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Accurate and timely monitoring of atmospheric constituents is the prerequisite for mastering the distribution characteristics of atmospheric constituents, studying the genetic mechanism of the forming of atmospheric pollution, and effectively preventing and controlling air pollution. Among various observation methods of atmospheric constituents, remote sensing monitoring technology can provide the long-distance and real-time observation, have the ability of rapid analysis of diverse atmospheric mixtures, and obtain stereoscopic spatiotemporal distribution of target constituents without sampling. There are various methods and instruments for remote sensing monitoring of atmospheric constituents, and each of them has its unique advantage, covering a multiple gases and aerosol. According to the difference of the height of the remote sensing platform, it can be divided into ground platform, aviation platform and space platform. Remote sensing technology is widely applied in the field of atmospheric constituents monitoring, and meets the observational requirements for a variety of purposes. This paper introduced the remote sensing monitoring methods and platforms of atmospheric constituents and summarized their application examples for different purposes. It also outlined the future development direction of remote sensing methods in atmospheric constituents’ observation.  相似文献   

Advances in Microphysical features and Measurement Techniques of Raindrops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The size, fall velocity, shape, axis ratio, oscillation, orientation, and their spatial distributions of raindrops are the key parameters for study of rainfall physics, which also have great significance in these fields such as research on the mechanism of soil erosion, calibration of weather radar, classification of present weather, evaluation of rainfall enhancement, and determination of channel in radio communication and navigation systems. This paper reviews the history of measurement technology and method of raindrops’ microphysical features firstly, discusses the status and shortcomings of laboratory wind tunnel experiment, optical disdrometer, and other measurement techniques and theory for the raindrops’ microphysical features, and then the shape, fall velocity, oscillation, and orientation of raindrops are analyzed. Existing disdrometers cannot measure the all the micro-physical characteristics of raindrops, which limit the application of raindrops micro physical characteristics in related area. At last from the point of view of relative area and application, the prospect of the future development trend of raindrops microphysics measurement techniques is concluded.  相似文献   

近海营养盐和微量元素的大气沉降   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
受气候变化和人类活动的影响,传输和沉降到全球近海的大气污染物急剧增加.1997年后对近海营养盐和微量元素大气沉降的众多研究表明,通过大气沉降至近海的氮和磷分别为13~73 mmol N/(m2·a)和0.11~1.6 mmol P/(m2·a),微量元素的沉降通量具有显著的时空变化特征,在不同海区最高可相差3个数量级.对于很多近海包括东海(East China Sea)和黄海(Yellow Sea),大气沉降的营养盐和部分微量元素可能超出了其河流输入量.大气沉降除了对近海富营养化有重要贡献之外,其事件性特征可使初级生产力在短期内大幅度增加,从而影响赤潮发生.微量元素沉降还可能抑制某些藻类生长,对初级生产力和生态系统结构产生更为复杂的影响.未来研究重点是准确估算近海各物质的大气沉降通量,了解其对浮游植物生长的影响机制.  相似文献   

Oxidized reactive nitrogen in the atmosphere mainly consists of nitrogen oxides (NO X =NO+NO2, NO3) and nitric acid. The atmospheric cycling of NO X influences the formation of ozone and hydroxyl radicals that are important for atmospheric oxidation capacity. Nitric acid, the final product of NO X oxidation, not only is an important component of particulate pollutants, but also has a direct impact on the ecosystem through dry and wet deposition. The stable nitrogen isotope (δ15N) shows the potential to study reactive nitrogen cycle, and to trace the emission, transport and deposition of reactive nitrogen from local to global scales. Here, we reviewed previous studies using δ15N to investigate NO X emission and atmospheric reactive nitrogen cycle, and discuss the uncertainties of δ15N signatures of different NO X sources from two aspects: NO X generation mechanism and NO X collection methods. We also discussed the nitrogen isotope fractionation and the consequences during the conversions of NO y molecules. We ended up with discussions on the possibility of using δ15N to trace NO X emissions. Although there are still large uncertainties in quantifying and tracing NO X emissions using nitrogen stable isotopes, such isotope tool is efficient enough to trace reactive nitrogen cycles in the atmosphere. On the basis of this, we proposed that we can combine atmospheric chemistry transmission models with isotope tracers to improve our understanding of regional and global atmospheric reactive nitrogen cycle regarding the fluxes of different emission sources, their atmospheric transformation, etc.  相似文献   

上对流层/下平流层大气垂直结构研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
大气上对流层与下平流层区域是对流层与平流层之间的过渡区域,热带对流层顸确定了全球整个平流层的化学边界条件,该区域大气的垂直结构及变化对于平流层一对流层交换和上对流层/下平流层大气成分收支有重要影响;该区域也是大气动力、热力和大气成分结构发生巨大转换的区域,辐射过程、多尺度动力学过程、化学过程和微物理学过程等都起着同样重要的作用,对流层顶变化也是人类活动引起气候变化的一个敏感指示因子,因此关于对流层顶的研究(尤其是其精细结构和过程)重新唤起了人们的关注.针对对流层顶的各种定义(包括热力学、动力学和化学成分)以及它们相互之间的关系、对流层顶是一个面还是层以及对流层与平流层之间的转换特征、对流层顶强逆温层的特征及形成原因等基本科学问题,回顾了近年来的一些重要研究进展.  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地近30年来土地沙漠化研究进展与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浑善达克沙地地处环境脆弱的东亚夏季风北缘,沙漠化进程备受关注。综述了关于浑善达克沙地近30年来沙漠化的研究进展,并从沙漠化过程、成因和发展趋势等方面讨论了研究中存在的问题。认为沙漠化过程研究难以深入,主要原因是在沙漠化速度和程度方面存在分歧,对沙漠化概念理解、研究材料及评价指标选择上存在差异。浑善达克沙地沙漠化是自然和人为因素共同作用的结果,沙漠化过程研究结果的分歧导致了成因的多解性,其中自然和人为因素的耦合与反馈过程、生态系统阈值、极端事件的影响是成因分析中需要解决的问题。全球变暖将导致浑善达克沙地沙漠化在21世纪进一步发展。  相似文献   

高原地表的感热和潜热通量在亚洲季风系统中有很重要的作用。由于高原地域辽阔,且自然环境较严酷,不利于建立完善的地面观测系统。因此,卫星遥感观测就成为测算高原整体感热和潜热通量的有效工具。地面场地的观测结果作为地表通量的真实值,对于卫星遥感测算是非常重要的。它也为构建陆面—大气模型提供了科学依据,是卫星资料的资料同化系统中的重要组成部分。 计算场地热量通量有几种不同的处理方法。最简单的方法利用有效的观测和试验的参数,可以给出稳定连续的估计。愈精确的Bowen比或者廓线的观测能给出愈精确的信息。综合了湍流测量及辐射测量、土壤热通量的观测结果的估计对陆面—大气相互作用进行了详细的描述,以适应模式的发展。从1998年开始,这些方法联合应用到青藏高原;场地通量观测方面的成果以及目前对其理解将在本文中做一概述。  相似文献   

大气有机氮沉降及其对海洋生态系统的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
有机氮是大气中含氮物质的重要组成部分。大气中有机氮化合物的种类繁多,按其存在的形态可分为:氧化型、还原型以及生物/颗粒型有机氮,这些有机氮可来自自然源和人为源的直接释放,也可来自于无机氮与碳氢化合物间的大气化学反应。大气有机氮对海洋的输入不仅可以促进海洋初级生产力的增长、进而增加二氧化碳的吸收速率,还可能影响海洋生态系统的结构和功能。分析了海洋大气有机氮沉降的最新研究进展,结果表明:气溶胶中的有机氮在总氮中所占的比例为39.6%±14.7%;陆地雨水中以有机形式存在的溶解氮为30.2%±15.0%,而海洋上,溶解有机氮可达到雨水中总氮的62.8%±3.3%。可见,目前仅包括无机氮沉降的入海通量可能低估了1/3。因此,开展大气有机氮沉降的研究,有助于评价有机氮在全球氮循环中的作用,以及对海洋生态系统的短期和长期的影响。  相似文献   

干旱区陆面过程和大气边界层研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
干旱区陆面过程和大气边界层不仅与气候、生态、水资源密切相关,而且影响我国气候格局和东亚大气环流,是一个十分重要的研究领域,近20多年已取得了比较系统的研究进展.从干旱区陆面热力和水分过程特征、干旱区大气边界层结构特征、干旱区陆面过程参数及其参数化公式、非均匀下垫面大气边界层理论、干旱城市大气边界层特征与污染机理等方面归纳总结了干旱区陆面过程和大气边界层领域取得的部分研究进展.并且,认为科学试验的代表性、复杂下垫面的影响、尺度转化、地表能量不平衡、极端天气过程的相互作用、水分过程的复杂性等问题是干旱区陆面过程和大气边界层研究领域的突出问题和未来研究重点.  相似文献   

Since tropical rainfall is important in the global energy and hydrologic cycle, the tropical rainfall changes under global warming have attracted extensive attention around the world in recent decades. The advances in the observational studies and model projection for the tropical rainfall changes under global warming were reviewed here. The frontiers in the mechanism of regional tropical rainfall changes and the approaches of rainfall change research are summarized. The large intermodel spread in the multi-model projections, the sources of uncertainty and the methods to reduce the uncertainty were also introduced. Finally, the challenges about the tropical rainfall changes were discussed.  相似文献   

利用国家自然科学基金委员会项目档案电子查询系统提供的历年项目申请书和结题报告定量化数据,对1986—2006年大气科学领域面上项目基金资助情况和成果进行了统计分析,并据此揭示了20年来面上项目基金资助强度的发展变化,分析了基金投入和成果产出之间的关系,以及科学基金项目在稳定我国大气科学人才队伍中的作用;也是大气科学领域自然科学基金面上项目20年资助状况的回顾和总结。  相似文献   

As an important exchange process of water and heat between the cryosphere and the atmosphere, snow and glacier sublimation is a principal pathway of moisture content loss of cryosphere. The observations and simulations of snow and glacier sublimation for the process and influencing factors were conducted earlier in the Antarctic and the Arctic Pole, North America and northern Europe, and had made great progress. Based on the analysis of the sublimation of ice and snow and the latent heat of sublimation in different regions and climatic conditions, the influencing factors to sublimation of ice and snow were analyzed. Although sublimation of ice and snow is an important part of regional hydrological process and energy budget balance, under humid climate conditions, sublimation of ice and snow is inhibited. it is greatly affected by local topography(elevation, slope and aspect), vegetation and meteorological elements, resulting in large differences in reported sublimation of ice and snow. However, there are many factors that affect the sublimation, resulting in the obvious spatial and temporal differences of research results. The researches lack of long-term, systematic observation and research, and which has contributed to the lack of understanding in the water-heat process of snow and glacier. There are still great uncertainties and difficulties in this study that need to be overcome.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions, which is one of basic parameters of the regional hydrological and meteorological conditions, directly affects glacial recession, snow melt, distribution and freezing thawing process of permafrost, evapotranspiration, vegetation growth, and various underlying surface change process, and then changes the regional hydrological and ecological environment, becomes the important parameter of the research on land surface process and the study of eco-hydrological process. This paper tried to provide an overview of research on land surface temperature, and to introduce its influence factors and the ways to obtain land surface temperature data in high mountainous cold region. Relative to low elevation plain, the land surface temperature was significantly affected by local altitude, terrain and plant cover. There were some methods to obtain land surface temperature, such as measurement in situ, retrieval based on remote sensing and calculation by land surface process models, but there were some limitations while used on alpine mountainous cold regions. Land surface temperature data from meteorological stations were only about level bare ground, and the influence of terrain or vegetable cover was not considered. Therefore, the data could not represent the information of region scale on mountainous area. Land surface temperature retrieval from remote sensing data, because of calculation theory, ground observation verification and spatiotemporal resolution, made it difficult to fulfill research on hydrology, land surface process and eco-hydrological process in alpine mountainous area. Land surface process models estimated land surface temperature in the experimental sites with high accuracy, but reduced the accuracy while upscale to the region scale on the mountainous cold area, because of the error from input control meteorological, soil and plant variables, and the error of ground observation site verification. The future research on land surface temperature on alpine mountainous cold regions should strengthen field observations and improve data accuracy, to build a physical land surface temperature estimation method with topographic and vegetation parameters, and to contribute to research on land-atmosphere-water process in alpine mountainous regions.  相似文献   

遥感技术能够提供大范围地表特征参数的特点使其在干旱区蒸散发研究中得到广泛的应用。介绍了遥感技术求取干旱区地表特征参数(地表反照率、冠层叶面积指数、地表温度)的方法,并对遥感估算干旱区的主要计算模型做了概括和分析,最后提出了估算过程中主要存在的问题和未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

通过对国际上公众参与相关概念的辨析及其理论发展轨迹的评述,系统的总结出公众参与理论的主要内容与特征,并分别就公共参与的权利关系变化、主流价值观演变和组织管理方式特点展开详细说明。在此基础上,对国际水资源集成管理的公众参与目的、价值体现及具体实施目标、过程设计和保障条件做出全面、系统的解释说明;分别就公众参与式管理的过程、实力和关系作用,参与式管理过程核心控制点,各个运行环节监督评估效果的异同特征做出理论总结。基于对国际上公众参与理论及其应用的分析与总结基础上,提出就中国政治体制和现实实践条件而言,均需加强和发挥政府在参与式水管理的作用。进一步展望中国公众参与的研究方向与应用领域,得出具有中国特色的水资源集成管理中公众参与的定性、定量结合实证研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

城市地面沉降研究进展及其发展趋势   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
地面沉降是城市主要地质灾害之一。随着中国城市化进程的加快,地面沉降规模扩大,危害加剧,本文简述了国内外地面沉降概况,对地面沉降的成因、危害、机制、数学模拟、监测、防治等方面的研究进展进行了综合论述,并指出,建设工程性地面沉降,孔隙水运移机制、地下水和地面沉降模型耦合、地面沉降生态-经济-社会影响评估、地下水采灌优化设计、地面沉降系统防治、地面变形高精度监测、城市化建设与地面沉降的相互关系等,是今后城市地面沉降研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

Rain Drop Size Distribution (DSD) is one of the key parameters to micro physical process and macro dynamical structure of precipitation. It provides useful information for understanding the mechanisms of precipitation formation and development. Conventional measurement techniques include momentum method, flour method, filtering paper, raindrop camera and immersion method. In general, the techniques havelarge measurement error, heavy workload, and low efficiency. Innovation of disdrometer is a remarkable progress in DSD observation. To date, the major techniques are classified into impacting, optical and acoustic disdrometers, which are automated and more convenient and accurate. The impacting disdrometer transforms the momentum of raindrops into electric impulse, which are easy to operate and quality assured but with large errors for extremely large or small raindrops. The optical disdrometer measures rainfall diameter and its velocity in the same time, but cannot distinguish the particles passing through sampling area simultaneously. The acoustic disdrometer determines DSD from the raindrop impacts on water body with a high temporal resolution but easily affected by wind. In addition, the Doppler can provide DSD with polarimetric techniques for large area while it is affected by updrafts, downdrafts and horizontal winds.DSD has meteorological features, which can be described with the Marshall Palmer (M-P), the Gamma, the lognormal or the normalized models. The M P model is suitable for steady rainfall, usually used for weak and moderate rainfall. The gamma model is proposed for DSD at high rain rate. The lognormal model is widely applied for cloud droplet analysis, but not appropriate for DSD with a broad spectrum. The normalized model is free of assumptions about the shape of the DSD. For practical application, statistical comparison is necessary for selection of a most suitable model. Meteorologically, convective rain has a relatively narrow and smooth DSD spectrum usually described by the M P model. Stratiform rain has a broad DSD spectrum described with the Gamma model. Stratocumulus mixed rain has relatively large drop diameter but small mean size usually described by the Gamma model. The continent rainfall is altitude dependent and it differs from the maritime cloud rainfalls in terms of rain rate and drop diameter. Overall, the meteorological features are useful to improve our understanding of precipitation formation but also important to development of precipitation retrieval techniques with a high accuracy.  相似文献   

Ice core is an important object of the global climate change research, and can extract paleoclimate information by physical and chemical methods. As one of the major physical analysis technology, conductivity measurement technology mainly contains two methods and has been applied to many drilling project. The technology reflects the ice core electrical properties influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, impurities and changes, and the cause of these changes can be explained from the aspects of macroscopic and microscopic. What obtained from measurement can be used to the research of dating, volcanic events, accumulation rate, biomass burning, ion concentration recovery, which systematically help us to understand the quaternary evolution of Antarctic climate since late pleistocene. This paper summarized in detail the main research achievements on electrical properties and dielectric measurement technology of ice core, and also discussed the prospect of the technology in China deep ice core project further.  相似文献   

陆地水体参数的卫星遥感反演研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以江河、湖泊与湿地等形式存在的陆地水体对气候变化和人类生产生活有着重要影响,准确掌握陆地水体参数的变化对全面理解地球水循环及有效管理水资源等具有重大意义,卫星遥感技术的迅速发展为陆地水体的动态监测带来广阔前景.围绕陆地水体的重要物理参数,回顾了基于卫星遥感来提取水域面积的光学遥感法、雷达遥感法和水域面积-水位关系法,获...  相似文献   

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