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There are two types of temporally and spatially associated intrusions within the Emeishan large igneous province (LIP); namely, small ultramafic subvolcanic sills that host magmatic Cu-Ni-Platinum Group Element (PGE)-bearing sulfide deposits and large mafic layered intrusions that host giant Ti-V magnetite deposits in the Panxi region. However, except for their coeval ages, the genetic relations between the ore-bearing intrusions and extrusive rocks are poorly understood. Phase equilibria analysis (Q-Pl-Ol-Opx-Cpx system) has been carried out to elucidate whether ore-bearing Panzhihua, Xinjie and Limahe intrusions are co-magmatic with the picrites and flood basalts (including high-Ti, low-Ti and alkali basalts), respectively. In this system, the parental magma can be classified as silica-undersaturated olivine basalt and silica-saturated tholeiite. The equivalents of the parental magma of the Xinjie and Limahe peridotites and picrites and low-Ti basalts are silica-undersaturated, whereas the Limahe gabbro-diorites and high-Ti basalts are silica-saturated. In contrast, the Panzhihua intrusion appears to be alkali character. Phase equilibria relations clearly show that the magmas that formed the Panzhihua intrusion and high-Ti basalts cannot be co-magmatic as there is no way to derive one liquid from another by fractional crystallization. On the other hand, the Panzhihua intrusion appears to be related to Permian alkali intrusions in the region, but does not appear to be related to the alkali basalts recognized in the Longzhoushan lava stratigraphy. Comparably, the Limahe intrusion appears to be a genetic relation to the picrites, whereas the Xinjie intrusion may be genetically related to be low-Ti basalts. Additionally, the gabbro-diorites and peridotites of the Limahe intrusion are not co-magmatic, and the former appears to be derived liquid from high-Ti basalts.  相似文献   

内容提要本文以金宝山为典型实例,根据元素地球化学特征探讨了西南暗色岩铜镍硫化物矿化岩体与峨眉山玄武岩的关系。分析表明,金宝山超镁铁岩与低钛峨眉山玄武岩在元素地球化学特征上具有一致的岩浆成因属性,两者在成岩机制上互补,低钛峨眉山玄武岩普遍经历了橄榄石结晶分异和硫化物熔离亏损作用,金宝山成矿岩体则与低钛峨眉山玄武岩同源岩浆深部分异的堆晶相相对应,由堆晶橄榄石及熔离硫化物和部分残余熔体构成的“晶-糊”侵位形成,因此认为铜镍硫化物矿床成矿岩体与低钛峨眉山玄武岩为同源异相产物。  相似文献   

位于攀西地区的新街层状岩体赋含大量钒钛磁铁矿,是峨眉山大火成岩省的一部分。岩体下部带和中部带以单斜辉石岩为主,并伴生浸染状钒钛磁铁矿矿化;上部带以辉长岩为主,赋存厚层的钒钛磁铁矿矿体。之前研究认为厚层的钒钛磁铁矿矿体的形成与粒间不混熔的富Fe熔体有关,但对富Fe熔体的演化过程缺乏细致研究。本文通过对新街岩体上部带的富矿辉长岩层和上覆浅色辉长岩中斜长石环带结构和成分的研究,揭示了富Fe熔体的演化过程。在浅色辉长岩中保存的岩浆不混熔的直接证据表现为矿物粒间共轭的富Si交生体和富钛铁矿交生体代表的非反应结构。本次研究发现,与粒间富Si交生体接触的斜长石边部的FeO和TiO_2含量随斜长石牌号(An)值的降低而降低,而与粒间富钛铁矿交生体接触的斜长石边部的FeO和TiO_2含量随An值的降低而升高,说明斜长石的边部成分变化记录了粒间共轭的富Si和富Fe熔体的成分特征。在富矿辉长岩中,斜长石可分为初生和新生两种,初生斜长石的An值介于57~62,FeO含量为0.34%~0.50%,TiO_2含量为0.06%~0.13%,新生斜长石具有相对较高的An值(61~81)和FeO、TiO_2含量,二者的内部和边部还发育增生斜长石,其An值(~50)相对较低;在初生斜长石边部可见不连续的新生斜长石环带和增生斜长石边,造成其内部成分显著不均一,并发育复杂的环带结构。本文认为,初生斜长石是岩浆正常分离结晶作用的产物。在粒间熔体发生不混熔后,不混熔的富Fe熔体逐渐向岩浆房下方迁移并结晶出了一些相对高An值的新生斜长石,或沿一些初生斜长石边部生长形成不连续的高An环带。当富Fe熔体演化至晚期,由于矿物生长空间受限,仅在初生和新生斜长石局部形成了相对低An值的增生边、或沿颗粒裂隙进入斜长石内部形成增生斜长石核。  相似文献   

The widespread Emeishan igneous province in southwestern China comprises the Emeishan continental flood basalts (ECFB) and associated mafie-ultramafic intrusions. The ECFB have variable SiO2, ranging from 43.6 to 52.1 wt%, Al2O3 from 5.0 to 12.6 wt%, and total alkali (K2O + Na2O) from 0.7 to 6.5 wt%. These oxides exhibit negative correlations with MgO (5.4 - 23.1 wt%), implying fractional crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene, which occur as phenocrysts in the rocks. Linear correlations between Zr, Nb, and La suggest that crustal contamination is not important. The primitive-mantle-normalized trace-element patterns show that the ECFB are enriched in high-field-strength trace elements, large-ion-lithophile elements, and light-rare-earth elements, similar to ocean-island basalt. Incompatible element ratios of the ECFB, such as Zr/Nb (7-10), Th/La (0.1-0.15), and Rb/Nb (0.9-1.7), differ from those of primitive mantle, N-MORB, and continental crust, but are similar to ocean-island basalts from an enriched mantle source (EM-1). However, the ECFB have isotopic ratios (143Nd/144Nd = 0.51229 -0.51276 and 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70480-0.70647) that imply that the ECFB were derived from a homogeneous, primitive lower mantle carried upward by a mantle plume.

We propose that the original melts derived from the mantle plume were contaminated through interaction at shallower depth with an enriched lithospheric mantle. This model suggests that the lithospheric mantle beneath the ECFB was modified by subduction of an oceanic slab.  相似文献   

The Limahe intrusion is a typical rock hosting Cu-Ni sulfide deposit in the Panxi district. The major element, trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic geochemical data are reported in this study both firstly and systemically. Age-corrected (87Sr/86Sr) and εNd(t) isotope values, ranging from 0.687062 to 0.709298, from -0.6 to -4.13 respectively, are partly overlap the field of the Emeishan basalt and OIB, and they lie between upper crust and OIB generally. The similar patterns between the Limahe intrusion and the picrites of the Emeishan large igneous province imply the genetic relationship to the Emeishan basalts. Their lower Nb/U (〈30), higher (La/Nb)pM and (Th/Ta)pM ratio values (〉1) indicate contamination of the upper crust material. The correlation between MgO and major oxides reflects the fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene and minor plagioclase in the deep-seated chamber. Therefore increased SiO2 and lowered FeO by the upper crustal contamination may trigger immiscible sulfide melt, which then flowed along the structural fracture and intruded into gabbrodiorite, resulting in the formation of Cu-Ni sulfide orebody.  相似文献   

吉林磐石三道岗含铜镍硫化物矿床岩体群年代学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省中南部产出系列铜镍硫化物矿床,形成于中生代早期的含矿镁铁-超镁铁质岩体在含矿岩体空间上受断裂构造控制,并且在一定范围内集中出现,构成具有成因联系的含矿岩体群。三道岗含矿岩体主要岩石类型为闪长岩、辉长岩、角闪辉石岩-辉石岩、含长角闪橄榄岩等组合,侵位于下二叠统范家屯组浅变质岩系中。辉长岩中LA-ICP-MS锆石原位定年得到(232.75±0.95)Ma(MSWD=0.87)的岩体结晶年龄,同时,角闪石单矿物40Ar-39Ar法测年得到(121.45±2.52)Ma的蚀变年龄,暗示三道岗含矿岩体群与红旗岭一样形成于印支中亚造山晚期,燕山期岩浆活动产生的热液叠加蚀变对矿床形成产生重要影响。  相似文献   

本文对在峨眉山玄武岩省中新发现的苦橄质岩石及其共生玄武岩的地球化学特征进行了研究,结果表明,除苦橄质岩石外,与其共生的玄武质岩石均属高Ti玄武岩。其主要元素特征与大多数大陆溢流玄武岩省相似,表现为高Fe_8、(CaO/Al_2O_3)_8和低Na_8,指示其形成压力高;其稀土和微量元素配分曲线相似,表现为轻稀土富集、高场强元素(HFSE)相对亏损,并且不存在Nb、Ta的负异常,而存在P和K的相对亏损。一些反映源区特征的比值,如La/Ta、La/Sm、(La/Nb)_(PM)、(Th/Ta)_(PM),Ta/Hf,Nb/Zr等,变化范围小,均指示了其地幔柱成因,且上升过程中很少或没有受到岩石圈地幔或地壳物质的混染,是石榴子石二辉橄榄岩在>75km时经大约7%的部分熔融的产物。而地幔柱的轴部位置可能位于现今云南丽江县城一带。  相似文献   

东昆仑成矿带是我国重要的Au-Cu-Co-Ni-Fe-Pb-Zn及其他多金属成矿带,2011年夏日哈木超大型镍矿床的发现使东昆仑一跃成为我国重要的铜镍资源基地。经过多年的勘查,东昆仑成矿带Cu-Ni找矿取得了较大突破,陆续发现了一批具有较大找矿潜力的岩体,如石头坑德、阿克楚克塞、浪木日和尕牙河等岩体。笔者依据近些年研究的成果对东昆仑成矿带岩浆铜镍矿床的成矿规律和成矿特征作初步总结,并指出下一步找矿方向。形成的主要认识如下:东昆仑造山带至少发生了4期强度不等的Cu-Ni-Co-(PGE)成矿事件,分别为寒武纪—奥陶纪(535~445 Ma)、志留纪—泥盆纪(440~394 Ma)、二叠纪—早三叠世(271~239 Ma)与晚三叠世(233~208 Ma),其中志留纪—泥盆纪的岩体数量最多、矿化率最高,产出的矿床数量多、规模也最大,而其他期次岩体的数量少、规模小与矿化弱;与其他成矿期的岩体零星分布于整个东昆仑成矿带不同,志留纪—泥盆纪岩体严格产在昆中断裂以北,又以昆中带数量最多,丛聚性明显;成矿具有显著的专属性,成矿岩体均以杂岩体产出,岩相发育齐全,富含贵橄榄石和斜方辉石的超镁铁质岩是最重...  相似文献   

The Late Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP) is commonly regarded as being located in the western part of the Yangtze craton, SW China, with an asymmetrical shape and a small area. This area, however, is just a maximum estimation because some parts of the ELIP were not recognized or dismembered and destroyed during the Triassic to Cenozoic tectonism. In this paper, the chemostratigraphical data of the Zongza block, the Garze-Litang belt and the Songpan-Garze block suggest that the Late Permian basalts in these areas have remarkable similarities to the ELIP basalts in petrography and geochemistry. Flood basalts in the Sanjiangkou area are composed of the lower part of the low-Ti (LT) tholeiite and the upper part of the high-Ti (HT) tholeiite, which is the same as the flood basalts on the western margin of the Yangtze craton. Flood basalts in the Zongza and Songpan-Garze areas, which are far from the Yangtze craton, consist of HT tholeiite only. This is the same as the flood basalts within the Y  相似文献   

红旗岭3号含矿岩体地质年龄及其岩石学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以1号和7号岩体为代表的红旗岭铜镍硫化物矿床,是兴蒙造山带中典型的岩浆熔离型矿床。矿区内共有30多个镁铁-超镁铁质岩体,3号岩体是其中的含矿岩体,多年来因其地质产状与主要含矿岩体不同被认为形成于燕山期。本次工作对采自不同深度岩心样品中的单矿物角闪石进行40Ar/39Ar同位素年代学研究,得到(228.2±3.0 )Ma的坪年龄和(230.1±7.1)Ma的等时线年龄。该年龄和近年发表的红旗岭1号岩体地质年龄基本一致,说明它们均为早印支期岩浆作用的产物。通过对比分析1号和7号主含矿岩体与3号岩体的岩石地球化学特征发现,无论是稀土元素还是微量元素图解均显示了它们具有相同的配分模式,暗示了这些岩体的同源性特点。  相似文献   

Electronic microprobe analyses for olivine, clinopyroxene and Cr-spinel in picrites, which we have discovered recently in the Emeishan continental flood basalt province (ECFBP), show that the olivine is rich in Mg, and that Cr-spinel is rich in Cr. Based on the olivine-melt equilibrium, the primary parental melt compositions are calculated. The high-Mg olivine-hosted picrite can be regarded as parental melt. Thus, the melting temperature and pressure are estimated: T=1600℃ and P=4.5 GPa. It suggests that the picrites are connected with the activity of mantle plumes. Their major element composition is comparable to many other CFBs by their high Fe8, (CaO/Al2O3)8 and low Na8, indicating a high pressure. All rocks display a similar chondrite-normalized REE patterns, i.e., enrichment of LREE, relative depletion of HFSE and absence of negative Nb and Ta but depletion in P and K. Some incompatible element ratios, such as La/Ta, La/ Sm, (La/Nb)PM, (Th/Ta)PM, are in a limited range, show that they were derived  相似文献   

攀西层状基性-超基性岩体的Sm-Nd年龄   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
攀西层状基性-超基性岩侵入体富含大型钒钛磁铁矿床,对其已进行过详细研究。但是岩体的形成时代一直存在争议。本文采用Sm-Nd同位素年代学方法对攀枝花、白马、红格岩体的年龄进行了研究。获得的年龄结果表明,岩体形成于晚海西-印支期,年龄283~197 Ma。红格岩体283±38(2σ)Ma,白马岩体197±60(2σ)Ma,攀枝花岩体上部岩相旋回210±43(2σ)Ma,下部岩相旋回282 Ma左右。攀西层状基性-超基性岩体与峨眉山玄武岩大致形成于同一时期。  相似文献   

喀拉通克铜镍矿床位于准噶尔板块北缘,矿区主要矿体赋存于Y1-Y3号岩体中。矿石构造类型为致密块状和浸染状两大类,其中前者与后者呈贯入接触,不同浸染状类型之间为过渡关系。岩石和矿石的PGE总量偏低,且以PPGE为主,IPGE含量较低。整体上岩石中的PGE含量显示随基性程度降低而变小。矿石中的PGE含量随硫化物含量增加增大,显示PGE主要分布于硫化物熔离形成的物相中。100%硫化物计算后,矿石PGE含量平均仅为573×10-9。各岩体中浸染状矿石PGE组成并无明显差异;岩石和矿石具有相似的PGE分配模式,均属于Pt-Pd配分型。岩石Ni/Cu-Pd/Ir关系以及岩石地球化学资料显示,形成喀拉通克岩体的初始岩浆为MgO含量较高的玄武质岩浆,属于PGE不亏损的岩浆。基于PGE不亏损的大陆拉斑玄武岩初始岩浆推算,喀拉通克矿床母岩浆明显亏损PGE,而深部硫化物熔离可能是导致母岩浆PGE亏损的主要原因。岩石和矿石Pd/Pt比值总体特征,岩石Cr与Ni、Ir、Ru和Rh相关性,以及硫同位素和岩石学资料分析表明,初始岩浆在地壳深部发生的橄榄石、铬铁矿等矿物的分离结晶作用,可能是促使硫过饱和与深部熔离的主要因素。IPGE与PPGE分异特征及其相关分析,结合矿床宏观地质特征,推断该矿床浸染状矿的成矿作用经历了初始岩浆(PGE不亏损)→橄榄石等矿物分离结晶→硫化物深部熔离→成矿母岩浆(PGE亏损)→上侵并结晶分异的成矿过程。块状矿则可能是这一过程中PGE亏损的成矿母岩浆相对滞后熔离形成的硫化物熔体贯入的结果。  相似文献   

Magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposits are generally associated with mafic-ultramafic rocks and it has not been reported that lamprophyre is one of the surrounding rocks of Cu-Ni sulfide deposits. The Dhi Samir deposit in Yemen, however, is a rare example of Cu-Ni deposits which are hosted in lamprophyre dikes. In this paper, comprehensive research is made on petrology, petrochemistry and isotope geochemistry for Cu-Ni-bearing rocks in the Dhi Samir area and the results show that dark rocks related to Cu-Ni orebodies are sodium-weak potassium and belong to calc-alkaline series lamprophyre, especially camptonite, characterized by enriched alkali, iron and titanium. In these rocks large-ion-lithophile elements are obviously concentrated, while high field strength elements slightly depleted, showing clear negative anomalies of Ta and Nb, and weak deficiency of Ti. The SREE is very high (225.67-290.05 ppm) and the REE partition curves are flat and right-inclined, featuring a LREE-enriched pattern with low negative Eu anomalies. Study of magmatic source areas indicates that the rocks have low (87Sr/86Sr) and high εNd(t), and the magmas were probably derived from the enriched mantle I (EM-I) end-member. Based on the LA-ICPMS on zircon U-Pb isotope dating, the lamprophyre in the Dhi Samir mining area has an age of 602±2.6 Ma, indicating that the rock was formed in the late Proterozoic and in an intraplate setting due to magmatism of an extensional environment in the post-Pan-Africa orogeny.  相似文献   

REE Characteristics of the Kalatongke Cu-Ni Deposit, Xinjiang, China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
On the basis of the study on the REE geochemistry of the ore minerals and host rocks of the Kalatongke Cu-Ni deposit, Xinjiang, it is indicated that the major ore minerals, sulfides, were sourced from the host mafic-ultramafic magma. Characterized by low REE content of sulfide, such a Cu-Ni sulfide deposit occurring in the orogen is obviously different from that on the margin of the craton. Because the mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Cu-Ni sulfide deposit occurring in the orogen is water-rich and the REEs of some sulfides show a particular "multiple-bending" pattern, which suggests coexistence of multiple liquid phases (fluid and melt), the sulfide melt possibly contains a great deal of hydrothermal fluids and increasingly developed gases and liquid-rich ore-forming fluids after the main metallogenic epoch (magmatic segregation stage).  相似文献   

利用锍镍试金富集-等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定法较系统分析了云南白马寨主要Cu-Ni硫化物矿石和主要围岩的PGE、Au、Cu和Ni含量,发现PGE含量均较低,其中块状硫化物矿石的∑PGE为78.2×10-9~556×10-9,橄榄辉石岩为0.472×10-9~67.0 ×10-9,辉长岩为0.847×10-9,二辉岩为0.76×10-9~0.809 ×10-9.后期煌斑岩的PGE也很低(2.98×10-9~4.07×10-9).各类矿石和围岩中∑PGE与Au, Ni与Cu之间呈明显的正相关关系.各类矿石的PGE原始地幔标准化曲线和Pt/Pd和Cu/Pd值与其各主要围岩非常相似,说明该矿Cu-Ni硫化物矿石为岩浆成因,且与围岩有成因上的联系.矿石和围岩较高的Pt/Pd值(平均0.83)显示其主要形成于单独的硫化物饱和事件,矿石中较高的Ir (0.77×10-9~5.52×10-9, 平均2.35×10-9)和Pd/Ir值 (4.76~296,平均138)显示硫化物矿石可能受到后期强烈的热液蚀变.白马寨硫化物矿石较高的187Os/188Os 初始值(0.456± 0.026)显示地壳物质的加入是成矿的重要因素.计算显示该矿硫化物矿石中地壳来源Os超过30%.  相似文献   

采用镍硫火试金ICP-MS法分析了白马寨铜镍硫化物矿床矿石及其主要围岩铂族元素(PGE)含量,结果表明铂族元素总量(ΣPGE)普遍较低,且ΣPGE由矿床核部的块状矿石(78.15×10-9~555.92×10-9)向外围矿化橄榄岩(6.77×10-9~70.95×10-9)至辉长岩(3.02×10-9)逐步降低。煌斑岩脉岩的ΣPGE也较低,为6.86×10-9~17.03×10-9。ΣPGE与Ni含量呈明显的正相关。不同种类岩石和矿石的PGE原始地幔配分模式明显不同,块状矿石为Pt-Pd配分型,Ir较明显亏损;矿化橄榄岩配分曲线较平坦,IPGE和PPGE分异不明显,但均出现Ru正异常。辉长岩样品和煌斑岩PGE配分模式几乎一致,也均出现明显的Ru正异常。矿石和围岩的Cu/Pd值远高于原始地幔,表明原生岩浆发生了较强的硫化物熔离作用。块状富镍矿石的(Pt+Pd)/(Os+Ir+Ru)和Pd/Ir分别为138.24和24.7,指示其母岩浆为演化较为彻底的玄武质岩浆,而矿化橄榄岩的相应值分别为3.02和16.09,具有科马提质岩浆的特征参数,因此白马寨块状矿石和矿化橄榄岩之间可能没有成因联系。块状硫化物熔体侵位前,其母岩浆经历过长时间强烈的硫化物熔离作用,硫化物熔浆作为独立的侵入相而侵入于III号岩体核部。这个过程反映了峨眉山地幔柱尾部岩浆演化和成矿可能经历过高度的S饱和过程。白马寨矿床形成过程中可能受到地壳物质的混染。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Jinchuan deposit is hosted by the olivine-rich ultramafic rock body, which is the third-largest magmatic sulfide Ni–Cu deposit in the world currently being exploited. Seeking new relaying resources in the deep and the border of the deposit becomes more and more important. The ore body, ore and geochemistry characteristics of the concealed Cu-rich ore body are researched. Through spatial analysis and comparison with the neighboring II1 main ore body, the mineralization rule of the concealed Cu-rich ore body is summed up. It is also implied that Cu-rich magma may exist between Ni-rich magma and ore pulp during liquation differentiation in deep-stage chambers, which derives from deep-mantle Hi–MgO basalt magma. It is concluded that the type of ore body has features of both magmatic liquation and late reconstruction action. It has experienced three stages: deep liquation and pulsatory injection of the Cu- and PPGE-rich magma, concentration of tectonic activation, and the later magma hydrothermal superimposition. In addition, the Pb and S isotopes indicate the magma of I6 concealed Cu-rich ore body originates predominantly from mantle; however, it is interfused by minute crust material. Finally, it is inferred that the genesis of the Cu–Ni sulfide deposit is complex and diverse, and the prospect of seeking new deep ore bodies within similar deposits is promising, especially Cu-rich ore bodies.  相似文献   

The Tianyu Cu-Ni sulfide deposit occurs in the north margin of the Central Tianshan Arc in East Tianshan orogenic belt, Xinjiang, NW China. The intrusions consist of gabbro, peridotite, and olivine pyroxenite. The peridotite and pyroxenite are the main host rock for the Cu-Ni ores. Rhenium and osmium isotopic analyses of Ni- and Cu-bearing sulfide minerals from the deposit have been used to determine the source of osmium, and by inference, the sources of ore metals. Sulfide ore samples have Os and Re concentrations varying in the ranges 1.85 to 4.58 ppb and 93.56 to 146.00 ppb, respectively. An initial 187Os/188Os ratio ranges from 0.86 to 1.23 for the ores and the γOs values from 592 to 2227. Osmium isotopic data suggest that the Tianyu intrusion and associated Cu-Ni mineralization has derived from crustal-contaminated mantle melts. The intrusions early show island-arc geochemical signatures, which indicate that the Hulu mafic–ultramafic intrusions, along with the Cu-Ni deposit, formed as a result of subduction of oceanic crust in the Early Permian.  相似文献   

The Campanian Ignimbrite is a > 200 km3 trachyte–phonolitepyroclastic deposit that erupted at 39·3 ± 0·1ka within the Campi Flegrei west of Naples, Italy. Here we testthe hypothesis that Campanian Ignimbrite magma was derived byisobaric crystal fractionation of a parental basaltic trachyandesiticmelt that reacted and came into local equilibrium with smallamounts (5–10 wt%) of crustal rock (skarns and foid-syenites)during crystallization. Comparison of observed crystal and magmacompositions with results of phase equilibria assimilation–fractionationsimulations (MELTS) is generally very good. Oxygen fugacitywas approximately buffered along QFM + 1 (where QFM is the quartz–fayalite–magnetitebuffer) during isobaric fractionation at 0·15 GPa ( 6km depth). The parental melt, reconstructed from melt inclusionand host clinopyroxene compositions, is found to be basaltictrachyandesite liquid (51·1 wt% SiO2, 9·3 wt%MgO, 3 wt% H2O). A significant feature of phase equilibria simulationsis the existence of a pseudo-invariant temperature, 883 °C,at which the fraction of melt remaining in the system decreasesabruptly from 0·5 to < 0·1. Crystallizationat the pseudo-invariant point leads to abrupt changes in thecomposition, properties (density, dissolved water content),and physical state (viscosity, volume fraction fluid) of meltand magma. A dramatic decrease in melt viscosity (from 1700Pa s to 200 Pa s), coupled with a change in the volume fractionof water in magma (from 0·1 to 0·8) and a dramaticdecrease in melt and magma density acted as a destabilizingeruption trigger. Thermal models suggest a timescale of 200kyr from the beginning of fractionation until eruption, leadingto an apparent rate of evolved magma generation of about 10–3km3/year. In situ crystallization and crystal settling in density-stratifiedregions, as well as in convectively mixed, less evolved subjacentmagma, operate rapidly enough to match this apparent volumetricrate of evolved magma production. KEY WORDS: assimilation; Campanian Ignimbrite; fractional crystallization; magma dynamics; phase equilibria  相似文献   

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