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基于RS和GIS技术的武都地区泥石流数据研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩玲  李燕婷  陈丹华 《测绘科学》2010,35(1):72-73,38
武都地区位于甘肃东南边陲,是甘肃惟一的长江流域。武都地区是国内受泥石流危害最为严重的地区之一。本研究通过对遥感影像的目视解译和人机交互解译来识别泥石流灾害体。同时结合GIS技术,进行研究区域三维场景的构建,实现三维景观的漫游、飞行。通过GIS中空间数据的强大管理功能,实现对数据库的设计和对空间数据的管理。  相似文献   

三维城市模型的研究与实践(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The way we interact with spatial data has been changed from 2D map to 3D Virtual Geographic Environment (VGE). Three-dimensional representations of geographic information on a computer are known as VGE, and in particular 3D city models provide an efficient way to integrate massive, heterogenous geospatial information and georeferenced information in urban areas. 3D city modeling (3DCM) is an active research and practice topic in distinct application areas. This paper introduces different modeling paradigms employed in 3D GIS, virtual environment, and AEC/FM. Up-to-date 3DCM technologies are evolving into a data integration and collaborative approach to represent the full spatial coverage of a city, to model both aboveground and underground, outdoor and indoor environments including man-made objects and natural features with 3D geometry, appearance, topology and semantics. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 40871212, No. 40671158), the Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Educational Committee( No.J50104).  相似文献   

On the study of the basic characteristics of geological objects and the special requirement for computing 3D geological model, this paper gives an object-oriented 3D topologic data model. In this model, the geological objects are divided into four object classes: point, line, area and volume. The volume class is further divided into four subclasses: the composite volume, the complex volume, the simple volume and the component. Twelve kinds of topological relations and the related data structures are designed for the geological objects.  相似文献   

On the study of the basic characteristics of geological objects and the special requirement for computing 3D geological model, this paper gives an object-oriented 3D topologic data model. In this model, the geological objects are divided into four object classes: point, line, area and volume. The volume class is further divided into four subclasses., the composite volume, the complex volume, the simple volume and the component. Twelve kinds of topological relations and the related data structures are designed for the geological objects.  相似文献   

Google Earth支持下校园真实感三维建模方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于冰  徐柱  刘国祥 《测绘工程》2010,19(1):61-64
以Google Earth为平台,结合SketchUp的建筑物真实感三维建模功能,以西南交通大学校园为例建立校园真实感三维模型,并对其应用进行分析。该方法实现地形数据与建筑物三维模型的精确叠加,解决建模过程中的数据获取和融合问题,为虚拟环境的构建提供具有参考价值的解决方案。  相似文献   

三维建模技术是数字城市建设的关键技术之一。本文在对比几种建模技术优缺点的基础上,选择IMA-GIS软件,以山东省滨州市会展中心为例,经过数据准备、提取DEM数据、提取建筑物底图数据、建筑物拉伸、纹理添加等步骤,最终生成AVI格式视频文件,实现了建筑物的三维漫游,完成了三维模型的建立。并就建模过程中出现的有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Transect-based three-dimensional road modeling and visualization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
On the basis of the study on road elements and the existing three-dimensional road data models, this paper puts forward the transect-based road modeling, resolves the modeling of the simplest road with two road transects, and fulfils the visualization of the road. OpenGL is applied as the tool of visualization. The map texture technology, LOD algorithm and dynamic multi-differentiating texture technology are of benefit to the construction of 3D road GIS, and improve the speed of roaming and effective visualization. This paper also disusses the combination of 2D digitall road map and 3D road scene, and the dynamic response between them. Finally, on the basis of the research on the transect-based road model, this paper develops the three-dimen-sional road geographic information system called virtual road ( VRoad ), which not only supplies road designers with a set of tool which can turn the designed 2D road data into 3D road and the high road assistant function area in computer, but also supplies the road management with a set of tool which can realize the road real time and interactive roaming, high-efficiency management.  相似文献   

基于3DS MAX的地质景观动态模拟与仿真   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了三维可视化及仿真动画技术在地质景观成因动态模拟与仿真过程中的应用价值,重点论述了如何对地质景观形成演化在 时间尺度上进行模拟和仿真表达。基于3DS MAX各种建模工具,充分利用现有资料和数据,进行地质景观形成过程动态模拟,实现逼真 的视觉仿真效果。通过对长白山火山形成过程的动态模拟和仿真研究,阐明了利用3DS MAX进行地质景观成因动态模拟的适用性、潜力 及相关技巧,取得了理想效果。  相似文献   

简要介绍了大庆市城市三维建模工作,在伟景行三维基础平台软件的基础上,开发建设了大庆市三维仿真系统,阐述了在建设中需要做好的其他事项。  相似文献   

传统的地籍管理是以地表权利为核心的,不能满足地上或地下空间利用权利登记和管理的需求。因此,迫切的需要引入三维地籍来解决这些问题。本文分析了国内外三维地籍的研究现状,从技术角度入手,提出了面向三维地籍产权体的模型。基于该模型,建立了三维地籍系统,实现了诸如产权体的可视化、查询等功能。结果表明,该模型对三维地籍建模具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

李炜 《地理空间信息》2019,17(6):89-92,97,I0003,I0004
以二隆基高速滑坡为研究对象,通过10m分辨率的数字高程模型(digitalelevationmodel,DEM)来构建真实的滑坡三维地质模型,并使用FLUENT软件对滑坡进行全过程的三维数值模拟。研究结果表明:①模拟的运动特征:整个滑坡的运动时间为8s,在运动到2s时滑坡的前缘已经冲出剪出口到达国道三号高速公路的南下线三车道道路;4s时,滑坡已经抵达公路对面边坡,加速度在慢慢减小;6s时,滑坡速度达到最大;8s时,滑坡的运动距离到达130m,比较稳定。②模拟的堆积厚度特征:在启动的时候,厚度主要分布在中前部,并随着碎屑流的运动不断地向后移,到4s以后,受到对面的边坡阻挡,前缘速度降低,厚度又重新转移到了中前部位置。滑坡体的最大厚度在33m左右,平均厚度在16m左右。  相似文献   

从3D GIS的需求出发,实现了一种适合在大区域范围内仿真不规则河道中水流的方法。该方法综合研究了在大区域环境下仿真水流的LOD方案、场景数据组织与调度、水面建模方法以及水面反射、波浪、动态高光等现象的模拟方法。在金沙江下游梯级水电站水文泥沙数据库及信息管理分析系统中的应用证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

主要探讨采用无人机航片、ETM影像、Quickbird影像、DEM数据和DLG数据构建景区3维虚拟景观的方法,重点介绍了多种遥感影像数据的处理、建筑物3维建模、数据的集成整合、3维虚拟景观生成等方面的内容,解决了影像的纠正、调色,3维建模优化,各类型数据的匹配,3维虚拟景观构建及扩展应用等技术问题。  相似文献   

选取中国泥石流多发区白龙江流域武都段作为研究区,在对该区域泥石流堆积扇的形态特征和堆积范围进行实地调绘的基础上,利用高分辨率影像(SPOT)进行目视解译,获得研究区部分泥石流堆积扇和非泥石流堆积区的分布范围,将其作为已知样本区。利用该区域多光谱遥感影像(ASTER)和数字高程模型(DEM),提取包含波段比和主分量的几十种特征指标。通过运用方差分析和聚类分析等方法对各指标进行分析计算,选取对区别泥石流堆积扇最具显著意义的指标进行输入,进而采用基于像元的分类方法识别泥石流堆积扇。得到如下结论:SPOT与ASTER融合影像的波段比、主分量指标可以有效地突出土壤岩石中的矿物成分,对泥石流堆积扇的识别具有显著意义;利用筛选出的遥感指标和地形指标作为输入,进行监督分类识别泥石流堆积扇,能够有效地将遥感指标和地形指标相结合,提取的堆积扇覆盖范围与实际情况较为接近。  相似文献   

矿山三维地质模型及数字化仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的地质建模中数据源的复杂性及工程、地质现象差异等困难,该文提出多元、多方法集成和多层次干预的建模思路,采用三维激光扫描技术构建矿山整体三维模型。依托ArcGIS桌面系统、GoCAD、Flac3D等软件模拟滑坡动态、岩层分布等信息。通过空间分析和数值模拟揭示其潜在信息和规律,有效地实现了数据库、三维模型、数值模拟的一致性,为数字矿山开发、建设提供一条新思路。  相似文献   

为建立一种简易的FLAC3D建模方法,降低FLAC3D前处理时的建模难度,本文基于Python编程语言开发了建模文件生成程序.该程序以岩体各层位的高程信息为基础,采用Kriging插值生成离散网格点数据;并采用离散网格点自动生成建模所需要的网格数据文件;将该文件导入FLAC3D软件中,即可生成与真实钻孔数据和地层信息吻...  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了地下管网三维可视化的必要性,并通过镇江新区(大港)地下管线的三维建模,简述了三维仿真管线系统在城市规划建设管理中的应用。  相似文献   

The need for the use of general empirical mathematical models for satellite sensor modeling and 3D geo-positioning has increased recently, mainly because of the absence of the satellite sensor information of some of the high-resolution satellites. In addition, empirical mathematical models can be applied to different satellite sensors since they are time independent mathematical models and do not require specialized commercial software packages. This paper discusses the applicability of the empirical mathematical models presented by the 3D affine model and the 3D polynomial models for satellite sensor modeling and 3D geo-positioning. The objectives of the paper are to demonstrate that (a) the 3D affine model and its modifications of the 3D polynomial models are applicable to different satellite sensors and different types of terrain, and (b) under some conditions, the empirical models can produce accuracies close to those from rigorous mathematical models.  相似文献   

地理信息表达从二维纸质地图到电子地图再到三维可视化地理环境的飞跃,是地图学史上的一次革命。三维空间认知理论,三维符号体系设计及三维符号变量理论的逐渐完善和发展对三维环境下地理空间信息的表达起到了积极的作用,本文论述了二维地图符号与三维空间信息表达的关系,描述了二维地理信息在三维空间中叠加表示的意义,并分析了二维地图符号表达的优劣性。  相似文献   

城市地下管线探测成图已由二维进入三维时代,但是目前探测使用的数据标准仍然沿用传统数据标准,难以满足管线三维成图需求。本文分析了原数据标准在三维成图方面的不足,在传统管线数据标准的基础上,针对管线点数据方面的不足进行了设计和扩充,特别是对井室数据的调查和建模进行了详细探讨,最后通过软件开发,实现基于规则的三维地下管线模型自动建立,真实再现三维地下管线场景。  相似文献   

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