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热喀斯特湖的出现和发育是多年冻土变暖的指示器,研究热喀斯特湖发育及其热效应是应对青藏高原气候变化和人类活动诱发冻土灾害的基础工作.基于SPOT-5卫星影像资料,在ArcGIS平台下解译遥感影像,获取了青藏公路沿线楚玛尔河至风火山段热喀斯特湖的数量和分布特征,这些热喀斯特湖以楚玛尔河高平原和北麓河盆地为主要分布区,且80%发育于高含冰量多年冻土区.热喀斯特湖通过竖向和侧向2种传热方式影响多年冻土,竖向传热会造成其下部多年冻土融穿,侧向传热会造成湖岸多年冻土增温,扩大热影响范围.通过北麓河地区一典型热喀斯特湖的数值计算,湖全年都在向湖岸放热.当热喀斯特湖离路基较近,将会对公路产生潜在或者直接的危害,其侧向热侵蚀往往会导致冻土路基温度升高,诱发路基病害.  相似文献   

Thermokarst lakes are a major heat source for the adjacent permafrost and a significant source of atmospheric methane. These lakes have important impacts on the physical, chemical, biological, geomorphological and hydrological processes occurring in the ground under and around thermokarst lakes, and seriously affect the local environment and the stability of the structures constructed in permafrost regions. Numerical simulation methods provide an effective method for quantitative analysis of the long-term impact of thermokarst lakes and their evolution on permafrost surrounding the lakes, and have deepened our knowledge about the impact of thermokarst lakes immensely. Summarizing the research progresses in numerical simulation of long-term impact of thermokarst lakes on thermal regime of surrounding permafrost has an important guiding function to improve mathematical models and develop more effective models. In this study, the components, functions, advantages and defects of several typical mathematical models having developed over the past ten years or so were reviewed, such as the heat conduction model with phase change, thaw slumping model, the coupled lake-permafrost model, thaw lake expansion model combining thermal processes with mass wasting and thaw-driven subsidence, the coupled heat conduction and moisture migration model, and the moving mesh method based thermokarst lake dynamic evolution model. Several issues deserving to be paid further attention in the future researches were proposed, including creating more effective models, determining the more realistic initial condition, lucubrating thermal and physical parameters of the typical soils, consider the impact of lake water replenishment, quantitative analysis of the thermal effect of supra-permafrost water flow around the thermokarst lakes, creating the coupled governing equation of heat conduction with phase change and convective heat transfer, embed ding the effect of climate warming in the model, numerical investigation of the long-term influence of thermokarst lake drainage on the environment change in permafrost regions, analyzing the long-term joint impact of multiple lakes on adjacent permafrost, simulating the near-shore talik development process and feature beneath shallow water in expanding thermokarst lakes, and continuing to do the systemic and comprehensive field measurements.  相似文献   

马巍  牛富俊  穆彦虎 《地球科学进展》2012,27(11):1185-1191
青藏高原是我国乃至世界高海拔多年冻土区的典型代表。伴随着青藏铁路的建成通车,西藏自治区迎来了新一轮经济发展,迫切需要新建高速公路、输变电线路、输油气管道工程等。这些拟建工程与已建的青藏公路、青藏铁路、格拉输油管道、兰西拉光缆等工程均聚集于宽度不足10km范围内的青藏工程走廊。在这狭长的冻土工程走廊内,已修建或拟建的各种冻土构筑物相互影响,多因素耦合叠加,加速区域内的冻土退化,而冻土融化必将影响到工程的稳定性和生态环境退化。再加上全球气候变化的影响,其变化程度更加剧烈。面对国家需求,国家重点基础研究发展项目"青藏高原重大冻土工程的基础研究"于2012年4月正式启动。该项目旨在揭示气候变化与人类工程活动加剧背景下冻土变化及灾害时空演化规律,建立冻土工程稳定性和服役性能评价体系,提出冻土工程灾害防治理论与控制对策,为冻土构筑物群灾害应急预案和重大冻土工程建设提供科学决策依据。  相似文献   

热融湖是多年冻土区地下冰融化形成的典型地貌单元,热融湖及其变化对多年冻土热状态、水文过程、生态环境、冻土工程稳定性等有着重要的影响. 热融湖还是重要的温室气体源,与全球气候系统存在着复杂而显著的互馈过程,是气候与环境变化的指示器. 因此,开展热融湖的相关研究是近年来冻土学研究的热点之一. 通过文献综述,从以下方面评述了热融湖研究的现状与进展:1) 热融湖形态特征及其演化过程;2) 热融湖热状况及其热效应研究;3) 热融湖和多年冻土区土壤-植被生态系统的相互作用研究;4) 热融湖对大气中温室气体的贡献. 最后,讨论了该领域目前面临的主要问题,提出了应在热融湖演化的基础理论、动态变化过程的预测、热融湖的冻土水文效应、区域尺度热融湖与冻土、生态、水文和气候耦合过程的综合等方面进一步开展研究,为定量预测和评价冻土区热融湖环境工程效应,应发展不同尺度的计算模型.  相似文献   

热融湖塘对寒区环境可产生较大影响, 其侧向热侵蚀会诱发冻土工程病害.选取青藏工程走廊热融湖塘分布密集的楚玛尔河、五道梁、北麓河3个亚区, 于2009—2010年通过HOBO水位传感器对4个固定湖塘的连续监测和大量湖塘的随机观测, 探讨了不同季节、不同水深湖底的热状态.在结冰期的1月中旬, 楚玛尔河90%以上的湖塘湖底温度都在0 ℃以下, 主要与湖塘较浅和湖水高矿化度有关.五道梁和北麓河湖底温度相对较高, 只有约20%的湖底温度低于0 ℃, 这些湖水深小于最大冻结冰层厚度; 最高温度高于4 ℃, 主要与湖较深有关.但3个亚区湖底温度均随着水深增加而增加.在6~9月融冰期, 湖底温度普遍增加, 最高达到18 ℃以上, 浅湖增温快于深湖, 湖底温度随着水深增加而递减.湖底温度年际变化近似为正弦曲线, 在1~2月, 湖底温度最低, 之后逐渐升高, 到7~8月, 湖底温度达到最高.   相似文献   

The Hohxil region in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is occupied by numerous plateau lakes,which have long been inferred as being tectonic products.However,so far little evidence has been found to support this tentative inference.Field survey and morphotectonic analysis of TM satellite images in the eastern segment of the Hohxil region revealed that Kusai Lake and Yelusu Lake are S- shaped pull-apart basins,which were dominated by left strike-slip master faults trending WNW-ESE. The pull-apart distanc...  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊演变类型的遥感研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2000年和2001年美国陆地卫星Landsat-7获得的青藏高原ETM+影像数据作为主要信息来源,运用遥感技术结合目视解译研究青藏高原湖泊演变类型。得出青藏高原湖泊演变的典型类型有:向心型、偏移型、分散型等。青藏高原的湖泊多为这几种典型类型的变异方式或组合方式出现。  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor (QTEC) is a strategic passage between Tibet and central China. In the past half century, several major projects have been built in this narrow corridor with vulnerable geoenvironment. Along with a new round of economic development of the Tibet autonomous region, some major linear projects including expressway, double-tracking railway, high voltage power transmission line have been incorporated into the national development planning within the corridor, and especially the expressway construction is imminent now. In the QTEC, permafrost is a controlling factor of geological environment, which will impose great restrictions on engineering construction. In turn, engineering construction will induce significant effects on permafrost geological environment. With more and more linear infrastructures crowding into the QTEC, the thermal interaction among permafrost engineering and engineering disturbance on permafrost thermal-mechanical regime will be more significant. With respect to this issue, a research program focusing on thermal-mechanical influences and environmental effects of expressway construction on the Qinghai-Tibet permafrost engineering corridor was started and supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In this paper, the research significance, key scientific issues, main research contents and goals of the program are introduced so as to provide some references for related researchers and engineers.  相似文献   

青藏高原热喀斯特湖分布广泛,近年来在气候变暖背景下快速发展。热喀斯特湖的形成和发展与地下冰含量及气候变化有着密切关系,强烈影响多年冻土的热稳定性。为了更深入理解在气候变暖背景下热喀斯特湖的发展及其对下伏多年冻土的影响,以青藏高原北麓河地区一个典型热喀斯特湖的长期监测数据为资料,发展了耦合大气—湖塘—冻土三个过程要素的一维热传导模型,模拟了四种不同深度热喀斯特湖在气候变暖背景下的发展规律及其对多年冻土的热影响。结果表明:浅湖(<1.0m)在目前稳定气候背景下处于较稳定状态,湖冰能够回冻至湖底,对下伏多年冻土影响较小;较深湖塘(≥1.0m)冬季不能回冻至湖底,湖深不断增加,且底部在50年内将会形成不同深度的融区。随着气候变暖,热喀斯特湖的热效应显著,深度快速增加,较深湖塘的最大湖冰厚度减小,底部多年冻土快速融化形成开放融区。研究将有助于理解气候变化对青藏高原多年冻土区地貌演化及水文过程的影响。  相似文献   

青藏高原古近纪—新近纪古湖泊的特征及分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过野外地质调查,结合前人资料和遥感影像解译,对青藏高原古近纪-新近纪湖相地层进行了划分与对比,确定了湖相地层的地域分布.根据古近纪-新近纪湖相地层的展布范围,初步圈定出了63个古湖泊,划分出5个成湖阶段、13个成湖期,其统计总面积大于200×104km2.古湖泊的规模、形态、展布方向明显受构造和古地理的制约.研究表明,古近纪时期的古湖泊主要分布在高原的东北部地区,新近纪时期的古湖泊主要分布在高原的西南部地区,两者之间为过渡地带.青藏高原古近纪-新近纪古湖泊的演化,从时间上讲,有从老到新面积逐渐加大的趋势;从迁移方向上讲,有古湖泊的湖相沉积由东北向西南方向逐渐迁移、古湖泊的年龄由老变新的规律.  相似文献   

罗京  牛富俊  林战举  鲁嘉濠 《冰川冻土》2012,34(5):1110-1117
青藏高原多年冻土区广泛分布着热融湖塘, 热融湖塘的形成会对周边的多年冻土产生显著的影响. 选取北麓河地区一典型热融湖, 运用探地雷达技术对该湖塘周边的多年冻土进行了探测.结果表明: 湖岸坍塌剧烈区一侧的多年冻土上限深度大于湖岸轻微坍塌区和湖岸稳定区, 并且在湖水的热作用下, 湖岸多年冻土的上限深度随离湖岸距离的减小而增大; 湖岸坍塌剧烈区上限附近的地下冰含量也明显高于湖岸轻微坍塌区和湖岸稳定区. 同时, 通过对湖岸测温孔的地温观测数据的分析可以看出, 湖岸地温正在逐年升高且升高的速率快于天然状态, 湖岸地温随离湖岸距离的减小逐渐增大.  相似文献   

通过野外地质调查,结合前人资料和遥感影像解译,对青藏高原古近纪—新近纪湖相地层进行了划分与对比,确定了湖相地层的地域分布。根据古近纪—新近纪湖相地层的展布范围,初步圈定出了63个古湖泊,划分出5个成湖阶段、13个成湖期,其统计总面积大于200×104km2。古湖泊的规模、形态、展布方向明显受构造和古地理的制约。研究表明,古近纪时期的古湖泊主要分布在高原的东北部地区,新近纪时期的古湖泊主要分布在高原的西南部地区,两者之间为过渡地带。青藏高原古近纪—新近纪古湖泊的演化,从时间上讲,有从老到新面积逐渐加大的趋势;从迁移方向上讲,有古湖泊的湖相沉积由东北向西南方向逐渐迁移、古湖泊的年龄由老变新的规律。  相似文献   

基于对青藏高原北麓河盆地天然形成的湖塘下部及其周围地温的监测分析, 结果表明该湖塘为非贯穿型热喀斯特湖. 湖塘下部多年冻土上限变化较大, 湖岸过渡带及天然场地多年冻土上限基本保持不变. 随着远离湖塘中心, 湖塘下部及其周围多年冻土含冰量依次升高, 地温年变化深度依次降低, 年平均地温依次降低. 观测期内, 湖塘下部浅层多年冻土地温在逐渐升高, 深部土体地温基本保持不变; 湖岸过渡带及天然场地下部多年冻土地温基本保持不变. 天然场地多年冻土地温明显低于湖塘下部土体地温.  相似文献   

使用地面观测数据对欧洲空间局(ESA)发布的气候变化倡议(CCI)土壤水分产品进行精度校准,结合青藏高原及其周边降水气象站数据,分析土壤水分动态变化及其与降水的关系.结果表明:(1)校正后的CCI主被动组合产品所反演的青藏高原土壤水分获得了更高的精度,且显示1986~2016年暖季土壤水分在多年冻土区的逐年变化更为稳定...  相似文献   

青藏高原山地湖泊扩涨与山地关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于1∶10万与1∶50万地形图,考察了青藏高原的山地湖泊及其流域的河流(水文)、雪线、冰川高度、各高度山地面积与湖泊面积之间的关系。高原湖泊的规模与流域山地(其高度,中、西部湖拔大于500~750m,东部大于250m)存在密切关系。揭示山地降水是湖泊水的主要来源,其质(低温)与量是维持湖泊一定规模与稳定存在的主要因素。由于山地湖泊存在这种特殊的水文特点,因此,地质历史时期的暖湿期,高原山地湖泊比之低地、丘陵湖泊,扩涨规模可能更为显著。40~23kaB.P,高原山地湖泊异乎寻常地扩涨,可能是降水在暖期季风雨增加时,在山地区增高更甚,更多的低温水流贮湖泊造成的。  相似文献   

青藏高原近25年来主要湖泊变迁的特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
青藏高原分布有青海湖、纳木错、色林错3个特大型湖泊和扎日南木错、当惹雍错、阿牙克库木湖、班公错、哈拉湖、鄂陵湖、羊卓雍错、扎陵湖、赤布张错、乌兰乌拉湖、昂拉仁错11个大型湖泊。通过对20世纪70年代中期的MSS图像和90年代末期—21世纪初期的ETM 图像的解译,对近25年来青藏高原重点湖泊的变迁进行了分析。研究结果表明,哈拉湖、鄂陵湖面积相对稳定;青海湖、扎日南木错、当惹雍错、阿牙克库木湖、扎陵湖、乌兰乌拉湖等8个湖泊的面积都有不同程度的缩小,其中青海湖、乌兰乌拉湖面积减少最多,分别为60.60km2、59.80km2;纳木错、色林错、班公错3个湖泊的面积都有不同程度的增加,其中色林错面积增加最多,达140.52km2。重点湖泊的变迁分析为研究青藏高原的湖泊演化和气候、环境变迁提供了新资料。  相似文献   

Permafrost changes under natural sites along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were investigated based on the ground temperature monitored from the year of 2006 to 2015. Among these sites, mean permafrost table was 3.54 m, with a range of 0.88 to 9.14 m. Among the sites with decreasing permafrost table, mean decreasing amplitude of permafrost table was 0.51 m, with a range of 0.05 to 2.22 m; mean decreasing rate of permafrost table was 0.07 m/a, with a range of 0.01 to 0.25 m/a. Decreasing amplitude and decreasing rate of permafrost table in high temperature regions were 0.47 m and 0.06 m/a greater than those in low temperature regions, respectively. In general, ground temperatures at permafrost table and 15 m depth presented rising tendency. Mean rising amplitude of ground temperature at permafrost table was 0.16 ℃, with a range of 0.01 to 0.60 ℃; mean rising rate of ground temperature at permafrost table was 0.018 ℃/a, with a range of 0.001 to 0.067 ℃/a. Rising amplitude and rising rate of ground temperature at permafrost table in low temperature regions were 0.12 ℃ and 0.014 ℃/a greater than those in high temperature regions, respectively. Mean rising amplitude of ground temperature at 15 m depth was 0.10 ℃, with a range of 0.01 to 0.48 ℃; mean rising rate of ground temperature at 15 m depth was 0.011 ℃/a, with a range of 0.002 to 0.054 ℃/a. Rising amplitude and rising rate of ground temperature at 15 m depth in low temperature regions were 0.11 ℃ and 0.012 ℃/a greater than those in high temperature regions, respectively. Due to the effect of local factors, increasing of permafrost table and decreasing of ground temperature were observed under several sites.  相似文献   

青藏高原多年冻土层中地下冰储量估算及评价   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
过去几十年来,沿青藏公路/铁路多年冻土区已经完成了数千个钻孔的钻探工作.经过仔细筛选,对其中的697个钻孔剖面的地下冰分布状况和其中9261个重量含水量的分布特征进行了分析.在水平方向上,依据地下冰的分布特征,把青藏公路/铁路沿线的多年冻土划分成少冰冻土、多冰冻土、富冰冻土、饱冰冻土和含土冰层5个含冰量类别,并详细统计了各类冻土沿公路所占里程.在垂向上,将每个钻孔划分出3个深度段:即多年冻土上限以下1m范围内、上限下深1~10m段及上限下10m以下段,统计了各深度地下冰储量.青藏公路沿线多年冻土的平均厚度为38.79m,平均含水量为17.19%,据此初步估算出青藏高原多年冻土区地下冰的总储量为9528km3.  相似文献   

多年冻土区天然气水合物研究综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
由于多年冻土区天然气水合物的潜在资源价值和对气候、环境的影响,各国纷纷开展了大量的研究,取得了很好的研究进展。本文主要分析了天然气水合物与多年冻土间的关系、多年冻土区天然气水合物的蕴藏情况以及典型多年冻土区天然气水合物研究现状。其结果表明多年冻土控制了天然气水合物形成的温压条件,且在多年冻土层间发现具自保护效应的天然气水合物。同时多年冻土可影响分散性土体中游离气体的聚集和迁移,多年冻土融化可提高孔隙水压力。目前多年冻土区天然气水合物的蕴藏情况的估算并不完整,各国仅对典型多年冻土区天然气水合物储量进行了初步的估算。天然气水合物储量估算结果表明,在美国阿拉斯加地区大约为1.0~1.2×1012 m3,加拿大马更些三角洲Beaufort海地区大约为1.6×1013 m3,俄罗斯西西伯利亚盆地250 m深度范围内可达1.7×1013 m3。我国青藏高原多年冻土区亟待搞清天然气水合物存在与否的直接证据和储量估算等关键问题。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(1):17-31
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (also referred to as the Plateau) is the largest area bearing alpine permafrost region in the world and thus is endowed with great formation conditions and prospecting potential of natural gas hydrates (NGH). Up to now, one NGH accumulation, two inferred NGH accumulations, and a series of NGH-related anomalous indicators have been discovered in the Plateau, with NGH resources predicted to be up to 8.88×1012 m3. The NGH in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have complex gas components and are dominated by deep thermogenic gas. They occur in the Permian-Jurassic strata and are subject to thin permafrost and sensitive to environment. Furthermore, they are distinctly different from the NGH in the high-latitude permafrost in the arctic regions and are more different from marine NGH. The formation of the NGH in the Plateau obviously couples with the uplift and permafrost evolution of the Plateau in spatial-temporal terms. The permafrost and NGH in the Qilian Mountains and the main body of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau possibly formed during 2.0–1.28 Ma BP and about 0.8 Ma BP, respectively. Under the context of global warming, the permafrost in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is continually degrading, which will lead to the changes in the stability of NGH. Therefore, The NGH of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau can not be ignored in the study of the global climate change and ecological environment.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

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