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Palaeomagnetic, rock magnetic and magnetic fabric results are presented for a Carboniferous (Visean to Westphalian) succession of felsic, mainly ignimbritic, volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks from the Rocky Creek Block of the northern Tamworth Belt, southern New England Orogen. Detailed thermal demagnetisation of 734 samples from 64 sites show three groups of magnetic components with low (<300°C), intermediate (300–600°C) and high (500–680°C) unblocking temperature ranges. Well‐defined primary magnetisations have been determined for 28 sites with evidence of four overprint phases. The overprints arise from a mid‐Tertiary weathering event (or possibly recent viscous origin), and from fluid movements associated with the Late Cretaceous opening of the Tasman Sea, thrusting during the Middle Triassic main phase of the Hunter‐Bowen Orogeny, and latest Carboniferous — Early Permian formation of the Bowen‐Gunnedah‐Sydney Basin system. Rock magnetic tests establish that the primary magnetisation carriers in the volcanic rocks are mainly magnetite (predominantly single domain, or pseudo‐single domain, and little or no multidomain) and hematite. Optimal magnetic cleaning is achieved at high to very high temperatures, with subtle, but systematic, directional and statistical differences between primary components derived from the mainly hematite fraction and pseudo‐components derived from the mainly magnetite fraction. The 28 primary magnetisation results are presented as six mean‐site results, summarised below and representing 25 sites, and three single‐site results. Fold tests could be applied to five mean‐site results. These are all positive, but one of these results may represent a secondary magnetisation. The primary magnetisation results define a Visean to Westphalian pole path. This long pole path indi cates extensive latitudinal and rotational movement for the Rocky Creek Block, and potentially for the New England Orogen, as follows: (i) Yuendoo Rhyolite Member (Caroda Formation, Visean) pole 235.8°E, 27.7°S, ED95 = 9.0°, n = 3; (ii) Peri Rhyolite Member/Boomi Rhyolite Member (Clifden Formation, Namurian, 318.0 ± 3.4 Ma) pole 177.4°E, 63.4°S, ED95 = 5.2°, n = 3; (iii) tuffaceous beds above Boomi Rhyolite Member (Clifden Formation?, Namurian) pole 162.2°E, 59.1°S, ED95 = 10.2°, n = 3; ((iv) upper Clifden Formation/lower Rocky Creek Conglomerate (Namurian/Westphalian) pole 95.3°E, 49.6°S, ED95 = 8.1°, n = 3 (possible overprint)); (v) Rocky Creek Conglomerate (Westphalian) pole 136.5°E, 57.6°S, ED95 = 5.3°, n = 5; (vi) Lark Hill Formation (Westphalian) pole 127.0°E, 50.4°S, ED95 = 4.8°, n = 8.  相似文献   

Alternating field and thermal demagnetization of igneous rocks of the Malvern Hills identifies a number of magnetite-held components which are characterized by a high blocking temperature (M2) component D = 283°, I = 47°, and lower blocking temperature (M3) component D = 269°, I = −43° which is of complex origin or more than one age. Two subordinate components are (M1) D = 7°, I = 56° and (M4) D = 174°, I = 51° in later dolerites. A pervasive hematite-held remanence with a mean D = 186°, I = −5° is linked to Hercynian palaeofield directions and the uplift/folding of the Malvernian axis. The similarity of the magnetization directions in the Stanner–Hanter (702 Ma) and Malvernian (681 Ma) rocks suggests that folding of the Palaeozoic rocks in the Malvern Hills was achieved by upthrust of the basement and involved little folding of the latter. The Old Radnor sediments possess a post-folding remanence D = 117°, I = −13° of probable Cambrian age and a subordinate remanence which may be Hercynian in age. The late Precambrian–Cambrian palaeomagnetic record (ca. 700–500 Ma) of England and Wales is compared with data from the Armorican Massif. Although the apparent polar wander (a.p.w.) paths are widely dissimilar prior to 550 Ma, the two regions had similar latitudes and went through similar palaeolatitudinal movements throughout this interval. The palaeomagnetic data support models involving tectonic rotations but little closure across this part of the Hercynian Belt.  相似文献   

The temperature tolerance and resistance times of postlarval (<25 mm SL) and small juvenile spot,Leiostomus xanthurus, from the Cape Fear Estuary, North Carolina were tested in the laboratory. Critical thermal maximum techniques were used to determine first equilibrium loss (FEL) and critical thermal maximum (CTM) end points and thermal shock methods were used to determine 96-h upper incipient lethal temperatures (LT50). Acclimation temperatures ranged from 10 to 35°C and acclimation salinities were 10, 20 and 30‰. A quadratics model was fit to the CTM and FEL data; r2 values were 0.924 and 0.928 respectively. Acclimation salinity, estimated weight, acclimation salinity by acclimation temperature interaction and acclimation temperature by estimated weight interaction were the significant components of the CTM model. Predicted CTM values ranged from 30°C at 10 °C and 30‰ acclimation to just over 40°C at 30 °C and 30‰ acclimation. Acclimation temperature, acclimation temperature squared, estimated weight and acclimation temperatures by estimated weight interaction were the significant components of the FEL model. Predicted FEL values ranged from around 28°C at 10°C and 10‰ acclimation to about 39°C at 30°C and 30‰ acclimation. The 96-h LT50 values of spot acclimated to 20‰ increased linearly with acclimation temperature to 25°C. From about 25 to 35°C, LT50 values increased very little with acclimation temperature. The ultimate upper incipient lethal temperature of postlarval and small juvenile spot was estimated at 35.2°C. Increased salinity increased resistance time but decreased LT50 estimates. Thermal shock tests were better for predicting the effects of thermal addition than were CTM tests.  相似文献   

During the Mesozoic and Paleogene, the Precambrian rocks in the Pilbara, Western Australia, underwent erosion and deep weathering that produced an undulating landform now represented by the duricrusted and partly eroded Hamersley Surface. A reddened, ferruginous weathering zone occurs immediately beneath this duricrusted surface. Oriented block samples of ferruginised strata of the Neoarchean–early Paleoproterozoic Hamersley Group exposed within approximately 15 m below the duricrust were collected at 20 sites in roadcuts along the Great Northern Highway between Munjina and Newman and exposures along the adjoining Karijini Drive. Stepwise thermal demagnetisation of cored specimens revealed a stable, high-temperature (680°C) component carried by hematite, with a mean direction (n = 55 specimens) of declination D = 182.0°, inclination I = 52.9° (α95 = 3.6°), indicating a pole position at latitude λp = 77.6°S, longitude ?p = 113.2°E (A95 = 4.3°) and a paleolatitude λ = 33.5 +3.6/–3.3°S. Both normal and reversed polarities are present, indicating that the remanent magnetism was acquired over an interval of at least two polarity chrons (say 105–106 years). Chi-square tests on the determined pole position and three different sets of Cenozoic poles, namely those for dated volcanic rocks in eastern Australia supplemented by poles for Australian Cenozoic weathering horizons, and inferred poles from Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean hotspot analyses and North American Cenozoic poles rotated to Australian coordinates, yielded a mean age of ca 24 ± 3 Ma, i.e. late Oligocene to early Miocene, interpreted as the time of formation of hematite in the sampled ferruginous zone. The ferruginous weathering occurred under globally warm conditions and was followed during the early to middle Miocene climatic optimum by the deposition of channel iron deposits, which incorporated detrital hematitic material derived from erosion of the ferruginous weathering zone beneath the Hamersley Surface.  相似文献   


The Hastings Terrane comprises two or three major fragments of the arc‐related Tamworth Belt of the southern New England Orogen, eastern Australia, and is now located in an apparently allochthonous position outboard of the subduction complex. A palaeomagnetic investigation of many rock units has been undertaken to shed light on this anomalous location and orientation of this terrane. Although many of the units have been overprinted, pre‐deformational magnetizations have been isolated in red beds of the Late Carboniferous Kullatine Formation from the northern part of the terrane. After restoring these directions to their palaeohorizontal (pre‐plunging and pre‐folding) orientations they appear to have been rotated 130° clockwise (or 230° anti‐clockwise) when compared with coeval magnetizations from regions to the west of the Hastings Terrane. Although these data are insensitive to translational displacements, a clockwise rotation is incompatible with models previously proposed on geological grounds. While an anti‐clockwise rotation is in the same sense as these models the magnitude appears to be too great by about 100°. Nevertheless, the palaeomagnetically determined rotation brings the palaeoslopes of the Tamworth Belt, facing east, and the Northern Hastings Terrane, facing west before rotation and facing southeast after rotation, into better agreement. A pole position of 14.4°N, 155.6°E (A95 = 6.9°) has been determined for the Kullatine Formation (after plunge and bedding correction but not corrected for the hypothetical rotation). Reversed magnetizations interpreted to have formed during original cooling are present in the Werrikimbe Volcanics. The pole position from the Werrikimbe Volcanics is at 31.6° S, 185.3° E (A95 = 26.6°). These rocks are the volcanic expression of widespread igneous activity during the Late Triassic (~ 226 Ma). While this activity is an obvious potential cause of the magnetic overprinting found in the older units, the magnetic directions from the volcanics and the overprints are not coincident. However, because only a few units could be sampled, the error in the mean direction from the volcanics makes it difficult to make a fair comparison with the directions of overprinted units. The overprint poles determined from normal polarity magnetizations of the Kullatine Formation is at 61.0°S, 155.6°E (A95 = 6.9°) and a basalt from Ellenborough is at 50.7° S, 148.8° E (A95 = 15.4°), and from reversed polarity magnetizations, also from the basalt at Ellenborough is at 49.4° S, 146.2° E (A95 = 20.4°). These are closer to either an Early Permian or a mid‐Cretaceous position, rather than a Late Triassic position, on the Australian apparent polar wandering path. Therefore, despite their mixed polarity, and global observations that the Permian and mid‐Cretaceous geomagnetic fields were of constant polarities, the age of these overprint magnetizations appears to be either Early Permian or mid‐Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic investigations have been carried out on poorly determined radiometric age controls of Bhander sandstones within the vicinity of Bhopal Inlier of the Upper Vindhyan Supergroup. Available ages assigned to the Upper Vindhyan sequence range from Cambrian to the Mesoproterozoic and are derived from a variety of sources and methods. Paleomagnetic data generated from the Bhander Group of Bhopal Inlier yielded a mean declination of 357° and mean inclination of 58° (k=17.69, α95 = 16.38) with a Virtual Geomagnetic Pole (VGP) at 74° N, 69.0° E. This pole position is falling close to the Malani Igneous Suite (MIS) mean palaeomagnetic pole of 67.8° N and 72.5° E (A95=8.8°) by Gregory et al. (2009). The results obtained from this study and previous work on the 1073 Ma Majhgawan kimberlite, as well as detrital zircon geochronology of the Upper Bhander sandstone suggest that the Upper Vindhyan sequence may be older than is commonly thought earlier.  相似文献   

Abramovite, a new mineral species, has been found as fumarole crust on the Kudryavy volcano, Iturup Island, Kuriles, Russia. The mineral is associated with pyrrhotite, pyrite, würtzite, galena, halite, sylvite, and anhydrite. Abramovite occurs as tiny elongated lamellar crystals up to 1 mm long and 0.2 mm wide (average 300 × 50 μ m), which make up chaotic intergrowths in the narrow zone of fumarole crust formed at ~600°C. Most crystals are slightly striated along the elongation. The new mineral is silver gray, with a metallic luster and black streak. Under reflected light, abramovite is white with a yellowish gray hue. It has weak bireflectance; anisotropy is distinct without color effects. The chemical composition (electron microprobe) is as follows, wt %: 20.66 S, 0.98 Se, 0.01 Cu, 0.03 Cd, 11.40 In, 12.11 Sn, 37.11 Pb, 17.30 Bi; the total is 99.60. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 12 atoms is Pb1.92Sn1.09In1.06Bi0.89(S6.90Se0.13)7.03. The simplified formula is Pb2SnInBiS7. The strongest eight lines in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å (I)(hkl)] are 5.90(36)(100), 3.90(100)(111), 3.84(71)(112), 3.166(26)(114), 2.921(33)(115), 2.902(16)(200), 2.329(15)(214), 2.186(18)(125). The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of abramovite are quite similar to those of the homologous cylindrite series minerals. The new mineral is characterized by noncommensurate structure composed of regularly alternated pseudotetragonal and pseudohexagonal sheets. The structure parameters determined from the SAED patterns and X-ray powder diffraction data for pseudotetragonal subcell are: a = 23.4(3), b = 5.77(2), c = 5.83(1) Å, α = 89.1(5) °, β = 89.9(7)°, γ = 91.5(7)°, V = 790(8) Å3; for pseudohexagonal subcell: a = 23.6(3), b = 3.6(1), c = 6.2(1) Å, α = 91(2)°, β = 92(1)°, γ = 90(2)°, V = 532(10) Å3. Abramovite is triclinic, space group P(1). The new mineral is named in honor of Russian mineralogist Dmitry Abramov. The type material of abramovite has been deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

The results of petro- and paleomagnetic studies of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Linxi and Xingfuzhilu formations (Solonker Zone, Inner Mongolia, China) are reported. The direction of an ancient prefold magnetization component is determined (Dec = 157.8°, Inc =–43.5°, K = 10.0, α95 = 5.8°) and the coordinates of the corresponding paleomagnetic pole at ~250 Ma are calculated (Plat = 64.2°, Plong = 350.6°, dp = 4.5°, dm = 7.2°). The obtained and published paleomagnetic, geochronological, and geochemical data permit palinspatic reconstructions, according to which (1) a paleobasin ~500 km wide existed between the Late Permian and beginning of the Early Triassic (250 Ma); and (2) its closure occurred not in the Permian as previously thought, but at the beginning of the Early Triassic.  相似文献   

The petro- and paleomagnetic studies of ultramafic rocks (dunites, clinopyroxenites, kosvites) from the Konder Massif revealed the primary thermal remanance nature of the defined characteristic magnetization components. The calculated coordinates of the paleomagnetic poles are as follows: Plat = −4°, Plong = 178°, dp = 5°, and dm = 8° for the dunites; Plat = −2°, Plong = 181°, dp= 6°, and dm = 10° for the clinopyroxenites; and Plat = 71°, Plong = 206°, dp = 5°, and dm = 6° for the kosvites. Based on paleomagnetic and petromagnetic data, the age is estimated to be the Early Neoproterozoic for the dunites and clinopyroxenites and the Early Cretaceous for the kosvites. The massif as a whole is dated back to the Early Neoproterozoic (1000–950 Ma).  相似文献   

New pole positions for Triassic and Cretaceous times have been obtained from volcanic and sedimentary sequences in Central Iran. These new results confirm the general trend of the Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP) of the Central-East-Iran microplate (CEIM) from the Triassic through the Tertiary as published by Soffel and Förster (1983, 1984). Two new palaeopoles for the Triassic of the CEIM have been obtained; limestones and tuffs from the Nakhlak region yield a mean direction of 094.0°/25.0°, N=12, k=4.1,α 95=24.7°, after bedding correction, corresponding to a palaeopole position of 310.8°E; 3.9°S, and volcanic rocks from the Sirjan regions yield a mean direction of 114.5°/35.1°, N=44, k=45.9,α 95=3.2° after bedding correction and a palaeopole position of 295.8°E; 10.3°N. Combining these with the two previously published results yields a new palaeopole position of 317.5°E; 12.7°N, for the Triassic of the CEIM, thus confirming that large counterclockwise rotations of the CEIM have occurred since the Triassic time. New results have also been obtained from Cretaceous limestones from the Saghand region of the CEIM. The mean direction of 340.7°/26.3°, N=33, k=44.3,α 95=3.8°, and the corresponding palaeopole position of 283.1°E; 64.4°N, is in agreement with previously determined Cretaceous palaeopole positions of the CEIM. Furthermore, results have also been obtained from Triassic dolomite, limestone, sandstone and siltstone from the Natanz region, which is located to the west of the CEIM. A total of 161 specimens from 44 cores taken at five sites gave a mean direction of the five sites at 033.3°/25.1°, N=5, k=69.0,α 95=9.3° and a palaeopole position of 167.2°E; 53.7°N. They pass the positive fold test of McElhinny (1964) on the level of 99% confidence. This pole position is in fairly good agreement with the mean Triassic pole position of the Turan Plate (149°E; 49°N). It indicates that the area of Natanz has not undergone the large counterclockwise rotation relative to the Turan plate since the Triassic, which has been shown for the CEIM. A Triassic palaeogeographic reconstruction of Iran, Arabia (Gondwana) and the Turan Plate (Eurasia) is also presented.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and mineral chemical evidence for prograde metamorphism is rarely preserved in rocks that have reached ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) conditions (>900 °C) because high diffusion and reaction rates erase evidence for earlier assemblages. The UHT, high‐pressure (HP) metasedimentary rocks of the Leverburgh belt of South Harris, Scotland, are unusual in that evidence for the prograde history is preserved, despite having reached temperatures of ~955 °C or more. Two lithologies from the belt are investigated here and quantitatively modelled in the system NaO–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O: a garnet‐kyanite‐K‐feldspar‐quartz gneiss (XMg = 37, A/AFM = 0.41), and an orthopyroxene‐garnet‐kyanite‐K‐feldspar quartzite (XMg = 89 A/AFM = 0.68). The garnet‐kyanite gneiss contains garnet porphyroblasts that grew on the prograde path, and captured inclusion assemblages of biotite, sillimanite, plagioclase and quartz (<790 °C, <9.5 kbar). These porphyroblasts preserve spectacular calcium zonation features with an early growth pattern overgrown by high‐Ca rims formed during high‐P metamorphism in the kyanite stability field. In contrast, Fe‐Mg zonation in the same garnet porphyroblasts reflects retrograde re‐equilibration, as a result of the relatively faster diffusivity of these ions. Peak PT are constrained by the occurrence of coexisting orthopyroxene and aluminosilicate in the quartzite. Orthopyroxene porphyroblasts [y(opx) = 0.17–0.22] contain sillimanite inclusions, indicative of maximum conditions of 955 ± 45 °C at 10.0 ± 1.5 kbar. Subsequently, orthopyroxene, kyanite, K‐feldspar and quartz developed in equilibrated textures, constraining the maximum pressure conditions to 12.5 ± 0.8 kbar at 905 ± 25 °C. P–T–X modelling reveals that the mineral assemblage orthopyroxene‐kyanite‐quartz is compositionally restricted to rocks of XMg > 84, consistent with its very rare occurrence in nature. The preservation of unusual high P–T mineral assemblages and chemical disequilibrium features in these UHT HP rocks is attributed to a rapid tectonometamorphic cycle involving arc subduction and terminating in exhumation.  相似文献   

The apparent polar wander (APW) path from the Tarim block consists of palaeo-magnetic poles ofDevonian (λ=16°N, ψ= 165° E. A_(95)=4°). Late Carboniferous (λ=41° N, ψ=160° E, A_(95)=4°).Permian (λ=61°N, ψ=177° E. A_(95)=9°). Early Triassic (λ=69° N. ψ=183° E. A_(95)=11°) andJurassic/Cretaceous (λ=65° N, ψ=214° E. A_(95)=6°) times. On the basis of this APW path, it is con-cluded that the Tarim block was subducted beneath the Kazakstan plate between Devonian and Permiantimes. The Tarim, North China and South China blocks were sutured between the Early Triassic and EarlyCretaceous. Tarim had moved eastward some 2000 km relative to Siberia since the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Early Palaeozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks from the Saxothuringian Basin (Franconian Forest, northern Bavaria) have been subjected to detailed radiometric and palaeomagnetic studies in order to determine the tectonic environment and geographic setting in which they were deposited. Two hand samples were collected from the as yet undated pyroclastic flow deposits for 207Pb/206Pb age dating. Radiometric results for these samples, obtained by the single-zircon evaporation technique, are identical within error, and the mean age of all measured grains is 478.2ǃ.8 Ma (n=11). This age is considered to be primary and firmly constrains the eruption of the ignimbrites and formation of the subaqueous pyroclastic flows as having occurred in Early Ordovician (Arenig) times. Palaeomagnetic studies were carried out on these Early Ordovician volcanic rocks, and also on the biostratigraphically dated, Late Ordovician (Ashgillian) Döbra sandstones. The volcanic rocks carry up to three directions of magnetisation. The poorly defined, low and intermediate unblocking temperature directions are thought to represent secondary overprint directions of post-Ordovician age. The high temperature component, however, identified at temperatures of up to 580 °C, is of mixed polarity and passes the fold test with 99% confidence. The overall mean direction after bedding correction is 189°/76°, !95=11.6°, k=44.7 (25 samples, five sites), and is considered to be primary and Early Ordovician in origin. It yields a palaeo-south pole at 24°N and 007°E, which translates into palaeolatitudes of 63°+21.7°/-17.3° S for the Saxothuringian Terrane. Samples from the Late Ordovician Döbra sandstone are generally very weakly magnetised. A high temperature D component of magnetisation can be identified in some samples and yields a mean direction of 030°/-58°, !95=18.5°, k=25.7 (15 samples, four sites) after bedding correction. The Arenig palaeomagnetic results indicate high palaeolatitudes, but separation from northern Gondwana. This is in basic agreement with data from elsewhere in the Armorican Terrane Assemblage, all of which suggest high southerly palaeolatitudes in the Early Ordovician. The geochemical signatures of these rocks indicate emplacement in an extensional environment. These new data, therefore, are interpreted as marking the onset of rifting of Saxothuringia from the north African margin of Gondwana, and the start of the relative northward migration of the Saxothuringian Terrane. Although the Late Ordovician palaeomagnetic results presented here are only poorly constrained, they suggest an intermediate palaeolatitude for Saxothuringia in Ashgillian times, in good agreement with Late Ordovician palaeomagnetic data from the Barrandian.  相似文献   

The 1766 ± 5 Ma Deschambault pegmatites are anorogenic intrusions emplaced into the Glennie domain at the end of the Trans-Hudson Orogeny (THO) in north-central Saskatchewan. They are composed mainly of orthoclase and quartz with minor biotite, muscovite, tourmaline and beryl. A coherent primary characteristic remanence is retained in all 18 sites (170 specimens) that resides in magnetite, hematite and minor pyrrhotite, giving a direction of Dec. = 28.3°, Inc. = 82.1°, α95 = 4.0°, and k = 77.5 based on alternating field and thermal step demagnetization and saturation remanence analyses. The pegmatites' pole position, along with recently published ∼1810 ± 10 Ma and ∼1795 ± 15 Ma poles for the THO, define a stillstand and hairpin in the apparent polar wander path for the THO that marks continent-continent collision of the Archean Superior, Sask and Hearne (?) cratons.  相似文献   


This study aims at unravel the geotectonic evolution of northern Greece prior to the already established Tertiary clockwise rotation. Therefore, Mesozoie sediments, Early Mesozoie ophiolites and Carboniferous granites were sampled. While the metamorphosed and/or too weakly magnetized limestones had to be rejected, the gabbros and serpentinites of the 80 km long Chalkidiki belt (40.4°N, 23.3”E), and the granites of the northern Pelagonian zone (40.8°N, 21.2°E) have yielded similar results interpretable in terms of geoleetonies. In both areas the demagnetizing process has revealed a poh phased magnetic evolution.

The oldest magnetizations, labelled M (D=311°, I=20°, a95, = 15°; VGP: 37°N, 272.5°, for the ophiolites; D=320.5°, I = 26°, a95 =11°; VGP : 46°N, 264.5”E, for the granites) are interpreted as overprints acquired in Late Jurassic-Cretaceous times. The younger magnetizations, called C2 (D = 66°, I = 28°, a95 = 9°; VGP : 28°N, 117°E, in the ophiolites ; D=64°, I = 2° a95, = 11°; VCP : 20°N, I28°E, in the granites) are Tertiary overprints. Northeasterly C’ directions with negative inclinations (and conversely) are considered as overprints empiaceli prior to the Ca magnetizations ; they are interpreted as due to a barkthrusting of the ophiolilic belt of Chalkidiki and of the N. Pelagonian granitic belt, during the Early - Middle Tertiary convergence phase. The large deviation from the M to the C2 directions, also observed by other authors in Mesozoic volcanics and sediments, results from a counterclockwise rotation of the Hellenides, probably in the Late Cretaceous as it is the case for the counterclockwise rotations of the western Mediterranean microplates. The deviation from the C2 to the present field direction is due to a clockwise rotation of all Hellenic zones, probably in several phases.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1999,93(2-3):201-213
New palaeomagnetic results are presented from the recently dated Palaeoproterozoic ultramafic Konchozero sill, and associated basalts (three sites, 38 oriented samples). Three stable components of remanence have been isolated during thermal and alternating field demagnetisation. The component I, with a mean direction of D=103°, I=40°, k=18, α95=11° (N=11 samples), pole position of 14°S, 282°E, has been obtained from the unaltered deeper part of the sill and from baked schists. The study of the baked contact confirms the conclusion that component I is supposed to be primary and corresponds to the Sm–Nd age of the sill of 1974±27 Ma. The palaeopole of component I is not consistent with the accepted Fennoscandian apparent polar wander path (APWP) for the period 2120–1880 Ma, and for that part the Fennoscandian APWP should be revised. Two other components (component II: D=349°, I=39°, k=35, α95=6°, N=19 samples, pole position 49°N, 231°E; and component III: D=17°, I=41°, k=44, α95=5°, N=19 samples, pole position 50°N, 190°E) fit the APWP well, with palaeomagnetically estimated ages of ca. 1860 and 1760 Ma respectively.  相似文献   

This study has investigated magnetic remanence, rock magnetism and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in granulite and amphibolite grade metamorphic terranes of the Huabei Shield between Inner Mongolia in the west and the Bohai Sea in the east. Rock magnetic studies identify annealed metamorphic magnetite grains with multidomain properties as the remanence carriers; a widely recorded stable remanence was probably fixed by grain shape effects. Granulite facies terranes are typically between one and two orders more strongly magnetised than amphibolite terranes and AMS fabrics correlate mostly with metamorphic mineral fabrics observed in the country rocks. Progressive thermal demagnetisation identifies a range of two and three component structures resident in magnetite. An important component recognised as a partial or complete remagnetisation by Late Mesozoic–Tertiary tectonic/magmatic activity is present in basement at the southern margin of the outcrop (Miyun terrane) and where extensive granite plutonism has occurred (Zhunhua terrane). These components have directions corresponding to remanence in the Yunmeng Shan Granite (119–114 Ma, D/I=33/58°, 39 samples, a95=3.5°, palaeopole at 201°E, 64°N). Most remanence elsewhere was probably acquired during post-tectonic uplift and cooling of the basement between ∼2200 and 1850 Ma because palaeomagnetic directions are removed from the Phanerozoic palaeofield path and they are distinct from the palaeomagnetic record in the overlying Jixian Supergroup deposited at ∼1840–900 Ma. These latter magnetisations are considered reliable indicators of the palaeofield during Late Palaeoproterozoic times because deformation of overlying supracrustal rocks is mostly slight and no prominent deflection of magnetic remanence by magnetic fabrics is observed. Palaeofield directions and poles attributed to the time of uplift-related cooling are: Qian’an Terrane (D/I=215/71°, a95=9°, 17 samples, pole at 99°E, 10°N) and North Qianxi Terrane (D/I=44/−45°, a95=4°, 41 samples, pole at 79°E, 11°S). In addition, a more widely-preserved shallow northerly component correlates with a NW→E swathe of components recorded by uplift-related cooling within the Datong–Huan’an granulite terrane in the west of the shield. A preliminary Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic apparent polar wander path for the Huabei Shield is defined from the Palaeoproterozoic record in the metamorphic basement rocks and the Meso-Neoproterozoic record in the overlying Jixian Supergroup. It incorporates a loop between ∼2200 and 1850 Ma and exhibits a general east to west trend in subsequent times.  相似文献   

We report a new paleomagnetic determination of Paleoproterozoic rocks from the Siberian craton which showed a positive baked contact test and a stable age of the high-temperature NRM component. The mean paleomagnetic pole of Siberia for ~1730 Ma located at 42.9° S, 109.6° E (α95 = 5.3°) is compatible with the pole positions obtained recently for the middle and late Early Proterozoic.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and garnet megacrysts show consistent increase of Na and Ti, and decrease of Cr, with increasing Fe/Mg. Three groups of clinopyroxenes occur with increasing Fe/Mg: subcalcic diopside, lamellar intergrowth with ilmenite, and augite. Chemical relationships indicate simultaneous crystallization of garnet, orthopyroxene and sub-calcic diopside megacrysts, and pyroxene thermometry-barometry indicates a trend from 29 kb?1,230 ° C to 25 kb?1,080 ° C as crystallization proceeded to higher Fe/Mg. Ilmenite-pyroxene thermometry suggests a mean of 965 ° C for crystallization of the intergrowths, but calibration depends on crystal-chemical assumptions. Lherzolite assemblages fall into three groups: two garnet-bearing types which equilibrated at 31 kb?1,150 ° C and 22 kb?900 ° C, and a type bearing Al-rich spinel which probably crystallized below 20 kb. The minerals from the lherzolites have lower Fe/Mg than the megacrysts. The simplest model involves: (i) metamorphic equilibration of lherzolitic rocks to the local geotherm, (ii) local melting of lherzolite at P > 30 kb, (iii) sequential crystallization of megacrysts as the magma rose intermittently, (iv) generation of alnöitic magma at P > 32 kb, and (v) eruption to surface with transport of megacrysts and lherzolitic xenoliths. Garnet, olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene in these Malaita xenoliths have lower Na, Ti, and P relative to their equivalents from southern African kimberlites. Only clinopyroxene contains K (up to 270 ppmw), and no Na was found in olivine.  相似文献   

To estimate the behavior of Au, Pd, REE, and Y in magmatic and postmagmatic processes, a series of experimental studies on the solubility of noble metals and REE in magma, magmatic fluid, and hydrothermal solutions has been performed in wide temperature and pressure ranges (300–400°C, 860–1350°C; 1–14 kbar). The coefficients of Au and Pd partitioning (D F/L) between fluid and tholeiitic melt have been determined. Depending on P, T, and the composition of the system, they vary from 1 to 11 for Au and 0.02 to 1 for Pd. The phase solubility technique was used to determine Au and Pd solubility in hydrothermal fluid. The effects of temperature, composition, and fluid acidity on Au and Pd solubility have been estimated. The high solubility of these metals in aqueous chloride solutions has been established for both Au (28–803 mg/kg at T = 300°C, 305–1123 mg/kg at T = 350°C, and 330–1400 mg/kg at T = 400°C) and Pd (40–126 mg/kg at T = 300°C, 62–152 mg/kg at T = 350°C, and 20–210 mg/kg at T = 400°C). The coefficients of REE and Y partitioning (D F/L) between fluid and tholeiitic or alkaline melts have been determined. They vary from 0.00n to 2 depending on P, T, and fluid composition. The experimental data on Au and Pd solubility in solutions and magmatic fluids and the wide variation of REE D F/L between fluid and melt show that magmatic and hydrothermal fluids are efficient agents of Au, Pd, and REE transfer and fractionation. The obtained experimental data were used for elucidating sources of fluids and their role in the genesis of Au-Pd-REE occurrences in the Subpolar Urals.  相似文献   

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