia, the inconvenient structure of the farming sector, comprising a limited number of small-scale farmers, hindered the development. Although the farm shops usually operate as middlemen by reselling goods produced by a range of farmers, farm shopkeepers expressed significant awareness of the sustainability principles of the local food concept and dissociated themselves from unethical practices of large retailers. Nevertheless, the author finds that the local concept is used in a flexible manner to meet customers’ demands. Despite obstacles faced by farmers when developing their own farm shops, there is significant potential in ‘Czech-type’ farm shops operating solely as retailers. However, the author concludes that the threat of the diversion from the sustainability principles of the local food concept should not be neglected.  相似文献   

采用跨学科研究法,运用文化学、社会学、城市学等学科的理论,全面剖析了网络版市民农园——QQ农场游戏风靡全国的深层次文化原因及现实依据.结果显示,其文化原因是人们对于田园生活的眷恋,而现实依据则是居住在环境日益恶化的城市居民对于现实生活的一种精神逃离.分析认为,市民农园的本质内涵为城乡文化的结合体,将网络游戏QQ农场现实...  相似文献   

Farmers struggle to afford farmland because competing land uses raise prices higher than what farmers earn, especially in small-scale and sustainable agriculture. Farmers often depend on an intimate partner’s income or labor to access land, yet few studies investigate sexual relationships in farmland access. I interrogate how sexuality shapes land access for small-scale agriculture through participant observation and interviews with 25 queer farmers in New England. I find that queer farmers’ sexual identities and relationships influence where they farm, who they live and work with, how they afford the land, and how they learn to farm. I argue that finding land, labor, credit, and knowledge are intertwined, heteronormative processes of capital accumulation shaped by racism and sexism. Queer farmers’ experiences navigating heteronormativity suggest the relevance of sexuality to land conservation and food justice, limits of organizing land access through sexual relationships, and alternatives to the “family farm.”  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 111(2):107–116, 2011

Rural landscapes are mainly maintained and changed through farmers' decisions and practices. As a landscape manager the farmer has many different roles of which three roles related to the farm as a whole is investigated in this paper: producer, owner and citizen. Although most farmers take landscape decisions in all these three roles production based decisions are assumed to be more important for full time farmers than for hobby farmers who have their main income outside the farm and who may consider their farm more as a living place than as a production place. Based on a large survey carried out in Hvorslev, Eastern Jutland, Denmark in 2008 farmers' landscape practices are analysed in relation to their background, occupational status and view of their farms as a production place versus a living place. Altogether 377 farmers were interviewed and some comparisons are made to a similar survey in the same area in 1996. It was found that a significant proportion of farmers are hobby farmers who mainly see the farm as a living place and who to a large degree have different landscape practices than full time farmers have. The findings indicate that more research is needed to fully understand the reasons for and implications of the differences in landscape management practices.  相似文献   

农用地分等成果在土地利用总体规划中的应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
不同层次的农用地分等成果有着不同的应用方向。文章以土地利用总体规划为导向,以农用地利用等别与自然等别的高低延伸顺序与耕地最低需求量相结合,确定出基本农田保护的数量;以基本农田数量的105%~110%为基准,将县级利用等别图与自然等别图重叠的区域划定为基本农田保护区;交叉运用分等的土壤肥力图、气候生产潜力指数曲线图来选择作物适宜生长区和改良土地用养结构;以分等因素图作为限制因子的选择标准来划分土地限制类别区。  相似文献   

Family farms have long generated income from agricultural tourism including U‐picks, wagon rides, corn mazes and petting zoos, but contemporary agricultural tourism reflects much greater sophistication in terms of product variety, services, activities, and marketing. In Michigan, farm operators have moved beyond classic products and activities and the traditional consumer base. New sources of revenue derive from classes on beer, cider, mead and wine making, yarn spinning, perfume/soap‐making, farm markets, fishing, educational classes, school tours and hospitality including weddings and on‐farm restaurants. This case study of Michigan agricultural tourism reports results from a systematic survey of 154 agritourism operations conducted throughout the state during summer and fall of 2013 with a focus on the economic benefits of the fast‐changing sector. This study summarizes tax revenues, sales and employment trends for the farm operations participating in the survey but also quantitatively assesses the contribution of agricultural tourism to Michigan's economy through an extrapolation of the sample to estimate state‐wide totals. Results from OLS multivariate regression analysis intended to identify relationships between employment, advertising and scale to gross sales per day are also reported. These analyses show the importance of agricultural tourism to rural and peri‐urban places in Michigan and throughout the nation, while raising concerns about a growing division between large and small operators and what this growing gap may mean for the future of the sector.  相似文献   

Farm households in New Zealand have responded to the changing political and economic environment since the mid-1980s in a variety of ways. This paper explores the various farm adjustment strategies adopted by farm households in Waihemo (East Otago) and ways in which these influence both the household and enterprise domains of the family farm unit. It examines the complex interrelationships between specific farm adjustments, drawing attention to the ways in which these are redefining the nature of family farming in the area.  相似文献   

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