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监控视频中动态目标的精准定位与跟踪作为计算机视觉领域中重要的研究方向,近年来已成为监控领域的研究热点。传统视频动态目标检测仅依赖图像特征数据,忽略了与地理坐标系精准匹配,特别是对于多个摄像机覆盖的区域,拍摄的角度不同,投影后形成的图像空间分辨率也不同,因此,难以满足智能监控在复杂的地理场景中全方位时空信息感知。本文提出一种多摄像头协同的视频监控图像与地理空间数据互映射模型构建方法来获取动态目标的轮廓和地理位置等时空信息,首先建立监控图像信息与地理空间数据的互映射关系,将观测角度不同、尺度不同和空间分辨率的监控图像置于同一坐标系下,并在此基础上通过融合Canny算子与背景减法来检测目标的边缘信息;然后采用质心偏移算法还原目标在该场景的实际位置,从而实现多角度下连续跟踪,提升地理场景的时空理解力和分析力,提高动态目标的精准定位与跟踪能力。 相似文献
针对监控视频动态目标的空间定位问题,本文在考虑相机畸变的前提下,对监控相机、目标像素坐标和地理场景之间的映射关系进行了研究,提出了基于数字表面模型(DSM)和基于平面约束的目标定位算法。首先,完成相机的标定,确定相机的成像模型;然后,提取畸变校正后的目标像素坐标,并通过目标定位算法计算目标的三维地理坐标;最后,进行了定位精度评定,并分析了两种定位算法的应用特点。本文的定位算法将以像素坐标定位的目标数据解析为以三维坐标定位的空间地理信息,为多摄像头的目标跟踪提供了统一的地理参考框架。 相似文献
在分析计算机视觉、摄影测量学相机模型的基础上,提出了多平面约束的监控视频与2D地理空间数据的几何互映射模型和面向互增强的内容互映射模型,并就其应用进行了介绍。针对几何互映射中存在的地面起伏对映射的影响以及监控视频空间分辨率等问题进行了分析。该模型适合于地面区域为多个平面的情况。研究表明,监控视频与2D地理空间数据可以实现一定精度下的互映射,能够满足视频监控系统与GIS的深度集成。 相似文献
战场地理空间信息可视化系统设计与研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对当前流行的3DGIS系统进行了介绍,并研究提出了采用面向对象的方法来表达3D场景中的空间数据,基于栅格金字塔模型来组织和管理地形数据,基于视点相关的地形LoD方法实现了大范围漫游,基于参数化3D建模方法和矢量地物LoD来实现地物数据的建模和可视化的方法,设计和构建西北地区战场地理空间信息可视化系统(3DMGIS)。 相似文献
针对视频浓缩研究未引入运动目标轨迹地理方向进行分析,所实现的可视化效果不能区分表达不同轨迹方向的运动目标的问题,提出了顾及轨迹地理方向的监控视频浓缩方法。该方法使用单应模型将运动目标轨迹由图像空间映射至地理空间,利用属性阈值聚类(quality threshold clustering,QT)算法对轨迹出入口进行聚类,实现轨迹地理方向分析。在对轨迹进行映射聚类处理的基础上,通过选取虚拟场景视点实现视频浓缩背景构建,生成轨迹类拟合中心线作为运动目标显示轨迹,并通过构建轨迹类表达模型实现运动目标显示排序,最终实现视频浓缩构建。实验结果表明,该方法能依据轨迹地理方向对运动目标进行区分表达,并能灵活调整不同轨迹类的表达策略。 相似文献
The emerging spatial big data (e.g. detailed spatial trajectories, geo-referenced social media data) provide tremendous opportunities for GIScientists and geographers. However, their large volume also poses challenges to existing spatial data analytical techniques (including visual analytical techniques). This article presents an interactive visual approach to detect clusters from those emerging data sets based on dynamic density volume visualization in a three-dimensional space (two spatial dimensions plus a third temporal or thematic dimension of interest). Cluster can be visually discovered through dynamic adjustment of density to colour/opacity mapping and extracted through flexible selection tools. The approach was tested on a large simulated data-set and a spatial trajectory data-set. The results show that the approach can overcome the visual clotting problem in traditional visualization tools caused by large data volume and facilitate the involvement of domain knowledge in analysis. It can effectively support visual cluster detection in the emerging large geospatial data sets. 相似文献
目前如何处理地理信息随时间变化的动态特性成为GIS的重要研究方向之一.本文设计和实现了用于多时相空间信息几何特征、属性特征、属性专题统计特征的动态可视化的一些方法,建立了一套矢量动态符号库用于在地图上展示时空数据的几何和属性信息随时间变化的动态特性,实现了一组专题统计动态图表用于展示时空数据的属性专题统计结果随时间变化的动态特性. 相似文献
针对无人机视频巡查时无法获取视频要素与周围场景地理要素的空间关系等问题,本文提出了一种无人机实时视频与三维地理场景融合方法。该方法通过设置路线站点获取无人机实时巡查视频,利用高分辨率倾斜摄影模型构建三维地理场景,将视频在三维地理场景中投影,构建视频投影参数规范和无人机数据传输模型,实现无人机实时视频与三维地理场景融合展示;对无人机实景融合的应用流程进行设计,并通过具体案例进行试验验证。试验结果表明,无人机实景融合具有良好的表达效果,视频与三维地理场景融合度高且视频画面变形较小。该方法将无人机视频应用扩展至三维空间,为视频要素赋予了空间参考。 相似文献
Dirk Tiede 《制图学和地理信息科学》2014,41(3):227-234
Traditional geographic information system (GIS)-overlay routines usually build on relatively simple data models. Topology is – if at all – calculated on the fly for very specific tasks only. If, for example, a change comparison is conducted between two or more polygon layers, the result leads mostly to a complete and also very complex from–to class intersection. A lot of additional processing steps need to be performed to arrive at aggregated and meaningful results. To overcome this problem a new, automated geospatial overlay method in a topologically enabled (multi-scale) framework is presented. The implementation works with polygon and raster layers and uses a multi-scale vector/raster data model developed in the object-based image analysis software eCognition (Trimble Geospatial Imaging, Munich, Germany). Advantages are the use of the software inherent topological relationships in an object-by-object comparison, addressing some of the basic concepts of object-oriented data modeling such as classification, generalization, and aggregation. Results can easily be aggregated to a change-detection layer; change dependencies and the definition of different change classes are interactively possible through the use of a class hierarchy and its inheritance (parent–child class relationships). Implementation is exemplarily shown for a change comparison of CORINE Land Cover data sets. The result is a flexible and transferable solution which is – if parameterized once – fully automated. 相似文献
Fire danger assessment is a vital issue to alleviate the impacts of wildland fires. In this study, a fire danger assessment system is proposed, which extensively uses geographical databases to characterize the spatial variations of fire danger conditions in Iran. This assessment requires three steps: (i) generation of the required input variables, (ii) methods to integrate those variables for creating synthetic indices and (iii) validation of those indices versus fire occurrence data. This fire danger model is based on previous works but adapted to Iranian conditions. It includes an estimation of the fire ignition potential (both considering human and climatic factors) and fire propagation potential. The former was generated from a logistic regression approach based on a wide range of input variables. The fire propagation probability was estimated from the Flammap fire behavior model. A first stage for validation of our fire danger system was based on comparing the estimated danger values to actual fire occurrence, based on satellite detected active fires and burned areas. The logistic regression model for fire ignition probability estimated 72.7% of true ignitions. Detected hotspots occurred more frequently in areas with higher fire ignition probability (average value: 0.65) than non hotspots (average value: 0.4). Propagation probability showed higher values for areas with higher proportion of burned area (r = 0.68, p < 0.001). 相似文献