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Chinese Global operational Oceanography Forecasting System (CGOFS) is configured in three levels of nested grids from global ocean, open ocean to offshore. This global operational oceanography forecasting system architecture is firstly bulit in China by the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center (NMEFC). It has been put into operational forecasting at NMEFC, providing real-time forecasting of multi-scale ocean current, temperature, salinity, wave, sea surface wind, etc. All the ocean forecasting products are released in many ways and made available through the online, realizing full-range coverage in resolution from hundreds kilometer to several kilometer. The CGOFS includes 8 subsystems: global sea-surface wind numerical forecasting subsystem, global ocean circulation numerical forecasting subsystem, global ocean wave numerical forecasting subsystem, global tide and tidal current forecasting subsystem, Indian Ocean marine environment numerical forecasting subsystem, polar sea ice numerical forecasting subsystem, refined marine environment numerical forecasting for China’s surrounding waters,and integration management subsystem for operational support service of the CGOFS. Operational applications of the CGOFS are closely connected with China’s economic-social development and military security needs. For example, the CGOFS palys a crucial role in environmental forecasting for Chinese research vessel and icebreaker Xuelong, MH370 Searching, submersible “Jiaolong” exploration and nuclear contaminant transport from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, providing important scientific support for developing an ocean power, protecting national maritime rights, ensuring marine safety and coping with ocean problems in emergency.  相似文献   

海洋是生命的摇篮、资源的宝库和国家安全的屏障,是未来人类可持续发展的重要战略空间。到目前为止,广袤深邃的海洋只有5%的区域被人类探索,加快海洋科技创新、提高海洋资源开发能力、保护海洋生态环境是实现“关心海洋、认识海洋、经略海洋”的根本,事关国家发展的命脉。海洋问题的复杂性使其无法通过单一学科的研究得以解决。目前,我国海洋科学的研究已逐步从过去的跟跑阶段进入并跑阶段,但原始创新能力明显不足。本文回顾分析了我国海洋科学领域的研究进展与发展态势,对标找出与世界先进国家的差距,展望了今后的发展方向,指出围绕海洋多尺度相互作用与气候变化、健康海洋、海洋生命过程、跨圈层流固耦合、快速变化的极地系统、海岸带可持续发展等重大科学前沿,加强顶层设计和战略布局,开展跨尺度、跨圈层的多学科交叉研究,组织并发起我国主导的国际大科学计划,从而显著提升我国在海洋科学研究领域的国际影响力,切实提高保障国家安全和服务社会经济发展需求的能力,为建设海洋强国、构建人类命运共同体提供重要科技支撑。  相似文献   

Ocean is a highly complex and nonlinear dynamical system. The inevitable errors in both data and numerical models lead to uncertainties in ocean numerical prediction. By understanding features and properties in the ocean on multiple scales, it is important to quantify and estimate the predictability of the ocean, and analyze the reasons and mechanism of error growth. The efforts focus on investigating the method to reduce the uncertainties and errors in forecasting and increase the time limit of ocean predictability. The advances will result in improved marine forecasting models and forecasting skill. Understanding limitations and identifying the research needed to increase accuracy will lead to fundamental progress in ocean forecast, which is of great significance. The present study described and illustrated the mechanics and computations involved in modeling and predicting uncertainties for ocean prediction and its modern applications. Firstly, it discussed the fundamental concept and classification of the ocean predictability. The research status of ocean predictability is introduced including the dynamics methodologies and the ocean ensemble prediction. Three of the dynamical computational methodologies including the singular vector, Lyapunov exponent and bred vector method were introduced. Three ocean ensemble prediction methods including initial condition ensemble, multi-model ensemble and atmospheric forcing ensemble were described and illustrated. Finally, this paper gave a future prospective of ocean predictability and its application.  相似文献   

For 15 years since the beginning of China Argo project, China has deployed over 350 profiling floats in Pacific and Indian ocean, and constructed China Argo ocean observing network. Moreover, we have setup the Argo data receiving, processing and distributing system, and developed various Argo data products using Argo observations, which has promoted the progress of ocean data sharing in China. The abundant Argo data have become a main data source in oceanic and atmospheric basic researches and operational applications. A batch of important achievements in basic research and operational application have been brought, e.g. in aspects of tropical cyclone (typhoon), ocean circulation, meso-scale eddy, turbulence, heat/salt storage and transport and water mass, as well as in ocean, atmosphere/climate operational forecasting and predicting. With the extension of the international Argo program from “Core Argo” to “Global Argo”, we are faced with great challenges in the long-term maintaining and sustained developing of our Argo ocean observing network. It is suggested that we should take the opportunity to construct China regional Argo ocean observing network as soon as possible in adjacent northwestern Pacific and Indian ocean using Chinese BeiDou profiling floats, which will make us to take responsibility and obligation of a big country for addressing global climate changes and preventing natural disasters.  相似文献   

数据同化在海洋生态模型中的应用和研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将数据同化方法引入海洋生态系统动力学模型研究,利用现有的观测数据,获得最佳的模式参数、初始场或提高状态模拟,是当前多学科交叉研究的热门领域。本文依据国内外研究进展,主要就海洋生态模型研究中所采用的变分伴随、卡尔曼滤波、模拟退火法方法进行了介绍,总结了数据同化在我国的海洋生态系统研究中的现状和发展趋势。  相似文献   

有害藻华的预测技术和防灾减灾对策研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有害藻华给海洋生物、海水养殖业、海洋环境和公共健康安全造成了极大的威胁,已经成为世界性的海洋环境灾害之一.近几十年,我国近海有害藻华的发生频率和发生规模不断扩大,给国家经济发展和公共医疗卫生造成了极大的经济损失和不利影响.主要介绍了国内外常用的有害藻华预测技术,并参考国内外有效的有害藻华防治措施,为我国有害藻华的防灾减灾工作提出建议.我国亟需逐步建立有害藻华综合预警报业务体系和完备的应急减灾体系,才能进一步提升有害藻华等海洋环境灾害的应对能力.  相似文献   

中国近海海洋锋和锋面预报研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋锋是水文要素特性不同的2个水团之间的狭窄过渡带,是一种重要的中尺度海洋现象,对渔业、军事和海洋环境保护等许多领域有重要影响,已经成为近年来物理海洋学以及海洋交叉学科中的重要课题之一。中国近海由于众多环流、水团和涡旋在此交汇,海洋锋现象十分显著,近年来,我国学者对中国近海的海洋锋产生机制和变化规律取得了一定的进展。首先从实测水文资料分析、遥感资料分析和数值模拟3个方面分别回顾了黄海、东海、南海北部等中国近海海域海洋锋的研究进展。对于海洋锋的预报研究,我国起步较晚,但目前对近海海洋锋预报的需求十分迫切。回顾总结了国外海洋锋预报的进展,集中介绍了黑潮锋、冰岛—法罗群岛锋、湾流锋和墨西哥湾锋面涡旋的预报方法和现状,最后对如何开展中国近海海洋锋预报提出思考和展望。  相似文献   

海洋正在经历变暖和酸化等人类活动引发的全球变化的影响,而深海沉积储存着地球演变历史时期由自然因素驱动过去全球变化的详细档案,通过探究其现今和过去全球变化过程,能够揭示全球变化的特征和规律,为预测未来变化提供依据。近年来在该领域的突出研究进展,是针对社会选择的未来排放轨迹,在深海记录中都能够找到相应的类似情形,用于评估未来地球系统各种变化的过程和后果。其中,以Dansgaard-Oeschger变化为代表的千年尺度事件、以厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)和北大西洋涛动(NAO)为代表的十年尺度气候变化事件,是最接近现今地球变暖的快速气候变化场景。地球系统的发展轨迹目前正处于人类排放温室气体的“热室地球”路径的起点上,如果地球超过了这个“临界点”,它将沿着一条不可逆的道路进入“热室地球”状态,另一种路径则是通向“稳定地球”状态。深海沉积档案中的类似情形能够为社会选择未来排放的轨迹提供重要参考。全球变化研究面临的重大挑战是重新认识其关键过程的理论机制。以海洋变暖和酸化影响硅藻和颗石藻的海洋生物泵过程为例,传统知识认为酸化有利于硅藻建造,但最新的围隔实验研究却发现酸化大幅减少全球硅藻输出;传统知识认为酸化导致海洋生物钙化危机,但近期针对中生代大洋缺氧事件的黑色页岩研究,发现颗石藻的碳酸钙输出在海洋酸化期间大幅增加。这些颠覆性的认识严重挑战了传统全球变化某些关键过程的理论体系。  相似文献   

成冰纪全球冰期是地球历史上最极端的冰室气候事件,冰川作用波及赤道区域,全球可能都遭受了冰封,海洋广泛缺氧,生物演化进程迟滞。然而,冰期结束之后,大气氧浓度迅速升高,海洋发生逐步氧化,大型带刺疑源类和真核多细胞藻类在埃迪卡拉纪开始繁盛,出现最早的动物,地表生物圈发生了翻天覆地的变化。显然,成冰纪全球冰期事件是地球系统演化的重要转折。认识冰期的环境效应是认识埃迪卡拉纪生物演化的关键,也是打开地表宜居环境演化的钥匙。本文总结了近年来成冰纪全球冰期的气候假说、冰期沉积特征、海洋氧化还原条件及冰期后的大气与海洋环境剧变等方面的研究进展,简要分析了全球冰期研究中存在的问题,并对该领域未来研究提出了展望与建议。  相似文献   

Canada is a typical maritime country, fisheries economic prosperity and marine sustainable development have been the main management and research work. From two perspectives of research literatures and latest strategic plans, this paper studied the ocean research priorities and hot trends of Canada. The study found that the marine science and technology in Canada focuses on marine populations and ecosystems, protection of the marine environment and species, marine monitoring and data information, marine technology and management tools, Climate change and arctic research, deep-sea material energy and driving mechanisms. In the future, Canada will continue further study on arctic research, global warming, ecosystem monitoring, deep-sea exploration, marine new energy and new technologies. In summary, Canada’s research situations and development trends may provide a useful reference to China’s development of the marine industry.  相似文献   

Microplastics in marine environment are global environmental issue and challenge and have received an extensive international concern. At present, most of researches focus on the investigation of microplastic abundance in the ocean surface water, and there is insufficient understanding of the distribution and transport processes of microplastics in the deep-sea environment. This paper reviewed marine microplastic studies carried out in the last decade, and summarized the source, global distribution and transport processes of microplastics. Field investigations showed that both surface water and water column were important accumulation areas for microplastics, while deep-sea surface sediments were final sinks for microplastic deposition and accumulation. Transport of microplastics to the deep sea included two modes: vertical settlement and lateral transport. Laboratory simulation showed that the sinking rate of microplastic particles in the ocean changed between 300 and 1 000 meters per day, and the sinking process was not solely controlled by particle physical properties such as particle density, but also influenced by ocean dynamic process, biological action and marine snow aggregation. Microplastics deposited on the seafloor could migrate laterally towards the deep sea with resuspended sediments, which were related to internal waves, deep-sea turbidity current or climatic events. However, there remain the key knowledge gaps in uncertain speed and quantity of microplastics moving to the deep sea, which is not conducive to the comprehensive understanding of the microplastic transport process from source to sink. Therefore, it is recommended to observe the vertical sinking flux of microplastics with layered sediment traps in order to study the source-to-sink transport processes of microplastics in deep-sea environment.  相似文献   

Microplastics in the ocean are the plastic fragments less than 5 mm in diameter, which enter into the ocean through a variety of ways. In the past 60 years, the global plastic production increased by 560 times, and the accumulation of microplastics in the marine environment is increasing. Microplastics suspend in seawater, or deposit to the bottom sediments. The potential risks of microplastics to marine ecosystems cause widespread concern. This paper summarized the research progress of the ecological risks of microplastics in the ocean, including the distribution and concentration of marine microplastics in coastal waters, sediment and open ocean, the ingestion of microplastics by different species of marine organisms, the ecotoxicology of microplastics, the plastics additives and the absorbed pollutants. The research directions were proposed for the future, including the optimization of microplastics sampling and measuring methods, microplastics observation in different marine habitats, the eco-toxicological effects of microplastics and food chain bioaccumulation effect, the methodology of microplastics ecological risk assessment. It is expected to provide evidence for the risk assessment of microplastics on Chinese coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

大洋钻探与大洋地壳研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代地球科学有两大发展趋势:一是向地球深部延伸,目的于探查地球深部的物质组成与作用过程,其代表性学科即地球动力学;二是向全球性扩展,把区域性的地学问题同全球变化联系起来,研究大气圈,生物圈,水圈和冰冻圈的变化及其复杂的相互作用,代表性学科即广义的环境科学。由于海洋占地球表面的71%以上,洋壳只有5~6KM,海底又有丰富的矿产资源,因此人类目前比以往任何时候都更加重视海洋科学的研究。多国合作、学科光  相似文献   

海洋微微型蓝细菌分子生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微微型蓝细菌是迄今发现最小也是最古老的光合自养生物,在海洋中分布极广且丰度较高,作为重要的初级生产者对全球碳循环和海洋食物网具有重要贡献。在长期进化中微微型蓝细菌形成简并基因组和高度多样性,其分子生态学的研究能够为理解生物的基因型、表型与生态型的关系以及生物的适应性进化提供关键科学依据。借助分子生物技术的发展,海洋微微型蓝细菌分子生态学近年来的研究揭示了其分布的时空变化特征、不同亚型微尺度分布差异及影响分布的主要环境因子,探讨了环境因子影响下基因组在功能和表达上传递的适应机制信息。通过进一步扩充和挖掘基因组信息,结合分布规律论证微微型蓝细菌在分子水平上的环境适应机制,是实现生态系统微微型蓝细菌功能模块精细化数值模拟的关键,也是未来研究的主要方向和重要内容。  相似文献   

海洋硅循环是海洋生物地球化学循环的关键过程之一,对调控全球二氧化碳浓度、海洋酸碱度和多种元素(氮、磷、铁、铝等)的循环具有重要作用。在当今气候变化和人类活动影响日益增强的背景下,硅循环与“生物泵”及碳循环的紧密联系,是其成为地球科学领域研究热点的主要原因。海洋中硅的外部来源主要为河流、地下水、大气沉降、海底玄武岩风化作用和海底热液输送5个途径,在全球气温变暖趋势的影响下,极地冰川融化成为高纬度海域不可忽视的硅源。生物硅在沉积物中的埋藏、硅质海绵和生物硅的反风化作用是重要的海洋硅移除过程。海洋硅循环过程复杂,受生物(生物吸收、降解)、物理(吸附、溶解)和化学(矿化分解和反风化作用)多重因素的影响,针对海洋硅循环关键过程的研究有助于综合评估海洋硅的“源-汇”和收支。本文总结了海洋硅循环的主要过程及海洋硅的收支,根据国际和国内研究现状讨论了当前海洋硅循环研究中面临的主要问题和挑战。现有研究成果显示,海洋硅的外源输入和输出通量比以往的评估分别增加了2.4和2.2倍。在短时间尺度内(<8 ka),全球海洋中硅的收支大致平衡,海洋硅循环基本处于稳定状态。气候变化和人类活动导致河流输送至陆架边缘海的硅通量发生变化,可能影响硅藻等海洋浮游植物种群结构,是未来海洋硅循环研究需要关注的问题之一。陆架边缘海较高沉积速率和强烈的反风化作用提高了该区域生物硅的埋藏效率,准确评估该区域生物硅的埋藏通量仍是亟须解决的难题。目前的研究评估了全球海洋浮游硅藻、硅质海绵以及放射虫生产力,而海洋底栖硅藻生产力的贡献受到忽视,未来需要关注底栖硅藻对生物硅的贡献及其在海洋硅的生物地球化学过程中的作用。  相似文献   

Climate models have been used as an important tool to quantitatively study climate variability and to predict or project climate change in the future. One of the most important pathways for development and improvement of climate system model is to increase the spatial resolution and improve the corresponding physical parameterization schemes, which is very important for understanding climate change and improving climate prediction skill. Based on a brief introduction of the importance of developing high-resolution global climate system model, a review of recent progresses in the development and application of high-resolution models was summarized. The paper also introduced the current situation and problems for the development and evaluation of high-resolution models and focused on the key scientific and technical bottlenecks which restrict the development of high-resolution models, including the development of dynamic framework of the high-resolution ocean and atmospheric models and massive high performance parallel computing, the improvement of the sub-grid physical parameterization scheme, and mesoscale air-sea interaction. Meanwhile, the scientific objects and experiments design of the international high resolution climate model intercomparison project (HiResMIP) of the coupled model intercomparison project phase 6 (CMIP6) was introduced. Finally, we prospect the future developments and evaluations of high-resolution climate models in China was proposed.  相似文献   

As the largest ecosystems of the earth, marine ecosystem provides many types of ecosystem service to human. More than 60% of the global population lives the coastal area. A healthy ocean is critical to our economy, health and way of life. However, with rapid population growth and densely inhabited coastal areas, our dependence on marine resources is greater than ever. The overuse and mismanagement of ecosystem services have placed great pressure on marine systems, thereby threatening the future of marine ecosystems, and the services they provide. With anthropogenic pressures increasing in coastal cities, adopting ecosystem-based management frameworks that minimize impacts on marine environments while allowing for sustainable development is critical. Marine Ecosystem-Based Management seeks to manage marine resources in ways that protect ecosystem health while providing the ecosystem services needed by people. Rather than focusing solely on a single species or resource, MEBM incorporates science and balances the demands of user groups in a manner that produces management strategies that are more likely to be sustainable than traditional approaches. The definition, principles and framework were discussed in this paper based on the summary of literature, and two examples were introduced. Last, some suggestions were put forward to marine ecosystem management for ocean ecosystem and for healthy coastal resources sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

Airborne microorganisms play an essential role in the microbial propagation and maintenance of the ecosystem diversity, and also significantly affect the climate by acting as effective Ice Nucleus (IN) and Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN). The ocean is a vital source and destination for airborne microbes. Nevertheless, little information has been obtained on the distribution of abundance and diversity of airborne microorganisms over the ocean. This paper systematically reviewed the abundance, size distribution, and community structure of airborne microorganisms over the ocean, as well as various environmental and meteorological factors that control the distribution of microbes in marine aerosols. The commonly used methods for detecting airborne microorganisms and their development prospects were also discussed. We pointed out that sampling and detection of extremely low concentration microorganisms in marine aerosols are key problems to be solved in this field, and future research directions include the increase of the cruising observation in open oceans and combination of advanced molecular techniques and other traditional methods. This paper provides extensive and crucial information for subsequently in-depth research on airborne microorganisms over the ocean, revealing their sources, activities, climate and ecological effects.  相似文献   

全球冰-海洋耦合模式的海冰模拟   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
海冰是全球气候系统的重要分量 ,与大气和海洋的相互作用 ,直接影响大气环流和海洋环流 ,对气候及其变化具有重要影响。文中依据冰、海洋间的热力、动力耦合相互作用 ,改进冰海洋热力耦合方案 ,利用由中国科学院大气物理研究所的 30层海洋模式和基于Flato空化流体流变学的海冰动力模式和Hibler表面热收支平衡的零层海冰热力模式 ,建立全球冰海洋耦合模式。利用大气月平均气候资料 ,利用冰海洋耦合模式对全球海冰的分布及其季节性变化、海冰漂移进行了耦合模拟和分析。模拟的南半球海冰分布及季节变化与实际分析资料非常接近 ,比 2 0层冰海洋耦合模式的结果有显著改进。北半球海冰范围偏小 ,但季节变化的量值与实际相当一致。模拟的海冰速度场反映了南、北半球海冰漂移的主要特征 ,如北极的穿极漂流和南大洋的绕极环流等。对海冰密集度的分析表明 ,模拟结果得以改进原因在于改进的冰海洋热力耦合方案增强了融冰期冰海洋耦合系统海洋热通量增加—密集度减小—能量收支增加的正反馈机制。  相似文献   

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