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历史记录与堆积区证据显示,四川泸定磨西河泥石流历史上堵断大渡河事件易发、频发,为泥石流堵河的典型案例。为了深入剖析磨西河泥石流相关物理参数对其入汇主河运动过程的影响,本文采用1∶500几何相似模型进行了物理模拟试验,结果表明:1)泥石流密度、流量比对泥石流堵河影响程度大,其均与泥石流堵河程度显著正相关,密度、流量比越大,堵河程度越严重,且存在发生堵河事件的临界点;2)流速比对堵塞影响程度小;3)磨西河堵断大渡河的早期识别指标为,当磨西河泥石流流量大于2 000 m3/s,泥石流物质组成为漂卵石混中粗砂、少含水时,磨西河泥石流易发生堵断大渡河的危害。磨西河泥石流堵断大渡河事件具有很强的偶然性与不确定性,本文仅选取磨西河与大渡河交汇区开展物理模拟试验,通过试验获取影响堵河发生的单因子临界值进行堵河早期识别,可能存在一定误差,但不失为堵河判别方法的创新,具有一定的实践意义,也为相关泥石流入汇主河早期识别理论与试验研究提供了技术方法。  相似文献   

中频泥石流具有较大危险性和暴发周期较长的特点,人类活动会诱发其发生并加剧其成灾严重程度,当沟道不能满足泄流输水能力时将发生堵溃,危及两岸甚至是主河河道安全。由于目前中频泥石流危险性分析的缺乏,因此以云南省哈达沟中频泥石流为例,探讨其特征和再次发生泥石流及导致沟道堵溃的危险性,并提出防治建议。结果显示:泥石流重度1.62 t/m3,泥石流沟口流速4.794 m/s,基于暴发频率10%情况下的沟口峰值流量为54.43 m3/s以及一次冲出总量为11 072.03 m3;在下游沟道处修建有涵洞,其过流量为16.5 m3/s,小于20 a一遇泥石流流量,一旦发生大型泥石流,则有堵溃危险。研究发现哈达沟中频泥石流危险度为高度危险,堵溃历史判断其再次发生沟道堵溃并有泥石流堵塞腊普河的可能性。  相似文献   

2011年6月17日,勒帕沟发生近50年来最大的一次泥石流,经计算泥石流断面平均流速为2.03 m/s,峰值流量为200.11 m3/s,为大型泥石流,对帕勒村村民生命财产造成了巨大危害。勒帕沟上游岸坡前缘不稳定斜坡体及勒帕沟沟道内松散堆积的卵砾石为勒帕沟泥石流的主要物源。上游支沟中碎屑物块度较小,易被水流冲走,不会形成堰塞湖和溃决型泥石流。勒帕沟流域现今仍有再次暴发泥石流的可能,建议于流域中上游进行人工植树造林,在下游清理河道,进行监测预警,以实现泥石流综合防治。   相似文献   

阿坝州壤塘县宗科乡石吾陇沟于2014年历经20年一遇强降雨,暴发了较大规模泥石流,泥石流峰值流量35.38m^3/s,冲出约6000m^3固体物堆积于沟口,造成沟口宗科河堵塞约三分之二。本文在对石吾陇沟的发育特征进行分析和对运动特征参数进行计算的基础上,对吾陇沟在不同频率泥石流规模下的堵河特征进行研究。首先利用已有经验公式对石吾陇沟在不同频率下堵河程度进行判断,其次结合流体动力学软件CFX对石吾陇沟堵河情况进行模拟分析。经验公式和数值模拟结果均表明,20年一遇泥石流会造成主河严重堵塞,与2014年实际情况基本一致;50年一遇泥石流会造成主河堵断。此研究结果可为石吾陇沟泥石流治理提供依据。  相似文献   

阿坝州壤塘县宗科乡石吾陇沟于2014年历经20年一遇强降雨,暴发了较大规模泥石流,泥石流峰值流量35. 38 m~3/s,冲出约6 000 m~3固体物堆积于沟口,造成沟口宗科河堵塞约三分之二。本文在对石吾陇沟的发育特征进行分析和对运动特征参数进行计算的基础上,对吾陇沟在不同频率泥石流规模下的堵河特征进行研究。首先利用已有经验公式对石吾陇沟在不同频率下堵河程度进行判断,其次结合流体动力学软件CFX对石吾陇沟堵河情况进行模拟分析。经验公式和数值模拟结果均表明,20年一遇泥石流会造成主河严重堵塞,与2014年实际情况基本一致; 50年一遇泥石流会造成主河堵断。此研究结果可为石吾陇沟泥石流治理提供依据。  相似文献   

扎台沟为一老泥石流沟,历史上曾多次发生过泥石流。通过野外考察、实验分析和理论计算,扎台沟流域面积4.86km2,主沟长4.53km,主沟平均纵比降420‰。共发育5条主要支沟,流域切割密度2.19km/km2,源头海拔3100m,沟口海拔1197m,主沟相对高差1903m,与西溪河以62°交角汇入。扎台沟为中高频率-中大规模粘性泥石流沟,目前已辩明,近1000a内至少发生过3次大规模泥石流,泥石流重度2.0t/m3,沟道堵塞系数1.5。扎台沟50a一遇和100a一遇泥石流流量分别为155.77m3/s和178.19m3/s;50a一遇和100a一遇泥石流固体物质冲出量分别为16.39×104m3及18.14×104m3,是一条中度危险的泥石流沟,对下游水电站其中一处拟选坝址有一定影响。如无法避开扎台沟泥石流对拟选坝址的影响,可考虑对该泥石流沟采取选择性整治工程措施。  相似文献   

金沙江美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流对工程影响分析   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
金沙江美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流沟分布面积广、发生频率高;调查表明库区现有不同类型泥石流沟31条,其中属于高度危险的泥石流沟4条,中度危险的泥石流沟15条;这些泥石流不会造成严重的堵河问题。在施工期泥石流对水电站工程的影响突出,特别是靠近库首的泥石流对工程的安全构成威胁。水库蓄水后,库区泥石流对水电站工程影响有所降低,但位于大坝下游区的泥石流对水电站正常运行仍有较大的影响。  相似文献   

2021年7月5日,凉山州木里县项脚沟暴发特大型泥石流灾害。文章通过野外调查和特征参数计算,研究了本次泥石流的形成条件、暴发过程和暴发特征。根据实地考察判断,泥石流主要在森林火灾、短时强降雨和沟道地形条件等因素共同作用下暴发,为暴雨径流冲刷引发的火后泥石流。暴雨形成的洪水冲刷坡面、侵蚀沟道,导致沟道两岸坍塌滑坡,堵溃效应明显,泥石流规模扩大。项脚沟过火面积达74.61%,高烈度火烧区面积达57.98%,泥石流临界降雨强度为77.84 mm/h,累计降雨达141.60 mm。根据泥石流特征参数计算结果,此次泥石流密度范围为1.83~1.93 g/cm3,属黏性泥石流,主沟下游出口流速为7.22 m/s,峰值流量759.08 m3/s。结合雨洪法和形态调查法结果分析,此次泥石流重现周期为百年一遇。结合泥石流发育趋势,文章认为流域仍有可能暴发大型泥石流,提出了上游固坡、中游调控、下游排导的防治建议。  相似文献   

巫溪白鹿溪泥石流沟的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白鹿溪位于大巴山腹地、大宁河与堵河分水岭西侧,气候环境属秦巴山区暴雨中心东南边缘,流域内固体碎屑物质充分、储量巨大,历史上曾多次爆发泥石流。调查发现,白鹿溪泥石流沟由多条支沟组成,其中杨家湾是规模、危险性和破坏性最大的支沟。支沟是高频小规模泥石流沟,但是在一定条件下也可能爆发相当规模的大型泥石流。主沟是低频大规模泥石流沟,主沟大规模泥石流的爆发是支沟大规模泥石流诱发的;白鹿一带的泥石流堆积体是历次泥石流爆发形成的复合堆积体。区内人类工程经济活动日趋强烈,白鹿溪存在再次爆发泥石流的环境地质条件,可直接威胁到白鹿镇及下游大宁河沿岸居民的生命财产安全,应当引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

怒江云南段高山峡谷区泥石流堵河危险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨顺  佘涛  张勇  刘建康 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1025-67z1027
正怒江流域云南段山高谷深,地质条件复杂,泥石流多发频发,常形成堵河事件,严重威胁区内人民生命财产安全。针对怒江云南段泥石流堵河现象,通过理论分析、数值模拟及野外验证,探讨怒江泥石流堵河类型及泥石流堵河危险性评价。怒江云南段泥石流堵河以部分堵塞类型为主,泥石流主沟两侧为高危险区,建议重点防护或安全避让。  相似文献   

栗子坪水电站南桠村沟泥石流运动特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南桠村沟位于南桠河栗子坪水电站首部枢纽区左岸,是水电站工程区内规模较大的一条泥石流冲沟,历史上曾经发生过较大规模的泥石流。水电站调节池位于南桠村沟的出口台地上,沟内第四纪松散堆积物及人工堆积物丰富,在暴雨,地震等自然因素的触发下,时有较大规模的泥石流发生的可能,对调节池的运行安全带来不利影响。笔者根据国内外有关研究成果,结合南桠村沟泥石流的具体特征,分析研究了南桠村沟泥石流的运动特征,包括泥石流的流速、流量、和冲击力,这一研究对评价南桠村沟泥石流对栗子坪水电站调节池的影响具有现实意义。  相似文献   

On 4 July 2013, three catastrophic debris flows occurred in the Hougou, Majingzi, and Xiongjia gullies in Shimian county and produced debris dams and river blockages, resulting in serious casualties and huge economic loss. Though debris flows have been identified prior to the catastrophic events, their magnitudes and destructive power were far beyond early recognition and hazard assessment. Our primary objective for this study was to explore the formation mechanism and typical characteristics and to summarize the lessons learned from these disastrous events in order to avoid the repeat of such disasters in the future. Based on field investigation and imagery interpretation of remote sensing carried out following the catastrophic events, four conclusions were drawn: (1) The catastrophic debris flows were initiated from surface-water runoff, and the triggering factor was attributed to the local intensive rainfall with an hourly intensity of more than 46.7 mm. (2) Entrainment was the most important sediment-supplying method for the debris flow occurrence, and the source materials transported by debris flows from the three gullies were estimated to be about 97?×?104 m3 in volume altogether. (3) As surface-water runoff eroded and entrained hillslope and channel materials persistently, debris flows were characterized by intensive incision at upper or middle reaches and significant magnification effect in flow discharge and volume downstream. Corresponding peak discharge surveyed at the outlets of the Hougou, Majingzi, and Xiongjia gullies was estimated up to 751.0 m3/s, 870.1 m3/s, and 758.7 m3/s, respectively. (4) Debris flows that occurred from the three gullies all belonged to viscous ones and the bulk densities were calculated more than 1.80 g/cm3, indicating a huge carrying capacity and destructive impacting power. In addition, the lessons learned from the catastrophic events were summarized, including recognition and assessment on debris flow hazard and utilization of deposition fan. In this paper, prevention suggestions on debris flow prone valleys with high-vegetation coverage and low occurrence frequency were also put forward. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding on the initiation mechanism, dynamic characteristics, and disaster mitigation of debris flows initiated from intense rainfall and surface-water runoff in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

The erosion and deposition of debris flows at Jiangjia Gully in Dongchuan section of Yunnan province, southwestern China, was surveyed at 12 cross sections from 1999 to 2003. Deposition occurred in most sections because of the low debris-flow magnitude. The result was an increase in their elevations except for two sections at D17 and D19, where the channel was diverted in September 1999. As the annual sediment discharge of debris flow increased, the deposited volume decreased in the upper channel and increased in the lower channel. In each debris flow event, the erosion or deposition at the upper and the lower channel were different, but the eroded/deposited volume and the trend of erosion or deposition were similar between the neighboring sections. The average elevation change of all cross sections between consecutive surveys can reasonably represent the debris flow influence on the channel. Its relationship with the total sediment discharge between two surveys follows a three-stage pattern: when debris flow magnitude is small, deposition in the channel increases with the magnitude. When the magnitude reaches a certain level, the deposition begins to decrease and eventually erosion takes place. In three typical cross sections which had similar channel width, the debris flow showed a clear trend that the deposited volume decreased, while the eroded volume increased as the discharge of debris flow sediments increased.  相似文献   

Bin Yu 《Natural Hazards》2011,58(1):391-406
The accurate prediction of debris flows occurrence that will allow the reduction or prevention of economic losses and human casualties is presently the most difficult aspect of debris flows studies but also the aspect that receives most attention. Most prediction methods are based on rainfall as the basic parameter, with the moment of occurrence as only result, and without a prediction of debris flow travel time and size. This paper takes Jiangjia Gully in Dongchuan of Yunnan Province as an example, and considers, on the basis of the fulfillment of the essential condition: the abundant availability of loose materials, the conditions for the formation of debris flows. Based on the mechanism of the initiation of debris flows in channels and the volume of rainfall in the basin, this paper also gives a systematic analysis on the travel time and size of the debris flow and suggests that the hydrological condition for forming debris flow is the unit discharge of the flood ≥0.35 m3/s.m. It uses the 10-min rainfall intensity to calculate both the run-off of the rainfall and the unit discharge caused by the run-off, thus predicting the occurrence of debris flows. The velocity and the travel time of a debris flow can also be determined using the unit discharge of the run-off. The total volume of debris flows can be calculated using the 10-min intensity of rainfall and the total volume of the run-off, together with the volume concentration of the sediment in a debris flow.  相似文献   

2010年8月13日四川都江堰市龙池地区暴发了特大规模的群发性暴雨型泥石流过程,给龙池地区的震后恢复重建带来了巨大的灾难,因此,研究该区泥石流发生机理和预警十分必要。本文在总结前人关于泥石流暴发与降雨条件研究成果基础上,发现泥石流物源含水量及地表径流流深等是导致流域内松散物源启动的主要原因。根据其前期降雨量和有效降雨强度等特征,建立了泥石流流域物源土体颗粒个别启动、局部启动和大量启动的判别式,建立了适合该区域暴雨泥石流预警模型,将可能诱发泥石流暴发的不同降雨条件划分为蓝、黄和红色3个危险等级,为该区泥石流监测预警提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Viorel Ilinca 《Landslides》2014,11(3):505-512
This paper focuses on characteristics of debris flows from the lower part of the Lotru River basin (South Carpathians, Romania). The damage produced by these debris flows has included burial of agricultural land, roads covered by debris flows, and even the obstruction of the Lotru River. Simple statistical analysis has been used to emphasize the characteristics of the debris flow sites. The collected data show that heavy rainfall is the main triggering mechanism of debris flow events in the Lotru hydrographic basin. The daily rainfall data for this region show that important debris flow events generally occur when rainfall exceeds 40 mm in 24 h, while rainfall levels between 25 and 40 mm in 24 h result in hyperconcentrated flows. For 11 of 14 studied debris flow sites, the fan area is greater than the source area, probably due to the thickness of the regolith, which is up to 5–10 m deep. Both source area and deposition area are very dynamic. The retreat rate calculated for five debris flow sites ranges from 5 to 30 m in 30 years (from 1975 to 2005). Channel cross section measurements on one of the debris flows show that velocity values vary from 1.31 to 2.64 m/s; corresponding discharge values vary from 4 to 10.03 m3/s.  相似文献   

Riedel  Jon L.  Sarrantonio  Sharon M. 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2519-2544

We examine the magnitude, frequency, and precipitation threshold of the extreme flood hazard on 37 low-order streams in the lower Stehekin River Valley on the arid eastern slope of the North Cascades. Key morphometric variables identify the magnitude of the hazard by differentiating debris flood from debris flow systems. Thirty-two debris flow systems are fed by basins?<?6 km2 and deposited debris cones with slopes?>?10°. Five debris flood systems have larger drainage areas and debris fans with slopes 7–10°. The debris flood systems have Melton ruggedness ratios from 0.42–0.64 compared to 0.78–3.80 for debris flow basins. We record stratigraphy at seven sites where soil surfaces buried by successive debris flows limit the age of events spanning 6000 years. Eighteen radiocarbon ages from the soils are the basis for estimates of a 200 to1500-year range in recurrence interval for larger debris flows and a 450?±?50-year average. Smaller events occur approximately every 100 years. Fifteen debris flows occurred in nine drainage systems in the last 15 years, including multiple flows on three streams. Summer storms in 2010 and 2013 with peak rainfall intensities of 7–9 mm/h sustained for 8–11 h triggered all but one flow; the fall 2015 event on Canyon Creek occurred after 170 mm of rain in 78 h. A direct link between fires and debris flows is unclear because several recent debris flows occurred in basins that did not burn or burned at low intensity, and basins that burned at high intensity did not carry debris flows. All but one of the recent flows and fires occurred on the valley’s southwest-facing wall. We conclude that fires and debris flows are linked by aspect at the landscape scale, where the sunny valley wall has flashy runoff due to sparse vegetation from frequent fires.


About 127 debris flow gullies have been identified, and debris flows have been an important type of geological hazards in Luding County, affecting cities, towns, rural areas, scenic spots and human’s engineering projects, such as mining and waterpower utilizing equipments. In this summary paper, recent two catastrophic debris flow events occurred on June 30, 2005, in Chuni town, in the central of the county, and on August 11, 2005, in Hailuogou scenic spot, in the southwest of the county, respectively, are reviewed. The debris flow events are introduced on the basis of field investigation and RS interpretation and the triggering factors for flow occurrence are identified. Furthermore, the rainfall related to flow occurrence including antecedent rainfall and intraday rainfall is analyzed, and a power-law function which can be used as a basic warning line is established based on both antecedent effective rainfall and intraday rainfall. Then dynamic parameters such as flow velocity and flow discharge are calculated, respectively. Through comparison and discussion, some conclusions are made including (1) The antecedent rainfall played an important role for debris flows which generated predominately based on the slope-instability due to the saturated loose sediments; (2) Despite slower flow velocity and smaller magnitude, the slope-type debris flows just like 2005-6-30 debris flows usually lead to serious damages for the difficulty to forecast and to prevent; (3) The mistaken recognition on debris flow hazards and lack of prevention consciousness strengthen the hazard and damage degree. This research is of certain significance for the prevention and mitigation of debris flow hazards and for the planning of the town building and tourism development in the future.  相似文献   

四川省都江堰市龙池地区泥石流危险性评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震灾区震后泥石流灾害较震前活跃,对灾区泥石流危险性进行评价是灾后重建过程中合理防灾减灾的基础工作。通过研究泥石流灾害事件中的泥石流规模、泥石流沟堆积扇面积及相应的灾害损失等基础资料,提出以泥石流在泥石流沟堆积扇上的平均堆积厚度替代泥石流规模作为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法。用该方法对汶川震区都江堰市龙池镇龙溪河流域2010年"8.13"泥石流事件中的29条沟谷型泥石流进行危险性评价,评价结果中9条为高度危险,12条为中度危险,8条为低度危险。用以泥石流规模为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法进行对比评价,2种评价方法中有65.5%的泥石流的危险性评价结果一致。以泥石流沟堆积扇平均堆积厚度为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法更能突出规模对泥石流综合危险度的贡献,能更好地反映小泥石流流域和小泥石流堆积扇的泥石流在中小规模的泥石流总量下的危险程度。  相似文献   

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