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有关1976年唐山地震发震断层的讨论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
江娃利 《地震地质》2006,28(2):312-318
对《地震地质》刊登的两篇文章中有关唐山断裂是高角度西倾的逆冲走滑断裂及唐山市东侧付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震的发震断裂的观点进行讨论。笔者认为,如果唐山地震断层是西倾的逆冲走滑活动,需要考虑唐山逆冲断裂的活动方式与唐山市西侧第四纪凹陷之间的关系;如果付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震震源构造的地表破裂,需要解释该西倾的倾滑断裂带与唐山市内走滑地裂缝带的成因联系。此外,还需要更有说服力的证据排除该地表破裂带是次生构造破裂的可能。建议对控制草泊第四纪凹陷的活动断裂开展调查  相似文献   

The seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake has remained in suspensed until now. Several faults or tectonics, including basal slipping zone, unknown blind thrust fault and piedmont buried fault, etc, are all considered as the possible seismogenic structure. This paper tries to make some new insights into this unsolved problem. Firstly, based on the data collected from the dynamic seismic stations located on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault deployed by the Institute of Earthquake Science from 2008 to 2009 and the result of the aftershock relocation and the location of the known faults on the surface, we analyze and interpret the deep structures. Secondly, based on the terrace deformation across the main earthquake zone obtained from the dirrerential GPS meaturement of topography along the Qingyijiang River, combining with the geological interpretation of the high resolution remote sensing image and the regional geological data, we analyze the surface tectonic deformation. Furthermore, we combined the data of the deep structure and the surface deformation above to construct tectonic deformation model and research the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Preliminarily, we think that the deformation model of the Lushan earthquake is different from that of the northern thrust segment ruptured in the Wenchuan earthquake due to the dip angle of the fault plane. On the southern segment, the main deformation is the compression of the footwall due to the nearly vertical fault plane of the frontal fault, and the new active thrust faults formed in the footwall. While on the northern segment, the main deformation is the thrusting of the hanging wall due to the less steep fault plane of the central fault. An active anticline formed on the hanging wall of the new active thrust fault, and the terrace surface on this anticline have deformed evidently since the Quaterary, and the latest activity of this anticline caused the Lushan earthquake, so the newly formed active thrust fault is probably the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Huge displacement or tectonic deformation has been accumulated on the fault segment curved towards southeast from the Daxi country to the Taiping town during a long time, and the release of the strain and the tectonic movement all concentrate on this fault segment. The Lushan earthquake is just one event during the whole process of tectonic evolution, and the newly formed active thrust faults in the footwall may still cause similar earthquake in the future.  相似文献   

沂沭断裂带重力场及地壳结构特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
沂沭断裂带为郯庐断裂带山东段,新构造运动显著,是华北地区的强震活动带之一。文中收集了该地区的布格重力数据,利用小波多尺度分析方法对重力场进行有效分离,研究区域地壳结构特征及断裂空间展布,并应用Parker变密度模型对区域莫霍面进行反演分析,得到以下几点结论:1)重力区域场显示,沂沭断裂带形成了NNE走向的大型重力梯度带,分隔了鲁西、鲁东地块,成为区域内重要的地球物理分界线。2)重力局部场显示,中上地壳结构复杂,沂沭带内部呈现两堑一垒的重力异常格局,5条主干断裂形成线性梯度带分布于东、西地堑内,鲁西块体的多条NW向活动断裂交切于沂沭断裂带,多数断裂只交切于西地堑,而蒙山山前断裂和苍尼断裂横穿沂沭断裂带;下地壳结构相对简单,发生明显的褶曲构造,表现出大规模高、低密度异常相间排列的典型特征。3)区域莫霍面形态东高西低,沂沭断裂带形成了莫霍面陡变带,造成了东西分异格局,潍坊东—莒县—临沂一线出现莫霍面上隆区,具有强震发生的深部孕震环境。4)区域内地震多发于高、低重力异常转化带之间,特别是活动断裂对应的重力梯度条带之上,地震的发生与断裂活动有着密切的关系,沂沭断裂带地震活动性最强,且东地堑强于西地堑。  相似文献   

根据九五期间在邢台震区开展的深浅构造耦合关系探测研究的结果,以及以往在该区开展的深地震测深、深地震反射和石油地震勘探工作的结果,指出邢台大震震源区深约8km处的滑脱面以上的上地壳存在一系列浅层断裂.其中,除新河断裂向上错断了中更新统地层,艾新庄断裂和其它断裂均未错断第四系地层.艾新庄断裂等向下归并于新河断裂,而新河铲形断裂则以低倾角向下延伸归并于滑脱面.滑脱面以下存在的贯穿中、下地壳直至Moho面的高倾角深大断裂是邢台大震的发震断裂.它的错动引起大震,并引起浅层断裂的活动和地表土层物质的运动.上地壳的浅层断裂不是大震的发震断裂,但可能是活动断裂.滑脱面的存在使深、浅构造之间形成既彼此相对独立、又相互影响的特殊关系.它在上、下地壳之间传递部分能量和形变,同时又具有一定的解耦作用.最后,提出活动断裂不一定错断最新地层,断裂所错断的最上部地层的年代也不一定就是该断层最近的活动年代.这对活断裂年代的判定和研究提出了一个值得思考的问题.本文还提出了其它值得思考的问题.  相似文献   

根据重、磁资料探讨中国东部及其邻域断裂体系   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对中国贺兰山-龙门山以东的中国陆、海及其邻域,在分析地球物理场特征的基础上进行断裂体系研究.基本以重、磁资料为基础,结合地质资料,重点讨论断裂构造,进而揭示出断裂体系主要分为板块边界断裂带、块体边界断裂带和块体内部断裂带.这些断裂反映出研究区"东西成带、南北分块"的特征。  相似文献   

In this paper, we processed and analyzed the Sentinel-1A data by "two-pass" method and acquired the surface deformation fields of Menyuan earthquake. The results show the deformation occurred mainly in the south wall of fault, where uplift deformation is dominant. The uplift deformation is significantly larger than the subsidence and the maximum uplift of ascending and descending in the LOS is 6cm, 8cm respectively. Meanwhile, based on the Okada model, we use the ascending and descending passes data as constraints to invert jointly the fault distribution and source parameters through constructing fault model of different dip directions. The optimum fault parameters are:The dip is 43°, the strike is 128°with the mean rake of 85°. The maximum slip is about 0.27m. The inverted seismic moment M0 is 1.13×1018N·m, and the moment magnitude MW is 5.9. The SW-dipping Minyue-Damaying Fault is possibly the seismogenic fault, based on the comprehensive analysis of the focal mechanisms, aftershocks relocation results and the regional tectonic background. The focus property is dominated by thrust movement with a small amount of dextral strike-slip component. The earthquake is the result of local stress adjustment nearby the Lenglongling Fault under the background of northeastward push and growth of Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

On January 21, 2016, a M6.4 earthquake occurred in Menyuan county, Qinghai Province. Its epicenter is located in the Qilian-Hexi Zoulang tectonic zone, which records several moderate-large historical earthquakes. Previous studies on this event are based on geology, remote sensing data and focal mechanism solutions, lacking analysis on its seismogenic structure. In order to study seismogenic fault plane and seismoteconic style of the earthquake, this work uses data of seismic intensity, aftershocks, and geology to address this issue. Furthermore, we calculate Coulomb stress changes imposed by the 1927 Gulang M8 and 1986 Menyuan M6.4 earthquake on the fault plane of the 2016 Menyuan M6.4 earthquake. The results indicate the early two events have posed distinct impacts on two nodal planes:loading or triggering on nodal plane Ⅰ, and unloading or delay on Ⅱ. In some cases such triggering stress is approaching or up to the threshold value of 0.01 MPa. Combining isoseismals, aftershock distribution, geological structure and different Coulomb stress changes aforementioned, the nodal plane Ⅱ of the source model is considered the seismogenic feature. In conjunction with geophysical data, we establish the seismogenic model of the Menyuan earthquake, which is a positive flower structure in a profile, gentle in the upper and steep in the lower, characterized by thrusting in a strike slipping fault system. This is a possible model for thrusting earthquakes generated by strike-slip faults in a compressional tectonic regime.  相似文献   

利用活断层探测资料构建银川探测区地下三维结构模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在收集与整理前人资料的基础上,“银川市活断层探测与地震危险性评价”项目对银川隐伏断层、芦花台隐伏断层等断层开展了多学科的联合探测。文中对如何以银川市活断层探测成果资料构建银川活断层探测区地下三维构造模型的方法进行了探索,总结出的步骤是:收集活断层地震探测资料并进行数据预处理;在地震解释软件中进行断层及层位的解释,绘制层面构造图并输出断层及层位数据,也可在该软件中进一步完成三维可视化建模;在三维建模软件GOCAD中加载基础数据、层面及断层数据,进行断层面及层面修正构建与展示三维模型。鉴于地震探测资料的不规范会增加地震数据解释工作的难度并影响到解释精度,建议:规范原始探测数据的归档要求,在每条活断层的探测区上增加1条联络测线,在可能的情况下采用石油单位的区域时深转换关系,提高地震剖面的解释精度  相似文献   

公元前179年“齐楚地震”考证与发震构造讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
对公元前179年(汉文帝前元元年)"齐楚地震"的基本参数一直有不同认识,属于疑难历史地震。在吸收西汉政区研究成果的基础上,深入分析了地震史料隐含的约束条件,对这次地震震中位置进行了考证。提出了以齐楚边界和国都连线为基点,结合史料给出的有关约束条件,综合确定震中位置的技术方案。同时,依据地震地质调查成果,从发震构造角度论证了震中位置的合理性。1)鉴于西汉时期政权更迭频繁,通过追踪西汉初期(尤其是汉文帝前元元年前后)齐、楚政区变化情况,尽力复原当时的行政区划和齐楚两国边界分布。2)认真分析史料记载的"齐楚地震,二十九山同日崩,大水溃出"所指示的地区范围,对比历史上其他震例造成的破坏现象的空间分布以及破坏程度,为震中位置和震级确定提供重要约束条件。经文献考证认为,这次地震可定为公元前179年6月6日平邑南(35.2°N,117.6°E)7级地震。3)结合卫星影像判读和野外地震地质调查资料,分析研究了"齐楚地震"所在地区的地质构造特点和活动断裂发育情况。在排除该地震事件属于郯庐断裂带地震事件后,通过对比分析郯庐断裂带西侧发育的各条NW向断裂的构造地貌以及剖面表现,认为苍尼断裂可能是"齐楚地震"的发震断裂。在震中附近,苍尼断裂控制着白彦断陷盆地的发育,也是断层地貌最为清楚的地方,断错的地层最新,断层运动量也最大。  相似文献   

复杂构造应力扰动场与发震构造识别问题的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
马瑾  刘力强 《地震地质》1995,17(4):372-382
在地震短临阶段异常是由局部断层扩展或弱化引起。实验与数值模拟结果曾得到与之相伴的是平均应力扰动场的四象限分布和最大剪应力扰动场的八瓣式分布。为检验此结果的普适性作了进一步的研究。结果表明不论区域构造及其基本应力场如何复杂,这种四象限分布与八瓣式分布型式不变,这为最终判定失稳区提供了依据。与此同时,在复杂构造情况下这种应力扰动场的畸变也不容忽视  相似文献   

Longmenshan fault zone is a famous orogenic belt and seismic zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau of China. The Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008 and the Ya'an MS7.0 earthquake on April 20, 2013 occurred in the central-southern part of Longmenshan fault zone. Because of its complex geological structures, frequent earthquakes and special geographical locations, it has attracted the attention of many scholars around the world. Satellite gravity field has advantages in studying gravity field and gravity anomaly changes before and after earthquake. It covers wide range, can be updated regularly, without difficulty in terms of geographical restrictions, and is not affected by environmental factors such as weather, terrain and traffic. Therefore, the use of high-precision Earth satellite gravity field data inversion and interpretation of seismic phenomena has become a hot topic in earth science research. In order to understand satellite gravity field characteristics of the Longmenshan earthquake zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau and its seismogenic mechanism of earthquake disasters, the satellite gravity data was used to present the terrain information of the study area. Then, by solving the regional gravity anomaly of the Moho surface, the crustal thickness of the study area was inverted, and the GPS velocity field data was used to detect the crustal deformation rate and direction of the study area. Combining the tectonic setting of the Longmenshan fault zone and the existing deep seismic sounding results of the previous researchers, the dynamic characteristics of the gravity time-varying field after the earthquake in the Longmenshan earthquake zone was analyzed and the mechanism of the earthquake was explored. The results show that the eastward flow of deep materials in the eastern Tibetan plateau is strongly blocked at the Longmenshan fault zone. The continuous collision and extrusion process result in a "deep drop zone" in the Moho surface, and the long-term stress effect is conducive to the formation of thrust-nappe and strike-slip structures. The Longmenshan earthquake zone was in the large-scale gradient zone of gravity change before the earthquake, the deep plastic fluid material transport velocity differed greatly, the fluid pressure was enhanced, and the rock mechanical strength in the seismic source region was weakened, which contributed to the intrusion of crustal fluid and the upwelling of the asthenosphere. As a result, the continuous accumulation of material and energy eventually led to continuous stress imbalance in the deep part and shear rupture of the deep weak structure, causing the occurrence of the thrust-nappe and strike-slip earthquake.  相似文献   

On January 21 2016, an earthquake of MS6.4 hit the Lenglongling fault zone(LLLFZ)in the NE Tibetan plateau, which has a contrary focal mechanism solution to the Ms 6.4 earthquake occurring in 1986. Fault behaviors of both earthquakes in 1986 and 2016 are also quite different from the left-lateral strike-slip pattern of the Lenglongling fault zone. In order to find out the seismogenic structure of both earthquakes and figure out relationships among the two earthquakes and the LLLFZ, InSAR co-seismic deformation map is constructed by Sentinel -1A data. Moreover, the geological map, remote sensing images, relocation of aftershocks and GPS data are also combined in the research. The InSAR results indicate that the co-seismic deformation fields are distributed on both sides of the branch fault(F2)on the northwest of the Lenglongling main fault(F1), where the Earth's surface uplifts like a tent during the 2016 earthquake. The 2016 and 1986 earthquakes occurred on the eastern and western bending segments of the F2 respectively, where the two parts of the F2 bend gradually and finally join with the F1. The intersections between the F1 and F2 compose the right-order and left-order alignments in the planar geometry, which lead to the restraining bend and releasing bend because of the left-lateral strike-slip movement, respectively. Therefore, the thrust and normal faults are formed in the two bending positions. In consequence, the focal mechanism solutions of the 2016 and 1986 earthquakes mainly present the compression and tensional behaviors, respectively, both of which also behave as slight strike-slip motion. All results indicate that seismic activity and tectonic deformation of the LLLFZ play important parts in the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone, as well as in the NE Tibetan plateau. The complicated tectonic deformation of NE Tibetan plateau results from the collisions from three different directions between the north Eurasian plate, the east Pacific plate and the southwest Indian plate. The intensive tectonic movement leads to a series of left-lateral strike-slip faults in this region and the tectonic deformation direction rotates clockwise gradually to the east along the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone. The Menyuan earthquake makes it very important to reevaluate the earthquake risk of this region.  相似文献   

利用重力资料研究地壳分层结构的遗传反演方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据模型分解思想,采用变密度多层地壳密度模型,据此推导了相应的重力异常正演计算公式。以遗传算法为基础,结合上述重力异常正演公式,形成了地壳多层密度结构的遗传反演方法。  相似文献   

2014年3月27日和30日湖北秭归县发生了三峡水库蓄水以来该地区最大的2次地震,文中通过多种方法分析了2次地震的震源与发震构造特征。采用Kiwi方法反演2次地震的矩张量解,该方法中使用了湖北和重庆测震台网14个宽频带波形记录和6层地壳速度结构模型,反演结果显示,2次地震观测谱和波形与理论谱和波形拟合得比较好,非拟合误差数0.57,表明反演结果是可靠的。2次地震均为走滑兼少量逆冲错动,但前一地震为左旋走滑,后一地震为右旋走滑,矩张量解中DC成分偏少而ISO成分多可能是库水对地下介质物性影响的反映。同时也使用三峡台网15个子台记录的波形资料,采用双差定位法重新精定位了从3月27日至4月27日时段内超过500次地震序列事件,结果显示余震序列分布方向为NNW向和NE向,但主要集中在NE向,并分别沿NNW和NE向作了深度剖面,剖面显示震源深度为4.5~10.0km,余震在深部呈现2个较明显的断面,与震源机制解NE向节面产状一致。野外现场宏观烈度调查指出,Ⅴ度极震区等震线为一椭圆,长轴NWW向,短轴NE向,结合野外现场考察结果和震源区地质构造背景,综合推断仙女山断裂北端的NE向破裂面为2次地震的发震断面,余震序列的NE和NNW向分布、剖面上发震层的形态和深度特征表明,这次地震活动受到了仙女山断裂和九畹溪断裂活动的控制与影响。  相似文献   

丁青地区地震重定位、震源机制及其发震构造初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中利用青海省地震台网的宽频带数字记录,通过CAP反演等方法获取了西藏丁青8次MS≥3.0地震的震源机制解(1次地震的震源机制解来自USGS).结果显示,7次地震以正断破裂为主,兼具少量右旋走滑分量,断层优势走向为NNE,P轴的优势方位为SWW,T轴的优势方位为SEE.同时,利用双差相对定位法获得了217个地震的重定位...  相似文献   

Tancheng-Lujiang Fault runs through Shandong,Jiangsu,Anhui Provinces of East China,and this segment is called the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone in the paper.By comparative analysis on the data of seismogeology,deep seismic exploration,seismic tomography,seismic activity,geomorphology,crustal motion velocity field and deformation observation,etc.,and based on the principles of historical earthquake recurrence and structure analogy,the possibility is discussed of the occurrence of strong earthquake in the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment.It is found by comparison between the Wangji-Jiashan region of south Sihong County and epicenter area of the 1668 Tancheng M 81/2 earhtquake that there are high similarities between these two regions in terms of deep-seated and shallow geologic structure,neotectonic movement,and seismic activity,etc.According to the studies of historic seismic event recurrence and tectonic comparison,the area along Wangji to Jiashan of Sihong County along the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone is likely to generate M7 or above strong earthquake.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带在先后5年中发生了2008年汶川M S8强震和2013芦山M S7强震。研究龙门山断裂的地震活动特点,分析地震发展形势成为人们关注的焦点。文中从龙门山断裂带40多年的地震时空演化出发探讨了汶川地震孕育过程中的几个现象:1)孕震范围远小于发震范围,说明在有限断层段上孕育的地震在快速失稳过程中可以连接和扩展成规模很大的失稳断层;2)汶川地震前孕震区小震密集,持续了8年以上,而无明显错动和变形,意味着汶川断层段可能经历了强烈的碎裂方式的挤压应变,在碎裂达到一定程度后失稳;3)为进一步了解震前主震区附近的变化,研究了紫坪铺水库专用台网记录的2004年以来主震附近区域的小震活动的时空过程。结果显示,震前主震附近区域的地震活动曾在2005年10月和2006年10月发生过2次沿断层走向的扩展,扩展时间恰巧与紫坪铺水库2次高水位相呼应。其中,2006年10月地震活动的扩展范围大,震级高。这对说明汶川地震最后的失稳过程十分重要。此外,文中还讨论了汶川地震的发生过程与断层几何相关以及芦山地震没有直接发生在汶川地震后,而是发生在多年后的可能原因。研究结果有助于认识逆断层型强震孕育过程。  相似文献   

中国地震重力监测体系的结构与能力   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
贾民育  詹洁晖 《地震学报》2000,22(4):360-367
对我国现行地震重力监测网和中国地壳运动观测网络工程实施后形成的中国地震重力监测体系的结构和能力进行了评估,得到的主要结论有:① 现行的地震重力监测网对5级左右地震有较好的监测预报能力,但对6级以上强震因测网范围太小而无此能力;② 网络工程实施后的中国地震重力监测体系,对7级以上大震有较好的监测预报能力,但对6级左右至7级地震,因测点太稀而分辨能力不足.  相似文献   

本文根据重力资料用压缩质面法反演北京—天津及其邻近地区的地壳构造,得到了这个地区的莫霍界面及地壳第Ⅱ界面的等深线图,并对其与地震发生的关系进行了初步探讨.说明在近代地震活动地区内上地幔隆起带的两侧及地壳内界面急剧变化的地带,尤其是地壳构造的转折交汇地带是发生大地震的构造背景.指出秦皇岛至绥中、锦西一带及昌平至延庆、房山一带,存在着这种背景,应加强中、短期的地震前兆观测与研究.  相似文献   

本文根据重力资料用压缩质面法反演北京-天津及其邻近地区的地壳构造,得到了这个地区的莫霍界面及地壳第Ⅱ界面的等深线图,并对其与地震发生的关系进行了初步探讨.说明在近代地震活动地区内上地幔隆起带的两侧及地壳内界面急剧变化的地带,尤其是地壳构造的转折交汇地带是发生大地震的构造背景.指出秦皇岛至绥中、锦西一带及昌平至延庆、房山一带,存在着这种背景,应加强中、短期的地震前兆观测与研究.  相似文献   

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