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The effects of E-region electric fields on F-region parameters like height of constant electron density contours (hN) and semi-thickness, at an equatorial station, Trivandrum, are investigated. The E-region east-west electric field (Ey) has been deduced using the horizontal magnetic field values from the ground magnetograms. It is found that the semi-thickness parameter and hN follow closely the E-region electric field (Ey) variations in the forenoon and noon periods. In the afternoon, it is shown that there is close association between hN and Ey, when the electric field variations are large. On a day-to-day basis also, hN and the E-region electric field show very good correlation in the forenoon and noon hours. It is also shown that higher levels are affected more than the lower levels in the F-region by Ey.  相似文献   

A rapid onset of auroral absorptions was simultaneously recorded by a chain of standard riometers, situated in the northern and southern magneto-conjugate areas, during a period of pronounced substorm activity. The first absorption peak was followed by sequential disturbance patterns in the occurrence of the F-region parameters, virtual height (hF) and spread - F, as deduced from the standard ionosonde data obtained over a wide range of latitudes in both hemispheres. The disturbances were consistent with the simultaneous occurrences of separate trains of large-scale ionospheric disturbances (TIDs), propagating equatorwards from the southern and northern auroral zones. It is suggested that TIDs were generated by an impulse-like increase in the conjugate particle precipitations, inferred from the riometer records. The precipitation pattern was limited to a high-latitude shell whose equatorwards edge was contained between L-values 5.0 and 5.3. The auroral sources of TIDs appeared to have large linear dimensions, extending at least 17 degrees in longitude.  相似文献   

The transfer of energy from an ionizing photon to the atoms and molecules of the neutral gas in the F-region of the atmosphere is investigated. It is found that photoionization heating should be divided into two parts: (1) photoelectron heating associated with the slowing down of the fast photoelectrons formed by photoionization; and (2) reaction heating associated with the chemical reactions undergone by the ions formed in the photoionization process. The photoelectron heating will take place near the time and place of photoionization while the reaction heating will occur at the time and place of the ionic reactions.

Photoelectron and reaction heating rates per unit column are computed for the daytime, and reaction heating rates per unit column are computed for the nighttime. It is concluded that: (1) chemical reactions at night lead to a small but significant amount of F-region heating; and (2) reaction heating during the day is nearly proportional to the cosine of the solar zenith angle except near sunrise and sunset.  相似文献   

The non-linear regime of electrostatic perturbations of the equatorial ionospheric F-region generated by Rayleigh-Taylor instability has been discussed, taking into account conductivity along magnetic field lines. A closed non-linear equation has been derived in the stationary limit for the polarization electric field potential. It coincides with the Karman equation of an ideal liquid. To solve the equation, the averaged variational Whitham method has been proposed. Some solutions localized along and across the geomagnetic field, B, as well as quasi-periodic solutions in the transverse direction, have been investigated. Non-linear longitudinal localization of perturbations has been shown to be due to electron-ion collisions.  相似文献   

On 14 July 1974 the Atmosphere Explorer-C satellite flew through an aurora at F-region altitudes just after local midnight. The effects of the particle influx are clearly evident in the ion densities, the 6300 Å airglow, and the electron and ion temperatures. This event provided an opportunity to study the agreement between the observed ion densities and those calculated from photochemical theory using in situ measurements of such atmospheric parameters as the neutral densities and the differential electron energy spectra obtained along the satellite track. Good agreement is obtained for the ions O2+, NO+ and N2+ using photochemical theory and measured rate constants and electron impact cross sections. Atomic nitrogen densities are calculated from the observed [NO+]/[O2+] ratio. In the region of most intense electron fluxes (20 erg cm−2 sec−1) at 280 km, the N density is found to be between 2 and 7 × 107 cm−3. The resulting N densities are found to account for approx. 60% of the production of N+ through electron impact on N and the resonant charge exchange of O+(2P) with N(4S). This reaction also provides a significant source of O(1S) in the aurora at F-region altitudes. In the region of intense fast electron influx, the reaction with atomic nitrogen is found to be the main loss of O+(2P).  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the D-region ion composition measurements performed by Zbinden et al. (1975), during a winter day of high ionospheric absorption, has been carried out. The study examines the interactive mesosphere-D-region processes which occur in such anomalous conditions and their implication for water cluster ion chemistry. Two clustering regimes for NO+ have been observed in the data. Association with N2 is identified as the dominant process below 76 km. Between 76 and 78 km altitude the effective loss rate of NO+ drops by two orders of magnitude. Above 77 km, the three-body reaction NO+ + CO2+M→NO+CO2+M seems to be the main NO+ loss. A mesospheric temperature profile could be derived from the ion composition data. This indicates the presence of a strong inversion above 76 km altitude. The wavelike structure obtained, is shown to be consistent with in situ winter temperature measurements. The sharp suppression of the N2 association reaction could, thus, be explained by an increase in the collisional break-up of the NO+N2 ion because of the enhanced temperature. In conclusion, our study indicates that, besides the increase in the production of NO+ and O2+, due to an enhancement in the minor ionizable constituents, an additional thermal mesosphere-D-region interaction seems necessary to explain this winter anomalous ion composition data.  相似文献   

In this paper hourly data of maximum electron density and total electron content in a unit column up to the level of peak electron density of the F2-layer at Puerto Rico (magnetic dip 52.5°N) in the American sector are studied to find their DS and Dst variations and to compare them with those of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field for 93SC type geomagnetic storms which occurred during the period September 1957–March 1962. These variations are obtained separately for positive and negative F2-storms and then averaged for all the types. It is found that the positive F2-storms are in a way connected with the equatorial type of DS variation of the H-field and the negative F2-storms with the high-latitude type DS variation of the H-field. The Dst variation of the H-field is practically of the same character for both positive and negative F2-storms. These findings combined with those of others indicate that it is the DS current in the ionosphere that cause the observed changes in the F2-layer through electromagnetic movements; diffusion along the field lines and changes in the loss-rates of electrons may also contribute to the nett effects. A statistical survey shows that while there are equal chances for positive F2-storms in Summer and Winter at Puerto Rico, there is a much larger number of negative F2-storms in Summer than in Winter. At a southern conjugate place, there is a much larger number of positive F2-storms in Winter, but equal number of negative F2-storms in Summer and Winter. More than half the total number of the F2-storms are found to be similar types (33 per cent positive, 23 per cent negative) from the consideration of the F2-changes during individual magnetic storms at the conjugate places. These are discussed in the concluding section of the paper.  相似文献   

The theory of hydromagnetic-wave in the upper F2-region, in which electrons are in a transitional regime from collisional to collisionless conditions and ions are in a collisionless state, is examined. Derivation of the governing equations is based on the fact that the isotropic electrons are fluid-like, and the anisotropic ions follow kinetic equations modified by ion-electron collisions. Magneto-acoustic waves of a period of 0.2–10 sec are dissipated by ion Landau damping and electron thermal conduction and viscosity. Numerical solutions under ionospheric conditions show that the dissipation of hydromagnetic waves is insufficient to modify the large scale heating of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

By using the daily averages of F10.7 in 1956—2003 and adopting the method of Morelet wavelet transform, the characteristics of the quasi-27d oscillations and their relation with the 11-year cycle of solar activity are analyzed. The results demonstrate that the amplitude and period of the quasi-27d oscillations of F10.7 exhibit obvious phenomena of short-tern variations. The degrees of variations in various years differ greatly. In some years, the undulations are quite violent. In periods of several days to several tens of days, the change of amplitude may attain ten more times, and the period may change abruptly by several days or even ten more days. In some years, the changes of amplitude are rather large, yet the undulations are small and the period is comparatively steady. In the annual averages of the variation of quasi-27d oscillaions there appear evident changes from year to year, and this is conspicuouly related to solar activity. Generally speaking, the higher is F10.7, the larger is the amplitude of quasi-27d oscillations. Nevertheless, in the peak of the 19th cycle the values of F10.7 is higher than those of all the other cycles, yet the amplitude of quasi-27d oscillations is lower than those of other cycles. The period of quasi-27d oscillations also exhibits evident changes from year to year. Except certain individual years (e.g., 1987), the annual averages vary in the range from 24 to 31 days, and this has no evident relation with the period of solar activity. The mean period in 48 years is 27.3d. On the whole, the period shows a tendency of gradual shortening. In 48 years, it has decreased by about 1.5d. The causes of quasi-27d oscillations are very complicated, and this awaits further deepgoing investigation.  相似文献   

The magnetic disturbance associated with East-West current in the ionosphere is calculated in terms of the production and loss of ionisation. This is physically equivalent to a conventional equation of the type j = [σ]E, but may be preferred in many experimental circumstances. The relationship between the deformation of an ionospheric layer and the electric current, or magnetic disturbance in it, is explored in detail. Applications to mid-latitude sporadic-E, the equatorial electrojet, night-E, deformation of mid-latitude E-layer by quiet and disturbed currents and deformation of the E-layer by auroral electrojets are considered. Under a wide range of conditions, vertical backscatter devices can be used to find the altitude profile of the East-West component of ionospheric electric current by measuring the deformations of the vertical profiles of electron density.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the third (z-ray) component of the F2-trace on ionograms is investigated at high- and mid-latitudes. Diurnal variations show a systematic shift, with magnetic inclination, of the time of maximum occurrence. Seasonal variations show a winter maximum, and an inverse sunspot-cycle relationship exists. Maximum occurrence appears between a magnetic inclination of 70° and 80° with a fall-off either side.

Evidence is presented to suggest a z-ray association with “Spread-F” fronts, and a possible mechanism for the recording of the z-ray trace at the transmitter site is described. This involves longitudinal propagation of the o-mode at its normal reflection level, coupling at this point, and ultimate reflection for the z-ray mode as a result of sloping ionization contours belonging to “Spread-F” fronts extending in directions perpendicular to the magnetic meridian.

An association with V.L.F. emissions (“dawn-chorus”) is discussed.  相似文献   

Incoherent scatter observations of the ionospheric F1 layer above Saint-Santin (44.6°N) are analyzed after correction of a systematic error at 165 and 180 km altitude. The daytime valley observed around 200 km during summer for low solar activity conditions is explained in terms of a downward ionization drift which reaches ?30 m s?1 around 180 km. Experimental determinations of the ion drift confirm the theoretical characteristics required for the summer daytime valley as well as for the winter behaviour without a valley. The computations require an effective dissociative recombination rate of 2.3 × 10?7 (300/Te)0.7 (cm3s?1) and ionizing fluxes compatible with solar activity conditions at the time when the valley is observed.  相似文献   

Vertical fluxes of ionization in the F2 region have been measured by the incoherent scatter technique over Millstone Hill in 1969. The results obtained near midnight for the region above hmaxF2 have been examined to determine whether there is a significant flux of ionization from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere that serves to maintain the F-layer. It is found that H+ ions are a minor constituent over the altitude range in which useful measurements can be made, so that any conclusion must rest upon properly interpreting the observed O+ fluxes. By selecting periods when the layer did not appear to be decaying rapidly it was hoped to find cases where the O+ flux did not vary with altitude in the range 500 h 800 km (i.e. where losses are unimportant), since this would imply that the flux is of magnetospheric origin.

While three cases exhibited this behaviour, the majority exhibited a decrease in the O+ flux with height, indicating that the layer was descending. Attempts to correct for this were made, and the average flux from the magnetosphere was estimated as 3 × 107 el/cm2/sec. This is in fair agreement with other recent estimates, and implies that at this latitude the ionosphere is not maintained solely by the magnetospheric flux. Moreover, large increases in flux that could give rise to nocturnal increases in the total content of the layer do not appear to have been seen.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to analyse known experimental data on electron density and ion composition of the night-time ionosphere; the main ideas on the night-time E region ionization source are considered; the role of dynamic processes in the irregular structure formation of the night-time ionospheric E region is discussed.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of positive ion density (by means of positive ion probes) and high-altitude winds (by scattering of sunlight in trails of alkali metal vapour) were made in three rocket firings at Hammaguir, Algeria in order to study the correlation of sporadic-E layers and high-altitude wind shears. On one occasion, a sporadic-E layer was found to occur at 95 km where the E-W component of the wind was zero and the wind shear was in the sense predicted by the theory of Whitehead. However, on two occasions, layers were also observed near 115 km where the E-W wind component was zero, but the wind shear was in the opposite sense. This appears to suggest that some modification of the theory is required.  相似文献   

Time-varying solutions of the full continuity equation for electrons in the F2-region are obtained. The effects of production, loss, diffusion and electrodynamic ‘E × B’ drift are taken into account. The ‘E × B’ drift term consists of a solar and a lunar component. The solar component of drift is assumed diurnal with 14.6m/sec maximum upward speed at mid-day. The lunar component is assumed sinusoidal with period of half lunar day and amplitude one tenth of the solar drift; the phase is assumed to remain constant in lunar time, in accordance with Chapman's phase law.The results show that the lunar variations in the F2-region are markedly dependent on solar time and latitude. It is also shown that the average semi-diurnal lunar variations in NmF2 and hmF2 at any particular lunar time are almost opposite in phase to each other (i.e. out of phase by 6 hr) in the magnetic equatorial zone, and out of phase by 2 hr at moderate latitudes. The phase of δhmF2 is 10 hr at low latitudes and 9 hr at moderate latitudes. The phase of δNmF2 is 4 hr at low latitudes and 11 lunar hr at moderate latitudes.The results also show that the phase of the lunar semi-monthly oscillations in NmF2 undergoes a rapid shift of about 5 lunar hr in going from 8 to 12° and the so called phase reversal occurs at about 10° lat at which the amplitude of NmF2. becomes extremely small.These and other results are in good agreement with observations. Thus it is shown that the main features of the observed lunar tidal variations of the F2-region within 20° of the magnetic equator can be explained satisfactorily by the superposition of a small lunar drift on a large solar drift.  相似文献   

The oxygen green line is one of the most characteristic features in the terrestrial visible nightglow; it can be seen in the Venus nightglow, but with much greater intensity variation than in the terrestrial case. Here we synthesize our current understanding of the green line in the Venus nightglow and discuss what might be expected observationally in the rising phase of solar cycle 24.  相似文献   

A mathematical theory of the three-dimensional ionospheric dynamo is described, which is exact within the context of the assumption that the magnetic field lines are perfectly conducting.Explicit formulae are obtained for the electric fields, and hence for the current systems, which are excited by the dynamo e.m.f. associated with an arbitrary given wind field.They can also be applied to determine the fields arising from an external source of e.m.f., originating for example in the magnetosphere.The convergence properties of the solution are investigated for a simple symmetric wind field; it is found that inclusion of spherical harmonics up to degree 80 is sufficient to yield the features of the electrojet region, now fully coupled to the global current system.  相似文献   

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