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巨厚火成岩在煤系中的水文地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李忠凯 《中国煤田地质》2004,16(4):37-38,41
通过对海孜煤矿7煤各工作面突水的特征和水质对比等方法,结合采后形成的导水裂隙带高度,得出了导致7煤各工作面突水的水源是来自巨厚火成岩侵入时对围岩产生的破坏裂隙水,在此基础上提出了侵入裂隙的概念,突水通道为采后形成的导水裂隙,并针对突水成因,提出了控制采高和提前疏放等防治措施。  相似文献   

The movement of hard and thick key stratum during underground coal extraction via longwall top coal caving differs from that of other types of overlying strata. Therefore, numerous problems such as roadway instability, rock burst and strong mining-induced mine seismicity will be encountered as a result of the fracture of a hard and thick key stratum. The key to controlling the behavior of strata is to understand the movement and fracture pattern of the hard and thick key stratum. Taking the 103up02 working face of Baodian coal mine as a case study in this study, according to the in situ measured microseismic data, the rule of fracture of overlying hard and thick sandstone caused by working face mining is studied, and the mechanism of dynamic pressure impact induced by hard and thick strata fracture is explained. Finally, the dynamic pressure control technology is put forward. The research results are of great significance for coal mining under hard and thick strata, mastering the fracture rules of hard and thick strata and predicting dynamic disasters.  相似文献   

歧口凹陷新生界发育了两类与火成岩相关的油藏:基性火山岩油藏和浅成侵入相辉绿岩蚀变带油藏,两者都为构造-岩性油藏。这两类油藏区域上受岩浆活动带控制,主要集中于NE向和EW向断裂转换带,并受烃源岩分布范围的影响而紧邻烃源岩分布;垂向上受区域盖层控制,集中于沙一中亚段和东三段。在转换带沙一中亚段和东三段内,火成岩能否富集成藏主要取决于储集系统的类型。开放式储集系统一方面利于流体替换使火成岩储集空间中的矿化水被及时排出减少次生矿物的形成,从而保护储集空间;另一方面利于富含有机酸流体进入火成岩储集体,通过溶蚀先期形成的杏仁体、裂缝充填物及火成岩中不稳定的矿物组分,使其储集空间扩大、容积增加,使火成岩的储集性能得以改善;另外,火成岩中的断裂通过与烃源岩的沟通为烃类注入富集成藏提供了必要的输导通道,致使这类储集系统能够富集烃类成藏。封闭式储集系统缺少这些条件,岩浆期后热液流体与成岩流体被包裹在火成岩储集空间内不能被排出,易形成次生矿物充填并堵塞这些空间,丧失其储集性能。部分未被充填的空间往往相互之间难以连通,并与生排烃地层隔绝而成为烃类难以注入的死孔隙,从而使这类储集系统难以聚集成藏。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地第三系火成岩的分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜在兴  肖尚斌 《地质论评》1999,45(7):618-626
渤海湾盆地第三系火成岩的分布在平面上具有东多西少、北多南少的特点,时代分布上,具孔店组、沙三段、沙一段、馆陶组4个相对富集时期和层位。全面、系统的分析研究认为,莫霍面隆起幅度和以郯庐断裂带为主的具走滑性质的深大断裂带控制了全区火成岩的分布概貌;坳陷内部与走滑断裂带相伴生的大断裂控制着火成岩的分布型式;凹陷内局部古应力场和古地貌决定着各期火成岩直接分布样式。  相似文献   

南海西北陆坡火成岩体地震识别及分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据南海西北陆坡西沙海区及周缘地球物理资料,分析了火成岩体的形态特征及识别特征,并结合南海及周缘地区岩石学测年数据,对该区火成岩进行了期次划分,总结了各期分布规律。研究发现,本区火成岩体代表性产状主要有平柱状、锥状的喷出型,及星状刺穿侵入型。利用地震反射特征通过火成岩体与围岩接触总结了三个判断火成岩形成时代的标准分别为:接触关系、上覆地层沉积厚度及两侧地层对比,从而识别出同扩张期火成岩,并将本区火成岩形成时代分为三期:南海扩张期(32~16 Ma),岩浆活动主要集中在西北次海盆和西沙隆起边界,琼东南盆地及中建盆地也有零星分布;扩张结束后的早期(16~5.5 Ma),岩浆活动规模小、数量少,只零星分布在西沙隆起内,研究区的其他地方并不存在该期岩浆活动;扩张结束后的晚期(5.5 Ma至今),火成岩体个体面积较小、数量众多、分布广泛,几乎在全区都有分布,并可见部分该期火成岩与南海扩张期的火成岩呈明显的继承关系。本研究证实南海扩张期间,陆坡虽有岩浆活动,但较之火山型张裂边缘其规模较小,没有形成大火成岩省,也没有发现火山型张裂边缘中典型的向海倾斜反射(SDR),为南海北部陆缘是岩浆匮乏型张裂陆缘这一观点提供了坚实的依据。扩张结束后的晚期,即自5.5 Ma以来岩浆活动剧烈,与莺歌海盆地、琼东南盆地及西沙海区异常热沉降直接相关,并推测该期岩浆活动可能与海南地幔柱有关。  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The Leeb hardness test is a non-destructive and portable technique that can be used both in the laboratory and in-field applications. The main purpose of...  相似文献   

通过对东天山觉罗塔格一带晚古生代岩浆岩地质特征、岩石化学特征等系统研究, 认为该晚古生代岩浆岩主要由早石炭世至中二叠世的火山岩和侵入岩组成, 其形成与康古尔洋向北俯冲有关。早石炭世岩浆岩为康古尔洋初始俯冲而成的钙碱性岛弧火山岩及具有低压、低温特征的高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩;晚石炭世岩浆岩为后碰撞弧火山岩;早二叠世岩浆岩为具有后碰撞弧和板内双重特征的火山岩及高温、高压特征的I型花岗岩;中二叠世发育具有低压、高温特征的高钾钙碱性A型花岗岩。综合前人资料及本文研究成果, 初步认为觉罗塔格一带晚古生代经历了俯冲碰撞—碰撞造山—造山后陆内伸展的构造演化过程。  相似文献   

Summary Experimental evidence from true triaxial tests on dense rocks are analysed with emphasis on the failure modes of these materials under multiaxial loading, ambient temperature and external pressure. The strong dependence of the modes of fracture on the secondary components of applied stresses, and especially on the intermediate principal stress, indicated that the failure surface of these brittle materials may be appropriately described by a failure tensor polynomial criterion. As such, the elliptic paraboloid failure criterion was found to conveniently describe their mode of failure, by considering also the severe influence of anisotropy of the material.  For this purpose, a method developed recently (Theocaris and Panagiotopoulos, 1995a, 1995b) was applied, defining anisotropic hardening plasticity through an appropriate sequence of anisotropic elasticity problems. Assuming a particular path of loading or unloading, we measured the instantaneous tension and compression yield stresses along the transient principal-stress directions. These parameters completely define the instantaneous state of anisotropy of the body for the corresponding loading step, by applying the theory of the elliptic paraboloid failure locus (EPFS) (Theocaris, 1989a). A parameter identification problem was formulated on the constitutive expressions for this most general failure criterion. Then, by applying convenient constraints derived from the EPFS theory, which serve as filters throughout the whole procedure, the characteristic values of terms defining the variable components of the failure tensor polynomial were calculated, as the material was continuously loaded from the elastic into the plastic region and up to the ultimate failure load. Accurate simple tests in uniaxial tension and compression provided sufficient data for the definition of the yield loci of the material, at the considered loading step. These tests may be complemented with biaxial and triaxial modes of loading of the specimens. The results improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the method. All such data were used as input values, for establishing the mode of plastic deformation of the body during particular loading paths.  Moreover, the method employed allows the complete definition of the components of the failure, H, and the strength differential effect, h, tensors at each loading step. These quantities define completely the failure tensor polynomial for each material. Therefore, it presents the important advantage over other experimental methods by clearly indicating the parts contributed to the failure mode (either by plasticity, or by the strength differential effect) and their evolution during plastic deformation.  As convenient prototype materials for testing the method, specimens of metamorphic rocks such as Westerly granite (G), or quartzite (Q) were selected. Interesting results concerning the mechanical and especially the failure modes of such materials were obtained. Furthermore, the mechanical tests indicated clearly some basic properties of these materials as concerns the mode of their structure.  相似文献   

中国东南部晚中生代火成岩的基底探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
根据浙闽赣粤地区出露的中深变质岩石构造组合,构造形迹和近年报道的同位素测年数据认为,中国东南部晚中生代火成岩之下存在一个前泥盆纪的变质基底,其中,前震旦纪的变质基底以呈面形分布的片岩,片麻岩及混合岩为特征,年龄值大于8亿年,是构成华南地区最古老的陆壳基底之一,俗称华厦古陆,9亿年左右,该陆块和扬子陆块碰撞,其缝合带为强兴-江山-东乡-萍乡断裂带,稍后,受区域拉张构造事件的影响,它被裂解为三个走向各异,分布在浙东南-闽西北,赣中-赣南和云开三个地区的块体,分别呈NEE,NNE和NE方向展布,三者之间为巨厚的震旦纪一早古生代沉积物质所充填,并有复式岩浆岩流出现,研究表明,中国东南部晚中生代火成岩的基底构造至少经历过三期构造一热事件的演化,这种古构造格局,制约了中国东南部中生代大规模构造-岩浆活动,岩浆成分差异及其空间展布。  相似文献   

Under hard roof in mining, the roadside support body of gob-side entry retaining bears high pressure, and is easy to damage and fracture. It puts forward the new roadside support method with constant resistance yielding limit supporting. And through establishing mechanical model of the roadside support body in different stages of the sinking of the roof rotation, it discusses the force of supporting, deduces the parameters about the initial constant resistance and the lower limited deformation body in late stage. It is a mine 16209 working face track tunnel as the background and analysis the mechanism of the roadside under hard roof. In this mine the pressure height of the constant resistance body is 0.5 m, and the constant support resistance is 15 MPa. The width of the lower body is 1.8 m, and the compressive strength is 25 MPa. And by using reliability theories and engineering tests, research results show that the limited deformation body is stable; the support structure can guarantee the stability of the surrounding rock of roadway. Field tests show that the roadside support structure can ensure good effects roadway maintained along the goaf, the roadway can meet the needs of rocks safety.  相似文献   

The Habit of Apatite in Synthetic Systems and Igneous Rocks   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36  
Apatite crystals co-existing with liquid or with vapour in thesystem CaO-CaF2-P2O6-H2O-CO2 are equant whereas those precipitatedfrom a liquid during a quench are greatly elongated parallelto the c-axis and they exhibit skeletal forms. Basic rocks inthe Karroo volcanic succession of Southern Rhodesia containapatite crystals with forms very similar to the synthetic quenchapatites. Acicular apatite crystals may prove to be of valueas a criterion for the former existence of a liquid phase inrocks whose origin is debatable.  相似文献   

火成岩油气藏成藏机理探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文以济阳坳陷罗151块火成岩油气藏为例,通过对侵入岩体围岩的生油条件、辉绿岩体储集空间及油气运移与圈闭形成的时空配置关系等方面的研究,综合岩心、地球物理及试油等方面的资料,具体阐述了罗151块火成岩油气藏的特点及成藏模式。研究表明,火成岩作为一种特殊类型的油气储集层,形成具工业价值油气藏须具备一定的石油地质条件:充足的石油来源、有利的生储盖组合、由裂缝—孔隙系统构成的储集空间、有效的圈闭(圈闭形成时间与油气运移时间的相互关系、圈闭位置与油源区的空间关系)及必要的保存条件等;但由于火成岩油气藏储集空间类型复杂、成因多样,其平面及纵向储层非均质性差异极大,开展对不同类型火成岩储集层储集空间成因研究,是解决减小火成岩油气藏勘探风险及合理布置开发井网问题的关键。  相似文献   

In this study, the occurrence conditions of rockbursts induced by broken hard and thick rock strata (HTRS) in fully mechanized longwall face are investigated by dividing the surrounding rock of a roadway rib into three zones: burst-resistance zone (BRZ), burst-inoculation zone, and stable zone. On this basis, the process of impact vibration energy (released by the broken HTRS) transformation in these zones was analyzed, and theoretical equations are presented to calculate the strain energy, dissipated energy and shock vibration energy. In addition, an energy criterion associated with the critical broken length of the HTRS, the width of burst-resistance zone, and the burst proneness index was proposed to predict rockbursts induced by broken HTRS in fully mechanized longwall face. Moreover, to control these types of rockbursts effectively, a quantitative method was proposed for determining the limit broken length of the HTRS and the BRZ. The research results show that the energy criterion may forecast these typical rockbursts, and rockburst hazards can be eliminated using the proposed method.  相似文献   

Stress Distribution During Extraction of Pillars in a Thick Coal Seam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This paper presents field observations on distribution of vertical stress during an experimental trial of extraction of pillars in four panels in 6.0–8.0m thick coal seam, as a part of a Science and Technology project funded by the Ministry of Coal, Govt of India. Variation of induced stress based on continuous monitoring data for the first time in Indian coal mining scenario showed distinct anomalies and potential for better understanding of strata mechanics and warning of major roof falls during pillar extraction. Numerical model studies based on finite difference code – FLAC were also conducted for stress analysis in idealized pillar mining sequence so that the influence of each stage of extraction could be identified. The numerical model results on stress concentration over the pillars, stooks and ribs showed variation of 3.6%, 8.3% and 6.1%, respectively as compared to the field observations for 7m thick coal seam at a depth cover of 60m from the surface. This indicates validity of the numerical models for stress analysis in the simulated conditions of the present field experiments.  相似文献   

受印度板块向欧亚大陆碰撞造山作用的影响,藏南地区的岩浆活动极为强烈,但在靠近主中央逆冲断裂带(MCT)的特提斯喜马拉雅锑金成矿带,目前报道的岩浆岩出露相对较少,而前人研究表明该成矿带内的诸多矿床成因与岩浆岩关系密切。扎西康铅锌多金属矿整装勘查区正是位于该成矿带东部,近期在勘查区内发现众多的侵入岩浆岩体或岩脉/墙,初步研究表明这些岩体具有酸性岩或基性岩的特征,缺失中性岩,具有典型的双峰式岩浆岩特征。这些成果为科研工作者今后探讨勘查区内乃至整个藏南地区的岩浆活动—构造演化以及与成矿作用的关系提供了新的研究对象,进而为准确地建立区内新的成矿模式和找矿模型提供了初始的基础地质资料。  相似文献   

To master the laws of strong strata behavior of Tashan coal mine under Carboniferous coal mining process, the laws of strong strata behavior in 8107 working face was measured and analyzed. It was shown that the average initial weighting step of 8107 working face was 59.4 m. The average periodic weighting step of main roof was 16.2 m. The maximum working resistance during periodic weighting was 14,711.1 kN. The maximum working resistance during non-periodic weighting was 11,339.9 kN. The average dynamic load factor K during periodic weighting was 1.31. The stress of coal column on the side of the goaf could be divided into four zones (stress stabilization zone, stress slow-increasing zone, significant—increasing stress zone, stress reduction zone) along the strike of 8107 working face. There was a peak of lateral support pressure along the trend of 8107 working face. And the peak position was biased to the side of return airway roadway. With the increase of the distance from the down-side of return airway, the pressure peak of the inner coal body along the strike of 8107 the working face increased and the peak position decreased from the coal wall. The peak stress of coal column tended to be close to the up-side of return airway. And the distance from the down-side of return airway for the peak of inner coal was larger than that for the peak of coal pillar. The peak position of abutment pressure of hard roof was in the range of 10–25 m in front of 8107 working face under full mechanized mining extra thickness coal seam conditions. The relative stress concentration coefficient of k was 1.3–6.5. The range of 10–25 m from the front of the working face to coal wall was stress reduction zone. And the influence range of abutment pressure was about 80 m. It was of great significance to the control and practice of the surrounding rock of the stope for the mining of the hard extra-thick coal seam.  相似文献   

赣东北地区岩浆岩同位素年代学研究及地质演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文收集并整理赣东北及邻区岩浆岩年龄数据200多个,在综合、分析大量地质资料与前人成果的基础上,尝试较全面地总结本区中元古代以来的岩浆活动、构造演化过程及其动力学背景。研究表明,本区古元古代及更早时期的岩浆活动确切记录很少,反映出赣东北地区可能没有古老的陆壳。中—新元古代丰富多彩的岩浆活动,记录了江南造山带在扬子板块东南缘的发生和形成过程。本区古生代的构造—岩浆活动总体来说不强烈,主要发育在一些海西印—支期的断裂拗陷带,并且伴随与海底火山活动—热水沉积相关的成矿作用。中生代尤其燕山期是赣东北地区岩浆活动较强烈的一个时期,以德兴铜厂—富家坞花岗闪长斑岩和银山潜火山岩为代表的花岗质岩浆活动形成了规模巨大的铜金多金属矿床,是中国东部中生代成矿大爆发的典型代表;本区在白垩纪处于拉张伸展的构造环境,发育双峰式岩浆岩建造。新生代构造—岩浆活动不强,仅在一些张裂带有少量岩浆活动。本文还结合近期工作,对一些争议性问题提出了自己的认识。  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Elastic constants and crack propagation stress thresholds of brittle rocks are important mechanical properties for engineering applications. However, these...  相似文献   

柳广弟  高岗 《沉积学报》1999,17(3):482-485
通过碳酸盐岩地层中的纯碳酸盐岩、缝合线缝隙物和泥质条带有机质含量和残留烃量分析表明,碳酸盐岩地层中不同的组成部分之间有机质的分布是不均匀的,其中缝合线缝隙物和泥质条带具有高的TOC值和较低的S1/ TOC 值,而纯碳酸盐岩TOC值则很低,但其S1/ TOC 却很高。这说明缝合线缝隙物和泥质条带发生了明显的排烃作用,而纯碳酸盐岩排烃作用不明显。因此可以认为高有机质丰度的缝合线缝隙物和泥质条带是碳酸盐岩地层烃源的主要贡献者。压溶作用对碳酸盐岩的排烃起重要作用。  相似文献   

Summary. This paper presents a model created by the author to predict stress–strain relationships for weak to strong carbonate rocks (σc < 100 MPa) exhibiting axial strains up to 1%. The stress–strain model based on Haldane’s distribution function (Haldane, 1919) relates the axial stress (or normalized axial stress) to the square of an exponential function where the exponent is axial strain. To obtain accurate stress–strain relationship over the whole pre-failure strain with the proposed stress–strain model, it is necessary to have only one datum point (peak axial stress and maximum axial strain at this peak stress). It is shown that the stress–strain relationships observed in laboratory compression tests on samples collected from six carbonate rock formations (chalk, dolomites and limestones) from different parts of Israel, agree well with the stress–strain prediction model proposed by the author.  相似文献   

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