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Recently the single-impact hypothesis for forming the Moon has gained some favorable attention. We present in this paper a series of three-dimensional numerical simulations of an impact between the protoearth and an object about 0.1 of its mass. For computational convenience both objects were assumed to be composed of granite. We studied the effects on the outcome of the collision of varying the impact parameter, the initial internal energy, and the relative velocity. The results show that if the impact parameter is large enough so that the center of the impactor approximately grazes the limb of the protoearth, the impactor is not completely destroyed; part of it forms a clump in a large elliptical orbit about the Earth. This clump does not collide with the Earth, since the effects, first, of vapor pressure gradients during the impact, and later, of angular momentum transfer due to the rotation of the deformed Earth, have modified the ballistic trajectory. However, since the orbit of the clump comes close to the Earth (within the Roche limit) the clump will be destroyed and spread out to form a disk around the Earth. The amount of angular momentum in the Earth-Moon system thus obtained tends to fall short of the observed amount; this deficiency would be eliminated if the mass of the impactor were somewhat greater than the one assumed here. The scenario for making the Moon from a single-impact event is supported by these simulations.  相似文献   

Paleontological data and celestial mechanics suggest that the Moon may have stayed in a geosynchronous corotation around the Earth as a geostationary satellite. Excess energy may have slowly been released as heat, transferred as movement around the Sund or lost with matter ejected into space.The radial segregation process which was responsible for the formation of the Earth's iron core also brought water and lithophile elements dissolved in the water towards the surface. These elements were deposited in the area facing the Moon for several reasons, and a single continent was formed. Its level continuously matched the sea level, so the continent was formed under shallow water. When the geosynchronous corotation of the Moon became impossible, the tides become important, the Moon receded and the Earth slowed down and became more and more spherical; the variation of its oblateness from about 8% to 0.3% was incompatible with the shape of the continent, that broke into pieces.Almost all the data were have on the Earth's age, the composition of the continents, sea water and the atmosphere fit this approach as does lunar data.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

The basic geochemical model of the structure of the Moon proposed by Anderson, in which the Moon is formed by differentiation of the calcium, aluminium, titanium-rich inclusions in the Allende meteorite, is accepted, and the conditions for formation of this Moon within the solar nebula models of Cameron and Pine are discussed. The basic material condenses while iron remains in the gaseous phase, which places the formation of the Moon slightly inside the orbit of Mercury. Some condensed metallic iron is likely to enter the Moon in this position, and since the Moon is assembled at a very high temperature, it is likely to have been fully molten, so that the iron can remove the iridium from the silicate material and carry it down to form a small core. Interactions between the Moon and Mercury lead to the present rather eccentric Mercury orbit and to a much more eccentric orbit for the Moon, reaching past the orbit of the Earth, establishing conditions which are necessary for capture of the Moon by the Earth. In this orbit the Moon, no longer fully molten, will sweep up additional material containing iron oxide. This history accounts in principle for the two major ways in which the bulk composition of the Moon differs from that of the Allende inclusions.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Based on simple CIPW norms for the proposed terrestrial upper mantle material, it is shown that if the Moon fissioned from the Earth and gravitationally differentiated, it could have a 72 km thick anorthosite (An97) crust, a calcium poor (3.8% by weight) pyroxenite upper mantle 100 Mg/Mg + Fe = 75 to 80) ending at a depth of 313 km and a dunite (Fo93_95) lower mantle below a depth of 313 km. Refinements of these simple norm models, based on the cooling history, crystallization sequence and the variations of the 100 Mg/Mg + Fe ratio of the liquid and crystals during the crystallization sequence, indicate that the final form of such a Moon could have the following properties: (1) a primitive, cumulate anorthosite - minor troctolite crust with intrusive and extrusive feldspathic basalts and KREEP rich norites; the thickness of this crust would be 75 km; (2) a zone in the bottom of the crust and the top of the upper mantle which is rich in KREEP, the incompatible elements, silica, and possibly voltiles; this zone would be the source area for the upland feldspathic basalts, KREEP rich norites and KREEP and silica rich fluids; (3) an upper mantle between the depths of 75 km and 350 to 400 km which consists of peridotite containing 80–85% pyroxene (Wo10En68_72Fs18_22) and 15–20% olivine (Fo75_80); the Al2O3 content of the upper mantle is 3%; the peridotite layer would be the source area for mare basalts and; (4) a lower mantle below a depth of 350–400 km which consists of dunite (Fo93_97).The cooling history of such a moon indicates that the primitive anorthosite crust would have been completely formed within 108 yr after fission. The extrusion and intrusion of upland basalts and KREEP rich norites and the metamorphism of the crustal rocks via KREEP and silica rich fluids would have ended about 4 × 109 yr ago when cooling well below the solidus reached a depth of 150 km. As cooling continied, the only source of magmas after 4 × 109 yr ago would have been the peridotite upper mantle, i.e. the source area of the mare basalts. Extrusion of mare basalts ended when cooling below the solidus reached the top of the refractory dunite lower mantle 3-3.3 × 109 yr ago.Thus, it is shown that the chemistry, primary lithology, structure and developmental history of a fissioned Moon readily match those known for the real Moon. As such, the models presented in this paper strongly support the fission origin of the Moon.Guest Scientist, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung.Permanent Address.  相似文献   

Model calculations show that the thermal history of a Moon which originated by fission from the proto-Earth is the same as that for the Moon as it is currently understood. In particular, a fissioned Moon currently has a small percent of partial melt or at least near solidus temperatures below depths of 800 km in accord with the seismic data which show that the deep interior of the Moon has a very lowQ. The models have moderate (20–50%) degrees of partial melting in the upper mantle (depths < 300 or 200 km) in the period between 3 to 4 × 109 years ago and, therefore, can account for the mare filling epoch. Finally the heat flow of the models is 18 ergs cm–2 s–1 which is close to the average of 19 ergs cm–2 s–1 derived from the Apollo heat flow experiments. These findings add further support for the fission origin of the Moon.  相似文献   

It is shown that the mean value for the heat flow of a gravitationally-differentiated Moon of fission origin is about 13 erg cm?2 s?1 and that the heat flow varies regionally from about 3 erg cm?2s?1 to more than 45 erg cm?2s?1. These regional variations in the heat flow are caused by a non-uniform distribution of K, U and Th in the KREEP zone at the crust-upper mantle boundary and the redistribution of crustal materials and K, U and Th rich KREEP materials by basin-forming impacts. The scale of these regional variations is hundreds of km. The models presented are in accord with the Apollo 15 and 17 heat flow measurements.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, it was shown that the basic properties and the developmental history of a gravitationally differentiated Moon of fission origin match those known for the Moon. In the first part of this report, the models of a differentiated Moon are critically reviewed based on second order considerations of some of the chemical systems used to develope the earlier models and based on new lunar data. As a result, slightly updated models are developed and the results indicate that a Moon of fission origin has a feldspar rich crust (≈70% Or0.8Ab5.3An93.9 with ≈30% pyroxene and olivine) reaching an average depth of ≈65 km. A KREEP rich layer is located at the interface of the crust and the upper mantle. The upper mantle consists of peridotite (≈80% Wo10En70Fs20 and ≈20% Fo75–80 with ≈3% Al2O3 and ≈ 2% TiO2) and reaches a depth of 300–400 km. Below 300–400 km lies a dunite (≈Fo95) lower mantle. A simple model for the distribution of K, U and Th (and by inference, KREEP) in the differentiated Moon model is developed using a distribution coefficient of 0.1 for the three elements. This coefficient is derived from published data on the distribution of U in Apollo 11 basalts. The simple model successfully accounts for the observed K, U and Th contents of the various mare basalts and upland rocks and yields a heat flow of 21 erg cm?2s?1 for the Moon. A model for the fine structure of the peridotite upper mantle of the model Moon is developed based on the TiO2 and trace element variations observed in the various mare basalts. It is proposed that the upper mantle is rhythmically banded on the scale of 10's of km and that this banding leads to local variations of a factor of ±3 in the K, U and Th content, -10 +5 in the TiO2 content and -∞ +2 in the olivine content of the peridotite. It is also proposed that this banding leads to large scale horizontal inhomogenuities in the composition of the upper mantle. It is also shown that the formation of the primitive suite of upland rocks is easily explained by the cumulation of plagioclase, which carried varying amounts of pyroxene, olivine and melt with it, during the peritectic crystallization of the last 20% of the differentiating Moon. It is found that the 100 Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of the mafics and the An contents of the plagioclases of the rocks are controlled by several factors, the most important of which is the ratio of melt to crystals which together formed the various upland rocks. The inverse relationship between the An contents and the Mg contents of the upland rocks is a direct consequence of the differentiation sequence proposed. The results and models presented in this paper further support the hypothesis that the Moon formed as a result of fission from the proto-Earth.  相似文献   

The thermal evolution of the Moon as it can be defined by the available data and theoretical calculations is discussed. A wide assortment of geological, geochemical and geophysical data constrain both the present-day temperatures and the thermal history of the lunar interior. On the basis of these data, the Moon is characterized as a differentiated body with a crust, a 1000-km-thick solid mantle (lithosphere) and an interior region (core) which may be partially molten. The presence of a crust indicates extensive melting and differentiation early in the lunar history. The ages of lunar samples define the chronology of igneous activity on the lunar surface. This covers a time span of about 1.5 billion yr, from the origin to about 3.16 billion yr ago. Most theoretical models require extensive melting early in the lunar history, and the outward differentiation of radioactive heat sources.Thermal history calculations, whether based on conductive or convective computation codes define relatively narrow bounds for the present day temperatures in the lunar mantle. In the inner region of the 700 km radius, the temperature limits are wider and are between about 100 and 1600°C at the center of the Moon. This central region could have a partially or totally molten core.The lunar heat flow values (about 30 ergs/cm2s) restrict the present day average uranium abundance to 60 ± 15 ppb (averaged for the whole Moon) with typical ratios of K/U = 2000 and Th/U = 3.5. This is consistent with an achondritic bulk composition for the Moon.The Moon, because of its smaller size, evolved rapidly as compared to the Earth and Mars. The lunar interior is cooling everywhere at the present and the Moon is tectonically inactive while Mars could be and the Earth is definitely active.  相似文献   

Supporting evidence for the fission hypothesis for the origin of the Moon is offered. The maximum allowable amount of free iron now present in the Moon would not suffice to extract the siderophiles from the lunar silicates with the observed efficiency. Hence extraction must have been done with a larger amount of iron, as in the mantle of the Earth, of which the Moon was once a part, according to the fission hypothesis. The fission hypothesis gives a good resolution of the tektite paradox. Tektites are chemically much like products of the mantle of the Earth; but no physically possible way has been found to explain their production from the Earth itself. Perhaps they are a product of late, deep-seated lunar volcanism. If so, the Moon must have inside it some material with a strong resemblance to the Earth's mantle. Two dynamical objections to fission are shown to be surmountable under certain apparently plausible conditions.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the primitive suite of upland rocks formed as a result of the cumulation of plagioclase which crystallized in disequilibrium from a convecting magma containing previously crystallized and co-crystallizing olivine and pyroxene. As the plagioclase was removed from this magma by flotation, it carried with it melt and mafic crystals in varying, but predictable proportions. This model successfully accounts for the major petrological characteristics of the upland suite of rocks, in particular, the reversed An vs Mg' trend, the quartz normative anorthosites and the olivine to pyroxene ratio variations vs plagioclase content of the rocks.It is shown that the crystallization sequence for the Moon is one where the pyroxenes of the peridotite upper mantle and crust were formed as a result of the reaction olivine + quartz (melt) pyroxene. This reaction occurred at depth (100–300 km) in the moon after the dunite lower mantle had formed, but while olivine was still crystallizing at the surface. As a result of this reaction, the crystallization of the last 20% of the Moon took place mainly along the olivine-plagioclase cotectic and not at the olivine-pyroxene-plagioclase peritectic as previously proposed. This crystallization sequence leads directly to an explanation of the fact that olivine rich rocks make up a significant fraction of the crust, despite the presence of a pyroxene dominated upper mantle directly below the crust. Also the reaction olivine + quartz (melt) pyroxene is exothermic and as such provided heat energy at the bottom of the magma system needed to set it into strong convective motion. As a result, the magma was kept stirred and the olivine and pyroxene in the cooling magma were kept in equilibrium with the melt, thus finally producing the relatively uniform peridotite of the upper mantle.A refined model for the distribution of U, Th and K in the crust of a pyroline moon is presented. It is demonstrated that the KREEP layer, which formed at the crust-upper mantle interface at the end of the crystallization of the Moon, was quickly destroyed by impact excavation and the upwards migration of the low melting KREEP materials. As a result of these processes the KREEP layer no longer exists in the Moon and all of its components are mixed in the crust. As a result, the crust contains about 80% of the heat producing U, Th and K of the Moon. The predicted values of the concentrations of U, Th and K in the crust based on this model are almost exactly those found for the average upland crust by the orbiting-ray experiment. This result not only strongly supports the models proposed in this paper but also supports the suggestion that the mean heat flow of the moon is 13–14 ergs/cm2/sec, i.e. that predicted for a Moon of fission origin in an earlier paper.The results and models presented in this paper further support the hypothesis that the Moon is a gravitationally differentiated body which originated by fission from a protoearth.Contribution No. 127, Institut für Geophysik, Kiel.  相似文献   

A simple analysis shows that the normal assumption of an outward heat flow, together with the normally assumed surface layer of low thermal conductivity, would give rise to microwave emission effects and to local variations in surface temperature which are not in fact observed. It is concluded that either the surface layer must be much thinner than is at present postulated, or that the outward flow of heat must be much smaller than is supposed.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet flux from the entire lunar disk has been measured in a series of rocket flights from Woomera at several wavelength bands in the range 2400-2900 Å and also at the wavelength of the hydrogen Lα line (1216 Å). Comparison of these measurements with other observations shows that between the visible and middle ultraviolet part of the spectrum, the lunar albedo decreases sharply towards shorter wavelengths falling to (0.7 ± 0.1) percent at 2400 Å which is a factor of ten less than the visible albedo. The measured albedo at 1216 Å is (0.3 ± 0.1) percent indicating that the decline in reflectivity with decreasing wavelength is less rapid at far ultraviolet wavelengths than is the decline between visible and middle ultraviolet.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to give a brief account of the history of lunar mapping in the pre-telescopic era, and that immediately following the discovery of the telescope. It is pointed out that the first (and also last) extant map of the Moon based on naked-eye observations was prepared some time before 1603 by William Gilbert - discoverer of the terrestrial magnetism - though it was published only posthumously in 1651. Moreover, the recently unearthed drawings of the Moon by Thomas Harriott in England based on telescope observations between 1609 and 1610 are in no way inferior (if not otherwise) than those published by Galileo Galilei at the same time. As G. C. La Galla's drawings of the Moon published in Venice in 1612 are in reality identical with those of Galileo, the third independent contribution to lunar mapping was made by P. Christoph Scheiner in Germany between 1611 and 1613; preceding those by C. Malapert (1916) or Gassendi and Mellan more than twenty years later.  相似文献   

The origin of Titan’s atmospheric methane is a key issue for understanding the origin of the saturnian satellite system. It has been proposed that serpentinization reactions in Titan’s interior could lead to the formation of the observed methane. Meanwhile, alternative scenarios suggest that methane was incorporated in Titan’s planetesimals before its formation. Here, we point out that serpentinization reactions in Titan’s interior are not able to reproduce the deuterium over hydrogen (D/H) ratio observed at present in methane in its atmosphere, and would require a maximum D/H ratio in Titan’s water ice 30% lower than the value likely acquired by the satellite during its formation, based on Cassini observations at Enceladus. Alternatively, production of methane in Titan’s interior via radiolytic reactions with water can be envisaged but the associated production rates remain uncertain. On the other hand, a mechanism that easily explains the presence of large amounts of methane trapped in Titan in a way consistent with its measured atmospheric D/H ratio is its direct capture in the satellite’s planetesimals at the time of their formation in the solar nebula. In this case, the mass of methane trapped in Titan’s interior can be up to ∼1300 times the current mass of atmospheric methane.  相似文献   

Three types of igneous rocks, all ultimately related to basaltic liquids, appear to be common on the lunar surface. They are: (1) iron-rich mare basalts, (2) U-, REE-, and Al-rich basalts (KREEP), and (3) plagioclase-rich or anorthositic rocks. All three rock types are depleted in elements more volatile than sodium and in the siderophile elements when relative element abundances are compared with those of carbonaceous chondrites. The chemistry and age relationships of these rocks suggest that they are derived from a feldspathic, refractory element-rich interior that becomes more pyroxenitic; that is, iron/magnesium-rich; with depth.It is suggested that the deeper parts of the lunar interior tend toward chondritic element abundances. The radial variation in mineralogy and bulk chemical composition inferred from the surface chemistry is probably a primitive feature of the Moon that reflects the accretion of refractory elementenriched materials late in the formation of the body.  相似文献   

In a series of previous papers, a petrological model for the Moon has been developed based on the assumption that the Moon is a globe of differentiated terrestrial mantle material which fissioned from the Earth. One of the major constraints which this model matches is the hypothesis that the lunar upper mantle is dominated by pyroxene. However, it has been recently shown that olivine is most probably the major constituent of the lunar upper mantle and that, at least that part of the Moon has a composition which is very similar to that of pyrolite - the proposed composition of the Earth's mantle. As a result of this new model constraint, the previously proposed differentiation scheme for a Moon of fission origin is reviewed and found to be inadequate, despite modification, for explaining the near pyrolite composition of the lunar upper mantle. As a result, a solidification sequence, which has been proposed to explain the rhythmic banding in terrestrial ultra mafic complexes, is investigated and found to be able to account for the high olivine content of the upper mantle, assuming a pyrolite composition for the Moon.  相似文献   

Galper  A. M.  Kirillov-Ugryumov  V. G.  Leikov  N. G.  Luchkov  B. I. 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):447-449
Solar Physics - Hard gamma-radiation fluctuations with the periods from 4 to 60 min were investigated in the course of balloon flights at altitudes of 30–40 km. Quasiperiodic intensity...  相似文献   

A new model for the source distribution of galactic soft X-ray (B and C band) emission is presented. From the mean dependence of count rates on galactic latitudeb (i.e., the brightness distribution), we derive the soft X-ray source functionQ as function of the optical depth by solving the equation of radiative transfer with the aid of a Laplace transform. Contrary to older Heaviside step models,Q is found to increase strongly, but not abruptly, in the range 1.5<<2.5, indicating a noticeable emission of X-rays from beyond theHi scale height. Using standard X-ray absorption cross-sections for the interstellar medium, we find that the B band X-ray emission coefficient is non-zero within theHi disk and has a maximum at az-value slightly above the Hi scale height. In the C band, the emission coefficient slightly decreases with increasingz, at least up to theHi scale height. A non-zero source function near the galactic plane implies that the interstellar medium (ISM) within theHi scale height is not only an absorbing layer but is mixed with X-ray emitting regions. The so-called local hot bubble is adopted as one of these regions. The maximum of the B band emission coefficient, together with the sharp increase ofQ, is strong evidence for the existence of a galactic soft X-ray halo, and, moreover, give rise to the assumption of a general intergalactic X-ray background. The effective absorption cross-sections given in the literature, based on an (pure) exponential dependence in the negative correlation between count rates andHi column densities, were biased to be too small, in particular in the B band. In replacing the Heaviside step (in the ISM) by a smoothed transition region, these inconsistencies become spurious.  相似文献   

Spectral maps of Mimas’ daytime thermal emission show a previously unobserved thermal anomaly on Mimas’ surface. A sharp V-shaped boundary, centered at 0°N and 180°W, separates relatively warm daytime temperatures from a cooler anomalous region occupying low- to mid-latitudes on the leading hemisphere. Subsequent observations show the anomalous region is also warmer than its surroundings at night, indicating high thermal inertia. Thermal inertia in the anomalous region is , compared to < outside the anomaly. Bolometric Bond albedos are similar between the two regions, in the range 0.49-0.70. The mapped portion of the thermally anomalous region coincides in shape and location to a region of high-energy electron deposition from Saturn’s magnetosphere, which also has unusually high near-UV reflectance. It is therefore likely that high-energy electrons, which penetrate Mimas’ surface to the centimeter depths probed by diurnal temperature variations, also alter the surface texture, dramatically increasing its thermal inertia.  相似文献   

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