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罗山东麓断裂全新世古地震研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
罗山东麓断裂全新世活动强烈,古地震现象丰富。探槽揭露出晚更新世末或全新世初以来,已发生过5次7级左右的古地震事件,除最早的一次时间不明外,其它4次分别发生在距今约8400年、5400—5020年、3900年和2260年。全新世早期古地震重复间隔在3000年左右,晚期为1500年左右。  相似文献   

Jinta Nanshan Fault is an important fault in northeast front of Qing-Zang Plateau, and it is crucial for determining the eastern end of Altyn Tagh Fault. However, there is still debate on its significant strike-slip movement. In this paper, we study the Late Quaternary activity of Jinta Nanshan Fault and its geological and geomorphic expressions by interpreting aerial photographs and high-resolution remote sensing images, surveying and mapping of geological and geomorphic appearances, digging and clarifying fault profiles and mapping deformation characteristics of micro-topographies, then we analyze whether strike-slip activity exists on Jinta Nanshan Fault. We get a more complete fault geometry than previous studies from most recent remote sensing images. Active fault traces of Jinta Nanshan mainly include 2 nearly parallel, striking 100°~90° fault scarps, and can be divided into 3 segments. West segment and middle segment form a left stepover with 2~2.5km width, and another stepover with 1.2km width separates the middle and east segment. We summarize geomorphic and geologic evidence relating to strike slip activity of Jinta Nanshan Fault. Geomorphic expressions are as follows:First, fault scarps with alternating facing directions; second, sinistral offset of stream channels and micro-topographies; third, pull-apart basins and compressive-ridges at discontinuous part of Jinta Nanshan Fault. Geologic expressions are as follows:First, fault plane characteristics, including extremely high fault plane angle, unstable dip directions and coexistence of normal fault and reverse fault; second, flower structures. Strike-slip rate was estimated by using geomorphic surface age of Zheng et al.(2013)and left-lateral offset with differential GPS measurements of the same geomorphic surface at field site in Fig. 4e. We calculated a strike-slip rate of (0.19±0.05)mm/a, which is slightly larger than or almost the same with vertical slip rate of (0.11±0.03)mm/a from Zheng et al.(2013). When we confirm the strike-slip activity of Jinta Nanshan, we discuss its potential dynamic sources:First, eastern extension of Altyn Tagh Fault and second, strain partitioning of northeastward extension of Qilian Shan thrust belt. The first one is explainable when it came to geometric pattern of several E-W striking fault and eastward decreasing strike slip rate, but the former cannot explain why the Heishan Fault, which locates between the the Altyn Tagh Fault and Jinta Nanshan Fault, is a pure high angle reverse fault. The latter seems more explainable, because oblique vectors may indeed partition onto a fault and manifest strike-slip activity.  相似文献   

柯坪塔格断裂西段古地震初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪塔格断裂位于西南天山柯坪塔格推覆构造的最前缘,以皮羌断裂为界分成东西两段。在柯坪塔格断裂西段开挖了6个规模较大的探槽,6个探槽都揭露出断层,但其中3个探槽的古地震事件不清晰,另外3个探槽有古地震遗迹。通过分析研究,共确定了全新世以来的4次古地震事件:第1次古地震事件发生于距今约12ka,第2次事件发生于距今约8·6ka,第3次事件大致发生于距今约5ka,第4次事件发生于距今(1·73±0.15)ka以来,很可能是1961年西克尔6·8级地震。这4次古地震事件具有约3~5ka的准周期重复特征。天山南麓有5~6排推覆体,每排推覆体的前缘都发育活动逆断裂,它们向下收敛于寒武系底部的滑脱面,因此,天山南麓的地震破裂非常复杂,这4次古地震事件的震级、发震构造等问题都有待于今后的深入研究  相似文献   

包代河断裂古地震初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
包代河断裂是 1 954年山丹 7 级地震的主破裂带 ,为右旋正倾滑断裂 ,长约 4 .5km .经开挖探槽在该断裂上揭露出三次古地震事件 ,分别发生在距今约 31 2 0± 2 50a后 ;2 50 0± 1 90a左右 ;2 1 50± 1 70a之后 ,古地震重复间隔约 350~ 70 0年 .  相似文献   

中卫-同心断裂带全新世古地震研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
闵伟  张培震  邓起东 《地震地质》2001,23(3):357-366
通过对中卫 -同心断裂带中段和西段 7个新探槽的古地震研究 ,并结合前人对中段古地震的研究结果 ,分析确定出 140 0 0a以来中卫 -同心断裂带共发生 6次古地震事件。其中仅有 1次是破裂全带的 ,发生在晚更新世末 ,其它都为全新世以来的次级破裂事件 ,3次破裂中段 ,两次破裂西段。公元 170 9年 7 级历史地震只破裂中段 ,因此推断只破裂中段或西段的古地震震级约为 7 级左右 ;破裂全带的古地震震级应为 8级左右。从时间上看 ,这 6次事件的分布是不均匀的 ,但没有明显的丛集现象  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂东段断层泥特征及断层滑动方式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文用扫描电镜、X衍射等方法对阿尔金断裂东段断层泥的特征、断层活动强度及断层滑动方式进行了研究,获得了如下结论: (1)阿尔金断裂东段的活动强度自晚更新世以后,由西往东逐渐减弱。(2)该断裂东段在第四纪以来至少发生过2—3次古地震事件。(3)全新世以来,该断裂的肃北至阿克塞一段以粘滑为主,而东边的巴个峡至昌马大坝之间断裂的滑动方式则为蠕滑。  相似文献   

大凉山断裂带是大型走滑断裂鲜水河-小江断裂系的重要组成部分,其活动性是认识和探讨青藏高原东南缘现今地震活动和构造变形机制的重要基础资料.相较于中段和南段,关于大凉山断裂带北段活动性的相关研究成果,尤其是古地震资料非常缺乏.文中基于野外地质地貌调查,在石棉断裂联合村处开挖了一组(2个)探槽,揭露出断裂全新世活动的直接证据...  相似文献   

王多杰  徐小卫 《内陆地震》1992,6(2):158-166
通过对野外调查资料的分析认为:库赛湖—玛曲断裂带东、西大滩段全新世以来具有多次强烈活动,表现为断错晚第四纪地层,断错山脊、水系、河流阶地以及冰水扇等一系列地貌现象。根据对断裂带上古地震破裂带的研究,全新世以来在该段曾发生过三次7.5级左右的古地震事件。  相似文献   

沿安宁河断裂带小相岭段发现了古地震的地表破裂遗迹。在两个场地开挖了横跨主断裂的探槽 ,以研究这里的晚全新世古地震。结果表明 ,在最近的大约 2 30 0a中 ,该断裂段至少发生过 4次伴有地表破裂的古地震事件 ,平均复发间隔为 6 0 0~ 70 0a。这里的最晚事件很可能发生在公元 15世纪 ,并且有可能发生在公元 14 80年。最晚事件沿地表断层产生了 3m的平均左旋位错 ,这相当于一次矩震级为 7 5± 0 3的走滑型大地震的同震平均位错量  相似文献   

根据研究区的构造地貌特征,断裂两盘第四系和等时地貌面的对比以及其它宏观和微观的断裂构造迹象,讨论了四会-吴川断裂南段晚更新世以来的活动性,得出该时段、该断裂在该地区相对稳定的基本认识  相似文献   

More attention has been paid to the late Quaternary activity of the boundary fault of the Sichuan-Yunnan block in eastern Tibet. The Lijiang-Xiaojinhe Fault (LXF) locates along the boundary of the northwest Sichuan and central Yunnan sub-blocks in the Sichuan-Yunnan block. Clear displaced landforms show that the fault has undergone strong late-Quaternary activity. However there is no surface-rupturing earthquake occurring on the LXF in the historical record. The LXF crosses the city of Lijiang, one of the most important tourist cities in Southwest China. The rupture behavior on this fault remains unclear and it is hard to assess its seismic hazard in the future. In this study, on the base of the interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery, we chose the middle segment of the LXF and dug three trenches at Muzhuda, Hongxing, and Gantangzi sites to constrain the ages of paleoearthquakes combined with radiocarbon dating and OxCal modeling. The Muzhuda trench shows that at least three events occurred on the middle segment of the LXF at 7 940~6 540a BP, 4 740~4 050a BP and 1 830~420a BP, respectively. The Hongxing trench indicates that the LXF underwent two events at 5 120~3 200a BP and 2 100~1 220a BP. The Gantangzi trench reveals at least three paleoearthquakes at 44 980~17 660a BP, 7 210~3 810a BP and 2 540~1 540a BP, respectively. The events in the Gantangzi trench might be incomplete because of stratigraphic gap. These three trenches indicate that three events occurred on the middle segment of the LXF in the Holocene at 7 940~7 210a BP, 4 740~4 050a BP and 1 830~1 540a BP, respectively. Large earthquakes on the middle segment of the LXF appear to fit the quasi-periodic model with the mean recurrence interval of~3 000a and the estimated magnitude 7.5. Given the strong late-Quaternary activity of the middle segment of the LXF and a long elapsed time, we propose that the middle segment of the LXF might have a high seismic hazard potential in the near future.  相似文献   

The Bolokenu-Aqikekuduk fault zone(B-A Fault)is a 1 000km long right-lateral strike-slip active fault in the Tianshan Mountains. Its late Quaternary activity characteristics are helpful to understand the role of active strike-slip faults in regional compressional strain distribution and orogenic processes in the continental compression environment, as well as seismic hazard assessment. In this paper, research on the paleoearthquakes is carried out by remote sensing image interpretation, field investigation, trench excavation and Quaternary dating in the Jinghe section of B-A Fault. In this paper, two trenches were excavated on in the pluvial fans of Fan2b in the bulge and Fan3a in the fault scarp. The markers such as different strata, cracks and colluvial wedges in the trenches are identified and the age of sedimentation is determined by means of OSL dating for different strata. Four most recent paleoearthquakes on the B-A Fault are revealed in trench TC1 and three most recent paleoearthquakes are revealed in trench TC2. Only the latest event was constrained by the OSL age among the three events revealed in the trench TC2. Therefore, when establishing the recurrence of the paleoearthquakes, we mainly rely on the paleoearthquake events in trench TC1, which are labeled E1-E4 from oldest to youngest, and their dates are constrained to the following time ranges: E1(19.4±2.5)~(19.0±2.5)ka BP, E2(18.6±1.4)~(17.3±1.4)ka BP, E3(12.2±1.2)~(6.6±0.8)ka BP, and E4 6.9~6.2ka BP, respectively. The earthquake recurrence intervals are(1.2±0.5)ka, (8.7±3.0)ka and(2.8±3)ka, respectively. According to the sedimentation rate of the stratum, it can be judged that there is a sedimentary discontinuity between the paleoearthquakes E2 and E3, and the paleoearthquake events between E2 and E3 may not be recorded by the stratum. Ignoring the sedimentary discontinuous strata and the earthquakes occurring during the sedimentary discontinuity, the earthquake recurrence interval of the Jinghe section of B-A Fault is ~1~3ka. This is consistent with the earthquake recurrence interval(~2ka)calculated from the slip rate and the minimum displacement. The elapsed time of the latest paleoearthquake recorded in the trench is ~6.9~6.2ka BP. The magnitude of the latest event defined by the single event displacement on the fault is ~MW7.4, and a longer earthquake elapsed time indicates the higher seismic risk of the B-A Fault.  相似文献   

内蒙古色尔腾山山前断裂带乌加河段古地震活动   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
通过对色尔腾山山前断裂带乌加河段断层地貌研究,并结合前人对断裂带断裂活动性的工作,分析得到乌加河活动断裂段晚更新世晚期(距今1.445~2.234万年)以来平均垂直位移速率是0.48~0.75 mm/a,全新世早中期以来(距今5 570~8 830年)平均垂直位移速率是0.56~ 0.88 mm/a.利用5个探槽中揭露的古地震现象,结合前人对该断裂带古地震的研究结果,分析确定出2.7万年以来,色尔腾山山前断裂乌加河段共揭露出5次古地震事件,重复间隔约为4 300~4 400年.距今8 000~9 000年之间可能为一个古地震丛,而距今1~2万年之间可能遗漏了两次古地震事件.对比断层陡坎的高度与探槽中揭示出古地震事件的位移和,以及由断层平均位移速率和一次事件的位移得到古地震的重复间隔,得到阿拉盖兔探槽中缺失了3次古地震事件,整个活动断裂段上可能缺失了两次古地震事件.   相似文献   

刘行松  胥怀济 《地震地质》1993,15(2):123-130
为了探讨基岩裸露区断层的活动特征、期次和时间,在鲜水河断裂带东南段的康定-磨西断裂段采集了一系列断层岩和断层泥样品,运用TL、ESR、K-Ar、石英形貌分析和变形显微构造分析法进行了综合测试。结果表明,断裂段经历了多种机制(韧性剪切和脆性断裂)、多期次、多种运动方式(左旋和右旋)的活动,最新一次较强烈活动的下限时间是晚更新世末或全新世初  相似文献   

小江断裂带西支断裂南段新活动初探   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
何宏林  方仲景 《地震研究》1993,16(3):291-298
本文根据实地调查,分析了小江西支断裂南段两条分支断裂的展布特征及其活动性。用冲沟长度、错动量及平均侵蚀速率,估算了断裂的水平滑动速率。指出南段分支断裂作多重右阶斜列展布,现今活动以左旋走滑为主,兼有倾向运动分量,全新世以来平均水平滑动速率为1.66mm/a。  相似文献   

张家口-蓬莱断裂带地震构造特征的初步探讨   总被引:78,自引:15,他引:78       下载免费PDF全文
徐杰  宋长青 《地震地质》1998,20(2):51-154
北西向张家口-蓬莱断裂带由近20条北西至北西西向断裂组成,是一条对新生代区域地质构造发育起到重要控制作用的地壳构造带。断裂带新生代活动由中部向西北和东南部发展,总体表现左旋走滑性质。断裂带有山西断陷盆地带等几条北东向活动构造带与之交汇,形成北西和北东向两组断裂相互交切的构造组合,出现5个复杂的构造交接段。6级以上强震和大多数中小地震群集于这些地段,其中北西和北东向断裂都可能发生地震,显示共轭破裂错动特征,但北东向断裂发生的地震强度较大。张北-尚义6.2级地震发生于断裂带与山西断陷盆地带交接段的西缘,是断裂带向西北扩展的结果  相似文献   

王萍  卢演俦  陈杰 《地震地质》2004,26(4):716-726
对流经阿尔金断裂带东段的段家沙河、疏勒河和踏实河的阶地沉积物进行了细颗粒多测片红外释光(IRSL)测年,初步确定了晚第四纪各级阶地的形成年代和构造抬升速率。疏勒河在昌马盆地南缘发育7级阶地,光释光测年结果显示这些总高度超过100m的阶地可能主要形成于数万年以内,抬升速率约为2.5mm/a;照壁山峡谷疏勒河保留有5级阶地,大致形成于20万年前,阶地的抬升速率约为0.7mm/a;段家沙河在红柳峡上形成4级阶地,形成于距今7万年以来,其抬升速率约为06mm/a  相似文献   

重大工程场址断层活动的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究重大工程场址断层活动(特别是断层的最后一次活动)对于工程的设计和建设十分必要.许多工程选址在基岩裸露区,缺乏能标明断层活动特征的新地层。为了在这些地区顺利地开展工作,笔者探索了一条新的途径,即利用变形岩石显微构造分析方法和多种测试技术对断层带物质进行综合分析测试,提取留存其中的有关断层活动规律的信息.本文论证了该方法的理论依据和可行性,并着重总结了应用该法在几个重大水电工程场址内进行断裂活动研究的成果.这些成果为工程设计人员提供了可靠的工程地质依据,也证明了该研究途径的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   

龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段晚第四纪活动性特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
遥感影像解译和野外地质地貌调查表明,龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段是以左旋走滑为主兼张性正断的区域性活动断裂。根据一些断错地貌点的大比例尺填图、实地测量及其年代学分析,确定了该断裂为全新世活动断裂,断裂晚更新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为2.2mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.6mm/a;全新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为1.8~3.0mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.5mm/a。断裂晚更新世以来的滑动速率在不同的时间尺度上变化不大,反映了该断裂晚更新世以来的活动强度比较平稳  相似文献   

孙文斌 《地震》1994,(5):65-70
利用日本海区丰富的震史资料,研究了该区强震活动时一空变化的某些特征。并以此为据,将1900年以来的地震活动划分了三个地震轮回。文中讨论了各幕的持续时间及其强震的频度分布,同时还分析了各轮回的强震地区分布,探讨了每个强震高潮主体活动区形成特点,这些结果可作为研究日本海区强震高潮到来和结束的标志以及为判断未来主体活动区等强震预测问题提供线索。此外,本文还分析了我国大陆强震高潮与日本海沟地震的相关关系。  相似文献   

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