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Ammonites are extinct molluscs belonging to Class Cephalopoda which lived during the Mesozoic Era. Their usefulness in Jurassic and Cretaceous paleontology and biostratigraphy studies has been widely proved. They have been studied by several authors worldwide to achieve information regarding their habitats and the climate of the world in past eras. A probabilistic analysis of the paleo-environmental causes that generated complex suture lines in ammonites has been made by means of coherent upper conditional previsions defined with respect to Hausdorff outer measures. In particular, studies have centered on the role of hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

Knowledge of mineral aggregate morphologies is of importance to analyze characteristic differences in rock-forming features. For quantifying these differences, the fractal geometry of quartz aggregate cuts digitized from polish sections of different types of granites has been studied. As an approach to measure fractal dimension (D), a power-law dependence of square of aggregate cuts on their linear size has been used. The D values thus calculated mainly increase from 1.48–1.62 for amazonite granites to 1.63–1.70 for alaskite granites and 1.75–1.81 for standard granites. To account for the data of morphometry, the model of nucleation and growth as applied to silicate melt freezing has been considered. For comparison between the nature and model textures, the fractal properties of cluster cuts in the system of overlapping spheres randomly distributed with random radii have been investigated through computer simulation. It has been demonstrated that the distributions of quartz aggregates in granites may be simulated by homogeneous or heterogeneous Poisson models, and both order of crystallization and metamorphic recrystallization should be taken for explaining textural variability. The results of the simulation have enabled the granitic texture to be discussed with respect to the random configuration of the spatial percolation cluster.  相似文献   

The Zedong ophiolite is the largest ophiolite massif east of Dazhuqu in the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone in the southern Tibetan Plateau. However, its age, geodynamic setting and relationship to the Xigaze ophiolite remain controversial. New zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock geochemical and Nd–Pb isotopic data from ophiolitic units provide constraints on the geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Zedong ophiolite. U–Pb zircon geochronology of dolerite lavas and late gabbro–diabase dikes yield weighted mean ages of 153.9 ± 2.5 Ma and 149.2 ± 5.1 Ma, respectively. Strong positive εNd(t) and positive Δ7/4Pb and Δ8/4Pb values indicate derivation from a highly depleted mantle source with an isotopic composition similar to that of the Indian MORB-type mantle. The geochemistry of ophiolitic lavas and early dikes are analogous to typical island arc tholeiites whereas late dikes are similar to boninites. The geochemistry of these rock types suggests multi-stage partial melting of the mantle and gradually enhanced subduction influences to the mantle source through time. Combined with the MORB-like 162.9 ± 2.8 Ma Luobusha ophiolitic lavas, we suggest that the Luobusha lavas, Zedong lavas and early dikes originated in an infant proto-arc setting whereas late dikes in the Zedong ophiolite originated in a forearc setting. Together, they represent a Neo-Tethyan subduction initiation sequence. The Late Jurassic intra-oceanic proto-arc to forearc setting of the Zedong ophiolite contrasts with the continental margin forearc setting for the Xigaze ophiolite, which suggests a laterally complex geodynamic setting for ophiolites along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone.  相似文献   

河北省丰宁县北部侏罗系义县组底部首次发现鸟类化石。经对比研究,该鸟类与始祖鸟特征极为相近,但具明显进化,与新鸟亚纲存在显著差异,应为古鸟亚纲的一个新种新属,命名为丰宁河北鸟。  相似文献   

矿床变化与保存研究的裂变径迹新途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
矿床形成后的变化与保存是矿床学研究与找矿勘探中一项极其重要但仍需进一步加强的基础性工作。影响矿床变化与保存的众多因素中,区域隆升与剥蚀是最为关键的因素之一。裂变径迹法是研究区域隆升与剥蚀的一种有效手段,它能为我们提供剥蚀速率以及剥蚀量的定量数据。一些产于花岗质岩体内与岩体有成因联系的矿床,其成矿深度可以通过详细的流体包裹体研究来获得。通过成矿深度与岩体剥蚀深度对比分析,能使我们更好地了解矿床形成后变化保存条件。裂变径迹法与流体包裹体研究相结合是矿床形成后变化与保存研究一种切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

一种新的粒度指标:沉积物粒度分维值及其环境意义   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
柏春广  王建 《沉积学报》2003,21(2):234-239
根据分形理论,对1000个不同类型沉积物样品的粒度分形结构及其分维值作了定量计算。结果表明:各类型沉积物都具有良好的统计自相似性,并且各自有着不同的分维值。粒度分维值的大小与分选好坏密切相关。没有经过外力搬运与分选的风化破碎物质(碎屑物)——断层泥、冻土的粒度分维值接近于碎形体的分维值2.60左右;经过外力搬运但分选作用较弱的冰碛物、水石流、泥石流堆积物的粒度分维值也接近2.60;而经过强烈外力分选作用的河床、湖泊沉积物、潮滩及海底沉积物的分维值明显偏小。鉴于此,本认为分维值可以作为沉积物类型判别的重要参数之一。  相似文献   

The campterophlebiid new genus and species Ctenogampsophlebia reni is described from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. It shows close similarities with the Lower to Middle Jurassic genera Gampsophlebia, and Petrophlebia, with closed and short subdiscoidal cells, confirming the attribution of these two other genera to the Campterophlebiidae.  相似文献   

Diverse caddis flies are recently collected from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou fauna in Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, northern China, and different types of caddis cases have been reported in the same locality. A new species of caddisfly, Liadotaulius daohugouensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated; the establishment is based on a well-preserved isolated forewing collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou. The family status of Liadotaulius is discussed on the basis of new material and is referred to the family Philopotamidae. The Daohugou fauna continues to provide new data for studying the early evolution of Trichoptera.  相似文献   

<正>Three lepidopteran species,from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou beds(inner Mongolia,China),are described in a new family,Mesokristenseniidae,and new genus,Mesokristensenia,which could represent the sister group of the Micropterigidae.Mesokristensenia differs from all extant Lepidoptera,but one genus(Agathiphaga, Agathiphagidae),in retaining four median veins in the forewing,a plesiomorphy also present in many Trichoptera. Evidence for placing Mesokristensenia in the Lepidoptera includes four traits,notably a previously unrecorded autapomorphy of this insect order:beyond stem M1+2,vein M1 is bent and connected to cross-vein r-m(in both wing pairs).Among 24 characters taken into account to assess the systematic position of Mesokristensenia,12 are considered informative for a cladistic analysis involving this fossil taxon and the four suborders recognized in present-day Lepidoptera(Zeugloptera,Aglossata,Heterobathmiina,and Glossata).  相似文献   

膨胀土判别与分类的灰关联分析法   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
基于灰色系统理论,给出一种用于膨胀土判别与分类的新方法—灰关联分析法。实际算例表明,该法具有简单方便、结果客观可靠等优点。  相似文献   

<正>Juraperla grandis sp.nov.(Grylloblattida:Juraperlidae) is described from the Daohugou locality (Middle Jurassic,China).Its wing venation is very similar to that of Juraperla daohugouensis Huang and Nel,2007 (Grylloblattida:Juraperlidae),in the particular occurrence of a supplementary longitudinal vein in the area between the anterior wing margin and ScP.The larger size of the new specimen,the lower number of CuA1 branches,and the occurrence of two rows of cells between MP and CuA in forewings justify the erection of a new species,J.grandis sp.nov..The material also preserved hind wing and body structures,described for the first time in Juraperlidae.  相似文献   

在1:5万区域地质调查的基础上,对雅鲁藏布江缝合带北带与蛇绿岩相伴产出的嘎学组和泽当组进行了综合研究,并就其岩石地球化学参数及构造环境与蛇绿岩进行了对比。结合相关古生物及同位素年龄资料,初步认为: 嘎学组和泽当组火山岩与蛇绿岩是不同时代、不同成因类型的产物,嘎学组和泽当组形成于晚侏罗世—早白垩世与洋内俯冲相关的洋内弧构造环境,为洋板块地层序列的前弧玄武岩类(FAB型); 在后期俯冲碰撞过程中,嘎学组和泽当组主体被改造成混杂岩,或呈断夹片(块)状残存于混杂岩带中,表现为俯冲增生杂岩带的构造组合样式。该认识对合理恢复并建立雅鲁藏布江缝合带北带洋板块地层序列具有重要的地质构造意义。  相似文献   

On the basis of the 1:50 000 regional geological survey, the authors comprehensively studied Gaxue Formation and Zedang Formation in North Yalu Tsangpo Suture Zone, and compared their petrogeochemical parameters and tectonic environment with ophiolite. Combined with paleontological and high-precision isotope dating analysis, it is preliminarily considered that Gaxue Formation, Zedang Formation and ophiolite are products of different genetic types. Gaxue Formation and Zedang Formation were formed in the intra-oceanic arc tectonic environment from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, and belonged to the front arc basalt (FAB type) which was the standard oceanic plate stratigraphic sequence. In the late subduction and collision process, the main body of Gaxue Formation and Zedang Formation was transformed into melange or existed in the melange belt in the form of a broken clip (block), mainly as the structure styles in subduction and accretionary complex zones. This understanding is of great geological tectonic significance for the rational restoration and establishment of the northern belt oceanic plate stratigraphic sequence of Yalu Tsangpo Suture Zone.  相似文献   

地下多组分反应溶质运移数值模拟(RTM)是解释地球系统中的耦合过程和不同时空尺度对其影响的重要工具。RTM是研究地球科学基础理论、地质资源和环境等复杂地球化学过程的一个新方法,可用于如废物处置安全性评估、地下水污染研究、二氧化碳地质储存、金属矿床的地浸开采等的研究中。笔者首先回顾了反应溶质溶质运移模拟的发展历史,然后总结了反应溶质运移模拟的发展现状,再从耦合过程、空间尺度、裂隙和非均质介质处理角度说明了反应溶质运移模拟所面临的挑战。结合地下水质的演化、生物降解、CO2地质储存等具体实例讨论了反应溶质运移模拟的广泛应用前景,探讨了反应溶质运移模拟的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

漠河盆地位于额尔古纳地块北缘,其北为蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山带,与紧邻的俄罗斯上阿穆尔盆地在中生代时期同属一个盆地。漠河盆地中侏罗统包括绣峰组、二十二站组、额木尔河组和开库康组。根据盆地碎屑岩中的砾石、岩屑和重矿物的组合特征,确定母岩类型以变质岩和中酸性火成岩为主,少量沉积岩和基性火成岩;结合古水流方向,确定盆地沉积物源主要来自南侧。沉积物源具有多源性:其一为陆块抬升基底,其二为切割的岩浆弧。与区域岩石对比分析表明,陆块抬升基底可能来自古元古界兴华渡口群和寒武系兴隆群,切割的岩浆弧与古生代同碰撞和后碰撞花岗质岩石及早中生代中酸性火成岩有关。根据母岩供给特点,认为中侏罗世沉积时期漠河盆地不是典型的前陆盆地,而应是挤压背景下形成的挤压挠曲盆地或山间盆地。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Results characterizing the Pleistocene environments in the region of Northwestern Siberia are presented. The study of these environments is carried out from the perspective...  相似文献   

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