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We develop a data set of aftershock recordings of the 1999, M = 7.4 Izmit and M = 7.2 Duzce (Turkey) earthquakes to study their source parameters. We combined seismograms from 44 stations maintained by several sources (organizations) to obtain a unified data set of events (2.1 ≤ Mw ≤ 5.5). We calculate source parameters of these small earthquakes by two methods that use different techniques to address the difficulty in obtaining source spectra for small earthquakes subject to interference from site response. One method (program NetMoment (NM), Hutchings, 2004) uses spectra of direct S waves in a simultaneous inversion of local high-frequency network data to estimate seismic moment, source corner frequency (fc), site attenuation (k) and whole-path Q. This approach takes advantage of the source commonality in all recordings for a particular earthquake by fitting a common Brune source spectrum to the data with a and individual k. The second approach (Mayeda et al., 2003) uses the coda method (CM) to obtain “nonmodel-based” source spectra and moment estimates from selected broadband recording sites. We found that both methods do well for events that allow the comparison with seismic moment estimates derived from waveform modeling. Also, source spectra obtained from the two methods are very closely matched for most of the events they have in common. We use an F test to examine the trade-off between k and fc picks identified by the direct S-wave method. About half of the events could be constrained to have less than a 50% average uncertainty in fc and k. We used these source spectra solutions to calculate energy and apparent stress and compare these to estimates from the selected “good quality” source spectra from CM. Both studies have values mutually consistent and show a similar increase in apparent stress with increasing moment. This result has added merit due to the independent approaches to calculate apparent stress. We conclude that both methods are at least partially validated by our study, and they both have usefulness for different circumstances of recording local small earthquakes. CM would work well in studies for which there is a broad magnitude range of events and NM works well for local events recorded by band-limited recorders.  相似文献   

An inversion of site response and Lg attenuation using Lg waveform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on spectral ratio method, a joint inversion method was used to obtain parameters of Lg wave attenuation and site response. The inversion method allows simple and direct (two-parameter) determination of Lg wave attenua- tion and site response from sparse spectral data, which are not affected by radiation pattern factor and different response of same instrument after geometrical spreading. The method was used successfully for estimating site re- sponse of stations of Zhejiang Seismic Network and measuring Lg wave attenuation. The study is based on 20 earth- quakes occurred in northeast of Taiwan with magnitude MS5.0~6.7 and 960 seismic wave records from 16 stations in Zhejiang area from 2002 to 2005. The parameters of site response and Lg attenuation were calculated with a fre- quency interval of 0.2 Hz in the range of 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz. Lg wave attenuation coefficient corresponding to U-D, E-W and N-S components are γ ( f )=0.00175 f 0.43485, γ ( f )=0.00145f 0.48467 and γ ( f )=0.0021f 0.41241, respectively. It is found that the site response is component-independent. It is also found that the site response of QIY station is significant above the frequency of 1.5 Hz, and that the site response of NIB station is low for most frequency  相似文献   

It has been the belief among Earth scientists that the Peninsular Shield is aseismic, as the region attained stability long ago. However, the earthquake at Koyna (10 December 1967), Bhadrachalam (13 April 1969), Broach (23 March 1970), Hyderabad (30 June 1983), Khillari (30 September 1993), Jabalpur (22 May 1997), Gujarat (26 January 2001), and additional ones of smaller magnitudes, altered this concept. This area has experienced many widely distributed shallow earthquakes, some of them having large magnitudes. It is now widely accepted that seismic activity still continues with moderate events. Therefore, a need has arisen to take into consideration recent seismological data to assess the future seismic status of Peninsular India. Earthquake generation model has been studied to develop the statistical relations with surface wave magnitude (M S ≥ 4.5). Five seismogenic sources showing clustering of earthquakes and including at least three main shocks of magnitude 4.5 ≤ M S ≤ 6.5 giving two repeat times, have been identified. It is mainly based on the so-called “regional time-predictable model”. For the considered region it is observed that the time interval between two consecutive main shocks depends on the preceding main shock magnitude (M p ) not on the following main shocks magnitude M f suggesting the validity of time predictable model in the region.  相似文献   

The theoretical acceleration spectrum of observation site has been obtained from source acceleration spectrum derived from scaling law, using attenuation modelQ=Q ν f η . A comparison of a set of theoretical acceleration spectra with observation spectra has been made, and we have obtained the attenuation model for observation site and seismic moment magnitude. We obtain thatQ o=300,η=0.25 for Wuqia area, Xinjing Zizhizhou, and seismic moment magnitudes of 18 greater aftershocks of Wuqia earthquake occurred in 1985. In order to obtain seismic moment magnitued conveniently, three functional tables of acceleration spectra at 1Hz as the distances for variousQ value have been made. The seismic moment magnitude can be quickly measured from acceleration spectrum at 1Hz according to these tables (epicenter has to be known). The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 435–445, 1992.  相似文献   

We exploit S-wave spectral amplitudes from 112 aftershocks (3.0 ≤ ML ≤ 5.3) of the L’Aquila 2009 seismic sequence recorded at 23 temporary stations in the epicentral area to estimate the source parameters of these events, the seismic attenuation characteristics and the site amplification effects at the recording sites. The spectral attenuation curves exhibit a very fast decay in the first few kilometers that could be attributed to the large attenuation of waves traveling trough the highly heterogeneous and fractured crust in the fault zone of the L’Aquila mainshock. The S-waves total attenuation in the first 30 km can be parameterized by a quality factor QS(f) = 23f 0.58 obtained by fixing the geometrical spreading to 1/R. The source spectra can be satisfactorily modeled using the omega-square model that provides stress drops between 0.3 and 60 MPa with a mean value of 3.3±2.8 MPa. The site responses show a large variability over the study area and significant amplification peaks are visible in the frequency range from 1 to more than 10 Hz. Finally, the vertical component of the motion is amplified at a number of sites where, as a consequence, the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) method fails in detecting the amplitude levels and in few cases the resonance frequencies.  相似文献   

In order to empirically obtain the scaling relationships for the high-frequency ground motion in the Western Alps (NW Italy), regressions are carried out on more than 7500 seismograms from 957 regional earthquakes. The waveforms were selected from the database of 6 three-component stations of the RSNI (Regional Seismic network of Northwestern Italy). The events, M W ranging between 1.2 and 4.8, were recorded within a hypocentral distance of 200 km during the time period: 1996–2001. The peak ground velocities are measured in selected narrow-frequency bands, between 0.5 and 14 Hz. Results are presented in terms of a regional attenuation function for the vertical ground motion, a set of vertical excitation terms at the reference station STV2 (hard-rock), and a set of site terms (vertical and horizontal), all relative to the vertical component of station STV2.The regional propagation of the ground motion is modeled after quantifying the expected duration of the seismic motion as a function of frequency and hypocentral distance. A simple functional form is used to take into account both the geometrical and the anelastic attenuation: a multi-variable grid search yielded a quality factor Q(f) = 310f 0.20, together with a quadri-linear geometrical spreading at low frequency. A simpler, bi-linear geometrical spreading seems to be more appropriate at higher frequencies (f > 1.0 Hz). Excitation terms are matched by using a Brune spectral model with variable, magnitude-dependent stress drop: at M w 4.8, we used Δσ = 50 MPa. A regional distance-independent attenuation parameter is obtained (κ0 = 0.012 s) by modelling the average spectral decay at high frequency of small earthquakes.In order to predict the absolute levels of ground shaking in the region, the excitation/attenuation model is used through the Random Vibration Theory (RVT) with a stochastic point-source model. The expected peak-ground accelerations (PGA) are compared with the ones derived by Ambraseys et al. (1996) for the Mediterranean region and by Sabetta and Pugliese (1996) for the Italian territory.  相似文献   

Estimation of seismic wave attenuation in the shallow crust in terms of coda wave Q structure previously investigated in the vicinity of Cairo Metropolitan Area was improved using seismograms of local earthquakes recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network. The seismic wave attenuation was measured from the time decay of coda wave amplitudes on narrow bandpass filtered seismograms based on the single scattering theory. The frequency bands of interest are from 1.5 to 18 Hz. In general, the values obtained for various events recorded at El-Fayoum and Wadi Hagul stations are very similar for all frequency bands. A regional attenuation law Q c = 85.66 f 0.79 was obtained.  相似文献   

The catalog of Kamchatka earthquakes is represented as a probability space of three objects {Ω, $ \tilde F $ \tilde F P}. Each earthquake is treated as an outcome ω i in the space of elementary events Ω whose cardinality for the period under consideration is given by the number of events. In turn, ω i is characterized by a system of random variables, viz., energy class ki, latitude φ i , longitude λ i , and depth h i . The time of an outcome has been eliminated from this system in this study. The random variables make up subsets in the set $ \tilde F $ \tilde F and are defined by multivariate distributions, either by the distribution function $ \tilde F $ \tilde F (φ, λ, h, k) or by the probability density f(φ, λ, h, k) based on the earthquake catalog in hand. The probabilities P are treated in the frequency interpretation. Taking the example of a recurrence relation (RR) written down in the form of a power law for probability density f(k), where the initial value of the distribution function f(k 0) is the basic data [Bogdanov, 2006] rather than the seismic activity A 0, we proceed to show that for different intervals of coordinates and time the distribution f elim(k) of an earthquake catalog with the aftershocks eliminated is identical to the distribution f full(k), which corresponds to the full catalog. It follows from our calculations that f 0(k) takes on nearly identical numeral values for different initial values of energy class k 0 (8 ≤ k 0 ≤ 12) f(k 0). The difference decreases with an increasing number of events. We put forward the hypothesis that the values of f(k 0) tend to cluster around the value 2/3 as the number of events increases. The Kolmogorov test is used to test the hypothesis that statistical recurrence laws are consistent with the analytical form of the probabilistic RR based on a distribution function with the initial value f(k 0) = 2/3. We discuss statistical distributions of earthquake hypocenters over depth and the epicenters over various areas for several periods  相似文献   

The 1897 Great Shillong earthquake revealed considerable seismic susceptibility in Guwahati City, such as soil liquefaction, landslides, and surface fissures. In an attempt to quantify the seismic vulnerability of the city based on geological, seismological, and geotechnical aspects concerning seismic site characterization, in-depth analysis was performed using a microtremor survey with recordings of five small to moderate magnitude (4.8 ≤ mb ≤ 5.4) earthquakes that occurred in 2006 and geotechnical investigations using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Additionally, the basement topography was established using vertical electrical resistivity sounding and selected drill-hole information. Region-specific relationships are derived by correlating the estimated values of predominant frequency, shear-wave velocity, and basement depth indicating conformity with the predominant frequency distribution and the basin topography underlain by a hard granitic basement. Most parts of the city adhere to the predominant frequency range of 0.5–3.5 Hz, setting aside areas of deep sediment fills or hilly tracts, suggesting that the existing moderate-rise RC buildings in the territory are seismically vulnerable. Furthermore, the geotechnical assessment of the soil liquefaction potential reveals widespread susceptibility across the terrain. Eventually, a site classification map of the city is prepared following the National Earthquake Hazard Program (NEHRP) provision. The average site amplification factor from geotechnical modeling for site class D is about 3 in the frequency range of 2–4 Hz. In addition, earthquake data yield an average site amplification factor of 4–6 in the frequency range of 1.2–5.0 Hz at the seismic stations located in site class E and F. High site amplifications of around 5.5 and 7.5 at 2 Hz, respectively, are observed at AMTRON and IRRIG seismic stations, which are located in the proximity of Precambrian rocks, indicating probable basin edge effects—scattering and diffraction of incident energy. Interplay of dispersed valleys surrounded by small hillocks in the study region is likely to induce micro-basin effects where the sediment thickness/depth vis-à-vis predominant frequency and basin geometry in conjunction play pivotal roles in the augmentation of site response.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the relationship between earthquakes and crustal tectonic fragmentation based on a correlation analysis of fault density and discordance measure with parameters of seismic activity (the specific number and specific energy of earthquakes) for the Magadan shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk. These materials revealed essential differences in the structural position of earthquakes on land and in sea. The Magadan shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk will most likely generate earthquakes of energy class K ≥ 12 in areas with lower density (0.04 < τ ≤ 0.06 km−1) and lower discordance measure (2 < ‖D‖ ≤ 4) for the faults identified from gravity data. One cause of this structural and geodynamic feature in the spatial position of earthquake epicenters is, in these authors’ opinion, thermal isostasy, that is, the cooling of the lithosphere and asthenosphere as heat is released into the space around the Earth (the heat was entering the upper layers of the Earth from the mantle during the Mesozoic/Cenozoic phase of its development), resulting in seafloor subsidence. Seafloor subsidence and continental uplift produce rotational tangential forces that affect the stress buildup in the Pacific seismic belt. The annual releases of rotational energy and earthquake energy have the same order of magnitude, 1018 J/yr.  相似文献   

首都圈地区爆破、矿塌和天然地震的识别研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
选取首都圈地区2008年8月——2009年9月ML在2.0——2.2范围内的爆破、矿塌和天然地震数据资料,从时间域和频率域进行分析对比,总结出识别爆破、矿塌和天然地震的依据.在时域方面,爆破的初动方向向上,矿塌向下,天然地震的初动方向依赖于台站的分布情况;爆破和矿塌的面波比较发育;天然地震的S波与P波最大振幅比(AS/AP)大于爆破和矿塌,同时,爆破和矿塌的能量衰减比天然地震快.在频域方面,高频成分的能量衰减快于低频;天然地震的拐角频率较高,爆破次之,矿塌的最小;在震中距200 km范围内,爆破的顶峰频率主要分布在5——7 Hz,矿塌分布在2——4 Hz,天然地震的顶峰频率较大,在10——18 Hz范围内.另外,天然地震的频率域较宽,其次为爆破、矿塌.   相似文献   

本文利用晋冀蒙交界地区1500年以来记录较完整的MS5.0及以上历史地震烈度资料和2000年以来的地震活动资料,分别进行地震灾害危险性和地震活动性分析。首先,利用ArcGIS将历史地震烈度资料数字化,没有等震线记录的地震用烈度衰减关系计算烈度圈半径。将研究区划分成0.1°×0.1°的网格,将烈度资料分配到与之相交的每个网格,并用烈度-频度关系计算每个网格的烈度a、b值。基于地震发生遵从泊松分布的假定,估算未来50年内晋冀蒙交界区遭受某一地震烈度的超越概率。同时,计算50年超越概率10%对应的地震烈度,计算结果表明张家口蔚县、阳原和山西广灵县周边地区的地震危险性较高。最后,采用中小地震能量密度值计算方法,对2000年以来的现今地震活动进行定量分析,与历史地震烈度资料分析结果进行对比,发现中小地震活动圈定的危险区与历史地震烈度资料评估计算的概率高值区相对应,因此,这两种方法可为晋冀蒙交界地区的地震活动性和危险性评价提供参考。  相似文献   

Dependence of the energy released during earthquake on ambient shear stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Starting with dislocation model, using the result of the fracture mechanics: the slip displacement at the crack tip is proportional to the length of the crack and the applied ambient shear stressτ 0 2 , we consider the dislocation in the earthquake to be the slip displacement at the crack tip and have obtained the analysis expresses of displacement and velocity pulse for the circular crack and have calculated the seismic wave energy radiated by earthquake. The seismic wave energyEM 0 τ 0 2 f(v) r , i. e.E is proportional to the seismic momentM 0 and the square of the ambient shear stressτ 0 2 and increases with the rupture velocityv r . In frequency domain, integrating the square of source velocity spectrum derived from our the scaling law model, we have also obtained the seismic wave energyE released by earthquake and earthquake radiated effficiencyη.EM 0 τ 0 2 also. If takingτ 0 = 10.0 MPa, E=4.79M 0. This result is consistent with the estimate by Vassiliou and Kanamori (1982). Theη=5.26%. The distribution of the seismic wave energy is that most of the energy contains in the frequency range between the first corner frequencyf c1 and thirdf c3, amount to 92.3% the energy in the rangef<f c1 is about 3.85% and 3.85% whenf>f c3. Thef c3 is about 8Hz forM ⩾ 6, thus most of radiated energy is below 2Hz. This phenomenon had been verified by Vassiliou Kanamori. Previous results show the energy radiated by earthquake to be strongly dependent on ambient shear stress. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 146–152, 1993. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, F. R. Germany. The support is grateful acknowledged. The authors are also grateful to Professor Klussmann and Mr. Hasthoff for their lots of help.  相似文献   

Three sites in the UK are taken, representative of low, medium and high hazard levels (by UK standards). For each site, the hazard value at 10−4 annual probability is computed using a generic seismic source model, and a variety of ground motion parameters: peak ground acceleration (PGA), spectral acceleration at 10 Hz and 1 Hz, and intensity. Disaggregation is used to determine the nature of the earthquakes most likely to generate these hazard values. It is found (as might be expected) that the populations are quite different according to which ground motion parameter is used. When PGA is used, the result is a rather flat magnitude distribution with a tendency to low magnitude events (\le 4.5 ML) which are probably not really hazardous. Hazard-consistent scenario earthquakes computed using intensity are found to be in the range 5.8–5.9 ML, which is more in accord with the type of earthquake that one expects to be a worst-case event in the UK. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There is a high possibility of reoccurrence of the Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes along the Nankai Trough in Japan. It is very important to predict the long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes with moment magnitudes of 8.1 and 8.4, respectively, to mitigate their disastrous effects. In this study, long-period (>2.5 s) ground motions were predicted using an earthquake scenario proposed by the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion in Japan. The calculations were performed using a fourth-order finite difference method with a variable spacing staggered-grid in the frequency range 0.05–0.4 Hz. The attenuation characteristics (Q) in the finite difference simulations were assumed to be proportional to frequency (f) and S-wave velocity (V s) represented by Q = f · V s / 2. Such optimum attenuation characteristic for the sedimentary layers in the Osaka basin was obtained empirically by comparing the observed motions during the actual M5.5 event with the modeling results. We used the velocity structure model of the Osaka basin consisting of three sedimentary layers on bedrock. The characteristics of the predicted long-period ground motions from the next Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes depend significantly on the complex thickness distribution of the sediments inside the basin. The duration of the predicted long-period ground motions in the city of Osaka is more than 4 min, and the largest peak ground velocities (PGVs) exceed 80 cm/s. The predominant period is 5 to 6 s. These preliminary results indicate the possibility of earthquake damage because of future subduction earthquakes in large-scale constructions such as tall buildings, long-span bridges, and oil storage tanks in the Osaka area.  相似文献   

Frequency analysis of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 2004, one of the most significant and best-recorded earthquakes, is based on spectral seismograms obtained from their broadband seismograms. The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake is found to have a wide-range frequency content of P-wave radiation during the rupturing process. On the basis of stacking spectral seismograms we distinguished four time events of the rupturing process of a total length of about 540 s. The frequency, f max, is the highest for the first event (0.163 Hz in time interval 0–88 s), lowest for the second — which is the strongest (0.075 Hz in time interval 88–204 s). For third and fourth events frequencies are similar (0.089 and 0.082 Hz in time intervals 204–452 and 452–537 s, respectively). The frequency also shows an azimuthal dependence (±0.02 Hz). Azimuths for which the frequency, f max, has maximum and minimum values are 203–222° and 23–42°, respectively. These observations are discussed in relation to previously published papers on this topic.  相似文献   

ResearchoncharacteristicsofmagnitudestructureofearthquakesequencesPEI-QINGSUN(孙佩卿)QIN-ZULI(李钦祖)YING-HUADAI(戴英华)JUNZHAO(赵军)Se...  相似文献   

IntroductionTaiwanlocatedinthecollisionboundalbetweentheEurasianandthePhilippineSeaplatesisoneofhighseismicityregionsintheworld.HundredsofearthquakeswithM25occurredperyearandmorethan40withM27since1900.Amongtheseevents,shalloweventswithdepthofseveraltensofkilometersandintermediate-deepeventswithdepthof100-200kinexistwhichrepresentsacharacterofthesubductionzone.ThemagnitudesofTaiwaneventslistedinthecatalogofChineseearthquakesaretakenfromsomehistoricaldocumentsandGutenbergandRichter'sworks(19…  相似文献   

ApossibleULFseismicelectro-magneticemissionXing-CaiLI;(李兴才)Hui-XinCAO;(曹惠馨)Tie-HongYU;(俞铁宏)andZhi-YongCHEN;(@2陈智勇)(Instituteo...  相似文献   

Large magnitude earthquakes generated at source–site distances exceeding 100km are typified by low‐frequency (long‐period) seismic waves. Such induced ground shaking can be disproportionately destructive due to its high displacement, and possibly high velocity, shaking characteristics. Distant earthquakes represent a potentially significant safety hazard in certain low and moderate seismic regions where seismic activity is governed by major distant sources as opposed to nearby (regional) background sources. Examples are parts of the Indian sub‐continent, Eastern China and Indo‐China. The majority of ground motion attenuation relationships currently available for applications in active seismic regions may not be suitable for handling long‐distance attenuation, since the significance of distant earthquakes is mainly confined to certain low to moderate seismicity regions. Thus, the effects of distant earthquakes are often not accurately represented by conventional empirical models which were typically developed from curve‐fitting earthquake strong‐motion data from active seismic regions. Numerous well‐known existing attenuation relationships are evaluated in this paper, to highlight their limitations in long‐distance applications. In contrast, basic seismological parameters such as the Quality factor (Q‐factor) could provide a far more accurate representation for the distant attenuation behaviour of a region, but such information is seldom used by engineers in any direct manner. The aim of this paper is to develop a set of relationships that provide a convenient link between the seismological Q‐factor (amongst other factors) and response spectrum attenuation. The use of Q as an input parameter to the proposed model enables valuable local seismological information to be incorporated directly into response spectrum predictions. The application of this new modelling approach is demonstrated by examples based on the Chi‐Chi earthquake (Taiwan and South China), Gujarat earthquake (Northwest India), Nisqually earthquake (region surrounding Seattle) and Sumatran‐fault earthquake (recorded in Singapore). Field recordings have been obtained from these events for comparison with the proposed model. The accuracy of the stochastic simulations and the regression analysis have been confirmed by comparisons between the model calculations and the actual field observations. It is emphasized that obtaining representative estimates for Q for input into the model is equally important.Thus, this paper forms part of the long‐term objective of the authors to develop more effective communications across the engineering and seismological disciplines. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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