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为了推动中国加入WTO之后农业生产的国际化进程,将我国首创的两系法杂交水稻生产技术推向世界。以泰国曼谷、清迈地区1980-1997年逐日4个时次气温观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料为基础,结合两地区理论日长的计算结果和培矮64S的育性转换指标集及发育期模型,对我国目前应用最广泛的光、温敏核雄性不育系培矮64S在泰国产稻区代表地曼谷和清迈的育性气候适应性进行了分析。给出了90%、95%、100%保证率下安全制种和繁殖的最早、最晚播种期;计算了相应的风险概率,为两系杂交稻在泰国的推广应用提供可靠的农业气候依据。  相似文献   

13个水稻新不育系育性指标生态特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1997~1998年度参试的13个新不育系为材料,依据在三亚市、武汉市和贵阳市三个地理生态区,进行分期播种试验所获得的套袋自交结实率和温度、日照长度资料,采用光温因子分极和育性量化模型等两种分析方法进行育性指标的生态特性研究,并初步分析了它们的生产实用价值。  相似文献   

水稻两用核雄性不育系的育性模型与鉴定方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
依据水稻光敏不育系育性的实验结果,提出衡量不育系育性变化规律的特征值及其量化模型。并用7个不育系的多点多年育性资料验证该模型的合理性,介绍了鉴定不育特征值的方法和程序。  相似文献   

1991年在武昌采用人工光周期处理和自然条件下分期播插等方法,对863-101-01专题提供的11个不育系育性转换的光温反应类型进行了鉴定,初步探明了影响这些不育系育性转换的光温因子和临界光温指标。结果表明,大多数不育系的育性转换均受到光周期与温度的共同作用,纯粹的光敏型或温敏型不育材料是不存在的,从而为选育生态适应性较广的光敏核不育系提供了农业气象依据。  相似文献   

水稻光敏核不育系的育性气象模型及其机理   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
光敏核不育水稻的育性转换主要是抽穗前5 ̄20天的光温条件综合影响的结果。其数量关系可由结实率量化模型表达。温敏型不育系的育性由温度主控;光敏型不育系的育性在日长大于最适日长时由日长主控,日长短于最适日长时由温度主控。温光对育性的影响存在互补效应,在最适温度以下,不育临界日长随温度升高延长;在最适温度以上,不育临界日长随温度升高缩短。温光当量可作为比较温度和日长对育性影响大小的具体量值。根据结实率量  相似文献   

两系杂交稻制种的气候适应性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究两系杂交稻的首要不育系———培矮64S制种的气候适应性, 一方面可为两系杂交稻的生产提供决策参考, 另一方面也可为其它不育系的研究提供借鉴。分析气候适应性时, 首先利用播种—抽穗天数及其对应的气象资料, 建立发育期模型; 然后利用自交结实率资料及其对应的气象资料建立育性量化模型, 并求出育性转换的光温指标; 最后将我国稻区35个站点42年 (1951~1992年) 的气象资料代入发育期模型, 求出各站点的可能出穗持续期 (最早出穗期—最晚出穗期的历期), 对比育性转换的光温指标, 确定培矮64S在80%、90%和95%保证率下连续不育 (可育) 的初、终日, 将连续不育期作为生产杂交稻种子的季节, 将连续可育期作为繁殖培矮64S的季节。结果显示:培矮64S仅能在海南岛及云贵高原中低海拔地区自交繁殖; 而在东北、云贵高原以外的稻区, 培矮64S均可用于生产两系杂交稻的种子, 各稻区制种季节的长短、起止日期与种植地的纬度、海拔高度相关。  相似文献   

根据光(温)敏雄性核不育系水稻的育性模型导出的育性转换临界温度和临界日长指标,用15个代表站1951-1988年逐日平均气温和理论日长分析了7001sN5088s和安农s-1三不育系的育性转换日期及不育期和发育期长度的气候学特征,为二系法杂交水稻的育性转换提供一种实用分析方法,并为生产提供依据。  相似文献   

新育成不育系的育性类型及其稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据三亚,武昌,贵阳等三生态试验点对10个新育成不育系的联合生态试验资料,采用图形判别分析和方差分析两种方法鉴定各供试不育系的育性类型,在此基础上进一步对不同类型的不育系作不育稳定性分析,这些分析结果是评价新育成不育系实用价值和适用区域的重要依据。  相似文献   

RegCM4.3, a high-resolution regional climate model, which includes five kinds of aerosols(dust, sea salt,sulfate, black carbon and organic carbon), is employed to simulate the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) from 1995 to 2010 and the simulation data are used to study the possible impact of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on EASM.The results show that the regional climate model can well simulate the EASM and the spatial and temporal distribution of aerosols. The EASM index is reduced by about 5% by the natural and anthropogenic aerosols and the monsoon onset time is also delayed by about a pentad except for Southeast China. The aerosols heat the middle atmosphere through absorbing solar radiation and the air column expands in Southeast China and its offshore areas. As a result, the geopotential height decreases and a cyclonic circulation anomaly is generated in the lower atmosphere. Northerly wind located in the west of cyclonic circulation weakens the low-level southerly wind in the EASM region. Negative surface radiative forcing due to aerosols causes downward motion and an indirect meridional circulation is formed with the low-level northerly wind and high-level southerly wind anomaly in the north of 25° N in the monsoon area, which weakens the vertical circulation of EASM. The summer precipitation of the monsoon region is significantly reduced,especially in North and Southwest China where the value of moisture flux divergence increases.  相似文献   

The results by statistical analysis of black body Temperature (TBB) pentad mean from the Japanese GMS in the period of May to August, 1980-2002, show that the summer monsoon index (SMI) is defined to be the pentad mean TBB≤273 K. Its intensity includes three levels: TBB>268 K for weak monsoon, 268 K≥TBB>263 K for normal monsoon and TBB≤263K for strong monsoon over the South China sea and East Asia. In the meantime, a diagnostic method using TBB pentad anomaly is also introduced to help identify monsoon intensity. The SMI is used to run statistical analyses of the initial onset of the monsoon and its pentad variations with the year and month. A fairly close relationship is found between pentad monsoon activity and heavy rainfall periods in the two typical flood years of 1994 and 1998, which resulted from heavy rainfall over the Yangtze River basin and south China.  相似文献   

基于卫星观测的南海和东亚夏季风指数初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用1980-2002年5-8月GMSTBB候平均资料,经过统计分析得到:南海和东亚候夏季风活动指数定义为候平均TBB≤273K;其强度分为3级,即弱季风为268K〈TBB≤273K,一般季风为263K〈TBB≤268K,强季风为TBB≤263K。与此同时,还给出了运用TBB候距平帮助判识季风强度的分析方法。运用该季风指数,统计分析了上述各年季风初始爆发日期和各年各月季风活动情况。另外,还对比分析了1998年长江中下游地区暴雨和1994年华南暴雨2个典型暴雨灾害年季风活动,展示了候季风活动与暴雨期间各暴雨过程之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

在“季节转换期间副热带高压带形态变异及其机制的研究Ⅰ :副热带高压结构气候学特征研究”的基础上 ,进一步讨论亚洲夏季风爆发与当地对流层中上层东西向暖脊的经向位置变化关系。亚洲夏季风相继在孟加拉湾、南海和南亚爆发期间 ,除了对流层高、低空风场及深对流活动在季风爆发前后具有反相的变化以外 ,副热带高压脊面附近大气经向温度梯度亦具有明显的反相特征。对流层中上层 (2 0 0~ 5 0 0hPa)脊面附近建立的北暖南冷的温度结构 ,能够反映亚洲各季风区夏季风爆发共同的本质特征 ,根据季节转换的热力学基础 ,指出对流层中上层经向温度梯度作为度量季风爆发的指标是合理可行的。文中提出了以副热带高压脊面附近对流层中上层大气经向温度梯度作为表征季节转换的指数 ,给出了确定季节转换开始日期的具体定义以及历年季节转换日期序列 ,同时给出由85 0hPa纬向风和OLR表征的季风爆发日期序列。相关分析表明 ,85 0hPa纬向风只是个区域性指标 ,而南北温度梯度具有一定的普适性  相似文献   

The sensitivity of precipitation to sea surface temperature(SST) and its diurnal variation is investigated through a rainfall partitioning analysis of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model experiments based on surface rainfall budget.For all experiments,the model is set up using zero vertical velocity and a constant zonal wind and is integrated over 40 days to reach quasi-equilibrium states.The 10-day equilibrium grid-scale simulation data and a time-invariant SST of 29°C are used in the control experiment.In the sensitivity experiments,time-invariant SSTs are 27°C and 31°C with an average value of 29°C when the minimum and maximum values of diurnal SST differences are 1°C and 2°C,respectively.The results show that the largest contribution to total rainfall is from the rainfall with water vapor convergence and local atmospheric drying and hydrometeor gain/divergence(~30%) in all experiments.When SST increases from 27°C to 29°C,the contribution from water vapor convergence decreases.The increase of SST reduces the contribution of the rainfall with water vapor convergence primarily through the decreased contribution of the rainfall with local atmospheric drying and hydrometeor gain/divergence and the rainfall with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence.The inclusion of diurnal variation of SST with the diurnal difference of 1°C decreases the rainfall contribution from water vapor convergence primarily through the decreased contribution of the rainfall with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence.The contribution of the rainfall from water vapor convergence is barely changed as the diurnal difference of SST increases from 1°C to 2°C.  相似文献   

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