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台站地震观测中,有时会记录到在同一个近震中多个不确定震相与清楚震相并存的波形,这就需要在多个不确定近震震相中分辨出准确的震相.与《中国地区深度0.0 km近震走时表》中的理论震相到时差进行比较,两者到时差相似,说明假设的震相定位准确. 相似文献
介绍江苏数字地震台网地震速报软件功能及在江苏数字地震台网地震速报工作中的应用,该软件实现了实时数据的收集,对地震三要素快速准确地处理,提高了工作效率,在地震监测工作中发挥了重要作用。 相似文献
新一代CDSN台站的地震信息管理,采用ORACLE关系数据库系统。该系统主要由ORACLE的核心,SQL*PLUS接口及各种实用程序组成(图1)。台站SUN工作站系统配置的ARS软件,是分析处理数字化地震资料的较为理想的应用软件。支持该软件的就是OR... 相似文献
IASPEI91实用震相走时表及计算方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
解析了美国ASL提供ISPEI91走时表的存储结构。自己研制的方法与美方提供方法相结合,根据需要可以随意计算各种地震震相的到时或该震相与初至波的到时差。本软件在功能上完全满足目前台站的工作要求。将计算理论震相、震相到时差和汇编走时表功能集成在一个界面下,有利于台站工作,可以提高工作效率,为台站人员的地震监测和分析工作提供了方便。 相似文献
JOPENS观测系统实时接收数据的计算机需每天24小时不间断工作,机器自身有可能发生硬件或软件故障,导致无法接收实时数据,影响琼中地震台地震数据连续性、完整性。采用Visual Basic语言,进行针对性软件设计,通过定时器功能,不间断读取波形变化进行比对,实现地震波形断记报警。 相似文献
手工收集地震数据费时费力,容易出错。利用 VB 软件开发环境,结合 Windows Socket 网络编程技术,研制地震事件波形及震相文件抽取软件,可以降低人为出错概率,减小工作量,提高测震数据的利用率。 相似文献
基于地震波传播的三段几何衰减模型,在Matlab平台下开发体波Q值求解计算程序。该程序直接读取地震sac数据记录、仪器参数文件,根据仪器参数文件生成仪器幅频响应,对地震S波数据记录实现去仪器响应、去噪声后,得到其位移幅度谱,对多个台站地震记录位移谱进行反演,求取体波Q值。该软件实现以上算法的系列流程,并利用相关控件优化使用者的数据处理过程,操作简单方便,同时根据地震实时产出Q值,有助于分析震前、震后区域Q值变化,积累地震预报经验。 相似文献
Leveraging ensemble meteorological forcing data to improve parameter estimation of hydrologic models
As continental to global scale high-resolution meteorological datasets continue to be developed, there are sufficient meteorological datasets available now for modellers to construct a historical forcing ensemble. The forcing ensemble can be a collection of multiple deterministic meteorological datasets or come from an ensemble meteorological dataset. In hydrological model calibration, the forcing ensemble can be used to represent forcing data uncertainty. This study examines the potential of using the forcing ensemble to identify more robust parameters through model calibration. Specifically, we compare an ensemble forcing-based calibration with two deterministic forcing-based calibrations and investigate their flow simulation and parameter estimation properties and the ability to resist poor-quality forcings. The comparison experiment is conducted with a six-parameter hydrological model for 30 synthetic studies and 20 real data studies to provide a better assessment of the average performance of the deterministic and ensemble forcing-based calibrations. Results show that the ensemble forcing-based calibration generates parameter estimates that are less biased and have higher frequency of covering the true parameter values than the deterministic forcing-based calibration does. Using a forcing ensemble in model calibration reduces the risk of inaccurate flow simulation caused by poor-quality meteorological inputs, and improves the reliability and overall simulation skill of ensemble simulation results. The poor-quality meteorological inputs can be effectively filtered out via our ensemble forcing-based calibration methodology and thus discarded in any post-calibration model applications. The proposed ensemble forcing-based calibration method can be considered as a more generalized framework to include parameter and forcing uncertainties in model calibration. 相似文献
Thespatialtemporalevolutioncharacteristicsoftheload/unloadresponseratio(LURR)anditsimplicationsforpredictingthethreeelementso... 相似文献
This study investigated the subcellular distribution of Cu, Zn, Cd and Ag in liver of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), spot-billed duck (A. poecilorhyncha) and great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) to better understand metal fractionation and dynamics in avian liver. Most of the total Cu, Zn, Cd and Ag were present in hepatocytosol, and their concentrations increased with total hepatic levels in all the three avian species. Copper, Zn and Cd in hepatocytosol were present mostly in metallothionein fractions (MTs), and Cu and Cd contents in this fraction were positively correlated with hepatocytosol levels in all the species. Silver was observed mostly in both high-molecular weight and MT fractions in hepatocytosol in mallard and great cormorant, whereas it was present in both low-molecular weight and MT fractions in spot-billed duck, suggesting that distribution of Ag in the hepatocytosol was species-specific. The elution profile of metals in MT fractions revealed six metallic peaks in mallard and spot-billed duck, and three peaks in great cormorant, implying the presence of multiple MT isoforms in the liver of these avian species. The present study demonstrated that MTs are closely associated with metal regulation, especially Cu and Cd, in these three aquatic birds. 相似文献
通过分析地震数据EDAS Event格式与SEED格式在文件头与数据部分存储的特点与规律,利用Visual Basic语言研发地震波形数据处理软件.利用此软件,可以完成地震记录数据的格式转换,以及数据的抽取与合并,保证数据记录的连续与衔接,提高数据的连续性和利用价值. 相似文献
为了定量考察地磁相对记录仪器记录到的地磁日变化的准确程度,对我国地磁台网中7个地磁台站2009年度的日变化准确度标定基线值数据的精度和稳定性进行分析,并选取成都、喀什2个台站2009年、2010年的数据,研究标定基线值随地磁日变化的变化情况.结果表明,在整个观测时段,D、H、Z三分量基线值的变化幅度及测量误差很小,在选... 相似文献
单台测震分析辅助软件的设计及实现 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
介绍了一种适合于单台测震分析的辅助软件。该软件对我国需要的测震五日报及月报报告,具有全面的处理能力;对EDSP-IAS测震分析软件形成的震相文件,通过自动计算可以生成地震报告,无须人工干预;对台站经常使用的震相走时便查表可以方便的采用任意两个参数进行查询;对台站涉及的震级计算、震中距计算等功能提供良好的运用界面。从腾冲台的实际运用效果来看,该软件可以为台站测震分析提供一个比较理想的辅助工具。 相似文献