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天山北坡中东部高海拔树轮宽度年表的建立 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
通过对天山北坡中东部高海拔的几个树木年轮采样点样本的研究,建立了天山北坡中东部高海拔树木的一系列树木年轮宽度的可靠年表,其中最长差值年表为321年。差值年表间的相关分析和主成分分析显示,不同树种之间树木生长存在很大的差异。不同树种的标准年表(STD)的均方差都比差值年表(RES)的大,而平均敏感度都较差值年表(RES)的小,说明差值年表(RES)保留的高频振荡信息要比标准年表(STD)多;偏度系数几乎都偏向大于均值的一方,而天山云杉的差值年表峰度系数变化更趋平缓;六个采样点共同区间上的符项指标几乎都是差值年表(RES)值高于标准年表(STD)值,说明天山北坡中东部高海拔的不同树种中差值年表(RES)均含有较高的环境信息。这些树木年轮宽度年表特征将为今后本地区的树木年轮生态学研究奠定基础。 相似文献
新疆伊犁地区树轮年表特征初探 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
依据伊犁地区的22个树轮年表,分析其统计、互相关、周期特征,探讨伊犁年表的年轮气候熵、年表敏感度、标准差的关系,寻求伊犁年表中的大气候信息,得出了一些有益的结论,对今后在较湿润地区进行年轮气候研究及对其它学科合理利用伊犁年表从事研究具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
天山北坡东部地区树轮宽度年表特征分析 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
通过对天山北坡东部地区8个树轮宽度标准化年表的有关参数的对比,证明苏巴什沟与白杨河沟年表包含有较多的气候信息,8个树轮宽度标准化年表的互相关系数平均值达0.530,其中白杨河沟与苏巴什沟年表的相关系数高达0.725。说明所采样本对该区域的气候具有较好的代表性。再将8个树轮宽度标准化年表与附近的奇台县、木垒县两个气象站1961—2007年逐月降水和平均最低气温,及单月降水和单月气温进行相关分析。结果表明,天山东部地区白杨河沟的树轮宽度生长与上年7月至当年6月的降水呈正相关,其相关系数为0.597,显著性水平达0.000006,与当年6月平均最低气温呈负相关,相关系数为-0.437,显著性水平达0.001,上述均具有明确的树木生理学意义。研究还发现,在0.05显著性水平上,8个年表的树轮宽度指数变化以2~3 a的变化准周期最为多见,苏巴什沟、大东沟及白杨河沟年表以11 a准周期多见。就整个地区而言,天山北坡东部地区8个年表中低频气候信息一般多于高频气候信息。 相似文献
通过对比乌鲁木齐河山区流域8个天山云杉树轮宽度标准化年表的多个特征参数及分析树轮年表对气候的响应,主要得到如下研究结论:(1)在8个树轮宽度年表中,东白杨沟下年表包含的气候信息最多,其次是英雄桥沟年表,再次是跃进桥东年表;(2)乌鲁木齐河山区流域气候对树木年轮生长的影响存在明显的持续性,持续年数大多为3~8 a,最短为2 a;(3)在乌鲁木齐河山区流域低海拔处气候对树木年轮宽度生长的限制作用强于高海拔地区,森林下部林缘年表中含有的气候信息多于森林上树线附近的年表;(4)通过相关函数和相关普查发现,乌鲁木齐河山区流域影响森林上树线树轮宽度年表树轮生长的主要气候限制因子是2~3月的平均温度,而影响森林下部林缘树轮宽度年表树轮生长的主要气候限制因子为5~6月的干旱强度;(5)区域森林上树线树轮宽度年表的年轮指数343 a经历了9个轮宽指数偏高时段和8个偏低时段,反映了2~3月的温度的长期变化。区域森林下部林缘树轮宽度年表的年轮指数365 a来有11个轮宽指数偏高时段和11个偏低时段,揭示了5~6月PDSI的长期变化。 相似文献
样条函数步长变化对树轮宽度年表与气候相关性的影响初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用天山中部北坡头屯河及三屯河流域4个天山云杉采点的树轮样本,研制样条函数不同步长的树轮宽度标准化年表,分析样条函数不同步长对树轮宽度标准化年表与气候的相关性的影响发现:①随着样条函数步长的增加,位于森林中下部林缘的庙尔沟煤矿和三屯河的树轮宽度标准化年表与小渠子气象站上年7月至当年6月的降水量的相关系数曲线均呈现出先增后减小的变化形式,但在局部有差异,最佳步长分别为40 a和30 a。②随着样条函数步长的增加,处于森林上限的东南沟和小渠子的树轮宽度标准化年表与大西沟气象站当年2-3月的月平均气温的相关系数的曲线都呈现光滑的先升后平的对数曲线型,最终确定220 a、185 a分别作为东南沟和小渠子树轮宽度标准化年表的样条函数步长。③通过分析发现最佳的样条函数步长比传统方法给定的样条函数步长和按树轮宽度序列公共区间长度的1/2的样条函数步长所含的气候信息多。 相似文献
长白山红松阔叶混交林土壤动物生态分布 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
对长白山红松阔叶混交林分布的上缘、典型分布区和分布下缘土壤动物群落进行研究。结果表明,红松阔叶混交林三个分布区土壤动物群落组成存在差异,其中典型分布区土壤动物多样性指数较高,群落组成均匀。甲螨亚目、辐螨亚目、节跳虫科、球角跳虫科、革螨亚目和山跳虫科相关性较大,共同出现在各分布区。土壤动物垂直分布具有明显的表聚性,且红松阔叶混交林的上缘和典型分布区表聚性更为突出。通过灰色综合关联度分析表明,土壤全钾、全氮和有机质含量对土壤动物群落影响较大,而土壤全磷含量和pH对土壤动物的影响次之。 相似文献
利用采自甘肃哈思山的油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)树木年轮资料,采用区域曲线(Regional Curve)、负指数曲线(Negative Exponential Curve)和样条函数(Smoothing Spline,30 a步长和67%样本序列长度步长)3种不同类型的去趋势方法,分别建立了RCS、NEL、SP30和SP67四个树轮宽度年表。通过比较不同树轮宽度指数序列和它们对温度、降水的响应发现:4个树轮宽度指数序列的波动趋势十分一致,但波动幅度有所差异;4个年表对降水的响应较差,对温度的响应差异较大,其中,RCS和NEL年表对温度的响应更为敏感,保留了较多的温度信息;温度对研究区树木生长限制作用较强。利用功率谱方法分析了不同去趋势方法对不同频域气候信号的影响,结果显示:不同去趋势方法得到的年表保留低频变化信息的能力差别较大,其中用区域曲线和负指数函数方法建立的年表保留低频信息的能力较强,而用样条函数建立的年表保留低频信息的能力较差。通过综合比较分析,认为负指数函数是比较适合研究区油松树轮资料的一种去趋势方法。 相似文献
阿勒泰西部树轮年表特征分析 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
通过对比阿勒泰西部5个标准化树轮宽度年表的多项年表特征参数,发现沙勒哈年表包含的气候信息较多,而柯姆年表所含的气候信息可能最少。通过年表间互相关系数的对比,发现2个位于森林上限的沙勒哈年表与哈纳斯南年表的相关最高(0.676)。而接近下树线森林边缘的哈纳斯北年表和柯姆年表的相关达0.586,却与3个位于森林上限的年表相关较低。通过相关普查得出,阿勒泰西部3个位于森林上限的年表与该区域当年6\_7月的月平均气温呈正相关,其相关系数最高为0.426,显著性水平达0.0035,与当年6\_8月的降水量呈负相关,其相关系数最高为-0.535,显著性水平达0.0002,而两个接近下树线森林边缘的年表与该区域当年1月的降水量呈正相关,其相关系数最高为0.45,显著水平达0.0019,且二者的相关具有明确的树木生理学意义。在0.10的显著性水平上,除吉克音年表外,其他4个年表均具有2.4 a的变化准周期。此外,吉克音年表和柯姆年表均存在13.5 a和14.4 a的变化准周期,哈纳斯南年表和沙勒哈年表均存在23.0 a和38.3 a的变化准周期。通过对比年表高低频信息含量,发现阿勒泰西部年表中高频信息含量一般高于低频信息含量。 相似文献
天山南坡巴仑台地区树轮年表特征分析 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
通过对巴仑台地区2个标准树轮年表的有关参数的对比,证明夫斯坦沟年表比萨色克沟年表包含了更多的气候信息。将这2个标准树轮年表与附近的巴仑台气象站1961-2005年月平均降水资料进行相关分析,结果表明,夫斯坦沟年表的年轮指数与巴仑台地区上年7月至当年6月的降水呈显著正相关,而萨色克沟年表则与上年6月至上年8月的降水呈显著正相关,且二者的正相关具有明确的树木生理学意义。研究还发现,在0.05的显著性水平上,夫斯坦沟年表树轮指数变化具有48.67 a、17.18 a和2.07 a-2.39 a的变化准周期,萨色克沟年表则具有14.6 a、13.27- 13.9 a、12.7 a和2.09-2.16 a的变化准周期。夫斯坦沟年表的高频信息含量高于萨色克沟年表,而其低频信息含量则低于萨色克沟年表。 相似文献
以长白山北坡林线长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)和岳桦(Betula ermanii)为研究对象,通过野外样方调查、树轮技术分析,采用趋势线模型拟和、单因素方差等统计方法从各种参数分析长白落叶松和岳桦径向树高生长的对比关系并揭示2个种群动态对环境适应性的对比差异。结果显示:垫状生长形的长白落叶松海拔最高(均值:2 017 m),其次为旗形树(2 005 m),正常形态的海拔最低(1 992 m),所在生境差异显著(p < 0.05)。正常形态的长白落叶松生长速度大于岳桦(树高方程斜率:长白落叶松0.750 9>岳桦0.253 6),随着旗形树的出现,速度相似(斜率:长白落叶松0.375 4>岳桦0.253 6),变成垫状后,岳桦占优。长白落叶松受到压制种群扩张速度不如岳桦,长白山林线上侵表现为以岳桦种群为主力,长白落叶松仍是岳桦主要的伴生树种。 相似文献
According to the glacial landforms and deposits with the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results, two glacial stages of the last glacial cycle (LGC) and Late Glacial were identified. The Late Glacial stage (Meteorological Station glacier advance) took place about 11 ka (11.3±1.2 ka), and the last glacial maximum (LGM), named Black Wind Mouth glacier advance, occurred at 20 ka (20.0±2.1 ka). Based on the Ohmura’s formula in which there is a relationship between summer (JJA) atmospheric temperature (T) and the annual precipitation (P) at ELA, the present theoretical equilibrium line altitude (ELAt) in Changbai Mountains was 3380±100 m. Six methods of accumulation–area ratio (AAR), maximum elevation of lateral moraines (MELM), toe–to headwall altitude ratios (THAR), the terminal to summit altitudinal (TSAM), the altitude of cirque floor (CF), and the terminal to average elevation of the catchment area (Hofer) were used for calculation of the former ELAs in different stages. These methods provided the ELA for a range of 2250–2383 m with an average value of 2320±20 m during the LGM, which is 200 m higher than the value of previous investigation. The snowlines during the Late Glacial are 2490 m on northern slope, and 2440 m on western slope. The results show that the snowline on northern slope is 50 m higher than that on western slope during the Late Glacial, and the average snowline is 2465m. The ELA △ values were more than 1000 m during the LGM, and about 920 m lower than now during the Late Glacial stage respectively. Compared with Taiwanese and Japanese mountains in East Asia during the LGM, the effect of the uplift on ELA in Changbai Mountains during the glaciations (i.e. 20 m uplift in the LGM and 11 m in the Late Glacial) is not obvious. 相似文献
According to the glacial landforms and deposits with the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results, two glacial
stages of the last glacial cycle (LGC) and Late Glacial were identified. The Late Glacial stage (Meteorological Station glacier
advance) took place about 11 ka (11.3±1.2 ka), and the last glacial maximum (LGM), named Black Wind Mouth glacier advance,
occurred at 20 ka (20.0±2.1 ka). Based on the Ohmura’s formula in which there is a relationship between summer (JJA) atmospheric
temperature (T) and the annual precipitation (P) at ELA, the present theoretical equilibrium line altitude (ELAt) in Changbai Mountains was 3380±100 m. Six methods of accumulation-area ratio (AAR), maximum elevation of lateral moraines
(MELM), toe-to headwall altitude ratios (THAR), the terminal to summit altitudinal (TSAM), the altitude of cirque floor (CF),
and the terminal to average elevation of the catchment area (Hofer) were used for calculation of the former ELAs in different
stages. These methods provided the ELA for a range of 2250–2383 m with an average value of 2320±20 m during the LGM, which
is 200 m higher than the value of previous investigation. The snowlines during the Late Glacial are 2490 m on northern slope,
and 2440 m on western slope. The results show that the snowline on northern slope is 50 m higher than that on western slope
during the Late Glacial, and the average snowline is 2465m. The ΔELA values were more than 1000 m during the LGM, and about
920 m lower than now during the Late Glacial stage respectively. Compared with Taiwanese and Japanese mountains in East Asia
during the LGM, the effect of the uplift on ELA in Changbai Mountains during the glaciations (i.e. 20 m uplift in the LGM
and 11 m in the Late Glacial) is not obvious.
Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40571016
Author: Zhang Wei (1969–), Ph.D and Professor, specialized in Quaternary environment and climate geomorphology. 相似文献
TongWen Zhang YuJiang Yuan WenShou Wei RuiBo Zhang ShuLong Yu Feng Chen HuaMing Shang Li Qin ZiAng Fan 《寒旱区科学》2014,6(6):0546-0555
August-June precipitation has been reconstructed back to AD 1720 for the northern Greater Higgnan Mountains, China, by use ofPinus sylvestris var. mongolica tree-ring width. The reconstruction explains the variance of 39% in observed precipitation from 1973 to 2008. Some extremely dry/wet signals in historical documents and other precipitation reconstructions in previous studies are precisely captured in our reconstruction. Wet periods occurred during the periods of 1730 to 1746, 1789 to 1812, 1844 to 1903, 1920 to 1930, 1942 to 1961, and 1985 to 1998; while periods of 1747 to 1788, 1813 to 1843, 1904 to 1919, 1931 to 1941, and 1962 to 1984 were relatively dry. Power spectral and wavelet analyses demon- strated the existence of significant 24-year, 12-year, and 2-year cycles of variability. 相似文献
中国冷杉、云杉和落叶松属植物的地理分布 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
根据大量的植被分布资料,利用地理信息系统软件,将经纬度投影的中国地图划分为1×1°的经纬网格,直观地把冷杉、云杉和落叶松3属的植物分布显示在中国地图上,并对其分布及其丰富度进行分析。结果表明,川丁滇北是3属植物共同的现代分布中心;3属植物垂直分布的海拔高度随纬度增加而降低,沿经度方向,由于青藏高原的存在,在经度95~105°E之间存在高度分布极大值,而这种变化趋势由于复杂的生境出现而常常遭到破坏。文章还简要分析了3属植物分布格局的关系以及3属分布格局的地史成因。 相似文献
树木年轮定年准确、连续性强、分辨率高,并且易于获取复本,已经成为过去气候变化研究的主要手段之一。在沙漠地区,受气候条件的限制,树轮研究工作开展的较少。通过分析腾格里沙漠南缘油松树木年轮宽度的变化及其对气候因子的响应,发现夏季(6~8月)温度以及年降水量是当地油松生长的重要限制因子。对树木年轮标准化年表的功率谱分析表明,树轮记录具有2.6 a,7.5 a,14 a以及16.5 a的显著周期,其中2.6a以及7.5a周期的树轮指数变化,可能与ENSO的周期有关。 相似文献
贡嘎山东坡不同海拔高度树轮宽度对气候变化的响应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
树木生长对气候变化的响应机制是气候重建的基础,在不同的气候或环境背景下,树轮宽度对气候变化的响应不同,其响应随着地形或海拔等因素的变化而变化。利用采自贡嘎山东坡5个海拔高度的树轮样本建立了树轮宽度年表,并对年表特征、年轮宽度及其对气候要素的响应进行分析,探讨了该区树木径向生长对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:年轮平均宽度具有随海拔高度的增加而减小的趋势,树轮宽度对气候要素的响应也具有海拔差异。在海拔3700m的森林上限树轮宽度与当年7月份平均温度显著正相关,在海拔3000m高度与3月份平均温度显著正相关,而在海拔2800m树轮宽度与气候因子之间没有显著的响应关系。通过与海螺沟冰川末端进退变化和文献记载的特殊气候年份对比发现,树轮宽度年表与海螺沟冰川进退变化及文献记录的特殊气候年份具有一定的一致性,宽度年表对气候变化具有一定的指示意义。 相似文献
The Qinling Mountains is not only the geographical boundary between North and South China,but also the boundary between subtropical and warm temperate zones.It plays an important role in the geo-ecological pattern of China.However,there is controversy about the specific location of this geographical boundary in academic community due to the complexity,transition and heterogeneity of the transitional zone,as well as the differences in the delimitation indicators and research purposes.To further reveal the characteristics of the North-South transitional zone and clarify the specific location of the geo-ecological boundary between North and South China,combined with SRTM topographic data,temperature and precipitation data,Pinus massoniana forest and Pinus tabulaeformis forest,which represent subtropical coniferous forest in South China and temperate coniferous forest in North China respectively,were chosen to analyze their spatial distributions in the Qinling-Daba Mountains and the climatic conditions at their boundary with the climatic indexes of annual precipitation,the coldest month(January) average temperature,the warmest month(July) average temperature and the annual average temperature.The results show that:(1) Pinus massoniana and Pinus tabulaeformis forests and the climate indicators of their boundary can be used as one of the vegetation-climate indexes for the delimitation of subtropical and warm temperate zones.The boundary between the subtropical coniferous forest(Pinus massoniana forest) and temperate coniferous forest(Pinus tabulaeformis forest) is located along the south slope of Funiu Mountain to the north edge of Hanzhong Basin(the south slope of Qinling Mountains) at an altitude of 1000–1200 m,where the climatic indictors are stable:the annual precipitation is about 750–1000 mm,the annual average temperature is about 12–14℃,the coldest monthly average temperature is 0–4℃,and the warmest monthly average temperature is about 22–26℃.(2) It can be more scientifically to delimitate the boundary of subtropical and warm temperate zones in China by comprehensively considering the vegetation-climate indicators.Additionally,the boundary between subtropical and warm temperate zones in Qinling-Daba Mountains should be a transitional zone consisting of the boundaries of coniferous forests,broad-leaved forests and shrubs between subtropical and warm temperate zones.The results provide a scientific basis for the selection of delimitation index of subtropical and warm temperate zones. 相似文献
Climatic response of thick leaf spruce (Picea crassifolia) tree-ring width at different elevations over Qilian Mountains, northwestern China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Tree-ring cores of thick leaf spruce (Picea crassifolia) taken from four sites at different elevations, in the middle of the Qilian Mountains, in the arid and semi-arid region of northwestern China, were used to develop four tree-ring width chronologies using standard dendrochronological methods. Results indicate that with increasing altitude the chronologies’ year-to-year variations decreased. Hence, the sensitivity of the tree-ring chronologies to climate decreases with altitude. Further analysis showed that the significant limiting factor on tree growth is spring precipitation. Measurements of stomata density and leaf dry weight suggest the species’ ecological adaptation strategy changes with elevation. At high elevation the metabolic rate of thick leaf spruce decreases, thus showing the effect of the climate. 相似文献