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In this paper,the analysis method of stochastic response of piled offshore platform excited bystationary filtered white noise is presented.With this method,the strong ground motion is considered asthree direction stationary filtered white noise process,the theoretic solutions of three special integrationequations are derived with the residue theorem,and the expression of response nodal displacements andmember forces of offshore platform excited by the stationary filtered white noise is put forward.Thestochastic response of a piled offshore platform excited by the stationary filtered white noise,which is lo-cated 114.3m in water depth,is computed.The results are compared with those obtained with the re-sponse spectrum analysis method and the stationary white noise model analysis method,and the corre-sponding conclusion is drawn.  相似文献   

四塘港区波浪数学模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
琼州海峡铁路轮渡是我国第一条铁路轮渡工程,本文针对海峡北部四塘轮渡港口,采用PEM方法与Bousinessq 方法相结合的嵌套模型,对五种港口设计方案进行波浪传递及港内泊稳数学模型研究,为港区总体布局和水工构筑物结构设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

CHEN  Shouyu 《中国海洋工程》2001,(4):453-466
In the process of concept design of offshore platforms, it is necessary to select the best from feasible alternatives through comparison and filter. The criterion set, used to evaluate and select the satisfying alternative, consists of many qualitative and quantitative factors. Therefore, the selection is a problem of multicriteria and semi- structural decision- making. Different from traditional methods in semi- structural decision- making, a new framework and methodology is presented in this paper for evaluation of offshore platform alternatives. First, the criterion set is established for the evaluation of alternatives. Next, the approach is studied to construct the relative membership degree matrix, in which both qualitative and quantitative factors are consistent with the uniform calculating standard. And then a new weight-assessing method is developed for calculation of the weights based on the relative membership degree matrix. Finally, a multi-hierarchy fuzzy optimum model is adopted to select t  相似文献   

This paper develops a fuzzy pattern recognition model for group decision making to solve the problem of lectotype optimization of offshore platforms. The lack of data and the inexact or incomplete information for criteria are the main cause of uncertainty in the evaluation process, therefore it is necessary to integrate the judgments from different decision makers with different experience, knowledge and preference. This paper first uses a complementary principle-based pairwise comparison method to obtain the subjective weight of the criteria from each decision maker. A fuzzy pattern recognition model is then developed to integrate the judgments from all the decision makers and the information from the criteria, under the supervision of the subjective weights. Finally a case study is given to show the efficiency and robustness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

文章以具有自由表面的三维非线性Navier-Stokes方程组为基本控制方程,垂向采用σ坐标变换后得到三维浅海湍流数学模型。数值模拟求解方法采用具有自动迎风、精度高及稳定性好的混合有限分析法求解,最后,以渤海湾潮流模拟算例验证了文中模型及其混合有限分析解法模拟潮流的正确性和应用于工程实际问题的适用性。  相似文献   

Combining high precision numerical analysis methods with optimization algorithms to make a systematic exploration of a design space has become an important topic in the modern design methods. During the design process of an underwater glider''s flying-wing structure, a surrogate model is introduced to decrease the computation time for a high precision analysis. By these means, the contradiction between precision and efficiency is solved effectively. Based on the parametric geometry modeling, mesh generation and computational fluid dynamics analysis, a surrogate model is constructed by adopting the design of experiment (DOE) theory to solve the multi-objects design optimization problem of the underwater glider. The procedure of a surrogate model construction is presented, and the Gaussian kernel function is specifically discussed. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is applied to hydrodynamic design optimization. The hydrodynamic performance of the optimized flying-wing structure underwater glider increases by 9.1%.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionLectotypeoptimizationofoffshoreplatformsisofparticularimportanceintheconceptdesignstagebecausenotonlyitdeterminestheoverallqualityoftheoffshoreplatformsystem ,andatthesametime ,themajoropportunitiesforcostsavingsoccurinthisoptimizationpro…  相似文献   

LU  Yongjun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):107-122
A 2-D mathematical model of tidal current and sediment has been developed for the Oujiang Estuary and the WenzhouBay. This model accomodates complicated features including multiple islands, existence of turbidity, and significant differ-ence in size distribution of bed material. The governing equations for non-uniform suspended load and bed load transport arepresented in a boundary-fitted orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The numerical solution procedures along with theirinitial conditions, boundary conditions, and movable boundary technique are presented. Strategies for computation of thecritical condition of deposition or erosion, sediment transport capacity, non-uniform bed load discharge, etc. are suggested.The model verification computation shows that, the tidal levels computed from the model are in good agreement with the fielddata at the 18 tidal gauge stations. The computed velocities and flow directions also agree well with the values measuredalong the totally 52 synchronously observed verticals distributed over 8 cross sections. The computed tidal water throughputsthrough the Huangda‘ao cross section are close to the measured data. And the computed values of bed deformation fromYangfushan to the estuary outfall and in the outer-sea area are in good agreement with the data observed from 1986 to 1992.The changes of tidal volumes through the estuary, velocities in different channels and the bed form due to the influence of thereclamation project on the Wenzhou shoal are predicted by means of this model.  相似文献   

A 2-D mathematical model of tidal current and sediment has been developed for the Oujiang Estuary and the Wenzhou Bay. This model accomodates complicated features including multiple islands, existence of turbidity, and significant differ-ence in size distribution of bed material. The governing equations for non-uniform suspended load and bed load transport are presented in a boundary-fitted orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The numerical solution procedures along with their initial conditions, boundary conditions, and movable boundary technique are presented. Strategies for computation of the critical condition of deposition or erosion, sediment transport capacity, non-uniform bed load discharge, etc. are suggested. The model verification computation shows that, the tidal levels computed from the model are in good agreement with the field data at the 18 tidal gauge stations. The computed velocities and flow directions also agree well with the values measured along the totally 52 synchronously ob  相似文献   

排桩支护方案应用于存在上覆软弱土层的"嵌岩"基坑中,通常面临"吊脚桩"问题,其设计计算在规范中无明确设计方法或计算模型。根据分步开挖工况不同,拟合工程实际,采取多种模型设计方法,最大限度地利用岩土体自身强度,分别以排桩模型、"吊脚桩"模型、复合土钉墙模型,等效荷载替代桩锚土体模型等多种计算方法综合确定设计参数。以清晰明了的数学模型确保设计结果的可靠性,使设计方案做到安全可靠、经济合理、方便可行。  相似文献   

A 2D Mathematical Model for Sediment Transport by Waves and Tidal Currents   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
In this study, the combined actions of waves and tidal currents in estuarine and coastal areas are considered and a 2D mathematical model for sediment transport by waves and tidal currents has been established in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Non-equilibrium transport equations of suspended load and bed load are used in the model. The concept of background concentration is introduced, and the formula of sediment transport capacity of tidal currents for the Oujiang River estuary is obtained. The Dou Guoren formula is employed for the sediment transport capacity of waves. Sediment transport capacity in the form of mud and the intensity of back silting are calculated by use of Luo Zaosen' s formula. The calculated tidal stages are in good agreement with the field data, and the calculated velocities and flow directions of 46 vertical lines for 8 cross sections are also in good agreement with the measured data. On such a basis, simulations of back silting after excavation of the waterway with a sand bar under complicated boundary conditions in the navigation channel induced by suspended load, bed load and mud by waves and tidal currents are discussed.  相似文献   

A Three-Scale Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (T-FAHP) is proposed by introducing the Three-Scale Analytical Hierarchy Process (T-AHP) and the trapezoid fuzzy number. A multi-objective optimization model based on the T-FAHP is presented subsequently, in which many factors influencing the lectotype of offshore platform are taken into account synthetically, such as the original investment, the maintenance cost, the ability of resisting fatigue and corrosion, the construction period, the threat to the environment, and so on. With this method, the experts can give the relatively precise ranking weight of each index and at the same time the requirement of consistence checking can be met. The result of a calculation example shows that the T-FAHP is practical.  相似文献   

A design method of reinforced concrete (R. C.) offshore platforms with nonlinear finite element analysis is proposed. According to the method, a computer program is developed. In this program nonlinear constitutive relationships and strength criteria of concrete and steel bars are included, and the progressive cracking and crushing of the concrete are taken into account. Based on the stress distribution obtained by the nonlinear finite element analysis, the amount of reinforcement in the control sections can be computed and adjusted automatically by the program to satisfy the requirement of the design. The amount of reinforcement required in the control sections, which are obtained with the nonlinear finite element analysis, is agreeable to that obtained in the experiment. This shows that the design method of R. C. offshore platform with the nonlinear finite element method proposed by the authors is reliable for practical use.  相似文献   

海上桶基平台基础边界条件的简化方法与结构优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
海上桶型基础平台采用桶型基础这一新型的基础型式,桶基平台在结构强度校核计算和结构优化中必须考虑其有限元分析模型的基础边界条件简化问题。本文提出了桶基平台有限元分析模型中的基础边界条件简化方法,将桶型基础边界简化为位移弹簧边界元,给出了弹簧刚度的计算方法。通过模型试验与本文提出方法的计算结果的比较,证明本文提出的方法是正确的。同时,将本文提出的方法应用于桶基火炬平台的结构优化,表明该方法是实际可行的并且对于桶基平台的结构强度校核计算与结构优化有重要意义。对于桶基火炬平台的结构优化采用了适合离散变量优化求解的遗传算法,优化的结果有效地降低了结构重量,降低了工程造价。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionNondestructiveinspection (NDI)isveryimportantforensuringthereliabilityofoffshorestructuresintheirservicelives (Lauraetal.,1 996 ) .Itiswellknownthatdetectionofflawsinvolvesconsider ablestatisticaluncertainties.Asaresult,theprobabilityofdetection (POD)forallflawsofagivensizehasbeenusedintheliteraturetodefinethecapabilityofaparticularNDItechniqueinagivenen vironment.SincethedataofPODusuallyscatterlargely ,itisdifficulttodeterminewhichmodelfitstheavailabledatabest.Thismodelun…  相似文献   

长江干流江苏段地处长江下游河口地区,全线位于感潮河段,沿程水位既受上游长江径流、外海潮位、台风的影响,也受到工情变化、支流入汇等影响。长江江苏段现行洪潮设计水位是按《长江流域综合利用规划简要报告》(1990年)中确定的无台风影响水位实施。近年来,由于上游水、沙、工情条件变化,开展上游大通径流、风暴潮、区间入汇等对沿程洪潮水位的影响研究十分必要。建立大通至长江口二维水沙数学模型与外海风暴潮模型,研究不同影响因素作用下长江干流江苏段沿程洪潮设计水位变化。研究成果表明:南京河段水位主要受上游径流影响;江阴以下主要受外海潮汐及风暴潮的影响;南京至江阴段则受上游径流、外海潮汐、风暴潮三者的共同作用影响。外海天文大潮、风暴潮"两碰头"和上游大径流、外海天文大潮与风暴潮"三碰头"引起的沿程增水值呈驼峰分布,最大值分别发生在江阴和天生港附近,最大增幅1.65 m。研究结果已为长江江苏段堤防防洪能力提升工程建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

针对河口地区潮流特点,建立了潮流量推算一维水动力数学模型。该模型将Sa in t-V enan t方程组进行求解,并根据涨、落潮流的水动力特性,分别进行涨、落潮糙率率定,准确计算出逐时段河道各断面的水位和流量。应用该模型对宁波三江口地区的潮流量进行推算,结果表明,计算的潮流量与该地区实测的潮流量吻合得较好。  相似文献   

通过分析比较标准前向列推、标准前向行推、跨阶次递推和Belikov列推4种缔合勒让德递推算法的精度、稳定性以及计算速度,提出了选取Belikov列推法来解算超高阶重力场模型高程异常;研究探讨了基于严密球谐级数展开、保留泰勒级数展开的零阶项和保留至泰勒级数展开一阶项计算模型高程异常的三种算法,并进行了实验计算分析。结果表明,保留至泰勒级数一阶项的模型高程异常既能保证计算速度也能达到足够的精度,可满足大区域高分辨率高程异常建模的需求。  相似文献   

检测多波束测深异常数据的CUBE算法模型解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
全面深入地剖析了CUBE滤波算法的计算流程及数学模型,论述了CUBE滤波算法与传统加权网格化算法的内在联系和区别,对推动该算法在国内推广应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A fully automated optimization process is provided for the design of ducted propellers under open water conditions, including 3D geometry modeling, meshing, optimization algorithm and CFD analysis techniques. The developed process allows the direct integration of a RANSE solver in the design stage. A practical ducted propeller design case study is carried out for validation. Numerical simulations and open water tests are fulfilled and proved that the optimum ducted propeller improves hydrodynamic performance as predicted.  相似文献   

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