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基于CityGML的城市建筑物三维建模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市建筑物三维建模是虚拟3D城市建模的基础和重要组成部分。本文对基于CityGML1.0(City Geography Markup Language 1.0,城市地理标记语言)的城市建筑物三维建模技术进行了深入的研究,主要内容包含了CityGML1.0的简介、城市建筑物三维建模的方法和内容等,并给出了一个实际建模的例...  相似文献   

CityGML, a semantic information model for digital/virtual city models has become quite popular in various scenarios. While the data format is still actively under development, it is already supported by different software solutions, especially GIS-based desktop applications. Mobile systems on the other hand are still neglected, even though the georeferenced objects of CityGML have many application fields, for example, in the currently popular area of location-based Augmented Reality. In this paper we present an independent multi-platform CityGML viewer, its architecture and specific implementation techniques that we use to realize and optimize the process of visualizing CityGML data for use in Augmented Reality. The main focus lies in improving the implementation on mobile devices, such as smartphones, and assessing its usability and performance in comparison to web-based approaches. Due to the constrained hardware resources of smartphones, it is a particular challenge to handle complex 3D objects and large virtual worlds as provided by CityGML, not only in terms of memory and storage space, but also with respect to mobile processing units and display sizes.  相似文献   

周宁  张军 《测绘工程》2010,19(4):50-55
传统的三维城市空间数据库中,在实现空间数据共享、互操作以及满足各应用者对数据的特殊要求方面存在着诸多未能解决的问题。通过对OGC标准中CityGML三维模型描述方法的研究,从LOD、坐标系统、拓扑定义方面进行分析研究,从而为城市三维模型信息的描述与管理提供更优的方法。  相似文献   

实景三维中国建设应满足自然资源管理与社会经济发展需求,因此需要对基础地理信息产品进行实体化改造,三维模型单体化正是实体化改造的关键环节。本文提出了一种基于CityGML的三维模型单体化方法,首先根据地物实体轮廓的二维矢量面提供的顶点坐标及高程信息,构造墙面、屋顶等多边形平面组成地物的简单三维表达,然后配合渲染到纹理技术(RTT)进行纹理贴图,基于CityGML为每个二维矢量面对应的地物重构出有语义、有LOD层级的三维模型。该方法能够高效地实现三维模型单体化,且成果模型容量小,可满足各种实景三维应用需求。  相似文献   

New development in urban planning, cityscape, real estate management and the like, calls for new demands for 3D city model. There are so many objects in 3D city model such as building, river, road, and so on. The building model is very important in 3D city model. In recent years,a lot of research work about visualization has been done. In our opinions,visualization is only a part of 313 city model, while interactive operation about buildings is rather important as well. In order to implement interactive operation (create , edit, query,etc. ), good data structure and model must be developed.  相似文献   

New development in urban planning, cityscape, real estate management and the like, calls for new demands for 3D city model. There are so many objects in 3D city model such as building, river, road, and so on. The building model is very important in 3D city model. In recent years, a lot of research work about visualization has been done. In our opinions, visualization is only a part of 3D city model, while interactive operation about buildings is rather important as well. In order to implement interactive operation (create, edit, query, etc.), good data structure and model must be developed.  相似文献   

CityGML应用领域三维建模研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统三维城市建模局限于可视化和信息共享困难,OGC为此推出CityGML.本文以房产领域为例,研究基于CityCML的应用领域三维建模方法,探讨CityGML框架下的应用领域专题模型设计方法,分析三维空间对象的信息描述及可视化机制,并以一小区域数据验证了本文方法的可行性.  相似文献   

应用3DXML管理三维建筑物LOD模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着三维城市的建设,数据内容将日益增加,数据量不断加大,多细节层次技术、模型简化技术和数据存储管理技术日益显示出其应用的重要性。因此,本文分析了有关虚拟场景中建筑物模型多细节层次技术的层级划分和生成实现方式。从而进一步探讨了实现细节层次模型所需的建筑物模型简化方法,以及应用一种基于XML的3D图形标准的3DXML实现对城市三维建筑物模型LOD信息的管理。  相似文献   

葛磊  武芳  朱蕊  黄东华 《测绘科学》2016,41(3):118-121,117
为了提高三维城市模型综合效率,该文根据三维建筑综合的特点,提出三维建筑综合区的概念;归纳出综合区建立的一般原则:综合区建立过程中,以河流、道路等要素所构成的约束多边形对待综合区域进行粗划分,将建筑最小外界矩形和凸包两种聚类指标结合提出一种建立综合区的有效方法。实验结果证明,该方法具有较高的效率,并能够有效保证所构建综合区的合理性。  相似文献   

三维建筑综合基本方法的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了三维建筑分类和识别,探讨了取舍、化简、概括和位移等二维综合的基本方法的应用,总结了三维建筑综合具有方法多样性、实现复杂性和综合结果不确定性等特点。  相似文献   

葛磊  武芳  刘杰 《测绘科学》2010,35(1):133-135
三维建筑是三维地物的主体,是三维城市和三维G IS的重要组成部分。三角面是三维图形可视化的基础,三角面的数量决定了三维建筑的渲染速度。针对三维建筑物建模及综合过程中存在冗余三角面的问题,本文提出了一种主要应用于三维综合的三角剖分算法。该算法包括两部分:基于邻面搜索的轮廓构造算法和任意多边形的剖分算法。实验证明此算法可实现大部分三维建筑的重剖分,其应用也可延伸到其他领域。  相似文献   

郝铭辉 《测绘科学》2012,37(3):99-103
公寓是地籍系统中最具代表性并应以3D形式登记的不动产单元,其建筑结构及空间形态影响着各单元在三维地籍注册中所占据的空间,将房屋几何信息引入地籍系统可实现法定空间的准确表达。本文以ISO/TC 211土地管理域模型LADM为模板,基于地籍管理中"法定空间-物理结构"理论,将房屋物理模型引入LADM,以房屋或建筑物物理实体模型或几何信息为空间参照,在三维地籍系统中实现公寓单元"法定空间"的准确表达与登记。  相似文献   

The effect of Digital Earth on our life is vital. Developing and updating Geospatial data in Digital Earth is also essential. This paper presents the application of a new approach of image registration in Digital Earth. The approach was developed based on registering a mono photograph on a master 3D model. The result is a 3D vector model, which can be broadly applied in visualisation, mapping, geographic information system (GIS), planning, change detection, as well as Digital Earth. The approach does not require parameters of correction for transformation. The accuracy of the output depends on the accuracy of the master data. This approach is very versatile and able to register any image on the digital elevation model, digital surface model and topographic 3D model.  相似文献   


Repetitive structures of a building share features in terms of geometries and appearance and, therefore, the 3D information for these structures can be transferred from one specification to another for the purpose of 3D modeling and reconstruction once they are identified as repetitive structures. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for the detection of the repetitive structures specified by the polygons of a building’s footprints. Instead of directly operating on the polygon in 2D space, the polygon is converted into a bend angle function representation in 1D space, whereby an extrusion is represented as a closed polygon intersected by the x-axis and located above it, while an intrusion is represented as a closed polygon below the x-axis. In this way, a polygon of a footprint is decomposed into a number of extrusions and intrusions which can in turn be processed. The task of detecting any repetitive structures specified in a building’s footprints then becomes the task of clustering the intersected polygons in the bend angle function space. The extrusions/intrusions which can be placed in the same clusters can be regarded as repetitive structures. Experiments show that this proposed approach can detect repetitive structures with different sizes, orientations and complexities.  相似文献   

With the advent of energy rating systems and increased energy efficiency requirements for built environment, the assessment of energy performance of new buildings and refurbishment rates of existing buildings have become an important compliance in the building design process. In order to analyse and simulate the effects of energy-efficient measures for buildings, it is essential to establish spatio-semantic information interoperability between the building design and energy modelling softwares. Data interoperability facilitates different domains to interact with the single building model. The geometrical properties of building semantics such as effective areas exposed to total incident radiation were used as indicators for assessment of seasonal solar potential of buildings. The key urban solar potential indicators were identified based on the semantic components of buildings. The CityGML instance document derived from a proposed energy application domain extension (ADE) conceptual schema could be used as common interoperable model for both the design and energy simulation systems.  相似文献   

当前的3维GIS重视3维空间方面的研究。重点是研究3维空间的几何对象的数据组织、操作方法以及查询分析等内容。本文通过对3维空间数据模型的研究,建立了一种基于CityGML语义的以建筑物为主的城市目标3维空间数据组织方法。这种方法丰富了城市3维空间数据建模,尤其对3维中的城市目标查询、统计和分析奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

GIS中三维模型的设计   总被引:46,自引:4,他引:46  
研究了三维GIS中的空间信息传输模式,探讨了平面地图符号与三维模型的区别与联系,阐述了三维模型的确立、定位、简化描述和逻辑性设计。  相似文献   

城市三维快速建模方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
谭仁春  姚岚 《测绘科学》2015,40(5):136-138
针对当前两种主要城市三维模型建设方法的特点和不足,该文提出一种城市三维快速建模方法,以3D GIS技术所追求的精确数据为出发点,向虚拟现实所追求的逼真效果靠拢。该方法的主要思路和技术特点是充分利用现有城市测绘信息资源,通过研究各种模型要素的特点、开发各种人机交互辅助工具和制定相应的技术流程来实现即精确又逼真的城市三维快速建模技术方法。该方法能够提高城市三维人工建模的效率,保证城市三维模型的逼真效果,并在武汉市城市三维建模工作中得到有效应用,在城市三维建模行业中具有推广价值。  相似文献   

针对传统的建筑物建模方法需要大量人机交互操作,建模过程复杂和成本高的问题,该文提出一种参数化建筑物三维建模方法。首先,以高分辨率遥感影像和建筑物立面影像作为数据源,在遥感和GIS软件平台的支持下,提取建筑物的底面边界、高度、楼层数、层高和屋顶类型等空间数据和属性数据,并将其保存至GIS空间数据库。其次,提出基于拉伸、拆分、添加结构面过程的建筑物主体结构建模方案,并设计了模型自动生成算法。进一步,采用Ruby面向对象语言,通过调用SketchUp平台的应用程序接口函数,结合编程实现了建筑物的自动化建模。最后,开发了建筑物参数化建模插件。实际建模实验成果表明:该方法能够显著降低建模人员劳动强度,提高建模效率。  相似文献   

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